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Society Idioms & Phrases: Lesson & Exercises

Lesson #3 (Society)
People in Society.
Andrew Carnegie is the typical self-made man: he was born into a poor family but
became one of America's richest men.
A lot of people find his books boring and pretentious, but he's really popular among
the chattering classes.
Pensioners often feel they are treated as second-class citizens by younger people.
Football managers often go to smaller clubs to recruit new players from the grass
I don't think their new policy represents the views of the silent majority.
The men in grey suits have a lot to do if they are to win back public confidence in
our banking system.
Smoking has become public enemy number one since the introduction of the
smoking ban.
I've only been working here for a few weeks, so 1 really feel like the new kid on
the block.
1- self-made man: = person who 's rich and successful because they have worked hard,
not because they were born into a rich family
2- the chattering classes = educated people who enjoy discussing social, political and
cultural issues
3- second-class citizen = someone treated as if they are less important than others in
4- the grass roots. = ordinary people in a political or sporting organisation, not the
5- the silent majority = large number of people who do not express their opinions
6- The men in grey suits = people in business or politics with a lot of influence or
power, although they are not well known to the public
7- public enemy = something or someone that a lot of people dislike or disapprove of
8- the new kid on the block = someone who is new in a place or organisation and has
many things to learn about it (informal)
Exercise :
Complete each sentence with an idiom.
1 Politicians often lose touch with the ………. ……………..…… and become isolated
from the public.
2 It's time the………………………………… was heard, instead of the more vocal and
aggressive minority.
3 My father was a………………………………………. He came from a poor background
and worked his way up until he became quite rich.
4 I'm sick of listening to the opinions of the ………………………… . What about the
opinions of ordinary people?
5 If you are poor, you may sometimes think you are a ……………………….. in terms of
access to university.
Exercise 2 :
Answer these questions.
1 How do you feel if you are the new kid on the block?
2 What, or who, in your opinion, is public enemy number one?
3 What kind of people are in the public eye?
4 What kind of people make up the grey vote?