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Cognitive Resource vs Strategic Contingency Theory

Q1) Elaborate the difference between cognitive resource theory and strategic contingency theory in
Cognitive resource theory:
The Cognitive resource theory is a reinvention of Fiedler contingency theory and concept was given by
Fred Fiedler and Joe Garcia in 1987.
This hypothesis connects with a pioneer's insight and involvement in his/her response to upsetting
circumstances. Like experiencing the same thing one can respond without thinking consistently. It clears
how a pioneer's knowledge and experience impact the way he/she might respond to pressure. This
hypothesis depends with the understanding that pressure is an ominous component in the intelligent
and logical reasoning of a pioneer. Stress lower down the levelheadedness. Be that as it may, the impact
of pressure can be less in light of the experience and knowledge of a pioneer. Knowledge assumes a
huge part in low-level pressure circumstances and involvement with undeniable level pressure
The hypothesis has its starting point from the investigations of military administration style and applies
to different regions likewise like characterizing a connection between unpleasant circumstances and
athletic skill. It recommends different authority styles as indicated by various circumstances and in view
of elements like anxiety, task design, and circumstance. It further demonstrates that pioneers ought to
be prepared in pressure the executives so they would most extreme be able to use their insight.
Cognitive Resource theory is based on the following assumptions:
The success of a leader depends on certain factors like Intelligence, experience, and other
cognitive means.
Leadership success is not based on cognitive capabilities only.
Stress affects decision-making ability.
More extensive viewpoint of the hypothesis:
As referenced over, the Cognitive asset hypothesis was recommended by Fred Fiedler in a joint effort
with Joe Garcia in 1987 by altering the possibility hypothesis of initiative. This hypothesis prevents the
idea from getting an ideal chief and thinks about pressure as a significant component in having an
adverse consequence on the adequacy of a pioneer's knowledge. Pioneers are sorted as assignment
situated pioneers and human connection arranged pioneers. It likewise expresses that pioneers need to
oversee various circumstances and weight on ordinary spans. Task-situated pioneers view the
presentation of colleagues in light of work or errands alloted to them. Human connection arranged
pioneers do more lean toward to their subordinates over errands.
This hypothesis firmly accepts that various sorts of pressure make preventions in the discernment of
authority. Stress impact can be overwhelmed by much involvement with authority and through the
mandate approach. Knowledge helps in circumstances when stress is less. Initiative is more powerful
when the administration approach is mandate and authority-arranged. Task-intricacy is additionally a
component for example the necessity of an astute and experienced pioneer is less when undertakings
are less confounded.
In the testing period of the hypothesis, it was observed that pioneers who were more shrewd talked a
lot, and less wise pioneers were nearly less garrulous. Clever pioneers went under an excess of tension
of cutoff times of work and because of this their group proficiency likewise endured and couldn't deliver
numerous inventive thoughts. This additionally brings about the amateurish way of behaving of pioneers
for example they overcompensated on little issues and felt upset which at last contrarily influence their
group. So it obviously expresses that pressure is transferrable on the off chance that one can't deal with
There are different points on which Cognitive Resource theory of leadership can be criticized like:
The theory is criticized due to the inaccuracy in using factor i.e. intelligence. It has ignored
different intelligence types based on creativity, emotional intelligence, etc.
The theory didn’t define positive, negative stress types and their impact on different leaders and
leadership styles separately. A leader can be strong or weak based on different situations. In one
situation he/she can demonstrate effective leadership and in another situation his/her
leadership style fails to improve performance.
The theory states the qualitative aspect of stress and there is no arrangement of the
quantitative aspect of measuring stress. A well designed quantified scale to measure stress is
This theory couldn’t specify a different type of task and resources needed for task attainment.
Strategic contingency theory:
The theory is based on two concepts i.e. ‘Contingency’ and ‘Strategic’ aspect of contingency.
A Contingency is a requirement for various undertakings of a subunit in an association on which
assignments of different subunits make an impact. This possibility becomes key once other subunit
begins controlling more possibilities and turns out to be strong in an association.
According to the Strategic possibility hypothesis, a pioneer turns into a focal piece of an association
because of his/her special abilities to tackle issues or issues which others can't settle. A lot of reliance
lies on a pioneer so he/she isn't effectively replaceable.
Hickson who is the founder of this theory wrote:
“Organizations can be described as a collection of departments or functions that align together to cope
with uncertainty.”
Factors like legislative issues and show of dominance a significant job in the administration of vital
possibilities. Hickson additionally expressed a commonsense model on the side of his essential
possibility hypothesis idea.
As per him, a designing subunit of an association is strong because of its utilitarian abilities for example
it eliminates vulnerability by its nature of fixing breakdown rapidly which influences work processes in
the association at various result levels.
In the Strategic Contingency model, Hickson examined the impact of some external factors on the force
of associations. He inferred that the two connections element of divisions and contrasts of people
influence authoritative power. Power choices can be affected by departmental connections and
furthermore individual contrasts assume an indispensable part too as people are different in their
abilities, capacities, and so on.
Hickson additionally rejects the idea of prior administration hypothesis for example Incredible Man
hypothesis which expressed that an individual having the moxy or administration quality by birth must
be a compelling pioneer. As indicated by him, an individual without Charisma however has the critical
thinking capacity can be a viable pioneer.
Strategic contingency theory is based on the below assumptions:
The power of a subunit or individual depends on a few contingencies.
A leader’s problem-solving skills or capabilities are a source of power as except him/ her no one
can resolve issues in an organization. It gives him/ her bargaining power.
Above results in fixing up a leader’s position and are not easily replaceable.
It is based on uncertainty i.e. less information on future predictions and due to this different
solution and their results cannot be predicted. This uncertainty is the main issue that the
organization faces.
More extensive viewpoint of the hypothesis:
The creator of the Strategic possibility hypothesis is D.J. Hickson, and he composed the hypothesis in
1971. Hickson characterized associations having different divisions and their arrangement at the hour of
vulnerability. The term possibility is characterized collectively of undertakings expected by a subunit
which is impacted by errands of another subunit. At the point when a subunit has command over a
larger number of exercises or possibilities than its power expansions in the association and considered
as an essential possibility. This hypothesis interfaces a subunit's ability to its overseeing capacity with
various variables like centrality, vulnerability, and substitutability by controlling the essential possibilities
of other subunit's reliant exercises. This control comes from joining the above factors.
The hypothesis is pointed toward characterizing the reliance of subunits by the control of possibilities.
Possibility changed to Strategic when upheld with more subunit power for example reliance of different
subunits makes a subunit all the more remarkable. Vulnerability is a pivotal variable of hypothesis as
associations run in a questionable climate and all vulnerabilities are not expected to be similarly
significant. Like, administrative changes can be one vulnerability for both the association and its rival
which lessens the impact of vulnerability. There are urgent vulnerabilities where associations can foster
upper hand and subunits that can confront and give answers for these vulnerabilities to turn out to be
strong in the association. The force of a subunit likewise relies on the arrangements given by different
subunits on a similar vulnerability. The power impact will be less assuming more choices are accessible
by different subunits. So power source should be non-substitutable.
There are different points on which Strategic contingency theory of leadership can be criticized like:
Up-to what extent subunits are independent and powerful.
What are the problem-solving skills of a leader states as different types of problems exist?
No testing methodology was defined to assess the authenticity of the theory. Different other
theories like Cognitive Resource theory challenges the Strategic contingencies theory and states
that stress and different situations affect the problem-solving capability of a leader.
Q2) Define the concept of Catchment Area. Discuss the process of school mapping in educational
Catchment Area:
The catchment area is the geographical area served by a school. (In order to delineate it, pinpoint
pupils' homes and outline the smallest area covering all of them).
There is almost no trouble in deciphering the target of opening schools so that all kids appreciate
equivalent chance of admittance to them. Without a doubt it is by all accounts an essential component,
everything being equal, to decrease inconsistencies. For the most part, however, openness is
characterized exclusively regarding actual availability. To quantify this we would need to consider
distance, help, interchanges, and the time taken to go among school and home, remembering accessible
method for transport. The issue in this way comprises in deciding the catchment areas of existing
schools to recognize, from one perspective, the populace that lies outside these catchment regions and
is subsequently denied of any training administration because of reasons of actual openness, and, then
again, to assess, inside the catchment regions (for example in the areas came to by the educational
system) the extent of young kids really figuring out how to track down places in the schools
School planning is a bunch of methods and systems used to appraise future training prerequisites at
nearby level and work out how should be met them. In that sense, school planning is a miniature
arranging exercise, with the explicitness that it looks for a superior match between the stockpile of, and
interest for, training. Try not to mistake school planning for a basic "map book" just appearance the area
of schools. Showing where schools are found, however extremely helpful, is nevertheless the principal
phase of school planning. Dissimilar to a common guide that by its very nature is static, school planning
gives a dynamic and forthcoming vision of how the instruction administration ought to examine the
future, showing its structures, educators, and offices, to empower the execution of training approaches.
School Mapping Activity:
The last stage in the arranging system, when the actual offices that are to be given under the
arrangement are really found or sited; that is, to choose where (in what the future held) the school, labs,
studios and such other instructive offices are to be fabricated or given. It is proposed to attempt a
definite school planning action in every one of the region covering school and non-school based
information in doing this movement, the current load of information at the EMIS focus or cell ought to
be considered to stay away from duplication. Lay out close linkage with the other government
organizations like service of Defense, Natural Resources or Environment, Census, arranging Office and
others to guarantee that the necessities of school planning as an apparatus for the inside and out
examination of the current circumstance of the region can be completely tended to. This will likewise
develop and refresh the current load of information of the EMIS focuses and cells.
Scope of School Mapping:
With the new improvement in non-formal instruction in regions, for example, proficiency programs,
post-education courses, employments preparing and grown-up training, school planning ought to cover
the appropriation of formal instructive offices as well as the non-formal instructive offices. The process
of school mapping covers the following specific areas for expansion and improvement of facilities:
1. Rationalisation of existing facilities by:
 shifting, closure or amalgamation of institutions;
 optimum utilisation of teaching and non-teaching staff;
 optimum utilisation of buildings, equipment’s, furniture, etc.
2. Provision of new or additional facilities by:
 Opening of new schools or upgrading of existing ones;
 Providing additional teaching and non-teaching staff;
 Providing new or additional buildings, furniture and equipment in institutions. Thus,
school mapping has the double function of securing greater equality of education
opportunities and at the same time of rationalizing the use of existing facilities in an
effort to optimize the limited material and manpower resources.
School catchment areas:
A school catchment region is the topographical place where an express school's center admission of
understudies should reside. Catchment regions guarantee each Queensland understudy from Prep to
Year 12 can select at their nearby state school. Your neighborhood state school (essential or auxiliary) is
the school which is nearest to your home. This is estimated by the briefest, most direct course by street
to and from the fundamental entry of the school. Observe your nearby school utilizing the EdMap site
you can either look through utilizing your street number or enter a school's name to check whether your
house is inside its catchment region. Contact your school for more data. School contact subtleties are
accessible by calling 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or looking through the schools registry.
Out-of-catchment enrolments:
You can in any case apply for enrolment at a state school outside of your catchment region, however
enrolment isn't ensured and you will be put on stand-by. Applications are handled and surveyed in the
request they are gotten. A state school’s ability to accept students who live outside its catchment area
depends on whether the school:
has capacity once all in-catchment enrolments are met
needs to allow for students relocating into their catchment area during the year \
can ensure an even spread of students across all year levels while maintaining class size targets
can ensure their out-of-catchment enrolments do not reduce their capacity to meet incatchment enrolments.
Arranging at the most reduced spatial unit can be named as miniature level preparation. In the Indian
setting miniature level arranging can mean arranging completed at the town level or even at the
residence level. While choosing a unit for miniature arranging one needs to consider the accessibility of
instructive offices like a school or a non-formal training place. All in all, while we attempt to foster
miniature level preparation in instruction we might need to choose a unit revolving around an
instructive organization. This might be a school or its elective which is as of now existing or intending to
be opened. The targets of the miniature level arranging are:
to mobi­lize neighborhood local area to get ready town level plans.
to offer a help framework to the schools and instructors so that schools become more
to guarantee that all qualified kids from the territory go to the schools. The significant goal
of the miniature arranging exercise isn't on issues relating to distribution of assets however
on issues relating to better and effective utilization of assets which are now designated to a
specific region, region or school.
Q3) Discuss various elements and factors which affect the decision making. How decision making in
education system can be more rational?
Consistently, individuals are immersed with choices, of all shapes and sizes. Understanding how
individuals show up at their decisions is an area of mental brain research that has gotten consideration.
Hypotheses have been created to make sense of how individuals decide, and what sorts of variables
impact decision making in the present and future. Also, heuristics have been investigated to
comprehend the dynamic interaction.
Several factors influence decision making. These factors, including past experience (Juliusson, Karlsson,
& Gӓrling, 2005), cognitive biases (Stanovich & West, 2008), age and individual differences (Bruin,
Parker, & Fischoff, 2007), belief in personal relevance (Acevedo, & Krueger, 2004), and an escalation of
commitment, influence what choices people make. Understanding the factors that influence decision
making process is important to understanding what decisions are made. That is, the factors that
influence the process may impact the outcomes.
Heuristics serve as a framework in which satisfactory decisions are made quickly and with ease (Shah &
Oppenheimer, 2008). Many types of heuristics have been developed to explain the decision making
process; essentially, individuals work to reduce the effort they need to expend in making decisions and
heuristics offer individuals a general guide to follow, thereby reducing the effort they must disburse.
Together, heuristics and factors influencing decision making are a significant aspect of critical thinking
(West, Toplak, & Stanovich, 2008). There is some indication that this can be taught, which benefits those
learning how to make appropriate and the best decisions in various situations (Nokes &Hacker, 2007).
Individuals settle on choices about numerous things. They settle on political choices; individual choices,
including clinical decisions, heartfelt choices, and profession choices; and monetary choices, which may
likewise incorporate a portion of different sorts of choices and decisions. Frequently, the dynamic cycle
is genuinely explicit to the choice being made. A few decisions are straightforward and appear to be
straight forward, while others are complicated and require a multi-step way to deal with settling on the
Factors that Influence Decision Making:
There are a few significant variables that impact navigation. Critical elements incorporate previous
encounters, an assortment of mental inclinations, a heightening of responsibility and sunk results,
individual contrasts, including age and financial status, and a confidence in private importance. These
things all sway the dynamic interaction and the choices made.
Previous encounters can affect future direction. Juliusson, Karlsson, and Garling (2005) demonstrated
past choices impact the choices individuals make from now on. It makes sense that when something
positive outcomes from a choice, individuals are bound to choose likewise, given a comparable
circumstance. Then again, individuals will generally try not to rehash previous oversights (Sagi, and
Friedland, 2007). This is important to the degree that future choices made in view of previous
encounters are not really the best choices. In monetary navigation, exceptionally effective individuals
don't settle on speculation choices in view of past sunk results, rather by inspecting decisions totally
neglecting previous encounters; this approach clashes with what one might anticipate
Notwithstanding previous encounters, there are a few mental inclinations that impact direction. Mental
inclinations are thinking designs in view of perceptions and speculations that might prompt memory
blunders, off base decisions, and defective rationale (Evans, Barston, and Pollard, 1983; West, Toplak,
and Stanovich, 2008). Mental predispositions incorporate, however are not restricted to: conviction
inclination, the over reliance on earlier information in showing up at choices; knowing the past
inclination, individuals will more often than not promptly make sense of an occasion as inescapable,
whenever it has worked out; exclusion inclination, by and large, individuals have a penchant to exclude
data saw as unsafe; and tendency to look for predictable answers, in which individuals see what they
expect in perceptions.
School–Based Decisionmaking:
Key Elements:
School-based decision-making rests on two well-established propositions:
The school is the primary decision-making unit; and its corollary; decisions should be made at
the lowest possible level.
Change requires ownership that comes from the opportunity to participate in defining change
and the flexibility to adapt it to individual circumstances; the corollary is that change does not
result from externally imposed procedures.
These recommendations perceive that those nearest to the specialized center in schooling systems, due
to their admittance to data concerning understudies' different qualities, needs, learning styles, and
execution levels, are better situated to settle on choices about instructive projects than those farther
taken out from the educating and learning process. Subsequently, choices concerning educational
programs, informative advancements, and other school drives will be best and persevering through
when completed by the people who feel a feeling of responsibility and obligation regarding those
For school-based decision-making to work, four key resources need to be present to develop the
capacity to create high performance organizations:
Knowledge and skills in new instructional strategies; interpersonal, problem-solving, and
decision skills for working together as a team; business knowledge for managing the
organization, including budgeting and fiscal planning; and assessment strategies for analyzing,
interpreting, and acting on school performance data.
Information about the performance of the organization, including student performance data,
budgets, and demographic-trend data.
Power and authority to make decisions, especially in the areas of curriculum and instruction,
staffing and personnel, and resource allocation and budgeting.
Rewards for high performance, including intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, such as salary
adjustments, professional development opportunities, performance-based pay, group or teambased rewards, and public recognition for their accomplishments.
Scope of Decision–Making:
As a general rule, three areas of direction can be school based: financial plan, work force, and
educational program. Concerning funds, under school-based dynamic models, schools get either a
lumpsum spending plan or some piece of the area financial plan from which they might settle on choices
in regards to work force, gear, materials, supplies, and expert turn of events. In spite of the fact that
spending plan authority infers another degree of independence, since work force consumptions
represent roughly 85% of the region spending plan and other fixed costs cover an extra 5 to 10 percent,
not many optional dollars really stay for school-level allotment. Subsequently, staffing consumptions
and choices with respect to staffing designs and tasks are vital to schools settling on choices that could
meaningfully influence the school's activity and adequacy.
As far as work force choices, schools are managed the cost of adaptability and the ability to decide how
best to staff their schools. Faculty choices regularly fall in two regions: deciding staffing needs founded
on the school's main goal and instructive arrangement and choosing individuals to fill the positions.
Schools are managed the cost of the scope to conclude whether their work force reserves are best spent
on educators, educational associates, trained professionals, or administrative help. Whenever
judgments are made with respect to staffing needs, schools are effectively occupied with the
determination of new school faculty.
In the third choice region, choices in regards to the educational program and informative not entirely
settled at the school level inside a system of area or state objectives, while taking care of the school's
novel mission and necessities. School-level faculty draw on their expert ability and limited information in
settling on choices that influence the school's instructive program and educational framework. School
staff screen the viability of their projects and their understudies' scholarly presentation. Choices relating
to planning, staffing, and the informative program are regularly limited and controlled, notwithstanding,
by area approaches seeing matters, for example, class size, residency, recruiting, terminating, task,
educational program drives, course books, and evaluation methods.
Q4) Budget is a statement of future expenditures and receipts f funds critically analyze this statement.
Also prepare annual budget for secondary school.
A significant component of monetary information movement rests in the demonstration of planning.
Planning is the method involved with assigning limited assets to the focused on necessities of an
association. By and large, for an administrative substance, the financial plan addresses the lawful
position to burn through cash. Reception of a financial plan in the public area suggests that a bunch of
choices has been made by the administering board and executives that comes full circle in coordinating
an administration's assets with the substance's requirements. Accordingly, the spending plan is a result
of the arranging system.
The financial plan additionally gives a significant instrument to the control and assessment of sources
and the purposes of assets. Utilizing the bookkeeping framework to establish the desire of the
administering body, directors can execute and control exercises that have been approved by the
spending plan and to assess monetary execution based on correlations among planned and real tasks.
Along these lines, the spending plan is verifiably connected to monetary responsibility and relates
straightforwardly to the monetary announcing targets laid out by the GASB.
The planning and control functions inherent to any organization, including schools, underscore the
importance of sound budgeting practices for the following reasons:
The type, quantity, and quality of goods and services provided by governments often are not
subject to the market forces of supply and demand. Thus, enacting and adhering to the budget
establishes restrictions in the absence of a competitive market.
These goods and services provided by governments are generally considered critical to the
public interest and welfare.
The scope and diversity of operations in an organization make comprehensive financial planning
essential for good decisionmaking.
The financial planning process is critical to the expression of citizen preferences and is the
avenue for reaching consensus among citizens, members of the governing board, and staff on
the future direction of the governmental unit's operations.
The connection between monetary preparation and financial plan planning gives the financial plan
archive an extraordinary job in administrative associations. Spending plans in the public field are
regularly viewed as the conclusive strategy archive in light of the fact that an embraced financial plan
addresses the monetary arrangement utilized by an administration to accomplish its objectives and
targets. Whenever a unit of government lawfully takes on a monetary arrangement, the financial plan
has gotten the endorsement of most of the administering board and reflects
public choices about which goods and services the unit of government will or will not provide,
the prioritization of activities in which the unit of government will be involved,
the relative influence of various participants and interest groups in the budget development
process, and
the governmental unit's plan for acquiring and using its resources.
In an instructive climate, planning is a priceless apparatus for both preparation and assessment.
Planning gives a vehicle to interpreting instructive objectives and projects into monetary asset designs
that is, fostering an informative arrangement to meet understudy execution objectives ought to be
straightforwardly connected to deciding monetary distributions. The connection between informative
objectives and monetary arranging is basic to viable planning and upgrades the assessment of monetary
and instructive responsibility.
Objectives of Budgeting:
Execution assessment permits residents and citizens to hold policymakers and chairmen in
administrative associations responsible for their activities. Since responsibility to residents regularly is
expressed unequivocally in state regulations and state constitutions, it is a foundation of planning and
monetary announcing.
Financial reporting should provide information to determine whether current-year revenues
were sufficient to pay for current-year services.
Financial reporting should demonstrate whether resources were obtained and used in
accordance with the entity's legally adopted budget. It should also demonstrate compliance
with other finance-related legal or contractual requirements.
Financial reporting should provide information to assist users in assessing the service efforts,
costs, and accomplishments of the governmental entity.
Meeting these targets requires financial plan readiness that depends on a few ideas perceiving
responsibility. Responsibility is regularly settled by consolidating these targets into lawful commands
that require state and nearby open area financial plans to
be balanced so that current revenues are sufficient to pay for current services;
be prepared in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws; and
provide a basis for the evaluation of a government's service efforts, costs, and accomplishments.
Planning for Annual and Multiyear Construction and Grant Programs:
The following steps are basic to the planning process for both annual and multiyear construction and
grant programs.
Review the stated goals and objectives to determine that they are the basis for the entity's
activities and operations. Although normally developed during the strategic planning process,
the goals and objectives should be periodically reviewed for appropriateness.
Conduct formal or informal needs assessments or both. Most strategic plans include one or
more needs assessments. The criteria used are normally developed locally; however, some
granting agencies may require the use of certain criteria. A methodology that provides objective
measurement of the needs of the unit under review is necessary and should include financial
and other forecasts in order to properly identify those needs.
Design programs to attain the goals and objectives on the basis of the results of the needs
assessment(s). The assessment process should identify and prioritize needs. From the results of
this process, program plans should be developed that meet the organization's needs. Program
planning should use an integrated approach to prevent the duplication of efforts, ensure the
efficient use of resources, and ensure that all identified needs are addressed.
Prepare program budgets to support the implementation plans. With a program plan in place, a
budget can be developed. The traditional budgetary approach has been to appropriate only
those monies necessary for the costs of the program or project in its first fiscal year. At yearend, the appropriation expires and monies must be reallocated for each subsequent year of the
program or project. This approach is unnecessarily complex and may distract administrative and
board focus from important budgetary issues. To avoid these problems, the development of
multiyear program budgets, whether for capital or special programs, is recommended if state
and local statutes permit multiyear budgeting.
School Budget:
Obligation regarding a school's funds is shared by a few critical partners inside a school, from
headteachers and division prompts focal business and organization pioneers. The inconstancy of the
school and trust sizes makes this a somewhat untidy picture the nation over however with fluctuation
come extraordinary open doors for development and distributed learning.
On top of this, the monetary obligations of a school can be essentially as various as basically taking care
of unimportant money to more mind boggling tasks like incorporated educational program and
monetary preparation. The center is to continuously remain inside financial plan while holding the
capacity to offer the best assistance for understudies, and that implies great monetary preparation and
the board is an absolute necessity for those included.
how to prepare a school budget:
The Principles of School Budgeting
Three Steps for Preparing a Budget
Budget Implementation
Securing Value for Money
The Principles of School Budgeting:
Four different streams generally fund schools:
Capital funding: A type of funding used to improve a long-term asset, such as a building or IT
Delegated funding: This is usually a ‘no strings attached’ type of funding. A good example is a
dedicated schools grant.
Devolved funding: This type of funding comes with conditions on spending options. For
example, devolved capital funding can only be spent on long-term assets. Similarly, pupil
premium money would have to be spent with the evidence that it's benefitting target students.
Revenue funding: Used on things such as heating, stationery, repairs and salaries.
Three Steps for Preparing a Budget:
Step One: Reviewing Past Performance
Step Two: Planning for Requirement
Step Three: Predictive Forecasting