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Young Sakada Experiences: A Qualitative Study

Angel Queen Undang Ninal
Teacher 1- Social Science Teacher
Calatrava National High School- Malanog Annex
Brgy. Malanog, Calatrava, Negros Occidental
AngelQueenPotter @fb.com
Rationale / Objectives of the Study
In the present, the process of adapting and analysing through changing life goals are
seen in the context of changes over the years in the nature of the plantation of life. However
these changes were not only seen on those adults who dedicated their lives working on
sugarcane plantation but also on those young sakadas who strive to rise in the situation
they are in.
In the Philippines, there has been initiatives in the policy levels of the Philippine
government, UNICEF, ILO and other stakeholders regarding the removal of the engagement
of young people in these kind of work. Since it is considered as one of the most dangerous
workplace for a child.
Rationale / Objectives of the Study
However, due to the young people’s initiative, there still remains young
sakadas who are fighting their way towards their goals.
This study therefore aims to discover how these young sakadas strive on their
daily lives and narrate their experiences. Another objective of the study is to raise
awareness and strengthen initiative among stakeholders , local government units
and other organization to provide programs that can help support these young
sakadas and their community.
Research Design
The research study mad use of qualitative method approach. Qualitative research is the process of
collecting, analysing, and interpreting non-numerical data, such as language. Qualitative research can be used
to understand how an individual subjectively perceives and gives meaning to their social reality. This type of
data can be collected using diary accounts or in-depth interviews, and analysed using grounded theory or
thematic analysis.
Narrative inquiry can reveal unique perspectives and deeper understanding of a situation. Often giving
voice to marginalized populations whose perspective is not often sought.
This study made use of interview, qualitative survey, recordings and focus groups.
Specifically, this study used narrative inquiry research design. Narrative research is a
strategy of inquiry in which the researcher studies the lives of individuals and asks one or
more individuals to provide stories about their lives. This information is then often retold
or re-storied by the researcher into a narrative chronology. In the end, the narrative
combines views from the participant’s life with those of the researcher’s life in a
collaborative narrative (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000).
The participants of the study are five students of Calatrava National High SchoolMalanog Annex from grades 8-12 respectively.
They are also noted and identified to be young sakadas who are working and
showcases interest in school despite of the situation they are in.
The researcher used an interview to gather information about the study. It is a
structured interview that allows both the interviewer and the interviewee to explore
additional points and change direction, if necessary. A qualitative data collection
method, in–depth interview offer the opportunity to capture rich, descriptive data about
how people think and behave.
The interview guide used open–ended questions that allow respondents to provide
detailed stories of their experiences, asking questions worded to elicit narratives, and
consisting of a minimum number of broad primary questions that compliments the
probing questions.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher sent a letter to the participant including the informed consent agreement to be field
up with the parent or guardians which includes the explanation of the research.
The researcher made use of in-depth interview to gather pertinent data about the study.
Participants were interviewed individually and were scheduled on different dates.
Interviews were conducted on the students sakadas workplace.
An independent review was conducted by an external auditor who is well-versed and experienced
in the field of qualitative research.
Responses were transcribe and the transcripts were reviewed for accuracy before proceeding to the
data analysis.
Data Analysis
The researcher made use of the thematic narrative analysis which was
describe by Smith (2016) as having exclusive focus is on the content within the
whole story. The researcher followed Glesne’s (2016) five stages of thematic
narrative analysis which includes (a) organization and preparation of data, (b)
obtaining a general since of information, (c) the coding process, (d) category or
themes and (e) interpretation of data.
Sequencing of data analysis:
1. Transcribing audio tapes
2. Coding process
3. Theming
4. Retelling
Data Verification and Validation
The researcher conducted an internal validity through member checking where in the researcher
shared the interview transcripts, themes, story plot and drafts of the final report with the participants
to ensure the proper and accurate representation and their ideas.
An external audit review was also done by an expert in the field of qualitative research.
Ethical Consideration
Anonymity and Confidentiality and Beneficence are the ethical considerations chosen by the
Summary of Findings
I. Uncertain Start: Setting foot in the Sugarcane Plantation
Generally, the participants of the study had the same feeling and sentiments, both
when they came up with their decision to be sakadas and when they started working.
They were pushed and full to the roller coaster of emotions that they felt. They were
curious, anxious, hesitant and afraid at the start. They have known the background of
the work through their parents, yet they stepped into the puddle bravely. Technically,
the assumptions and perceptions were cleared. Worries and anxieties to the welfare of
their well-being is also repeatedly mentioned in the statements of the participants.
Summary of Findings
The participants also expressed their eagerness and excitement in the
middle of their hesitations and uncertainties. Realizations had been made and
their perceptions, confirmed. They started to show their tenacity in taking on
heavy tasks in sugarcane production and slowly but surely familiarizing
themselves. They also came up with the realization that they had to focus in
their studies and make sure it won’t get compromised as they adjusted from
time to time. As they start to dig deeper in their journey, some concernes
emerged like certain health issues, missed assignments and exhaustion.
Summary of Findings
III. CHANGE OF HEARTS: Embracing The Life Of A Young Sakada
The changes that was brought by their experience as sakadas abled them to make major
adjustments. These adjustmets played a vital role in the journeys of the participants. The young
sakadas emphasized a big adjustment as the workloads started to cause strain and demanded a
lot of their time. The transition to being in school during the weekdays and as sakadas on the
weekends is also an adjustment that took a toll on them. The participants also noted that the
changes that occurred before them tested their decision-making and determination to continue
the work in the plantation. The amount of time to prepare for work and the time they offered to
learn the ins and out of the workplace and balancing their studies were also a major adjustment.
However, these tenacious beings embraced the changes and stood up for their decision to
Summary of Findings
IV. IN A NUTSHELL: Challenges Faced by the Young Sakadas
Health issues in the workplace were significantly emphasized by the
participants. The threat to their health, noting that they are still at their
teenage years, is definitely a major concern and challenge that they are facing.
Low wage is also noted by one of the participants, being not enough or just
enough to cater all their needs. They also noted that there are many works to
be done, emphasizing on the heaviness of the loads that they carry. The feeling
of being overwhelmed to responding to the requirements of completing each
tasks for both school and work is also evident.
Summary of Findings
V. THE SILVER LINING: Appreciation to the Fruits of their Labour
However, all the participants were determined and ready to conquer the challenges in front
of them. They expressed their appreciation to their chosen paths, as student sakadas, with pride
and greatfulness. They appreciated the fruit of their labour no matter how small it was. The
changes that happened to them became their strengths; the ones that they are not afraid to
show to the world. They were pleased with their efforts and moved with the fact that they
helped their family. They embodied hardwork and perseverance as they pave their own way to
answer the crisis that gatekept them to success. Little by little carving a path for them to walk
Realizations such as developing social engagement, respect, passion, bravery, provision and
determination that brought justice to their sweats and tears was greatly expressed and
This study came up with the conclusion that working in the plantation life is not as easy as
some of us think. It requires a huge amount of guts and determination to come up with a
decision to expose yourself in a kind of work that is considered one of the hazardous workplace
for children. Their journey as sakadas were first greeted with worries and anxieties. They faced
different challenges that made them expressed their frustrations, exhaustion and hesitations.
The weight of the job was deeply felt by the participants, but all of them accepted the challenge
and wore their hearts on their sleeves; keeping their personal goals in mind.
Working as a young sakada demanded a lot of perseverance and bravery from decision
making to the actual work. Nonetheless, this study showed that it is achievable, as long as you
are determined and hardworking.
Schools Division Superintendent and District Supervisors. Projects tending to the needs of the
teachers in terms of monitoring the performance of the students is recommended. The researcher also
recommends programs and broad action that looks into the welfare of student workers. Securing facilities
and resources for the far-flung schools that would cater to the needs of the students such as updated books,
libraries and reading centers.
School Heads. The researcher recommends that the school heads exert more effort to look at the time
spent by the teaching staffs in their home visitations. School heads are also recommended to identify those
working students in there areas to that they can be easily monitored by the teachers.
Teachers. Taking seminars and trainings that enhances their skills in handling special cases of students
is recommended by the researcher. Monitoring of students performance and activities that would help
student worker catch up with the lesson is also appreciated.
Parents. Supervision, support and guidance to the welfare of their children is highly recommended by
the researcher. Strengthening of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) to ensure the communication of the
school and the household is also recommended.
Learners. Restrictions to the type of part-time jobs that they want to enter is recommended by the
researcher. It also recommended that they prioritize their studies, health and well-being above anything else.
Local Government Unit. The researcher recommends to create programs that would highlight the local
farmers of the sugarcane sector and create medical operation to tend to the health needs of the sakadas.
Future Implementers. Further studies that covers the journey of young sakadas is highly encouraged
and recommended.
Outcomes of the Study
The journey of the young sakadas in the sugar plantation were presented and narrated in the best way
possible. The researcher made sure that the contributions of the participants in the completion of the study
were recognized.
Adding of all the efforts and years spent by these young sakadas; each with respective inspiration,
dreams and reasons under their belts; these students sakadas ventured the unknown territory in which many
of us are not familiar with. Their struggles, frustrations, aspirations and convictions will somehow be known.
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Social Science Teacher
Calatrava National High School- Malanog Annex
Angel Queen U. Ninal