Uploaded by Eisle Keith Tapia


Graduate School
MAEd- Science Education
“Warning! Global Warming”
Change is everlasting. Earth is changing every now and then, and so the climate is.
Climate change occurred in many ways and times in the history of Earth. Climate change is
also called the global warming that it is the changing of the rising average of the Earth’s
temperature. As these changes happen, there are different effects on our Home “Earth”.
Not only the environment affects the global warming, but also us who are living “Humans”.
These changes are mostly driven by human activities, particularly in burning fossil fuels that
release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air that causes the increase of
heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere of Earth. These raising temperature
caused by human are commonly called as global warming, which can have a variety effects
on ecosystems, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and droughts that can
lead more to wildfires. Other than these, it includes also the agriculture and deforestation
to the rapid increase of greenhouse gases. Aside from human-activities, natural processes
affect the climate change also. This change is already affecting all regions of the Earth.
These changes that we are experiencing right now will increase the warming. As this climate
change is for real because 97% climate scientists worldwide agreed to this and it is caused
by humans, scientists have lots of system to track climate over time. As it is real, causing the
climate change is threatening and will become more threatening in the near future,
especially if we will not do anything to save our “Home”.
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
According to a Science News Article by Carolyn Gramling on the first of October,
2021, there is an article titled “2020 babies may suffer up to seven times as many extreme
heat waves as 1960’s kids”. The article said that the young generations who were born in
the year 2020 could suffer more extreme heat waves than those people born in the 1960’s
under the continuous global warming. The average temperature of earth will be expected to
rise by approximately 2.4 degrees Celsius relative to any period before the start of 2100.
Younger generations expected to suffer more such effects of climate change such as
wildfires, river floods, droughts, crop failures, and it can also affect our health compared
with the older generations.
This article ignites my curiosity; I agreed that there will be a time that the Earth
would suffer more with the extreme climate change. I believe, there are instances too that
it is the fault of Humans why there is a climate change. Humans are the one who burns
fossil fuel (dirty energy) that harms the environment. As we burn fossil fuels for the energy
that we use in our daily lives, there are disadvantages. We were paying those prices. As
fossil fuels burn, it releases greenhouse gas into the air. Those greenhouse gases will trap
heat in the atmosphere that will cause global warming.
First it would cause wildfires, in the article said that in the future, there will be two
times wildfires experiences than the past years. Climate change has been always the cause
in increasing the risk and extent of wildfires. Wildfire possibility depends on the
temperature, moisture of the soil, and the existence of trees and shrubs, and other
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
potential fuel which these possibilities prove the climate variability and climate change.
Climate change increases the possibility of drying the organic matters that burns and cause
wildfires in the forests. Through the studies of the scientists around the world, climate
change causes the hotter temperature leading to drier conditions. More drought seasons,
more possibilities of wildfire risk. As drought and heat continue to rise with the greenhouse
gas emissions, there are more possibilities of wildfires in the future, expected the fire
seasons will get longer.
Climate change has an impact on the water cycle. Second, we have the river floods.
As it was mentioned in the said article those younger generations will possibly experience
2.6 times as many droughts than before (past few years). Flood is a natural disaster that is
the most deadly among the other disasters. Floods brought health risks, damage to
buildings and structures, such as roads, bridges, and power transmission lines, even loss of
life. Constant flooding in the long run also affects the economy of the city or the country as
a whole. However, if controlled, it could provide benefits to the ecosystem by replenishing
the nutrients and recharging the ground water. Therefore, for every disadvantage, there is
an advantage. But, we must see to it on how we will go to pay those disadvantages, how the
effect on us, on our Earth is. Interconnecting climate change and floods, climate change
causes an increase factor in the intensity and frequency of floods that will cause changes in
precipitation. Scientists around the world agree that rising temperatures causes severe
typhoons leading to more floods. Increasing temperature (as the air warms up, holds more
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
water vapor) causes faster evaporation of water from land and sea leading to extreme
precipitation. And that increasing temperature is due again to the effect of greenhouse
Third, the drought, which it is the dry period in the cycle of the natural climate that
occurs any part in our world. Climate change has a great impact on the worsening of
droughts in many parts of our world. As warmer temperature rises due to climate change,
drought will be permanent on our lives. Global warming impacts the risk of drought in
several ways. Water evaporation process would be quicker and decreasing precipitation at
higher temperatures leading to hotter weather resulting to drought.
Fourth, crop failures. According to the scientists around the world, younger
generations may suffer three times as many crop failures than before. Almost all over the
world, climate change is the culprit in the failures of crops. Common warming and more
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would help plants to grow faster. Unfortunately, rising
global warming, severe floods, and drought would affect the failures of the crops. Livestock
be at risk due to the hot weather cause by global warming reduced quality of the supplies of
food (agriculture).
Lastly, our Health. Climate change risks our health. Global warming causes the risk of
our health conditions, more in the tropical regions. A hot weather condition causes an
increase rate of mosquito population which leads to the risk of malaria, dengue and other
insect-borne infections. It can trigger heat waves also which a long period of having a high
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
temperature can have serious health effects such as the aged people and the sick ones. The
leading rate of the health effect is the hyperthermia or heatstroke that can be fatal if it is
not treated as soon as possible. People suffering heart diseases are more at risk to higher
temperatures, specifically those who are living on the tropical areas of the world. Those
people are at higher risk of having asthma and other respiratory diseases. Higher
temperature, higher ozone concentration leading to more possibility of damaging the
people’s lung tissue and would cause complications for asthma patients and those who
have lung diseases.
All in all, climate change gives us many factors. Our home “Earth” is in danger state.
It may affect our health and well-being through the impacts of uttermost happenings in our
earth; intensify air quality, changes in the roll out of infectious diseases, scarcity of food
supplies due to crop failures, water quality and quantity and effects on our mental health. It
was heart-breaking to see that the future will be suffering more on the impacts of global
warming. However, we are family in the world. We are one. We work together as one.
Healing our Home “Earth” starts on us. If we stopped emitted greenhouse gases as of today,
the increasing rate of global warming would begin to decrease within a few years. It is a
long-process but there will be a time that our home “Earth” will be renewed. We must act
on how we can protect our Earth at least on what we can do. The most important thing is
we must stop deforestation because cutting down trees will worsen the level of carbon
dioxide in the air. Instead, we must help with one another to plant more trees to have a fine
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
balance nature. We must also not waste electricity. Conserve energy in our daily lives
because it needs the burning of fossil fuels. The more energy to be used, more carbon
dioxide will be produced. We must do also the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Reducing
waste would reduce our carbon footprint, so instead of burning plastic materials, we must
reuse and recycle it because burning waste releases toxic gases in the atmosphere leading
to global warming. We can also use bicycle or just walk instead of cars. Driving less is not
only saves fuel but also helps to reduce global warming because the main pollution caused
by oil and gasoline is the emission of fumes. As a result, cutting down on consumption is a
wonderful way to cut down on energy waste. It reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that
releases into the air.
These are the some least things we can do to our daily lives. We must engage with
one another to do these things as we fight the climate change. Doing simple things to save
our Earth may help prevent the serious consequences of global warming.
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
MAEd- Science Education
Shake It Off: Earthquake
I shake it off, I shake it off. I'm dancing on my own; I make the moves up as I go. And that's
what they don't know”, that’s what the Earthquake says.
An earthquake in simple words, it is the unforeseen shaking of the ground or the
trembling of the ground. Earthquakes are undeniably a catastrophic environmental disaster.
Earthquakes could also cause tremendous damage to people and infrastructure. Some
Earthquakes have low energy and go unnoticed. Some Earthquakes, on the other hand,
have a great energy and violent that can cause a big impact. Earthquakes of this magnitude
are almost always devastating in nature. Most significantly, an earthquake's occurrence is
highly unpredictable. That is why they are dangerous.
According to AP news article on the 28th day of November 2021, titled “USGS:
Magnitude-7.5 earthquake strikes northern Peru”. Early Sunday, an earthquake with a
preliminary magnitude of 7.5 hit northern Peru, devastating some houses and blocking
several roads with debris. While the quake was incredibly potent, it was deep focus
earthqauke — measuring 112 kilometers (70 miles), it thus usually lessens the risk of
devastation and losses. The earthquake hit at 5:52 a.m. local time in the Amazon region, 42
kilometers (26 miles) north of Barranca. According to the USGS, it had a magnitude of 7.5
surveyed by Geologists. The Mayor Walter Culqui told Peru's RPP radio that part of a 16th
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
century church in La Jalca district in the Amazon region fell and three persons were slightly
injured. Several routes in Peru's Amazonas and Cajamarca regions were blocked by falling
stones, and the tremor was felt over 800 kilometers (500 miles) distant in Lima, when some
residents hurried out of their homes in fear. A church in the Ecuadorian municipality of Loja
was also slightly destroyed. Parts of Colombia and Brazil have also been shaken by the
tremor. Earthquakes are common in Peru, which is located within the Pacific Ring of Fire,
which accounts for 85 percent of the world's seismic activity.
The inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust are the four layers that make up the
earth. The mantle and crust act as a very thin layer of shell on the surface of our planet. This
shell, on the other hand, is not made up of a single piece; it is made up of multiple sections
that reside beneath the soil and are slowly sliding past one another. The tectonic plates are
the names for these pieces. In the said Article, Nazca plate is where Peru located. When two
or more tectonic plates collide, the area becomes an earthquake hotspot. When these
plates start slipping past one another, energy is generated in the form of seismic waves,
which triggers the actual earthquake. These seismic waves have the capacity to completely
destroy structures and natural ecosystems, depending on their position and magnitude. The
geologic faults are the areas where these earthquakes are known to occur. The depths of
earthquakes provide crucial information about the Earth's structure and the tectonic setting
in which they occur. Subduction zones, when plates collide and one plate is subducted
beneath another, are the most visible example of this. We may discern aspects of a
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
subduction zone's structure by carefully mapping the position and depth of earthquakes
linked with it, such as how steeply it is dipping and whether the down-going plate is flat or
bending. These features are crucial because they provide insight into the mechanics and
dynamics of subduction zone deformation.
How deep do earthquakes occur on the Earth's surface? The majority of earthquake
foci are located within a few tens of kilometers of the earth's surface. The said article is an
intermediate earthquake. Intermediate earthquakes, defined as quakes with a focal depth
spanning from 60 to 300 kilometers, account for 12% of total energy produced in
earthquakes. Deeper earthquakes account for around 3% of total energy. In general term,
“Deep-focus earthquakes” are classified those earthquakes with such a depth of more than
70 kilometers. All earthquakes with a depth greater than 70 kilometers occur within large
slabs of lithosphere descending into the Earth's mantle. They also happen in subduction
zones beneath ocean trenches or in oceanic plate island arcs. The migration of the slab
towards the deeper section of the earth during a deep-focus earthquake does not cause as
much crustal shaking as it does during a shallow-focus earthquake. Nonetheless, deep-focus
earthquakes can be triggered by extreme shallow-focus earthquakes.
How could an earthquake of such magnitude generate less damage and no major
injuries? Quakes that strike close to the surface cause more shaking, like "a bomb
immediately under a metropolis," according to Susan Hough, a USGS seismologist. In
general, the deeper the quake, the less intense and hazardous it is. That's because the
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
magnitude of the shaking - or energy released - perceived as a result of an earthquake
decreases as you get further away from the quake's source. Both earthquake magnitude
and depth must be taken into account when assessing the potential damage on life and
property. Deep quake seismic waves must travel further to reach the surface, losing energy
in the process. Seismometer data can be used to determine the timing, position, and
magnitude of an earthquake. Seismometers are tools used to measure the vibrations
earthquake - induced as they propagate through the Earth. Each seismometer records the
ground trembling right beneath it. Strong earthquakes can be detected everywhere in the
world using sensitive devices that substantially magnify these ground disturbances. Modern
systems precisely amplify and record ground motion as a function of time (usually at
intervals of 0.1 to 100 seconds). The magnitude of an earthquake refers to its size. A single
magnitude is assigned to an earthquake. The resulting shaking has a variety of values that
vary depending on distance, kind of surface material, and other factors.
"Earthquakes don't kill people; buildings do," according to several seismologists. This
is because the majority of earthquake deaths are caused by buildings or other human
structures collapsing during the quake. Earthquakes that hit in remote places far from
human communities rarely result in fatalities. As a result, the risk of an earthquake is
determined by density of population, building standards (building regulations), and
emergency readiness. In the said article, some homes have been destroyed, and debris has
blocked multiple highways. Three people suffered minor injuries also. Earthquake
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
devastation starts with the earth's intense shaking, which can break the earth, cause
landslides, and convert the earth's surface to liquid. Major earthquakes cause devastating
shaking that can be felt hundreds of kilometers away.
We can't stop natural earthquakes from striking, but we can greatly reduce their
consequences by detecting hazards, constructing better structures, and implementing
earthquake safety education. We can reduce the risk of human-caused earthquakes by
planning for natural earthquakes. Recognize the warning signals of an earthquake. People
may hear a roaring or rumbling sound that gradually gets stronger during an earthquake.
People may also experience a rolling sensation that begins gradually but quickly becomes
intense. Alternatively, people may be startled by a severe jolt. People may feel shaky and
find it difficult to stand up or go from one room to another a second or two later. Collapsing
building materials and large falling objects, such as bookcases, cabinets, and heating units,
cause the majority of deaths and injuries during an earthquake. Learn where the safe zones
are in each of people rooms. When people are already in bed, a secure position could be
underneath a sturdy table away from walls or below the covers with a pillow over the head.
Prepare and rehearse what to do in the event of an earthquake.
The people can learn to react accurately and naturally when the shaking begins by
planning and rehearsing what to do in the event of an earthquake. Conduct an earthquake
drill. Participating in an earthquake drill will prepare everyone if there's an earthquake. This
can assist everyone in planning where, when, and how will rejoin with everyone following
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469
Graduate School
an earthquake. During your earthquake exercise, remember to drop, cover, and hold on.
Create an evaluation plan and an emergency supply kit. Prepare homes for earthquakes.
Make sure homes are free of dangers. Make a point of inspecting homes and its
surroundings for any potential threats and, if possible, securing homes. During an
earthquake or its aftershocks, anything might shift, tumble, or break.
There are numerous steps that can be taken to prepare for earthquakes and
decrease the risk they pose communities. People can improve their odds of surviving an
earthquake and minimizing its hazardous and harmful impact by knowing about potential
seismic dangers in their area and taking some readiness measures now. The Risk: In an
earthquake, the actual movement of the ground is rarely the primary cause of death or
injury. The majority of the casualties are caused by falling objects and debris as a result of
the earthquake shaking. The degree of damage caused by an earthquake is mostly
determined by the duration and intensity of the shaking, as well as the age and construction
type of a structure. The first structures to be tested by an earthquake will be older
structures designed with little or no seismic design. Secondary impacts of earthquakes
include flames, liquefaction, and landslides. The Solution: While earthquakes usually strike
without warning, there are precautions that individuals can do to safeguard themselves.
People may lessen the vulnerability to earthquakes that may occur in the future by taking
action now.
Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900, Ilocos Norte
 gs@mmsu.edu.ph
 +63(077)600-3469