Uploaded by Khadija Unte

UNTE UMPAR Nuclear Industry

UMPAR, Abdulbashiet Mangayao
UNTE, Khadija Masorong
Wilhelm Ostwald, a famed chemist advanced the hypothesis that energy not
mass, is the fundamental basis of matter. Becquerel discovered radioactivity in
1898, and the existence of isotopes was shown around 1900 which led to
findings that pointed the way to nuclear processes.
Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom. Nuclear
energy can be used to create electricity, but it must first be released from the
Nuclear energy supplies about 10 percent of the world's electricity and
approximately 20 percent of the energy in the United States. A total of 30
countries worldwide are operating 440 nuclear reactors for electricity
Nuclear power is encountering such resistance now, and undoubtedly fusion
will also be resisted when it develops.
Major difficulties have also risen because of the delays in construction
combined with high interest rate and the dangers of nuclear power use, as
seen by some persons, arise to some extent from destruction observed from
the use of atomic bomb.
The first spontaneously decaying substances
discovered were radium and polonium by the
Curies is a marvelous scientific achievement.
Nuclear reactor-produced isotopes now
replaced these substances for industrial and
medicinal uses and are far cheaper and safer.
A nuclear reactor, formerly known as an
atomic pile, is a device used to initiate and
control a fission nuclear chain reaction or
nuclear fusion reactions. Nuclear reactors are
used at nuclear power plants for electricity
generation and in nuclear marine propulsion.
Neutrons react with uranium and thorium to produce new isotopes, some stable, others having
extremely short half-lives.
Neutrons released by fission are at high energy levels (fast neutrons) and can react in fast reactors,
but most reactors require that they be slowed down to thermal speed before they can be captured by
Uranium 235.
The common isotopes or uranium and thorium, do not split (fission) on absorbing a neutron, but do
form other elements that undergo rapid, spontaneous decay to yield isotopes that are fissionable, so
they are usable for power production.
Uranium is the fuel most widely used by
nuclear plants for nuclear fission. Uranium is
considered a nonrenewable energy source,
even though it is a common metal found in
rocks worldwide. Nuclear power plants use a
certain kind of uranium, referred to as U-235,
for fuel because its atoms are easily split
Capital costs for electrical energy made in
nuclear-fueled plants are greater than for
traditional fuels, but uranium is the lowest cost
fuel available at present and its price has risen
at a lower rate than those fuels during the last
15 years.
Sources and Reserves – Uranium is more
abundant in the earth’s crust than mercury and
is present in about the same amount as tin
and molybdenum. Thorium, while less widely
used than uranium, is a suitable nuclear fuel
and is not very rare.
Mining and Milling Ore – The purification
utilizes an organic solvent extraction, a difficult
isotope separation process, and finally a
unique process-the synthesis of an element,
Refining and Purification
Isotope Enrichment
Gaseous diffusion process
Gas centrifuge process
Conversion – A high degree of protection
against even minor contamination is essential
if the necessary purity is to be obtained.
The three fissionable isotopes, U-233, U-235, AND Pu-239, have a higher probability of fission than
capture when absorbing a neutron. These are the only common material which can sustain a nuclear
fission reaction, and therefore they are the nuclear fuels.
To form fabricated fuel elements, fuels are pressed, sintered; ground to the exact size, inserted in a
sheath of stainless steel, zirconium, or one of the zircalloys; pressurized with helium; carefully welded
shut; then assembled into convenient sized groups for handling.
Nuclear reactors are machines that contain and control nuclear chain
reactions while releasing heat at a controlled rate. A nuclear power plant
uses the heat that a nuclear reactor produces to turn water into steam, which
then drives turbine generators that generate electricity. Nuclear power plants
are among the safest and most secure facilities in the world.
It is any of a class of devices that can initiate and control a self-sustaining
series of nuclear fissions. Nuclear reactors are used as research tools, as
systems for producing radioactive isotopes, and most prominently as energy
sources for nuclear power plants.
There are three major types of reactors now operating: Burners, Breeders
and Converters.
Burners commonly use uranium enriched in U235 and some type of moderator to produce
heat and slow down the neutrons to maintain
the chain reaction.
Breeders are designed to produce more fuel
than they consume. Breeders run without
moderators, so the speed of their neutrons is
nearly that at which they are expelled after
fission. They are designed to extend the
nuclear fuel supply for the generation of
electricity, and have even been mistakenly
called a potential renewable energy source.
Breeder reactors require chemical
processing of a great deal of radioactive
material, an expensive process which,
among other problems, makes their use to
produce electrical power questionable
Converters use U-238 as a fertile material to
produce Pu-239 and usually not designed to
produce useful heat.
Atom bomb are designed to produce
enormous amounts of energy in a
very brief time.
In a fusion reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier
nucleus. The process releases energy because the total mass of the resulting
single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei. The leftover
mass becomes energy.
The conversion of hydrogen to helium converts matter into energy.
Fusion of atoms to form more complex ones can be accompanied by loss of
mass with the consequent generation of energy. The most promising fuels are
deuterium and tritium, sources far less limited than uranium, thorium, oil or
Procedures for separating uranium and plutonium from the radioactive fission products present in
spent fuel elements were developed early. These processes involving solution of fuel elements as
nitrates and separation using tributyl phosphate solvent (Purex process) or hexone.
Nuclear materials came into existence in the 1950s and began to grow as an internationally
recognized field of endeavor late in that decade.
Nuclear material is a threat if used to make a nuclear bomb or if spread by a conventional bomb.
Nuclear bombs can be made from plutonium or highly enriched uranium. Plutonium is produced in
plants that reprocess waste from conventional reactors. Natural uranium contains approximately 0.7%
of the fissile isotope U-235. Conventional reactors use uranium slightly enriched to approximately 5%
U-235. Low-enriched (to 20%) U-235 is used in research reactors. Highly enriched U-235 is a category
higher than 20%, and weapons-grade U-235 is enriched to 90%.
The existence of stable isotopes was known before nuclear technology developed, but the nuclear
industry has given great impetus to isotope separation and use. Production of isotopes by planned
transmutation is possible, but economical processes for large quantities more frequently involve the
separation of naturally occurring elemental mixtures or their extraction as by-products.
Separation of isotopes is more difficult than ordinary chemical processes, but several techniques are
well established. Separation of isotopes may be done by distillation, chemical exchange,
electrolysis, gaseous diffusion, gravitational processes, thermal diffusion and aerodynamic
(nozzle) processes.
Deterium - isotope of hydrogen with a nucleus consisting of one proton and one neutron, which is
double the mass of the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen (one proton).
Tritium - is a hydrogen atom that has two neutrons in the nucleus and one proton. Tritium is
produced naturally in the upper atmosphere when cosmic rays strike nitrogen molecules in the air. Tritium
is also produced during nuclear weapons explosions, and as a byproduct in nuclear reactors.
Miscellaneous Isotopes – Isotopes may be used as tracers for studying structural chemistry, in biological,
chemical and physical research, and for geological studies.
Radiation hazard is a subject often approached from a highly emotional point
of view, probably because radiation cannot be detected by human senses.
Protection against radiation is possible with insulation.
Just as the heat from a fire reduces as you move further away, the dose of
radiation decreases dramatically as you increase your distance from the
source. Shielding: Barriers of lead, concrete, or water provide protection
from penetrating gamma rays.
Shielding must not the only problem but also containment must also be
The disposal of nuclear waste presents problems, but most are now political
rather than technological. Some radioactive materials must be stored for
centuries until they decay to harmless materials, others rapidly become
By removing long-lived isotopes for separate handling, contractors can greatly
reduce storage time for most nuclear waste and with proper management, it
will become harmless within 100 years.