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Lecture 14 - Civil Aviation Authority-1

Professional Practices
Pakistan Civil Aviation
Authority (PCAA)
Engr Sardar Ahmad
Class Learning Objectives
 Introduction
 Purpose & Functions
 Structuring & administration
 Services Provided
 Organizational Structure
 Management
 Airworthiness Directorate
 Flight Standards Dte
 Air Tpt & Economic Regulations
• Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is
 Public Sector Autonomous Body
 Working under Federal Government of Pakistan through Aviation
Division Cabinet Secretariat
• CAA was established on 7th December, 1982 through
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance 1982
• Prior & After Creation of CAA
 Civil Aviation Department (CAD) in Ministry of Defense (MoD) used
to Manage the Civil Aviation related Activities
 Ministry of Defense (MoD) continued to be the
Controlling Ministry even after Creation of CAA on 7th
December, 1982
• However, in June, 2013, Government of Pakistan
assigned this Responsibility to Cabinet Secretariat
(Aviation Division)
Purpose & Functions
• Purpose of CAA
 To Provide / Develop an Infrastructure for
 Promotion and regulations of Civil Aviation Activities
 Safe, Efficient, Adequate, Economical & Properly
Coordinated Civil Air Transport Service in Pakistan
• 7th December has Significance, as it Coincides with Date
of Creation of International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) in 1944 as Result of Famous Chicago Convention.
• Core Functions of CAA
 To Act as Regulatory Body of the Country
 To Provide Air Navigation Services
 Airport Services
• Headquarter of CAA located at Karachi
Restructuring - CAA
• The Restructuring Process of CAA undertaken between
2006 and 2010 in order to meet Requirements of
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
• During the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program
(USOAP) ICAO audited Pakistan in June, 2011 and rated
Pakistan as about 83% Compliant against the World
Average of 65%.
• The General Direction & Administration of CAA and its
Affairs rests with CAA Board which:
 Exercises all Powers
 Performs all Functions
 Does all Acts and Things that need to be Exercised,
Performed or Done by the Authority.
• The Chairman CAA Board is Secretary of the Division to which the
Affairs of Authority are Allocated. Presently, it is Secretary Aviation.
• CAA Executive Committee : Highest Decision making Body of the
 Exercises Administrative, Financial and Technical Powers as
Delegated by the Authority.
 DGCAA is the Chairman of CAA Executive Committee.
 The Federal Government Appoints DG, who is Executive Head of
CAA and Exercises
 Powers and Performs Functions as Specified in CAA Ordinance or
 Delegated to him by the CAA Board from Time to Time.
• The CAA Board assisted by
 CAA HR Committee
 CAA Audit Committee.
• CAA Quality Council headed by DGCAA and
comprises of
All Principal Directors
Directors set the Macro Level Objectives
and Tasks / Targets of Organization
Oversee Organizational Drive in Pursuit of
its Vision & Mission
Adherence to Core Values & CAA’s
Endeavour to Achieve International
Management System Standards.
Services Provided by CAA
• CAA follows the Guidelines and Regulations as
laid down in ICAO Documents while undertaking
the Tasks of
Survey and Flight Inspection by Flight Inspection
Unit (FIU).
• Services Provided by FIU are:
 Site Survey
 Commissioning
 Periodic Inspection
 Special Inspection
 Surveillance / Monitoring
 Route Verification
Organizational Structure-PCAA
CAA Executive Cimmittee (1xChairman, 4xmembers
DG CAA – Chairman
Additional DG CAA – Member
Dy. DG CAA (APS) – Member (Airport Services)
Dy. DG CAA (ANS) – Member (Air Navigation Services)
Director Finance – Member
PSO to DG CAA - Secretary
CAA Board (1xChairman, 5xmembers)
Chairman CAA Board
Vice Chief of the Air Staff / Member CAA Board
Secretary Planning & Development Division / Member CAA Board
Additional Secretary, Aviation Division / Member CAA Board
Additional Secretary, Finance Division / Member CAA Board
Member Customs (Operations), Federal Board of Revenue / Member CAA Board
CEO/MD Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund / Member CAA Board
CAA HR Committee (1xChairman, 4xmembers, 1xSecretary)
• Chairman HR Committee |CEO/MD Pakistan Poverty
Alleviation Fund
DG PCAA | Member
Vice Chief of the Air Staff | Member
Air Marshal (Retd) | Member
Additional Secretary Finance Division | Member
Secretary HR Committee (Law offr CAA)
CAA Executive Committee (1xChairman, 4xmembers, 1xSecretary)
• DG CAA – Chairman
• Additional DG CAA – Member
• Dy.DG CAA (APS) – Member (Airport Services)
• Dy. DG CAA (ANS) – Member (Air Navigation Services)
• Director Finance – Member
• PSO to DG CAA - Secretary
CAA Audit Committee (1xChairman, 4xmembers,1xSecretary)
Chairman CAA Audit Committee
Secretary Planning & Development Division / Member
Member Customs (Operations), Federal Board of Revenue / Member
Additional Secretary, Finance Division / Member
CEO/MD Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund / Member
Secretary CAA Audit Committee
Airworthiness Directorate
• Directorate of Airworthiness Inspection established in 1947 under Department of
Civil Aviation
• Airworthiness Directorate established in 1982 as Civil Aviation Authority was
• Now 3 Controller offices (South, North & Lahore) working alongside Airworthiness
Directorate to ensure safe aircraft operations in Pakistan.
Director Airworthiness
Director AW Khi.
Director AW Isl
Director AW Lhr
Adl.D. AW (Reg
& Engg.)
Adl.D.AW A&S (Audit
& Surveillance)
Flight Standards Directorate
• Part of State Safety PCAA.
• To perform the task of maintaining regular surveillance of the operational aspects of
all Air Transport Operators in order to ensure safe and efficient commercial air
transport services in the country.
• To accomplish these tasks,
 Qualified Flight Operations Inspectors are appointed to CAA against established
 To conduct Surveillance/Inspection/Checks as per the policies laid down by
• Main office is located in Karachi
 A field office in Islamabad to look after the activities in northern part of the
Flight Std Dte
Air Carrier Branch
Gen Aviation Branch
Flight Standards
• Air Carrier Branch
 Deals with aircraft above 5700kg
 Includes Regular Public Transport and Charter
 Flight Operations Inspectors conduct the surveillance and
regulatory activities. They are assisted by technical and
support staff of various disciplines.
• General Aviation Branch
 Deals with aircraft below 5700kg
 Includes Flying Schools, Private Operations, Aerial Work
and Charter Operations.
 Main office located in Karachi which is headed by General
Manager General Aviation South (GMGA-S) and
 Regional office located in Islamabad headed by General
Manager General Aviation North (GMGA-N)
Air Tpt & Economic Regulations (AT&ER)
• AT & ER Forms
 Regular Public Transport (RPT) License
 Charter/Aerial Work License
 Flying/Ground Schools
 Authorized Flight Permission Agents
 Dangerous Goods Agents
 Application
Regular Public Transport (RPT) License
Regular Public Transport (RPT) License
Flying/Ground Schools License
Flying/Ground Schools License
Dangerous Goods Agents
Dangerous Goods Agents