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Ear Injuries & Infections: Tympanic Membrane, Otitis Externa

Chapter 3
Injury of the Tympanic
Injury of the Tympanic
Diverse circumstances may responsible for
injury or rupture of the tympanic membrane,
and the early treatment of such injury is of great
Injury of the Tympanic
• Causes
• Direct trauma: attempts to remove wax or foreign
bodies by the unskilled.
• Fracture of the temporal bone.
• Stapes surgery
• Blast, gunfire, rapid descent in aircraft
• slap or box on the ear.
• Barotraumas.
Injury of the Tympanic
• Symptoms
• Pain. acute pain ,bloody discharge from
the meatus.
• Tinnitus.
• Deafness.
• Vertigo.
Injury of the Tympanic
• Sings
• The drum is perforated and the perforation
is in the pars tensa----- because it is less
accommodating to increase of pressure in
the external ear.
• The perforation has bleeding points on the
Injury of the Tympanic
• Sings
• If it is caused by a slap or box on the ear,
the perforation is irregular but after a few
days the irregularity of the edges disappears
----- because the retraction of the fibrous
tissue in the tympanic membrane.
Injury of the Tympanic
• Treatment
• The only local treatment is putting a little
sterile cotton-wool in the ear not to allow
any extraneous substances to go into the ear.
• Do not clean out the ear or remove the clot.
• Do not put in drops:
• Do not syringe. And do not interfere.
Injury of the Tympanic
• Treatment
• Watch the ear daily.
• In most cases the edges of the tear will
unite rapidly. If there are any signs of
infection supervening, e.g. discharge, give
systemic antibiotics to guard against
development of infection.
Chapter 4
Suppurative Perichondritis
of Auricle
Suppurative Perichondritis of
•Suppurative perichondritis of auricle is a
localized suppurative inflammation of the
perichondrium of auricle.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• Causes
• Infection secondary to laceration, contusion
or surgery incisions.
• Extension of infection from diffuse otitis
external or a furuncle of the meatus.
• Common organisms ---Pseudomonas,
staphylococcus, streptococcus, coliform.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• Clinical manifestation
• Initial symptoms are redness, swelling, heat,
painful of the auricle. The auricle becomes
warm, fluctuant, erythematous and indurate.
Serum or pus collects in between the
cartilage and the perichondrium and this
interferes with the nourishment of the
cartilage causing chondritis.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
•Clinical manifestation
• As the infection advances and extends
beyond the auricle, cellulitis of the
surrounding skin will appear.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• Clinical manifestation
• In late stage of the disease, necrosis of the
cartilage takes place and necrosed pieces of
cartilage get extruded. When all such
pieces have been expelled, discharge stops
and fibrosis takes place.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• Treatment
• Appropriate antibiotic should be given as early as
• One should be careful in treating the case of
trauma or infection of the auricle.
• The infected ear should be cleaned and treated
with warm saline compresses four times a day.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• When abscess has formed, it must be drained
• Incision should be give on the posterior surface of
auricle to avoid cosmetic deformity.
• If chondritis and cartilage necrosis has occurred,
extensive treatment with the removal of all dead
cartilage and overlying perichondrium and skin is
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• The wound should be dressed frequently.
• While making aspiration or incision for drainage,
the underlying healthy cartilage should not be
• Culture and sensitivity of infected matter must be
carried out to prevent stenosis of external auditory
meatus, gauze impregnated with antibiotic
solution should be lightly packed in the meatus.
Suppurative Perichondritis of
• Hospitalization is desirable in a diabetic
patient or immune deficiency cases.
• The disease can be avoided with proper
sterilization in mastoid operation or any
instrumentation on ear.
Furuncle of external
acoustic meatus
Furuncle of external acoustic meatus
furuncle of external auditory
Definition :
It is staphylococcal infection of hair follicle of external
acoustic meatus .
boil occurs only in the outer 1/3rd part of the meatus.
(1) There is injury of the skin (scratch the ear with a
fingernail ,hairpin ,knitting needle)
(2) unskillful removal of foreign bodies, syringing,
swimming in the infected water,
(3)suppurative otitis media with a discharging.
furuncle of external auditory
• Symptom :
----pain, deafness, rise temperature
• Sign :
----Marked tenderness on compression of tragus.
----Severe pain as soon as the pinna is touched or
the speculum is inserted in the ear or moving the
furuncle of external auditory
---Total leucocyte count shows a definite
leucocytosis with relative preponderance of the
----Regional lymph nodes may be enlarged.
---If the boil bursts, there may be purulent or
sanguineous discharge from the ear.
---After the boil has burst, pain, fever and
leucocytosis go down.
furuncle of external auditory
• Differential diagnosis
(1)Acute otitis media:
no pain on pulling the pinna or mastication.
On examination, the external meatus is
clear and the drum is congested, angrylooking and bulging out, if not perforated.
furuncle of external auditory
(2)Postauricular subperioteal abscess:
the apparent swelling is situated deep down in the
bony meatus and not in the cartilaginous part.
Also, there is no pain on pulling the pinna.
(3)Polypus in the ear.
no pain on pulling pinna and the fundus of the
polypus is reddish in color and a probe can be
passed round the fundus, whereas this cannot be
down with a boil as it is attached on one side to
the wall of the meatus.
Furuncle of external auditory meatus
• Treatment
• 10 per sent ichthyol glycerin or concentrated
magnesium sulphate paste wicks should be
inserted into the meatus and replaced once or
twice daily.
• Hot fomentation with hot water bottle. Electricpad or short wave diathermy is helpful.
furuncle of external auditory meatus
• Treatment:
• Analgesics
• Be incised under a general anesthetic or local
• broad spectrum systemic antibiotics
• In cases of recurrence, the cause should be
investigated e.g., diabetes, seborrhea, a septic
focus, malnutrition etc.
Chapter 6
Otitis Externa
Otitis Externa
• Definition
• Otitis externa means generalized inflammation of
the skin of the external auditory meatus.
• It may be bacterial or mycotic (otomycosis), and
is characterized by irritation, desquamation,
scanty discharge, and tendency to relapse.
• It may be acute or chronic.
Otitis Externa
• Causes
• Otitis externa has a predilection for certain persons---some person (eczema) who allow water to remain in the
ear after washing or bathing; those who frequent crowed
swimming baths and not drying the ear ,traumatize them
with the screwed-up corner of a dirty towel.
• Otitis externa is frequently seen in torrid zoned area.
• Ear-syringing
• Scratch with fingernail
Otitis Externa
• Pathology
• Common organisms responsible for otitis
externa are hemolytic streptococcus,
staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, bacillus
proteus, colibacillus but more often the
infection is mixed.
Otitis Externa
• Symptoms:
• In acute stage:
---The external meatus looks markedly congested
and inflamed, and purulent discharge.
---The condition is painful and pinna is tender to
---There may be a rise of temperature.
---allergy, anxiety ,worries.
Otitis Externa
• Symptoms:
• In chronic stage:
---The skin may be thickened. Other signs
and symptoms are as for the acute stage but
less marked.
Otitis Externa
• Sign:
• Tenderness
• Moist debris.
• Red desquamatory meatal walls
• Edema of the meatal skin.
Otitis Externa
• Treatment:
(1)General treatment:
a, The ears should be kept dry.
b, Trauma to the ear should be avoided.
c, A high standard of personal hygiene
should be maintained.
Otitis Externa
d, The patient should be instructed to stick to
a routine of life ensuring adequate rest,
exercise and freedom from anxiety and
tension. For relief of pain, analgesics
should be prescribed.
Otitis Externa
(2)Local treatment
• a. In the acute stage:
the external meatus should be gently
cleaned out with cotton wool on a carrier
dipped in liquid paraffin or by gently
syringing with warm normal saline.
Otitis Externa
• The ear should then be packed with strip
gauze soaked in 10% aluminium acetate.
This procedure is repeated daily till the ear
is dry. In more than half the cases this is
achieved within a week or so, after which
the ears are packed daily with 30%
ammoniated mercury ointment.
Otitis Externa
• If the condition does not respond to the above
treatment, neomycin 1/2 per cent and
hydrocortisone 1 per cent in equal amounts, or
soframycin hydrocotisone solution are used.
• If still there is no response, ear swab should be
taken for culture and sensitivity and treatment
carried out as guided by its result.
Otitis Externa
b, In chronic stage:
swelling of the walls of the meatus, if
present, should be reduced by daily
packing with strip gauze soaked in 10%
ichthyol glycerin. Once swelling has
subsided, the treatment is the same as for
the acute stage.
Otitis Externa
• Instillation of drops etc. without previous
cleaning of the external meatus is much
less efficacious. In doubtful cases, look for
fungus and examine the urine. Antibiotics
and antiallergics may be given if indicated.
Chapter 7
impacted cerumen
• Definition :Earwax (cerumen) is formed by
special ceruminal glands in the cartilaginous ear
canal, some have overactive glands that
produce excessive accumulation of wax ,other
have impacted cerumen.
• Symptom :deafness, tinnitus, acute pain
impacted cerumen
• Examination
• Treatment---- removal:
Wax hook
Ear-syringing: instilling warm soda
glycerin drops in the ear four times a day
for 3-4 days----soft the dry and hard wax.
Chapter 8
foreign bodies
Foreign bodies
• Causes: animal ,vegetable or lifeless :
• There are two constriction in the external
auditory meatus, foreign bodies usually in
there :
• 1、the junction of the bony portion and the
cartilaginous portion
• 2、the isthmus: at the bony portion and is
apart from tympanic membrane 0.5cm
• Treatment :remove
• Vegetable: syringing with alchol, or hook
• Animal e.g. insects: plug a cotton wool
soaked in chloroform—let it unconscious---remove
Choice true or false :
When it is injury of the tympanic membrane,
(1)the drum is perforated and the perforation is in the pars
(2) If it is caused by a slap, the perforration is round at first,
but after a few days turn into irregularity .
(3) We should give ear drops and syringe immediately .
2. Choice true or false :
When it is furuncle of external acoustic meatus:
(1) It is staphlococcal infection of hair follicle of
external acoustic meatus .
(2) It is generalized inflammation of the skin of the
external auditory meatus.
(3) It has no pain on pulling the pinna .
3. Choice true or false :
When it is otitis externa:
(1) In acute stage, the external meatus looks markedly
congested and inflamed, and purulent discharge.
(2) In chronic stage, the skin may be thickened.
(3) It is redness, swelling, heat, painful of the auricle. the
auricle becomes warm, fluctuant, erythematous and
3. Choice true or false :
When it is otitis externa:
(1) In acute stage, the external meatus looks markedly
congested and inflamed, and purulent discharge.
(2) In chronic stage, the skin may be thickened.
(3) It is redness, swelling, heat, painful of the auricle. the
auricle becomes warm, fluctuant, erythematous and
• Question :
4.(1)What is Suppurative Perichondritis of Auricle?
(2)What is the main Clinical manifestation of it?
5.Which positions of ear are the foreign bodies
usually in?
• 1. (1)T (2)F (3) F
• 2. (1)T (2)F (3) F
• 3. (1)T (2)T (3) F
• 4.(1) Suppurative perichondritis of auricle is a
localized suppurative inflammation of the
perichondrium of auricle.
(2) Main clinical manifestation :
At first: redness, swelling, heat, painful of the
auricle. The auricle becomes warm, fluctuant,
erythematous and indurated.
Serum or pus collects in between the cartilage and
the perichondrium -----chondritis.
Then necrosis of the cartilage takes place and bad
cartilage get extruded.
At last fibrosis takes place.
5.There are two constriction in the external
auditory meatus, foreign bodies usually in
there :
• 1、the junction of the bony portion and the
cartilaginous portion
• 2、the isthmus: at the bony portion and is
apart from tympanic membrane 0.5cm