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Women in Peacebuilding: Role & Impact Analysis

SUPPORTING NONVIOLENCE: Women in Peacebuilding
Name: Soon, Al Jeam
Course/Yr: BSED-2
1. What is the mother doing in the video?
- The mother's singing a lullaby and making her baby fall asleep.
2. From what factors does the mother prevent the baby from waking up?
- The fighting outside of their house is one of the factors in which the mother is trying to avoid
from waking her child.
3. What do the mother and the baby named Mindanaw stand for?
-I think it stands for the third major island group of the Philippines - Mindanao, and its violent
experiences regarding the wars, contentions, and attacks from rebels that prevent the area and its
inhabitants to acquire lasting peace.
4. How does the role of the woman shown in the video stand in relation to peace and peacebuilding?
- Women are deemed to be the natural peacemakers. A woman’s role is to typically safeguard
her child from any harm that may endanger them. Yes, a man’s role is usually to protect the
family, but in our culture – fathers are considered to be the breadwinners and are therefore the
ones who leave home to find a source of income. Women then take the role of a protector to
take care of their children. Our mothers are our first teachers, they are the ones to help us in
cultivating peace within ourselves so that our actions will also be in solidarity with the
peacebuilding efforts of people around the world.
5. Personally, how do you see now your own concept of the role of the women in peacebuilding?
- Women take a special role in peacebuilding. It is in our nature to be an avid lover of peace
and serenity. We are meant to help in inspiring and cultivating children and people around
us to have a deeper sense of inner peace and to ensure that lasting peace will last throughout
the world. Women are peacemakers, we are encouraged to be living lighthouses of peace and