Uploaded by Francis Nino Lariza

Daily Lesson Plan: Human Person in Society

June 07, 2021
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
DLP No. 02
Learning Area: Human Person
Grade Level:
Quarter: 2nd Sem.
in the Society
1. Recognize how individuals form societies and how individuals are transformed by
2. Compare different forms of societies and individualities (eg. Agrarian, industrial and
3. Explain how human relations are transformed by social systems
4. Evaluate the transformation of human relationships by social systems and how
societies transform individual human beings.
Key Concepts/
Self-reflection regarding human person in relation to the society.
Understanding to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Define the meaning of the society.
Identify the different forms of the
Skills Create an essay.
Perform a dramatization about the
different kinds of society.
Attitude Justify qualities of societies
through writing.
Values Appreciate the importance of
society in one’s life.
2. Content Area
Lesson 7
Topic : Human Person in the
3. Learning
Textbook -pp 113-120
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory
(Teachers draw out question)
What have you seen on the
What is the role of environment given pictures? What do you
to human’s life? Do you think
think the kind of society does
human can survive without the
your municipality has? Why?
environment? Why?
Do you think the kind of society
that you are having has a
significant influence to you,
What can you see out from the your family and the people of
pictures? What information can
Hamtic? Why?
you draw out from it?
Possible answer:
The role of environment to
human’s life is that the
environment gives us life. It
sustains us in order to live,
meaning to say environment
creates life and we are connected
to each other. We believe that
human cannot survive without the
environment because ecological
Errol Lariza
Duration: 2
Learning Materials
Pictures of the different scenario,
establishment, people and the present
situation of the people of Hamtic.
Alternative Activity for Distance
 The contents of the
Powerpoint slides can be used
or included in teacher – made
learning module.
 The Powerpoint file can be
uploaded in the Google
classroom for synchronous or
asynchronous learning.
 The whole presentation could
be recorded in a “broadcaster”
and can be uploaded online
for the students to view
online/offline if transferred
through share it or Bluetooth.
June 07, 2021
imbalance can hinder the flourish
of life.
4.2 Activity/Strategy
Activity 1:
1. Please group yourself into five
(5) (it may be individual if they are
using module or google classroom)
and read our topic so that you can
discuss with your members. After
doing it, try to assess your selves
about the society and its different
Activity 2:
Make a graphic organizer out from
the given word, “Society “. Try to
identify the kinds of the society.
4.3 Analysis
4.4 Abstraction
Errol Lariza
Teacher draw out the questions
to the class;
1. What did you read? What
are the different forms of
the society?
2. What are their
characteristics? Explain
Possible Answer:
1. It’s all about society and
its forms. Society is
defined as the large,
independent and
organized group of
people living in the same
territory and sharing a
common culture and
Teacher draw out question to
the class:
1. How does society affects/
influence us?
2. Do you think society can
exist without human?
Possible Answers:
1. Society influence us by means
of defining our behaviour that
Do you consider your barrio as
a form of society? Try to
identify the kinds of livelihood
in your place.
Alternative Activity for Distance
 An activity sheet will be
made and included in the
distribution of the selflearning module since the
materials used in the activity
are available at home.
 The contents of the
Powerpoint slides can be
used or included in teacher –
made learning module.
 The whole presentation could
be recorded in a
“broadcaster” and can be
uploaded online for the
students to view online/offline
if transferred through share it
or Bluetooth.
Alternative Activity for Distance
 The contents of the
Powerpoint slides can be used
or included in teacher – made
learning module.
 The Powerpoint file can be
uploaded in the Google
classroom for synchronous or
asynchronous learning.
 The whole presentation could
be recorded in a “broadcaster”
and can be uploaded online
for the students to view
online/offline if transferred
through share it or Bluetooth.
Alternative Activity for Distance
 An activity sheet will be
made and included in the
distribution of the selflearning module since the
materials used in the activity
are available at home.
 The whole presentation could
be recorded in a
June 07, 2021
4.5 Application
sometimes lead us to change the
way we think and behave.
2. No, because people is the
reason why there is a society and
society cannot form without
human. Meaning to say people
and the society must come
together as one.
Activity 3: Group activity
Direction :
Group your selves and each
group should perform the
assigned task. They are going to
show a dramatization of the
different forms of the society.
Activity 4: Group Activity
Direction: Justify your answer
base on the following questions.
Let us unfold your belief through
writing a reflection:
In your reflection you may use the
following guide question:
1. How does the society change
you as a person?
2. As you reflect on the society
nowadays, what have you
notice? What can you do to
change the society?
4.6 Assessment
a) Paper/Pen
Open- Ended Questions:
Direction: Create an essay out
from the given questions.
Please get ½ crosswise and
answer the following questions.
1. What makes you a person? How
does society influence your life?
Explain briefly.
“broadcaster” and can be
uploaded online for the
students to view online/offline
if transferred through share it
or Bluetooth.
Note: In the absence of faceto-face instruction the students
may submit a SKIT as
performance of the assigned
Alternative Activity for Distance
 An activity sheet will be
made and included in the
distribution of the selflearning module since the
materials used in the activity
are available at home.
 The contents of the
Powerpoint slides can be
used or included in teacher –
made learning module.
Alternative Activity for Distance
Using the Google Forms, an
online assessment will be
given to the students.
An activity sheet will be made
and included in the distribution
of the self-learning module
since the materials used in the
activity are available at home.
4.7 Assignment
In your ½ crosswise, name the
factors that surround the society
that affects your behavior.
Errol Lariza
Alternative Activity for Distance
 An activity sheet will be
made and included in the
distribution of the selflearning module since the
materials used in the activity
are available at home.
June 07, 2021
4.8 Concluding
5. Remarks
Prepared by:
Errol Lariza
Thank you for listening and for
cooperation class, but before you
leave this room may I share to you,
“life becomes more meaningful if
we had the power to understand
others and of the things that
happens around us.” See you
next meeting.