CS 11200 Assignment 2: HTML & Web Development

CS 11200 Survey of Computer Science
Fall 2018
Assignment 2
50 pts
Learning Outcomes
 Understand how to use basic code constructs such as accepting input, conditionals,
loops, and producing output to creatively combine them achieving some task.
1. Download and install the Java SE JDK, if necessary. You may use the latest version (10.0.2).
2. Download and install the Eclipse IDE for Javascript and Web Developers. You may use the
latest version (Photon).
3. Create a new Eclipse Static Web Project named cs112-assignment2-<pfw-userid> where
<pfw-userid> is your PFW Userid. My Project would be named cs112-assignment2-sedlmeye.
1. (25 points) This exercise is based on Exercises 2.1 to 2.4 in the textbook. Add an HTML file named
exercise1.html to your Eclipse project. Complete the following tasks:
Add a title to your page with the text “<your name>’s Home Page.”
Add a heading (use the h1 tag) with the text “Welcome to <your name>’s Home Page”. This
heading must be centered.
Add three headings (use the h2 tag) and associated paragraphs. Each paragraph must contain at
least three sentences.
o Use “About Me”, “My Favorite Vacation” and “My Proudest Moment” respectively as
the heading text.
o Make each heading a different color.
o Italicize the first three words of the first sentence in each paragraph.
Add a heading (use the h2 tag) with the text “Fall 2018 Class Schedule”.
Add a table underneath this heading that contains your class schedule. The table must have the
following format. Use as many rows as you need.
Course Number
CS 11200
Here is a sample:
Meeting Times
TR 10:30-11:45 am
KT 239
CS 11200 Survey of Computer Science
Fall 2018
2. (25 points) Add an HTML file named exercise2.html to your Eclipse project. This web page will be
used to describe your favorite real or imaginary animal. Here are the requirements.
The page must contain a title
The page must contain a main heading with a small image to its left. You may use a table to
align the image with the text.
Underneath the heading, the page must contain a short paragraph describing the animal.
The page must contain at least one other image, but you may add more.
All images must be stored within an ‘images’ folder.
The page must contain an unordered list of at least five facts about the animal. Each fact must be
accompanied by a hyperlink to its source. The text of the hyperlink must use the pattern [#],
where # is the number of your source. Number your sources 1, 2, 3, etc. The facts must be drawn
from at least three different sources.
The page must have a background color different than white. This may require some research.
Hint: The background-color style may be useful!
CS 11200 Survey of Computer Science
What to Submit
Export your Eclipse project as a Project Archive and upload it to Blackboard.
Fall 2018