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Position Paper

Position Paper
Topic: Reducing the growing economic inequality between global north and south
Country: China
Committee: Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC)
China is a large country spread across the north and south .It has a lot of economic
connections as well as industries. The president of china was aiming to help develop
the poor whereas the reality turned out to be that he helped improve the economic
growth and the no of billionaires in the country as well had a hike. In a brief point
China might seem to be looking complete but the truth is there are people who have
been hidden by the billionaires.
There are a lot of economic equality gaps for China, not only economic but also
educational as the rich get richer but the poor are still in their condition. Due to their
poor condition, education is unimaginable. Now China is rich and industrialised, but
the equality gap is still growing. The benefits of the economic boom(higher income
and employment) in China is not distributed equally and so billionaires become richer
but the poor are still .The billionaire are considered more in China which increases
the prize of education and many other things in China
Previous measures
The Government has been trying to reduce poverty in china however his actions lead
china to being richer and industrialised .The economic equality has taken a backseat
in that manner .The no of students getting educated is less compared to the past due
to the cost of education. The president is shaking a few policies in order that the
burden of the people might reduce which might sound as a fine solution .The
President of China, Xi Jinping promised to lead the country into a “great
rejuvenation”(giving a new energy) Almost a decade later, China is on its way to
becoming the world’s biggest economy, eliminating extreme poverty .The
government of china’s goal is to give harmony to the country and eliminate poverty
but he himself has said that poverty is not easy to demolish and there needs to be a
better and final solution.
Possible solutions
Intergenerational equality has to be implemented is in china through measures like
inheritance tax (tax should be given to government when you inherit anscentrial
property and wealth).This means that you will not receive(nothing will be passed on
to you automatically) anything from your ancestors. This does not happen in China
.So the rich who are already rich would get more from their ancestral things ,but the
poor will be stuck with what they have which is already less .Everyone has to work
hard not only the poor .This will ensure equal opportunities between the poor and
rich as both will work hard .The government of china has to give free yet good quality
education to everyone with no distinctions between the poor and rich so at least the
future will get better education and not just the rich .China is not Democratic ,it is
dictator ship .There is only 1 party in china and they decide who rule .The amount of
freedom given to the people is very less ,so china has to become democratic in order
for it to have more freedom.