© 2020 Journal compilation https://biotaxa.org./mjbs DOI:10.22353/mjbs.2020.18.11 Volume 18(2), 2020 Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN 1684-3908 (print edition) MJBS ISSN 2225-4994 (online edition) Review Dryland Forest Restoration Under a Changing Climate in Central Asia and Mongolia John A. Stanturf1, Evgeniy Botman2, Andrey Kalachev3, Yuliya Borissova4, Michael Kleine5, Muslim Rajapbaev6, Nurstan Chyngozhoev6 and Batkhuu Nyam-Osor7 1 Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering, Estonian University pf Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 5, 51014 Tartu, Estonia 2 Research Institute of Forestry 2, apt.17, Darkhan village, Tashkent region, Zanghiota district 111104, Uzbekistan 3 Altai Branch of the Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and Agroforestmelioration, East Kazakhstan region, Ridder, Ostrovskii str., House 13/A, Republic of Kazakhstan 4 Department of Forest Resources and Game Management, Faculty of Forest, Soil Resources and Phytosanitary, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Abay av. 8, Almaty 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan 5 International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Marxergasse 2, A-1030 ViennaAustria 6 Forest Institute of National Academy of Sciences, Karagachevaya Roscha 15, 720015 Bishkek Kyrgyz Republic 7 Department of Environmental and Forest Engineering, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 14201, P.O. Box 412, Mongolia Abstract Key words: Forest landscape restoration, dryland forestry, desertification, reclamation, dune stabilization Article information: Received: 12 Feb. 2019 Accepted: 18 Dec. 2019 Published online: 10 February 2020 Correspondence: jstanturf@fs.fed.us Cite this paper as: Diverse environmental gradients in Central Asia and Mongolia, from high mountain forests to semi-desert lowlands salinized by past agriculture and water withdrawals, pose challenges to restoring degraded forests and landscapes. Technical approaches in dryland forestry and agroforestry methods are available to overcome these challenges, but to be fully effective, require policy and institutional changes. Climate variability and natural hazards are features of the region and the future is projected to become more arid with more intense rainfall. Closed forests, open woodlands, and shrublands are features of the dryland landscape, and provide a variety of ecosystem functions and services to be restored. In this work, steps in the restoration process are discussed, including halting degradation, conserving and rehabilitating existing forests, restoring dryland forests and agroforestry where trees are lacking, and adapting to climate change. Stanturf, J. A., Botman, E., Kalachev, A., Borissova, Y., Kleine, M., Rajapbaev, M., Chyngozhoev, N. & Nyam-Osor, B. 2020. Dryland forest restoration under a changing climate in Central Asia and Mongolia. Mong. J. Biol. Sci., 18(2): 3 ̶ 18. Introduction Land degradation is a threat to global sustainability with an estimated 25% of the world’s land area already degraded. Soil erosion, loss of productivity potential, biodiversity loss, water shortage, and soil pollution are ongoing processes. The international community has responded to environmental degradation with several policy initiatives, such as for example the Changwon Initiative of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) developed at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+ 20 in 2012 that aims to achieve land net degradation neutrality (LDN) by 2030. The objective of LDN is to 3 4 Stanturf et al. Restoration of dryland forests in Central Asia maintain or improve the condition of land resources, including restoration of natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Similarly, the 2010 Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity set a goal of no net biodiversity loss, and net positive impacts on biodiversity. Aichi Target 15 specifically calls for countries to restore at least 15% of degraded lands by 2020. Heightened global concerns over climate change impacts on ecosystem services such as lowered productivity, lessened mitigation capacity, and loss of biodiversity underscore the importance of forest land cover as a carbon sink and habitat for biodiversity (IPBES, 2019). Global forest land cover has been reduced by approximately 50% in historic times with concomitant levels of carbon loss and emission into the atmosphere (Meiyappan & Jain, 2012). Loss of forest cover has manifold impacts on climate; carbon emissions from changing land use are similar to emissions from fossil fuel combustion and other climate effects include changing albedo. Deforestation and forest degradation also negatively impact biodiversity (D’Odorico et al., 2013; Runyan & D’Odorico, 2016). Land use change costs an estimated $4.3– 20.2 trillion/year in terms of loss of ecosystem services (IPBES, 2019). The nexus between forests and food security is particularly important in rural areas. Drylands comprise 41% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface and are home to 2 billion people (Middleton et al., 2011). Water scarcity is the defining characteristic of drylands and drought is expected to increase due climate change (Orlowsky & Seneviratne, 2012). Limitations on sustainability are due to low or erratic rainfall; high temperatures; and poor soils (Berrahmouni et al., 2015; Chasek et al., 2015). These inherently fragile lands are easily degraded by unsustainable uses; an estimated 10% to 20% of drylands globally have been degraded leading to desertification (MEA, 2005). Degradation of dryland forests is a global problem (Chasek et al., 2015; Stavi & Lal, 2015) that occurs as well in Central Asia and Mongolia (Tsogtbaatar, 2004; Lioubimtseva & Henebry, 2009; Klein et al., 2012; Jiang et al., 2017). The objective of this review is to present current practice and research results and to suggest future lines of research for the diverse environmental and social conditions in the region. Table 1. Dryland forests in Central Asia and Mongolia (Sources: Botman, 2009; Meshkov et al., 2009; Orozumbekov et al., 2009; Squires and Safarov, 2013; Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Vegetation Zone High Mountains Above 3000 meters asl Mountain forest Country Dominant species Landform Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia Kazakhstan Meadows alpine and subalpine More than 2900 meters 1500-2800 meters 1200-1400 meters Kyrgyzstan Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) and Larch (Larix sibirica) oc- Altai mountains slopes cupy the top part of the mountain slopes Mixed forests of Siberian pine (P. sibirica) and Larch (L. sibirica), Spruce (Picea sibirica), silver fir (Abies sibirica), Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), birch (Betula pendula), aspen (Populus tremula), Willow (Salix sp.), Padus sp., Sorbus sp., Sambucus sp., Rosa canina, Caragana arborescens, Spirea sp., Populus laurifolia distributed in the middle and lower parts of the slopes Junipers occupy the top part of the mountain slopes Mountain forest of Northern Tyan-Shan Spruce (Picea schrenkiana) Birch (Betula tianschanica), Aspen (P. tremula), Apple tree (Malus sieversii), Apricot tree (Armeniaca vulgaris), Crataegus sanguinea, R. canina, and Sorbus sp. Junipers (Juniperus seravschanica, Junuperus sp.) Mountain forest of Western Tyan-Shan Juglans regia, Almond (Amygdalus sp.), Pistachio (Pistacia vera), Apricot tree (A. vulgaris), Prunus cerasifera Spruce forests dominated by Picea schrenkiana, Northern slopes of Tien-Shan Mountains Juniper Walnut-fruit forests (Juglans regia, Malus sp. and Prunus sp.) Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2020 Vol. 18 (2) Tajikistan 800 to 3,700 meters 2,300 to 3,500 meters Juniperus semiglobosa, J. turkestanica and J. seravschanica Turkestan, Zeravshan and Gissar mountain ridges, mainly on their northern slopes White willow (Salix alba), Tian-Shan birch (Betula tianschanica), Tajik poplar (Populus tadschikistanica) and Pamirs poplar (Populus pamirica), tamarisk (Tamarix laxa) Badahshan, Zeravshan, Gissar-Darvaz, and partially East Pamirs i.e. all Tajikistan’s area. Small-leaf forests spread within valleys of Pyanj, Vanch, Yazgulem, Bartang, Gunt, Muksu, Obihingou, Zeravshan, Fandarya, and Iskanderdarya rivers Southern slopes of Gissar mountain ridge as well as on Darvaz ridge and Peter I ridge, in upper reaches of Yakhsu and Kyzylsu rivers 1,200 to 2,500 meters Walnut (Juglans regia), maple (Acer turkestanicum) and apple-tree (Malus sieversii) 600 to 1,700 meters Uzbekistan Pistacia vera, Amygdalus bucharica, Punica granatum 1000-2600 m asl 2000-2800 m asl 2300-3000 m asl 750-1800 m asl Juniper forests (Juniperus seravshanica, J. semiglobosa and Top slopes J. turkestanica) Juniperus seravshanica Kom. Chatkal, Kurama, Ghissar, Turkestan, Babatag ridges J. semiglobosa Rgl. Mainly on Ghissar, Turkestan ridges J. turkestanica Kom. Northern slopes of Turkestan ridge Walnut-tree forests, pure and mixed Chatkal, Pskem, Ugam, Kurama, Nurata, (Juglans regia, Malus sieversii, Cerasus mahaleb, Prunus Ghissar ridges divaricate, Crataegus songorica, Acer semenovii, Fraxinus potamophila, Rosa fedtschenkoana, Euonimus koopmannii) Slopes of northern aspects and lower watersheds Pure walnut stands (Juglans regia) Northern slopes of the Fergana and Chatkal, Pskem, Ugam ridges Mixed maple-walnut and apple-walnut forests, open stands Southern slopes with shallow soils Apple forests (Malus sieversii, M. niedzwetzkyana) Western Tyan Shan, Pamiro-Alay 1000-2500 m asl Turkmenistan Juniperus turkomanica Mongolia Forest steppe Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan 5 Narrow mountain river valleys with high humidity Elm (Ulmus carpinifolia), walnut (Juglans regia), Syrian ash (Fraxinus syriaca), and Thelycrania meyeri Mountain forest steppe (interspersed forests and grasslands of Larix siberica, Pinus silvestris, Pinus siberica, Picea obovata, Abies siberica, Betula platyphylla, Populus tremula, Populus diversifolia, and Salix spp.) Taiga (Siberian larch), followed by the cedar, with a varying admixture of spruce, pine, and fir. Although birch and larch trees are dominant, cold-resistant taiga elements such as Siberian pine and fir are common Birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens, B. krylovii ), Aspen Continuation of the West Siberian Lowlands (P. tremula), Willow (Salix sibirica, S. caprea, S. viminalis) forests, generally scattered among croplands Pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests Kazakh melkosopochnik (small tuffets). Continuing to the south there are ribbon-like pine forests on the banks of the Irtysh River Mix of walnut, maple, apple, cherry, plum, Crataegus and almond trees Uzbekistan 750-2000 m asl Pistacia vera 700-2500 m asl Almonds Amygdalus communis Turkmenistan, 800 to 2,500 m Turkmen maple (Acer tucomanicum) and the Christ’s thorn (Paliurus spinachristi), pomegranate (Punica granatum), wild grapes (Vitis sylvestris, V. vinifera), fig (Ficus carica), wild apple (Malus turkmenorum), wild pear (Pyrus boisiieri), wild cherries (Cerasus microcarpa, C. erythrocarpa, C. blinovskii), wild prune (Prunus divaricata), almonds (Amygdalus communis and A. scoparia), and hawthorns (Crataegus spp.) Pastureland, covered with feather grass, couch grass, wormwood, and many fodder plant species Mongolia The belt of foothills and low mountains (Ridges of the Babatag Mountains. Chatkal, Ghissar). Turkestan ridges with long-living with trees reaching an age of 300 years and more, very drought-resistant, but form very open stands Western Tyan Shan, Pamiro-Alay Shiblyak (Mediterranean short-tree woodland) Inter-mountain basins, the wide river valleys, and the sunny southern flanks of the mountains 6 Stanturf et al. Restoration of dryland forests in Central Asia Lowland and Kazakhstan tugai forests Tajikistan Willow, aspen, poplar, European white elm, birch, bird cherry and alder English oak (Quercus robur) Asiatic poplar (Populus diversifolia, P. pruinosa), Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), willow (Salix songarica), tamarisk, ash (Fraxinus sogdiana) shrubs of the genera Tamarix, Berberis, Hippophae and others Populus pruinosa, oleaster (Elaeagnus oxycarpa), tamarisk (Tamarix laxa) in combination with reed grass, liana, bulrush The northern rivers: Irtysh, Ishim, Tobol and Ural Floodplains of the Ural River Delta of the Amudarya , Syrdarya , Chu, Ile, Karatal, Lepsy, Aksu Rivers Vakhsh River within “Tigrovaya balka” nature reserve as well as in Pyanj, Kafirnigan and Zeravshan rivers Mongolia Uzbekistan Populus and Salix Oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia), turanga (Populus euphratica), willow (Salix spp), ash (Fraxinus patamopholia) and tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) Turkmenistan Populus euphratica, Salix persa, Elaeagnus orientalis, Tamarix florida, and T. meyeri Narrow strip (10 to 30, rarely 50 to 100 m wide) along the Sumbar Valley at the altitudes from 200 to 700-800 m Semi-desert, Kazakhstan Black (Haloxylon aphyllum) and white (H. persicum) saxaul, Zaisan saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) desert steppe tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), salt tree (Halimodendron sp.), kanalso grow in the Zaisan valley. dym (Calligonum sp.) and saltwort (Salsola sp.), sarsazan (Halocnemum strobilaceum) and Nitraria sp. Tajikistan White saxaul (Haloxylon persicum) and black saxaul (H. aphyllum) Turkmenistan Sagebrush communities (Artemisia herbaalbae species South foothills of Southwest Kopetdagh (300 group A. badhysi, A. turcomanica, and A. kulbadica) to 800 m). Mongolia Tracts of saxaul and groves of elm, poplars and Tamarix Great Lakes inter-mountain depression. cluster around springs or other underground water sources Desert Kazakhstan Black (Haloxylon aphyllum) and white (H. persicum) saxaul, Tamarisk (Tamarix), salt tree (Halimodendron), Calligonum, Ammodendron sp. Uzbekistan Saxaul (Haloxylon persicum and H. aphillum). Large areas Kyzylkum are also occupied by saltwort (Salsola Richterii, S. paletzkiana), kandyms (Calligonum), and tamarisks (Tamarix) Mongolia Rock-floored desert with gravel cover. Only the far eastern Gobi part has small areas of sandy desert Context. Forests in Central Asia and Mongolia occur along climatic and altitudinal gradients from the boreal forest margins and lowland plains in the north, and spruce, pine, or larch forests in the upper reaches of several mountain ranges, to the semi-arid woodlands and saxaul forests of the desert margins (Table 1). Over-grazing, fire, illegal logging, and exploitive harvesting of nontimber forest products have reduced forest cover and degraded the remaining forests (Kleine et al., 2009). Mountain forests provide critical ecosystem services, primarily provisioning, regulating, and supporting services (Postel & Thompson, 2005). All of the major rivers in Central Asia originate in the mountains and all are transboundary, in that they flow between two or more countries (Mueller et al., 2014). Paramount is the role of forests in protecting watersheds. The mountains are the water towers of Central Asia; the rivers are the life-lines of Central Asia, and the forests protect them both (Yessekin et al., 2008). The Central Asian countries, such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are highly exposed and vulnerable to natural hazards (Thurman, 2011). Seismic hazards present the greatest risk (Thurman, 2011), alone or in combination with meteorological hazards that produce landslides (Sidle and Bogaard, 2016), mudflows, and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) (Thurman, 2011). Most of the rivers are regulated and historically water allocation decisions in the region have favored hydropower and agriculture (which consumes 90% of the water), without regard for other uses (Yessekin et al., 2008). This has led to deterioration in drinking water and health of human populations and significant degradation of environmental resources, for example, the shrinking Aral Sea (Bai et al., 2011; Kezer & Matsuyama, 2006; Micklin, 2007; Qi et al., 2012). Climate change is expected to decrease water availability in the medium- to long-term (Reyer et al., 2017). Climate variability affects water resources in the region, with precipitation characterized by wet and dry cycles (Bai et al., 2011; Cook et al., 2015). The region has become warmer over the last 30 years, but there have been no apparent Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2020 Vol. 18 (2) anomalies in precipitation. Nevertheless, the higher temperatures have increased regional aridity (Yessekin et al., 2008). Climate projections indicate a bleak, warming future for Central Asia; by the end of this century, mean temperatures may increase by up to 6.5°C as compared to a preindustrial baseline (Reyer et al., 2017). This will be felt as more frequent and prolonged heat waves with increases in extremely hot days (>40°C). Precipitation is projected to be more variable (Giorgi, 2006; Qi et al., 2012). Increased temperatures and altered precipitation regimes will cause more arid conditions. Recent conditions in drought-sensitive semi-arid forests in Mongolia and Kazakhstan have caused growth declines (Dulamsuren et al., 2010a, b; Liu et al., 2013), perhaps portending the effects of future climate (Dai, 2011, 2013). Mountain areas may see increasing rates of glacial and snow melt that could lead to greater seasonality and amount of river runoff resulting in greater exposure to river floods, mudflows, and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) (Middleton & Sternberg, 2013; Reyer et al., 2017; Sorg et al., 2012). Central Asia is seismically active and earthquakes trigger landslides, mudflows, and GLOFs (Thurman, 2011). Guidelines for restoring degraded forests and landscapes in drylands have been released by FAO (2015a) and described in brief by Berrahmouni et al. (2015). For policymakers and other “enablers”, FAO (2015) advocates investing in monitoring and assessment to among other things, prioritize areas needing restoration. Integrated, crosssectoral dialogue is needed to address drivers of degradation and to plan restoration at the landscape level. Capacity development and improved governance and policy frameworks are needed to ensure local people are adequately involved in restoration from the beginning. Improvements are needed in the supply and access to quality plant materials. Investments are needed in restoration, including funding for research and knowledge sharing. The FAO (2015) guidelines are generally applicable almost anywhere, but countries will have their own particular set of issues to address in order to undertake successful landscape-scale restoration activity. For example in Kyrgyzstan, a recent assessment of the forestry sector concluded that there was an inadequate legal framework for sustainable forest and land management, and 7 land tenure reforms enacted after the transition to a more open economy were insufficient. Outdated approaches to sustainable forest and land management were cited as obstacles to restoration, as well as limited capacity of local institutions and a lack of adequate financial resources for forest management (GEF 2012). No doubt many of these statements apply to other countries in Central Asia. Restoring Dryland Forests. The FAO (2015) guidelines provide four general objectives for restoring dryland landscapes: (1) plan and choose the most effective restoration strategies; (2) protect and manage; (3) promote natural regeneration; and (4) plant where necessary. The following discussion will amplify these objectives and apply them to conditions in Central Asia and Mongolia. Halt degradation. The first step in restoring dryland forests is addressing the drivers of degradation. Land degradation in Central Asia costs an estimated 6 billion USD, mostly due to rangeland degradation (4.6 billion USD), desertification (0.8 billion USD), and deforestation (0.3 billion USD). Taking action against land degradation would cost 20% of the cost of inaction over a 30-year horizon (Mirzabaev et al., 2016). Almost 78% of the land area of Mongolia is subject to desertification and soil degradation (Desertification Atlas of Mongolia, 2013). Forms of degradation include soil erosion in the mountains, secondary salinization of irrigated lowland agriculture, and reduced vegetation from deforestation, overgrazing, and wildfire (Djanibekov et al., 2016; Kleine et al., 2009; Mirzabaev et al., 2016; Tsogtbaatar, 2004; Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Policy and institutional constraints, some relicts of the Soviet centrally-planned economic policies, are obstacles to addressing degradation drivers (Djanibekov et al., 2016; Mirzabaev et al., 2016). For example, agroforestry is not a recognized land use in national legislation in Central Asian countries and farmers cannot use land for agroforestry that has been designated for other crops such as cotton (Djanibekov et al., 2016). Land tenure is another obstacle, both because lack of tenure deters farmers from making investments such as planting trees and because afforestation to protect fields is no longer under government control (Kleine et al., 2009). After the collapse of the Soviet Union, government budgets for forestry and forest restoration declined precipitously 8 Stanturf et al. Restoration of dryland forests in Central Asia along with a breakdown in the forest management system (Kleine et al., 2009; Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Sustainable restoration of drylands in Central Asia and Mongolia necessitates an “all lands” approach or “multi-sectoral platform”, by this is meant that dryland forest restoration and agroforestry must be integrated with other land using sectors such as agriculture, mining, and water resources (Kusters et al., 2017; Qi et al., 2012; Reed et al., 2016; Sayer et al., 2013) including full participation of local peoples whose livelihoods depend on using these resources. Conserve and rehabilitate existing forests. Government policy in Central Asia is to expand forest cover and enhance biodiversity and protective functions of forests (Kleine et al., 2009). Protected forest area has expanded to include wilderness areas, national and state nature parks, and nature preserves, with a goal of 8 to 10% of land area in protected status in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan (Kleine et al., 2009). Similarly, production forests are to be regenerated with native species by natural regeneration or by planting. Species choices are dictated by the ecological zone: in Kazakhstan, it is pine and birch in the north and central regions and fruit and nut trees and broadleaves in the south; in Kyrgyzstan, spruce and larch at the higher elevations and walnut and fruit trees in the southern region. In the foothills and low mountains of Uzbekistan, natural pistachio woodlands are rehabilitated and the area enlarged with improved varieties (Botman 2009). Natural regeneration is effective in the Taiga zone in Mongolia except after wildfire or logging when birch replaces conifers. In the sub-taiga zone, larch naturally regenerates after selective cutting and forest fire prevention but is replaced by steppe vegetation when clearcut. Larch, pine and birch in the pseudo-taiga are the main timber resource and natural regeneration is good. Broadleaves such as birch and poplar replace conifers after wildfire and/or logging (Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Reforestation by planting and direct sowing is labor-intensive and expensive and natural regeneration is receiving more attention. In Uzbekistan, for example, recommendations for promoting natural regeneration include conserving and protecting undergrowth, especially retaining seed trees during timber harvesting. Protection from grazing livestock is accomplished by fencing off harvested areas. To promote regeneration after harvesting, different soil preparation techniques are used and cleaning competing vegetation liberates regeneration (Botman, 2009). Restore dryland forests and agroforestry where trees are lacking. As Peter Ffolliott noted two decades ago, dryland forestry and agroforestry are practically synonymous (Ffolliott et al., 1995); the difference is that dryland forestry also encompasses sustainable management of woodlands, shrublands, and closed canopy stands. Drylands in central Asia and Mongolia have suffered degradation and face on-going desertification (Chen et al., 2013; Kleine et al., 2009; Stavi and Lal, 2015; Tsogtbaatar, 2004), and restoration by planting trees and shrubs is a way to reverse these trends and adapt to a changing climate (Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Significant portions of the countries in Central Asia and Mongolia are mountainous, although large lowlands exist in northern Kazakhstan, western Uzbekistan, and southern Mongolia. Thus, although the overall restoration goal is to control and minimize soil erosion, the objectives differ. In mountainous areas, the objective is watershed rehabilitation that may include production forests. In the lowlands, combating desertification is the objective with the special case of rehabilitating the land in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan created by the retreat of the Aral Sea (Kleine et al., 2009). Internationally, natural regeneration is promoted as a low-cost, passive restoration method especially in the Tropics (Chazdon and Uriarte, 2016; Uriarte and Chazdon, 2016). Benefits of natural regeneration, besides lower cost, are the use of locally adapted genotypes and the development of natural biodiversity. Natural regeneration is not appropriate everywhere, however; the necessary conditions for success include that adequate sources of desired species must be available and site conditions must be suitable. Nevertheless, natural regeneration may be a useful means of expanding forest areas when the necessary conditions are met (Botman, 2009) but increasing aridity may change conditions for site adaptation and in Central Asia and Mongolia, site conditions are already challenging (Kleine et al., 2009; Stanturf, 2015; Stanturf et al., 2014; Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Increasing aridity will likely cause increased encroachment by domestic livestock into forests, further limiting natural regeneration. Dryland trees and shrubs must withstand Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2020 Vol. 18 (2) moisture and temperature challenges during establishment and growth (Ffolliott et al., 1995) and changing climate conditions of increasing aridity will alter historic adaptations (e.g., Liu et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2015). In lower elevation forests in Mongolia and Kazakhstan, for example, Pinus sylvestris may increase at the expense of more drought sensitive Larix sibirica (Dulamsuren et al., 2009; Dulamsuren et al., 2013). In lower elevation forests with the highest productivity, human disturbances often lead to natural regeneration failures (Botman, 2009; Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Regeneration failures in Kazakhstan are corrected by seeding after mechanical soil scarification or by planting large nursery stock (i.e., 5-8 year-old trees with root balls) (Meshkov et al., 2009). Planting seedlings or cuttings requires much planning and infrastructure as well as a readily available labor force. Afforestation in Uzbekistan began in 1871 in the Aman Kutan River basin near Samarkand in response to mudflows caused by deforestation in the mountains (Botman, 2009). Afforestation continued as a major activity in Central Asian countries under the former Soviet system primarily for protection purposes. Different planting designs for dryland forests and agroforestry (i.e., trees outside of forests) are summarized in Table 2. Mountain Forests. Restoration of mountain forests in Central Asia is by sowing or planting seedlings, although natural regeneration is possible in areas inaccessible to grazers. In the mountain areas of Kazakhstan, spruce (Picea), pine (Pinus), silver 9 fir (Abies), larch (Larix) and Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) seedlings 2 to 3-years-old (5-years-old for Siberian pine) are planted in clusters of five plants in a 1 х 1 m spot (600-800 spots ha-1), or in furrows 0.6 to 0.7 m in width on slopes up to 20°. Furrows are 2.5 to 3.0 m apart and plants within a furrow are 0.6 to 0.7 m apart resulting in 4,000 to 4,700 plants ha-1. On steeper slopes (20° to 30°), terraces are formed that are 3.4 to 4.0 m wide and 6.8 to 8.2 m apart. There are two rows in a terrace, 1.5 m apart, and plants are spaced at 0.7-0.8 m. In the fruit-and-broadleaf mountain forests of South Kazakhstan, small pure stands of apple (Malus), apricot (Armeniaca), Persian walnut (Juglans regia), almond (Amygdalus) and pistachio (Pistacia) are established in inaccessible areas. Persian walnut and pistachio plantations are established by sowing and almond plantations by planting of two-year-old seedlings. Plantings are manual in clusters or terraces with 5-10 seeds or 5-6 seedlings per cluster. Similar practices are used in Uzbekistan mountain forests including terracing (Table 3) to create forest, nut-bearing and fruit plantations, orchards and vineyards. All operations on slopes follow the contours. Terraces are both a method of soil preparation and a structure that intercepts runoff from between terraces. Mixed species planting are encouraged and sowing is possible for species such as walnut, black walnut, almond, apricot, oak, and chestnut. Willow, poplar, Russian olive, and sea-buckthorn are planted as seedlings from rooted cuttings. Willow can be planted as unrooted cuttings on wet sites. Birch and pine are planted as 2- to 3-year-old seedlings, and spruce Table 2. Planting designs and ecosystem services of dryland forests and agroforestry (Ffolliott et al., 1995; Harper et al., 2017; Stanturf et al., 2014). Planting Design Windbreak plantings Ecosystem functions Regulating, supporting Interplantings Regulating, supporting, provisioning Provisioning, supporting, Scattered plantings Linear plantings Greenbelts Plantations Dune stabilization Saline reclamation Regulating, supporting, provisioning Regulating, cultural Description Protect agricultural crops and pastures against desiccation and wind erosion Agroforestry; protect crops, enrich soil, provide woody and nonwood products (e.g. fodder) Provide wood and non-wood products, thermal protection for livestock Buffer strips along roads and waterways, provide protection and shade, produce wood and non-wood products Around villages and cities for protection, psychological benefits Provisioning, regulating, supporting, cultural Regulating, supporting Regulating, supporting, provisioning Rain-fed or irrigated for wood and non-wood products, watershed protection, recreation Protect adjacent areas, provide habitat Protect adjacent areas, provide habitat, fodder, carbon sequestration 10 Stanturf et al. Restoration of dryland forests in Central Asia Table 3. Site preparation for mountain forests in Uzbekistan. Slope <8° 9° to 12° 12° to 40° 15°-20° 21°-27° 27°< Method continuous ploughing strip tillage or tilled terraces terracing only terracing only terracing only terracing only and juniper as 3- to 5-year-old seedlings. Lower Elevation Forests. The current regeneration method in Mongolia on degraded forest sites relies on artificial regeneration. Illegal logging is frequently accompanied by wildfires and increasingly large burned areas may impact natural regeneration by removing local seed sources of conifers. Otoda et al. (2013) found that larger burned areas favour post-fire recruitment of Betula platyphylla because of its wider seed dispersal range than the common conifer species (Larix sibirica, Picea obovata, and Pinus sibirica). Restoration consists of piling-up and burning any logging waste, manual site preparation and planting of bare-root seedlings (Tsogtbaatar, 2009). Mechanical site preparation is adopted in some cases. Nurseryraised 2- to 3-year old seedlings of 20 to 30 cm size are planted at different spacing, varying from 3 m x 1m to 3 m x 3 m, mostly in 25 cm deep ploughed lines. Restoration of pinewoods and birch forests in the northern and central parts of Kazakhstan is by planting 2- to 3-year-old seedlings in ploughed areas (continuous or strip). Planting designs are varied, depending upon site conditions, accessibility, and the machinery available. Mechanized planting is used in glades, wastelands and burned-over forest lands where natural Width 2-3 m 2-3 m 2-3 m 2-3 m 2-3 m Distance between 6m 6m 7m 8m regeneration is infeasible. Open stands and cutovers are artificially regenerated by manual planting; site preparation is partial in spots (clusters), furrows, and holes. Initial stocking is 3,000 to 8,000 seedlings ha-1; 60% survival after 5 to7 years is considered sufficient stocking. Lowland and Tugai Forests. Restoration of lowland and tugai (floodplain) forests is for water protection. In Kazakhstan different species are used along the rivers (Table 4). Willow and poplar rooted cuttings (1- to 2-year-old) are planted in the floodplain in the spring at spacing of 3 m x 1 m (3,000 to 3,500 stems ha-1) (Meshkov et al., 2009). On the second (upper) river terrace, soil preparation of spots (1.5 x 1.5 m); four seedlings are planted in each spot, 500 to 600 spots ha-1, corresponding to a density of 2,000 to 2,500 stems ha-1. Fast growing plantations are established on partially treated (furrow) areas as well as spots with at 1.5 m x 1.5 m spacing. Poplar and willow (1-yearold rooted cuttings) or oleaster and ash (1-yearold seedlings) are planted at density of 2,000 to 2,500 plants stems ha-1. Desert and semi-desert areas. In the desert regions of Central Asia and Mongolia there is much interest in restoration (afforestation) of shrub and low trees adapted to harsh soil conditions. The winter-cold deserts Table 4. Plantings in lowland and tugai forests in Kazakhstan. River System Species Ural English oak (Quercus robur), Populus sp., and Salix sp. Irtysh, Tobol and Ishim balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera),weeping birch (Betula pendula), march elder (Salix sp.) and others Syrdariya, Chu, Ili, Trees: Asiatic poplar (Populus diversifolia) and oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia); Karatal, Aksu, Charyn Shrubs: willow (Salix sp.), tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), and salt tree (Halimodendron sp.) and Lepsy Charyn River Trees: Asiatic poplar (Populus diversifolia), oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia), and sogdiana ash tree (Fraxinus sogdiana); Shrubs: willow (Salix sp.), tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), and salt tree (Halimodendron sp.) Fast-growing plantaPopulus, Salix caprea, oleaster and ash. tions Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2020 Vol. 18 (2) 11 Table 5. Protective plantings on gypsum desert soils in Uzbekistan (Botman, 2009). Plant species Black saxaul (Holoxylon aphillum), salsola rigida (Salsola orientalis), aellenia(Aellenia subaphilla), Kochia, and different types of wormwood and glasswort Strip width 3–5m of Central Asia (Kyzylkum, Karakum, and Muyundkum) cover 2.5 million km2 and despite the harsh conditions, most of the area is covered by sparse stands of Haloxylon or Artemisia shrubs (Thevs et al., 2013). In Kazakhstan, pure stands of the halophyte Saxaul haloxylon are established by sowing in the autumn of the year that seeds are harvested (Meshkov et al., 2009). Success depends on the type of soils, their salinity, and ground water level. Survival rate can be very low (25-30%) and sometimes, late spring frosts kill all young seedlings. Soil preparation is in strips of 2.8 m x 1.4 m, 2.8 m x 2.8 m, or 4.2 m x 5.6 m, worked to a depth of 25-27 cm. Seeds are sown at 2.5 kg to 5.0 kg of seeds ha-1. Uzbekistan has large areas of deserts with different soil conditions. Protective plantations of shrubs are established in sandy deserts, gypsum deserts and foothill semi-deserts. Each of these belts has its own specific methods of plantation establishment. For example, the gypsum desert is the most common type of desert in Uzbekistan (13 million ha). An arid climate is combined with loamy gypsiferous soils. Site preparation method depends on site conditions; for example, moisture accumulating trenches are used on strongly compacted soils. Rain water does not infiltrate deeply into these soils due to weak permeability, instead flowing down the slope. Moisture accumulating trenches are established perpendicular to the slope gradient using a singlemouldboard trenching plough to a depth of 35 cm to 40 cm and a width at the soil surface of 60 cm to 70 cm. Water moving down the slope surface can freely flow into the trench. Trenches are placed at least 10 m to 15 m apart so that runoff water collected in the trench provides sufficient moisture loading for each trench (Botman, 2009). The cross-section of the trench, spacing between trenches, and soil morphology are critical to successful performance. A triangular cross-section with double-breasted summits has proven the most successful (Orlovsky and Birnbaum, 2002). Protecting oases from shifting sands in the sand Spacing within row 5 – 10 times the strip width Site preparation Ordinary mouldboard ploughing to a depth of 20-22 cm Deep ploughing to a depth of 32-35 cm Moisture accumulative trenches; and Sand accumulating trenches desert zone of Uzbekistan requires first fixing the first row of dunes on the entire windward slope length by planting saxaul in rows, and subsequent rows on 2/3, 1/2 and 1/3 of the windward slope height and creating pastures on 1/4 of windward slopes height. In the lowlands, planted saxaul blocks dunes and gradually grows over them. In order to establish saxaul on shifting sands, mechanical shields or chemical binding agents are used to fix the sands. After sands are fixed, seedlings are planted at spacing of 1 m x 4 m (2,500 stems ha-1). The Aral Sea, bordered by Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, has been drying since the 1960s, shrinking in surface area by 74% (Micklin, 2007; Orlovsky et al., 2001) and exposing bottom sediments of sandy, sandy-loam, and loamy soils. Another type of exposed sediment is shifting sands. The drained bottom is composed of light and heavy soils. Restoration of the Aral Sea is doubtful (Micklin, 2010) but reclamation of the exposed sediments is necessary and possible on the lighter textured soils (Botman, 2009; Orlovsky and Birnbaum, 2002). Methods of establishing protective plantings include sowing and planting without fixing the sandy relief surface but with treating the soil, or by fixing the sandy surface. Three types of protective plantations are possible including pasture-protective, reclamation-forage, or soil-protective plantings (Table 6). These planting recommendations are for the Aral Sea and other sandy desert areas such as the delta of the Amudarya River. Where mobile sands occur in the exposed bottom of the Aral Sea, soil-protective plantations can be established using the methods described above for the mobile sands of the desert zone. In the Aral Sea environs where past irrigation has caused shallow saline groundwater tables leading to agricultural abandonment, conversion to tree plantations has been suggested (Djanibekov et al., 2013; Khamzina et al., 2008; Schachtsiek et al., 2014). Afforestation would be a low-input method to reclaim this degraded land, provided the 12 Stanturf et al. Restoration of dryland forests in Central Asia Table 6. Protective plantings to stabilize sandy soils and reduce erosion in the Aral Sea Basin (Botman, 2009). Type Purpose/Benefit Pasture-protective strip plantings Improve microclimate and reduce erosion Reclamation-forage strip plantations Forage shrubs and semi-shrubs Soil-protective plantings Reduce wind erosion of soil, stabilize the surface, and increase forage productivity Soil preparaSpacing tion Chisel and disc 3 m by 5 m harrow strip, 90 m between strips, 1 m between plants Strip chisel18 m to 20 m ploughing between strips Chisel-ploughing appropriate species were planted (Schachtsiek et al., 2014). Trials with several species have shown that salinity levels and depth to groundwater are critical factors, along with species drought and salinity tolerance. Afforestation was feasible with Elaeagnus angustifolia, Ulmus pumila, Morus alba, and Populus nivea × tremula on marginal agricultural areas with high groundwater but somewhat risky on long-abandoned cropland (Schachtsiek et al., 2014). Elaeagnus angustifolia is a nitrogen-fixing, actinorhizal species native to Central Asia. It is salt-tolerant and used for fruit, nectar and honey production and timber and fuelwood and has potential for sustainable multispecies plantations even under saline conditions (Khamzina et al., 2009). Agroforestry systems in Central Asia have long been implemented around oasis and transitional zones near desert areas but suffered decline under the Soviet system that focused on annual crops such as cotton (Worbes et al., 2006). During that time, windbreaks and shelterbelts were established on state-run farms and local people were prevented from utilizing them. After independence, farmers gained control of small areas and developed alley and hedgerow cropping systems with their annual crops, eventually incorporating fruit trees (Worbes et al., 2006). Mostly mulberry and other fruit trees have been planted and there are few multispecies windbreaks in Uzbekistan (Worbes et al., 2006). Nevertheless, surveys have found windbreaks on family farms using a variety of fruit and timber species accompanied by winter wheat, maize, and sugar beets (Djanibekov et al., 2016). Other agroforestry systems occurring on flat land and in 10 m intervals uniformly over the area Species Planting method Black saxaul and Richter saltwort Sown in spring Aellenia (Aellenia subaphilla), kuyreuk (Salsola orientalis), and teresken (Ceratoides eversmaniana). Pure saxaul stands or saxaul and saltwort Sown in autumn, winter and spring between the pasture-protective belts Sowing seeds or planting seedlings in single species rows to avoid competition low mountains in Central Asia are summarized in Table 7, including silvopasture, intercropping fruit trees with other crops in home gardens and family farms, and alley cropping (Djanibekov et al., 2016). Adaptation to climate change. Our understanding of what will be the likely future climate in Central Asia and Mongolia remains uncertain (Jiang et al., 2017; Lioubimtseva & Henebry, 2009) but increasing aridity is likely for most of the region. More extreme rainfall events are projected for the mountain areas (Nicholls & Seneviratne, 2015; Orlowsky & Seneviratne, 2012; Reyer et al., 2017), increasing the risk of flooding and mass movements (Sidle & Bogaard, 2016; Thurman, 2011). Water resources will become increasingly scarce as demand increases from rising population and agricultural development (Reyer et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2016) and glacial sources decline (Propastin, 2013; Sorg et al., 2012). Dryland forests will play a critical role in adapting to these climate change drivers and restoration activities today must be mindful of the conditions of future climate (Stanturf et al., 2017; Stanturf et al., 2015). Research is needed in two areas to increase adaptive capacity of restored dryland forests, water harvesting and plant material development. Water harvesting. Water harvesting methods as an adaptation to dryland conditions have a long history (Evenari et al., 1971; Prinz, 1996) and are gaining increasing attention for restoration of natural vegetation (Piñeiro et al., 2013; Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Some of the site preparation techniques already Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2020 Vol. 18 (2) 13 Table 7. Agroforestry systems in Central Asia (Djanibekov et al., 2016). System Description Silvopasture Combines trees and livestock Fodder, thermal protection Windbreaks Wide-spaced, single or multiple rows of trees in an agriculture field Erosion control, control of moisture loss, timber, fruit Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Intercropping Fruit trees with other crops (vegetable/fodder closer with cherry, peach, poplar and walnut trees; wheat and fruit orchards; apricot and cotton, vegetables, legumes, melons)) Family consumption, additional income by sales, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Alley cropping Trees and other crops (spacing between trees rows narrower than intercropping) Erosion control, slope stability; food and fodder (including mulberry for silk worms) production Tajikistan, Uzbekistan described are intended to collect rainwater and maximize its availability to plants, for example the moisture accumulating trenches used in Uzbekistan (Table 5). Several processes contribute to the success of runoff harvesting methods: placing structures to capture runoff water, increasing infiltration and water holding capacity in the soil, and reducing evaporation and water loss (Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Spacing structures such as trenches so that each trench receives adequate moisture (Botman, 2009) is an example of designing micro-catchments and there are other designs available (Li & Gong, 2002; Shachak et al., 1998). Combining rainfall harvesting with mulching to reduce evaporation has proven more successful than either technique alone (Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012) and using stone for mulch is generally easy and inexpensive. Another avenue to explore under Central Asian conditions is the use of shrubs to facilitate establishment of trees (Gómez-Aparicio et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2007) Plant material. Tree and shrub species selected for restoration of drylands must be adapted to current and future conditions and also provide ecosystem services to people (i.e., goods, services, and amenities) (Ffolliott et al., 1995). In addition to species traits, nursery culture affects outplanting performance (Dumroese et al., 2016; Pinto et al., 2011; Stanturf et al., 2014). Moisture stress after planting is the most critical obstacle to successful establishment in drylands (Oliet et al., 2002) and several approaches are under investigation globally but especially in the Mediterranean region (Chirino et al., 2009; Chirino et al., 2011; Cortina et al., 2013; Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). These include improving seedling quality using deep containers, improving water holding capacity of the rooting medium, drought pre-conditioning, manipulating fertility, and applying plant growth regulators. Benefits Country Under Mediterranean conditions, rapidly developing a deep root system is a key strategy for withstanding droughty conditions (Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). A deep root system allows the planted seedling to reach relatively moister soil layers in order to withstand the first drought period after planting. Thus, soil conditions (rooting depth, texture, and stoniness) influence the success of this strategy. Deep containers facilitate deep rooting of species that develop a main tap root (Chirino et al., 2009; Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Improving water holding capacity of the rooting medium using hydrogels has long been studied for agricultural crops and increasingly for trees and shrubs in reforestation and restoration in drylands (Chirino et al., 2009; Chirino et al., 2011; Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Two methods have been used: treating soil with hydrogel (Chen et al., 2004; Hüttermann et al., 1999) or just the culture medium (Chirino et al., 2009; Chirino et al., 2011). Too much hydrogel, however, has been shown to cause early mortality by creating large lumps of hydrogel that shrink upon drying; leaving large air-filled voids that impede water flow and reduce root contact with soil (Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Drought pre-conditioning of seedlings by exposing seedlings to controlled drought in the nursery has shown mixed results (Chirino et al., 2009; Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012). Species traits, intensity of drought, and length of the preconditioning period have all been shown to affect results in terms of actual outplanting performance. For Mediterranean conditions, Vallejo et al. (Ramón Vallejo et al., 2012) recommended reduced watering from the rapid growth phase until lifting. Whether or not this is useful under Central Asian conditions is a topic that needs to be investigated. 14 Stanturf et al. Restoration of dryland forests in Central Asia Fertility manipulation and plant growth regulators certainly affect growth and morphology of seedlings in the nursery but effects on field performance are mixed or unknown (Chirino et al., 2009). Fertility can be manipulated to create optimum conditions or to challenge seedlings (nutritional hardening). Both techniques have shown positive outplanting performance but based on limited trials (Chirino et al., 2009). Similarly with plant growth regulators, limited trials with forest trees show promising results in the nursery that has to be validated with field trials (Chirino et al., 2009). Conclusion Countries in Central Asia and Mongolia are facing significant challenges in restoring degraded forests and landscapes. Harsh climatic conditions, past land uses, policy constraints, and lack of financial resources and technical capacity are limiting progress toward more sustainable resource management. Nevertheless, opportunities for exchange of information within the region, development assistance, and greater accessibility to research conducted in other dryland environments is providing a technical foundation for moving forward. The prospect of increasing aridity under future climate, however, may negate progress in some areas and pose new challenges. Dryland forestry and agroforestry methods adapted to the regional environment, taking into account global change including altered climate, provide a basis for significant improvement but must be based on further research and development to optimize restoration strategies and methods for Central Asia and Mongolia. Acknowledgments This paper was presented at the “Expert Workshop on Dryland Forest Restoration and Conservation in Central and Northeast Asia” held 14-16 August 2017 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Thanks to the conference organizers and sponsors for supporting my travel to the workshop, in particular to the IUFRO Working Group 1.01.13-Long term research on forest ecosystem management in Northeast Asia. Thanks also to Jamsran Tsogtbaatar, Yeong-dae Park, Richard Harper, Chad Oliver, Emile Gardiner, Palle Madsen, and Roy Sidle for sharing their research and ideas. References Atamuradov, H. I., Fet, G. N., Fet, V., Valdez, R. & Feldman, W. R. (1999). Biodiversity, genetic diversity, and protected areas in Turkmenistan. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 9(1-2), 73-88. Bai, J., Chen, X., Li, J., Yang, L. & Fang, H., 2011. Changes in the area of inland lakes in arid regions of central Asia during the past 30 years. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 178(1): 247-256. 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