NSF/NCAR HIAPER Performance and Research Capabilities Crew 2 pilots, 13 research crew (max) Weights Maximum Gross Weight 90,500 pounds Maximum Landing Weight 75,300 pounds Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 54,500 pounds Maximum Fuel Load 41,300 pounds Maximum Payload 8,300 pounds Payload w/ Max Fuel 3,400 pounds Overall Length 96.4 feet Wing Span 93.45 feet Overall Height 25.86 feet Cabin Length (excluding baggage area) 43.92 feet Cabin Width (floor) 5.25 feet Floor to Ceiling Height 6.17 feet Maximum with External Tanks 340 KIAS/0.88 M Cruise 300 KIAS/0.83 M Turbulence Penetration 270 KIAS/0.80 M Dimensions Airspeeds Max Horizontal Range* 4,500 nmi Max Flight Duration* 10 hours Max Altitude* 51,000 feet Takeoff Field Length Sea Level, MGW at ISA 6,100 feet 5,000 feet Elevation, MGW at ISA 8,300 feet Research Power 20 kVA, 115/208 VAC at 400 Hz 21 kVA, 115 VAC at 60 Hz 5kW, 28 VDC (Wing Store Locations Only) Communications SATCOM/xchat/Data feed to ground VHF Radio/aircraft-to-aircraft/aircraft-to-ground HF Radio/aircraft-to-aircraft/aircraft-to-ground Cabin Pressure Differential 10.48 PSI max *Aircraft performance depends on payload, scientific objective and location. P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 303.497.8801 www.eol.ucar.edu EOL is managed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. NCAR UCAR E L Earth Observing Laboratory development • deployment • data services • discovery NSF/NCAR HIAPER The NSF/NCAR High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environmental Research (HIAPER) aircraft is the preeminent airborne research platform for scientists and researchers in a number of disciplines. HIAPER has demonstrated success in collecting data required to meet a broad range of scientific studies and objectives including: air quality and chemistry; chemical composition and transport within the atmosphere; effects of chemical process on climate change; atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics on the synoptic and mesoscales; cloud properties and processes; atmospheric predictability; geological surveys; and electrification of the atmosphere. The NSF/NCAR HIAPER awaits take-off for a research flight on a rainy morning. Requestable Facility EARTH OBSERVING LABORATORY NSF/NCAR HIAPER in the F ield A recent example of a field project demonstrating the capability of the HIAPER GV was a deployment to New Zealand to study gravity wave initiation and propagation. Using the flight level instrumentation, scientists aboard HIAPER were able to observe the gravity wave structure in real-time and from those data, adjust the flight route to identify the level of wave breaking. The remote and in-situ sensing capabilities of the HIAPER GV allowed scientist to document gravity wave structure and propagation from initiation in the lower troposphere continuously upwards through the mesosphere. NCAR staff, in coordination with scientists and engineers from universities and private industries continue to push the envelope of the HIAPER GV sensing capabilities. Working with solar and space scientists, the HIAPER GV is proposed to begin carrying sensors that observe cosmic radiation reaching the higher latitudes of the earth’s atmosphere and study the full solar eclipse in the boreal summer of 2017. Community R esource In support of university-driven observational field campaigns, HIAPER is maintained and operated on behalf of National Science Foundation by the National Center for Atmospheric Research. HIAPER is based in Broomfield, Colorado, USA and is managed by EOL’s Research Aviation Facility (RAF). R equesting NSF/NCAR HIAPER S cientific C apabilities I nstrumentation The flight characteristic of the aircraft, plus the ability to carry 5,600 pounds (2,540 kilograms) of state-of-the-art sensors, places the HIAPER GV at the forefront of scientific discovery. Scientists are able to probe the upper edges of hurricanes and thunderstorms in unprecedented detail, determining the dynamics that drive these powerful storms. The aircraft enables researchers to study pivotal chemical processes from the Earth’s surface to the stratosphere in remote locations that are critical variables to understand climate change. The HIAPER GV has also provided satellitemapping information in remote locations and played an important role in recalibrating satellite instruments. The NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV is available on a competitive basis to all qualified scientists from universities, NCAR and other US government agencies requiring these facilities and associated services to carry out their research objectives. The deployment of all facilities is driven by the scientific merit, the capabilities of a specific platform to carry out the proposed observations, and the scheduling of the facility for the requested time. For more information on how to request HIAPER, visit: www.eol.ucar.edu/requestfacilities R esources RAF Aircraft Instrumentation :: www.eol.ucar.edu/aircraft-instrumentation Project Planning Charts :: www.eol.ucar.edu/content/raf-plans-and-schedules Data Access :: data.eol.ucar.edu/codiac HIAPER Investigator’s Handbook :: www.eol.ucar.edu/content/nsfncar-gv-investigator-handbook Each HIAPER GV payload is customized to meet the scientific objectives and research goals of the specific project. NCAR, in conjunction with university groups and private industry have developed and maintain a suite of 14 cutting-edge instruments known as the HIAPER Airborne Instrumentation Solicitation (HAIS). Instrument Certification and Approval :: www.eol.ucar.edu/content/instrument-certification-and-approval In addition to the HAIS instrumentation, NCAR offers flight level instrumentation, remote sensing platforms, and airborne expendable instruments to be deployed from HIAPER. Typical payloads for scientific missions include a combination of the aforementioned instruments with instruments provided and operated by investigators from universities, other government organizations and private companies. These instruments must comply with requirements for mechanical integrity, structural strength, electric load and flammability and require appropriate documentation. NCAR works closely with instrument investigators to assist with payload certification and integration and maintains a Design and Fabrication Services facility that is capable to manufacture airborne instruments and interface hardware. RAF Manager :: Dr. Jeff Stith | stith@ucar.edu | 303.497.1032 Contact I nformation Airborne Project Office :: Dr. Pavel Romashkin | pavel@ucar.edu | 303.497.1027 Flight Planning :: Mr. Scotty McClain | mcclain@ucar.edu| 303.497.1081 Engineering & Certification :: Mr. Mark Lord | lord@ucar.edu | 303.497.1046 Technical Support :: Mr. Kurt Zrubek | kurt@ucar.edu | 303.497.1086 Science and Instrumentation Group :: Dr. Jorgen Jensen | jbj@ucar.edu | 303.497.1028