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MPT 63 MVA Power Transformer Environmental Profile

GE Grid Solutions
MPT 63 MVa
Power transformer
Product Environmental Profile
V2 - 2019
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GE Grid
MPT 63MVA Power transformer
Dec 2019
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
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time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
This document provides the results of the Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) of the MPT 63 MVA power transformer,
that is to say the quantification of its environmental impact
on its whole life cycle, from cradle to grave (manufacturing,
transport, use and end of life phases).
The LCA was performed in accordance with ISO standards
14040 and 14044.
It is important to point out that these LCA results depend on:
the scope of the study
calculation method
data used
In consequence, results cannot be compared to other
environmental declarations without checking if all these
elements are the same.
GE Grid Solutions
AGM Unit; Mönchengladbach D-41065 GERMANY
Environmental policy
At GE, we solve problems for customers and find solutions
that make things better for society, the environment and the
economy. We believe that innovation is at the heart of
GE Grid Solutions is committed to achieving environmental,
health and safety (EHS) excellence. This is a responsibility
shared by all employees in all functions. At GE Grid Solutions,
we do our best to ensure our work has only positive effects
on the world, whether it is developing energy saving
products, using environmentally friendly materials or
managing waste effectively. Meeting regulatory obligations is
the minimum we can do. Our goal is to go beyond that.
A transformer is a device that transfers energy from one
electrical circuit to another by magnetic coupling without
requiring relative motion between its parts.Transformers’
parts and components can be divided into two main groups:
1) Active Part
2) Passive Part
The active part comprises the magnetic circuit, the windings,
and their clamping structures.
The passive part is needed in order to make the transformer
functional, e.g. cooling equipment, protective equipment,
and others fittings.
The 63MVA is a medium power transformer type. It benefits
from both the experience and the latest technological
development relative to transformer. AGM facility is certified
ISO 9001.
Technical characteristics of MPT 63MVA
AGM is the competence center for small (SPT) and medium
power transformers (MPT) up to 120 MVA / 245 KV.
Eco-design contact
Elodie LARUELLE, elodie.laruelle@ge.com
Christophe PERRIER, christophe.perrier1@ge.com
Physical characteristics
Rated power
Rated voltages HV/LV
Rated currents HV/LV
Rated frequency
Methods of cooling
63 MVA
110 kV / 33 kV
330,7 / 1102,2 A
50 Hz
This transformer can be used with ONAN cooling until
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as to the
accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this data at any
time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
The analysis was performed with SimaPro LCA software
version and ILCD 2011 Midpoint+ calculation method
version 1.10.
Secondary data are from ecoinvent version 3.5 life cycle
inventory database.
Environmental impact evaluation is carried out on the whole
life cycle of the product across and on each of the
environmental indicators. For an explanation of each
indicator, see the appendix.
MATERIALS - raw materials extraction and refinement
The total mass of the product studied is 82 tons and contains
(declaration according to IEC 62474 standard):
Mass (kg)
Mineral oil
Copper and its alloys
In this table, materials with a mass inferior to 400 kg are
included in “Others”. “Others” contains Plastic, porcelain,
rubber, brass and aluminum.
MANUFACTURING – Assembly of the transformer
For the manufacturing phase (material and factory impacts),
we have taken into account:
• A bill of materials for the product with processes for
production of materials (bushings included),
• The processes for surface treatments of parts, such as
painting and copper enamelling.
• The environmental impact of the factory to assemble
the product, including energy and water consumptions,
Note that OLTC and material transformation process
(machining, molding, milling…) made by subcontractors are
not taken into account in the study.
DISTRIBUTION – transport of transformer
For the calculation of environmental impacts linked to the
transport phase, the distribution of the power transformer is
assumed to be done with 15160 kg of oil. Remaining 1540 kg
of oil are transported separately (oil draining and external
parts). 1160kg of external parts are also transported
Ways and distances are the same for both: by heavy truck
(1000 km) and boat (6000 km). These hypotheses are
representative of the average transport process of such
The product is supplied on a wooden base of 20kg and the
dismantled external parts in wood packaging of 30 kg.
subcontractors to assembly unit is not taken into account.
USE - operation and maintenance of the transformer over its
The typical lifetime for this type of power transformer is 35
years. During this exploitation phase, there will be both
power losses and oil leakages.
Electrical losses:
Some energy is lost during service life; consequently,
additional production of electricity is necessary to
compensate those power losses. Transformer losses come
from several causes and may be differentiated between those
originating in the windings, load losses (sometimes named
copper loss or Joule losses) and those arising from the
magnetic circuit, named no load losses (also named iron loss).
The load losses vary with load current.
The values corresponding to load losses and no-load losses
energy are the following:
Losses of the MPT 63 MVA transformers
Load losses at 63MVA
262 kW
No load losses at 63MVA
20 kW
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as
to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this
data at any time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
The average load is assumed as 50%. Using this assumption
and formula (1), the total energy losses all over the use of the
power transformer (35 years) are 26214 MWh.
𝑃𝑇 = [(𝑃𝐿𝐿 ) ∗ (%𝐿)2 + (𝑃𝑁𝐿 )] ∗ 24 ∗ 365𝑑
∗ 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 π‘¦π‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘  (1)
PT: Total electrical losses (kW)
PLL: Load losses (kW)
PNL: No load losses (kW)
%L: Load percent, expressed as a fraction
Moreover, electrical consumption of fans has been also taken
into account. There are 16 fans in the MPT 63 MVA power
transformer with a 0.16 kW consumption of each one, then
corresponding to 2.56kW.
With a 50% load profile, the energy needed by fans during 35
years is 196 MWh.
The total electrical losses are summarized in the following
END OF LIFE – decommissioning and transport of components
to end-of-life treatment and either landfill disposal or
At the end of the product life, the transformer is assumed to
be dismantled and disposed at the waste treatment center
closest from customer’s installation. The return
transportation of the product is not taken into account.
At the end of life, the oil is drain and disposed separately, the
equipment is dismantled and materials are treated as below:
β–ͺ Metals (aluminium, copper, steel, stainless steel) are
entirely recycled, with a recyclability rate of 90%,
β–ͺ Oil are recycled (45%) or incinerated with energy
recovery (55%),
β–ͺ Paper and wood are disposed as oil contaminated waste
and destroyed by incineration,
β–ͺ Porcelain is sent to landfill.
A 50/50 allocation is chosen: only 50% of recycling earnings is
allocated to the capacitor, which provides materials to
recycle. The others 50% are allocated to the product which
will use the recycled materials (not considered here).
Total electricity losses
Load losses
20082 MWh
No load losses
6132 MWh
Fans consumption
196 MWh
Total losses
26410 MWh
The energy module used in the environmental software for
the use phase is based on the European electricity mix.
Oil reintroduced during maintenance:
For the LCA calculation, maintenance has been considered
with a refilling of 5% of the total oil quantity (835kg).
Please note that in addition to reliable sealing systems,
transformers are equipped with retention tank in order to
prevent oil leakage into the environment.
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as
to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this
data at any time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
Full multi-environmental impact category results
For each environmental indicator in the table below, the results are shown separately for each life cycle stage: materials,
manufacturing, distribution, use and end of life.
Impact category
(per kWh)
Climate change
kg CO2 eq
Ozone depletion
kg CFC-11 eq
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects
End of Life
Human toxicity, cancer effects
Particulate matter
kg PM2.5 eq
Ionizing radiation HH
kBq U235 eq
Photochemical ozone formation
kg NMVOC eq
molc H+ eq
Terrestrial eutrophication
molc N eq
Freshwater eutrophication
kg P eq
Marine eutrophication
kg N eq
Freshwater ecotoxicity
Land use
kg C deficit
Water resource depletion
m3 water eq
Mineral, fossil & ren resource depletion
kg Sb eq
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as to the
accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this data at any
time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
Comments on manufacturing phase
Materials impact
positive impacts are the recycling of copper and steel.
Recycling avoids the production of new materials and the
emissions associated to these processes
The manufacturing phase is strongly impacting on metal
depletion indicator due to use of copper. This indicator takes
into account the available resources of metal such as steel but
especially the copper which become increasingly rare.
On the other indicators, the impact is mainly due to the use
of copper and steel, but also due to cellulosic insulation
materials on urban and agricultural land occupation
indicators. Mineral oil is principally impacting on the ozone
depletion and fossil depletion indicators due to crude oil
mineral extraction.
ISO 14040, “Environmental management – Life cycle
assessment – Principles and framework”, 2006.
ISO 14044, “Environmental management – Life cycle
assessment – Requirements and guidelines”, 2006.
IEC 62430, “Environmentally conscious design for
electrical and electronic products”, 2009.
M. Goedkoop and al. “ReCiPe 2008 - A life cycle
impact assessment method which comprises
harmonised category indicators at the mid-point and
the end-point level –report I: Characterisation” p.
116, 2009.
H. Fink, F. Devaux, B. Dolata, C. Perrier, “New and
innovative smart and green transformer
technologies”, CIRED 2011.
PTR factory ID card, Monchengladbach, January
Wilson, R. Heywood, Z. Richardson, “The lifetime of
power transformers”, LIFETIME OF POWER
M. Martin, F. Devaux, “End of Life Management of
High-voltage Transformers”, Melecon (IEEE) 2008.
Factory impact
The factory impact is not significant. Impacts are mainly due
to the energy consumption on the site.
Comments on transport phase
The impact of the transport phase is negligible on all the
Comments on use phase
For the 63 MVA power transformer, the use phase is the most
impacting phase on seventeen of the eighteen indicators. This
is due to power losses during 35 years of use (90% of the
impact comes from load losses).
Comments on end-of-life phase
The recycling of recyclable materials can reduce some
impacts of the product throughout its life cycle. The most
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as
to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this
data at any time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
A life cycle assessment is an evaluation of all incoming and outgoing materials as well as
the potential environmental impacts of a product or process over the whole life cycle,
i.e. « from cradle to grave ».
Product Environmental Profile (PEP)
The Product Environmental Profile is an information sheet on a certain product
describing the environmental impacts of this product, based on the LCA results.
Impact indicators (ILCD mid-point method)
Climate Change: All inputs or outputs that result in greenhouse gas emissions. The greatest contributor is generally the combustion of
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. The consequences include increased average global temperatures and sudden regional
climatic changes. Climate change is an impact affecting the environment on a global scale.
Unit of measurement: Kilogram of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (kg CO2 eq). During the calculations, the global warming potential of all
greenhouse gas emissions are compared to the amount of the global warming potential of 1 kg of CO2.
Ozone depletion: The stratospheric Ozone (O3) layer protects us from hazardous ultraviolet radiation (UV-B). Its depletion can have
dangerous consequences in the form of increased skin cancer cases in humans and damage to plants. The stratospheric ozone depletion
is an impact which affects the environment on a global scale.
Unit of measurement: kilogram of CFC-11 equivalent (kg CFC-11 eq). During the calculations, the potential impacts of all relevant
substances for ozone depletion are converted to their equivalent of kilograms of Trichlorofluoromethane (also called Freon-11 and R11).
Human toxicity, cancer effect: Potential impacts on human health caused by absorbing substances through the air, water and soil. Direct
effects of products on humans are currently not measured. Cancer in humans is an impact which predominantly affects people at local
and regional scale.
Unit of measurement: Comparative Toxic Unit for humans (CTUh). This is based on a model called USEtox.
Human toxicity, non-cancer effect: Potential impacts on human health caused by absorbing substances the air, water and soil. Direct
effects of products on humans are currently not measured. Human toxicity is an impact which predominantly affects people at local and
regional scale.
Unit of measurement: Comparative Toxic Unit for humans (CTUh). This is based on a model called USEtox.
Eco-toxicity, freshwater aquatic: Potential toxic impacts on an ecosystem, which may damage individual species as well as the
functioning of the ecosystem. Some substances have a tendency to accumulate in living organisms. Eco-toxicity is an impact which
predominantly affects the environment at local and regional scale.
Unit of measurement: Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems (CTUe). This is based on a model called USEtox.
Particulate matter: The adverse impacts on human health caused by emissions of Particulate Matter (PM) and its precursors (e.g. NOx,
SO2). Usually, the smaller the particles are, the more dangerous they are, as they can go deeper into the lungs.
Unit of measurement: kilogram of Particulate Matter 2.5 equivalent (kg PM 2.5 eq). The potential impact of respiratory inorganics is
converted into the equivalent of a kilogram of particulate matter of a diameter of 2.5 micrometres or less.
Ionising radiation: The exposure to ionising radiation (radioactivity) can have impacts on human health. The Environmental Footprint
only considers emissions under normal operating conditions (no accidents in nuclear plants are considered).
Unit of measurement: Kilogram of Uranium 235 equivalent (kg U235 eq). The potential impact on human health of different ionising
radiations is converted to the equivalent of kilobequerels of Uranium 235.
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as
to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this
data at any time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
Photochemical ozone formation: While stratospheric ozone protects us, ozone on the ground (in the troposphere) is harmful: it attacks
organic compounds in animals and plants, it increases the frequency of respiratory problems when photochemical smog (“summer
smog”) is present in cities. Photochemical ozone formation is an impact which affects the environment at local and regional scale.
Unit of measurement: kilogram of Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compound equivalent (kg NMVOC eq). The potential impact of
substances contributing to photochemical ozone formation are converted into the equivalent of kilograms of Non-Methane Volatile
Organic Compounds (e.g. alcohols, aromatics, etc.).
Acidification: Acidification has contributed to a decline of coniferous forests and an increase in fish mortality. Acidification can be
caused by emissions getting into the air, water and soil. The most significant sources are combustion processes in electricity, heating
production and transport. The contribution to acidification is greatest when the fuels contain a high level of Sulphur. Acidification is an
impact which mainly affects the environment on a regional scale.
Unit of measurement: Mole of Hydron equivalent (mol H+ eq). Hydron is general name for a cationic form of atomic Hydrogen. Mole is
a common unit of measurement used in chemistry, expressing amount of substance. The potential impact of substances contributing to
acidification is converted to the equivalent of moles of Hydron.
Eutrophication, terrestrial: Eutrophication impacts ecosystems due to substances containing nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). These
nutrients cause a growth of algae or specific plants and limit growth in the original ecosystem. Eutrophication is an impact which affects
the environment at local and regional scale.
Unit of measurement: Mole of Nitrogen equivalent (mol N eq). Mole is a common unit of measurement used in chemistry, expressing
amount of substance. The potential impact of substances contributing to terrestrial eutrophication is converted to the equivalent of
moles of Nitrogen.
Eutrophication, aquatic freshwater: Eutrophication impacts ecosystems due to substances containing nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). If
algae grows too rapidly, it can leave water without enough oxygen for fish to survive. Nitrogen emissions into the aquatic environment
are caused largely by fertilisers used in agriculture, but also by combustion processes. The most significant sources of Phosphorus
emissions are sewage treatment plants for urban and industrial effluents and leaching from agricultural land. Eutrophication is an
impact which affects the environment at local and regional scale.
Unit of measurement: kilograms of Phosphorus equivalent (kg P eq). The potential impact of substances contributing to freshwater
eutrophication is converted to the equivalent of Kilograms of Phosphorus.
Eutrophication, marine: Eutrophication impacts ecosystems due to substances containing nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). As a rule, the
availability of one of these nutrients will be a limiting factor for growth in the ecosystem, and if this nutrient is added, the growth of
algae or specific plants will be increased. For the marine environment this will be mainly due to an increase of nitrogen (N). Nitrogen
emissions are caused largely by the agricultural use of fertilisers, but also by combustion processes. Eutrophication is an impact which
affects the environment at local and regional scale.
Unit of measurement: kilogram of Nitrogen equivalent (kg N eq). The potential impact of substances contributing to marine
eutrophication is converted to the equivalent of kilograms of Phosphorus..
Land use: Use and transformation of land for agriculture, roads, housing, mining or other purposes. The impacts can vary and include
loss of species, of the organic matter content of soil, or loss of the soil itself (erosion).
Unit of measurement: kilograms of carbon deficit (Kg C deficit). This is an indicator of loss of soil organic matter content, expressed in
kilograms of carbon deficit.
Resource depletion, water: The withdrawal of water from lakes, rivers or groundwater can contribute to the ‘depletion’ of available
water. The impact category considers the availability or scarcity of water in the regions where the activity takes place, if this
information is known.
Unit of measurement: cubic metres (m3) of water use related to the local scarcity of water.
Resource depletion, mineral – fossil – and renewable: The earth contains a finite amount of non-renewable resources, such as metals,
minerals and fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. The basic idea behind this impact category is that extracting a high c oncentration of
resources today will force future generations to extract lower concentration or lower value resources. For example, the depletion of
fossil fuels may lead to the non-availability of fossil fuels for future generations.
Unit of measurement: kilogram of Antimony equivalent (kg Sb eq). The amount of materials contributing to resource depletion are
converted into equivalents of kilograms of Antimony.
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as
to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this
data at any time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved
MPT 63MVa Power transformer – Product Environmental Profile
The results presented in this report are unique to the
assumptions and practices of the General Electric
Company. The results are not meant as a platform for
comparability to other companies and/or products.
Even for similar products, differences in functional unit,
use and end-of-life stage assumptions, and data quality
may produce incomparable results.
MPT 63MVA Power transformer; GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for
information only. Neither GE, its officers and employees accept responsibility for or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied) as
to the accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. GE reserves the right to revise or change this
data at any time without further notice.
2019 General Electric Company – All rights reserved