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Cadence Allegro PCB Design Tutorial

Cadence allegro pcb design tutorial pdf
Cadence allegro pcb design tutorial pdf.
You can also scroll your mouse wheel to zoom in / out or click and hold the centre mouse wheel to pan. Set the Options tab to look like 13. Note: To know more about each of these steps, please refer to the PCB Editor documentation. In the command window type x 50 30 followed by a return to complete the rectangular shape at the co-ordinate 50,30.
(For further information on Instances vs Occurrences properties please refer to the OrCAD Capture User Guide). Next the PCB Footprint property values need to set for all of the parts in the design. Change the reference designator as required in the command line and press the Enter key. Select VPP, the VPP item appears in the Selected objects grid.
Place the next three symbols at x 2.5 27.5, x 47.5 27.5 and x 47.5 2.5. 9. Capture can be closed at this point, "Yes All" to save any changes. 9. From the PCB menu select Design Rules Check 3. With it blank the default refdes will be used. A copper shape, once assigned to the net (0) will consume the ratsnets. Next choose the Geometry folder and turn
on the Design_Outline colour to enable the colour for the design outline. The "cyan" icons change to "green" with a "P" once parts are placed. From the Edit menu, select Text. Left-click More, the Find by Name or Property dialog box appears displaying all available nets. Left-click>OK. 4. Route power and ground Fan out surface mounted devices and
verify connections to power and ground. Viewing Gerber Data You can view the artwork files that you created in PCB Editor. Right-click>Done (or F6) to end the active command. If you see the Cadence 17.4 ALLEGRO Product choices, pick an OrCAD PCB Designer Standard, or OrCAD PCB Designer Professional, license. To do this:- 2. 7. In the
command window type x 0 0 followed by a return which will start drawing the rectangular shape from the co-ordinate 0,0. From the Check menu select Design Status. A sample placement is shown below. From the Geometry folder select All for Soldermask_Top which will also turn on both Board and Package Geometry Soldermask_Top layers. Leftclick>OK to save the settings. Left-click on the net to be routed. From the Export menu, select Gerber Parameters, the Artwork Control form appears. The reference designators for the component on the board changes. This section will add a single copper shape to the Bottom Layer by copying and "shrinking" the design outline. Specify the new film
name as SMTOP and then left-click OK to add the new film. Also check the box to Preserve Current Prefixes, to ensure the current used prefixes are used. Choose Edit>Properties (or CTRL+E) to launch the Browse Spreadsheet window. If you are using this flow then the properties do not need to be added manually as we will show in the next few
steps. Setting up PCB Editor These next few steps will guide you through some basic settings inside PCB Editor to suit your design environment. To ensure that both these files are in sync, you can back annotate the changes in the PCB file to OrCAD Capture. You can apply other properties to parts using this method like Manufacturer, Part Number,
and Tolerance etc. We can ignore the PSpice parts so, left-click C1 followed by a shift+left-click R16, the rows will highlight 7. Manually routing the remaining nets 1. Left-click>Load File. From the PCB menu, choose Design Sync. Note: To run DRC online, select the Enable On-Line DRC from the Setup>More menu. The default is On. While placing
the components if there are any design rule violations, then error markers are displayed on the board. 2. In this example the PCB Footprint is called jumper2, you only need to specify a PCB Footprint name, no extensions are required. Left-click>Hide. Accept the message about the property preferred mode. At the command line enter x 2.5 2.5
followed by a return, the first tooling hole is placed. Select the Net option from the Find By Name drop down list. 7. In the Project Manager window, select headphone.dsn. To change layers whilst routing (add Vias). A window appears showing the default settings. Left-click to place the artwork in the design window. Also note that there will need to be
an exact match between the numbered pins in the schematic part and the numbered pins on the PCB Footprint. Select Manufacture>Auto Rename Refdes>Rename . Repeat steps 9-11 to place other artworks as required. Open the headphone.opj in OrCAD Capture. Enter artwork for a new subclass. The current Active layer becomes the Alternative
layer and vice versa. (If desired, add Via / Soldermask_Top to "open" the Vias) 8. This can be used for ECAD-MCAD Transfer using IDF/IDX as well as exports such as IPC2581. The NC Drill form opens. Note: If the design intent was to use a copper shape you would not need to manually route the (0) net. There are several ways to specify PCB
Footprints for parts in the Cadence tools. Note: You can also select all the components of a type by clicking the check box next to the folder icon Note: The Quickview window displays the footprint shape for the selected component in graphics and text mode. This part has only been added to aid in the PSpice simulation and is not required for the
actual design, the load will be the "headphones". Specify your preferences. You can use right-click>Rotate to rotate in either direction and at any angle set by the Options fold out menu Rotation angle setting. Schematic Changes Similarly, if the board file is open in PCB Editor and you make changes in the schematic design, these changes will be
forwarded to the board during netlist creation in Capture. Using OrCAD PCB Editor, you can generate various files that can be further used by third party fabrication and manufacturing tools. This is enabled by default but you can check this as follows:- 1. Change the AutoNext from enabled to Disable then select the Placement List tab. Set the Class
to Manufacturing and the Subclass to Artwork. The Placement dialog closes and the mechanical symbol MTG125 is attached to the cursor ready to place. We will use this board file to back annotate the component renaming to the schematic. The list of changes are displayed, the components references in this case. As a result, you can use cross
probing to verify information flow between the schematic and the board design, and vice versa. You can create Gerber files, Excellon NC Drill files, DXF files, IPC2581, ODB++ as well as printer/plotter files. (required distance from board edge to copper shape). In the Project Manager window select the design file entry headphone.dsn. Manually
routing VPP and GND (0) nets 1. You can also select the symbol or net in the schematic and PCB Editor will zoom and centre in on the net or symbol. OrCAD PCB Editor supports both manual and auto placements. This option uses the default grid, which constitutes an internal method of renaming components. The artwork is placed. The general use
model is to first route any critical nets manually, lock them and then autoroute the rest of the board but this is user specific. Cross probing lets you select an object in the OrCAD Capture schematic and see the corresponding object in PCB Editor. Any changes are made dynamically so your design outline will change to Yellow. To run the DRC, select
the Check design rules option button under Action and left-click>Run. A dynamic rectangle that represents the extents of the Gerber data appears in the UI work area. If required you can adjust the colours of the layers (called Classes and Subclasses). In the resulting shape, the 0 trace added will be merged with the 0 shape just added. Save the
board file (File>Save). Select the part J1 and then right-click>Edit Properties to launch the Property Editor (you can also double-click part J1 to bring up the same Property Editor). Adding Mounting Holes Now that we have a board outline, let's add some mounting holes to the PCB. Left-click>OK to close the Color Dialog. Export>Quick
Reports>Summary Drawing Report. 12. Extended Gerber is the most standard Gerber format used today by most PCB Fabricators. As this part has no Pins, the "Check device with zero pins" batch DRC option gets this warning issued. After you have created the board outline and placed the mounting holes you can start to place the components in the
board. NC Drill Data Next the Excellon NC drill data will be created. From the Shape menu choose Polygon. 3. There are many reports to choose from but you can also generate your own. Select a component that you want to find. One method is to right-click on the Property Editor tab, Close. 1. To do this:- 1. See the next section on adding Shapes to
the board. (you will need to expand the + next to Xnets/Nets folder with a left-click on the +) For further information on setting physical and spacing constraints please watch: - Cadence PCB Physical Constraints - YouTube and Cadence PCB Spacing Constraints - YouTube Routing After completing the board placement, you can route the headphone
board to complete the electrical connections between components. To verify:- 5. These values assume that the default PCB Footprints from the product installation are being used, IF your installation is not configured to use the default PCB Footprints from the product installation, you will need to specify PCB Footprint property values for the names of
the footprints that match the footprints in your libraries. From the Manufacture menu, choose Create Drill Table and OK the resulting form. Select Display>View>Refresh to refresh the screen, or press F5. Set the Format for Integer and Decimal places to 3 and 5. To set this: 1. 11. Left-click the Miscellaneous tab. There are different ways in which
you can select a component for placement. left-click>OK to close the list of nets and right-click>Done to apply the net to the shape. You have now drawn a PCB outline that is 50mm in the X and 30mm in the Y. (Or use Shape>Z-Copy) 7. The status of the renaming operation is displayed in the command line. The final task in creating a board design is
to generate output files for manufacturing. To back annotate the changes to the schematic: 1. (Supports output values up to 999.99999 mm) 4. 6. In the case of cross highlighting between OrCAD PCB Editor and OrCAD Capture, just select a component in PCB Editor and the corresponding component will be highlighted in OrCAD Capture. Doubleclick the part R17 and then left-click on New Property and add a new property Name of PSpiceOnly with a Value of TRUE. 4. The recommended way is to use OrCAD Capture CIS which allows the property information (like PCB Footprint, Manufacturer etc.) to be stored in a Windows compliant ODBC database like Microsoft Access or an SQL
database. To do this:- 9. The board will need a Shape added to the Board Geometry / Route Keepin class to restrict the routing area for the autorouter. Move the component to the desired location. You can then standardise on a film name (like TOP, BOTTOM, SPTOP, SMTOP), when your artwork film is generated the film will be called jobname-TOPIssue1.art, and so on. Press the icon to fit your board in the design window. From the File menu, select New and specify a new board file name of artwork. Another method is to hover over the symbol and choose right-click>Copy Placing Components. The rename refdes dialog appears. Select the Physical tab. Some of the coloured swatches will
generate reports to give you further details on the status of your design. Route the remaining signals using the manual routing tools. To create a board outline in PCB Editor. For further information please take a look at: - Post Processing This section introduces some of the tasks that are not part of the placement and routing processes, but are related
and can be performed using OrCAD PCB Editor. Save the changes and close the Property Editor. Check that the Input Board File is empty to create a board with a default template and left-click>OK 5. Select the headphone.dsn in the project window then Edit>Browse>Parts 5. When you have completed routing, right-click on the net and select Done.
10. Left-click>OK, All VPP nets are coloured the selected colour in the design. Automatic renaming of components. Left-click the reference designator you want to modify. Set the Options menu as follows for Class and Subclass (layers in PCB Editor). Note: During placement there are also right-click>Mirror which will place the component on the
other side of the PCB, Top to Bottom, or Bottom to Top, if required, for double sided assembly. Tip: To delete the outline either hover over it until it highlights then right-click>Delete or invoke the Edit>Delete command then left click the shape to delete it followed by a right-click>Done. Adding a Shape Manually 11. Left-click>Setup, the Rename
Refdes setup dialog box appears on which you set all the reference designator parameters. Select the required mechanical symbol. The selected mechanical symbol is now attached to your cursor ready for placement, right-click>Done to end the copy command. Set the user units to Millimeter, the Size to A3 and Left X and Lower Y to -50. Optimise
routing using the manual routing commands. From the Setup menu choose More>Subclasses. From the Setup menu, pick Colors then left-click on the Off button for Global Visibility. Setting the Design Constraints To configure the basic spacing and physical constraints for your board design, select Setup>Constraints. From the Import menu, select
More>Artwork. Now create the drill file. You can also use the x/y co-ordinates as you did earlier with the tooling holes or if you have a marker point (like a crosshair from a DXF import) use the hover, right-click>Snap Pick to>Intersection. Using the techniques you have used place all the components from the available components list. Select the
headphone.dsn in the Project Window and choose File>Save to save the design. Route to a point where you want to add a via, right-click on the net and select Add Via (or double-click the left mouse button). For this example we will enter the co-ordinates. For example, if you selected J2 in the headphone.dsn file, the corresponding connector J2 will be
displayed in PCB Editor as shown below:- Cross highlighting lets you select an object in PCB Editor and see the corresponding object highlighted in OrCAD Capture. You can either left-click to place the tooling hole at the required location or type the x/y co-ordinates in the command line to place the tooling hole at the required location. A via is added.
From the PCB menu, select Design Sync. Locate the PCB Footprint column and enter the following values for PCB Footprint:- RefDes PCB Footprint RefDes PCB Footprint C1 smc0805 R1 resadj C2 smc0805 R2 smr0805 C3 smc0805 R3 smr0805 C4 smc0805 R4 smr0805 C5 smc0805 R5 smr0805 C6 smc0805 R6 smr0805 C7 smc1210 R7 smr0805 J1
jumper2 R8 smr0805 J2 jumper2 R9 smr0805 J3 jumper2 R10 smr0805 Q1 to236ab R11 smr0805 Q2 to236ab R12 smr0805 Q3 to236ab R13 smr0805 Q4 to236ab R14 smr0805 Q5 to252aa R15 smr0805 Q6 to252aa R16 smr0805 9. From the Outline menu, select Z-Copy. The board file, headphone.brd opens in OrCAD PCB Editor. A quick design check
is to ensure that all the components are placed and routed. We need to add the connectors as shown in the initial preview of the design and we also need to add a property to the load resistor so that it is ignored by the netlist and hence not in the PCB Layout. In the Colors dialog set Global Visibility to Off to turn off all the layers. The Options panel
changes again to show the selected net as shown below 5. A message box appears showing the progress of the artwork creation, after the artworks are generated the artwork films with an .ART extension are saved under the headphone\allegro design directory (for this tutorial only). Before you start cross probing, tile OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor
windows on a single screen or have them open on separate screens. Left-click>Sync Cross probing and cross highlighting between PCB Editor and OrCAD Capture OrCAD PCB Editor is tightly integrated with OrCAD Capture. Note: Alternatively, you can press F3 or click the icon 7. We will show two methods to assign a PCB Footprint. Select the Use
default grid option button. This way your artwork film names will include the jobname, headphone in this case, and issue. Left-click once the desired rotation is set and left-click to place at the required location. Renaming components manually After you have completed the placement and routing of your PCB, you can rename the components manually
on the PCB in a specific order. Design Rule Checking PCB Editor allows you to run DRC online (On) or in batch mode (Off). From the Place menu, select Components Manually. In the Options tab left-click the "..." button to the left of the Assign net name box and then choose 0 from the list of nets displayed. To find a net, select the Net option from the
Find by Name drop down list. Change the value for the DEFAULT rule for Min Line Width from 0.127 to 0.5. This sets the DEFAULT rule for all nets to use a 0.5mm track. Left-click>OK to close the Color dialog. In the Find Filter (Panel on the right hand side of the screen) Select Comp (or Pin) option from the Find by Name drop down list, leftclick>More, the Find by Name Property dialog box appears displaying all available components. Ensure that the Enable Intertool Communications check box is selected in the Intertool Communication section. Left-click on Create Artwork. Use File>Save to save the design. An example of a Placement DRC (C-C) is shown below. PCB Editor
automatically renames every component on your design in a single operation. In the Design Rule Check dialog box, the Design Rules Check tab is selected by default. Creating a board outline The board outline (or Design Outline) defines the boundary of the PCB. The Options panel changes. Optional: Set a Prefix and Suffix like jobname- and -Issue1.
Note: before generating any output files, make sure your design status is up to date as we did earlier. In the Project Manager window in OrCAD Capture, select headphone.dsn. Physical Layout Before we start making the design ready for PCB Layout we need to make a few changes to the schematic. Back Annotation While creating a PCB, you might
make some changes in the PCB Editor board (.BRD) file. Next we need to ensure that the load resistor R17 is ignored by the netlist. When you back annotate, information, such as pin and function swaps and component names (changed due to renaming) gets added on to the schematic in OrCAD Capture. To know more about post processing, see the
PCB Editor documentation. Select Gerber RS274X under the device section. This is an editable table where you can edit existing property values or add new Property values like Manufacturer, Part Number that will be used for the Bill of Materials. A second method to add many properties in one step is to use the Browse method. Left-click>OK to
close the Browse Spreadsheet and right-click>Save and then Close on the Browse tab to save the property edits. For example, if you select J3 in the headphone.brd file, the corresponding connector J3 will be highlighted in OrCAD Capture as shown below:- Generating Output files. Select Gerber from the Export menu, on the Film Control tab, mouse
over the TOP film entry and right-click>Add. Adding a Copper Shape to the Bottom Layer. Since we want to place 4 of these symbols, select the Advanced Settings tab. Left-click the "..." icon to the left of Setup grids and set the grids as follows: Placement will then be on a 0.5mm by 0.5mm grid and routing will be on a 0.1mm by 0.1mm grid, use the
"All Etch" entries to set all of the Etch (routing) grids to be the same. Left-click to place the drill legend rectangle. The selected component appears in the selected object grid, left-click>OK, the component is highlighted in the design window. A sample section is shown below
******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** -------------------------------------------------- Checking Schematic: SCHEMATIC1 -------------------------------------------------- Checking Electrical Rules Checking For Single Node Nets Checking For Unconnected
Bus Nets Note that a DRC Warning will be flagged for the PARAM part in the Schematic. Check the box next to MANUFACTURING. Select Geometry and then choose a colour in the bottom of the pane then select the coloured swatch next to the subclass you wish to change (In this example choose Yellow and then choose the Design Outline). From the
Setup menu select Colors. Select the worksheet Physical Constraint Set, All layers to open the physical rules. PCB Editor renames the component. For a full list of possible exports explore the Export menu inside PCB Editor. Shape>Rectangular (Although Polygon and Circle can also be used). Left-click>Sync The schematic is updated with the
changes made in the board. For this tutorial, a routed example of this board is shown below. The Placement dialog box closes and the component (in this case J1) that you have chosen is attached to the cursor. If required the 0 connect lines could be removed since the shape is now providing connectivity. We only need to be concerned with the parts
that will be used for the Physical layout. Details of the highlighted items are illustrated in the following screenshots: Co-ordinates view and Units in the Status Bar Show Element (F4) Lists the attributes of the item selected Options pane: This changes depending on the command being used Visibility pane: This provides access to "quickly" controls
visibility, "all" colour and visibility control is available through Setup>Colors Find pane: This controls what can be selected in the PCB design canvas, restricting "what" can be selected. (This change was already made in the screen shot above) 11. In the Options tab, pick ETCH and Bottom as the target Class/Subclass, then left-click on the Create
Dynamic Shape box to create a Dynamic Shape, left-click on the Contract button and specify 0.5 as the contract amount. To view you can either look at the Session log or access the report from the Outputs folder of the Project Window. If you need to review this please refer to "Checking and reviewing the PCB". Select the J1 component by clicking the
check box next to the component name as shown in the figure above. 14. Although these are not covered in the tutorial please take a look at the following How To Videos: - and In this section we will use manual placement to create the PCB for the headphone design. The DRC report is generated. 8. Left-click>Close to accept the settings and return to
the rename refdes dialog. To run a DRC on the headphone design complete the following steps:- 1. Note: Only unplaced components are displayed in the Placement form when opened. Select Connect from the Route menu or Press F3. This DRC Warning can be ignored as it won't have any impact on any subsequent steps Creating a PCB Editor Netlist
1. Using the "..." button next to filename, browse for the name of one of the artworks you wish to load. File>Save to save your board design, left-click>OK to "Overwrite?" Note: Alternatively, you can select Copy from the Edit menu and then left-click the first placed mechanical symbol. Select the Assign Colors> command (Display>AssignColors) and
pick a colour from the Options menu 2. Enable the Enhanced Excellon Format check box. From the Export menu pick NC Drill. OrCAD PCB Editor supports both manual routing and Auto-routing. Setup>Colors 10. For manual placement you can also place parts directly from the schematic or via a ROOM property specified in OrCAD Capture. Note:
PCB Editor will not allow you to have identical refdes so for example if you rename R5 to R6 and R6 already exists the resistor that is R6 will be renamed to R5. Go to the Display tab and enable the display settings as shown below 4. And for more information, see the PCB Editor documentation. You will now see a list of all the parts in the Capture
design. In this tutorial you will learn to place components by refdes only. Similarly, you can find net(s) or symbol(s) in PCB Editor. Note: The Thermal relief connections and other shape settings are controlled from the Shape>Global Dynamic Parameters menu. When the Design Sync form appears, change the direction to Layout -> Schematic. This is
a good place to ensure that your design is complete and ready for post processing. Left-click on the Close button to close the form. The Placement dialog box appears showing in a collapsing tree view all the components that you can place in your design. Go to Stackup folder in the left hand tree control and then left-click>All for Bottom, this will turn
on all the colours for the Bottom layer. The drill legend symbol will then be attached to the cursor in the design canvas. For more information about OrCAD PCB Editor please refer to the PCB Editor User guide, available from Help>Documentation menu. Left-click>Rename in the rename refdes dialog box. Left-click on the Auto tool select check box.
Left-click on NC Parameters. In the Project Manager window, select the headphone.dsn. From the Shape menu, choose Select Shape or Isolation/Cavity and left-click the shape just created, it will highlight. 5. Move the mouse to the main canvas area and left-click on the design outline to copy it, then right-click>Done. From the PCB menu select
Design Sync Setup, the default settings should be fine so, left-click>OK 3. J1-J3, Q1-Q6 and R1-R16. Select a component in OrCAD Capture, PCB Editor automatically zooms and centres the corresponding component. As a result, the board file and the design file in Capture may be out of sync. Add the connectors J1-J3 by using the Place>Part
command, add the Connector library from C:\Cadence\SPB_17.4 then tools\Capture\library and then locate the HEADER2 part and place it three times. Tip: To Find a component in PCB Editor. The selected reference designator appears in the command line. This launches Constraint Manager. Left-click>OK and left-click>OK on the New Drawing
form. To enable cross probing, Intertool Communication must be enabled. Close the Color Dialog form. For example if you have a Top and a Bottom layer, where Top is the current Active Layer, then when you add a Via the Bottom layer will become the Active layer and the Top layer becomes the Alternate layer. A summary of your design is listed in
an html report. Select the Net, All Layers worksheet to see the updated value. To generate some of these output files, complete the following steps:- 1. Place>Mechanical Symbols. For this tutorial, we will accept the default values apart from the default line width. Setup>Constraints. First, add the Drill legend to the PCB. Your Bottom side should now
look something similar to:- Checking and reviewing the PCB There are many ways to review your design once complete. For example for this tutorial the components are C1-C7. Check for route spacing violations and check routing statistics. From the Setup>Colors dialog box turn the Global Visibility On then left-click>OK. Left-click on the Close
button to close the NC Drill form. Draw the net through the desired path. Accept the remainder of the default settings and left-click>OK to close the Artwork Control form dialog box. To view the artwork: 1. Design Rule Checks After you have completed your design, it is recommended that you run a design rule check (DRC) to isolate any unwanted
design errors that might be there. In the NC Drill dialog left-click on Drill to generate the drl file. Then, from the PCB menu, select New Layout 4. From the Options menu, select Preferences. Draw a copper shape for the net VPP, you can either use the embedded net names to locate the net or the Assign Color command you used earlier to locate the
pins / vias that form part of this net. Place the cursor on the net to be routed and press F11 or icon to zoom in. You'll see a list of default Mechanical Symbols to choose from. Set the Colours using the techniques you learned earlier so that you are displaying the following layers, Geometry\Design_Outline, Geometry\Assembly_Top,
RefDes\Assembly_Top and Pin\Top. Select Connect from the Route menu. Select Display>Zoom>Fit (or press F9, or use the icon ) to centre the board outline in the design window. Remove the T and B from the Top and Bottom Layer Identifier (this setting would add a T to each refdes for Top placed components and B for Bottom placed components.
Enter a value for the PCB Footprint property for J1 in the appropriate cell. Left-click>OK to close the Artwork Control Form dialog box. You can also run a variety of Reports giving information about your design. Autorouting within PCB Editor OrCAD PCB Editor supports auto routing of all, or selected, Nets. Right-click>Done to end the mechanical
symbol placement. In the Artwork Control form, Film tab left-click on Select All to select all the films configured for this design 13. This is a summary of your design. Properties on parts are used to create PCB Editor Netlist files and manufacturing data like a Bill of Materials. Left-click on the net to be routed, you can adjust the route settings from
either a right-click or look at the Options tab. Important: Only Cadence generated artworks are supported for viewing inside OrCAD PCB Editor. Similarly perform the above steps for manually routing the GND nets. This turns all layers off. From the Stack-Up folder turn on the colours for Pin Soldermask_Top, the Soldermask layer is turned on.
Setup>Design Parameters, Design tab 2. Manual routing The steps involved in the manual routing process are as follows:- Check the board outline, via definitions, routing and via grids. In the Project Manager window select the design file headphone.dsn. Copper shapes can be used in place of routing, for example the GND (0) routing on the bottom
side of the PCB may give better screening results if the complete side of the PCB were a copper shape. For this tutorial choose MTG125 5. You may need to use right-click>Mirror Geometry or the right-click>Rotate command to get the orientation to match the original schematic. Repeat steps 5-9 to generate new film for:- SPTOP (Pastemask_Top)
with Pin / Pastemask_Top and Package Geometry / Pastemask_Top.
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