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KES Reading Program: 2021 Accomplishment Report

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao del Sur
Sulop District
Kiblagon, Sulop Davao del Sur
School ID: 129135
Prepared by:
School Reading Coordinator/Chairman of KES - CARES
Checked & Evaluated:
Master Teacher I
Recommending Approval:
Head Teacher - III
Principal III/DPIC
I. Introduction
II. Initiated Projects, Programs and
other Reading Activities
IV. Annex
1. Activity Design
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads
lives only one.” said one the most revered author of this era, George R.R. Martin .
Indeed, reading is a skill that a child must have, to face the challenges of the world
and a sword that can be wield to cultivate creativeness. However, in a world where
digital gadgets are quickly taking over children's attention, encouraging them to read
a book will seem like a challenge.
Hence, the education system is geared towards a digitalized world. The pages of
books hold less and less entertainment for pupils whose interests are now held more by the
moving pictures in their screens. However, this does not mean that they are digressing from
progressing but rather they are developing faster than the former generation. They see
things more keenly and sharply because of their orientation. This is why the school
arranged an array of activities in which pupils could foster and share their love for reading
in differentiated activities most especially that face – to – face teaching learning process is
not possible in this time of pandemic, technology plays a vital role in monitoring the reading
activities and progress of the learners, most especially those identified as struggling
Furthermore, as an institution of learning, a school need to challenge itself to prosper
the love for reading in every pupil and also to address reading problems of some identified
struggling learners. Hence, Kiblagon Elementary School initiated different activities,
projects and programs to augment the reading level of each learner. Despite the threat of
COVID 19, the school successfully implemented the reading activities and reading programs
for the calendar year 2021.
Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 173, s. 2019, signed by Secretary Leonor Briones;
all DepEd Personnel are mandated to strengthen the “Every Child A Reader Program” under the
3Bs initiative: “Bawat Bata Bumasa” program.
Appertaining to this directive, DepEd Regional Director Evelyn Fetalvero instructed all
intrinsic and extrinsic stakeholders to intensify the advocacy for reading through the renewed
commitment of everyone to make every child a reader. Hence, Kiblagon Elementary school had
initiated the following projects, programs and reading activities for the calendar year2021.
1. KES - CARES (Class-home Advocacy in Reading Enhancement System) Program
(January - December 2021)
Teachers still continue to conduct reading remediation of the struggling readers in their respective homes. Teachers
strictly follow the IATF guidelines as stipulated in the meeting with the Barangay Council. The Reading remediation happened
in the homes of the identified struggling readers. Parents and other household members were also encouraged to guide and
assist their child/sibling on their daily reading exercise. This time of pandemic their homes are also their classroom that is
why in this new normal set-up, it is called “Class-home” In line with this Reading Program, the School Reading Coordinator,
Janice E. Villacorte created a special committee under her chairmanship in crafting reading materials suited to the reading
levels of the learners. The crafted reading materials were then utilized during the conduct of reading remediation and were
also distributed and used by the home - learning facilitators/parents.
2. Project HOPE (Home-visit Operation for Pupils’ Enrichment)
(January - December 2021)
This project as proposed by Janice E. Villacorte aimed to help the learners who lagged behind in answering their
modules and who were identified as struggling learners and readers. Thus, teachers regularly visited and assisted these
learners once a week.
3. Project TABLE (Teachers’ Advocacy for a Beneficial Learning Environment)(May
26, 2021)
Project TABLE as proposed by Janice E. Villacorte aimed to give less fortunate learners who did not have a
suitable study table at home. It also supports the home learning facilitators by providing functional tables.
The school had already given 16 tables to the identified indigent learners and the first turn-over ceremony
was successfully conducted on May 26, 2021 on which was covered by the Division Office Production team
as one of the Best Practices of the school.
4. National Reading Activities (November 2021)
Panaghinabi 2021 – where parents were oriented and empowered to teach their children on how to read.
They were taught on the different teaching reading strategies and provided with the suited reading
materials for their children.
Family Reading Challenge – Parents and their children are to read a story and post it in their FB wall using
the hashtag “BawatBataBumabasa
Search for Best Home Reading Corner
Virtual Monitoring on Reading (those with available gadgets)
C. Y. 2021
(On January 4, 2021, the School Reading Coordinator, Janice E. Villacorte, sought permission from the Barangay
Office for the conduct of reading remediation in the homes of the identified struggling readers.)
Teachers actively listened to the School Reading Coordinator, Janice E. Villacorte who adeptly
engaged teachers to participate in the session’s activities. The school reading coordinator guided the
reading teachers on how to craft reading materials suited to the different reading levels of their learners.
After the session, the participants were able to craft and compile reading materials.
(Teachers conducted reading remediation in the homes of their respective learners.)
Mrs. Janice E. Villacorte,(above) School Reading Coordinator, proposed and
presented the rationale and objectives of Project TABLE to the stakeholders of KES
on March 2021.
Mrs. Janice E. Villacorte, gave a message
to the recipient of the tables. On her message,
she stressed out the importance of conducive
learning environment at home and encouraged
parents to have strong partnership and
cooperation with the school.
The turn-over ceremony of Project Table
on May 26, 2021 was featured in Diri sa Deped
Onse, and was graced by the District Principal InCharge, Mr. Jesse J. Meyor. Who gave an
inspirational message to the teachers and to he
home-learning facilitators.
On September 17, 2021, the launching of Panaghinabi 2021 was conducted.
(The teachers visited and assisted
the learners’ who lagged behind in
answering modules because of
reading problems. Teachers
extended time to assist learners in
the completion of the activities in
the modules)
Prepared by:
School Reading Coordinator/Chairman of KES-CARES
Checked & Evaluated:
Master Teacher I
Recommending Approval:
Head Teacher - III
Principal III/DPIC
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
KES - CARES (Kiblagon Elementary School- Class-home Advocacy for Reading
Enhancement System)
Proponent / Initiator
Teacher III, Kiblagon Elementary School
School Reading Coordinator
January 2021 to October 2023 (Two Years)
Target Beneficiaries
Kindergarten, Learners under frustration level and Non - readers (Grade 1 6)based on the 8-week reading curriculum result
Context and Rationale
Education For All (EFA) as a global movement led by UNESCO ( United
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) aims to meet the learning
needs of all children, youth and adults from all walks of life. Likewise, the
Department of Education (DepEd) spearheads the ECARP (Every Child A Reader
Program) being intensified by Project DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) designed
to equip young learners with strategic reading and writing skills to make them
independent readers and writers.
Reading is a basic tool for lifelong learning. In order to continue to learn, one
must be equipped with the fundamental of reading skills. It is known that for the first
time, since the adoption of the K to 12 curriculum, the Philippines participated in an
international assessment of basic education. The Programme for International
Student Assessment or PISA is a triennial survey of 15-year-old students around the
world in three subjects: reading, mathematics and science. The results are dismal for
the Philippines. Students in the Philippines scored lowest in reading, and second
lowest in both mathematics and science. 15-year old students are near the end of
junior high school in the Philippines, demonstrating convincingly that Philippine basic
education has serious problems in the early years (OECD, PISA 2018). Hence, to
bridge literacy gaps among learners, the Department of Education (DepEd) is
intensifying its campaign on reading proficiency with the unveiling of Hamon: Bawat
Bata Bumabasa (3Bs) initiative. Therefore, Undersecretary for Curriculum and
Instruction Diosdado San Antonio said that improving reading programs will be a
priority as the Department, led by Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, starts to focus
on globalizing the quality of basic education in the Philippines.
In Sulop District, the Learners’ Reading Profile as a result of the 8 - week
Reading Remediation for the School Year 2020-2021 showed that there were still
562 learners who were under frustration level and 49 learners were identified as
Non-readers. Thus, Sulop District will initiate a unified Reading Program to help the
struggling readers even by learning at-home.
This proposed Reading Program activity is align with the Learning Continuity
Plan of the Department. The safety and health protocol is to be ensured during the
duration of the program. This reading program is a class-home based activity where
learning facilitators were primarily the household members to be assisted by the
Administrators for monitoring purposes.
In this context, the identified struggling readers will be engaged in reading
sessions and learning opportunities at-home through online and offline resources
and with the help of the home-learning facilitators (parents/siblings/guardians),
teachers, volunteer, young professionals (neighbors) , benevolent sponsors, DepEd
representative, community officials and the stakeholders. Specifically, the Reading
Program aims to:
Develop literacy skills among the identified struggling learners
in each school of Sulop District;
Promote the teaching of reading in the community level;
Provide technical assistance to Home Learning Facilitators;
Help establish community partnership through relevant reading
In order to meet the objectives of the reading program, below are the suggested
approaches/instructional programs/activities for implementation.
1. Online Approach
A. Synchronous Teaching Reading - The use of technology in this time of “new
normal” set-up in education plays a vital role most especially in teaching reading to the
struggling readers. Hence, the use of video conferencing platforms such as zoom, google
meet, video calls and the like are encouraged to be used for reading session for those
identified struggling readers who have available gadgets and internet access. Reading
teacher will prepare a 30-minute reading lesson for each learner.
B. Asynchronous Teaching Reading -The school will choose reading teachers to
make a video lesson for reading. The content of the video lessons will focus on Oral
Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension.
Selection Committee to evaluate the video lessons will be formed before the said video
lessons will be downloaded to the SOnline Reading Portal/Official Youtube Channel of
Kiblagon Elementary School for Teaching Reading.
2. Offline Approach
A. Home Visitation (Project HOPE- Home - Visit Operation for Pupil’s
Enrichment) - Reading Teachers will conduct home visit to the identified struggling
readers with the permission from the Barangay Captain to conduct the reading
remediation. Safety protocol to prevent the spread of Covid 19 must be strictly
followed such as the wearing of mask and face shield (both the teacher and learner
must wear), learning table with barrier must be used, alcohol and other disinfectant
must be used. Furthermore, Reading Teachers can use claveria method, reading
ladder, Reading recovery method, phonics method, whole word approach method or
any other reading method that will suit to the reading needs of the learner.
B. Purok Para sa Pagbasa/Drop Box point for reading materials - In partnership with
the Barangay Officials, a drop box point for reading materials will be established.
This Purok Reading Center will serve as the community’s reading pantry where
struggling readers in particular can have easy access on the different reading
materials within their community.
C. Oplan Basa sa Balay - this activity is for identified struggling readers who have
parents/siblings who are capable of teaching them to read at home. A reading lesson
guide and reading materials are provided for the home learning facilitators to assist
the learners in learning how to read. Young professionals/other members of
community who are capable of teaching reading and
who just lived in the
neighborhood can also extend their time in teaching the struggling readers. This
activity strengthen the spirit of Bayanihan within the community to help learners
develop their literacy skills.
3. Panaghinabi - regular conduct of panaghinabi to the parents/guardian especially to the
struggling readers during the distribution and retrieval of modules. During this session, homelearning facilitators will be guided on how to teach their children how to read. Reading lesson
guides and reading materials will also be given to the parents/guardians.
4. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation - the
monitoring in the school
shall be conducted
monthly by the school head and school reading coordinator.Accomplishment Report shall be
made and submitted quarterly by the Reading Teacher.
5. Project TABLE “Teachers’ Advocacy for a Beneficial Learning Environment” This project
aims to promote a conducive learning environment by giving tables to the identified indigent
6. Other relevant Reading Activities - Teachers can add or modify activities stipulated in the
KES - CARES Program
VIII. Budgetary Requirements
A rough estimate of approximately Twenty Thousand Pesos Pesos (PhP 20, 000.00) only
shall be solicited from different benevolent sponsors, donors, benefactors, Local Government
Units, and Non-Government Organizations whose generosity will be shared to
the target
beneficiaries of the reading program. Such amount will be generated for a period of two years
which will comprise and be spent for the reading and writing materials, school supplies and other
relevant expenditures.
Prepared by:
Initiator / Proponent, Program CARES
School Reading Coordinator in English
Checked & Evaluated:
Master Teacher I
Recommending Approval:
Head Teacher IV
Principal III/DPIC
Promoting literacy is believed to prepare
the youth for success. Beyond the
functional level, being literate plays a
significant role in transforming students
into socially engaged students. Being
literate means being able to communicate
effectively, being able to understand and
keep up with current events, and being
equipped well enough for the challenges
of life. Reading is the pillar of literacy.