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Womenomics in Jordan: Gender Equality & Economic Growth

Question 1: What is womenomics, and why is this an important term to discuss in
Jordan’s employment of female workers?
Womenomics can be defined as “the idea that women’s economic advancement will
improve the economy of a country as a whole”, Japaninfo spring (2015). The term
WOMENOMICS was championed by Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe to capitalize on
the power of women whom he describe as underutilized resource in order to help boost
japans’ slowing economy.
The female workforce in Jordan is very low, Jordan have the highest female literacy
in the middle east yet females participate less in the economic system of the country.
The idea behind womenomics is crucial for a country like Jordan where the relationship
between women and economic is weaker than most countries, with 54 percent of
Jordan’s inactive population is categorized as house wives with a secondary education
degree or less in education, employment or training that is why is very important to
discuss women and economic (womenomics) in Jordan’s employment of female workers.
Culture, traditions, and also government policy can stand as a barrier for the Jordan
women to participate in economic productivity, for a society that sees women as just a
home maker and reproductive cocoon there is no way they can be allowed to do more
than that and they will not have a say in the society, a country like Jordan or any other
country this can stand as a strong barrier stopping women from working and
contributing to the growth of the economy of that country.
Question 2: What are some interesting findings from the Arabic textbook used why
did you find these to be interesting?
I was deeply impressed by the overall statistics of the textbook and the fact that
majority of the of the discussion is referring to male as a strong figure, the division of
labor also predefines what jobs can be done by men and women. This to me is a
complete case of gender inequality and also lack of proper awareness in the country and
any child that is raised with this kind of education will have the mindset that male is a
key actor and decision maker in the community and country at large while the female
plays a secondary role whose main focus is marriage kids and low paid jobs that is if
the husband allows her to get a job. Secondly am so surprised that Jordan have well
educated women in their society and is still going through this tough cultural barrier and
gender inequality is something I never imagined and I think their government should
work really hard to make life better for its female citizens.
Question 3: Upon reading the report, what strategies do you think could be helpful,
in promoting gender equality in Jordan?
There are some areas the Jordan government need to focus on like effective advocacy
and policy reform, supportive norms and practices, gender support service and more.
a. Effective advocacy and policy reforms – Jordan have an education system that
ensures equal access to young men and women, Jordan boast of highly educated
female population with the potential to advance Jordan’s economic, social and
political development but societal beliefs of women’s work ends in the kitchen
creates a gap between women and men in economy reform having a supportive
household and communities are essential, government should create an organization
and policy that will protect women in the society and also ensuring that women
and girls have full access to the opportunities they need to realize their full
potentials, creating awareness through social media and setting up student
initiatives and advocacy, and organizing training on gender-gender related
advocacy this can change the way females are addressed and treated in their local
communities and will help push more for gender equality.
b. Supportive norms and practice – “governing institutions and legal frameworks that
can provide a national model for gender equality on Jordan”, Usaid.gov (n.d).
cultural norms and believes stands as a barrier for the Jordan women to get
involved in economy development, there should be a policy that protects the
Jordan women and Jordan government should find a way to address gender
inequality related issues supporting regulatory reforms to increase women’s
participation and leadership in the public sphere.
c. Gender-sensitive support service – when women have access to the support and
service they need to reach their full potential like professional development
opportunities, loans for small businesses and expansions, they will realize their
rights as humans and also empowered to further contribute to the development of
Jordan and have the resources to build brighter, more prosperous future.
Question 4: take a moment to think about how womenomics looks in your country.
Describe the aspects of womenomics where you live and how you believe it can
Nigeria is gradually bringing women into the workforce and eradicating gender
inequality, though in some parts of the country still restrict women from working and
contributing to the economy of the country but the government and private sectors are
working really hard to bring women into the system to contribute to economic growth
and development, the country have established many organizations and platforms to
create awareness for a better life for a female child, Nigerian women can now
participate in politics, head many universities and also get involved in agriculture even in
a big way. In my region gender inequality is low and women participate in various
economic fields and contribute to its growth yet still make a good home and give birth
and generally living a balance life in the society. Womenomics in Nigeria is better than
what it was many decades ago, now women participate in economic reforms and in law
making its a new dawn for women and we have embraced it with both hands.
Womenomics can be improved if the government can put up more empowerment
programs to the grass roots and helping them with basic education and long term loans
for small business owners to expand their product and contribute more in the growth of
the economy.
Usaid.gov. (n.d). Gender Equality And Female Empowerment. Retrieved from:
Japaninfo spring (2015). What is Womenomics. Retrieved from: https://www.ny.us.embjapan.go.jp/en/c/2015/04-Apr/japaninfo-2015-04/03.html.
Jabber, M. A. (2014). Breaking through Glass Doors: A Gender Analysis of Womenomics
in the Jordanian National Curriculum. Brokings institute. Retrieved from: