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The Importance of Algebra: History and Applications

The Importance of Algebra
Unlike geometry, algebra was not developed in Europe. Algebra was actually discovered (or
developed) in the Arab countries along side geometry. Many mathematicians worked and
developed the system of math to be known as the algebra of today. European countries did
not obtain information on algebra until relatively later years of the 12th century. After algebra
was discovered in Europe, mathematicians put the information to use in very remarkable
ways. Also, algebraic and geometric ways of thinking.
Mesopotamian Algebra
“do algebra”? Did they have the concept of an equation or a classification of types of
equations? The Mesopotamian authors didn’t “do algebra,” they solved problems by
following a set of steps which allowed them to get a numerical answer. Today, if we tried to
solve those problems, we would use algebra, but they did not (Cooke, 2005, p. 40). They
had no concept of an equation, or of a set of rules that would allow them to solve a variety of
problems, unlike the overriding rules of algebra (i.e…
Why Algebra?
Why Do We Teach Algebra? Until recent history, mathematics had not been taught to the
general population. Only those who were rich, powerful, and/or politically connected were
given the opportunity to study math beyond basic counting operations. Many of my junior
high students are excited about the prospects of returning to this situation. I have the
opportunity to teach remedial math and math study skills courses for a local university. Many
of the college students with whom I am involved are going