Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region V SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE MASBATE ABACA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cataingan West District Abaca, Cataingan, Masbate CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF Parents Teachers Association Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region V SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE MASBATE ABACA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cataingan West District Abaca, Cataingan, Masbate CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT We, the students of Abaca Elementary School, with the help of God, and believing in the need for a better organized student government, and I the development of the youth as future leaders of the nation, hereby form a unified student organization that shall embody the ideals and principles of democracy, in collective efforts to promote the welfare of all students and the academic standards of our school, do hereby promulgate and adopt this constitution and by-laws that will promote, implement, and maintain our goals and aspirations. Article I General Provisions Sec. 1 This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution of the Supreme Pupil Government of the C. Sec. 2 For purposes of this Constitution and By-Laws, SPG refers to the Supreme Pupil Government of Abaca Elementary School. Article II Name and Domicile Sec. 1 The name of the organization shall be known as the Supreme Pupil Government. Sec. 2 The office of the SPG shall be located inside the premises of the school. Article III Declaration of Principles and Objectives Sec. 1 The SPG of Abaca Elementary School shall promote mutual understanding through social, civic, intellectual, recreational and scientific programs and activities. Sec. 2 The SPG shall have the following objectives: a. Develop love of God and country, moral character, personal discipline, leadership and efficiency may be learned and practiced. b. Provide a means by which the principles of democracy and good citizenship may be learned and practiced. c. Train members for effective and efficient leadership. d. Serve, promote and protect the general welfare of the student body and the administration and serve as one voice. e. Join together the student body and the administration and serve as one voice. f. Maintain school aspirations to promote quality education and academic excellence. g. To provide opportunities for members and students to serve the school community through public service or school activities. h. To help out in organizing activities e.g. camp, school sponsored dance, prom nights and sports. i. To uphold the rules and regulations stated on the student handbook. Article IV Membership Sec. 1 All bonafide secondary students of the school ae members of the studentry to whom the SSG shall be accountable at all times. Article V Rights of Students Sec. 1 Every student has the right to education. Sec. 2 Every student has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and expression. Sec. 3 Every student has the right to avail of all the services offered by the SPG. Sec. 4 Every student has the right to conduct and participate in all school activities. Sec. 5 Every student has the right to information on all the issues and matters concerning them. Sec. 6 Every student has the right to vote, to be nominated and be elected into office. Sec. 7 Every student has the right to elect, by class suffrage, the officers and student representatives to the SPG. Sec. 8 Every student has the right to have his or her position represented by the officers of the Supreme Pupil Government and to have this position taken into consideration by the School Board, teachers, and administration, through the SPG, on appropriate matters. Sec. 9 Every student has the right to call a meeting with their respective class members or student government members if the desire to do exists or the right to attend existing meetings of these groups. Sec. 10 Every student has the right to have the rules and regulations stated in the Student Handbook and School Policy on Discipline, fairly applied to himself or herself. Sec. 11 Every student has the right to due process. Article VI Duties and Obligations of Students Sec. 1 Every student has the responsibility to observe the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, and the rules and regulations of the School at all times. Sec. 2 Every student must pay on time all SPG frees as approved by the Parent-Teachers Association in an appropriate resolution. Sec. 3 Every student must support and promote the thrusts and objectives of the SPG and the School. Sec. 4 Every student must abide by the SPG constitution and by-laws. Sec. 5 Every student must exercise his/her rights and do his/her responsibilities as an SPG member. Article VII Powers and Duties of the Supreme Pupil Government Sec. 1 The Supreme Pupil Government shall be the highest governing body of the entire studentry. Sec. 2 The SPG shall have the following functions and responsibilities: a. Formulate and recommend programs that will address relevant issues and concerns of the studentry. b. Plan and implement policies and programs designed to protect and promote students’ rights and welfare; c. Monitor and evaluate the students’ activities in the school and in the community; d. Create committees necessary to address the needs of the students; e. Make recommendations to school authorities regarding student matters, affairs and activities; f. Serve as a representative of the studentry in voicing their opinions, suggestions and grievances; g. Orient new students; h. Assist in the coordination of all campus co-curricular organization and help out in organizing school activities, fund raising, camp, fieldtrips, school dance, prom nights, sports, school functions etc. i. Promote good relations between IBA and other schools. j. Have such other powers and duties as the school authorities and the studentry may, from time to time, grant or delegate , consistent with stated principles, objectives and school policies; k. Monitor and supervise the elections of Student Government Officers for the succeeding school year; and l. Turn-over financial assets, papers, documents, properties and other responsibilities to the incoming Student Government Officers. m. Submit financial and accomplishment reports to the school authorities. An end-of-the-year report must be submitted to school authorities and the incoming SPG officers during the turn-over of responsibilities. Article VIII Composition, Election, and Term of Office of the SPG Sec. 1 The officers of the SPG are the duly elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and one representative each from Grade 3 to Grade 6. Sec. 2 All SPG elections shall be conducted school wide every first week of October annually. Sec. 3 Offices of the President and Vice-President shall be filled separately, by one vote per person in a general election of the entire school. He or she must be a member of the Grade 3 to Grade 6 classes. Sec. 4 Any student interested in becoming an officer of the SPG for the following year must submit his/her name by means of a filing a Certificate of Candidacy with any one of the teacher advisers. Sec. 5 Candidates must write a brief paragraph explaining why they want to be an officer of the SPG, what they want to accomplish, etc. These shall be copied and posted for voters to see prior to the election. Sec. 6 Campaign period shall not be more than five (5) school days prior to the SPG elections. Sec. 7 Candidates for all SSG elective positions must be: a. Bonafide students; b. Of good academic standing with a general average of 80% and above without any failing grade during the 2nd term of the current school year; c. Of good moral and have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanction; d. Resident of the school for at least one (1) academic year prior to the filing of Certificate of Candidacy, except candidates for Secondary 1 Level Representative; Sec. 8 The officers of the SPG shall hold office for one academic year. Article IX Duties and Functions of Officers Sec. 1 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the SPG. He/she have the following duties: a. Guide the SPG in identifying and accomplishing its aims and objectives; b. Be responsible for the progress of the SPG by implementing programs and projects of the SPG; c. Plan an agenda for all meetings and/or may designate another officer to preside for a specific meeting; d. Preside over all meetings and/or may designate another officer to preside for a specific meeting; e. Enforce this Constitution, By-laws and other regulations that may be promulgated; f. Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences, and other official paper of the SPG. g. Be the official spokesperson of the SPG; h. Represent the SPG at school management meetings and any official external or internal affairs/functions when deemed necessary. Sec. 2 The Vice-President shall have the following duties: a. Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is necessary; b. Perform duties assigned him/her by the President. c. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President. d. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities; e. Represent the student body at school meetings as requested by the President. f. Be in charge of all committees by leading the conceptualization of programs and projects and plan activities with the Year-level representatives; g. Assume the position of public relations director; and h. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG. Sec. 3 The Secretary shall have the following duties: a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings of every meeting; b. Keep a file of pertinent documents and papers of the SPG and make them accessible to studentry; c. Call and prepare notices of SPG meetings; d. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG. Sec. 4 The Treasurer shall have the following duties: a. Keep all financial records of the SPG; b. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SPG’s funds c. Prepare an annual budget of the SPG in consultation with the Officers; d. Prepare financial reports every month, after an activity, and at the end of the term. Sec. 5 The Year Level Representatives shall have the following duties: a. Represent his/her year level in all of the meetings of the SPG; b. Serve as the grievance desk for their respective level; c. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects for their respective year level; d. Assist in the affective implementation of the SPG’s programs and projects; and, e. Perform such other duties assigned by the SPG. Article X Form Class Organizations Sec. 1 There shall be a form class organization in every section of each Year Level composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, which is parallel to the organizational structure of the SPG; Sec. 2 The form class organization shall be responsible for implementing programs and projects in each class; Sec. 3 The form class organization shall assist the SPG in implementing its programs and projects; Sec. 4 The form class organization shall be guided by the designated form teachers who must be part of the teaching staff of the school. Article XI Supreme Pupil Government Adviser Sec. 1 The SPG Adviser shall be the Head of Student Activities, or any competent, able and willing teacher designated by the Headmaster; Sec. 2 The SPG Adviser shall monitor all programs, projects, activities and meetings of the SPG at all times; Sec. 3 The SPG Adviser can designate Teacher Advisers who shall assist the SPG Adviser on SPG supervision. Article XII Commission on Elections Sec. 1 The Commission on Elections shall, herein referred to as the SPG COMELEC, shall be established forty-five (45) days before the day of the elections; Sec. 2 The SPG COMELEC shall be the only agency that will manage the electoral process, including the campaign; Sec. 3 The SPG COMELEC shall be composed of six (6) members represented by each year level who do not have vested interest in the election, or in any way related to any of the candidates, and who shall select a chairperson among themselves; Sec. 4 Each officer of the SPG is entitled to one vote. If there is a tie, the President will decide the outcome. Sec. 5 No proxy allowed when voting. Any necessary voting of the SPG will be made only by the voting members present. a. Conduct fair, honest, and systematic elections; b. Validate electoral proceedings and results; c. Accept and revoke candidacy d. Proclaim the new set of officers; e. Keep all pertinent election papers/documents; f. Decide upon protest relative to the conduct and results of the elections; g. Prepare and distribute the necessary election paraphernalia, certificate of candidacy forms and other election related materials, before, during, and after the election; and, h. Disqualify candidates who have violated any guidelines, which have been promulgated. Article XIII The General Assembly Sec. 1 The General Assembly of the SPG shall be composed of all elected Form Class Presidents from Grade 1 to 6. Sec. 2 The General Assembly shall be a forum for information and consultations, which shall be significantly considered for decision-making. Sec. 3 The General Assembly shall be convened by the President once every two months starting in the month of September and as the need arises. Article XIV Meetings, Voting and Quorum Sec. 1 The SPG shall conduct regular meetings every first week of the month or as agreed upon by the officers of the SPG. Sec. 2 Special meetings of the SPG may be called upon by the President or by a majority of the SPG officers. Sec. 3 Majority of the officers of the SPG (50% + 1) shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 4 Each officer of the SPG is entitled to one vote. If there is a tie, the Presidents will decide the outcome. Sec. 5 No proxy allowed when voting. Any necessary voting of the SPG will be made only by the voting members present. Article XV Impeachment, Resignation and Vacancies Sec. 1 The officers of the SPG may be impeached on the following grounds: a. Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws; b. Gross misconduct, violence to person in authority, negligence, and disloyalty to the cause of the SSG and the school; c. Non-attendance in regular meetings for six (6) consecutive times; and, d. Abuse or misuse of power and authority. Sec. 2 A formal complaint shall be a written letter addressed to the SPG as a whole, by any member of the student body, including an SSG officer, teacher, faculty member, administrator, or a parent. Sec. 3 Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly, through secret balloting, shall be necessary to decide after hearing of the case of impeachment. Sec. 4 The decision of the General Assembly shall be final. However, the officer charged shall be informed twenty (20) days prior to his impeachment case proceedings, of the charge/charges against him/her, to afford him the opportunity to be heard with or without counsel in his defense. Sec. 5 At any time that a member is under disciplinary investigation, resulting in debate or voting, the member shall be asked to not attend meetings. Sec. 6 If the aforementioned member is the President, then the Vice-President shall assume all presidential duties. Sec. 7 Resignation shall be in writing and subject to the approval of the SPG officers. Sec. 8 Any vacancy in any of the positions for the reason of death, resignation, impeachment, shall be filled, subject to the recommendation of the SPG. Sec. 9 Any vacancy of the SPG, except for the position of President, shall be filled, within thirty (30) days from the day the position is rendered vacant of the President from among the officers of the SSG. Immediately upon appointment, the officer appointed shall serve for the remaining period. Sec. 10 The SPG COMELEC shall certify as to the vacancy occurring in the SPG and the SPG Adviser shall certify the fact of appointment of the officer to the vacant position. Article XVI School Coordination The Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) shall coordinate their functions with the School Head, Administrator, Deputies and Head of student clubs and activities. Article XVII Amendments Sec. 1 This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended or modified in full or in part upon the recommendation of the SPG. Sec. 2 The SPG, the SPG Adviser, or the School Management may propose amendments. Such proposal shall be carried through a resolution duly signed and concurred in by a majority vote of the SSG officers and the approval of the SPG Adviser. Sec. 3 Amendments to this Constitution and By-laws shall take effect immediately upon its ratification, and approval of the SPG Adviser and the school head. ABACA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARENTS-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PREAMBLE We, the parents/guardians and teachers of secondary students of Abaca Elementary School, imploring the aid of Divine Almighty God, in order to establish an Association that shall unite the entire institution for the common good of the students therein, to inculcate in them values of a responsible and concerned citizen, protect and advance the rights and welfare of the students, parents and teachers, promote a free human peaceful, honest and democratic society, do hereby declare and promulgate this constitution and by-laws. Article I THE NAME AND ITS ORGANS SECTION 1. The name of the Association shall be known as Abaca Elementary School Parents-Teachers Association of herein referred to as AES-PTA. SECTION 2. The office of the AESS-PTA shall be at Abaca Elementary School, Abaca, Cataingan, Masbate. The Classroom organization refers to as the homeroom council. The Year Level council refers to as the homeroom council. The Year Level council refers to each year level composed of the different sections. The Supreme Council refers to the highest governing body of the Association which shall compose of the elected members of the Board from the Year Level Councils. Article II THE OBJECTIVES SECTION 1. The Objectives of the Association shall be: To establish a working relationship from and among parents, teachers and administration in the formulation and efficient implementation of progressive education programs enhancing the values and development of the students which includes moral, sports, aesthetic appreciation, recreational pursuits, languages and cultures. To work for the general concern and welfare of the students by providing assistance to the best capacity of the Association in the improvement of the instructional facilities and by fostering and maintaining a harmonious relationship based on truth, honest and just and mutual respect between parents, teachers and school administration. Article III THE MEMBERSHIP AND DUES SECTION 1. Members of the Association shall be those parents/guardian of secondary students presently enrolled. SECTION 2. All teachers of Abaca Elementary School shall automatically become members of the Association. The incumbent principal of the school shall serve as the adviser of the Association. SECTION 3. Membership fee which is the PTA fee shall be fixed by the Board which shall be paid by every member during the enrolment period. Article IV THE EXECUTIVE BOARD SECTION 1. The executive board shall compose of thirteen (13) members. SECTION 2. The parent/guardian members of the Executive Board shall be elected from the Year Level for a term of one (1) year and their election shall be managed by a non-partisan Committee on Elections composed of three (3) members, as determined by the Board provided that they themselves shall not be candidate for Board. SECTION 3. The elected eight (8) parent/guardian members and seven (7) teachers shall elect from among themselves the officers of the Executive Board. The Elective positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager, Auditor, Human Relation Officer and Two (2) Peace Officers. SECTION 4. The position of Secretary shall be occupied automatically by a teacher who garnered the highest points in the election for the Board, otherwise, other appointive position shall be given to teachers. However, the position of Treasurer shall be occupied by a parent. The following appointive positions are: Assistant Secretary, Asst. Treasurer, Board Members who shall compose of five (5) active parent/guardian members. SECTION 5. The seven (7) teaches shall be elected by the Year Level Council who shall serve likewise for a period of two years. Each teacher should at least be a representative of each year level. SECTION 6. The Assistant Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board while the President of the Board shall be under his discretionary power to appoint at least five (5) past active and qualified members who have helped the Association in all its undertakings. SECTION 7. All appointive officials shall have no voting power. SECTION 8. The Executive Board shall have the following functions: Formulate policies, rules and regulations for the management of the affairs of the Association. Supervise and control all business transactions and affairs of the Association, and Execute, administer and implement policies, programs and projects of the Association. Article V THE OFFICER SECTION 1. The Executive Board who shall be elected by the Year Level Council officers through secret ballot shall elect from among themselves the set of officers as referred hereto in Article IV, Section 3. SECTION 2. The election of the Board shall be held on the first Sunday of July, 8:00 o’clock in the morning at Abaca Elementary School every after one year. On the other hand, lower organs: Homeroom and Year Level Councils shall serve one (1) year term of office. Prior to the election of the Board, lower organizations shall have been organized, hence, Homeroom Council Officers must been elected following the election of the Year Level Council. All elected Homeroom PTA Chairman and Secretaries shall convene to elect the Officers of the Year Level Council by show of hands. The Year Level Council Officers shall elect the numbers of the Executive Board through secret ballot. SECTION 3. All officers both in the Supreme Council and lower organs may be re-elected until such disqualification occurs. Article VI POWER, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF OFFICERS SECTION 1. The President The President shall have the following duties: Act as Chief Executive Officer of the Association. Defend the Constitution and By Laws of the Association. Report to the general assembly the state of affairs of the Association. Manage directly the affairs of the Association. Perform such duties as are inherent in his office or are properly required of him by the Supreme Council or Board. SECTION 2. The Vice President The Vice President shall have the following duties: Act as the President in the absence of the Chief Executive of the Association. Coordinate upon the request of the President, the operation of the working committees. Perform such other duties the Board my delegate. SECTION 3. The Secretary The Secretary shall have the following functions: Be responsible for the operation of the Secretariat of the Association. Prepare the minutes of all meetings, keep a complete file of all records and issue copies of the proceedings and activities of the Board and the Association. Perform such other duties the President or the Board may assign. On the other hand, the Assistant Secretary shall: Keep all records, documents and publications of the Association. Prepare and provide each member of the Supreme Council a folder complete with paraphernalia. Assume and act the functions of the Secretary in the absence of the latter. Perform such other duties the President or the Board my assign. SECTION 4. The Treasurer The Treasurer shall have the following functions: Be the overall custodian of all funds, real properties and other grants or similar nature and deposit the same in the official depositing bank of the Association. Prepare the present annual financial report of the Association or as the cases may be. The Assistant Treasurer on the other hand shall: Take care of the petty cash funds. He/She shall inform the Board of a depleted petty cash for replenishment after a proper liquidation process shall have been made. Act as Treasurer in the absence of the latter. Perform such other duties the Association may delegate. SECTION 5. The Business Manager The Business Manager shall have the following functions: Assist the President in the short and long range planning of the activities of the association including negotiations, supervision and operation. Assist the Board in the preparation of the budgetary outlay of all the projects. Prepare such other duties the Board may delegate. SECTION 6. The Auditor The Auditor shall have the following duties: Examine personally and verify the books of accounts of the Association and submit his findings to the Board annually or as the case may be. Pre-audit disbursement from the funds of the Association. Suspend or withhold payments of accounts incurred not in accordance with the expressed policy of the Board. Certify the correctness of any of the financial report of the treasurer. Perform such other duties the Board may delegate. SECTION 7. The Human Relation Officer The Human Relation Officer shall have the following duties: Oversee all efforts for the promotion of goodwill between the association and the public. Be in charge of all matters requiring media attention, press release and publication. Act as the editor-in-chief of the official publication/newsletter of the Association. Perform such other duties the Board may assign. SECTION 8. The Peace Officers The Peace Officers shall have the following duties: Keep and maintain peace and order during the meetings and in other activities of the Association. Be responsible for the security and welfare of the members of the Association. Perform such other duties the Board may delegate. SECTION 9. The Board Members The Board members shall have the following functions: Carry out task with utmost integrity, honesty and diligently on the committees where he is designated. Support in the implementation of the policies, rules, and regulations and undertakings of the Association. Perform such other duties the Board may assign. Article VII THE FINANCE, BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS SECTION 1. The association have shall funds which shall be derived from annual membership fees, collected from each student once every year and their earned interest from the bank, solicited money and other contributions or donations from other sources including proceeds from fund raising activities. All funds collected shall be deposited in a reputable bank appointed by the Board. SECTION 2. All funds, real properties and other assets of the Association shall be held and maintained in the name of the same. SECTION 3. The funds of the Association shall be appropriated and allocated only for the following purposes: administration, programs, and projects, equipment’s and overhead. SECTION 4. All withdrawals, disbursements and monetary releases shall be supported with proper resolutions and pertinent papers duly approved by the Board. SECTION 5. All disbursements from the bank account of the Association or certificate of deposits shall require the signature of the President, the Treasurer and the Auditor. Article VIII THE MEETINGS AND QUORUM SECTION 1. The Supreme Council shall hold its regular meeting every last Sunday of the month. SECTION 2. The Homeroom Council and Year Level shall hold regular meeting at least once a month. SECTION 3. The General Assembly, which by definition comprises all elected officers both in the Supreme Council and lower organs may be called by the President of the Board at any time deemed necessary. Special meeting of the Executive Board may be convened anytime by the President as the need arises. Otherwise, at least five members of the Board may request in writing for a meeting, expressing thereof the purpose of which request shall be coursed through the Secretary of the Association. SECTION 4. At any meeting of the Board, at least majority of all the members present shall constitute a quorum. However, the presence of five (5) Board Members and seven (7) members of the Executive Board is deemed a majority. PREPARED BY: SHEFA C. CAPURAS T-I/GPTA SECRETARY APPROVED BY: KGD. ARNEL A. SENOC GPTA PRESIDENT NOTED: NOLI M. TAMAYO, JR PRINCIPAL I