T HIRTEEN MOON PE ACE SY NCHRONOME TER RED SELF-EXISTING MOON K 6 JULY 26, 2022 • JULY 25, 2023 PRAYER OF THE 7 GALACTIC DIRECTIONS FROM THE EAST - HOUSE OF LIGHT MAY WISDOM DAWN IN US SO WE MAY SEE ALL THINGS IN CLARITY FROM THE NORTH - HOUSE OF NIGHT MAY WISDOM RIPEN IN US SO WE MAY KNOW ALL FROM WITHIN FROM THE WEST - HOUSE OF TRANSFORMATION MAY WISDOM BE TRANSFORMED INTO RIGHT ACTION SO WE MAY DO WHAT MUST BE DONE FROM THE SOUTH - HOUSE OF THE ETERNAL SUN MAY RIGHT ACTION REAP THE HARVEST SO WE MAY ENJOY THE FRUITS OF PLANETARY BEING FROM ABOVE - HOUSE OF HEAVEN WHERE STAR PEOPLE AND ANCESTORS GATHER MAY THEIR BLESSINGS COME TO US NOW FROM BELOW - HOUSE OF EARTH MAY THE HEARTBEAT OF HER CRYSTAL CORE BLESS US WITH HARMONIES TO END ALL WAR FROM THE CENTER - GALACTIC SOURCE WHICH IS EVERYWHERE AT ONCE MAY EVERYTHING BE KNOWN AS THE LIGHT OF MUTUAL LOVE Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho! "All Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature!" KIN 69 YEAR OF THE RED SELF-EXISTING MOON July 26, 2022 - July 25, 2023 KIN 69 RED SELF-EXISTING MOON I define in order to purify Measuring flow I seal the process of universal water With the self-existing tone of form I am guided by the power of life force I am a galactic activation portal enter me HOW TO READ THE 13 MOON CALENDAR THE TWO KEY CYCLES 13 Moon calendar date Day of 28-day Moon/month Galactic Signature One of 260 Kin; a combination of Solar Seal and Galactic Tone (See page 15). From this you can find the daily affirmation (See page 18). The Kin number shows what day it is on the Tzolkin (Shown on the back of this booklet). GAMMA tue Radial Plasma The 13 Moon day of the week. See page 15. Gregorian day of the week Gregorian date Lunar phase KIN 99 This symbol indicates that the Galactic Signature is a galactic activation portal signatures with a high flow of galactic energies. Rainbow Bridge day. Every 7 days on Silio . See page 21. Indicates that the Galactic Signature is one of the "13 Clear Signs" from the tomb of Pacal Votan... 3 WELCOME TO THE RED SELF-EXISTING MOON YEAR This pocket calendar helps us to navigate our daily lives through the lens of the synchronic order. Synchronicity is the norm of the universe. The 13 Moon calendar enters us into the synchronic order that opens us to new energy patterns. The synchronic codes are the mathematical grammar of telepathy. Each day has a solar seal and a tone that create the energy of the day or galactic signature. Use the charts on pages 1819 to find the daily codes. When we recognize the flow of synchronicities, then we can begin to see the interconnected patterns in our lives and nature. Our telepathy increases. Nature takes on a new color. We begin to perceive the mathematics and sacred geometry behind every leaf and flower. Life takes on new meaning. Nothing is mundane. Nature is precise, elegant, and mathematical. Everything is coded and part of a larger cosmic design. 4 Your galactic signature is your passcode into higher dimensions; it a gateway or portal to discover different aspects of your being. Meditate on your signature to unlock its unique frequency code. See pages 16-17 to find your galactic signature. Each signature contains a five-part oracle that includes a guide, a helping partner (analog), a challenge partner (antipode) and a hidden power (occult). For example, the yearly galactic signature is Red SelfExisting Moon. Hence, the five-part oracle reads like this: The Electric Seed (flowering) is supported by the Eagle (vision); guided by the Star (elegance); challenged/ strengthened by the Wizard (timelessness) and receives hidden power from the Earth (navigation). Find out more about your destiny oracle at www.lawoftime.org or see the STAR TRAVELER'S 13 MOON ALMANAC OF SYNCHRONICITY. 5 "Just as air is the atmosphere of the body, so time is the atmosphere of the mind. If the time in which we live consists of uneven months and days regulated by mechanized minutes and hours, that is what becomes of our mind: a mechanized irregularity. "Since everything follows from the mind, it is no wonder that the atmosphere in which we live daily becomes more polluted, and the greatest complaint is: 'I just don't have enough time!' Who owns your time, owns your mind. Own your own time and you will know your own mind." -Jose Arguelles, A Treatise On Time The 13 Moon calendar is not just a count of days, but a synchronic frame of reference for tracking patterns of synchronicity. Consider the following precepts of the Law of Time: TIME IS OF THE MIND. TIME IS THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. TIME IS THE UNIVERSAL FACTOR OF SYNCHRONIZATION. TIME IS ART! 6 5 KE YS TO THE SYNCHRONIC ORDER NATURAL MIND MEDITATION. Set aside time each day to practice relaxing the mind into its natural state. Allow your thoughts to dissolve with your out-breath. Not only does this make us feel more calm and centered, it also creates a peaceful anchor to offset the fast-paced world. WORK EACH DAY TO TURN “NEGATIVES” INTO POSITIVES. Our challenge at this time is to remain focused on the world we wish to create. Everything serves to further. Our vibrations effect the whole. 13 MOON CALENDAR. Contemplate the energy of the daily galactic signature. This equips you with a cosmic lens to view daily life events. KEEP A SYNCHRONICITY JOURNAL. The more you focus on synchronicities, the more they increase. FORM A SYNCHRONIC STUDY GROUP. Share synchronicities. Activate new cosmic dialogue and share your highest dreams. Anchor a new consciousness on Earth. 7 FIRST MOON MAGNETIC MOON DALI MON 1 01 02 03 7/26 SELI TUE 2 7/27 KIN 8 9 8/3 16 KIN 22 04 8/16 10 23 KIN 17 8/11 11 8/5 24 18 8/12 12 19 8/13 13 MON 1 05 06 07 8 08 8/23 SELI TUE 2 KIN 20 8 9 KIN 15 9/6 16 KIN 118 3 9/7 23 KIN 119 KALI THU 4 21 8/15 KIN 88 89 8/21 28 8/22 KIN 94 10 9/1 11 18 KIN 95 KIN 120 9/2 9/9 96 25 KIN 121 LIMI SAT 6 12 9/3 13 20 KIN 122 9/11 KIN 115 26 9/4 116 27 9/18 KIN 123 8/29 KIN 103 14 9/5 KIN 109 KIN 9/17 SUN 7 KIN 108 19 SILIO 102 KIN 9/10 8/28 KIN 101 114 9/16 8/27 KIN KIN 113 24 5 107 KIN 9/15 FRI KIN 106 17 ALPHA 100 KIN 9/8 8/26 KIN 99 112 9/14 8/25 KIN KIN 111 22 WED 105 KIN 9/13 GAMMA KIN 104 82 AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 TOTEM ANIMAL: SCORPION WHAT IS MY CHALLENGE? 98 8/31 KIN KIN 27 8/8 SECOND MOON KIN 97 8/30 8/24 14 8/14 LUNAR MOON DALI 75 8/7 81 KIN 93 KIN KIN 87 26 8/1 74 KIN 8/20 SUN 7 KIN 80 KIN 92 6 7/31 KIN 86 25 8/6 SILIO SAT 73 KIN 8/19 LIMI KIN 79 KIN 91 5 7/30 KIN 85 8/18 FRI 72 KIN KIN 90 8/4 ALPHA KIN 78 84 8/17 4 7/29 KIN KIN 83 THU 71 77 8/10 KALI KIN KIN 76 15 3 7/28 70 KIN 8/9 WED KIN 69 8/2 GAMMA JULY 26TH - AUGUST 22ND, 2022 TOTEM ANIMAL: BAT WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? 110 21 9/12 KIN 117 28 9/19 KIN 124 THIRD MOON ELECTRIC MOON SEPTEMBER 20 - OCTOBER 17, 2022 TOTEM ANIMAL: DEER HOW CAN I BEST SERVE? DALI MON 1 09 10 11 9/20 SELI TUE 2 9/21 KIN 8 9 9/28 16 KIN 22 12 10/11 10 23 KIN 17 10/6 11 9/30 24 18 25 1 13 14 15 16 10/18 SELI TUE 2 KIN 8 9 KIN 15 16 KIN 174 11/2 23 KIN 175 10/20 KALI THU 4 13 26 KIN 10/2 131 14 KIN 20 10/9 138 21 KIN 27 KIN 145 28 10/17 KIN 150 10/10 KIN 144 10/16 10/3 KIN 137 143 10/15 9/26 130 KIN 10 10/27 11 18 KIN 151 KIN 176 10/28 11/4 25 KIN 177 LIMI SAT 6 152 12 10/29 13 20 KIN 178 11/6 KIN 171 26 10/30 172 27 11/13 KIN 179 10/24 KIN 159 14 10/31 KIN 165 KIN 11/12 SUN 7 KIN 164 19 SILIO 158 KIN 11/5 10/23 KIN 157 170 11/11 10/22 KIN KIN 169 24 5 163 KIN 11/10 FRI KIN 162 17 ALPHA 156 KIN 11/3 10/21 KIN 155 168 11/9 19 10/8 SUN 7 KIN 136 149 KIN KIN 167 22 3 161 KIN 11/8 WED KIN 160 11/1 GAMMA 154 10/26 10/1 SILIO SELF-EXISTING MOON KIN 153 10/25 10/19 6 9/25 KIN KIN 148 OCTOBER 18 - NOVEMBER 14, 2022 TOTEM ANIMAL: OWL WHAT IS THE FORM MY SERVICE WILL TAKE? MON 12 142 10/14 SAT 129 KIN FOURTH MOON DALI 10/7 LIMI KIN 135 KIN 147 5 9/24 KIN 141 10/13 FRI 128 KIN KIN 146 9/29 ALPHA KIN 134 140 10/12 4 9/23 KIN KIN 139 THU 127 133 10/5 KALI KIN KIN 132 15 3 9/22 126 KIN 10/4 WED KIN 125 9/27 GAMMA 166 21 11/7 KIN 173 28 11/14 KIN 180 9 FIFTH MOON OVERTONE MOON DALI MON 1 17 11/15 SELI TUE 2 11/16 KIN 8 18 19 9 11/23 16 KIN 22 20 12/6 10 23 KIN 17 12/1 11 11/25 24 18 12/2 12 11/26 19 12/3 MON 1 21 22 23 10 24 12/13 SELI TUE 2 KIN 8 9 16 KIN 230 10 12/28 23 KIN 231 KALI THU 4 17 11 KIN 232 FRI 5 20 14 12/4 194 21 27 12/5 KIN 200 12/11 11/28 KIN KIN 201 28 12/12 KIN KIN 207 12/23 18 12/30 12 KIN 233 SAT 6 208 12/24 19 13 KIN 234 12/25 20 1/1 KIN 228 27 1/8 KIN 235 12/19 KIN 215 14 12/26 KIN 221 227 26 SUN 7 KIN KIN 1/7 SILIO 214 220 12/31 12/18 KIN KIN 226 25 LIMI 213 KIN 1/6 12/17 KIN 219 225 24 ALPHA KIN KIN 1/5 12/16 212 218 12/29 187 193 206 KIN KIN 224 1/4 12/22 11/27 DECEMBER 13, 2022 - JANUARY 9, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: LIZARD HOW CAN I EXTEND MY EQUALITY TO OTHERS? 211 KIN 223 22 12/21 12/15 KIN SIXTH MOON KIN 217 KIN 1/3 3 KIN 216 15 WED 210 KIN 12/27 GAMMA KIN 209 12/20 12/14 11/21 KIN KIN 205 RHYTHMIC MOON DALI 13 199 26 SUN 7 186 KIN 12/10 SILIO KIN 192 KIN 204 6 11/20 KIN 198 25 SAT 185 KIN 12/9 LIMI KIN 191 KIN 203 5 11/19 KIN 197 12/8 FRI 184 KIN KIN 202 11/24 ALPHA KIN 190 196 12/7 4 11/18 KIN KIN 195 THU 183 189 11/30 KALI KIN KIN 188 15 3 11/17 182 KIN 11/29 WED KIN 181 11/22 GAMMA NOVEMBER 15 - DECEMBER 12, 2022 TOTEM ANIMAL: PEACOCK HOW CAN I BEST EMPOWER MYSELF? 222 21 1/2 KIN 229 28 1/9 KIN 236 SEVENTH MOON RESONANT MOON JANUARY 10 - FEBRUARY 6, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: MONKEY HOW CAN I ATTUNE MY SERVICE TO OTHERS? DALI MON 1 25 26 27 1/10 SELI TUE 2 1/11 KIN 8 9 1/18 16 KIN 22 28 1/31 10 23 KIN 17 1/26 11 1/20 24 18 1/27 1 29 30 31 32 2/7 SELI TUE 2 9 16 KIN 26 2/15 2/22 23 KIN 27 KALI THU 4 13 26 KIN 1/22 243 14 KIN 20 1/29 250 21 KIN 27 KIN 257 28 KIN 2 1/30 KIN 256 2/5 1/23 KIN 249 255 2/4 1/16 242 KIN 10 2/16 11 18 2/6 KIN 3 KIN 28 2/17 2/24 25 KIN 29 LIMI SAT 6 4 12 2/18 13 20 23 26 KIN 30 2/19 2/26 11 14 2/20 KIN 18 21 2/27 KIN KIN 3/5 28 3/6 KIN KIN 24 27 2/13 KIN 17 KIN 3/4 SUN 7 KIN 16 19 SILIO 10 KIN 2/25 2/12 KIN 9 22 3/3 2/11 KIN KIN 21 24 5 15 KIN 3/2 FRI KIN 14 17 ALPHA 8 KIN 2/23 2/10 KIN 7 20 3/1 2/9 KIN KIN 19 22 3 13 KIN 2/28 WED KIN 12 15 GAMMA 6 KIN 2/21 2/8 KIN 5 8 19 1/28 SUN 7 GALACTIC MOON KIN 2/14 1/21 SILIO KIN 248 1 FEBRUARY 7 - MARCH 6, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: HAWK DO I LIVE WHAT I BELIEVE? MON 6 1/15 KIN KIN 260 EIGHTH MOON DALI 12 254 25 SAT 241 KIN 2/3 LIMI KIN 247 KIN 259 5 1/14 KIN 253 2/2 FRI 240 KIN KIN 258 1/19 ALPHA KIN 246 252 2/1 4 1/13 KIN KIN 251 THU 239 245 1/25 KALI KIN KIN 244 15 3 1/12 238 KIN 1/24 WED KIN 237 1/17 GAMMA 31 25 32 11 NINTH MOON SOLAR MOON DALI MON 1 33 34 35 3/7 SELI TUE 2 3/8 KIN 8 9 3/15 16 36 10 23 KIN 3/16 17 3/23 11 3/17 18 3/24 12 3/18 19 3/25 13 3/19 20 3/26 MON 1 37 38 39 12 40 4/4 SELI TUE 2 KIN 8 9 16 KIN 82 10 4/19 23 KIN 83 KALI THU 4 27 17 11 KIN 84 FRI 5 21 3/27 KIN 53 28 4/3 KIN 59 4/14 18 4/21 12 KIN 85 SAT 6 60 4/15 19 13 KIN 86 4/16 20 4/23 KIN 80 27 4/30 KIN 87 4/10 KIN 67 14 4/17 KIN 73 79 26 SUN 7 KIN KIN 4/29 SILIO 66 72 4/22 4/9 KIN KIN 78 25 LIMI 65 KIN 4/28 4/8 KIN 71 77 24 ALPHA KIN KIN 4/27 4/7 64 70 4/20 46 KIN 58 KIN KIN 76 4/26 4/13 KIN 52 4/2 3/20 APRIL 4 - MAY 1, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: DOG HOW DO I PERFECT WHAT I DO? 63 KIN 75 22 4/12 4/6 14 TENTH MOON KIN 69 KIN 4/25 3 KIN 68 15 WED 62 KIN 4/18 GAMMA KIN 61 4/11 4/5 39 KIN PLANETARY MOON DALI KIN 45 KIN 57 3/13 KIN 51 26 SUN 7 38 KIN 4/1 SILIO KIN 44 KIN 56 6 3/12 KIN 50 25 SAT 37 KIN 3/31 LIMI KIN 43 KIN 55 5 3/11 KIN 49 24 FRI 36 KIN 3/30 ALPHA KIN 42 KIN 54 4 3/10 KIN 48 3/29 THU 35 KIN 47 22 3/22 KALI KIN 41 KIN 3/28 3 3/9 KIN 40 15 WED 34 KIN 3/21 GAMMA KIN 33 3/14 MARCH 7 - APRIL 3, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: JAGUAR HOW DO I ATTAIN MY PURPOSE? 74 21 4/24 KIN 81 28 5/1 KIN 88 ELEVENTH MOON SPECTRAL MOON MAY 2 - MAY 29, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: SERPENT HOW DO I RELEASE AND LET GO? DALI MON 1 41 42 43 5/2 SELI TUE 2 5/3 KIN 8 9 5/10 16 KIN 22 44 5/23 10 23 KIN 17 5/18 11 5/12 24 18 5/19 12 19 1 45 46 47 48 5/30 SELI TUE 2 KIN 26 8 9 KIN 15 16 KIN 138 6/14 23 KIN 139 6/1 KALI THU 4 5/14 95 14 20 5/21 102 21 KIN 27 5/22 KIN 108 5/28 5/15 KIN 101 109 28 5/29 KIN 114 10 6/8 11 18 KIN 115 KIN 140 6/9 6/16 25 KIN 141 LIMI SAT 6 116 12 6/10 13 20 KIN 142 6/18 KIN 135 26 6/11 136 27 6/25 KIN 143 6/5 KIN 123 14 6/12 KIN 129 KIN 6/24 SUN 7 KIN 128 19 SILIO 122 KIN 6/17 6/4 KIN 121 134 6/23 6/3 KIN KIN 133 24 5 127 KIN 6/22 FRI KIN 126 17 ALPHA 120 KIN 6/15 6/2 KIN 119 132 6/21 KIN KIN KIN 113 KIN KIN 131 22 3 125 KIN 6/20 WED KIN 124 6/13 GAMMA 118 6/7 5/27 5/8 CRYSTAL MOON KIN 117 6/6 5/31 13 107 MAY 30 - JUNE 26,2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: RABBIT HOW CAN I DEDICATE MYSELF TO ALL THAT LIVES? MON 5/20 SUN 7 94 KIN TWELFTH MOON DALI 5/13 SILIO KIN 100 KIN 112 6 5/7 KIN 106 25 SAT 93 KIN 5/26 LIMI KIN 99 KIN 111 5 5/6 KIN 105 5/25 FRI 92 KIN KIN 110 5/11 ALPHA KIN 98 104 5/24 4 5/5 KIN KIN 103 THU 91 97 5/17 KALI KIN KIN 96 15 3 5/4 90 KIN 5/16 WED KIN 89 5/9 GAMMA 130 21 6/19 KIN 137 28 6/26 KIN 144 13 THIRTEENTH MOON COSMIC MOON DALI SELI MON 1 49 50 51 TUE 6/27 2 KIN 8 9 16 52 7/12 10 7/6 23 KIN 166 4 17 11 KIN 167 DAY OUT OF TIME MONDAY 7/25 KIN 173 KIN 168 5 7/7 18 7/14 12 KIN 169 SAT 6 7/8 19 13 KIN 170 7/9 20 7/16 KIN 164 27 7/23 KIN 171 7/3 KIN 151 14 7/10 KIN 157 163 26 SUN 7 KIN KIN 7/22 SILIO 150 156 7/15 7/2 KIN KIN 162 25 LIMI 149 KIN 7/21 7/1 KIN 155 161 24 FRI KIN KIN 7/20 ALPHA 148 154 7/13 6/30 KIN KIN 160 7/19 THU 147 KIN 159 22 7/5 KALI KIN 153 KIN 7/18 3 6/29 KIN 152 15 WED 146 KIN 7/11 GAMMA KIN 145 7/4 6/28 JUNE 27 - JULY 24, 2023 TOTEM ANIMAL: TURTLE HOW CAN I EXPAND MY JOY AND LOVE? 158 21 7/17 KIN 165 28 7/24 KIN 172 (13x28=364) plus one extra day, July 25, the DAY OUT OF TIME. Organize a Day Out of Time Peace Through Culture festival or meditation in your area! The Day Out of Time is observed annually around the world as a day to celebrate galactic freedom, promoting Time is Art and Peace through Culture. Visit galacticSpacebook.com to connect with others around the world! THE BA NNER OF PE ACE Where there is peace there is culture. Where there is culture there is peace. -Nicholas Roerich 14 The Banner of Peace is a key symbol of Galactic Culture. The three red spheres of the Banner of Peace represent the unity of art, science and spirituality. Red is the color of the blood of the one human family. The red circle around the three spheres represents the unity of culture and the cyclic nature of time. In 1935 in Washington D.C., twenty-two nations signed the Roerich Pact created by Nicholas Roerich to declare Peace through Culture. THE 20 SOL AR SEALS & 13 GAL ACTIC TONES The 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones describe processes of cosmic creation. When combined, they make the 260 (13 x 20) galactic signatures of the Tzolkin/Harmonic Module. 20 SOLAR SEALS 13 GALACTIC TONES 1 DRAGON 6 WORLDBRIDGER 2 WIND 7 HAND 11 MONKEY 16 WARRIOR 12 HUMAN 17 EARTH 18 MIRROR 3 NIGHT 8 STAR 13 SKYWALKER 4 SEED 9 MOON 14 WIZARD 19 STORM 5 SERPENT 10 DOG 15 EAGLE 20 SUN MAGNETIC LUNAR ELECTRIC SELF-EXISTING OVERTONE RHYTHMIC RESONANT GALACTIC SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC SEALS IN THE BODY, SEALS IN THE EARTH The codes of natural time are contained in our bodies and in the Earth. left left HANDS FEET right right This is called the "Planet Holon" (Holon = 4thdimensional body in time). Activate the Holon of Mother Earth daily to align yourself with Her. 13 TONES & 7 RADIAL PLASMAS IN THE BODY The 13 articulations of the human body contain the frequencies of the 13 Galactic Tones. LEFT RIGHT DALI GAMMA ALPHA SILIO LIMI KALI SELI The seven chakras, key points in the body, contain the seven Radial Plasmas, the sub-sub-atomic electrical life force of the cosmos. 15 FIND YOUR GAL AC TIC SIGN ATURE Your galactic signature is your password into fourth-dimensional time. The day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your galactic signature. Your galactic signature is one of the 260 Kin of the Harmonic Module/Tzolkin (shown on the back of this booklet). By playing the role of your galactic signature, you allow yourself your mind, body and spirit - to vibrate to that particular frequency and you broadcast it out to everyone around you. This is your gift to the world. To find your galactic signature, follow the instructions below: What year were you born? Find the bold number next to the year you were born on the Year Table. Example: Year 2015 has bold number "167". Take the Year Number you found and add it to the bold number next to the month you were born on the Month Table. Example: July is "181". Now add the number of the day of the month that you were born. Example: If you were born on July 26, add 26. Leap Days: If you were born on February 29 before noon local time, use February 28. If you were born after noon local time, use March 1. The total you have is the kin number of your galactic signature! If the number you have is greater than 260, subtract 260. Now, look at the Tzolkin on the back of this booklet and locate the kin number. The Tzolkin is organized by the Seals into 20 rows. Example: Kin 114 is the White Wizard seal with tone number 10 (the Planetary tone). The name of this signature is "White Planetary Wizard", or "10 Wizard." 1 2 3 4 5 WELCOME TO GALACTIC CULTURE! 16 YEAR TABLE 2117 2116 2115 2114 2113 2112 2111 2110 2109 2108 2107 2106 2105 2104 2103 2102 2101 2100 2099 2098 2097 2096 2095 2094 2093 2092 2091 2090 2089 2088 2087 2086 2085 2084 2083 2082 2081 2080 2079 2078 2077 2076 2075 2074 2073 2072 2071 2070 2069 2068 2067 2066 2065 2064 2063 2062 2061 2060 2059 2058 2057 2056 2055 2054 2053 2052 2051 2050 2049 2048 2047 2046 2045 2044 2043 2042 2041 2040 2039 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 MONTH TABLE 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1899 1898 1897 1896 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1886 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1880 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 1869 1868 1867 1866 1865 1864 1863 1862 1861 1860 1859 1858 217 112 7 162 57 212 107 2 157 52 207 102 257 152 47 202 97 252 147 42 197 92 247 142 37 192 87 242 137 32 187 82 237 132 27 182 77 232 127 22 177 72 227 122 17 172 67 222 117 12 167 62 January February March April May June July August September October November December 0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 13 44 74 Practice Dates: Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan (Born January 24, 1939): 247 + 0 + 24 = 271 - 260 = 11. Kin 11, Blue Spectral Monkey Stephanie South/Red Queen (Born January 8, 1973): 177 + 0 + 8 = 185. Kin 185, Red Electric Serpent Regina of Mexico (Born March 21, 1948): 152 + 59 + 21 = 232. Kin 232, Yellow Spectral Human The 14th Dalai Lama (Born July 6, 1935): 87 + 181 + 6 = 274 - 260 = 14. Kin 14, White Magnetic Wizard July 26, 2019: 222 + 181 + 26 = 429 - 260 = 169. Kin 169, Red Cosmic Moon 17 FIND THE DAILY CODE AFFIRM ATION Every galactic signature has key codes and energies that combine to create a daily code affirmation. Using the formula below, you can construct the code spell for your own galactic signature or for the daily galactic signature. There are 260 code spells in all. Meditate on the affirmation and see what messages and insights you might receive. To find the daily code affirmation replace the orange letters in the formula below with the corresponding words in the tables on these two pages. Before you begin find the Guide seal with the chart on page 20. I A in order to B C D I seal the E of F With the G tone of H >> I am guided by the power of F (for Guide seal) >> If the Tone is MAGNETIC, or RHYTHMIC, or SPECTRAL, this line becomes: "I am guided by my own power doubled" On Galactic Activation Portal days, add: "I am a galactic activation portal enter me" 13 TONES =1 =5 MAGNETIC LUNAR ELECTRIC SELFEXISTING OVERTONE RHYTHMIC RESONANT GALACTIC SOLAR PLANETARY SPECTRAL CRYSTAL COSMIC 18 A C G H Creative Power Action Tone Name Function Unify Polarize Activate Define Empower Organize Channel Harmonize Pulse Perfect Dissolve Dedicate Endure Attracting Stabilizing Bonding Measuring Commanding Balancing Inspiring Modeling Realizing Producing Releasing Universalizing Transcending Magnetic Lunar Electric Self-Existing Overtone Rhythmic Resonant Galactic Solar Planetary Spectral Crystal Cosmic Purpose Challenge Service Form Radiance Equality Attunement Integrity Intention Manifestation Liberation Cooperation Presence 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 E F Input Birth Communicate Breath Input Spirit Dream Intuition Input Abundance Target Awareness Input Flowering Survive Instinct Store Life Force Equalize Opportunity Store Death Know Healing Store Accomplishment Beautify Art Store Elegance Purify Flow Process Universal Water Love Loyalty Process Heart Play Illusion Process Magic Influence Wisdom Process Free Will Explore Wakefulness Output Space Enchant Receptivity Output Timelessness Create Mind Output Vision Question Fearlessness Output Intelligence Evolve Synchronicity Matrix Navigation Reflect Order Matrix Endlessness Catalyze Energy Matrix Self-Generation Enlighten Life Matrix Universal Fire INPUT inform D Being STORE remember 3 B Nurture PROCESS formulate 2 RED DRAGON WHITE WIND BLUE NIGHT YELLOW SEED RED SERPENT WHITE WORLDBRIDGER BLUE HAND YELLOW STAR RED MOON WHITE DOG BLUE MONKEY YELLOW HUMAN RED SKYWALKER WHITE WIZARD BLUE EAGLE YELLOW WARRIOR RED EARTH WHITE MIRROR BLUE STORM YELLOW SUN OUTPUT express 1 MATRIX self-regulate 20 SEALS 19 Use the Guide Table to find the Guide Seal of any kin or galactic signature. Look for the Seal of the day in the far left SEALS column and match it with the corresponding Tone in the TONES” columns (like a multiplication table). For example, let's find the guide for Kin 114, White Planetary Wizard Tone 10: PLANETARY Seal 14: WHITE WIZARD The White Wizard row below the column with Tone 10 shows the White Wind . So the White Wind is the Guide Seal of What Planetary Wizard. The perfect Guide of any kin or signature always has the same Tone as that signature. For example, the perfect Guide of White Planetary Wizard is White Planetary Wind. is perfectly guided by As mentioned on page 18 in the instructions for the Code Spell, the galactic signatures with Tones 1, 6 or 11 are guided by the same Seal. is guided by White Spectral Wizard its "own power doubled" 20 GUIDE TABLE SEALS FINDING THE GUIDE TONES R AINBOW BRIDGE MEDITATION Globally synchronized every Silio day. 1. Visualize yourself inside the Earth's octahedron crystal core. 2. Feel your heart at the center of this crystal core generating an intensely blazing point of white light. 3. Feel this blazing stream of light transform into multicolored plasma emanating from your heart core and extending out into the North and South poles. 4. Feel the two streams of rainbow light rushing through your spinal column, shooting out from above your head and beneath your feet to create a rainbow bridge around your body. 5. Hold this brilliant pulsing vision for as long as possible; now you ARE the Rainbow Bridge! 6. The rainbow bridge is the realization of planetary peace. As Earth revolves on its axis, this rainbow bridge remains steady and constant, unmoving. 7. Visualized by enough people in a telepathic wave of love we will vibrate into the already existing reality of the Rainbow Bridge. Learn more at l a w o f t i m e . o r g / r a i n b o w b r i d g e . 21 N ATUR AL MIND MEDITATION 1. Sit still, with spine erect, seated on a chair with feet firmly on the floor or on a cushion or pillow on the floor. 2. Keep your eyes slightly opened looking toward the floor. 3. Place your hands comfortably on your knees, palms down, or place your right hand on your left hand, palms up, held at the level of your navel. 4. Feel your intrinsic dignity in this posture. 5. Watch your breath. Breathe normally. 6. Practice allowing mind to relax into its natural state. 7. As you become aware of your thoughts just label them “thinking” and as you exhale, dissolve the thoughts. 8. Note the GAP between the thoughts. It is this GAP that you want to become familiar with and cultivate. It is the seed of natural mind and the key to your true, authentic self. STA R TR AVELER’S 13 MOON ALM A N AC The STAR TRAVELER'S 13 MOON ALMANAC OF SYNCHRONICITY is a gift from the stars; a gift of galactic culture; a gift from the supermental cosmic civilizations of the future. It is not what it appears, but is the key to the doorway into a vast new realm of multidimensional experience... 13 Moons of 28 Days: galactic standard (T)ime = ART. L AWO F T I M E . O RG /S Y N C H RO N I C I T Y 22 13 : 20 MATRIX • TZOLKIN HARMONIC MODULE MATRIX OF 260 KIN (DAYS) CONSISTING OF 20 SEALS AND 13 TONES 1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181 201 221 241 2 22 42 62 82 102 122 142 162 182 202 222 242 3 23 43 63 83 103 123 143 163 183 203 223 243 4 24 44 64 84 104 124 144 164 184 204 224 244 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 6 26 46 66 86 106 126 146 166 186 206 226 246 7 27 47 67 87 107 127 147 167 187 207 227 247 8 28 48 68 88 108 128 148 168 188 208 228 248 9 29 49 69 89 109 129 149 169 189 209 229 249 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 11 31 51 71 91 111 131 151 171 191 211 231 251 12 32 52 72 92 112 132 152 172 192 212 232 252 13 33 53 73 93 113 133 153 173 193 213 233 253 14 34 54 74 94 114 134 154 174 194 214 234 254 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 155 175 195 215 235 255 16 36 56 76 96 116 136 156 176 196 216 236 256 17 37 57 77 97 117 137 157 177 197 217 237 257 18 38 58 78 98 118 138 158 178 198 218 238 258 19 39 59 79 99 119 139 159 179 199 219 239 259 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Distributed for free by FOUNDATION FOR THE LAW OF TIME WWW.LAWOFTIME.ORG • LAWOFTIME.ORG/FREECALENDAR POB 156. ASHLAND, OR 97520 USA • INFO@LAWOFTIME.ORG 1320FREQUENCYSHIFT.COM • GALACTICSPACEBOOK.COM • NEWTIMECOURSE.COM