1 IMPACT OF STUDY HABITS ON STUDENT’S ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AT MALIR TOWN, KARACHI A RESEARCH SYNOPSIS By SUMAIYA SADIA In the partial fulfillment of The requirement for the degree of MS Education Under the supervision of SIR ABDUL KARIM SUHAG Presented to Department of Education Sindh Madessatul Islam University, Karachi AUGUST 2022 2 IMPACT OF STUDY HABITS ON STUDENT’S ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AT MALIR TOWN, KARACHI SECTION-I : STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Claros et al. (2021) observed that educational institutes are those places where knowledge is provided, protected, spread, amalgamated, and applied. These educational institutes are necessary to support transformation. Dunlosky and Rawson (2015) believed that students face a difficult situation when they start their academic life. They adapt to the difficult and unguided environment. They require mastery related to their study. But a minority of university students have accepted that mastery. Wieman and Gilbert (2015) concluded that though researches on effective study skills are becoming increasingly day by day, unfortunately, educational institute give less importance to these researches to learn how to study. According to loveless (2017) to become an effective student it is crucial to learn how to study. Kaur and Kaur (as cited in Arhin, 2018) asserted that study habits are already preplanned of doing how to study which is led to achieving students’ goals. Looyeh et al. (2017) also believed that study habits are a scheme of study which is used to learn different subjects by students to complete the educational task in a proper environment. Arhin, 2018; Siahi, Mayo andt Maiyo (2015) also showed that study can make easy and effective by helping students in study habits. Some studies have shown that some students pass easily with less effort while most of the students achieve their successful results by using effective study habits. 3 According to Loveless (2017), effective study habits consist of regular assignments, reading, understanding and taking notes, concentration on studies, preparation of exams, consultation, and regular use of the library. Johnson (2018) opines that good study habits consist of doing the home task and assignment developing memorization skills, developing critical reading techniques, refining test-taking procedures, finding an appropriate study place, connecting with study, writing, and reviewing notes, and setting objectives. Razali et al. (2018) proved that study habits are consist of five indicators which are consist of time management, reading, reading habits, concentration in study, taking notes, doing homework and assignment on time, and preparation of exams which are used to practice study habits in this study. These five indicators are crucial for study because of their significant role in increasing academic performance by making a plan before starting the study. Pobi (2016) observed that study habits on daily basis improve our verbal skills as well as our mental abilities. Academic performance is the main indicator that is used to evaluate the quality of education in any institute. It is mostly referred to how much a student learns. However, some factors determine the level and quality of learning. Sometimes a student spends a lot of time group in studying he does not succeed in his results. this is due to poor study habits or other factors. Songsirisak and Jitpranee (2019) believed that difference in intelligence and personality is due to individual differences of students in academic performance. Siahi and Maiyo (2015); Kurmar (2015) showed that study on study habits and academic performance of students showed that poor study habits negatively affect the academic performance of students. Narad and Abdullah (2016) opined that success or failure in institutes is determined by students’ academic performance. 4 The review of previous researches showed that there is a lack of physical and material resources. ( Adane, 2015) Lack of motivation towards teachers (Gyeke 2016) and lack of library facilities are the main causes of poor academic performance (Addai, 2014) Ashish (2013) observed that there is a lack of effective study habits in the success of students has now become more challenging. Moreover, Kwakye et al. (2020) conducted quantitative research. He concluded that good study habits are necessary ingredients for better academic performance. He further suggested that for future researchers to do mix methodology in this topic. Furthermore, the studies from the above literature review show that majority of the samples were collected from universities. From above literature review showed that most of the researchers collected data in universities in their studies so in this study researcher will collect data from public sector schools to fill the gap. Moreover quantitative methodology will be used in this study. In this study sample will be taken from 9th and 10th class students in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1. To examine the impact of study habits on student’s academic performance in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi. 2. To findout the impact of daily practice on student academic performance in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi. 3. To access the learning habits on students’academic performance in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. What is the impact of study habits on students’ academic performance in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi? 2. What is the impact of daily practice on students’ academic performance in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi ? 5 3. What is the impact of learning habits on students’ academic performance in public sector schools in Malir Town Karachi? NULL HYPOTHESES Ho= There is no significant impact of study habits on students’ academic performance in public sector schools. Ho= There is no significant impact of daily practice on students’ academic performance in public sector schools . Ho= There is no difference of learning habits on students’ academic performance in public sector schools. JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY A student performs well or badly in his/her study depending on which kind of study habit he or she develops. A student who develops effective academic study habits performs better in his or her studies as compared to the student who develops bad study habits. Therefore study habits are key to success in students’ academic performance in all educational institutes. Based on the findings several recommendations were made to improve the academic performance of students, but unfortunately, the problem persists yet. Hence there is a need for this study. Furthermore the proposed study when completed would be benefited to the students, teachers, parents, and the general public. Sakirudeen and Sanni (2017) showed that the findings of the study will help pupils to know what study habits are and the need to make a conscious effort to acquire effective study habits to improve upon their academic performance. Further, the study findings will be useful to teachers in the district. It will enable them to study habits that need to be developed by pupils and help pupils to acquire these skills to improve upon their academic performances. Furthermore, the findings of the study will help school counselors in the district to design effective study habit workshops for teachers on how to assist pupils to study effectively. Lastly, the findings will provide an insight for parents on what study habits are and the need to stress on their wards/children to exert some level of efforts towards learning to improve upon their academic performance. 6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is on public sector schools of 9th and 10th class students.Beside this, this study will be benefited to students ,teachers and parents as well. LITERATURE REVIEW Signh et al. (2016) also argued that students’ academic performance has a direct influence on a country’s socio-economic development. Moreover, He found that study habits and academic performance have a positive relationship. Study habits can be developed by guidance and counselor to enhance the academic performance of students. The same study conducted by Siahi and Maiya (2015) showed that study habits are crucial in students’ academic performance and life. Suman and Gupta (2017) found a significant relationship between study habits and academic performance. M. Elango and G. Manimozhi (2021) observed that students can adopt different behavior to enhance their academic performance. Achievement is not based on how students perform. And students; performance depends on study habits. Study habits play an important role in students’ academic performance. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Thorndike’s theory of reinforcement (as cited in Ammah, 2017) will underpins the theoretical framework of the proposed study. 1. Thorndike’s theory propounded in 1913 claims that, learning is the result of associations formed between stimuli and responses (S-R). 2. Thorndike (1913) performed a classic experiment. Thorndike performed a learning method which he referred to as ‘trial and error learning method. 3. Concerning this study, one of the basic principles of Thorndike’s theory of reinforcement (the law of exercise) will be considered. 4. This law states that, in learning, the more frequently a stimulus and response are associated with each other, the more likely the response follows the stimulus. 7 5. This law implies that we learn by doing and we cannot learn skills and competencies only by watching. Thorndike Classic experiment Trial and error learning method Thorndyke’s theory of reinforcement Association of (S-R) (the law of exercise) CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK DAILY PRACTICES SKILLS STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE STUDY HABITS LEARNING HABITS KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING Responce follows the stimulus 8 SECTION-II: METHODOLOGY A. STRATEGY The present study will be conducted by Survey Method. Quantitative methodology will be used for collecting data the independent variable will be study habits and dependent variable will be academic performance of students. B. POPULATION AND SAMPLING POPULATION All students of grade 9th and 10th of public sector schools of Malir town Karachi will be population of the study. SAMPLING All students of grade 9th and 10th of Malir Town Karachi will be sampled in this proposed study. SAMPLING SIZE (EXPECTED) 10% of the whole population will be taken as sample size of this study .And this study sampling will be adopted through convenience sampling. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE Probability sampling will be used in this proposed study SAMPLING TYPE Convinence sampling technique will be used in this proposed research. C. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Questionnaire will be used as tool for the collection of data. 9 SECTION-III DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE DATA COLLECTION METHOD Data will be collected through question distribution. DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Data will be analyzed through , using percentage and SPSSthrough the linear regression test with graphical representation. SECTION –IV:TIME FRAME S ACTIVITY DURATION OF MONTH 10 No. 1 1 Synopsis 2 3 4 5 6 ✔ Writing 2 Review of ✔ Literature 3 Designing of ✔ Questionnaire 4 Data ✔ Collection 5 Data ✔ Analysis 6 Report ✔ Writing 7 Final Report REFERENCES ✔ 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 Adane, L. A. (2013). Factors affecting low academic achievement of pupils of Kemp methodist junior high school in Aburi, in the eastern region. Retrieved from, https://pdfs.semanticsholar.org on February 2019. Addai, Y. S. (2014). Nature of schools and its effect on academic performance, A case study of public and private basic schools in Akuapem south district in the eastern region. Department of Education, University of Education, Winneba. Ammah, C. (2017). Psychology for educators. A developmental perspective. Kumasi: Benjoy Publication. Arhin, V. (2018). Relationship between career aspirations and study behaviours among second year distance learners of the university of Cape Coast, Ghana. 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