36 Journal of The American Ceramic Society�Nassau and Shiever 6 Paul Schwarzkopf and Richard Kieffer in collaboration with Werner Leszynski and Fritz Benesovsky, Refractory Hard Metals. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1953. 7 E. G. Kendall, J. I. Slaughter, and W. C. Riley, "A New Class of Hypereutectic Carbide Composites," Tech. Rept. TDR--469-(5250)-11 (1965). 8 J. C. Logan and R. Niesse, "Process and Design Data on a Boride-Silicide Composition Resistant to Oxidation to 2000 °C," Tech. Rept. ASD-TDR-II62-1005 (1962). 9 Paul Schwarzkopf and Richard Kieffer in collaboration with Werner Leszynski and Fritz Benesovsky, Cemented Carbides. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1960. 10 E. V. Clougherty, R. L. Pober, and Larry Kaufman; pp. 321-29 in Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 2. Edited by H. H. Hausner. Plenum Press, New York, 1966. 11 W. H. Rhodes, D. J. Sellers, Thomas Vasilos, A.H. Heuer, Robert Duff, and P. Burnett, "Microstructure Studies of Poly­ crystalline Refractory Oxides," Summary Report, NOw-65-0316-f (1966). 12 A. A. Griffith, "Phenomenon of Rupture and Flow in Solids," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London), 221A [4] 163-98 (1920). 13 E. Orowan; p. 139 in Fatigue and Fracture of Metals. Edited by W. M. Murray. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1952. 14 N. M. Parikh, "Studies of the Brittle Behavior of Ceramic Materials," Tech. Rept. ASD-TDR-61-628, Part III; Contract AF 33(657)-10697; 403 pp., June 1964. 16 F. W. Vahldiek, S. A. Mersol, and C. T. Lynch, "Room­ Temperature Slip in Titanium Diboride Produced by High Vol. 52, No. I Pressure," Science, 149 [3685] 747--48 (1965). 16 T. L. Johnston; pp. 63-78 in Mechanical Behavior of Crystalline Solids. Natl. Bur. Std. ( U.S.) Monograph No. 59. 113 pp. (1963). 17 R. J. Stokes and C. H. Li, "Dislocations and the Tensile· Strength of Magnesium Oxide," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 46 [9) 423-34 (1963). 18 G. G. Bentle and R. M. Kniefel, "Brittle and Plastic Be­ havior of Hot-Pressed BeO," ibid., 48 [11] 570-77 (1965). 19 J. J. Gilman; pp. 240-74 in Physics and Chemistry of Ceramics. Edited by Cyrus Klingsberg. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1963. 20 F. F. Large, ''Intrinsic Brittle Strength of Magnesia in Bicrystals," in Anisotropy and Strength of Ceramic Bodies, TR No. 2, Contract No. NONR-6561 (27), 1966. 21 J. P. Berry, "Some Kinetic Considerations of the Griffith Criterion for Fracture: I," J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 8 [3). 194--206 (1960). 22 H. Schardin; pp. 297---,330 in Fracture. Edited by B. L. Aver­ bach, D. K. Felbeck, G. T. Hahn, and D. A. Thomas. Tech­ nology Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959. 23 E. M. Baroody, E. M. Simons, and W. H. Duckworth, "Effect of Shape on Thermal Fracture," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 38 [l] 38--43 (1955). 24J.F.Lynch,C.G.Ruderer,andW.H.Duckworth,"Engineering Properties of Ceramics," Tech. Rept. AFML--TR-66-52 (1966). 26 Bernard Schwartz, "Thermal Stress Failure of Pure Re­ fractory Oxides," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 35 [12] 325---,33 (1952). Cupric Oxide-Molybdenum Oxide Phase Diagram in Air and in Oxygen K. NASSAU and J. W. SHIEVER Bdl Tdephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 Phase diagrams of the CuO-MoOa system were deter­ mined in oxygen, in air, and under oxygen pressure. The first two diagrams are quite similar, with temperatures up to 40° higher occurring in oxygen than in air. Stable compounds obtained by low-temperature sintering were CuMoO4 and Cu2MoO., which melted incongruently at 835 ° and 880° in oxygen and at 812 ° and 840 ° C in air, respectively. The MoOa-CuMoO4 eutectic occurs near 30 mol% CuO at 705 ° in oxygen and at 700 ° C in air. Above temperatures as low as 865 ° in oxygen and 840 ° C in air, oxygen is lost with the production of cuprous compounds. This phenomenon probably accounts for all of the inconsistencies in previous phase diagrams. The dominant cuprous compound in the central region at high temperatures is Cuc,M:04O15, melting congruently at 880° and 895 ° C in air and oxygen, respectively. On cooling in oxygen-contaiuing atmospheres, this compound changes to cupric CuaM02O9. Unit cell dimensions and an indexed powder pattern are presented for this compound. Experiments under an oxygen pressure of 2 to 3 atm indicate that the cupric compounds in the simple CuO­ MoO 3 system without reduction are CuMoO4, CuaM02O11t and Cu2MoO 5, melting incongruently at 850 ° , 910° , and 940° C, respectively. In all atmospheres CuaM02O9 is metastable with respect to CuMoO4 and Cu2M0O5 below the incongruent melting point of CuMoO4. T I. of investigators. 1-7 There is lack of agreement not only about the exact shape of the phase diagram, but even about the number and composition of the cupric molybdate com­ pounds. The situation is summarized in Table I. In a recent report Nassau and Abrahams' gave the condi­ tions for the growth of single crystals of CuMoO4, described some properties of CuMoO4, and demonstrated both peritectic melting and oxygen loss just above melting. It appeared likely that the previous phase diagram inconsistencies originated from the neglect of oxygen loss, which results in movement into the cuprous oxide-molybdenum oxide system. We have reexamined the CuO-MoOa phase diagram in air, in oxygen, and under oxygen pressure by using differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray powder diffraction of sintered and quenched samples. Single crystals were grown whenever possible. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used when necessary to clarify phase relations. II. Experimental Procedure The starting materials MoO 3 (Matheson, reagent grade) and CuO (Baker, reagent grade) were weighed and then mixed in a ball mill to yield the desired compositions. The mixtures were fired in air at 550 ° C for 24 h and ground, the process being repeated at least twice. Some samples were also fired in oxygen, but no significant differences were observed. lntroductiori HE CuO-MoOa phase diagram and the compounds appear­ ing in it have been studied to varying extents by a number Received June 17, 1968; revised copy received October 19, 1968. January 1969 Refs. 1 and 2 Ref. 4 Ref. 6t Ref. 7 Present study Table I. (a) Compounds reported* Summary of Investigations of CuO-MoO 3 Phase Diagram and Compounds (CusMoaO,.) (b) MoO,-CuMoO, region CuMoO, CuMoO, CuMoO4 CuMoO, CuaM02Ov CuaM02Ou CuaM02O9 (CuaM020s) Cu2MoQ5 CU2MoO1 No 560 None Ref. 3 600 Yes Ref. 4 None .,.300 Ref. 5t Yes 710 Ref. 7 550 No None 700-705 Ref. st * Reduced compounds in parentheses. t Examination of isolated compositions only; other studies give full or partial phase diagrams. Low-tem,12. transition (° C) Eutectic temp. (° C) 60% Cu0, 40% Mo03 TD A IN O X YG E N tr ...___ - - _ _ _ _ _ __ �C __� ...<I <.> i 0: ..,:,: ... .., 0 0 z 0 37 Cupric Oxide-Molybdenum Oxide Phase Diagram in Air and in Oxygen 200 400 800 600 TEMPERATURE, °C 1000 Fig. 1. DTA curve for 60 mo!% CuO-40 mol% MoOa in oxygen at a heating rate of 20 ° /min. The resultant materials were analyzed on a DuPont 900 DTA machine in platinum cups using a high-temperature cell (1200 ° C maximum) and aluminum oxide as the reference material. The samples were usually heated at a rate of 20 ° C/min in a flowing air or oxygen environment from room temperature to approximately ll00 ° C and then cooled. The initiation of DTA deflections is estimated to be repro­ ducible within ±2 ° C. A typical DTA curve is shown in Fig. 1. X-ray powder diffraction patterns were taken with a Philips 114.6 mm-diameter camera with vanadium-filtered Table II. CuMoO. congrueµt (CusMo,O15) (CusM04Q15) 820 700 .,,700 850 810-835 CuMoO, melting point ( ° C) Cr Ka radiation. The TGA was done on a Cahn balance with the sample contained in platinum and heated at a rate of 100 ° C/h. J,?or pressure experiments samples of about 50 mg were sealed under oxygen in thin-walled quartz tubes of about 0.05 ml capacity. In DTA experiments a similar aluminum oxide sample was used as reference. These samples could also be quenched. Near 1000 ° C the pressure is estimated to be about 2 to 3 atm, based on the oxygen gas sealed in and ignoring decomposition. The growth of single crystals of CuMoO4 was described by Nassau and Abrahams.8 Crystals of CusM02O9 were pre­ pared by a technique similar to that used by Thomas, 1 i.e. by the slow solidification of melts, in this case containing from 52 to 63 mol% CuO, in quartz tubes under flowing oxygen. A cooling rate of 12 ° /h was used from 916 ° to 735 ° C, at which temperature the tubes were either furnace-cooled or removed and tilted to separate the crystals from the remaining (eutectic) melt. The various compositions prepared in air and examined by powder X-ray diffraction and by DTA in oxygen and in air are listed in Table II. All the DTA deflections listed were endo­ thermic transitions on heating and were subsequently identi­ fied as phase changes, melting points, or decompositions in­ volving oxygen loss. Each entry represents at least two analyses, each on fresh material. Once melting or oxygen loss had occurred, changes were observed in a second DTA on the same sample. III. Discussion CuO-MoO3 Compositions Sintered at 550 ° C in Air DTAde6ection* ( ° C) PaleJreen 10 20 30 40 CuMoO, + MoOa Brigh� green 50 CuMoQ4 , 55 58 60 Olive ?reen CuMoQ4 + Cu2MoOs . 62 64 66 Cu2MoO. + CuMoO. 66 2/a Rust "brown Cu,MoOs Cu2MoOs 68 70 Cu,MoO• 72 75 Cu2MoO. + CuO 80 Cu,MoO. + CuO Dark brown 90 CuO + Cu2MoOs ° * Estimated accuracy ±5 C; figures in parentheses ±15 ° C. CuO (mo1%) Colo� X-ray data 705,755 705, (720) 705, (710) 705,790 835, (845) 835, (865) 835, (865), (880) 835, (865), (895) 835, (870), 895 835, (865), (885) 835, (865), 875 880, (895) 880, (910) 880, (960) 880, (990) 880, (1000), (1040) 880 875 In oxygen 700,740 700, (708) 700, (705) 700,(795) 810,830 815,840,870 In air 815, (850), 880 810, (845), 880 810, (840), 865 810, (850), (880) 810, (840), (875) 845, (880) 840, 880, (990) 845, 875, (995) 840, (880) 840 38 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Nassau and Shiever Vol. 52, No. 1 The low-temperature transi­ M.P. OF Cu20 __,. tions in the CuMoO4 field (Al / 1200 ° OXYGEN 6 / shown by Batrakov near 300 / C and reported by Kohlmuller / and Faurie7 at 550 ° C were ob/ 1100 / served only under conditions of / decomposition or when equiI libration with the atmosphere I was not complete. The peak � IOOO /--<>-rooo OXYGEN LOSS w was absent for samples pre­ ::, pared in air or oxygen and ..."' I examined in the same atmos­ tu 900 Q. phere; it was endothermic for ..,"'... a sample prepared in oxygen and examined in air but exo­ 8 thermic for a sample prepared in air and examined in oxygen. When a sample is melted and 700 re-examined in the same atmos­ 705 phere, the peak is endothermic (see Fig. 1 in Ref. 8). The DTA results in air and QL____,_____L___...J....____JL.._____._____,__....._...J....____._____._____. 0 IOO zo 40 60 80 oxygen are considered accurate MOL% CuO Moo ,. to ±5 ° C. In a number of cases where peaks were over­ lapping, broad, or time-depend­ (Bl 1200 AIR ent, the initiation of the de­ flection could not be located closer than ±15 ° C; these de­ 1100 flections are listed in parenthe­ ses in Table IL Samples were inspected after the completion �1000 of each run and sometimes also at intermediate temperatures to locate the occurrence of melting. The temperature values of OXYGEN LOSS - the DTA deflections are plotted versus the composition of mix­ tures expressed in mol% CuO in Fig. 2, and the liquidus curves are drawn through the appropriate points. Phase boundaries are drawn in where required. From room-temper­ OL..--....L----''-----'-----L----'-----'----L--'-----'----..____. ature X-ray diffraction analysis 0 20 40 60 100 80 MOL 'JC, euo MoO, of the sintered powders, only two distinct low-temperature Fig. 2. Phase diagram of the CuO-MoOa system (A) in oxygen and (B} in air; the dashed compounds were noted. The region above the oxygen-loss line refers to the system Cu,O-Mo03• first of these corresponds to the compound CuMoO4. This was described by Nassau and Abrahams,8 who presented the preparation, properties, unit 27.6%; the percentages calculated for CuaM02O9 are 36.21, cell dimensions, and an indexed powder pattern. The range 36.44, and 27.35%, respectively. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis and the indexed of occurrence and composition of the second structure was powder pattern of Table III showed that these crystals have deduced (1) from the color of the mixtures, which changed the structure of the "higher oxide" of that composition from olive green to rust brown near 67 mol% CuO; (2) from described by Thomas et al. 2 The unit cell parameters, a = the relation of DTA transitions observed in the phase dia­ 7.64 ± 0.02 A, b = 14.50 ± 0.03 A, c = 6.78 ± 0.02 A, and gram; and (3) from the occurrence of X-ray diffraction lines volume = 751.1 A. 3 were somewhat smaller than Thomas on the Debye-Scherrer photographs as shown in Table II. et al.'s values 1 ·2 of a = 7.78 A, b = 14.64 A, c = 6.90 A, and On this basis, the compound Cu2MoO. is believed to be the volume = 785.9 A. 3 • The space group was determined to be second stable compound observed, and the powder pattern is most probably C2v 9 - Pna21 (Thomas et al. 2 gave the incom­ given in Table III. plete designation Pna). The calculated density is 4.60 Thomas et al.1•2 prepared and described the compounds g/cm 3 , and the density measured by flotation in thallium CuaM02O9 ("higher oxide," i.e. 3CuO · 2MoOa) and CusM02Os formate-malonate was 4.53 ± 0.1 g/ cm3 at 60° C, a reasonable ("lower oxide," i.e. CuO·Cu2O·2MoOa). We prepared agreement in view of the higher temperature. samples of the higher oxide as described above. Shiny black TGA in air showed that a 60 mol% CuO sample (corre­ crystals were obtained, and their composition was confirmed sponding to the composition CuaM02O9) lost 4.6 wt% at to be CuaM02O9 by X-ray fluorescent analysis. The observed 850 ° C. If this loss is attributed only to oxygen loss, the percentages were: Cu 36.2, Mo 36.2, and O (by difference) compound resulting would be CuaM02Ou or Cus1{04O 1•. .. .. ,, I Cupric Oxide-Molybdenum Oxide Phase Diagram in Air and in Oxygen January lO(in Table III. ---··· Cu,MoO, * Using a Power X-Ray Diffraction Patterns Cu,Mo,o, CuoM04011i d (A) 7.36 4.14 4.00 3.86 3.74 3.08 3.54 3.45 3.:n 3.:l2 3.12 3.08 3.0:l 2.74 2.655 2.568 2.532 2.510 2.476 2.385 2.a::io 2.274 2.102 2-.002 I mw vw vw ms mw mw VS vs mw vs vw vs w mw mw ms w s mw mw vw mw w mw 39 d (A) 4.62 4.48 3.47 3.38 3.30 ;u4 2.89 2.1\9 2.G:3 2.55 2.45 2.40 I hkl vvw vvw vvw s w w m vw m w vw vw 020 130 200 210 040 131 002 201 140 102 022 112 230 050 150 240 300 151 212 241 dcatc* 7.250 4.085 3.820 3.694 3.625 3.499 3.390 3.328 3.275 3.099'\_ 3.071! 3.030 2.997 2.900 2. 711 2.630 2.547 2.517 2.498 2.452 doba 7.205 4.076 3.814 3.691 3.619 3.507 3.:391 3.332 3.276 {3.084 3.051 2.994 2.903 2.716 2.633 2.554 2.514 2.491 2.456 lobs vw vw mw mw vw w m mw s vvw vw w w vw s w w w m 7.64 A, b = 14.50 A, c = 6. 78 A. This is consistent with the isolated report of Doyle et al. 6 who investigated the optical properties of the compounds CuMoO 4 , Cu2MoO5, and Cu6Mo4O 15. Several attempts to prepare single crystals of Cu6Mo4O 15 were not successful. This is nevertheless considered to be an important experiment, be­ cause the reported change in calculated density2 from 4.454 for Cu3Mo2O9 to :t180 for the "lower oxide'' Cu3Mo2Os seems quite unreasonable. From the shape of the liquidus curve and from the weight loss data, the congruently melting cuprous compound Cu6Mo4O15, i.e. 3Cu2O·1MoOa, appears to exist in the MoO3�Cu2O system, and it seems plausible that it converts to Cu3Mo2O9 on cooling in oxygen: 2(3Cu2O·4MoO3) + 302 --+ 4(3CuO-2MoO3 ) However, this compound is not stable below the peritectic melting temperature of CuMoQ4 and cannot be obtained by sintering at lower temperatures. The decomposition of Cu3Mo2O9 to CuMoO4 and Cu2MoO5 was confirmed on heating a sample at ,500 ° C for 24 h; the material turns olive brown (see Table II), and the lines of Cu2MoO6 can be seen in the X­ ray powder photograph. An attempt to reduce Cu 3Mo2O 9 in H2 at 400 ° C yielded only a mixture of Cu, MoO2, and Mo. A sample of 60 mot% CuO content was quenched from 890 ° C in air. An X-ray powder diffraction pattern showed none of the lines of other compositions in this system and therefore represents the compound Cu6Mo4O15. This pattern is given in Table III and does not seem to fit the lower oxide unit cell of Thomas et al. 2 No evidence was found for the "lower oxide" Cu3Mo2O 8 of Thomas et al. 1•2 A sample of "lower oxide" prepared accord­ ing to the Thomas technique by Horton 9 was examined microscopically; it consisted of a fine mixture of several phases. It is possible that this "lower oxide" was in fact Cu6Mo4O15 and not Cu3Mo2Os; the analysis figures of Thomas 1 cannot be used, since they refer to a "polycrystalline mass," which also may have been a mixture of several phases. Neither was any evidence found for the Cu2Mo3Ox (x not specified) compound of Thomas, 1 which again is expected to be either a cuprous or a mixed cuprous-cupric compound. In the region from 55 to 66% CuO TGA showed small weight losses in oxygen at 865 ° C and in air at 840 ° C, this being consistent with the broader time-dependent nature of these transitions as seen in the DTA curves. If the oxygen- Table IV. Cu0-Mo0 3 Composition DTA Under Oxygen Pressure CuO (mo!%) 50 55 60 68 60 70 * Estimated accuracy ±10° C; DTA deflections ( ° C)* 8:30, 860 (850), (930) 850, 915, (940) 855, 910, (940), (960) 850, MO, (950) 940, (960) figures in parentheses ±20° C. loss line is drawn in at these temperatures in Fig. 2, the por­ tions of the diagrams above this line are actually parts of the system Cu2O-MoOa. Similar broader oxygen-loss peaks were also observed on DTA curves in compositions with more than 65 11101% CuO, in some cases coinciding with the occur­ rence of melting and at other times before nielting, as shown in Fig. 2. Since the majority of previous investigators of this system stated that they premelted their samples and/or heated them above the oxygen-loss temperature before performing X-ray or thermal analysis work, 1•4, 6 •7 it is clear that mixed cupric­ cuprous compounds were being examined. Equilibrium could have been reestablished by extended annealing in oxygen at lower temperatures, but in at least one case internal evidence clearly demonstrates lack of equilibrium, since the samples at first absorbed oxygen on heating before giving it off again at high temperatures.1·2 Lack of agreement among the studies provides confirmatory evidence for incomplete equilibrium. The difference in the oxygen-loss temperatures in going from air to oxygen, as well as the equilibrium oxygen pressure of the Cuz()-CuO equilibrium 10 (approximately 100 mm at 1000 ° C), indicates that a relatively small oxygen pressure should suffice to obtain true cupric oxide-molybdenum oxide phase diagram conditions in the 50 to 70 mot% CuO range. Accordingly, a series of DTA runs was performed in oxygen­ filled quartz ampuls as described above with the results listed in Table IV. The accuracy here is poorer because of the additional quartz envelope and is estimated as ± 10 ° C, except for the broad or merged peaks shown in parentheses, which are estimated to be accurate to ±20 ° C. 40 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Schoenlaub OXYGEN PRESSURE 1000 - � .., 0: .Sl---<r 0 940 900 ::, !,. .., � .., 0: 800 I- 700 0 ,..____._____._____,__.._.L.._____, 40 60 80 .,.. Mo03 Fig. 3. cuo ... MOL% Partial phase diagram of the CuO-MoOs system under 2 to 3 atm oxygen pressure. The data are plotted in Fig. 3 and indicate incongruent melting for CuMoO4, CuaM02O9, and Cu2MoO6 at 850 ° , 910 ° , and 940 ° C, respectively. Quenching from 890 ° C at 60 mol% CuO yielded a powder diffraction pattern of CuaM02O9, indicating that this compound is in fact stable and is not merely produced as an intermediate unstable stage in the oxidative decomposition of Cu6Mo4O15 to 2CuMoO4 + 2Cu2MoO4 according to Ostwald's law of stages. 11 A 60 mol% CuO sample heated to 930 ° C gave signs of partial melting, confirming that the 910 ° C transition is in fact the upper temperature limit of the existence range of Cu3Mo2O9 under oxygen pressure. That the lower limit coincides with the incongruent melting point of CuMoO4 in Figs. 2 and 3 may be a coincidence; these temperatures may merely not have been resolved under the experimental conditions used. The diagrams in Figs. 2 and 3 are of course not true phase diagrams; since they were constructed for constant oxygen pressures, they therefore are projections of isobaric surfaces in the Cu-Mo-O system along constant Cu:Mo ratio lines onto the CuO-MoOa join. IV. Conclusions Inconsistencies in previously published studies of the CuO­ MoOa system resulted from oxygen loss at temperatures as low as 840 ° C during the sample preparation. In oxygen, CuMoO4 melts incongruently at 835 ° C, and CuaM02O9 exists only between this temperature and 865 ° C, Vol. 52, No. 1 where it transforms to cuprous CuuM04O16, which melts con­ gruently at 895 ° C. Cu2MoO5 melts peritectically at 880 ° C. The MoOa-CuMoO4 eutectic occurs near 30 mol% CuO at 705 ° C. In air, the equivalent temperatures are 812° , 840 ° , 880 ° ' 840 ° ' and 700 ° C. Only slight oxygen pressure is needed to prevent oxygen loss. Under these circumstances the compounds and their melting points are: CuMoO4 850 ° C, Cu3Mo2O 9 910 ° C, and Cu2MoO 5 940 ° C, all incongruent. The compound CUaM02Os­ is stable only between 850 ° and 910 ° C . Although incongruently melting and not stable below 835 ° C in oxygen, crystals of CuaMo2O 9 can be obtained by the growth of congruently melting CuaMo4O16. This absorbs. oxygen nondestructively to give CuaM02O9, which decomposes. only very slowly at lower temperatures. Unit cell dimensions. and an indexed X-ray powder diffraction pattern are given for CuaM02O9. Acknowledgments The authors thank Mrs. A. Cooper and D. J. Nitti for the X-ray powder diffraction pictures, J. L. Bernstein for the single­ crystal measurements, F. Schrey for the TGA, and J.E. Kessler for the chemical analyses. They are grateful to J. W. Nielsen for helpful discussions, W. S. Horton for permission to examine his sample preparations, and D. McLachlan, Jr., for loaning Ref. 1. They are particularly grateful to F. Wehmeier for pointing: out the simplicity and elegance of the sealed tube technique. References 1 I. D. Thomas, Ph.D. thesis, University of Utah, 1951. 2 I. D. Thomas, A. H. Herzog, and D. McLachlan, Jr., "Crystallography of Two Compounds Containing the Oxides of Cu and Mo," Acta Cryst., 9, 316-17 (1956). 3 A. N. Zelikman and L. V. Belyaevskaya, "Formation of Molybdates by Interaction of Oxides of Ca, Cu, and Fe with MoOa in Solid State," J. Appl. Chem. USSR (English Transl.), 27, 1091-1101 (1954). 4 A. L. Grigoryan and M. A. Enfiadzhyan, "Thermal A11:­ alysis of System MoOa-CuO," Sb. Nauchn. Tr. Ere:uansk. Poli­ tekhn. Inst., 16, 131-35 (1957). 6 N. A. Batrakov, "Molybdates and Tungstates of Bivalent Cations Obtained by Ceramic Processing," Sklar Keram., 12, 147-49 (1962). 6 W. P. Doyle, G. McGuire, and G. M. Clark, "Preparation and Properties of Transition Metal Molybdates," J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 28, 1185-90 (1966). 7 Robert Kohlmuller and J. P. Faurie, "MoOa-CuO System," C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. C, 264 [22] 1751-52 (1967). 8 K. Nassau and S. C. Abrahams, "Growth and Properties of Single Crystal Cupric Molybdate," J. Cryst. Growth, 2 [3] 136-40 (1968). 9 W. S. Horton, National Bureau of Standards; unpublished work. 10 A. L. Pranatis, "Phase Fields and Thermal Expansion of Oxides of Copper," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 51 [3] 182 (1968). 11 W. S. Fyfe, Geochemistry of Solids; p. 172. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1964. Oxidation of Pyrite ROBERT A. SCHOENLAUB The Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation, Columbus, Ohio 43201 The decomposition of pyrite was investigated in a thenno­ balance. In neutral or reducing gases it decomposes between 550 ° and 700° C to volatile sulfur and ferrous sulfide. In oxygen it oxidizes in two stages: between 445 ° and 520 ° C, it forms sulfur dioxide and ferrous sul­ fide; between 610 ° and 660° C, it forms more sulfur di­ oxide and hematite. In air or with fast cycles, the reac­ tions are overrun and do not show the two stages. Car­ bon dioxide reacts very slowly and gives magnetite. Water vapor had an insignificant effect on the reactions. DTA did not show the second stage with normal tech­ nique. Fine grinding and testing in oxygen disclosed the reaction. Presented at the Seventieth Annual Meeting, The American Ceramic Society, Chicago, Ill., April 23, 1968 (Structural Clay Products Division, No. 17A-s-68). Received June 4, 1968; revised copy received August 17, 1968.