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Good Samaritan Lenten Challenge: Acts of Kindness

Complete a prayer doodle
Be the first to say sorry
to somebody.
What can you share with someone today?
Ask God to help you share.
Make a list of ten things you are grateful
for in your life.
Go through your wardrobes and donate
usable clothing and household goods to a
local charity.
Make a card or note saying something nice
about a classmate or friend
Look out for someone who is sad and find
a way to cheer them up.
Put a few extra items in your shopping
basket and donate to a food bank
At bedtime pray for people who are
homeless and sleeping on the streets.
Listen! Make time this week to really listen
to others and give them space to talk.
Choose a charity to donate the money
from your family Giving Jar
Find out what the word ‘sacrifice’ means.
Then consider what you could sacrifice for
someone this week.
Take a break from devices and give your
time to a friend or neighbour in need
Do some gardening and look out for signs
of Spring – perhaps plant some new
flowers and watch them grow
Make an extra effort
to smile more and greet everyone you
meet with a smile
Find out why Fr Oscar Romero was
made a saint. How can you follow his ways
this week?
Make some thank you cards for staff at
your local hospital
Visit a neighbour/family member who is
alone and give them your time
Invite someone new into your social circle
and spend time getting to know them
Take some time to meditate and be with
God, strengthening your relationship with
Go without your favourite treat/drink this
week and think about those who can’t
enjoy them
Plan and cook a family meal together and
spend time telling your family what you
love and appreciate about them
Spend time outdoors and thank God for
his beautiful world – how can you take
care of it?
Prepare for Holy Week by praying the
Stations of the Cross as a family
Donate the money you have collected in
your family Giving Jar to your chosen