A Last Wish- Narrative (A happy and humorous story turns tragic) Happiness, gaiety and celebration As happy as a skylark, cackle of laughter, humming of songs by the choir, glistening of bright lights, rapturous beats of the drum, swaying of the wind against the flaps of the tent’s doors, the infectious smiles of the young girls, the robust laughter of the gangs of boys, the roaring sounds of the men’s jokes, the gentle cluttering of the women’s shoes, the timid gestures of the chattering apes, the lazy walk of the elegant elephants Description burst of energy, the tapping of feet to the sound of the beats in the musical drama, the breathtakingly beauty of the Egyptian queen, the playful mood of the clumsy clown, the witty comments of the jester, After the wish has come true… blackness engulfed the entire .., it seemed that the devil himself had unleashed himself and was ready to devour each and every one of the spectators, wails and perpetual cries were ranting the air, then everything was as still as death, time had stopped for little Timmy, who now is a sniffling rugged man in his late eighties. The Cancellation cold winter morning, pale blue sky, lived on the outskirts of a desolate town, felt lethargic and low in spirits, shrill beeping of the phone, hoarse voice of a long forgotten friend, dampness and the chill was not only affecting his bones but also his mind, was literally begging for some sort of diversion to get rid of the depressive mood, was more than willing to attend it, actually he was elated and got a purpose to use his time efficiently, choose a dark blue suit with a matching red striped tie, all set to go, strangely the car refused to budge, riveted the engine and was all set to race to the venue of the party, noticed the odd location of the bungalow, secluded and unkempt but let the thought pass by, strangely it had turned very dark and black stormy clouds paved the sky with their shadows, it appeared to be a ominous by again , just a passing thought, from the hall emanated a very weird fragrance, though an avid music lover could not make out the compositions that were being played out, laughed at my own state of being out-dated, the invitees were dressed strangely, mostly all were dressed in black ghastly looking outfits, again stopped for a moment to make sense of it but then got carried away by the dance steps being performed by the dance troupe, the strangeness of the entire gathering seemed to affect me, screeches of men and women had it toll on me and I sat in one corner, ate nothing, the party ended and I drove back home with a feeling of uneasiness, something seemed to be wrong about the gathering that I had just been a part of , flopped on my bed, woke up suddenly by the screaming of the phone…. Show Don’t Tell drenched in sweat breathing heavingly almost out of breath, hopped on to the train You 17:07 just on the nick of time You 17:09 lady- unsteady and not sure footed, perched and dragged , made it to the threshold and slumped on to the ground, heavily, oblivious to her surroundings You 17:14 author- stretched his tired and worn out body, sent spirals of misty and smoky clouds in circular ringlets, the stillness of the ashen night , shattered by the greyish black cicada's chirrips You 17:16 old man- the man with a bony structure and almost bald head crowned with a few strands of grey You 17:21 shifted lest and right, his breath was more like the hiss of a snake, the bags of lungs that were a part of him had failed, he struggled like a fish out of water, till all soul left him losing out to death You 17:25 the tantalising aroma filled each corner of the room, i could sense my appetite growing, rats were playing havoc in my stomach, the pancakes looked enticing with their fluffy golden brown exterior drowned under an overflow of a brown cascade of chocolate. You 17:31 with brows raised on his forehead like two angry volcanoes, blood shot eyes glaring and almost popping out of their sockets, the owner of the unlucky animal was driven like dirt from the sight of his master You 17:33 *drove the poor soul out of the reach of his eyes. with brows raised on his forehead like two angry volcanoes, blood shot eyes glaring and almost popping out of their sockets, the owner of the unlucky animal was driven like dirt from the sight of his master Letter The Librarian JMS School Mumbai xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 25th April, 2022 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Manager Point One Booksellers Mumbai xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Sir/Ma’am xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Placing an order for books in the library. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We are pleased to inform xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name of the Books 1. History of India Author’s/ Publisher’s Name Prasad No. of Copies 20 2. Modern Trigonometry Bansiprasad 3. 4. 5. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 32 Xxxxxxxxxx Yours sincerely Sonia Gambhir (Librarian) Enquiry You are Rajini/Rahul, living at E-35,Sector-12, Noida. You read an advertisement about a short term course in Graphic Designing by Arena Multimedia, Pitampura, Delhi. Write a letter seeking all relevant details of the course. E- 35, Sector 12 Noida xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 25th April,2022 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Director Arena Multimedia Pitampura Delhi Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sir, Subject: Enquiry about a short term course in Graphic Designing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I saw your advertisement………which appeared in ‘The Hindu’ dated 22nd April ,2022. Prima Facie it appears to be …….programme: 1. Duration of the Course 2. Timings and fee structure 3. Eligibility criteria for admission in the course 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Number of students in a batch Facility of evening or part time batches Whether recognized by any university or not Facility of transport Future prospect of the course Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please send me a copy of the prospectus as I am sending a self- addressed and stamped envelope with this letter. Soliciting your response at the earliest. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yours sincerely Rajini