Discussion Forum Unit 5 Review the Assessment Toolkit on Page 17 of ‘Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind’ and the assessment strategies in ‘Using assessment to drive instruction’ included in this Unit’s reading list. Select an assessment FOR learning Select an assessment of AS learning. Explain when you would employ each of these assessments during the school year and appraise your expectations regarding their implementation with your students Hello everyone For this week's discussion post I will be selecting an assessment for both assessments FOR learning and assessment AS learning. When looking at both these types of assessment, they can be considered as formative assessments where assessment FOR learning is where the teacher can provide themselves and the students with feedback to help improve student learning as well as their teaching instructions inside the classroom and, assessment AS learning is where the students themselves assess their own work so that they can understand how they can improve on their learning inside the classroom. “Assessment for learning involves teachers using evidence about students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills to inform their teaching. Sometimes referred to as ‘formative assessment’, it usually occurs throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify student learning and understanding” (Harapnuik, 2021). “Assessment as learning occurs when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what they know and can do, and how to use assessment for new learning” (Harapnuik, 2021) In selecting an assessment FOR learning, two assessments that I have seen continued benefits from utilizing inside the classroom are Observations checklists and Anecdotal Notes. The reason why I have chosen these two assessments is that I believe that both these assessments work well with one another. With ongoing observations during classroom learning, teachers can give students timely feedback on how they can improve in any areas of their learning by guiding them through the tasks that are at hand. With anecdotal notes, the teachers are then able to assess whether their teaching instructions are being understood by the students inside the classroom as the teachers can assess the lesson content that is being grasped by the students. With regards to observation checklists, this type of assessment would be an ongoing assessment that is employed throughout the school year where a teacher is continuously making observations to help improve student learning as often as possible. "A well-defined checklist identifies learning objectives and behaviors, which may be arranged in categories, and are used to determine whether a student exhibits the behaviors or skills listed” (GUIDANCE for DEVELOPING and SELECTING QUALITY ASSESSMENTS in the ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM a PART of the ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT, n.d.). The expectations of this form of assessment would be entirely up to the teacher as the students would be focusing on their learning and attempting the tasks at hand while the teacher makes the observations necessary to check off the identified skills that they have added to their observation checklist, which are aligned with the standards that they are planning on the students to reach. With regards to the anecdotal notes, this type of assessment would be used by the teacher, from the observations made, to document the student's behaviors and academic progress over a certain time period. This time period can be assigned by the teacher, but in my teaching milieu, I like to conduct my anecdotal notes every week where I will make notes of the student's progress from the observations made, and then at the end of each month summarize these anecdotal notes to assess the overall student performances. "Observations, along with recording notes, can help teachers determine what students do and do not know” (GUIDANCE for DEVELOPING and SELECTING QUALITY ASSESSMENTS in the ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM a PART of the ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT, n.d.). This will allow for the teacher to know more about their students, which essentially will allow for the necessary help to be provided. Once again the expectations of this assessment will be entirely on the teacher as they assess whether the students are meeting the learning objectives that have been planned and whether the teacher's teaching instructions need to be adapted based on the learning needs of the students. In selecting an assessment AS learning, the two assessments that a teacher could utilize where the students themselves are the accessors would be the Self and Peer assessment. As the students are still learning how to be the accessors of their own work and where they can identify any of their learning areas that need improvement, it would make sense for the students to also assess their peers in the same regard. While assessing their own work, they can also gauge how they are doing concerning their peers as they assess the work that their peers are completing. As students assess their peers it provides a great learning experience to be had as they are not just learning from each other but it also allows for the students to have that 'teaching experience' with their peers when they provide any feedback from the peer assessment. With regards to both self and peer assessment, I believe that these assessments can be employed together with any learning experience that is being had inside the classroom (preferably as often as possible). Students can first assess their peers, while their peers assess them, and then after this assessment has been done the students can then do a self-assessment on their own work as they discuss with their peers the assessments that have been made. This provides for a great learning experience to be had as the students are essentially learning from each other. The teacher can be seen as being the facilitator of students learning and is then able to observe how the students are assessing not just themselves but their peers as well. With Self and Peer Assessment, the expectations are placed on the students themselves as they provide the necessary feedback on how they believe their peers can improve on their learning, and then from that, they can see what improvements they need to make with regards to their own learning inside the classroom. Self and Peer evaluation is a potentially powerful technique because of its impact on student performance through enhanced self-efficacy and increased intrinsic motivation (GUIDANCE for DEVELOPING and SELECTING QUALITY ASSESSMENTS in the ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM a PART of the ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT, n.d.). References GUIDANCE FOR DEVELOPING AND SELECTING QUALITY ASSESSMENTS IN THE ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM A PART OF THE ASSESSMENT TOOLKIT. (n.d.). https://www.ride.ri.gov/Portals/0/Uploads/Documents/Teachers-and-AdministratorsExcellent-Educators/Educator-Evaluation/Online-Modules/Quality-AssessmentsElementary.pdf Harapnuik, D. (2021). Assessment of/for/as Learning. Harapnuik.org. https://www.harapnuik.org/?p=8475