Response to Petting (RTP) assessment Background: This assessment is intended to assess how receptive the cat is to human contact, as well as the progress of Behaviour Management Plans. The score can be used to help make decisions about which cats to accept as transfers from other institutions, as well as to inform decisions on whether or not a cat is adoptable. Instructions: Open the cat’s cage (or enter their area, if housed in out-of-cage space). Spend a few minutes getting them used to your presence and associating it with something positive (e.g., treats or play, whatever that cat responds to best). Then, attempt to pet the cat. How do they respond? Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 Description Approach you and actively interact with you (tail up, rubbing against you, head-butting, cheerful vocalizations, may be purring) Stay where they are but show clear signs of enjoying interaction (rolling around, clearly pushing their head into your hand, may be purring) Stay where they are but show mild signs of enjoyment (lift their chin slightly when you pet them, tense body) Stay where they are but only tolerate petting (they do not move when you touch them, tense body) Stay where they are but show signs of not wanting to be touched (flinching from your hand, flattening their ears, dilated pupils, tense body) Flee from your attempts to touch, lunge at your attempts to touch