Weekly Patient Preparation Noticing: Student: _______________________________ Dates of Care: _______ Patient Initials: _____ Age: _____ Date of Admission: _______ Marital Status: ______ Race/Ethnicity: ________ Sex: _____ Language: __________ Religion: __________________ Practicing religion: Y or N? Occupation: ______________ Admission weight: _______ Height: ________: Vital Signs: _________________________ Allergies and reaction by patient: _______________________________________ Admitting Diagnosis: _________________________________________________ Additional Diagnoses: ________________________________________________ Surgery and date if applicable: _________________________________________ Chief Complaint: Include events leading up to hospitalization and present illness. (Format should be in Narrative and include 1. Why the patient came to the hospital in their words. 2. Pertinent History. 3. Relevant ED work up and diagnostics. 4. State admitting diagnosis 5. Current state or plan) Additional History of previous illnesses and surgeries (give year of illness or surgery) Diagnosis specific nursing orders (during your time of care) Examples: meds, daily weight, I & O, dressing change, finger stick, O2 therapy, turn patient every 2 hours, feed patient, tube feedings, PT, ambulate patient. Describe diagnostic and /or laboratory tests, related physiology, findings, procedure and patient care. 1 NOTICING: LAB VALUES: Briefly explain and discuss the patient’s abnormal values correlating them with the patient’s diagnoses and therapies (i.e. drug therapy or surgery). Include at minimum the Admit labs and Date of care. Also note trends (up and down) and postulate why. Cite your reference for your explanation. Do not restrict yourself to Lab tests only, include all other data such as pathology results, heart cath results, pulmonary function tests, X rays, radiology studies, etc. etc. etc. Test Test Normal Values Patient Value Patient Value Admit Normal Date (Day Date: (Day of Before Clinical): Clinical) (ER) : Values Rationale Rationale Na K Cl CO2 Glucose BUN Creatinine Magnesium Calcium Phosphorus RBC WBC Hgb Hct Platelets PTT PT/INR Albumin T. Protein Bilirubin ALT/AST Ammonia Troponin BNP Lactic Acid HGB A1C 2 Other tests results: ( Xray, CT, MRI, 2D echo, etc). Note the dates and time they were done, the patient’s results and the test norms. Each specific hospital’s norms must be used. XRAY: MRI: CT: Ultrasound 12 Lead EKG: ECHO: ABG: ph: Co2: PaO2: HCO3: Be: SaO2: FiO2: 3 NOTICING: Physical Assessment Guidelines Med-Surg System Neurological Eyes, ears, nose, throat Respiratory Cardiovascular Peripheral Vascular GI Musculoskeletal Genitourinary/Reproductive Integumentary Psychosocial BP: _______ Exam MAP: _______ IV Site: __________________ Chart Level of consciousness Orientation: person, place, time, purpose Short/Long Term Memory Extremities: movement, sensory deficits Taste, Smell, Sensation Abnormalities (Use quotes): Visual acuity: PERRL, eyes open spontaneously Hearing: normal conversation Oral/Nasal mucosa: color, moisture, swallowing precautions Neck: ROM, lymph glands, thyroid Respirations: rate & rhythm Breath sounds: rales, rhonchi, wheezes Color: lips, mucous membranes, nail beds Cough Sputum: color, consistency Use of O2 Trach Heart: rate & rhythm, dysrhythmias Heart sounds: (S1, S2, S3, S4) Pacemaker or AICD Pulses: peripheral, Pedal Neck veins: carotid bruit, JVD Extremities: color, temperature, edema, skin texture, Chest tubes Capillary refill, color (discolorations), ulcerations, hair distribution, temperature Nail ridging, clubbing or fungal infections Auscultate bowel sounds Last BM Contour: flat, round, protuberant, distention, ascites Palpation: Tenderness Percussion: dull, tympanic Gait; safety precautions or equipment Joints: ROM, contour, redness, tenderness Muscles: symmetry, strength, tone Fall Risk Bladder distention (output), (FC) Dialysis Continent, catheter, pain, lesions, etc. Urine color, odor, sediment Skin: color, texture, turgor, moisture, temperature Inspect for: scars, lesions, bruising, cyanosis, pallor, erythema Wounds, Drains, and Location(s). Braden Scale Responds to care Behavior congruent with diagnosis Concerns Pulse: ______ Resp Rate: _______ Temp: ______ Pain: ______ IV Fluids: ________________________@ _____cc/hr 4 Interpreting: A. Patient’s Diagnosis (Highlight any elements that your patient has) 1. Define the admitting diagnosis: 2. Etiology and Incidence: 3. Pathophysiology (In narrative format with patient specific data, at least three paragraphs or a detailed concept map with patient specific data or a pathophysiology flowchart/outline with Patient specific data): 4. ALL Expected Diagnostic tests and findings for the Pathophysiology you focused on (highlight any that your patient received include values): 5. ALL Expected Clinical manifestations and Complications (highlight any that your patient presented with): 6. ALL Risk Factors for the Primary Diagnosis (highlight any that your patient has): 7. Anticipated Collaborative care: 8. Nursing Management: (List potential nursing interventions) B. Describe the acute surgical procedure (if applicable), purpose and patient care (before, during and after the procedure). 5 After your shift report and initial assessment, identify the nursing problems (diagnoses) that your patient has. Using the provided form, develop a nursing care plan (goal/objectives, interventions, evaluation) for the highest priority diagnosis. RESPONDING: IV. Nursing Care Plan Pt Initials: _____ NURSING DIAGNOSIS (Highest Priority of Care on the day you cared for the patient, not their admitting diagnosis priority) NANDA Related to: can be more than one cause (Cannot be a medical diagnosis as the primary related to factor) Room Number: _____ OBJECTIVES: Objective (can be more then 1): patient centered, specific & measurable, achievable within a reasonable time frame. Your objectives must maintain or improve at least one of your manifestations. Dates of Care: ______ NURSING INTERVENTIONS (Show a clear plan of how you will achieve your objectives, do not just list interventions) Independent (4-5) Dependent (1-2) As Evidenced By: Subjective Manifestations (Evidence) Collaborative (1-2) Objective Manifestations (Evidence) Pt. education (1) Focus on the nursing diagnosis & “related to” (causes) 6 Patient Teaching: Provide one (Knowledge Deficit or Readiness) NANDA, along with objectives and a teaching plan (interventions). This should be realistic and incorporate a strategy to evaluate that knowledge transfer has occurred (ie. teach back, closed loop communication, demonstration, etc) NANDA (Write Full Statement): Objective(s): Plan: 7 Reflection 8 References (APA Format) 9 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES Patricia A Chin School of Nursing Student Assignment Worksheet (Optional for Data Collection in Hospital) Student Name: ___________________________ Patient’s Initial ____________ Age: _______ Sex: __________ Room #: ___ Adm. Date: ____ Adm. Diagnosis: __________ ________________________ Surgery/Date: _____________ ________________________ ________________________ Allergy: _________________ ________________________ Code Status: _____________ Routine Medications: Date: _____________ Other Treatments: O2 therapy: _______________ Incentive spirometer: ________ Resp. therapy: Physical therapy: CPM: Renal dialysis: RN: _____________________ CNA: ___________________ Other: Other: Activity: BR BSC BRP Assist: Chair Amb ad lib IV Site: ABG: Diet: IV Solution: Lab and diagnostic tests/results (for the date of care): Fluid Restriction: Rate: N/G or G/T feeding: PRN Medications: I&O: TPR: BP: Pain Assessment: O2 Sat: % on PCA: EKG: 10 11