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Vocal resonance nasal and oral sounds

Vocal Resonance: Nasal and Oral SoundsAnatomy of the soft palate, aka “velum”
Coarticulation is what happens when we predict and prepare for upcoming sounds in a
word. It’s an important process but can sometimes impact comprehensionHypernasality can happen from initiating the onset of a nasal sound too early or keeping
a sound nasal after it has shifted to an oral sound.
Practice words and phrases: General theme- multiple nasal sounds with oral sounds in
Nasal sounds: m and n
● Practice isolating the oral sounds “uh” “der” “sta” and making them
completely oral (no vibration in the nose with nose pinched)
● Then practice including the n sounds, while keeping the oral sounds oral.
● Test yourself with nose pinched. Nose should only vibrate or sound
“clogged” during the n sounds.
● Same exercise for the next words and phrases: practice isolating oral
sounds without m or n, then blend them into the whole phrase.
● Once it hits “ay” the sound should be completely oral.
Once again
Be honest
Insane (“insane in the membrane!” could be a good phrase to practice with
because it rapidly switches between oral and nasal sounds)
Santa Fe
● Sae
● Ta
● Fe
● Thee
● Thee n k
● Think
● Fae
● Ly
● Family