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the problems of the environments

Climate change
Global warming due to CO2 emissions — which according to the United Nations
have increased by almost 50% since 1990 — is accelerating climate change and
threatens the survival of millions of people, plants and animals by causing
meteorological events like droughts, fires and floods, which are becoming
increasingly frequent and more extreme.
The main objective is to reduce the use of fossil fuels, such as oil, carbon and gas,
and to replace them with renewable and clean energy, while increasing energy
efficiency. So we should be less car-driving and more walking or cycling to reduce
Deforestation is happening everywhere on the planet for many different
reasons that vary from region to region. Forests are one of the most important
ecosystems on Earth. 80 percent of all terrestrial plants, insects, and animals
call forests home. Trees help regulate the climate, filter water through their
root system, capture dust particles and pollutants from the air and stabilize
soils against erosion.
What can we do about deforestation?
The most straightforward personal strategy to fight against deforestation is to
plant a tree. By planting trees, you are also helping to combat global warming
because trees absorb carbon dioxide. Use less paper, and do the Recycle paper
and cardboard it will protect another trees from cutting.
Water pollution
Water pollution can disrupt and negatively impact nature's water cycle. Only
around 1% of the Earth's water is fresh water. The rest is salty and we can't drink
it. Billions of pounds of plastic can be found in swirling convergences that make
up about 40 percent of the world's ocean surfaces. At current rates plastic is
expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050. Thousands of seabirds and
sea turtles, seals and other marine mammals are killed each year after ingesting
plastic or getting entangled in it. People also die because of the dirty water,
between 5 and 10 million people die each year from water pollution related
Use a reusable cloth bag rather than plastic packets, and at least try to use less
plastic. Drive less. Save water, take shorter shower and don't leave the faucet
Extinction of animals
As sad as it is to reflect upon the species that we have lost, we still have many
opportunities to save species that are in danger of becoming extinct in today’s
world. In many cases, species are losing their critical habitats to development,
agricultural land conversion, or are themselves being over-hunted for food and
are sold as products like ivory on the black market.
The products that we choose to buy can instead be those that are produced by
companies that make all of their products sustainably, without using animal
materials. As far as many animals live in the wild, anything you do to improve
and sustain the environment will have a positive influence on them as well.
Air pollution
The issue has become so serious that scientists attribute a large number of
deaths to ever increasing effects of air pollution. In fact, polluted air kills each
year more people than malaria or tuberculosis. Some cities are even shut down
during certain parts of the year because the air is so toxic that it is impossible
to function. For instance, air pollution on some days in China has the same
effect on human organism such as smoking 60 cigarettes per day
We all have a role to play when it comes to creating healthy environment for
living. Minimize air pollution from cars. Walk, bike or use public
transportation. Make sure you use energy efficiently, use air conditioners in
the summer only when absolutely necessary. Air conditioners need much more
power than fans do. Switch to renewable energy
Renewables are much cleaner version of power generation.