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D. Reflection
“How will I develop my interpersonal skill so that I continue dealing with and getting
support from the PTA?”
Answer: Interpersonal skills are the skills we use every day when we
communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups.
They include a wide range of skills, but particularly communication skills such
as listening and effective speaking. They also include the ability to control
and manage your emotions.
It is no exaggeration to say that interpersonal skills are the
foundation for success in life. People with strong interpersonal skills tend to
be able to work well with other people, including in teams or groups, formally
and informally. They communicate effectively with others, whether family,
friends, colleagues, customers or clients. They also have better relationships
at home and at work.
You can improve your interpersonal skills by developing your
awareness of how you interact with others and practicing your skills.
Good interpersonal skills are the foundation for good working and
social relationships, and also for developing many other areas of skill. It is
therefore worth spending time developing good interpersonal skills.
Improving and developing your interpersonal skills is best done in
steps, starting with the most basic, but vital:
Identify areas for improvement
Focus on your basic communication skills
Improve your more advanced communication skills
Look inwards
Use and practice your interpersonal skills in particular situations
Reflect on your experience and improve
D. Reflection
What are my potentials that would enhance strong partnership and good
relationships with the parents/ guardians and the wider community?
Answer: Quality education is the responsibility of the school and the
community, hence it is important that the school and the community must
build a partnership in bringing about quality education to all children.
The teachers have social partners and fellow stakeholders who work
with them in attaining their goal of developing and improving the education
process. These partners are: the parents, Government Organizations, NonGovernment Organizations, and civic organizations.
Educators and parents generally agree that positive, supportive and
open relationships between home and school, parent and teacher are
desirable. Additionally, research has shown that parent engagement and
successful parent-teacher partnerships result in improved educational
outcomes for students.
G. Reflection
1. In what concrete ways does the session help me become a more
agentic/empowered teacher, aligned to standard and domain?
Answer: Being an empowered teacher means having enough resources and
freedom to provide every student with the education that they deserve.
Teachers who have not yet experienced empowerment are unable to fully
personalize their teaching to the needs of each student. The importance of
empowerment is also illustrated by its role in increasing teacher motivation,
improving problem-solving skills, and teaching students to become
empowered, all of which are vital to improving learning outcomes for every
One essential element needed to empower teachers is to shift focus
from teaching to learning – teachers should immerse themselves in
rediscovering the magic of learning, the necessity of making mistakes, and
encouraging resiliency by constantly challenging their learning experience.
2. Considering your current situation in your station, how can you make your
teaching more meaningful, relevant and useful to the learners?
Answer: Engage your students with the study material, encourage them to
participate in the class, and collaborate with each other for “real” learning.
We live in an ever changing world. Facilitating active and deep
learning is absolutely valuable. It is the learner who should be responsible for
the learning, however, the teacher should become a good facilitator. One of
the primary goals for the class should be to actively engage students with the
material. Students learn more when they participate in the process of
learning, whether it’s through discussion, practice, review, or application.
By incorporating active learning into the curriculum, teachers can
transform their classroom into a “real” one with an exciting, dynamic learning
environment. Encouraging debates and brainstorming sessions, teaching casebased problem solving exercises, holding group discussions, are all great ways
to actively engage students in learning.
G. Reflection
In what concrete ways does the session help me become a more
agentic/empowered teacher aligned to standard and domain?
Answer: Being an empowered teacher means having enough resources and
freedom to provide every student with the education that they deserve.
Teachers who have not yet experienced empowerment are unable to fully
personalize their teaching to the needs of each student. The importance of
empowerment is also illustrated by its role in increasing teacher motivation,
improving problem-solving skills, and teaching students to become
empowered, all of which are vital to improving learning outcomes for every
One essential element needed to empower teachers is to shift focus
from teaching to learning – teachers should immerse themselves in
rediscovering the magic of learning, the necessity of making mistakes, and
encouraging resiliency by constantly challenging their learning experience.
G. Reflection
In what concrete ways does the session help you become more aware about
child protection and anti-bullying policies?
Answer: School interventions can go a long way toward preventing bullying.
School districts can educate parents, children, and teachers about bullying,
and create anti-bullying policies to protect victims and stop bullies. In
addition, administrators can study the bullying that goes on in their school to
determine how much it is taking place and whether or not education efforts
are working.
Parents can also contribute to bullying prevention by instilling certain
values in their children, such as kindness and empathy. Creating the right
mindset in children can help to prevent a child from becoming a bully.
Bullying can take physical, verbal, and online forms. The thing about
bullying is that it’s preventable. And as a teacher, I can help prevent it in my
classroom and on the campus. Here are some ways how we can prevent
bullying and make our school a safer, more enjoyable environment.
Create a safe, supportive environment
Offer support
Seek professional development
C. Activities and Assessment
A. Reflect on your previous engagements/interactions with the parents/guardians
and wider community in your school’s programs, projects and activities. Write down
on the space provided below, at least five ways on how you were able to establish
partnership with the parents/ guardians or wider community.
1. Inform and encourage parents to attend general assembly meetings in
2. Exchange contact numbers and have a list of their current home
3. Constantly update parents regarding the school programs, projects and
4. Ask parents active involvement in school programs, projects and
activities such as Brigada Plus.
5. Participate actively in community projects and programs.
B. Visit at least five elders/leaders in the community and ask the ways on how they
were and can be effectively engaged in school programs and projects. Record their
PTA President
Barangay Captain
Barangay Kagawad
SK Chairman
Religious Leaders
1. How did you find the activity?
Answer: I find it very interesting because I was able to know the different
programs in school that can improve the harmonious relationship of other
stakeholders, institutions and organizations.
2. What did you feel when you identify programs or policies in your school including
the respective partners from the community? Was it easy or difficult? Why?
Answer: I feel amazed in identifying programs in my school because I realized
that there are lots of program that connects stakeholders to the school. And it
was easy for me to identify them because I was aware and active in those
3. What insight/s did you learn?
Answer: I learned that there are lots of programs in school that can help to
improve harmonious relationship of teachers, parents, students and other
stakeholders to achieve school goals and objectives through community
Journal Writing Activity: What can I do more?
1. How will I establish strong partnerships and linkages with the public and private
Answer: By continuous involving them to the different programs in school to
achieve desired outcomes. And also, by following policies and procedures that
serve as guiding principles for the teachers in establishing linkages and
partnerships with stakeholders.
2. How will I sustain partnerships with my stakeholders?
Answer: I will maintain the good relationship of parents and teacher and the
community by involving them to the different program in school and also by
listening to their suggestions that can also improve the different programs of
the school.
3. Cite concrete ways to maximize your participation/ involvement in the
implementation of school policies and/or activities to promote strong and
harmonious collaboration between the school and community.
Answer: I will voluntarily give my hundred percent participation by engaging
myself to the different programs. Encourage other people by showing them
the benefits of their involvement in the program.
G. Reflection
1. What teaching strategies did you learn from Module 4 that would help you
organize or develop teaching-learning activities for these various groups of learners?
Answer: Dealing with learners of varied gender, needs, strengths, interests and
experiences pose a great challenge for teachers. As teachers, we need to make
learning relevant, authentic and valuable.
Students differ a lot in their motivation, prior knowledge and skills,
learning styles, multiple intelligences, interests and backgrounds. To tap each
student’s potential, we need to value each student as an individual capable of
making progress. Embracing learner diversity is therefore an important
direction in school-based curriculum development.
2. Were you able to adequately address the diverse needs of these learners?
Answer: Yes
3. What are the needs to be improved professionally to deal with diverse learners?
Answer: To effectively meet the learning needs of students, we, teachers must
begin with an understanding of the needs of the learners, both collectively as
a classroom unit and as individual students. Students often know which ways
of learning are most effective for them and what things get in the way of their
To ensure effective learning for all students in the classroom, as
teachers, we need to develop sensitivity to individual students’ needs and
respond to them by flexibly adapting their teaching strategies and content.
4. What is your realization on the importance of knowing and providing variation in
learning opportunities?
Answer: I can develop such sensitivity through analyzing different sources of
information (classroom observations, assessments, portfolios, learner profiles,
etc.) to find out how each student learns and design an appropriate curriculum
for them.
With a good grasp of students’ characteristics, we can turn learner
diversity into an asset by capitalizing on their different talents, interests and
backgrounds brought to the classroom setting. For instance, students can
make unique contributions by playing different roles or doing different tasks
inside and outside the classroom. Because of this, we can give our students
opportunities to develop their potential (Chan, ND).
5. Share what you feel and think after finishing this lesson by completing the
following statements.
Answer: My knowledge in understanding diversity of learners and their
learning needs will help me to know that learners have opposed teaching
about different cultures, religions, etc in schools. Having diversity in the
classroom not only helps children learn and think differently, but also
prepares them for the real world and interacting with those of different
cultures in the workplace and in daily life. I find the lesson quite challenging
because we are dealing with different cultures, beliefs and simply different
learners. It is really our job as a teacher to become fair to our learners.
Through these we can cater them equally.
G. Reflection
1. As a newly-hired teacher, how does the session help you to become a responsive
teacher to the needs of your learners?
Answer: Every teacher knows, a lot more what is happening in this seemingly
simple classroom scene than meets the eye. Delivering instruction is
effectively takes planning and skill. And striving to do so all day, every day,
for every child, is one of the great challenges of teaching—especially in the
midst of the rapid technological, economic, political, and social change that
defines the 21st century.
As a newly-hired teacher, I can make every session interesting and
enjoyable through the use of technology. As we are part of the technology era.
Our students will appreciate it and pays interest on it if we do so.
2. How did the session help you in integrating a 21st century skill in your DLP?
Answer: To be successful in the 21st century, students must be able to work
without supervision, in diverse groups, and be productive members of society.
Project learning with technology increases students’ capacity for self-directed
learning, collaboration, and social interaction. Collaborating on technology
projects encourages students to become self-directed learners and builds
leadership, responsibility, as well as social and cultural-awareness.
3. How does the session help you as a newly-hired teacher manage better the
individual differences your learners?
Answer: A greater need to know my students and their mindsets. There seems
to be a greater social dichotomy in student willingness to accept the value of
education and I need to understand and work with that difference to be
A greater need to understand how they go about learning in a world
where information, both good and bad, is so readily available.
A greater need to be creative in developing curriculum that has value
in and of itself to as many students as possible.
A greater need to develop meaningful professional relationships with
students to gain the trust in my expertise that they are less ready to give
4. Which of the skills discussed are you comfortable in teaching given your current
level of professional development?
Answer: A professional educator is always learning and growing their craft.
They are on an endless journey where they are always looking for new ideas or
teaching strategies, ways to improve their skills, or new information that will
help their students to succeed.
It takes a lot of hard work and effort to be a professional educator. It
takes time to go to conferences and serve on committees. It requires effort to
go that extra mile for the students who need it, and it takes patience to
continually grow and truly understand your craft as a teacher.
5. Which skill do you find challenging to teach?
Answer: Critical Thinking, which Teachers are tasked with solving a variety of
problems, often under a tight deadline. They answer difficult questions from
students on the spot, solve conflicts between students, revise lesson plans,
and deal with issues among colleagues. A good teacher knows what resources
to use to solve these kinds of questions quickly and effectively.
Teachers have to juggle a number of tasks, from teaching to
attending meetings, lesson planning, and grading. Getting all of it done in a
timely manner requires excellent physical organization and time
G. Reflection
Considering your current situation as a beginning teacher/proficient teacher,
a.) How will you maximize the use of DLL/DLP in tracking the learning progress of
your learners?
Answer: Of course, you can just observe your students as well. Individual
interaction between you and your students provides you some opportunities
to evaluate their progress and retention. Because you’re close to your
students and give them some “alone teacher time”, the student can also
evaluate her own progress and communicate concerns or needs to you, the
A joint review of the student’s work can pull up an accurate
evaluation of the student’s progress (or lack). It also provides the teacher
valuable suggestions about whether to adapt instruction to meet the student’s
needs or not. Positive feedback and meaningful also gives the students an
extra motivation and encouragement boost that can change the student’s
perception from negative to positive. It’ll help the student get better and
reach a new high.
b.) What assistance do you need to improve the teaching-learning process in your
Answer: In terms of assistance somehow as a 21st century teacher, high-tech
teaching materials are barely much needed in our school. Provision of this
materials somehow must initiatively do by the higher office.
H. Post Test
Now that you have gone through the different types of bullying and child
protection policy, let us bring back the questions in the Pre-test. Read the
situations again and this time support your answers with the explanations
Situation 1.
Student A is a silent type of student. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone in
school because he has a defect in the way he talks. He stammers and can’t talk
straight. One of his classmates always teases him and say bad words about him in
front of everybody in the classroom.
What kind of bullying is this? As a teacher, what actions are you going to take
to address this?
Answer: Verbal Bullying. As a teacher I must have this capability to handle
such situation as this. Because as we all know nowadays, accidents like such
bullying tend to result into a severe depression and may possibly end child’s
life. That’s why it is very important to the teacher to enter himself/herself to
this phenomenon because teacher has this power to change or to empower
child’s life. And terms of addressing this accident, if the situation becomes
severe, I can consult first the bullied/bully children to a counsellor.
Situation 2.
While eating his snacks one morning, Jerry was being pushed, shove, kicked,
and teased by three of his classmates because they don’t like him. He pleaded to
leave him alone but they teased him even more. They always do this when there are
no teachers around.
If you were the teacher, what are you going to do? Why?
Answer: Physical Bullying. As a teacher, I guess what I will do is that I’m going
confront the two students.
Situation 3.
A Grade 9 female student was a very active FB user. One instance, she
mistakenly uploaded a message which has many grammatical errors. She received
bad comments and even humiliated her for her sentence construction.
What kind of bullying is this? Why do you say so?
Answer: Verbal Bullying. Use of humiliating words; if comments are posted on
social media, teacher may mention “cyber bullying”.
Situation 4.
Darna is a Grade 4 gay pupil. Everyone in his class knows that he has
feminine ways. Every time he goes out of the classroom, one of his classmates
imitated the way he talks, walks and even the way he laughs. They humiliate him
because of his sexual orientation and gender identity.
What do you call this kind of bullying? If you were the teacher of this pupil,
what would you do?
Answer: Relational Bullying.
Situation 5.
A girl named Karen was always alone. She seldom participates in classroom
activities. Her adviser noticed and called her one afternoon. At first, she hesitated to
open up but later on said that one of her classmates always say bad words to her.
She cried out loud. She does not want to go to school anymore because she was
afraid that she might get hurt by her classmate. She has lost confidence and felt
Is this an example of bullying? What damage has been caused by the
bullying? Do you think that an emotional damage was done? Why?
Answer: Yes. This is a form of Verbal Bullying. It may result to isolation,
feeling of rejection, and lowers self-esteem.
F. Reflection
As a teacher how can these principles help you make your learning environment a
nurturing and inspiring for learner’s participation?
Reflect on your role as a Teacher in promoting Learner-centered Learning.
What have I done?
As a teacher in the 21st century, the things that I have done in order to
engage my learners in our lesson and to make them actively participate in our
discussion is making our classroom child-friendly. And in order to do that the
teacher must: 1. Be strict but approachable. 2. Avoid embarrassing the
student if he/she is not able to answer the question correctly, 3. Be willing to
help the students whenever they seek for help, and 4. Love the students as
your own child.
What am I doing?
Presently, I am teaching my students how to learn. In this modern day,
we, teachers, should not spoonfeed our students. We should also teach them
on how to seek for knowledge and not just relying on what the teacher teach.
In that way, we are also teaching them independence. But make sure that we
are guiding them throughout their discovery, that is to prevent them from
misconceptions and to take them away from misleading information.
What will I do next?
In the future, I will continue to teach students to be independent. I will
help them learn practical skills wherein it is needed in surviving and coping
with the fast-changing phase of society.
After going through all the sessions, gather your thoughts and reflect once more.
Answer the questions below:
What was new?
As a beginning teacher, I may not be so well-versed with the way how
the curriculum was created, but I am already familiar with the different
strategies and methods in teaching. One thing that was new to me was the
approaches to be used in teaching the K to 12 curriculum.
What was exciting?
Things that excite me is the fact that we are approaching to the Fourth
Industrial Revolution and I am excited with the changes it will bring to our
classroom approaches and the new trends. I am looking forward to a much
better classroom setup and more enjoyable way of teaching.
What was worrisome?
Due to the advent of technology wherein everything are already
accessible through the tap of our fingertips, I am worried that it may bring
indolence to our students, they will be lazy enough to quest for deeper
knowledge, they will just rely on what the internet will give them. I am afraid
that they will not filter that information and just believe it. That will be
F. Activities and Assessment
Explore your understanding of the Learning Environment by answering the
following questions:
1. How is learning environment defined in both articles?
In the first article the learning environment was seen in traditional way
like “Learning environment refers to the diverse physical locations, context,
and cultures in which students learn. While on the second article the learning
environment was defined in a more modern way having the three fundamental
ideas from environmental psychology of teaching and learning.
2. What does this definition of learning environment tell about the way
students learn?
The first definition states that the culture of a school or class – its
presiding ethos and characteristics, including how individuals interact with
and treat one another. It is also stated that learning environments have both a
direct and indirect influence on the student learning, including their
engagement in what is being taught, their motivation to learn, and their sense
of well-being, belonging, and personal safety. The second article’s definition
said that the learners can learn in a physical environment with quantifiable
and perceptible physical characteristics, students do not touch, see, or hear
passively; they feel, look, and listen actively, and the physical characteristics
of learning environments can affect learners emotionally, with important
cognitive and behavioral consequences.
3. What is the critical role of teachers in providing and maintaining learning
environment that promotes learner responsibility and achievement?
It highlights the need for teachers to utilize a range of resources and
provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage
constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high
standards for learning. Teachers across career stages are expected to provide
learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to
promote learner responsibility and achievement.
4. Since learners must do the learning, how do you think will you create a
total environment for learning that optimize the ability of the students to
As a teacher, it is my responsibility to organize an educational setting to
facilitate learning like conducting classes in relevant natural ecosystems,
grouping desk in specific ways, decorating the walls with learning materials,
or utilizing audio, visual, and digital technologies.
Answer the question below:
1. Why was Ms. Ramos discouraged and downhearted in her new assignment?
Ms. Ramos was discouraged and down-hearted because her classroom is
bare and is not conducive to teaching-learning activities; and the school could
not give her the resources she needs due to limited budget.
2. What gave her the idea to “make miracles” in her classroom?
The advice coming from her co-teacher gave her the idea to partner with
the community members, particularly the organized homeroom PTA. She also
extended partnering with her friends and family.
3. What strategy did she employ?
Partnership. She was able to work with the PTA. Together they planned
and implemented the plan successfully.
4. If you will be in a situation like that of Ms. Ramos, would you do the same?
Yes. In today’s context educating our learners is a shared responsibility.
It is a responsibility of the parents, the school, and the community through
partnership. Partnership brings about quality learners.
Answer the question below:
1. What challenges do the school principal and the teachers face?
No provision for facilities, equipment and classroom laboratory for
Senior High School TVL learners.
2. What was the action of the school principal?
The school principal together with the SHS teachers conducted
environmental scanning. They presented the problem to the local officials,
parents and business community.
3. How did the school community members arrest the problems?
They prepared a plan and came up with immersion. The community
served as laboratory for learning.
4. How did the community serve as a laboratory for learning?
Students applied the competencies they learned in school in the
different establishments aligned with their specialization.
F. Activities and Assessment
Case Analysis No. 1
The barangay chairman in the community where your school is located comes to
your school and requested you to render a song in the annual barangay day
celebration. It so happened that you are not very good in singing. How will you
respond to the request of the barangay chairman?
I will still accept his/her request but compromise to have someone from
our school who sings better to take my place for a more favorable outcome.
Case Analysis No. 2
Mr. Gregorio L. Ocampo, the father of Walter who is one of your learners, visited
your school at 6:30 in the morning and was angry about what happened to his child
the other day. According to Mr. Ocampo, his son went home with a bruise on his
arm due to quarrel with one of his classmates during your class period. How would
you react to the angry parent?
I will tell him to calm down first and ask him for a private conversation
between me, as the teacher, and him, as the parent regarding the matter. As
the teacher, I will not let him confront the student who quarreled with his son
without the guardian of the other party. If he still insists on seeing the
student involved, I call the guardian for a settlement.
Case Analysis No. 3
You were assigned to teach Computer Literacy in your new school. Though you
know basic information about computer, you are fully aware that your knowledge
about it is still limited. You came to know that one of your parents in school is an
ICT coordinator in the school division. How will you approach the parent? You know
that there are documents to accomplish as you respond to the situation, what will
you do as a beginning teacher?
As a teacher, we must build partnership with our stakeholders. The best
way to address the situation is to ask the parent for technical assistance since
he/she is expert on the field. Send a letter to his superior asking permission
to give a lecture. If denied, then ask for the materials needed and study them.
Case Analysis No. 4
You came to a remote school without a gate and even a fence that would help
secure the children in the school. How would you start accomplishing the project?
Who are the people you need to approach in doing so? Why?
I will ask the help of the parents through the PTA Officers and also the
Barangay Official to complete the project. Present a project proposal and
inform them regarding the advantages of materializing the projects. Their
suggestions should be taken into consideration.
After the first part of the lesson, work in partnership with your school head
and ask how you will respond to the following situations.
1. A mother came in and hit the child who was seated beside her daughter while
you were in front of the class teaching, what will you do?
Answer: Attend to them right away and put enough distance between them for
the child’s safety. Seclude those who are involve immediately and ask the
help of the Guidance Counsellor to settle the issue. Always bear in mind the
Child Protection Policy.
2. A group of parents organized themselves and bought a very big television for
your classroom without your knowledge. How will respond to the situation?
Answer: Accept it and be thankful because it is for the students learning
development and the parents’ initiates on buying the television on their own.
Also, inform your head regarding this parent’s project and inform that they
did that in their own will and not because of demand.
3. Being an agent of change—though a beginning teacher—you believe that you can
contribute in the success of the school’s programs and projects, how will you do it?
Answer: Be participative and support all the school programs and projects
with all your might and if possible and when you are capable, give your
suggestions for the further development of the school.
4. You are very good in organizing events but in your school’s activities, it is always
the parents who organize programs. You want to share in the success of the
activities. What could you do?
Answer: Do not hesitate to share your knowledge to the parents just because
they are the organizers. Even if they are the organizers, be open to help them
because it is your edge. Also, it is one way of developing a better parentteacher relationship. And it is also your responsibility to take part in the
1. How do you feel about your self-rating?
Answer: Self-assessment and evaluation will help you to make your own
personal and performance improvement plan. The more you improve, the
more your students will benefit. Although it is extremely difficult to critique
one’s own strengths and weaknesses, it is hugely important.
2. Could you improve/sustain yourself on these?
Answer: Yes of course, because as a teacher you should be flexible in many
ways. You should accept the fact that you are also human and you need to
improve yourself for your own betterment. Let these strengths and
weaknesses be your motivation and your guide for you to become a better
person and of course a model to your learners.
3. How do you plan to realize this?
Answer: As early as now, keep on motivating yourself to be a better version of
you. Here, we need to take it slow and reflect. What are the negative sides of
you that are needed to develop more and improve. Also, your positive sides
that are needed to sustain and continue to fulfill it.
G. Reflection
In your journal, write concrete ways that would help you become a better teacher.
Answer: In my opinion, a better teacher should be one who puts his/her heart
into teaching. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their
passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students
will put in their effort as well. If a teacher would also affect and students
would not be able to enjoy lessons as well.
Another point that makes a better teacher would be his/her patience.
Teachers should not get upset or even worse, give up on the students who are
not so strong in their studies. Instead, they should have the patience to slowly
coach them, give them extra lessons, and find different ways to encourage
F. Reflection
Journal Writing
o In what concrete ways does the session help me become a more health
conscious teacher in promoting a positive health habit?
“Health consists with temperance alone” (Alexander Pope). When trying to
create a modification in your health as a teacher, consistency is needed. To
have consistency you need temperance. A healthy lifestyle is not going on
diets. A diet is defined as restricting oneself to a special course of foods in
order to lose weight over a specific amount of time. A problem with diets is
the “yo-yo effect”. This is where a person goes through a cycle of repetitive
loss and gaining of body weight. This is not a way of achieving a healthy
life, but just a way to believe you are. Temperance is the most consistent
virtue needed when trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Temperance is
abstaining from the desires of greatest pleasures. These pleasures can be
found in the consumption of food and drinks. They are a result of mainly
the sense of touch.
E. Reflection
Journal Writing
In what concrete ways does the session help me become a more agentive teacher in
promoting gender-fair classroom setting.
Teacher inspire and empower – they can also discourage and impose
limitations, regardless of whether they are making a conscious effort to do so.
In Asia, where millions of girls find themselves either on the sidelines of
education or excluded entirely, this role of teachers in perpetuating or
actively combating gender inequality is especially critical.
The challenge is to strike an appropriate balance of gender roles between
men and women/ boys and girls, through education and training, given that
gender, role differences and stereotyping are socially constructed. Gender
equality is a globally recognized development agenda. Addressing gender
issues is a complex process – the issues are often culturally ingrained, and
involve a number of institutions. Gender and development adopts the
principle that development is for all – all humans, men or women have the
right to the same opportunities to achieve a full and satisfying life. It further
recognizes that gender biases impede development (capacity to do and be).
Your qualities underline the values that you hold dear.
1. What do these values mean to you and your day-to-day life?
Answer: Values are very important in your life. They help shape your life and
even determine how much success you will have. Values are also something
that help us decide what is right or wrong in moral term. Your values are one
of the most basic things about yourself that you need to identify. They will
help you stay focused on the journey you want to make in life. More than
that, the result will be a great reward-life satisfaction.
2. How do you demonstrate these values with your actions? In other words, are they
consistent or inconsistent with your actions? Cite a situation.
Answer: “Your actions reflect your values” means that what you do reflects
what you value. We need to define our purpose and values first, then figure
out the behaviors that will turn those ideas into action. Instead, living your
values means placing emphasis on and making a greater commitment to
activities, experiences, and people that express those values. It also involves
creating balance in your life.
3. How do you integrate these values in your teaching?
Answer: Values Integration is about teaching students how to use their
knowledge for the betterment of themselves and society. The outcome is not
what society can offer us but what we as individuals can offer society. Values
integration is more than just teaching the students what is right, it is about
promoting within the students perceptions in life. It demands discussion,
processing, reflection and actions. Values Integration is a channel of values
development through the teaching-learning activities in the different learning
areas. The starting point of values integration is the nature of the learning
areas and their unique contribution as bodies of knowledge.
B. My Emotional Maturity
1. Encircle at least 10 feelings from the inventory below that you experience most of
the time while in school.
Inventory of feelings from Facebook
2. What situations usually trigger negative or uncomfortable emotions in you?
Someone rejecting you.
Someone leaving you (or the threat that they will).
Helplessness over painful situations.
Someone discounting or ignoring you.
Someone being unavailable to you.
Someone giving you a disapproving look.
Someone blaming or shaming you.
Someone being judgmental or critical of you.
Someone being too busy to make time for you.
Someone not appearing to be happy to see you.
3. If a student anonymously posted on facebook something derogatory about you,
how would you react or what would you do?
Answer: First of all, I will not take his/her insults seriously or let it affects
me. Any time you are being criticized, you have several options, including:
ignoring it, deny it, evaluate it. The mature thing to do would be the third
option. Why do students say these things? It is often said that “perception is
reality” that is, if this student say certain things about me, that reflects their
impression/opinion towards me. Instead of getting angry or defensive, I’ll just
ask myself “what is it about me that makes them say these things? Do they
have point? If they do, am I willing to make a change?”
4. How do you feel if a student does not meet a deadline?
Answer: Time Management and accountability should be taught at a young
age. Working for a specific target teaches this to a child. Not meeting a
deadline should not be left unchecked even at elementary level because it
conveys a wrong message that is alright not to be punctual. That is why an
adult or a teacher should be strict in this issue. It is best to reduce points for
late assignments proportionately. If you do not want to be strict with marks
you can ask the child to do some extra work because he was late with the
assignment or you can give pair work and ask them both to motivate each
other and see that they stick to the time. This enhances teamwork and
punctuality. Always compliment punctuality and encourage it openly in the
class. This helps as reinforcement. It also increases peer estimation which
again helps in motivation to the student.
5. What do you do when others stress you?
Answer: First thing you need to learn in life is to be calm even in the worst of
situations, obviously, that’s not an easy job. Even if people stress you out,
there is always a nice way to negotiate with them without hurting them. You
never know if they intend to stress you or it is a part of their personality
which pisses people off. First thing to do is never misbehave with them cause
they will be able to exploit you more then. Try to stay out of their reach as
much as possible. Appear busy in a polite way every time they are around.
D. Me and Others
1. What group of people do you like to hang out with?
 The one who is there to listen to you and understand you when nobody
 The one who makes all the sacrifices for you and never complains.
 Positive people.
2. Who are your role models? Give at least 3. What make you look up to and admire
these people?
Answer: To me a role model is someone who inspires me to do something or to
develop further myself. I do not have one person as a role model, except my
parents. I have many people who inspired me and still continue to do so. I
would say that role models are found everywhere. A friend that is facing many
challenges to move forward, a colleague that despite everything is still being
successful, an old person that does not stop of learning a new things and new
technologies. We can find role models everywhere, we just need to see and get
the best of them.
3. How does your personality change as you associate with different groups of
people? Why do you think it changes?
Answer: Your personality is who you are. It’s unique to what makes you. Your
personality is likely different around some people, because they naturally
bring out other traits in you. If you’re still your true self and feel comfortable
when you’re with them, they’re a good fit.
4. What kind of school head brings out the best in you?
Appraise them carefully
Model the way
Believe in their success
Provide feedback
Give them power
Offer public praise
Give autonomy
Lead from within
5. How do you involve parents in the learning process?
Answer: Parental involvement plays a critical role in students’ academic
success. When you work with parents, you get the extra support needed to
help struggling children turn around their performance. You also encourage a
lifelong love of learning in every student, creating more engaged and excited
learners. By opening the lines of communication, encouraging parental
presence in the classroom and offering opportunities for home enrichment,
teachers can bring parents in board as partners in education.
6. What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with? Cite your reason.
Answer: Dishonest, manipulative controllers and arrogant are the most
difficult to deal with.
7. What do I value most in a pupil/student?
 Value their opinions
 Value their learning
 Value their accomplishments
 Ideas for positive reinforcement
8. As a teacher, in what area/s do I feel I need improvement?
Strengthen my Tech skills
Brush up my pedagogy
Improve my Classroom Management
Adjust my mindset
Freshen up my slide presentation
Get organized
E. Reflection
Cite significant experience with either your school head, learners, colleagues,
parents, community, that reflects your values. Use the STAR format. (Cite reference)
S – stands for Situation
T – stands for Task
A – stands for Action
R – stands for Result/s
In my current role, teaching learners with special
educational needs specially in children with Intellectual
Disability there was a time that they really can’t understand
what I am explaining or teaching them. They can’t hardly
grasp the ideas what I’m teaching.
Of course, as a teacher, you are responsible on doing ways
and strategies in order for your learners to understand the
lessons you are teaching them. I used instructional
materials that are suitable for them. I make the lesson easier
for them based on their cases. I created easier ways to let
them familiarized to the lesson I am teaching and make it
enjoyable and exciting.
Day by day, after some one-on-one focus and practices my
learners enjoyed each topic we are discussing. They are also
excited and motivated to learn more even though they have
their special cases. I don’t give up on them because having
them keeps me realized what are my roles and
responsibilities as their teacher. I don’t lose hope, however it
makes me more understandable and caring teacher to them.
I am happy on each little achievements they gained and I am
happy for them.