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Teaching by Asking: Lesson Plan for BEM 107

Republic of the Philippines
Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
Marawoy, Lipa City
College of Teacher Education
A Detailed Lesson Plan in BEM 107
Explain and describe the five general ideas of art questioning;
Listen critically and purposely, and participate actively in the class discussion;
Perform the group activity task related to the topic.
Subject Matter
A. Topic: Teaching by Asking
B. Reference: A Course Module for Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Are we all here?
Yes, Ma’am.
So, are you all ready and excited about the
Yes, Ma’am. We are all ready and
lesson to be learned and the activity we will do
I’m happy to know that. But first, let us bow
our head and place ourselves in the presence
of the lord.
1. Prayer
Can the class chairperson lead the prayer?
(The class chairperson will lead the
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am!
So how’s your day today? Is it good so far?
It was great, Ma’am.
That’s good to know.
3. Classroom Management
So, I have here some rules that you need to
follow every time we have a virtual meeting.
4. Checking of Attendance
Miss Secretary, is there anyone from the
class who is unable to attend today’s
(students’ answer may vary)
5. Checking of Assignments
6. Review
Before we proceed, can someone from the
class discuss what was our previous lesson?
(students’ answer may vary)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
I’ve prepared a short video, all you have to do
is to pay attention in watching it, because later
I will call students to answer some of my
This video will run for only 4 minutes.
What did you noticed in the video you’ve been
watched earlier?
(students’ answer may vary)
Why do you think the students fell asleep?
(students’ answer may vary)
What do you think is the right thing for a
teacher to do, so that his students cannot fall
asleep in his class?
(students’ answer may vary)
Very Good!
It is necessary for teachers to have interaction
with his students to arouse their interest and
not immediately get bored with the lesson
being studied. In interacting with students, it is
necessary for teachers to ask questions to his
students or answer student’s questions.
For today’s lesson, were going to study
Teaching by Asking.
2. Activity
Now that you’ve already know our topic for
today, I will give you an activity where I can
measure your knowledge by giving your own
opinion on some phrases that I will present to
you. This activity will call “Pass the
Directions: Analyze the phrases. Try to give
your own opinion, inference and idea on what
you understood in the phrases you’ve been
read by typing your answer in the chat box.
When the teacher calls your name, read aloud
your answer and after that, give some
opportunity to other classmates to also read
their own opinions, inference and ideas about
the phrases.
By giving opportunity to others, say these
words – (name of your classmates) What’s
your idea?
(This activity will run for only 10 minutes)
Avoid “one-word-response” questions.
My Question, My Answer is a no-no!
Learners should be active
questionnaires too!
3. Analysis
The following questions will challenge your
reasoning and critical-thinking skills.
Avoid “one-word-response” questions.
1. What accommodations are you willing to do
to encourage all your students to participate in
classroom discussion?
(students’ answer may vary)
My Question, My Answer is a no-no!
2. What strategies would you try if you
suspect that the students who do not
understand the lesson are hesitant to ask
questions or answer your question?
(students’ answer may vary)
Learners should be active questionnaires
3. What questions could be asked to your
students that would encourage them to ask
(students’ answer may vary)
Now that you have enough ideas on our topic
today which is Teaching by Asking, we will
move on to our discussion to further expand
your knowledge in this lesson.
(The teacher will present a PowerPoint
Presentation and call students to read each
Discussion vs. Lecture
The teacher spends a significant amount
of time asking scaffolding questions to
help the students understand an idea
deeply. The interaction in this method
leans on both the teachers’ and the
students’ equal participation. This type of
strategy is different from that of a lecture.
In a lecture, the teacher is the chief
source of information.
Art of Questioning
Asking the right questions will help you
understand what your learners know, do
not know, and need to know. Asking
question is an art. As with most arts, no
specific formula will work in all situations
all the time.
Avoid “one-word-response”
Refrain from asking questions
that only require a yes or no
answer. This type of
questioning may not stretch the
mental muscles of your
learners. Questions are posed
to help the students articulate
themselves, clarify concepts,
challenge known assumptions,
examine reasons, and make
significant connections to
mathematical concepts.
Foster a climate conducive to
learning and questioning.
Make sure that your learners
feel comfortable to express
his/her ideas and/or ask
questions at any time. Create a
classroom environment where
the learners feel heard and
My Question, My Answer is a
Do not answer your own
questions. Thinking should be
respected and valued even if
the response contains many
Frame questions that are
accessible to all learners.
Remind your students that the
questions are for all members
of the class. This type of
questioning encourages the
students to communicate their
thoughts since there are
multiple answers to openended questions. Moreover,
this allows all types of learners
to contribute their ideas to the
Learners should be active
questionnaires too!
Demand your students to ask
questions. The learners should
practice directing questions not
only to you but also to their colearners. You should give the
other students the time to
develop an answer to the
question that their co-learners
have posed.
Which of the activities we did earlier match the
“Learners should be active questionnaires
Pass the Knowledge Activity
4. Abstraction
What was our topic for today?
Teaching by Asking
What are the general ideas for your careful
consideration when framing essential
Avoid “one-word-response” questions.
Foster a climate conducive to learning
and questioning.
My Question, My Answer is a no-no!
Frame questions that are accessible to all
Learners should be active questionnaires
What was the difference between Discussion
and Lecture?
(students’ answer may vary)
Explain the five general ideas of art
5. Application
Now class, let’s have a group activity. I will
group you into 3 and each group was required
to make a short story about integrating art of
questioning in the class.
I will only give you 10 minutes to do the tasks
(students’ answer may vary)
and another 3 minutes to perform it.
Story Flow
Over All Presentation
6. Values Integration
30 points
As a future teacher, why do you think you
need to learn the art of questioning and apply
it to your teaching?
Very Good!
We need to learn the art of questioning to
have interactions with our students, in this
way we can make our teaching more
enjoyable, fun, useful and our students do not
easily get bored while we discussing our
lesson. Through questions, we deepen the
students learning process and
comprehension, promotes their imagination
and problem-solving, satisfies the sense of
curiosity and increases their creativity. As in
human life, when you have a younger sibling
or child who does not yet know on how to
speak or does not yet speak straight, it is
necessary for him to have interactions with
you or with the people around him. Talking to
him always can help him to imitate and learn
how to speak right. If the child who cannot
speak yet or does not speak straight has no
interaction with people around him and not
talk to him always, it may take a long time for
him to learn on how to speak properly.
7. Evaluation
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose
the letter of the correct answer.
This assessment will run for only 5 minutes.
1. The teacher is the chief source of information. C
a. Discussion b. Teaching by Asking c. Lecture
2. Do not answer your own questions. A
a. My Question, My Answer is a no-no!
(students’ answer may vary)
b. Teaching
c. Asking
3. Refrain from asking questions that only require a
yes or no answer. C
a. Foster a climate conducive
b. Asking
c. Avoid “one-word-response” questions
4. Both the teachers and students have equal
participation in class. B
a. Art of Questioning
b. Discussion
c. Lecture
5. Demand your students to ask questions. C
a. Teaching
b. Avoid “one-word-response” questions
c. Learners should be active questionnaires too
8. Assignments
Directions: Supply the following with an
appropriate questioning technique/s to address the
indicated classroom scenario.
1. The teacher gave examples
and non-examples of
polygons. When students were
asked to give a definition, they
were unresponsive.
2. Only the bright students are
answering the questions. The
challenged ones do not raise
their hands.
3. When a students was asked
to answer a question, he/she
responded with an angry
4. A student answered the
question in a manner that is
not comprehensible to the
other students.
Prepared by:
___ JENIFER M. GARCIA________
Student Teacher
Checked by:
______JADINE C. HOSME ________
Cooperating Teacher