The Concept Map Template.edited

MSN-FP6011 Concept Map Template
Nursing Diagnosis 2: Social isolation. Rogers has separated from his
family and lives at a friend's (Nick) house. He lacks resources to support
his HIV situation and does not want to depend on his father's health
insurance as it will deplete the family's financial resources.
Most Urgent Nursing Diagnosis: Fear and anxiety caused
by the separation from the family, and living with a friend’s
Keith is afraid to go back home and share the same bathroom
with his parents and two sisters. He believes that everyone is
afraid to be infected by HIV.
Patient Info: Name: Keith Rogers. Age: 18 years
Sex: male
Despite having 500 dollars in the bank account, he knows that it is not
enough to support his medication. He feels isolated, lonely, and afraid
because he doesn't know how he will get through it. He fears to be
thrown out of Nick's place if the parents know his health status and does
not talk about it completely. He is afraid that someone might bust-up at
the house and finds them using meth, though he doesn't care anymore.
Situation: HIV positive for some time now, without receiving
Treatment: Keith
can be placed
restricted regimes
Monitored on the
reaction of the
ARV in the body
Outcomes: Reduced
symptoms, minimal
stress levels, and
reducing risks of
opportunistic infection
Other treatment: He
should stop using
Take ARV daily for
a month, and
measure the CD4
lymphocyte cell
makeKeith doesn’t have
Nursing Diagnosis 3: Knowledge deficit.
adequate information about HIV prevention, treatment, and protection.
He is advised to use methamphetamine as a control method but doesn't
know whether it works or not.
He knows that meth is illegal and won’t be prescribed by doctors, but
uses it, resulting in increased heart rates. He knows HIV drugs cost
more, and the cash in the bank cannot support his medication charges.
He doesn’t want to hurt the family into bankruptcy.
Treatment: Proper
education on preventive
measures, protection
methods, and treatment.
Eating healthy,
exercising, and stop using
illegal substances like
Outcomes: People will donate
money to help out, get a
healthy lifestyle, and will get
rightful information about
methods: Telling
people about your
condition, getting
support from health
practitioners, and
seeking financial
support for
treatment purposes.
Treatment: Ask
for help from
family members,
use the available
free-services in
the community
for Infected
people. Join local
championing for
Outcomes: Robust
mental and emotional
growth, fewer anxieties
and stress, improved
health. Close
friendships, family
reunion, and better
living conditions.
Alternative ways:
regular contact with
medical teams,
develop good relations
with HIV specialists
and finding local
support groups to offer