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Testosterone Optimisation eBook

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Testosterone Optimization
Testosterone is the essence of masculinity and is critical for overall
male health. Not a week goes by that I am not asked about
testosterone levels. Especially one of the following questions:
— ”How can I raise my testosterone?”
— ”Can supplements actually boost testosterone?”
Testosterone is man power, and without it men are turned into
androgynous, effeminated shells of their former selves. A stable
society needs strong men, and for all of our sakes, it’s time to turn
this trend around.
Low testosterone saps all your masculine energy. Everything that
makes a man secure is a derivative of testosterone. Low
testosterone reshapes a man’s entire personality and is one of the
leading determinants of a man’s quality of life.
Some symptoms of low testosterone include :
Low Energy
Bad Mood
Bad sperm quality
Low muscle growth
Low libido.
Testosterone Optimization
There are also many longer term consequences of low
testosterone including poor cardiovascular health and bone
density. This is more than just aesthetics. This is your masculinity
and livelihood at stake.
If you feel you have any of these symptoms, you’re in the right
place. ​I’ve divided this guide into three parts: ​Lifestyle​, ​Dietary​,
and ​Physical​.
Traits of high testosterone men:
High energy
High sex drive
Low neuroticism
Low agreeableness
Calculated risk taking
Testosterone Optimization
● Get proper sleep
Sleep is EXTREMELY important as this is when your body naturally
produces anabolic hormones (testosterone, growth hormone etc).
A lack of sleep can nearly cut testosterone production in half. The
formula is very simple:
Less sleep = Less testosterone.
Do what you need to do to improve your sleep. Cut down on blue
light exposure, turn down the lights, quiet the mind, manage your
time better, and get an alarm clock. Don’t wake up with your
● Learn violence in a competitive environment
Train your aggression through competition and pain tolerance.
Competitive environments are proven to increase testosterone
levels. Learn how to box, do BJJ, do muay thai. Anything that gets
your competitive instincts turned on and leads to you getting
punched in the face.
I am completely serious about this. Men that do not know how to
throw a punch and are scared to take a punch always lack a primal
physical confidence, and it can be seen from a mile away.
Men who are confident with violence have an entirely distinct edge.
Testosterone Optimization
● Reduce stress levels (cortisol)
Heightened cortisol (stress hormone) results in a decrease of
testosterone. Stress is entirely a result of lifestyle. Fix your lifestyle
and your stress levels will drop.
An easy way to lower stress is through meditation. If you don’t
want to learn how to meditate, there’s a simple diaphragmatic
breathing exercise you can do that will ​INSTANTLY​ make you
more relaxed.
Box breathing:
This is a technique used when taking slow, deep breaths. It can
heighten performance and concentration while also being a
powerful stress reliever.
How to Perform Box Breathing Exercise (4-4-4-4)
● Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for 4
seconds, make sure you’re breathing in with your
diaphragm (belly breathing)
● Hold your breath for 4 seconds
● Breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds
● Hold your breath for 4 seconds
● Repeat several times until you notice your state shifting.
Once you get more advanced, you can move to more advanced
forms of box breathing.
Testosterone Optimization
The key is to exhale as long as possible. 4 Breaths in, hold for an 8
second count, breathe out for 16 seconds.
The longer the exhale, the better it is for hacking your Vagus Nerve
to reduce stress.
Try this method right now for 2-5 mins, I guarantee you will be
amazed at how well it works.
Also, here's a pro tip derived from martial arts training: always be
conscious of your breathing. You should strive to naturally breathe
by expanding your lower belly.
When you become anxious, your breathing becomes more focused
on your chest, resulting in a faster breathing rate and less
ventilation, which is linked to a fight-or-flight response.
Sinking your breath to your belly gets you out of your head and into
the present moment, as if you were telling your brain that
everything is alright.
This will work for fights, social interactions, job interviews and
anything that makes you nervous or raises your stress levels.
● Talk to attractive girls
Talking to attractive girls raises T levels and lowers stress levels.
That is a scientific fact. Go talk to girls. I am dead serious about
this. If you are a man who has zero confidence with women, work
on this.
Testosterone Optimization
● Drop your loser friends
Low-T attitudes are contagious. Being friends with emasculated
men that are pussy-whipped and passive is toxic.
The same goes for your friends that do nothing but drink beer and
watch sports highlights on the weekends. You are the average of
the 5 people you spend the most time with, and high-T men have
high-T friends. If this hurt your feelings, you just proved my point.
Find like-minded and red-blooded brothers to compete against
and hold yourself accountable to. Put yourself around men who
pursue excellence across multiple realms by pursuing it yourself.
● Improve your posture
How you stand reflects how you move, it affects how you breathe,
it reflects your mentality.
Mentality is physicality.
Weak posture is a weak mindset, and it immediately indicates a
lack of athleticism.
Research has proven that postural improvement affects brain
chemistry. Don’t just stand up straight, move with confidence.
Walk into rooms, bars and clubs like you ​own​ the place.
Testosterone Optimization
● Speak with authority
Your dialogue reflects your mindset. “Maybe”, “kinda”, “sorta”,
“ehh”, “sorry” are how cowards speak. Tripping over your words
and sounding like a scared child inspire confidence in no one.
This is why people push you around at work, and why your woman
(if you have one) speaks to you with contempt.
Develop your confidence and elocution, and your hormones will
reinforce your mindset accordingly.
Don’t be a coward. I mean it.
Testosterone Optimization
● Reduce sugar and processed carb intake
High doses of sugar acutely suppresses testosterone levels. A diet
of large amounts of processed carbohydrates and sugar is
hormonal hell. It causes increased insulin insensitivity, systemic
inflammation, increased cortisol levels, and impaired glucose
With that said, you still need to eat carbs.​ ​Carbohydrates are
necessary for testosterone production, and low-carb diets
commonly cause testosterone decline. The solution is to only eat
clean carbs, and to match your carb intake to your activity levels.
● Increase healthy fat intake
Increase your intake of saturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.
Avoid ultra-lean cuts of meat and instead eat things like:
Chicken thighs
Fattier beef
Use coconut oil, olive oil, and butter.
Testosterone Optimization
● Magnesium and zinc
Many people are deficient in magnesium, this has adverse effects
on exercise performance, energy levels, mood, and a lot of
metabolic processes. Magnesium deficiency has been a silent
problem for many decades now, though most are unaware of it.
There does seem to be an interplay between magnesium
deficiency and suppressed testosterone levels. Additionally, if you
are deficient in zinc, you’ll get a solid testosterone boost when you
start supplementing with it.
I recommend Zinc in the form of ZMA (which also contains
● Vitamins
There are many vitamins and minerals that are important for
optimal testosterone production.
At the forefront are: vitamin A, vitamin D, B-vitamins, zinc, vitamin
k, magnesium, and selenium.
A good diet and multivitamin will cover many of the bases.
However, you will likely need to add additional supplementation for
Vitamin D, B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium.
Testosterone Optimization
Optimal intake:
Vitamin A: 5000iu
Vitamin D3: 2500-5000iu
B Vitamins 1-2 B-100 tabs
Vitamin K-100mcg daily
Zinc: 30-50mg (zinc citrate, zinc aspartate)
Magnesium 300-400mg
Selenium: 200mcg (Brazil nuts)
● Eat avocados
Avocados were considered fertility food by Native American tribes,
and for good reason:
They contain monounsaturated fat, which is the exact kind of fat
you want to be consuming for healthy testosterone levels.
They’re also loaded with many other nutrients (vitamin K, copper,
folate, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin C).
Testosterone Optimization
● Lift weights
Being strong and muscular leads to increased testosterone levels.
Conversely, increased testosterone levels facilitates greater
strength and muscle gains.
Compound movement should comprise the majority of your
training. These include squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, dips,
chinups and pushups.
● Perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT)
HIIT is another proven way to boost testosterone. ​One study​ in
men found that interval training consisting of 90 seconds of intense
treadmill running interspersed with 90-second recovery periods
boosted free T levels more significantly than simply running for 45
minutes straight.
● Stay active - move around (walking)
Walking is an ancient health secret, and people overlook it simply
because of how mundane it seems as a suggestion.
We weren’t born to be sedentary. If you spend multiple days of the
week indoors locked in your room, chances are you've got low T.
Your body needs to have a reason for high testosterone.
If you’re inside all day, your body will have no use for high
testosterone. ​STAY ACTIVE​.
Testosterone Optimization
Be uncomfortable.
Do hard things.
Do what scares you the most.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Embrace challenges.
Embrace the struggle.
Don't be a pussy.
You will feel confident once you get out of your comfort zone and
your testosterone will thank you for that.
If you do everything that I mentioned in this guide, you will notice
an increase in your testosterone.
There is a side effect though, you might turn yourself into a
demigod. Be careful
Final Note:
If you found this book helpful, I would greatly appreciate if you
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Instagram​: ​https://www.instagram.com/alphaadvice
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