Inquiry Chart LEED 8420 – Spring 2022 Statement of Purpose: To examine how successful teachers (Define) utilize critical language pedagogy to support the education of Black students. To do so I will explore teachers’ narratives in how they utilize critical language pedagogy to support Black students. Create a model of critical language pedagogical practice THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK(s): RESEARCH QUESTION(S) Critical Language Pedagogy TENET 1– Human Needs (Maslow) TENET 2– Holistic (academic, social & emotional development) How do successful teachers attend to black students’ human needs? How do successful teachers attend to Black students’ educational needs holistically? RESEARCH DESIGN/ INSTRUMENTATION Participants Narrative Teachers Tenet 3 – Political Community Uplift Tenet 4 Multidimensionality Do teachers engaging in critical language pedagogy with black students have a political purpose grounded in community uplift? How do these teachers perceive their multidimensional approach impacting black students? Phase 1 Who (Participants) Where (Site – Specific Location) When (Approx. Timing) What (Instrumentation) Why (Theory/ Tenet) Phase 2 Phase 3