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right so on today's show we're going to address some rumors
that are appearing about us on the internet because in case
you haven't noticed i tristan and i particularly me for all the
reasons negative as if i give a oh negative this misogynist
said oh please so call
me a misogynist again yeah boy please don't call me a
massage i don't know what i'll do
don't call me a misogynist i'll just have to get in my supercar
and go get have sex with beautiful women and
drive around and fly around my private jet tragedy call me a
misogynist shout out so as you were saying i'm not
done he's living in new york who the the guys the people they
live in new york in
their little ponds and they eat bugs and then they think i know
i'm gonna teach this guy a lesson i'm gonna call him a
misogynist he's not gonna be able to
he's gonna have to deny it deny it i don't give a [ __ ]
i don't care so as you were saying you're you're blowing up
on the internet i've
conquered all of the internet all of the internet it's mine it
belongs to us i don't
give a i don't care if they ban me i don't care if they cancel me
i don't
give a i say what i think and i am a realist and if some of my
views based
very firmly in absolute professionalism by extension absolute
come across in a misogynistic tone then that is your problem
don't know my
videos don't watch them yeah they're all over the internet
because i'm a bad boy
and you need to be more misogynistic this woman just spilled
my coffee [ __ ]
bring some paper towels we're doing a podcast
jesus christ andrew don't be a misogynist it's not okay you
know what
i really want to apologize for my misogynistic brother you
know i would never say anything like that because
because i am a paper i am a gentleman that's right i respect
women as my equals
okay so basically the internet has been conquered everyone
calls you can't scroll anywhere without seeing andrew's face
and sometimes my face on tick-tock and i don't have
tik-tok so um yeah so everyone's trying to and and they think
that the way they're gonna
make me stop conquering the internet is by calling me a
misogynist they think ah he's conquering the internet but we
we're gonna counter attack by saying he's a sexist that'll stop
him it won't it's gonna
slow him in his stomach and dead in his tracks wrong dorks
all i'm doing is saying that every the that everyone thinks isn't
allowed to say so that's the reason i'm all big
on the internet and let me tell you another reason why you're
big on the internet and we're big on the internet because i'm
quite big
myself i think the reason is 99.9 of people on youtube twitch
tock who create content do it with the goal of trying to make
some money and some of them are successful some of them
end up making
millions of dollars after years creating content me and you
had already made millions of dollars being who we are and
thought you know what it let's just put some of this stuff on
youtube so i think the transition was much faster
because we were already actually importing irl yeah we were
g's before before the internet yeah i posted a
photo onto my story recently of me and you in an aston
martin in a lamborghini and it had 129 likes
i was i had no internet presence back when we were still
making good money the good old days the good old days
right so we're going to address some of the rumors some of
the rumors because i've heard i've heard all of them so and
and andrew doesn't know what they are i've collected these
rumors and i'm going to ambush him with some difficult
questions that have been asked on the internet so rumor
number one one second one second second first let's let's
let's get everyone to like the video
right so the rumors so we've already talked about how
everyone's calling me names yeah so rumor number one and
is a real rumor wait tristan quickly who's your mate who's my
mate what do you mean your mate okay rumor number one
what's your friend's name we're not talking about your friend
you just googled the picture no he is your mate because he's
calling me
a misogynist he only found my videos because you
recommended them to him so what is your mate's name his
name is andrew
if you put sunglasses on him and he grows his beard out a bit
i actually do podcasts with him well look at the picture again
there's another guy his name's he's actually my brother not
my friend he's not brown enough yeah well you know what
it's only a matter of time just before we go to these rooms it's
a matter of time until this dude hits us with some kind of
lawsuit i can go you guys died
i'm gonna sue you try it let's go to romanian court
let's see let's let's see who has more influence you're gonna
get you're gonna get served with it with a dose of these
hands show up here you get served with the knuckle
sandwich young man but this is one of the best things about
living in america you live in america some dork sues you blah
blah sometimes say that it's just
stupid it's stupid like if you live in romania here's how it would
work new york man calls me a feminist i put
him on on there i googled him up he's mad i used his image
he comes to me and says i'm going to sue you i say okay
cool sue me his lawyer then contacts my lawyer and says this
idiot from america still
believes in suing people because he's a stupid but we're
romanians over here we do things on the sly so i'll tell you
i'm gonna give you a cut of my legal fees that i can fleece off
this guy so let's keep this going as long as
possible so we need andrew to play the game he can have
twenty percent the fees i'll keep eighty percent the fee so his
lawyer will start paying me to keep playing the game yeah so
then my lawyer and his lawyer will start going back and
forth i'll pretend it's a real thing and i'll pretend it actually
matters his lawyer will be taking all this money off him i'm
getting 20 lawyers getting 80
before eventually three years later down the line he finally
clocks and realized he's been wasting his money all along
and it's never going to court nobody
gives a and he can then start the process by trying to sue the
lawyers and i am still a misogynist
so don't think about it sue me sue me
xqc's girl was giving another man a lap dancer's video over
here just no no we're gonna address this young man
because i feel like is that true giving all the dudes a lap dance
this is a very important news channel we
can't have fake information on this extreme news so verify it
or get get the producer team to verify it i'm looking at it
right now all right send it send it to the group that they can
download it and i can mr producer it right so
okay thanks for that super chat that's uh that's very useful
because we're gonna give this young man some some advice
but the next half an hour is
dedicated to rumors about the take brothers because we
have blown up on the internet andrew especially and i've
heard lots and lots of rumors
about us and i'm gonna surprise you with them andrew and
you're gonna ask me are you going to answer my questions
before we do that you're talking about blowing up the internet
i went from 500 000 instagram followers 2.5 million in about a
month yeah and my instagram
inbox is now basically unusable and people message me and
i don't want to seem rude but people
you don't understand that i'm getting maybe 5 000 messages
an hour maybe and they're all the same
and and it's like hey bro can we talk i don't have time yeah
what's up bro i don't know even people i know i don't have
time to to do the in the small talk if you want my attention
now andrew x you don't go hey bro how are you let's discuss i
can we talk about x i don't have time for this
moment hey bro i've got a really great business i don't have
time i'd like to skype call you don't have time hey we
could just get on the phone for 10 minutes i'll tell you how you
can make some money i already have money what i don't
have is time here's a good one day
10 of me trying to message you to get contact of your
business to talk business day 11 day 12 stop doing that
in my inbox every time i see day 13 just like day one i didn't
reply i'm not going to reply like it's
my time is so ultra precious now people are trying to waste it
hey man have you thought of launching an nft
we have enough money we don't need to scam people with a
an ftp
if someone told me that i could make an extra one million
dollars a month for 20 minutes a day of extra work i would
no i don't need the million dollars i like those 20 minutes you
can get head in 20 minutes you can chill by the pool
in 20 minutes right you could do lots of things in 20 minutes
i'm not interested in extra work for what a million dollars
well broken oh money money rumors rumor number one
and these are real rumors one me and you are the same
person this is a
wig and we interject sunglasses and wig and we are the
same person
is that true because i it might i have a feeling this one actually
might be true that one is true now you know you're
supposed to you're supposed to dispel the room no that one's
actually true it's not true there is a there is a camera divide
that's the number one producer and hey i'm doing it there's a
camera divide here and then this is not even a live
show this is a very well scripted show okay and i play this part
and then i put the wig on and i play that part and then
down the camera divide i put them together and pretend it's
live okay but it's actually me because you don't exist okay so
you don't have a brother
interested no so everyone who's ever met me interacted with
me all the lovers girlfriends friends i've ever had it was
you dressed up i was all them it was me i did all of it and now
there's a split down the middle and
i'm both people and you just have to accept that you don't
exist anymore you're suppo you're supposed to be dispelling
the rumors you don't exist
i this is stupid everyone's saying tristan's exposed now you
are exposed
i'm not exposed all right i'm gonna show a video of my brother
this is this is my real brother
the truth is out the prestige yeah it's the prestige this is my
real this is a good press teasing
everyone okay right rumor number two i'll take prestige so i'll
get on to rumor number two all right we went
number two and this is actually uh one that i mean people do
believe this one
you are an actor playing a character let's do a poll
okay because i'm actually curious how many people think that
i'm just faking it i don't mean what i say
i've made it up and i'm just some guy who fought you know
what it would be cool to be a guy who's sexy as [ __ ]
rich as and says whatever he wants and i'm just going to
pretend to be that but secretly when the camera's off i go
back to being a feminist okay no no but that's what's in the
is he acting or is he legit the poll is out i mean what is the
logic fail it's
actually quite impressive that people are stupid enough
people are so low iq yeah and as a genius which i am
certified i go through the world it's kind of like i'm trying to
explain to the non-geniuses how the world works
it's like you have if you're a full-grown adult and a child comes
to you and the child wants to talk to you hey
today i went to the store and i i have an idea i have an idea
and you're listening to the kid and you're trying
to be a little bit polite but really you already know the end of
the story you know nothing interesting happens and
you're just kind of like shut the up that's how i have to go
through life and people this is why people say i'm angry i'm
really angry there's no anger there's no anger it's just like i
have very low tolerance for normal humans because i am
so far above all of you it just upsets me to listen so anyway
let's let's break this down i'm an actor okay now uh only
stupid people could
even contemplate that being true and and i'll tell you why
because an intelligent person would approach the
situation logically and say okay this man has managed to get
experiences which support points of view which he can now
explain in a logical
and rational way to a level in which people agree with him
okay he's decided to build a
character in which he has enough status and enough
attributes that nobody can
really counter his point of view when he talks about strength
he's strong when he talks about money he's rich et cetera so
this faker has decided to live a life of a strong rich man get
strong and rich
develop points of view explain those points of view with
personal experience in a way that people agree with but
secretly he's done all of that so that when the camera's off he
can go back to thinking like a weak soy piece of [ __ ]
so what are we now admitting it because because you are
acting are we coming clean no i'm asking
because he is an actor ladies and gentlemen his name is to
understand i want to understand no i'm genuinely
confused so when the camera's off yes i i stop believing the
things i i i've lived that is true andrew stop believing
the things i say underexposed 2022. but this is my point only
a person with
a low iq would even contemplate that's a possibility so when
someone comes along goes he's an actor actually i've
it out he's an actor mr new york you're a mate yeah when
your mate comes along and says i'm an actor your buddy well
who bought the brigade your manager when your mate
comes along and acts and says that what i'm doing is
an act and it's not real the fact that he can even believe for a
second that's possible without having enough logic to
say his life experiences and the person he's become and the
things he's been through has led him to certain points of
view there's no way he could have done all that and become
all that without actually believing it you don't go to
the gym to get strong to just be weak on in secret it doesn't
make sense it doesn't make any sense yeah so the fact
that people believe it just shows next time someone goes
he's actually acting just for the views and let me correct a
super chat someone said do you genuinely
believe that he just exaggerates for the camera no no i live
with him this is just how he is this is how i am
this is just how it is so um what is that
why are you thumbs upping me almost i'm something you you
i'm thumbs up in the chat because i don't exaggerate okay
okay so okay so let's go one by one one we are the same
person we are the same who you are
an actor two okay i'm acting fine it's all an act my muscle is
an act okay i take it off
when yes and no i take it off it's makeup okay
three now this is a big one and i get i get a lot of this and our
haters are really
big on this one me and you run an international kidnapping
and human trafficking ring
this is a good one because i love this because everyone who
dislikes us and hates us instantly jumps to they're saying
yeah yeah that's why we're that's why we're on a podcast and
like completely free in our house is house arrest i mean what
this yeah that's why we're free to travel the world right can i
talk a little bit about the origins of this story so the origins of
this story is
because there were some photographs of the police who did
in fact come to my house and the police did in fact search my
house now the internet like
everything else they get pictures of the police searching
someone's house the internet could just run away with
whatever it wants to say but the actual
story i wish it was something cooler it's so lame that i'm
gonna tell you all right now a girl
had been at a party at my house and her boyfriend who was
obviously a fan of
emergency meeting live saw her instagram stories said oh my
god you're at the tate brother's house in
romania this was some american chick and she went uh uh
no i i didn't want to come to this party they they made me
come here and i'm not allowed to leave she said that to her
boyfriend that's some excuse so her boyfriend is
obviously one of these believe all females oh my god she was
she one second she wasn't even hot she wasn't even hot
ugly he calls the police and says my girlfriend's being held
her will by the tape brothers the police call the american
embassy and
the next day the police come to our house fully loaded the
american embassy send
the cops to our house now they take us to the police station
so all the pictures of me and me to take away by
the police those are real photos and what happens is they
search our house they find no drugs they find no women
they find no people they find nobody it's a big luxurious
amazing badass house but there's nothing
illegal in the house so we're sitting there at the police station
the prosecutor says yes we searched your house i'm like
good what'd you find well
nothing but the the the report said that you were holding
people hostage i said bro there was no one at my house he
yes i know we checked the cctv i said what did you find the
girl who made the complaints
was outside the gates taking pizza delivery and coming back
inside so i'm sitting there laughing the police
are laughing the prosecutor is laughing and then i went home
but the internet being the internet now we run an
international human trafficking kidnapping ring but we didn't
go to jail for even one second i don't understand
how how that could be true if we were caught doing the
things we're accused of
where are the once again once again it's low iq yeah low iq
so like people like ethan they know that they
can't attack us they can't attack how we look they can't attack
our success they can't attack our mindset they can't attack
anything so that what they do is they grasp onto anything
they can they know it's not true but it gives them something to
talk about if you take that
away what they're gonna do so when if you take away his lie
about sex trafficking all he can do is sit there
and go hey that tape guy bro he's he's so much richer taller
stronger interesting and funny than me
what a loser yeah i think that's all he's got yeah do you do
they got and here's the thing me explaining this and and if
you're watching this cut that story up and share it all over the
internet as much as you like it will never go away
that accusation will be here forever and no matter what is
said about me in the future i could
save the planet from a global catastrophe and there'll be
people out
there well he's a human trafficker it will never go away
because that's the nature of the internet but you know what
i'm a human trafficker we could save the world from an
asteroid and they would still say well there's one will sit
there in between his eighth and ninth taco i think they run a
sex spring you know
what's actually funny about since that thing i do run a sex ring
it's called my harem of girlfriends they're all willing
participants exactly
what's funny is this one that there's dudes out there so soy
imagine that you you're you catch your
girl on instagram at our house yeah she says
oh they made me made me come to this big party and she's
dancing in the videos she's dancing she's the fans the police
have the videos she's dancing around twerking and you sit
there and go oh my god she's kidnapped
are you okay baby i'm gonna save you
bro bro imagine believing that story what the is wrong with
these dudes oh
let me call the embassy all the m so if i have a girlfriend from
romania okay
i look at her instagram story she's at some g like dan
bilzerian's house at one of his parties dancing around i say to
her what are you doing at dan bilzerian's party and she says i
was forced to come here
i didn't want call the cops say that temple's harry kidnapped
my girlfriend
believes these women who believes these women he's
probably with her now he's probably still with her now
okay i believe you are you okay are you traumatized it's okay
that we don't sleep together
anymore i know you're traumatized from your experience
haven't have a good night out in the club with your friends
who believes this brav bro so if you're watching if you're
man who called the police i know your name i'm not going to
say your name i've read all of all the files i've got the reports if
you're watching i know your
name just hit me up on instagram i've got i'll tell you what she
was doing at my house
we'll give you the truth the cops know what she was doing at
my house you can't handle the truth
so yeah so okay rumor number one we are the same person
true number two you are an actor
playing a character true number three we run an international
kidnapping human trafficking ring okay true you cause course
caught us just in case anyone watching this didn't know who i
was talking about earlier when i was talking about the dude
who is literally the worst team in
the world you know what's interesting i tweeted something
out the other day and it's so completely and utterly true
i said if you could build yourself like a character inside of a
video game yes and you didn't take it didn't take any
work any effort any years of pain any mental uh any mental
strength you could just quickly just tick the assets
nobody would choose to be weak over strong nobody would
choose to be fat over thin nobody would choose to be a
soy piece of so when these people are sore pieces of and
pretend they want to be that they don't they just don't have
enough mental power to stop
themselves from being that so they're innately jealous very
very jealous yes because they're like how did he manage
to not become so massively overweight when i can't stop
eating because they don't understand that
i'm top g hey y'all come look at this [Music]
uh [Music]
that like you don't imagine the guy who women want to have
sex with you do not imagine the six foot four 110 kilogram
tall suited up 200 000 watts wearing guy you imagine the guy
who looks like him
so i'm like he's calling me some kind of sex offender i think
my man's got skeletons in his closet i mean that
that's the face i i beg women to leave my house i'm not trying
to keep them here i'm
like yeah baby yeah i do love you of course it's just you know
i've got to do emergency meetings exactly i know so you you
gotta go home because it's the
emergency meeting sorry yeah i can't wait to see you next
month okay bye like
why would i be please stay and lock in the door that's you're
correct it's people who look like that guy yeah
people who like people up they love people up because
they're extremely unattractive individuals they're unattractive
mentally they're unattractive physically and he knows
that so that's why we know this allegation will never go away
this because they need to latch onto it
because without that they have nothing bad they can say
about us because we're better specimens of man so we
understand the allegations here for somebody's here
to stay and guess what keep saying it we don't care we don't
care we don't care but one more
in fact i i've said this before but i'll say it one more time all of
the things that these fat soy losers complain about
women for they say women only like men who are tall women
only like men who are rich men only women only like men
have exciting lifestyles and private jets and fast cars and
ferraris they accuse women of all these things and
then they say all the tapes must kidnap their women like in
what universe can you can you say both of those things if
all the things that you think women like are me why am i then
also a kidnapper why would
i need to kidnap since that cause you're right women do like
the guys who are tall and strong in that video what's funny is
when that when that all these
allegations start going around the internet yeah i get about 50
to 100 dms on instagram a day from
women yeah please kidnap me hot women please will you
kidnap me smiley face yeah or your house looks nice i don't
mind being kidnapped i heard you're a dangerous man wink
face right now now we got girls just trying
please kidnap me ta and i'm like no i'm not gonna kidnap you
you're not hot enough please come please kidnap me i'll
be a perfect slave they're begging to be kidnapped and we're
denying it we're like no i'm sorry no we we're not
actually kidding i'm sorry sorry right so next accusation room
four you are a member you not me because i've heard this
about you you are a
before no no before we go into that one we need to also
address the one that's thrown into this that i'm a woman beer
ah yes yes no that you beat women okay so the context of
this was andrew was on a
reality tv show called i'm not even going to say it that tv show
i was on reality tv show let me give content i was gonna reach
out to tv shows maybe 10
years ago a long time ago and a video from me from 10 years
ago hitting a of the belt came out on the
newspaper right and when it came out in the newspaper
everyone's like tate's a woman peter he beats women look at
and the video is still shared by the filter so anyway you catch
more than a hand so yeah exactly so you were on a
reality tv show and a video of you hitting a woman with a belt
yeah so video me hitting one with a belt
blows up it's all in the this is like 10 years ago before the
internet was big so it's like english tabloids blah blah blah
andrews wouldn't be your amazon
beer the woman obviously now any once again this is an iq
test right because any guy who's bad with women would look
at it and go takes a woman beater any man who's actually a g
who's been around a little bit would
look at the video and go man she look she wants that that's
that's just her like she's with the big ball she
likes it a little bit of spanking you know it's normal right you're
gonna get some spanx but if you're a dude who never gets
laid you
can't fathom that woman would want that you're like no
women want to be treated like princesses
i i bought my my crush of cupcake and she replied to my text
that's they can't fathom it so really this is not even an ieq test
this is a test of how good you are with chicks
women do like being treated like princesses in the way that
they like being kidnapped by big strong villains so that is true
princess peach we're
bowsers so so it's actually a test of how good people are with
women right because the people
who go andrew will be swimming every time i see that
comment i i just know that dude doesn't get laid oh at all
never poor addict yeah porn addict serial masturbator yeah
but the dude who's the dudes who get laid go that's
that's clearly wrong man that's clearly role play so anyway the
girl came out and made a statement you can
google it came out and made a statement to the newspapers
herself saying this he me and andrew was just playing a
game andrew would never cease to hurt me andrew's a really
lovely guy i like him she herself went to the newspaper yes
but then then these dorks because they can't fathom it it's like
a different reality
in their mind it's a different universe so they're like there's no
possible way this beautiful woman wants to be with
tate and and he he hit her with a belt and now she's saying
that she wanted it that's not true so he must have a gun on
her he forced her to say that so now i force her to go to the
newspapers or buy her own accord because
in their minds they can't possibly fight them because they've
never had a woman like them yeah right they've never had a
chick actually like them so they can't
believe it because they're like no no that's not how it works
you buy the girl a cupcake and then she texts you back and
then she the other guy and
then eventually in the end you get to raise her her son that he
had with the other guy like that that's what they
think how it works with chicks right their dream that's their
dream yeah so they don't they don't understand it so then
i'm about to play you a video i made maybe two years after
that event so now it's it's a six-year-old video so now no
i think yeah i think that that was nine years old so this video is
maybe seven years old of me and the woman from the
video the the alleged beating victim sitting in a hotel room
this chick who i'm still with is cray cray listen to her
turn around look you gonna do it again
are you gonna do it like a man this time do you mean like a
man this time like a that i mean called a woman
beater all over the country you need to do it like a real man
or stop taking a bell off you're crazy you have mental
does that look like a victim to you andrew i'm just saying she
was like you didn't beat me enough you should have bought
her a cupcake i don't think you
actually know anything about women i should have bought a
cupcake right yeah so this is the victim yeah there's the
alleged woman i beat up
and you know you can tell what a victim she is and once
again everyone knows this is one of those things that's going
to stick i don't
want it yeah i'm a woman or i'm a sex trafficker i don't give a
you know what
along with the hundred please kidnap me dms i also get 100
dms from beautiful
women women that these dorks the kind of guy who would
call me a sex trafficker or a woman beater he dm's girls on
instagram they ignore him yeah those same girls dm me and
guess what they say please hit me with a belt basically yeah
basically you're finally a met put me in line winkface the
number of girls who send me
links to the video saying my turn smiley it's crazy who are
married to men who
are weak yeah like married women and then ethan say this
guy's actually sex after that and
then all all his comments full yeah he's a horrible person and
then a hot girl might catch a glimpse of the clip and then dm
me saying my turn wink face like it's all good for me thanks
ethan thank you appreciate it i i just win yeah so it's
fine uh and by the way as soon as the police give me my cctv
tapes back the clips of the girl who accused us going
out and getting pizza and that will be all over take off initial
live as well that's going to be an emergency meaning i may
have to blur her face because i mean the party had a lot of
women but she was she was substandard she was it was
cheerleader effect like we had a bunch of eight nine she was
like a six and a half three minutes i
think that's she got upset like there's too many hulk girls
around well i wasn't even at the party here's the funny thing
so she accused me
because she knew me she even know andrew the party that
happened at my house where i apparently was holding her
hostage i
wasn't there i looked around at the party thought nah and i
went to the club and i stayed somewhere else so i'm the
best i'm obviously a mastermind kidnapper because i wasn't
even at my house yeah the cctv is all the girls
parting and me and you walking out going to the club yeah
we leave we're not even there we're not even there and the
police were like but you are not there i
said bro i told you so yeah it's a big joke it's a big joke so but
this this will stick forever so
get used to hearing this whatever i'm a kidnapper he's a
woman beer it's never going to leave the internet because
these people need this they need they need this thing to
grasp onto because without it they have nothing to attack
us with but what they don't understand and this is the beauty
of the universe because i am god's favorite the harder
they purport and propagate the lie that we are sex traffickers
or women beaters the more beautiful women dm us begging
to be snapped and and spank who's basically the most
famous man on the internet right now me
and and do you think that these people talking bad about me
and you you especially has helped that massively
that's it's 25 of the growth now you're talking about being the
most famous person in the world i actually james
james sorry uh what's this guy behind the scenes man guy
can you do a google thing and see like
compare my name and search results to like who else is
famous donald trump and jake paul oh but donald trump's
wife died actually seriously and i'm not joking rest in peace uh
the donald trump jr's mother ivanka trump died falling down
the stairs rest in peace that's actually very sad very sad news
um but look look up other famous people let's see like
let's see who's who's more because i'm top g now so let's
have a look yeah so look it up a bunch of people right what's
the next four whose cars are
whose actually this is this is the room i hear all the time i hear
that it's and it's actually me who gets accused of this i'm
flexing with your cars you
don't get it as much as me because very few people know
who i am and don't know who you are outside of romania
yeah so
who's flexing with whose cars whose cars are they because
we get this all the time we have 27 cars between us and we
them whenever we want yes they're all on our driver they're
all ours yes the house is ours yes that's all ours
besides women and underwear we share everything yeah so
some losers said to me famously on uh the comment blew up
said you and your brother sharing uh sharing one car i said
no no we shared 27 cars uh six mansions and a hundred
million dollars and i got like thousands of likes on it and shut
them up yeah we share we're brothers the way it is
right rumor number four andrew are you associated with the
illuminati or the
freemasons i don't know the answer to this question because
you get accused of this are you illuminati freemason
i get accused of this because mr producing everyone smash
the like button
the channel is blowing up share this video around this is just
the beginning of the take brothers this is just the beginning
now we're taking over the
world so everyone smash this like button help get the
message out there the message is too powerful who we are
too strong so if you go to my instagram which is at cobra tate
you can find
uh a picture of my father and he's sitting there with a hand
symbol he's sitting there like this
he looks his fingers and he puts his thumb and his hand
together i do the same thing because i am my
father's son and i do it a lot of my instagram pictures and in
that instagram post is a few examples of me doing it and my
father doing it the reason i do it is because when your brain is
as advanced as mine you have to
complete the circuit i'm full of electricity my blood's on fire and
by completing the circuit tiger blood tr
try it at home try this right now children gent ladies if there are
any ladies doesn't matter oh we know ladies
are watching me yeah of course they ain't got any power but
gentlemen try it try the hand symbol come combine
complete the circuit of your body make the electrons flow and
i do it because it increases my powers it's like
a power up i don't really watch cartoons but i'm sure like in
dragon ball z before he fights he does something and then an
hour it's like when super mario
gets that mushroom exactly that's exactly g mario is a g so it's
like a power up and my dad used
to do any play chess and i used to before i fought so i started
doing it and people started saying that's an illuminati hand
symbol he's a freemason
hand symbol handle symbol i'm not associated with the
illuminati or freemasons because i'm associated
with a group called the war room our group our group and the
war room is basically
very similar in many ways i'm not gonna talk too much about
what the war room is and what it can do
but let's put it this way i'm still alive and the war room kept me
alive in fact people saying she kept a lot of people alive kept
a lot of people alive
in fact it said how did you blow up so big on the internet
because three or four months ago i instructed the war
room to make me the most famous man on the planet and
here we are that is the power of the war room it is
whether it's the internet whether it's the real world we can do
everything i don't need any other groups besides
antarctica we have hands that reach across every single
continent that's who we are so i don't need
i have no beef with but i don't need freemasons don't need
loom knight whatever i got my own thing it's called
the war room anyone who follows me in detail anyone who's
a member of the war who knows how legit we are knows how
powerful we are just blown up and
conquered the internet by the war rooms will that is why i
make the ham symbol and
that is my affiliation when it comes to groups next next rumor
right this one actually of all the rumors that annoy me
i like the i'm an international human sex trafficker that's a cool
warmer this one
mean you are not real kickboxers
yeah there's there's some real like on twitter there's some
real like and on day game like real like soy autistic
autistic losers who were like yeah he's not real kickboxer all
right so let's break this down first things first
yeah okay first things first my fight record well not all of it but
part of my fight record was on my wikipedia page my
wikipedia page has been vandalized so some super dork
yeah who probably lives in new york lives in this apartment
superpower that guy that guy same guy
same guy he's gone on my wikipedia and deleted all my
kickboxing accolades deleted everything and said sex
trafficking said sex trafficker so it's ethan's fanboy yeah
ethan's fat boy i don't know how wikipedia works and we
don't even care and i don't we didn't put the wikipedia up
there i don't like so i so like there was a lot more
details before this dork attacked the page yes now
what's even better than a wikipedia is video video a picture
speaks a thousand words yeah so there's people who say
taste our real kickboxer there are videos on youtube you can
type in andrew tate highlights i'm about to play you
with my mr producing skills a small clip yeah where there is
about nine minutes
of video of me kicking the living of 40 different people about
40 dudes [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
the snake strikes as cobra lands and when the cobra lands
he never lets anybody
off the second round [Music]
so cgi special effects cgi cgi cgi right so i
mean video proof is obviously proof someone just said
where's tristan's highlights i don't actually have a highlight
reel there are five or six videos of me fighting on on youtube
full fight videos uh no one ever made highlights of me i was
the european champion at my very best and was world
champion and we have to understand that when you're
fighting at these smaller shows there's no tv cameras it's not
captured it's not on eurosport or the tv
channels that were you were fighting on there's plenty of
videos of me fighting out there but uh a lot of the videos of
me simply don't exist i was fighting at
shows that didn't that weren't televised and in fact a lot of
your very very good fights from your early days your first
maybe 20 fights there's no video evidence of them because it
was just small kind of local kickboxing shows 15
years ago yeah and 10 15 years ago yeah like there's no
iphones but you did make it to the point where
you were fighting on national tv all the time and there's lots
and lots of videos of you kicking ass there's a few of me
kicking ass uh but largely a lot of the
video content of our younger days in our younger careers has
been lost but but again it's low iq argument so if andrew
says he has 86 fights people said oh we can only find videos
of 35 of them okay so his first fight was against the
chinese k1 champion yeah that was his first ever fight he
didn't have he didn't fight at all before that this
was his first match clearly because it's the earliest one we
could find clearly there was a large fight record to get
there so you know it's a very stupid rumor and again the
people who are saying it i
mean it's not like floyd mayweather is saying that me and you
have never had a professional fight it's a dude who's never
had a fight it's
a dude who hasn't got any pictures on instagram it's anons
well you haven't had your kickboxing fights the
do you know and plus there's there's there's the we were
known in the kickboxing community go to there are
forums 15 years old about our wins and our fights way before
youtube even existed
as a platform uh with people talking about us up and coming
so all the evidence is there um yeah anybody
anybody who's curious about my kickboxing days uh i retired
officially in fact i fought again two years ago but
um i am retired injury but um you can look up on youtube
there's you can type in andrew tate king cobra fight
documentary and there's a documentary about me being
followed in the up run to a fight and the fight's there as well
and i actually one of the clips from
that viral has gone viral for how it inspires it's me when i'm
much much younger i
might actually play that in a second yeah play it now play it
because because we would have had to start this fake
kickboxing career story
what's this 11 years ago i'm much more likely and i'm 12. i'm
like bro i'm like 20 years young and we would have had to
make this video with the plan of faking
being a kickboxer 13 14 years later but go on play the video
because it's actually a very good video
why i think i fight do i enjoy it no do i enjoy training no do i
cutting weight no am i nervous yes do i think to myself what
am i doing yes
completely unfortunately it's one of those things you're either
born with you're not
and the only way i can explain it to try and make it make any
sense is that if i'm
not doing something which is either extremely difficult or
extremely stressful i'm in a perpetual state of crippling
boredom i can't explain it i see other people live their lives
and they're like oh i can't wait for the weekend because i
want to watch this movie i think who cares about a movie
you're looking forward to the weekend for a
movie looking forward to the weekend to get drunk like these
things to me are so mundane they mean nothing and if i don't
if i'm not in a situation where i'm stressed or worried or
concerned i'm just perpetually bored and boredom's
crippling if you're an intelligent person and you've got a good
brain on your shoulders you can't just sit there
bored you know so most smart people take the academic
group to avoid boredom they learn learn learn learn learn but
never really interested me either although i've always been
an intelligent guy and i've always done well academically
it never really interested me and then i see people climb out
everest or jump off buildings or do base jumping or the guy
who jumped from space people think what's he doing he's
crazy i understand because some people can't live normal
lives some people cannot just function nine to five office job
get drunk at the weekends that is not for some
individuals and it's not for me so i have to find something
which keeps me physically tired enough
to stop me going awol um and mentally tired enough and i've
chosen fighting because without this
when i'm not in training i wake up every day and think okay
what am i gonna do today it's 9am on a tuesday i'm bored
everyone's at work i'm bored and i'll end up doing something
crazy i'll either drunk or or on the eurostar
or you know it's just it's just a random lifestyle because i'm
constantly looking for never-ending entertainment and it
doesn't exist
i think the only thing that could stop me fighting is if i had
enough money to constantly entertain myself unless i'm a
billionaire i need something that keeps
me focused and keeps me occupied in life with fighting i have
to train twice a day and i have to train hard and the
stress can be the stress it brings in every aspect can replace
fun and my mind
is occupied it occupies me it's on the way i can try and
explain it occupies me and i could never stop doing this even
if i lost 100 fights because i'm not built to live a normal
existence i can't do it i couldn't just have a kid with
some girl and sit at home and work a little bit and relax i've
never relaxed my entire life i
don't know what relaxing is it's just not me
you know what i remember that video being made and i
remember being in the room while you were saying that and i
remember our our mindset at the time
when we were living that life and what's super cool to me and
i'm being 100 serious for a moment when he sat
there saying unless i have enough money to keep myself you
know completely entertained unless i have he said
billions but what you meant was tens or hundreds of millions
of dollars then i have to do this and that's why a lot of
fighters end up sad and depressed and you know i'm i'm very
very proud of my brother i'm very proud of him because
when we made that video we had no idea i mean we we
thought we'd get there one day but now we're sitting here with
hundreds of millions perfectly happy and content and always
entertained and living the best life
there is now that we're just about the age where we're too old
for fighting i'm too injured for fighting you mate andrew and
and well done but you're
not a real kickboxer at cgi so again we are the same person
you are an actor we do run international kidnapping human
trafficking rings you are an illuminati freemason mason
member and you are not a real kickboxer it's all fake in all cgi
so all of this is just made up you're right there's a really good
there's a really good point there and i said it in the video
when i was 21 years old 22
years old i said if i had enough money to permanently
entertain myself i wouldn't have to do this and like you said
we did it just at the right time
yeah because i'm so glad i was poor back then because if i
was rich like these twitch streaming dorks i'm doing all
these twitches with i wouldn't have had the the mental
toughness to go through hell like i did to become world
so i'm glad i was poor and i'm glad i got rich at the right time
so that i could retire from the sport and not have
to hold pads in a gym or keep fighting when i'm past it to pay
the bills i'm glad i had a very very long career a
very very good career an amazing fight record sparked a
bunch of people did an amazing job and then i took all my
millions and millions avoided serious injury avoided serious
injury took millions and millions and millions of dollars and
now i get to live the life
of a retired champion women still call me champ around the
house hey champ you want coffee because i love it it's being
a modern day gladiator and when i say uh escape serious
injury i have friends who are permanently injured for life shout
out to my boy emmanol rodriguez and we have we've seen
people die in the kickboxing ring it's not funny thousands of
shows happen all across the world
every single day and serious injuries you hear about them
when when they're high profile but they happen all the time
every fight i've ever taken in my
mind was life or death and if i fight again i fought again quite
recently and i and i'm not against fighting again i will do it i
don't have to but i i can
and i will and it's life or death for me and i'm aiming to kill the
person in the ring i don't play games you can't play
games with this sport so that if you're interested in my fight
career those are the two videos to watch the whole
documentary of that that you can find on youtube by typing in
andrew take kinko bro fight doc and then andrew tate
highlights is my full highlight reel showing all the fighting but
for now yeah but but that actually leads into
another rumor i'm gonna i'm gonna skip one second because
because we're super rich i need to mr produce or something
this flows perfectly into the next question
that leads perfectly into the next question we weren't really
poor because get this and this is going to be i know
i know a lot of you are going to know this ridiculous we didn't
really grow up poor because our dad was a chess master
andrew do you want do you want to talk about this a little bit
please we didn't really grow up poor in fact let me tell
you guys a true story i was 21 years of age this is not long
ago 21 years of age
yesterday was my birthday and me and andrew what do we
eat on my birthday okay why did we eat kfc because when i
was 21 me and andrew used to have no food i used to drive
my broken volkswagen golf to the kfc restaurant in
dunstable united kingdom and i used to sit in my car and you
couldn't ever eat anyone's leftover food if they ever had
their mouth on it but at kfc they used to buy buckets and i
would sit and wait for people to stay outside eat their
meal and leave the bucket on the table and i used to go and
take that bucket three or four pieces of chicken and i
used to collect 20 30 40 pieces of chicken that were perfectly
fine left in the buckets and i used to go home and i used to
freeze that chicken i mean
andrew would break it up put it in our rice and that was our
meal that's what sustained us for that hard year that year we
had when i was 21 and you were
22. that's how broke we were i used to scavenge chicken
from kfc because i thought i'm not dying and i'm
losing my kickboxing fights because i don't have enough
protein what am i going to do to make it through today that's
how broke i was and that's a sad
story if you never make it out to me that's a happy story that's
a story of triumph now it's like hey andrew it's my
birthday what we doing kfc and it's a big joke we sit there
eating our kfc laughing about how we used to scavenge
kfc chicken so we weren't really poor because dad was a
chess master do you want to talk about that sure so yeah
that what's actually quite amazing is i became like we're
going to go into the twitch guys soon because i was talking to
these twitch guys these twitch kids
i'm talking to now they're making millions and millions of
dollars and that's why if anyone watched my recent stream
with aidan ross he's actually
good guys and nicer than i thought it was switched on but
he's like am i fat i'm like for 21 with all your money yeah
you're you could
have the best gym the best personal trainer you have all the
time in the world you are ridiculously out of shape
for your scenario we had to become world champion i
became world champion just became european champion
and like he said we didn't have enough protein in
our diet we're sitting there eating rice every day thinking this
is the cheapest thing we can eat we have no food
how can we get meat i became world champion without even
food and you got these kids with millions and millions and
millions he ain't got a
six-pack it's embarrassing that's why i had to tell him and i'm
still gonna tell him to the rest of his life i said bro
and and i'll help you aiden go come over hang out with us i'll
uh we'll help you because i say bro i like you
you need a life coach bro and this one's saying i'm glad i was
broke when i was young because if i was rich back then with
my mindset i would have been even
better kickboxer but these kids who make all this money and
they they don't do it's ruined them now they're just
soft they're going to stay soft life's been too easy they've had
no trauma no struggle if you want to be a man you
need to go through some real and you have to go through
some trauma and use it internalize it and that's what turns
you into a man if you're a man
who's never had hard times you're not a very good man any
man who's had an easy life is going to fall and collapse in
the face of adversity and the whole point of being a man the
whole point of masculinity is the ability to resist that is the
whole point so yeah you're
right that's not a sad story that's a very very happy story for
us we laugh about it myself so as as for why our
father the chest master oh dad oh we weren't really poor
because dad was a chess master i said our dad was a g g but
pays zero now we have a list of the top 10 richest chess
players in the world right now let
me yeah top ten richard can you get that up yeah top 10
reaches for this player so we have one hikaru nakamuru he's
like number two
in the world i think 50 mil fabiano caruana he played carlson
last year in world champions 13 mil carlson they said
he has eight mill caspar of five mil judith polgar of course i
had to throw her in yeah hungary
tie more radicals whatever five mil point is and then it goes
down so number number ten the world has two million so
these are the top ten richest players of all time and the 10th
richest player of all time has 2 million american dollars
now this house that we're in is bought and paid for this costs
3 million we have a car that costs 5 million
if we were chess players with our net worth we'd be the
richest chess players in the world right now our
dad was the man and he taught us everything i needed to
know about being a man but he never had any money
he wasn't even in the top 100 players he never crossed into
the top 100 back in 1998 1999 that was his heyday he lived
in a car for a lot of his life there is no money in chess there is
very little glory in chess which is sad because
everyone loves football and soccer and all these sports i don't
respect it chess you have to be an intellectual titan to even
come close to
mastering that game and dad was the man but he never had
a penny and you know what this is one of the accusations
that if you say it to my face i'll straight knock you out because
what you're doing is you're talking about my father's life
there's a book called
triple x glam written by dr daim shabazz look it up is a book a
biography about
the life of my father that was written just after he died if you
have any doubts about my upbringing my dad's
financial situation you think i'm a trust fund kid pick up that
book because a lot of it is about his financial
struggles and he never had a penny and if you say something
about my father or his life or my life as a child
that you don't know to my face you're going to be sort of
knuckle sandwich so don't talk about but about the dead it's
on top yeah it's on
site don't don't talk ill or the dead now you could say anything
you want about my father if it's true saying he's
a millionaire is to discredit the achievements of his sons and if
he were alive he kicked your ass so i have to do
it for him correct we have to for the bloodline we gotta whoop
your ass because that's what he'd do dad our mother and
father got divorced
dad stayed in america to play chess we moved to luton
england lived in a council house governor homeless shelter
first for two years homeless shelter
along with all the kosovans at the time there was a costly
crisis with the cosmans then we moved into a home into a
council house mother was on the dole she
ended up getting a job as a dinner lady one time that was it
we were raised on 300 a month our father was a professional
chess player driving from
chess tournament to chess tournament in a pontiac sunbird
sometimes he won sometimes he lost a lot of time he slept in
the car had a couple thousand here
maybe but then he had to play chess with it for the next three
or four months driving across america from california to new
york and it busted up pontiac sun
bird playing chess and winning games i i've been with my dad
when he would go to the park with no no food no money for
food and go to the park and have to hustle the chess park
players for fifty dollars and he'd do it and he'd do it because
he was a g and he and
he was not afraid of and i put lots of stories on my channel
tape speech about him and how the time he got jumped
in detroit and the way he spoke and how hard he was and
how he was genius and hard to kill et cetera very much like
myself but he never had he never had any
money no money because he wasn't interested in money he
wanted to play chess as long as he had gas and food that's
all he cared
about it was a nomadic warrior spartan old school so the idea
that we come from money absolute and utter foul it's
offensive okay uh another rumor that we're not really rich now
this one i have to say this one's quieting down a
bit when we had two supercars our cars were rented then we
had four and the cars were borrowed now we have 27 and
the cars are stolen but we're not really rich and you want to
talk about us not being really rich i mean this podcast we
wanted to do a podcast we built the studio 20 grand i mean
that's nothing but we're clearly we have something even
if this is the first time you've ever seen us this watch on my
wrist is 195 000 this is a patek philippe nautilus
for those of you who don't know he's got an audemars piguet
on completely covered in diamonds we're not really rich
andrew please
please because i can't even do this we're not rich you're not
rich you're broke tell him it's true we're broke no
no it's true it's not you're supposed to you're supposed to tell
them that we're actually rich
this is a rumor
and the best people and the best team around me shout out
to marcel shout out to rory i've got friend shout out to peter
bodnar i've got friends that go
all the way back i'd never felt broke but i never felt broke but i
was poor
but yeah we're rich we were just rich we were born with no
money and the best and good parents and that's the best
upbringing you can have anyway so
yeah we are rich now if anyone who still thinks we're not rich
then there's a dumb ass aren't they i mean there's there's
gonna be some altis on the
internet who's gonna do some hit video i've worked out the
tapes only have 221 million dollars oh my god oh
off dork so yeah i mean there's just some kickboxing belts i'm
just gonna throw in there because i'm mr producer mr
producer those are mine
those two belts are mine and some people asking about my
fight record i had about what 35 fights lost six 129 i was
look around and find out the video got banned the video got
banned but if you
google sitting on bugatti bugatti punched there's a video
going around the internet of what happened to a bunch of
dudes who were sitting on the bugatti now luckily they only
caught my side of the story but me and you approached
those seven dudes out of nowhere and
like it wasn't pretty what happened to him so you don't think i
can fight around and find out in fact there's a
point i want to make there's a point i want to make and i've
always wanted to make it on an emergency meeting about
how complementary and how complementary
it is when dudes attack me and write personal attacks at me
from anonymous accounts hear me out this is the best
compliment in the world you're not really hard you're not
really rich but it's an anonymous account 100 of the
time it's never the actual guy's face it's never the actual guy's
name fear is better than respect to a lot of
people that's a real saying people it's better to be feared than
be respected now if you're gonna disrespect me by
telling me that i'm broke or telling me that i can't fight or
saying whatever i like that you do it from an anonymous
account because i see the anonymous account and i'm like
oh good he fears me this guy is brave enough to disrespect
me no not brave enough sorry bold enough to disrespect me
but he is not brave at all he's had to make a new instagram
account somehow tag me in enough stories that i see his
message and then disrespect me oh oh so you're scared if
you're gonna come at me beg me for money call me a loser
do it from your actual account with your face and your name
please because then if i see you we can discuss it in person
well now that we're talking about this you're right you're
completely right but what we're talking about this is
something just popping to my head i want to make a
statement this is a public statement please i hope this goes
as viral as possible
since i became the most famous man in the world and quickly
i i want everyone to know that i'm not stating that as
hyperbole i
am currently the most famous man on the planet because i
have broken the matrix because i am morpheus i said earlier
in this emergency meeting that james can you find out if i'm
more famous the most famous man in the world blah blah
here we go this is search terms against jake paul which we're
going to talk about because me and him i told him i
was going to fight him i actually i like the paul brothers i'm
going to interject so make your point and i'm going to tell you
why i like well i'm more famous than
him okay i'm the blue lion he's the red lion this is google
searches yeah right this is me against joe biden you're
currently the most talked about famous man in the world i'm
hired donald trump i'm top g yeah i'm the most talked about
man in the
world i know biden you think you're president i'm top g you're
not top g joe biden you're not
top g i am he couldn't spell top g right look at that right now
now that you've mentioned them let me talk about why i
like the paul brothers i and i genuinely do like something that
they've done and it is really credible to to their
character most of these people who grow up as i said being
internet content creators and make money they grow up
being clowns we made money and then we decided to create
some content on the internet these guys have one at least
had the balls to get in the ring massive respect because
anyone who gets in the ring it's a dangerous sport and uh you
know it it's real and anyone who
says that his fights are rigged i don't think his fights are rigged
at all he carefully picks his opponents but his fights aren't
rigged but he has brought back something that i really like i
really like that back in the day in 17th century europe if you
had beef with a man and everyone knew that you publicly
disagreed you could say ha ha i challenge you to a duel i
challenge you
let's have it out in public and settle our affairs i think it was
logan who bought this back with ksi shout out to
ksi as well i saw his video on us that's pretty cool um they
brought back this old you have beef
with me okay let's settle it with fisticuffs settle it like men so if
that's a straightener if it wasn't for
the paul brothers that there would still be mindless internet
beef going on and you couldn't say let's have a fight
let's actually sort this out so i genuinely massively respect the
paul brothers for
that they bought that back and it's a it's a it's a customer's
oldest time and it's been back five years and i'd say
they are largely at credit and at fault for bringing that back so
hats off to him
nothing but respect from from my end yeah i made a video
calling out jake paul i i if i if me and jake paul fight
i will destroy him because i am a professional and he knows
i'll destroy him and that's fine but that aside when
i first made that video when he was calling out conor
mcgregor and i thought he was just being disrespectful and
he was just a clown it turns out he's
taking his boxing career quite seriously he's really training
he's training he's getting in the ring when he doesn't have to
get in the ring you know he has
enough money he doesn't have to do this yes he's putting on
the line he's putting his reputation on the line i know that
takes balls i respect him for
it so i understand now that he's very serious about his boxing
career and you're right they brought back the old
school have you got beef let's fight i love that they brought
that back i love that they brought this back because i'll
fight ethan any day of the week i'll fight anyone that's who i
am anyone who has beef any one of us beef if if jake wants
to fight me i'll fight him
i scare nobody on this planet i'll fight anybody but i do like
that they brought that back you're right
that's a really good point thank you now because we've talked
about it because i want to talk about something else well now
that i'm the most famous man in the world as we've just
proven the most
famous man in the world i can't walk the street without people
coming up to me saying topg
that's fine but i am walking the streets now with bodyguards
and i'm going to tell you all
why i'm doing it for your protection
not my protection your protection and i want to explain
something to you anyone who's followed
me long enough knows i've had an eclectic life anyone with a
brain can look at us and think of how much money
we've made the places we live look at our instagram where
we go and the kind of lives we've lived been associated
with still associated with i'm not gonna give too much weight
on the internet i have enemies
you cannot just run up on me while i'm walking somewhere
sprint over
to me at speed and expect not there to be an altercation i
would rather end you
and then work out you were a fan then me get ended i'm
saying this and i'm stating this with absolute [ __ ]
serious be careful as a professional when you see me you
approach me the same way you approach a nervous horse
don't run over making fast movements you get kicked in the
face i'm tired of walking down the street
and people seeing me at the corner of their eye and sprinting
over to me i don't know
you people i don't know you and i don't like groups of
full-grown men running up to me so i've started walking
with bodyguards the reason i have bodyguards is so they can
stop you getting close enough to me where i'm forced to react
but if you see me
approach slowly respectfully and carefully because i'm telling
you my trigger fingers swift and i would rather
make a mistake than die i don't like it and i'm making this very
very public because it's happening all the time now don't run
up to me don't come
up behind me don't come from the side nothing you need to
very very respectfully slowly from a distance in
front of my eyes make me know i don't have to pull the
weapon we grew up on a council estate in luton and the
for the bodyguards i mean i caught that case and as i said
you could find it on the internet if you google that i mean
it's very easy to find a bunch of dudes were sitting on my on
on my car i saw them and it was on site
i need bodyguards to throw people off my car because
otherwise i'm gonna hit them and i'm gonna catch a case it's
about protecting me from the people sitting on my car those
people weren't a physical threat to me but i'm the kind of guy
that will still throw punches you
can take the boy off the council estate you cannot take the
council stay out of the boy i'm still wired that way and i
will hit you first and and answer my questions to the police
layer so yeah we do have bodyguards we have bodyguards
now and i'm telling you this for all for your protection because
the internet has changed the world there are people now with
no respect i'm walking down
the street all they want is their selfie all they want is selfie i'm
walking down the street in slovenia i'm walking to slovenia
four full-grown men sprint at me at speed yeah i didn't have
my weapon on me i turn and i'm literally i'm
literally analyzing like you have to understand how fast my
brain is and combat's been my life i'm analyzing like
you'd imagine robocop analyzing he dies first he dies next he
i'm working out destroying these four men
before they turn out to be fans you can't run at me in a pack
of men when a pack of men runs at me i get
i'm ready to hurt you i don't know you people that's always
been a threatening situation until very
recently and i don't care if you've got your hand out trying to
shake my hand i don't know if you've got a knife in that hand
i'm gonna punch you in the
face i don't know you if we're in the countries where i'm
strapped which is more than you'd possibly believe more than
you believe more than you believe because even where it's
illegal to have
a gun trust me with enough money enough friends you can
have one my hand is on my way you're running over for a
selfie and i'm reaching for the glock
is it worth it it's a selfie you're getting a bull be careful and i'm
saying this is a public statement be
careful coming up to me yeah because i know you want your
selfie so bad i don't really give a i don't
know you do you want it bad enough to die do you want it
that bad especially at night especially in clubs especially
like on the street especially if i've got a woman with me and
now my woman's that threat so i've put bodyguards up
around me to try and stop this happening because sooner or
later can be a accent cause people have no respect all you
kids are growing up with no
respect you've never been in a difficult situation you've never
had a difficult life and you think that full-grown men running
out another full-grown man at
speed is normal oh it's why would he be threatened because
you've never seen people get stabbed to death like
i have you've never felt the blade inside anyone who've
watched me knows where my stab wound is you've never
you've never seen five full-grown men
rush a man and murder him i have don't run at me like that
and this is a gender is not a joke say mr producer
there's no don't sprint at me like that i find it extremely
offensive and now i don't want to take
your stupid selfie because you made me nervous and you
made me angry and unhappy i'm trying to live a happy life i'm
a rich man i'm walking down the
street got a beautiful woman with me my life's fine i don't want
to have a adrenaline dump because you want
a selfie to try and get some which you never get you stay the
away from me or approach
slow politely and with respect right another rumor andrew
this one's bad you are a sexist slash misogynist
no are you okay are you okay
i can't handle it smash the like button again please don't say it
again i can't
possibly fathom a world in which there's some fat loser on the
internet who thinks that i'm a misogynist even though
he gets no and all the women love me and not him please
don't do it tristan don't call don't
even say you're sexist so yes you are i can't handle it i can't
take it tristan
i don't want you to say such a horrible thing i couldn't even if
people were to even believe that's true for half a
second i wouldn't even be able to accept please
don't say that again promise shut up that you'll never say it
again every time someone you know exists no
you don't understand peace tristan you don't understand no
one's ran up to me it's a good day no one's sprinted at me
i'm sitting on my private jet with my five women with my
diamond watch with hundreds of millions of dollars i'm away
from one place i want to be to the next
place i want to be life's fine and then someone on the internet
calls me a sexist and then i'm just so upset and my
whole life's ruined that i can't just relax and the and i can't just
drive my super cars around and
nothing was makes me happy anymore and i'm just so sad
because they called me a sexist deep inside shut up okay all
right i can't have it please next rumor please stop calling me a
misogynist an expert please no tristan i need to let
them know guys if you keep doing it it's going to ruin my life
please ethan
please don't say it again i super care i care so much i can't
even put in human
words how much i care i am a master at rhetoric i am
beautiful i i have uh a
grasp of the english language which is nearly unparalleled on
the internet i have the ability to make my ideas
translate through space-time into the minds of other men but i
cannot describe
in words how much i don't like and can't handle being called a
misogynist or a
sexist it ruins my entire existence tristan i can't even live life
please don't call me misogynist please okay rumor number
nine we are russian
agents agents from from russia
russian agents that that's a rumor in fact for all of the
romanians watching the former president of romania after
the police came to our house that time entertained the fact on
live romanian television that we may be russian agents
sent to make the country of romania look bad the former
president said that about us that it was a possibility that's a
completely true story so are we russian agents
yeah we're not russian agents which leads me into the which
leads me to the final and i think
the truest of all the rumors the large hadron collider at cern
recently been activated and once that happened you
especially me subsequently have
become the famous per most famous man on the internet are
you from another dimension
true or false true true i'm from a dimension let me complete
the circuit okay complete the
circuit tell them we admit it i admit it i'm from a dimension
that parallels this one in all forms a dimension where men
tell the truth don't cry their eyes out aren't scared of saying
something on the internet you know what's crazy i say the
things on
the internet that every man says in the locker room or sits
sitting around with his boys and then everyone says my views
are extreme or crazy everyone agrees then why the huge
following why the huge following why do we resonate with so
many people and i don't say anything
that's detrimental i want to make this very very clear i have
nothing against women i love women women are beautiful
creatures women have children i love
i've said this before it's an interesting statistic i said this to
dave who for some reason disagreed me on everything i said
i don't know why i
have nothing inside i like the guy but he was wrong on
everything as we know you can watch the bff podcast he was
completely smoked because that's what i
do i smoke people he said that i have a problem with women i
said no it's an interesting statistic
100 of people have had sex with women so 100 100 i have
nothing against women in any regard i don't think they're as
as men at certain things and i don't think men are as good as
women at certain things and i think that all of
society basically agrees with me but because we live in the
clown world of the internet for some reason we have to
pretend that's not true well i'm from a
dimension where you're allowed to say it and cern opened a
black hole yeah and here i am
in our universe we're just normal youtubers with no
subscribers because we just say the things everyone says in
universe we're not famous we're just dudes who just say the
basic everyone knows hey the sky is blue and
everyone's like duh so we came through the wormhole using
our illuminati human trafficking acting skills nice smart we
we we we rented we trafficked ourselves we rented the
wormhole because we're broke correct and we trafficked
ourselves through it because our human traffickers and now
that we're here somehow in this dimension we've blown up
because we say women can't park oh my god it hell cheer up
everyone knows it's true get over it relax relax we're from
another dimension don't
worry about it yeah our dimension is pretty cool but you know
i like being in this dimension because i'm special i'm special
here exactly people who are
worried about what we say need to spend more time trying to
find the clown yeah yeah they need they need to find a class
they need to find the club they need to
find the clown so that is the rumors of the tate brothers that
has summed up all the rumors now that the rumors are over
and all of them are true and we admit every single one of
them is true
when i say i refuse to be a sex but when i say we i mean i
because i'm you and you're me and we're the same person
it's just a very cleverly edited show
right smart more yeah anyone who is serious about their life
and wants their life to change you can go to topg.com
which all forwards to cobratech.com try both corporate
comment you can read about the war room read about
hustles university and everything is explained
every single man with blood in his veins needs to be a
member of one of those two communities it serves every
single male
on the planet hu will get you rich the war room will give you
the connections you need to live a life worth living if
you're gonna sit here on the internet watching my content
agreeing with what we say and understanding that this is
one percent of what we know and one percent of what we
teach and not unless and not wanting the other 99 well then
you are doomed to failure if you're the kind of person who
genuinely wants to upgrade their character like we've been
discussing then you're going to join the war room or hostage
university and both
of them can be accessed at cobratech.com very very simple i
don't talk about it any more than that i don't need to justify i
don't need to show the wins
anymore we have children 16 years old making 30 40 000 a
month we
have people inside the war room traveling the world inside of
getting visas on a whim for countries which are banned for
their particular passport you
would not believe the things we do it's all on covertake.com
and you can find out more the war room is not a group you
can just join and stay in we have tests we have a white path
you must follow to reach the top of udon if you do not do
your work you will be kicked from the group we kick members
permanently who do not succeed every single member inside
the war room for that reason is a winner
because losers are expelled you will be amongst winners and
the only way you can stay amongst winners is to become a
winner birds of a feather [ __ ]
together that's why i said this on all the interviews if your girl if
you're your boy your girl that's your fault because you're a [
__ ]
because you roll with if your boy is a coward that's your fault
because you're a coward because you roll with cowards if
you hold yourself to
standards you will find friends which hold themselves to
standards and before you know what you'll end up in the war
room part of the private army of top g
most famous man on the planet this has been the emergency
meeting episode 11. god bless good night god
bless good night from the one and only mr producer