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Metals 金屬
Engineering materials are normally split into 4 categories - metals, polymers, ceramics and composites.
工程材料通常分為 4 類——金屬、聚合物、陶瓷和複合材料。
Understanding the different types of materials, their properties and how to use them effectively is a crucial part of
Around two thirds of the elements in the periodic table are metals, although for engineering purposes we’re
particularly interested in just a handful of them.
Iron is probably the most important of them all, because it’s used to create steel, a high strength material with a
wide range of engineering applications.
Aluminum is commonly used because its alloys have high strength-to-weight ratios.
It has a relatively low melting temperature, which makes it easier to process and use for casting, and it’s relatively
Like Aluminum, Titanium has excellent strength-to-weight properties, although it is even stronger, making it a
popular choice for aerospace applications.
Its high melting point makes it suitable for applications at high temperatures, but makes processing more difficult.其
It’s also much more expensive than Aluminum.它也比鋁貴得多。
Other important metals include Magnesium, Copper, and Nickel.其他重要金屬包括鎂、銅和鎳。
The key to using these metals effectively lies in understanding how they’re structured at the atomic level.
The atoms of a pure metal are packed together closely, and are arranged in a very regular grid.
Because of this regular structure, metal is what we call a crystalline material, and the grid the atoms are arranged in is
called the crystal lattice.
Not all materials have a regular structure like this.並非所有材料都具有這樣的規則結構。
In glass for example the atoms are arranged randomly, so it’s an amorphous material, not a crystalline one.
We can think of the crystal lattice as a repeating number of identical units, that we call the unit cell.
There are several different ways the atoms of a metal can pack together, which means that there are several different
types of unit cell.
At room temperature, copper atoms for example pack together as shown here, where there is an atom at the corner of
each unit cell and one at the centre of each face.
We can see this better if we shrink the size of the atoms and display the bonds between them.
This is called the face-centred cubic structure, or FCC.這稱為面心立方結構,或 FCC。
But iron atoms prefer to pack together in a structure where the atoms at the centre of each face are replaced by a
single atom in the middle of the unit cell.
This is the body-centred cubic structure, or BCC.這是體心立方結構,或 BCC。
And titanium atoms prefer to pack together in what’s called the hexagonal close-packed structure.
These are the three most common crystal structures in metals.這是金屬中最常見的三種晶體結構。
Both the FCC and the HCP structures have a packing factor of 74%, meaning that the atoms occupy 74% of the total
volume of the unit cell.
FCC 和 HCP 結構的填充因子均為 74%,這意味著原子佔據了單位晶格總體積的 74%。
The BCC structure is slightly less closely packed, with a packing factor of 68%.
BCC 結構的緊密堆積程度略低,堆積係數為 68%。
The close packing of the atoms is one of the reasons metals have much higher densities than most other materials.原