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Ethnic Stereotypes: Asian - Historical Analysis

Ethnic Stereotypes
Stereotypes of Asians
 First-generation immigrants
 Largely and collectively internalized
 Mainly negative repercussions
 Reinforce xenophobic sentiments
Asian Stereotype
Changing with Time
 Early roots (since early 1820)
Chinese immigrates are:
 “economic threat”
 “schemers against white society”
 “bloodthirsty killers with little regard for human life”
Asian Stereotype
Changing with Time
 Following Pearl Harbour, World War II
A shift from Chinese to Japanese:
 Japanese as “sadistic killers, schemers & world
 Chinese redefined as an ally to the Western fight
against Japanese Imperial aggression during WWII
 “The geographical application of the term is also
somewhat disordered: it was sometimes applied to
China alone, and at other times to Japan.”
A Famous example:
Yellow Peril
 Origin
 19th century
 Chinese immigration workers
 Lower wages than did the local white populations
A Famous example:
Yellow Peril
 Three dimensional fear
 Economic
 Demographic
 Political
A Famous example:
Yellow Peril
 Three dimensional fear: political dimension
Three stand-out events:
 Sino-Japanese war of 1894–1895
 the Boxer Rebellion
 Russo-Japanese war of 1904–1905
‘The Yellow Peril’, a 1895 drawing based on a sketch by Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany
aimed to encourage Europe to Unite and fight the approaching Eastern threat.
A Famous example:
Yellow Peril
Sexual fears
The Dragon Lady:
 A beautiful, charming woman who readily and
easily dominates men
 Seductiveness
 Spiritual threat
 Hidden danger
Stereotype of Asian evolves with the times.
Stereotype comes from incomplete knowledge and
Stereotype will never disppear and will keep changing.
The image of Asian in the eyes of westerners evolves
with time, just as an ordinary person’s knowledge of
what is once a strange thing. Stereotypes will always
be there and wilil never be fixed, since there’s no one
is completely rid of prejudice.
[1] Wikipedia contributors. (2022, February 27). Stereotypes of East Asians in the United
States. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:01, March 10,
2022,from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_in_the_
[2] Wikipedia contributors. (2022, February 26). Yellow Peril. In Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:02, March 10,2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?
[3] Klein ‘The Yellow Peril; 4.
[4] Akira, “The Anglo-Japanese Alliance and the Question of Race,” 229.
[5] Michael Odijie (2017): The Fear of ‘Yellow Peril’ and the
Emergence of European Federalist Movement, The International History Review,
[6] Marchetti, Gina (1994). Romance and the "Yellow Peril": Race, Sex, and Discursive
Strategies in Hollywood Fiction. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520914629.