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A. Books / SLMs
De Jesus, Eleonor A., Community Engagement , Solidarity and
Citizenship , Appreciating the Community Dynamics and
Community Action, Department of Education
De Jesus, Eleonor A., Community Engagement , Solidarity and
Citizenship , Community in Different Perspectives,
Department of Education
Enriquez, Divina P., Community Engagement, Solidarity and
Citizenship (CSC) Development Program through Needs
Assessment, Self-Learning Kit, Department of Education.
Francisco, Jennifer B., Community Engagement, Solidarity and
Citizenship (CSC) Elements of Action Plan, Self-Learning Kit,
Department of Education
Mendoza, Elisalde M., Community Engagement, Solidarity, and
Citizenship , Functions of Communities in terms of Structures,
Dynamics, and Processes, ADM 1-22, Department of Education.
Mendoza, Elisalde M., Community Engagement, Solidarity, and
Citizenship , Typologies of Communities , ADM 1-22,
Department of Education.
Sikat, Minerva M., Community Engagement, Solidarity and
Citizenship (CSC) Elements of Action Plan for Community
Program, Self-Learning Kit, Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Week 3 and Week 4
GRADE AND SECTION: __________________________
DATE OF SUBMISSIION : _________________________
Week 3
9. It characterized the interconnectivity of people or countries all
over the world.
a. local community
c. formal community
b. global community
d. rural community
10. Denoted a geographically bounded community such as
territorial enclaves, village, barangay, etc.
a. formal community
c. global community
b. rural community
d. local community
Enrichment Activity
Directions: Make a poster of rural or urban community.
Functions of Communities
in terms of Structures,
Dynamics, and Processes
V. Evaluation
Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. The principle aim of the religious institution is to satisfy the
religious or spiritual needs of the society.
a. religious sector
c. economic sector
b. political sector
d. educational sector
2. The process of transmitting society’s knowledge, skills, values,
and behaviors through instruction and training or through
a. religious sector
c. economic sector
b. political sector
d. educational sector
3. Pertains to highly industrialize communities
a. subdivision
c. urban
b. rural
d. slum
4. The main responsibility of social institution is to increase the
human race.
a. religious sector
c. family sector
b. political sector
d. educational sector
5. Community; human association that are by being intimate,
informal, caring, homogenous, and group welfare-oriented.
a. Gesell shaft
c. political sector
b. Gemeinschaft
d. community sector
6. The cities or big towns where there is large. High dense, and
heterogeneous. There is not much open for vegetation but space
is maximized to build public and private infrastructure.
a. community
c. rural community
b. urban Community
d. structure community
7. It is a broad set of community -based organization that
voluntarily and autonomously function beyond a government
and state.
a. religious sector
c. community sector
b. political sector
d. educational sector
8. Focuses on the scope and breath of communities with respect to
its geographic dimensions and the reach of its other dimensions
(e.g. economic, socio-political, and cultural)
a. local- global
c. rural-urban
b. formal-informal
d. formal-informal
Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the
integration of social science perspective and community
Performance Standards:
The learner shall be able to synthesize experience of
implementing community-action initiatives applying social
sciences’ ideas and methods .
1. Analyze functions of communities in terms of structures,
dynamics and processes.
1. Analyze the functions of communities in terms of structures,
dynamics and processes;
2. Identify the different types of community structures; and
3. Understand the factors affecting changes in the composition
of people in the community.
II. Topics: Functions of Communities in terms of Structures,
Dynamics, and Processes
A. Preliminary Activities :
1. Pretest
Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. A group of people in the same geographic area, under common
laws, that has a sense of fellowship, belonging and obligation to
the group.
a. community
c. mutual support
b. production
d. socialization
2. Are seen to typically operate through socio-cultural mechanisms
within the community structures.
a. formal community
c. global community
b. informal community
d. local community
3. Focuses on the scope and breadth of communities with respect to
its geographic dimensions and the reach of its other dimensions.
a. informal community
c. global community
b. local-global typology
d. mutual support
4. Are characterized by institutionally structured hierarchies. Which
define the relationship between authoritative and subordinate
actors and groups.
a. Informal Community
c. formal community
b. local Community
d. global community
5. Are described as industrialized and commercial centers where
population density is relatively high compared to rural
a. community sector
c. urban community
b. rural community
d. local community
6. Is based on the distinction in terms of development, industrialization, ecological conditions, and life style.
a. urban community
c. rural- urban typology
b. global community
d. informal community
7. Are characterized as pastoral, agricultural, and located along the
periphery of urban centers or in the countryside.
a. urban community
c. global community
b. local community
d. rural community
8. It is a broad set of community-based organization that voluntarily
and autonomously function beyond government or state.
a. global community
c. urban community
b. community sector
d. local community
9. It is a dynamic relational process that facilitates communication,
interaction, involvement, and exchange between an organization
and a community for a range of social and organizational
a. citizenship
c. community
b. rural community
d. community engagement
10. It is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as
being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a
a. socialization
c. solidarity
b. citizenship
d. community
Activity C– Identification
Directions: Read the following sentences and fill the blank with the
correct word. Choose your answers from the box.
Ecological Condition
1. Rural-Urban typology is based on the ____________ in terms of
development, industrialization, __________________ and lifestyle.
2. Rural communities are called _____________ or farmland.
3. Urban communities are ____________.
4. Tall buildings in the cities are also called _______________.
5. Farms have special types of vehicles, such as __________.
Activity D– Let’s Analyze
Directions: React on the given situation.
There are no enough job vacancies in the urban area, how
will you convinced a friend who’s from rural area to work in
their provinces related to agriculture.
IV. Reflection
Directions: Write your insights and learning about the lesson to
complete the sentences given below.
Answering this module is enjoyable because ________________________
After reading and completing this module I have learned that ________
Independent Activity
Activity A– Jumbled Letters
Directions: Read the following sentences to identify the correct
arrangement of the jumbled letters.
OCSAIL TTFAASRTINIICO 1.People are differentiated on the basis
of such criteria as physical appearance, ethnicity, family
background, ideology, sex, age, education, power, prestige and
2. The principal aim of the religious
institution is to satisfy the religious or spiritual needs of the society.
3. The main responsibility of social
institution is to increase the human race.
4. The process of transmitting society’s
knowledge, skills, values, and behaviours through instruction and
training or through self-activity.
5. Political institutions are the societal
arrangements for legislating and enforcing laws and providing for
social services.
2. Review
Directions: Inside the box write your personal description of your
My Community
B. Presenting the New Topic
Directions: Using spider web, state what words come to your
mind when you see the word community actions.
Activity B– Venn diagram
Directions: Give the similarities and differences of Rural and Urban
places using Venn diagram.
Abstraction ( Discussion of the Topic )
Functions of Communities in terms of Structures,
Dynamics, and Processes
A Community is a group of people in the same geographic area,
under a common law, that has a sense of fellowship, belonging, and
obligation to the group. Types of communities are a neighborhood,
church, a mom’s group, a town, girl scouts etc.
The community has five functions:
1. Production, Distribution, Consumption:
The community provides its members with the means to make a
living. This may be agriculture, industry, or services.
2. Socialization:
The community has means by which it instills its norms and
values in its members. This may be tradition, modeling, and/or
formal education.
3. Social Control: the community has the means to enforce
adherence to community values. This may be group pressure to
conform and/or formal laws.
4. Social Participation: the community fulfills the need for
companionship. This may occur in a neighborhood, church, and
business. Or another group.
5. Mutual Support: the community enables its members to
cooperate to accomplish tasks too large or too urgent to be
handled by a single person. Supporting a community hospital
with tax dollars and donations is an example of people
cooperating to accomplish the task of health care.
Community Structures
It is the proper way to investigate how a community is organized,
which specifically pertains to its structures.
Types of Community Structure
1. Community Social Structures- the rules and expectations that
people develop in the community over time to help regulate and
manage their interaction with one another. It consists of elements
such as:
a. Social Institutions- it established patterns of belief and
behavior that are centered on addressing basic social needs of
people in the community.
b. Social groups- it consists of two or more people in the
community who regularly interact with one another and
consider themselves a distinct social unit.
1. Primary Group vs. Secondary Group
2. Formal group vs. Informal Group
3. In-group vs. Out-group
c. Status- the positions or rank a person hold, in relation to other
members of the community.
2. Rural communities are territorial areas or villages where there is
a small, low density, and homogenous population. There are lots
of open spaces for vegetation and the natural environment. The
use of available land is often dedicated for agriculture, and if the
community is near the coast, nearby waters are used for
fisheries. The division is of labor is based on agricultural or
aquatic industries, supported by farming and fishery
3. Suburban are residential or mixed area located at the city, out
skirts or within the community distance of a city. Most people
work in the cities, but others opt to work housing subdivisions.
Urban, rural, and suburban are typologies based on geographic
boundaries. It is also based on the resulting characteristic
boundaries borne out of people’s interaction with one another, as a
result of the kind environment.
D. Community Sector
It is a broad set of community -based organization that
voluntarily and autonomously function beyond a government and
1. Economic/Business sector
Economic institutions fulfill the economic needs of the society.
2. Political Sector
Political institutions are the societal arrangements for legislating
and enforcing laws and providing for social services.
3. Religious Sector
The principle aim of the religious institution is to satisfy the
religious or spiritual needs of the society.
4. Education Sector
The process of transmitting society’s knowledge, skills, values,
and behaviors through instruction and training or through selfactivity.
5. Family Sector
The main responsibility of social institution is to increase the
human race.
Social Space
A social space is either a geographical or virtual community
where people gather or network with one another due to common
1. Ascribed status- it is assigned at birth.
2. Achieved status- acquired on the basis of merit
d. Role- the obligations or behaviors expected from an individual on
the basis of one’s status in life.
2. Community Cultural Structure- the institutionalized patterns of
ways of life that are shared learned developed and accepted by
the people in the community. It consists of basic elements such
a. Symbols- the words, gestures, objects, or signals.
b. Language- written, oral or non-verbal actions.
c. Norms- the most cherish values in the society
1. Folkways
2. Mores
3. Laws
d. Values- abstract values on what is good and acceptable.
e. Beliefs- the collective ideas of the community which is
perceived as true.
f. Rituals- sacred or secular procedures and ceremonies
that community regularly performs
g. Artifacts- objects/ things that have special meanings.
3. Community Political Structure- the people’s established ways
of allocating power and making decisions. The element of
community political structure is:
a. Political organization- the political parties or groups in the
community who are engaged in political activities.
b. Power Relations- how does the community are able to interact
with and control other groups.
c. Leadership structure- the composition of recognized leader in
the community and the lines or workflow of their authority.
The leadership structure could be:
1. Hierarchical- top-down leadership
2. Egalitarian- horizontal leadership
4. Community Economic Structure- pertains to the various
organized ways and means through which the people in the
community produce goods and services, allocate limited
resources, and generate wealth in order to satisfy their needs and
wants. Some of the
Elements are:
a. Capital Assets- the property or anything that is owned and
has an economic value. Which is expected to generate
profits for a long period of time.
Gemeinschaft vs. Gesellschaft
1. Gemeinschaft- community; human association that are by being
intimate, informal, caring, homogenous, and group welfare
oriented. Gemeinschaft, or associational society pertains to
human associations that characterized by being intimate,
informal, caring, homogenous, and group welfare oriented.
2. Gesellschaft- associational community, human association that
are characterized by being impersonal, rational, heterogeneous.
Gesellschaft or associational society pertains to human
associations that characterized by being impersonal, formal,
rational, heterogeneous, and individualistically oriented. Simply
put, gemeinschaft are types of communities that are governed by
informal and loose relationship while gesellschaft are types of
communities that are governed by formal and rigid relationship.
A. Local vs. Global community
Focuses on the scope and breath of communities with respect to
its geographic dimensions and the reach of its other dimensions
(e.g. economic, socio-political, and cultural)
1. Local community is a term often used to denote a geographically
bounded community such as territorial areas, village, barangay,
town, city, municipality, province, region, or even an entire
country depending on the pointy of reference.
2. Global community is a term used to characterize the interconectivity of people or countries all over the world. Such
interconnectivity is made possible using Internet and
information and communications.
B. Urban vs. Rural Community
When a community is viewed as a shared political territory and
heritage, it can be classified into three types: urban, rural, and
1. Urban communities are cities of big towns where there is a
large, highly dense, and heterogeneous population. There is not
much open space in urban areas for vegetation, but space is
maximized to build public and private infrastructure such as
houses, business establishments, road networks, bridges,
railways, airports and the like. The division of labor is complex,
and the people’s occupational specialization could be industrial,
administrative or professional. The class status of people is
varied ranging from very rich down to the very poor.
b. Vulnerably Context- the insecurity in the well-being of
individuals and households in the community.
c. Business Climate- the attitudes, laws, regulations and
policies of the government and lending institutions towards
business enterprises, and business activities.
d. Trade- it involves the sale and purchase of goods, services,
and information.
Community Dynamics- the changes that occur in the community
power structures and community population and composition over
2. Review
Directions: Give at least 5 social problems that you have
encountered in your community. Writ your answer on the space
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
B. Presenting the New Topic
Factors Affecting Changes in the Composition of People
in the Community
1. Fertility- the actual reproductive performance that can be
expected of a personal couple, group, or population during
woman’s child bearing years (15-49 years of age)
It may also subject to some determinant such as:
a. Social preconditions of marriage
b. Legal preconditions of marriage
c. Birth Control methods
2. Morality- the demographic process relating deaths, often
summarized by death rates, survival rates and life expectancy
contribute to lowering fertility rates.
3. Migration- the process of moving from one place to another.
a. Internal Migration- the movement of people within the same
geographical area or region.
b. External Migration- the movement of people is from a national
boundary to another
Types of Community Power Structures
1. Pluralist- the power becomes an attribute of an individual and it
is widely distributed within the members of the community.
2. Elitist- the power generally conforms to the system of
hierarchical stratification and is associated with those who
possess corporate wealth and/or prestige due to traditional or
religious authority.
3. Factional – the power resides in numerous interest groups that
hold relatively equal power but they are struggling to control or
dominate influences in community affairs.
Based on the picture shown, how can people within a
society be healthy and successful regardless of their
differences? _________________________________________
Abstraction ( Discussion of the Topic )
Typologies of Community
According to Abenir and Alipao 2016 a community can be
referred to either in terms of geographic boundary, shared common
interest, or emotional and spiritual connection. Communities come in
different types depending on the quality of human association, the
scope of its geographical boundaries, functions of subdivisions, and
avenues of social interaction.
3. The actual reproductive performance that can be expected of a
personal couple, group, or population during woman’s child
bearing years (15-49 years of age)
a. migration
c. fertility
b. morality
d. trade
4. Sacred or secular procedures and ceremonies that community
regularly performs.
a. rituals
c. norms
b. artifacts
d. symbols
5. The movement of people within the same geographical area or
a. internal migration
c. migration
b. morality
d. external Migration
6. The power becomes an attribute of an individual and it is widely
distributed within the members of the community.
a. pluralist
c. amorphous
b. elitist
d. factional
7. The power generally conforms to the system of hierarchical
stratification and is associated with those who possess corporate
wealth and/or prestige due to traditional or religious authority.
a. elitist
c. belief
b. pluralist
d. trade
8. This refers to the seeming absence of an identifiable power
structure in some communities.
a. amorphous
c. pluralist
b. factional
d. elitist
9. The power resides in numerous interest groups that hold
relatively equal power but they are struggling to control or
dominate influences in community affairs.
a. factional
c. Elitist
b. pluralist
d. Amorphous
10. It involves the sale and purchase of goods, services, and
a. trade
c. morality
b. migration
d. factional
Activity A—True or False
Directions: Identify the following sentences and write true if it is a
correct statement and false if it is not.
________1. Community is a group of people in the same geographic
area, under common laws, that has sense of fellowship,
belonging, and obligation to the group.
________2. The community has four functions which are socialization, social control, social participation and mutual
________3. Formal Community is characterized by institutionally
structured hierarchies, which define the relationships
between authoritative and subordinate actors and group.
________4. Informal community is seen to typically socio-cultural
mechanisms within the community structure.
________5. The community production provides its members with
the means to make a living.
________6. Community Structures is the proper way to investigate
how a community is organized, which specifically
pertains to its structures.
________7. Authority is the power that a person possesses over
another by virtue of other people’s positive perception of
the former’s competence and ability.
________8. Influence is the power that one has over another by virtue
of an electives position or an office appointment.
________9. Charism is the influence of having unique qualities of
personal magnetism that people naturally follow, often
with blind devotion.
________10. Community Dynamics is the changes that occurs in the
community power structures and community
population composition over time.
Activity B– Identification
Directions: Identify what is being define in the following sentences.
Choose your answer from the box.
Community Structures
Community Social Structures Values
Social Institution Community
Cultural Structures
Social Groups Symbol Rituals
Community Political Structure
Leadership Structure
Political Organization
Community Economic Structure
Power Relations
___________1. It is the proper way to investigate how a community is
organized, which specifically pertains to its structures.
___________2. The rule and expectations that people develop in the
community overtime to help regulate and manage their
interaction with one another.
___________3. It is a established patterns of belief and behavior that
are centered on addressing basic social needs of people
in the community.
___________4. It is consist of two or more people in the community
who regularly interact with one another and considered
themselves a distinct social unit.
___________5. The position or rank a person hold, in relation to other
members of the community.
___________6. The obligations or behaviors expected from an
individual on the basis of one’s status in life.
___________7. The institutional patterns of ways of life that are shared
learned, developed, and accepted by the people in the
___________8. These are the words, gestures, objects, or signal.
___________9. It is a written, oral or non-verbal actions.
___________10. It is the most cherish values in the society.
Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the
integration of social science perspective and community
Performance Standards:
The learner shall be able to synthesize experience of
implementing community-action initiatives applying social
sciences’ ideas and methods .
1. Differentiate typologies of communities
1. Identify the typologies in communities;
2. compare and contrast typologies in communities; and
3. recognize the different typologies in the community.
II. Topics: Typologies of Communities
A. Preliminary Activities :
1. Pretest
Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. The demographic process relating deaths, often summarized by
death rates, survival rates and life expectancy contribute to
lowering fertility rates.
a. morality
c. fertility
b. migration
d. elitist
2. The words, gestures, objects, or signals.
a. norms
c. language
b. values
d. symbols
Week 4
Typologies of
Activity C– Matching Type
Directions: Match column A to Column B. Identify which word is
being define in the following numbers. Write your answers on the
space provided.
Column A
Column B
_____1. The changes that occur in the
a. Authority
community power structures
b. Community Dynamics
and community Population.
c. Influence
_____2. The power that one has over
d. Charism
another by virtue of an elective
e. Migration
position or an office appointment. f. Factional
______3. The influence of having unique
g. Elitist
qualities of personal magnetism
h. Mortality
that people naturally follow, often i. Pluralist
with blind devotion.
j. Fertility
______4. The power that a person possesses k. Amorphous
over another by virtue of other
people’s positive perception of the
former’s competence and ability.
______5. The actual reproductive
performance that can be expected
of a person, couple, groups, or
population during woman’s child
bearing years.
Activity D– Poster Making
Directions: Make a poster of your dream community.
IV. Reflection
Directions: Write your insights and learning about the lesson to
complete the sentences given below.
Today, I learned _______________________________________
I realized that _____________________________________________
V. Evaluation
Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. It is a subject matter that people argue about or discuss?
a. community problems
c. capability
b. issue
d. conscience
2. Are conditions or qualifications of issues that are undesired by
members of a community?
a. community problems
c. issue
b. commitment
d. community
3. Are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex,
nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status?
a. duration
c. Human Rights
b. equity
d. impact
4. It has a direct and adverse impact on a community.
a. perception
c. equity
b. severity
d. Impact
5. The government and its agencies.
a. public sector
c. voluntary sector
b. private sector
d. for-benefits sector
6. The cities or big towns where there is large. High dense, and
heterogeneous. There is not much open for vegetation but space
is maximized to build public and private infrastructure.
a. community
c. urban community
b. rural community
d. community problem
7. The demographic process relating deaths, often summarized by
death rates, survival rates and life expectancy contribute to
lowering fertility rates.
a. morality
c. fertility
b. migration
d. elitist
8. It established patterns of belief and behavior that are centered
on addressing basic social needs of people in the community.
a. roles
c. status
b. social institutions
d. social group
9. The property or anything that is owned and has an economic
value. Which is expected to generate profits for a long period
of time.
a. capital assets
c. vulnerably context
b. climate change
d. trade
10. The words, gestures, objects, or signals.
a. norms
c. language
b. values
d. symbols
Enrichment Activity- Friendly Letter
Directions: Write a friendly letter to someone who is important to
you to encourage/ convince them to become a good citizen of the