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Year 11 Economics Multimedia Presentation Task

COURSE: Year 11 Economics
TASK: Multimedia Presentation
TASK DATE: Week 9, 9th September, 2021
HANDED OUT: Week 6, Term 3 2021
Work individually, with a partner or group of 3 max. develop a 20 - 25 minute multimedia presentation.
This can be a podcast, a vlogcast, an i-movie, a Ted-Talk style presentation, a Flipgrid, Google Slide with voice
over narration and animation etc.
In your presentation you are to:
● Define each term under the subheadings ‘Economic functions of the Australian Government’ and Federal
● Explain how the Australian government reallocates resources and redistributes income
● Discuss key components of the 2021 Federal Budget using economic data
● Evaluate current fiscal policies strategies used to stabilise economic activity
● Edutain the audience:
○ Your presentation should be educational and entertaining, use stories and examples to get your
point across. It should not be dry and scripted.
○ Bounce off each other, make it conversational (see 'The Economists' Podcast link as an example)
○ Ensure you have covered all relevant syllabus areas in Topic 6- Government and The Economy
○ Use the Tim Dixon, Tim Riley Textbooks and online resources.
Syllabus content to cover:
Economic functions of the Australian Government
● reallocation of resources – types of taxes: direct and indirect, types of expenses
● redistribution of income – progressive, regressive and proportional taxes, social welfare payments
● stablisation of economic activity – a brief overview of the stabilising role of monetary and fiscal policies
● government business enterprises
● other – including competition and environmental policies
Federal Budget
● the budget process
● types of budgets – surplus, balanced, deficit
● revenue and expenses
You will be assessed on how well you:
● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the topic
● Utilise the possibilities of a multimedia presentation
● Communicate using relevant economic terminology, theory and concepts
● Work independently and in groups to achieve goals in set timelines
Marking Criteria
● Demonstrates a clear and comprehensive understanding how the Australian
government reallocates resources and redistributes income
● Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the 2021 Federal Budget integrating
economic data
● Makes a well-informed judgement of current fiscal policies strategies used to stabilise
economic activity
● Communicates in a logical and cohesive manner, integrating relevant economic
theory, concepts and information in the chosen medium
● Demonstrates a thorough understanding how the Australian government reallocates
resources and redistributes income
● Demonstrates a detailed understanding of the 2021 Federal Budget using economic
● Makes some judgement of current fiscal policies strategies used to stabilise economic
● Communicates in a logical and cohesive manner using economic theory, concepts and
information in the chosen medium
● Demonstrates a sound understanding how the Australian government reallocates
resources and redistributes income
● Demonstrates some understanding of the 2021 Federal Budget referring to economic
● Makes reference to current fiscal policies strategies used to stabilise economic
● Communicates in a logical manner referring to economic theory, concepts and
information in the chosen medium
● Sketches in general terms an understanding how the government reallocates
resources and redistributes income
● Presents a generalised understanding of the 2021 Federal Budget
● May refer to current fiscal policies strategies
● Uses some economic theory, concepts or information in the chosen medium
● Presents a limited understanding of the economic functions of the Australian
● Uses some economic terms
● May identify components of the Federal Budget or fiscal policy strategies