Uploaded by Suraav Ramsaran

Summary of 6 Journal Articles

6 Journal Articles
BCom Honours in Information
Systems & Technology
Info Sec 2022– Main Assignment 2
This document contains summaries on research papers within
the following areas: distributed ledgers/blockchain,
cyberwarfare, ethics of big data, cybersecurity awareness, dark
web, and secure applications development. All research papers
were obtained from UZN accredited sources.
Suraav Ramsaran (222069523)
No. of Words: 661
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Article 1 – Blockchain .................................................................................................................... 3
Article 2 – Cyberwarfare ................................................................................................................ 3
Article 3 – Ethics of Big Data ......................................................................................................... 3
Article 4 – Cybersecurity awareness............................................................................................... 4
Article 5 – The Dark Web ............................................................................................................... 4
Article 6 – Secure Applications Development................................................................................ 4
References ....................................................................................................................................... 5
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Article 1 – Blockchain
This article addresses the fact that blockchain can provide potential and substantial upgrades to
the processes that organizations use due to its sophisticated nature to address security concerns.
We are approaching the 4th industrial revolution at a rapid pace and Blockchain technology plays
a key role in revolutionizing the digital age. The article provides a brief history and a detailed
explanation on the uses of blockchain and its functions as well as how blockchain works. This
article also identifies analogies between the concepts underlying blockchain technology. It goes
on to speak about how a blockchain-enables token economy can prove beneficial to the
economy. Blockchain crowdsourcing also proves beneficial for predictions (Ducrée, 2020).
Article 2 – Cyberwarfare
Cyberwarfare is a broad topic. Especially when you consider its history and the progress it has
made over time. This article examines the most basic question of what exactly cyberwarfare is. It
also goes on to compare definitions in order to find common ground or disagreements. The
article has also discovered that there is no widely adopted definition and the terms cyber war and
cyber warfare have not been differentiated well. The article also makes mention that
governments are fully aware of threats form cyber space. The article also touches on the concept
of intent behind a cyber-attack. A model is also applied to cyber terrorism in this paper as the
writer wishes to further understand the concept of intent (Robinson, Jones, & Janicke, 2015).
Article 3 – Ethics of Big Data
This article has found that digital information can now be considered the world’s most valuable
commodity after oil. Big data is extremely valuable to companies and enterprises as it provides
analytical benefits which helps provide in depth analysis and answers. This article aims to
address the extent to which international human rights law operates as a legal or ethical
constraint on global commercial use of big data technologies. It goes on to explain big data in the
modern age as well as the human rights continuum and human rights as corporate risks
(Nersessian, 2018).
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Article 4 – Cybersecurity awareness
Due to the rapid development of technology, cybersecurity is an ongoing challenge which
companies and organizations face in the context of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). In
this space, workers and staff need to be aware of the cybersecurity risks that are present to
prevent or minimize data breaches, and cybersecurity incidents. This article contains a systematic
literature review which analyses how the exiting state of the art handle cybersecurity awareness
in the context of IIoT. It also targets 4 main areas. (Corallo, Lazoi, Lezzi, & Luperto, 2022).
Article 5 – The Dark Web
The dark web has been gaining popularity over time. Especially amongst scammers, hackers and
teenagers. A number of studies have been undertaken to investigate various aspects of the dark
web. This article aims to address a gap that exists in this space. This gap is with regards to
whether or not illegal transactions take place during the day or during the week. This study traces
bitcoin addresses associated with leading crypto markets. This study also produces evidence of
patterns in transaction activity on the marketplace. This article has identified that transactions
occur more often in European countries at night. In addition, this article examines the impact of a
crypto market policing effort known as operations Onymous (Tsuchiya & Hiramoto, 2021).
Article 6 – Secure Applications Development
Errors in software can lead to security vulnerabilities. Technology is developing rapidly and the
amount of security threats it is prone to increases rapidly as well. Breaches of security
vulnerabilities can have detrimental effect to organizations. This research article aims to
investigate the factors which may influence software developers to practice secure development
of applications. This study further goes on to develop 2 models. These models are based on the
theory of planned behavior and theory of reasoned action. The paper also developed a survey
instrument to measure the factors which are likely to impact intention. This article found that
TRA-based models are a better predictor of intention with relation to practicing SDA than the
TPB-based model (Woon & Kankanhalli, 2007).
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Corallo, A., Lazoi, M., Lezzi, M., & Luperto, A. (2022). Cybersecurity awareness in the context of the
Industrial Internet of Things: A systematic literature review. Computers in Industry, 137, 103614.
Ducrée, J. (2020). Research – A blockchain of knowledge? Blockchain: Research and Applications, 1(1-2),
100005. doi:10.1016/j.bcra.2020.100005
Nersessian, D. (2018). The law and ethics of big data analytics: A new role for international human rights
in the search for global standards. Business Horizons, 61(6), 845-854.
Robinson, M., Jones, K., & Janicke, H. (2015). Cyber warfare: Issues and challenges. Computers &
Security, 49, 70-94. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2014.11.007
Tsuchiya, Y., & Hiramoto, N. (2021). Dark web in the dark: Investigating when transactions take place on
cryptomarkets. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 36, 301093.
Woon, I. M. Y., & Kankanhalli, A. (2007). Investigation of IS professionals’ intention to practise secure
development of applications. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(1), 29-41.
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