Uploaded by Matthew Salazar-Thompson

Introduction to Theatre Course Syllabus

Drama 10
Contra Costa College
Spring 2021
Section: Drama 101 Sec 1272 - Asynchronous Online - 3 Units
Professor: Matthew Salazar-Thompso
Meeting Times: Jan 25-May 28, 2021 - Asynchronou
Contra Costa Email: msalazar@contracosta.edu(This is my preference for contact) I will get
back to you M-F within 24 hours and on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday within 48 hours.
Phone number: N/A
Of ce hours: Jan 27-May 25 - Wednesday 9-9:45a
This course utilizes Paci c Standard Time (PST) in The United States and all times and due dates
will be accounted as such
Course Description: This course focuses on the relationship of theatre to various cultures
throughout history, and on the contributions of signi cant individual artists. This course
introduces students to elements of the production process including playwriting, acting,
directing, design, and criticism. Students will also survey different periods, styles and genres of
theatre through play reading, discussion, lms and viewing and critiquing live theatre, including
required attendance of theatre productions
Course General Education Status - Transferability Transferable to both UC and CSU
CSU General Education Requirements Categories -AREA C1: Arts (Arts, Cinema, Dance,
Music, Theater) AREA C1: Arts (Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater
Introduction to Theatre
Jan 25, 2021 - Start of semester
Feb 7 , 2021 Last day to drop full-term classes without a "W" - IN PERSON
Feb 26, 2021 Last day to request Pass/No Pass
April 23, 2021Last day to withdraw from a full-term class
May 21, 2021 - End of Semester
I am looking forward to working with you on this exciting topic of theatre! Let's get
There are two e-books that are required for this course. Both are available here, for free. Some
students wish to purchase the $9 Amazon Kindle version, just for their bene t, but this is not
required. On this page are link to the PDF versions of these e-textbooks
Required Texts and Supplies
E-Book - Theatrical Paradigms of Narrative Theories and Social Justice by Matthew SalazarThompson. This book can ONLY be purchased online through Amazon.com. This is an e-Kindle
book, so please download e-Kindle on your computer and/or device
OPEN RESOURCE VERSION: Theatrical Paradigms of Justice and OPEN RESOURCE.pdf
Course Description
Important Dates
Course Objective
Analyze and evaluate the nature of theatre and its role in society.
Assess the historical, artistic, social, and philosophical context in which theatre exists.
Appreciate viewing theatre as an art form.
Propose alternative solutions to theatrical production situations
Identify and examine theatrical components in production
Critically analyze dramatic literature and performances
Course Outcome
Identify and examine theatrical components in production
Analyze and evaluate the nature of theatre and its role in society
Assess the historical, artistic, social, and philosophical context in which theatre exists.
Critically analyze dramatic literature and performances.
Courtesy and Respect: You may be interacting with people from varying cultures. You need to
be aware that other students will have very different backgrounds and opinions from yours, this
can be exciting and enriching but also frustrating and confusing. Therefore, sarcasm, jokes meant
to hurt and anger have no place in the class. Strong language, profanities, and insults of any kind
will not be tolerated and are reason for instant dismissal from the class
Adult material/content: Theatre concerns itself with all aspects of the human experience,
including the darker elements of it. Some of the materials we will be covering in this course will
have adult content, including violence, sexual content, nudity, and language. As we explore
different scripts and theatre events and how such material has in uenced theatre making, please
treat the content and our discussions in class with maturity and respect.
Plagiarism is a serious problem in the era of electronic information; it is too easy to download or
copy material form sources without giving adequate credit to the true author.
This survey course introduces fundamental practices and creative processes in the dramatic arts.
Through experimentation and examination, students gain greater insight and appreciation of the
dramatic arts as an agent of change that is vital to the humanities. Aspects of theatre production
and collaboration are covered through lecture, group discussion, and participation. This course is
designed for dramatic arts majors and all students interested in the dramatic arts. (FT) AA/AS;
Plagiarism means to present, as one’s own, the work, writing, words, or computer information of
someone else
Online Instruction
In order to be successful in this online course you must have full access to a computer and
excellent keyboard skills. You must have uninterrupted internet access at a high rate of speed.
You must have very strong time management and organizational and study skills. Much of this
course is at a weekly pace. To success in this course you must be disciplined with regards the
weekly readings and assignments. Respond to discussion posts early in the week. Read all of the
material. Doing this will ensure that you grade will remain high
Canvas is the online learning platform that you will be using for this course. Continue to check
the left tabs weekly. All of the learning tools, assessment items and assignments are included in
the weekly modules. Check the HOME tab. This tab holds what we are doing every week of the
course. Your reading assignments, quizzes, discussion posts can all be accessed here
ANNOUNCEMENTS – Check this often. I will post announcements regarding grades,
assignments, discussion posts and shows
ASSIGNMENTS – All assignments are listed in the pertaining week and also in the
ASSIGNMENTS Module. Assignments will include reading and answering questions as well as
your critical analysis play review
DISCUSSIONS – Every discussion post is listed here. Again you may use the HOME tab and
nd the speci c week that we are in and I have created links to all of the discussion posts. It’s
worth noting that you must post answer the discussion board question FIRST. You will be
graded on this FIRST discussion board post. You must answer students AFTER you have
posted your rst post
To combat this problem, schools have become quite wary of plagiarism and students must make
a commensurate commitment to honesty. Copying another’s work is self-defeating: plagiarism is
cheating, and cheating in the academic setting carries serious consequences. Furthermore,
frequent, extensive in-class writing samples make instances of plagiarism obvious
OFFICE HOURS – My of ce hours are via ZOOM. My of ce hours are Wednesday from
9-9:45am Jan 27-May11, 202
Dropping and Withdrawals
I cannot emphasize this enough. It is the responsibility of the student to exit this course. Please
take the proper time to drop or withdrawal from the course if you feel that you will not be able to
complete the course with a grade that you nd acceptable. I will grade any students that are left
according to the points that you have tallied. Online classes offer exibility for instruction and
study. However, please remember that Dramatic Arts 101 online course requirements are the
same as traditional classroom standards
If you feel that you have an accessibility need your may contact me or the DSS of ce here at the
college. You are eligible for services if need be. https://www.contracosta.edu/student-services/
(Links to an external site.)
Attendance and Punctuality
This is a full online course lasting sixteen weeks. Most assignments will be due on a weekly
basis. Succeeding in this class is highly dependent on your online participation with regards to
discussion posting, grading, and reading the e-books. This course is exceptionally fast paced.
Quizzes and discussion posts are posted on a weekly basis, therefore student cannot fall behind
the rst week of this course.
No absence relieves the student of the responsibility of completing all work assigned
It is the student’s responsibility to drop all classes which s/he is no longer attending
It is the instructor’s discretion to withdraw a student after the add/drop deadline
GRADES – You can track the progress of your grades in this course. Please note. The
percentage grade that shows up on Canvas is usually NOT your grade in the course. Use you
points to add up your grade
Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as
stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade in Theatre Arts 101.
Attendance/Participation. You are responsible for keeping up with the assigned readings.
Have the readings completed each day. Your online attendance does matter in terms of
your online participation. All assignments are due Sunday night, with the exception of the
last week of this course
Discussion Posts
Discussion Posts. Each post is worth 5-10 points. I have included a rubric for each
discussion post. You must respond to the material, respond to at least one other student or
myself, quote from the reading, sometimes nd an image or sound and offer a question to
your peers. You can resubmit your posts if you like. When responding to other students
you MUST continue the discussion at hand. Ask another question or respond with an
analytical response. Posting, “I like you concept or idea…” will not get you full credit.
You must continue the academic discussion at hand
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! I am interested in your own words. Do NOT cut and paste from
the web As this is an intro course I am interested in your own words
There are 5-10 points for each assignment for a total of 50 points.
Reading Assignments
Each reading assignment is worth 5-10 points. These assignments will be from the two ebooks Theatrical Paradigms of Narrative Theories and Social Justice and The Visions of
Acting. Both of these are available free as Open Resource Materials. I have included a
rubric for each reading assignment. There are usually 2-3 questions that pertain to these
reading assignments. There are 5 points for each assignment for a total of 50 points.
Critical Analysis Review Paper
Students will write a 2-3 page MLA formatted theatre review on one of the plays that we
watch online this semester. 20 points.
Quizzes, Midterm and Final Exam
There will be a quiz or two nearly every week. I will break this down so you know that
each quiz will cover only one to two chapters but you will take more than one quiz per
All assignments are due on the date shown. The course is over on May 21, 2021 and there is no
possibility of turning in any late material after this date
Grading Breakdown
The class is worth 350 points, and you will receive points for each assignment that you
successfully complete
4 Quizzes - 105 points (25-30 points each)
1 Mid-term (55 points)
Final Exam (50 points)
Discussion Posts points (5-10 points each)
Reading Assignments points (5-10 points each)
Theatrical Review (20 points)
315-350 280-314 -
245-279 -
week. Be wary of that. The quizzes will only be available for the week that we are in.
Each quiz is worth 25 -30 points for a total of 105 points.
A midterm will be presented halfway through the course. The midterm will cover all
material related to the Cohen reading, the e-book reading and any videos and
PowerPoints that we have discussed up to this point in the semester. 55 points.
A nal exam will be presented the last week of the course. The midterm will cover all
material related to e-books reading, screen share lectures, and online videos. 50 points.
NOTE – You have nearly a week to take a quiz, midterm or nal exam. These items
cannot be made up later in the semester and I cannot RE-OPEN them. So please make
sure you are not taking the quizzes at the last minute.
209 and below -
Spring 2021 Course Outline
Week One
Origins of Western Theatr
Plays to Watch - Antigone
Discussion Posts
Week Two
The Relationship between the Audience and the Performer
Critiquing Theatr
Discussion Post
Week Three
Theatre Space
The Realistic Movemen
Plays to Watch - A Streetcar Named Desire
Discussion Post
Realism Assignment
Week Four
Stage Actin
210-244 -
Monologue Assignment
Week Five
Producer and Directo
Discussion Post
Week Six
Structure and Style
Discussion Post
Week Seven
Renaissance Theatr
Plays to Watch - Hamlet
Discussion Post
Realism Assignment
Mid-Term Quiz
Week Eight
Theatrical Genere
Tragedy vs. Comed
Melodrama vs. Tragicomed
Experimental Theatre Assignment
Discussion Post
Epic Theatr
Commedia dell’art
Realism Assignment
Genre Identi cation Assignment
Week Ten
Technical Desig
Set Desig
Light Desig
Costume Desig
Sound Desig
Discussion Post
Design Assignment
Week Eleven
Musical Theatr
Discussion Post
Week Twelve
Week Nine
Play to Read - Señorita Julia
Discussion Post
Chicanx Theatre Assignment
Week Thirteen
Eastern Theatr
Play to Watch - “Dara
“9066” Assignment
Week Fourteen
African-American Theatr
Plays to Read - A Raisin in the Sun
A Raisin in the Sun Assignment
Week Fifteen
Female Centered Theatre / LGBTQ+ Theatr
Discussion Post
Week Sixteen
Finals Wee
Critical Analysis Paper Assignment
Final Exam
Discussion Post
Hispanic Theatr
PDF version of this syllabus is available here:
CCC - Drama 101 - Syllabus - M Salazar-Thompson.pdf