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2 509 Learner Statement (3080)

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adults Care
Unit Title: 509 – Managing Self
Learner statement
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work
duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per
question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to
keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
Learning outcome 1: Understand the importance of self-awareness
Tell me about the….
1.1 Emotions affecting own behaviour and behaviour of others
As people our mood and emotions affect all decisions that we make, this is also true as a manager and the decision one makes as a
manager. It’s important that as a manager I can reflect of how my emotions in certain situation may impact, my thoughts, and actions
and how not to let anxiety or nervousness impact me when dealing with challenging situations. This self-reflection then will give me
the chance to explore ways to manage these emotions and overcome them. For example, when I feel a trigger to anxiety, I release
the tension through deep breaths before proceeding to handling the situation.
Dealing with challenging situations is inevitable when working with people, from other health care professionals, service users, their
families, and colleagues. This may be due to differences in beliefs, work cultures, and values. Particularly when working with other
health care professionals there might be some pride thus difficult to approach some conversations or ways of working that may be
different to our own thus communication to find a middle ground can be a task that triggers anxiety. Not only people but working in
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difficult environments may also affect our emotions, the high demands and the low resources, have a huge impact in our day-to-day
mood and the stress affects our decision, the guardian’s report in 2018 or the future of the workforce in social care mentioned that the
health sector in general is having a hard time to finding the right people and retain them in the workforce. Upon evaluation of this
statement it is noticeable that it may not be the individuals who are fault but rather the high stress and high demand environment they
have to work in which allow a room for disagreement, misunderstanding and errors.
1.2 Values, belief systems and experiences affecting working practice
A working practice is a manner by which an association leads its business, and it influences all parts of that work, from the plan of
items to the execution of administrations. A value systems is a bunch of convictions or presumptions about what comprises significant
way of behaving or effective work. A belief system is a particular perspective that assists individuals with settling on choices in view of
their qualities and convictions. Encounters are manners by which individuals come to comprehend how things work and master new
abilities connected with their work undertakings. Encounters can impact how individuals act. Feelings impact working ways of
behaving. Pioneers impact adherents' personal reactions in work by sharing suitable feelings, thoughts, and values with one another.
For example, my organisation in which I work in have a way they conduct their business to achieve their set objective. Therefore, they
have laid down setting systems which when followed, it is accepted and all work produced is seen as successful. This makes the
experience one have over there affects their daily lives and can transform to other work setting. For instance, when a patient come in,
welcome them in a polite manner before anything commences no matter you being a receptionist. This is an experience which can be
transformed anywhere and in doing that, work done becomes successful as the individual feel comfortable.
I was born to believe that the care of an older person depends on the family. In our African setting, adults takes care of the young
ones and when they get old, the young ones are mandated to take care of them together with a care provider which is part of the
African culture. This has affected my working conditions since I have to work closely with the family of the aged under my care.
Therefore, if a family members seem not to care about the elderly, I feel sad and annoyed et I try to accommodate their reactions and
control my feelings in order to deliver my service professionally.
1.3 Socialization processes that inform values and beliefs
By socialization, we mean cycles individuals inside associations authorize to adjust to administration, authoritative design, or jobs. We
will remember volunteer endeavors for the portrayal of authoritative design attempts.
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Socialization processes that illuminate values emphasizes on how pioneers find out about the work and its difficulties, how individuals
find out about authority and their own jobs inside an association, "how" representatives ingest abilities into training, the nature and
content of examples for activities as shared discipline to conduct work.
Socialization processes that illuminate convictions are the arrangement of learning strategies and social practices individuals sanction
to get a handle on the hierarchical world and besides in perspectives for their finding out about pioneer/devotee connections.
Conviction frameworks yield individual suspicions of how an association ought to act in fortunate settings and configuration work
rehearses in any case. For instance, if an employee is offered a job, the employee must socialise with all the staff and line managers
to familiarise himself or herself with the environment to know what is deemed acceptable within the organisation.
The Equality Act (2010) set out the equality framework which give guidelines to avoid discrimination and prejudice to ensure that
people are easily socialising. In the care service, there is a directive that bounds one from being isolated to being involved and
sociable. According to Bandura’s theory of behaviour (1981), human learning begins from observation to imitating what they have
learnt from others and their environment
1.4 Strategies for keeping aware of own stress levels and for maintaining wellbeing
It is vital to know about one's feelings of anxiety and the impacts that they can have on both physical and emotional wellness. It is
likewise vital to keep a solid way of life by making strides like eating nutritious food sources, practicing routinely, and dropping into
care while feeling overpowered or pushed. The way to keeping a sound way of life is having a controlled life and defining solid limits.
Socialization processes that illuminate values can be improved by permitting representatives to keep up with individual connections
outside work. Anytime I become stressed in a situation, I emotionally find something I have experienced before which made me happy
or excited. After considering those things which had happened in the past, it re-energize me to take up the task I am stressed of and
continue so I can use that as a point of reference.
1.5 Methods of using feedback from others and own reflective practice to increase self-awareness
While looking to work on one's self-awareness, it is useful to participate in various exercises that will assist you with turning out to be
more mindful of your viewpoints and sentiments. One method for doing this is by involving input from others as your very own feature
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intelligent practice. By consistently trading data with others, you can expand the likelihood that you will find out about and grasp the
contemplation's and sensations of others in an objective way. This expanded comprehension considers better correspondence as
well as prompts expanded sympathy and empathy for the people who might be battling or have encountered troublesome encounters.
Learning outcome 2: Manage personal and professional behaviour
Tell me about….
2.1 Professional behaviour
It is the obligation of the both people and associations to oversee individual and expert conduct in a manner that permits workers to
feel appreciated, protected, regarded, and useful. There is no particular idea with regards to how an individual ought to act expertly.
Notwithstanding, an organisation can really try to establish a workplace that welcomes and urges its representatives to connect in a
capable and useful style. Representatives can be urged to address their very own necessities ahead of work, permitting them to be
more useful and more joyful. Additionally, the people who participate in unreliable or unbridled conduct will similarly experience pushback or pessimistic results because of the idea of association values with respect to morals.
Proficient way of behaving doesn't stay static as an individual changes. Moves one makes to seek after objectives might be
completely suitable for a given individual at one point in their profession, yet out of overpowering propensity and social consistency,
unique or fiercer activities might become proper. Additionally, throughout many years, individuals are confronted with new beliefs and
convictions which are very unique in relation to what was trusted by their ancestors. One way or the other, it could be vital for an
association that utilizes workers to move the board rehearses towards getting greater correspondence into values light of encounters
related with both positive and adverse occasions.
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2.2 Learning from feedback
One method for developing incredible skill and ensure conduct is intelligible enough is to comprehend the significance of input got by
others. Much of the time, one accepts his own input on how the individual in question is well or inadequately performing. In any case,
there are upsides and downsides to this technique for understanding how you are seen by others. Giving criticism empowers you to
stay in contact with the messages being conveyed by both yourself and others. It additionally gives you data about how confident you
should be for systems administration meetings to accomplish more compelling outcomes.
It is substantially less simple for you to try and consider that someone else sees your contemplations as pessimistic without getting
their feedback any time these feelings are raised introducing with such expressions of caution as "I'm making an effort not to get into
your private concern", "it's cool assuming something is irritating you, just let me in on what I fouled up", "assuming every so often,
something plays at the forefront of your thoughts to a great extent, let me know as to whether I can assist with shoved it to the side so
you can start to think decidedly once more".
2.3 Links between emotional intelligence and professional conduct
The capacity to understand individuals on a profound level (EI) is the capacity of individuals to deal with their feelings in a good
manner, prompting fruitful expert direct. The ability to understand people on a deeper level has been displayed to relate with both
individual and expert achievement. People who are sincerely canny are better ready to deal with pressure, grasp others' points of
view, be understanding towards themselves and others, have more sympathy for other people, and use wise judgment under tension.
For instance, Emotionally smart individuals will quite often have more data accessible to them. Therefore, they are better ready to
conceptualize thoughts and feel for others. They likewise find it simpler to make themselves clear. This works on their mentality as
well as their presentation as an expert.
2.4 Adapt communication in response to the emotional context and communication style of others
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Adjusting communication to the profound setting and style of others can be a test, yet it is a fundamental piece of compelling
relational connections. It permits people to comprehend the individual they are speaking with and ensures that all communication is
significant and helpful. For individuals to really speak with each other, they genuinely must have a decent comprehension of what
feelings mean for their way of behaving.
2.5 Challenge views, actions, systems and routines that do not match the vision and values of the service.
The challenge of further improving service performance is to match the vision and values of the association. This includes
understanding what makes a decent help, planning frameworks that function admirably as one with those principles, and attempting to
keep up with or further develop consumer loyalty through constant improvement. If inability to fulfil clients proceeds, the association
could be committing a critical error that truly hurts their future.
The test of administration is consistent evaluation of workers' presentation and a drive to further develop execution all through the
association. A few kinds of representatives may not hold back by any means to participate in this test as they need to release their
obligation as a pioneer perhaps because of feeble self-assurance or deficient confidence in their association's capacity.
A worker who continuously working on herself/himself can foster self-viability permitting her/him to put adaptability, flexibility, and
fortitude before the issues which tries not to get baffled and dissatisfaction which at last could bring about a discouraging disposition
that decreases the adequacy level.
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Learning outcome:3: Manage workloads
Tell me about how you….
3.1 Use strategies and tools to identify priorities for work
The most vital phase in effective work management is to recognize the need for your association and afterward foster activity to
accomplish these objectives. Whenever one have recognized the needs, it is critical to make a device or framework that will help you
measure and track progress towards meeting them. This should be possible through any of various means, for example, studies,
surveys, following programming programs, and so on. Every individual in the association will have better thoughts regarding what
makes the biggest difference to them than the individual who thinks of the in-situ need setting exercise.
A few specialists express that cell phones and the Internet made phone need practices excess, since everybody in an association has
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simpler admittance to data now, and groups can discuss straightforwardly with each other without including supervisors. All things
considered, centre gatherings might be utilized or a supervisor might foster his/her own goal measure for progress utilizing critical
thinking or another worth driven process.
In the event that a call drifts off-subject as an unfiltered reaction to something somebody said before, it could restore a discussion if
nobody objects. A patient who gripes of wrist torment while playing tennis needs to sort out whether the person is making a good
attempt or whether actual burdens can be changed by mooring purposes in his rundown of needs and exercises explicitly anticipated
that time.
Here and there, individuals simply need stops - in any event, when undertakings are direct or can be broken into red meat and white
meat pieces that standard individuals can deal with. Stops permit individuals to step past themselves, in a real sense. For the
wellbeing of everybody, the PAG suggests drawing time for that at regular intervals to simply alone and clear-considering activities
and needs, liberated from interferences - this assists individuals with making "a calm psyche" and find hard decisions more sensible.
3.2. Plan ways to meet responsibilities and organisational priorities while maintaining own wellbeing
Group members should team up to perform key jobs and meetings ought to be booked. Set up a competition of sorts for side interests
and different practices, so colleagues support their partners' interests and every achievement takes care of somebody's certainty
level. Essentially, request that colleagues work inside the constraints of their own needs so everybody can in any case achieve
errands that draw out the needs most grounded in them. Know the things that make you most joyful taking care of business - and
make time to do these things frequently.
3.3 Use digital technology to enhance own efficiency
Videoconferencing and telepresence can be utilized to further develop efficiency. An option in basically holding workplaces across a
nation appears to be a more effective method for overseeing labourers. A few organizations have founded open-plan workplaces and
afterward top financial backers, supervisors, or chiefs direct clear limits where individuals might take leisure time, however they will be
on calls, working between ten hours and the vast majority of a twelve-hour day, close to others with similar objectives who are helping
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Another methodology is utilizing customary phone calls that can be held with the most elevated chief or the main impetus behind the
majority of their needs to consider what turns out best for all associated with not playing focal parts that everybody can hinder for
anything that surfaces during the day.
3.4 Delegating responsibilities to others
Designating responsibilities can be a method for further developing productivity and viability in the working environment. It can
likewise assist people with feeling more loose and ready to deal with their own time better. Designation permits individuals of various
degrees of involvement, information, or ability to cooperate on assignments that are significant however might not have been viewed
as inside the singular's very own capability region. This sort of designation as a rule brings about expanded efficiency as well as
further developed camaraderie since everybody is centred on meeting task objectives instead of themselves.
3.5 Revise plans to take account of changing circumstances
Reconsidering plans as conditions change is a fundamental piece of consistent improvement and quality administration. It is
particularly significant on the grounds that each association has an expected degree of execution. Awful outcomes frequently hamper
marketable strategies. For instance, in the event that an association has a deals target in light of the extended benefit of all retail
outlets and oil outlets inside an area, deals frequently won't get the expected number of guests in light of the fact that serious intensity
emerges during late spring months or segregated waterway floods might obstruct all traffic to one locale causing a limitless misfortune
in money related pay from potential purchasers pulling merchandise to another district.
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Learning outcome 4:Undertake professional development
Tell me how you ….
4.1 Evaluate own knowledge and performance
Professional development (PD) is the most common way of mastering and working on one's abilities to advance outcome in a given
field or calling. It frequently include taking on new difficulties, creating individual associations with other people who will be working
with you, and growing one's information base.
Assessment includes the method involved with evaluating one's own insight and execution. It is a key stage in creating both
individual abilities as well as expert qualities, and it assists people with gaining from their mix-ups. Assessment ought to be directed
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consistently at all levels of an association with the goal that everybody can foster their capacities in the most potential compelling
manner. As individuals work on working on existing abilities and expanding their insight base, they are bound to foster new abilities.
This is a fundamental consider growing new workers with the required ranges of abilities to remain in front of current contest.
Representatives' persistent endeavors to expand their degree of information and disposition make them normally more successful
in performing top notch administration and expertly well inside the association.
4.2 Establish own learning style
One ought to lay out own learning style to oversee and gain insight and understanding from the data obtained. This implies that one
ought to be okay with perusing, tuning in, thinking, figuring out on issues freely, and utilizing various strategies (counting on the web
resources), notwithstanding the technique one like for educating themselves. For instance, I learn from the internet sources things I
am not conversant with and also from information received from group members.
4.3 Prioritise own development goals and targets
Focus on the advancement of one's own objectives and focuses to accomplish the most helpful result for oneself. Also, others
should comprehend how one believe they should help you with the goal that everybody can profit from your endeavors. This engulfs
the use of some tools such as the SWOT analysis tools. In setting priorities, it helps the individual to set goals that are long and
short terms. This terms goals comes deadlines for its accomplishment. Every goal meets impediments and interruptions and these
interruptions are curbed with the concentration on crucial activities needed at certain times. For example, I had some task at work to
do and the task was so much and complicated that I got scared. I approached my line supervisor and he told me to set goals and
add timelines to those task so that it will not be clumsy. I then checked the easiest ones and tackled it as my short term goal and
the ones that demanded lots of attention and time, I did it after the easy ones were completed. This helped me to meet my target
within the timeframe.
4.4 Use personal and professional development planning
Individual and expert improvement arranging is a fundamental piece of a balanced vocation. By booking customary exams, observing
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advancement, and giving input to assist people with keeping focused, individual and expert improvement arranging can assist you
with accomplishing your objectives. It is likewise an incredible way for couples or groups to cooperate towards normal goals.
Declaration of authenticity
When submitting your reflective account and evidence on Learning Assistant please ensure that you click on the
‘Declaration’ button on the top right-hand side of ‘Your Programme’ page. This confirms that the work you are submitting
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for your portfolio is your own.
Thank you
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