Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course Title: Physics II Lab Intake: 33/32 A list of projects for the PHY 104 Lab course is given in the table below as per the student’s ID. Sl. 1 ID No. EEE/TXE 1. 2. 3. 2 EEE/TXE 4. 5. 6. 1. Project Name Study and Design a circuit to verify Ohm's Law and determine the resistance per centimeter of a given wire by plotting a graph of potential difference versus electric current. Design and construct a system to understand the phenomenon Photoelectric effect as a whole. Besides, 1. To draw kinetic energy of photoelectrons as a function of the frequency of incident radiation. 2. To determine the Planck's constant from kinetic energy versus frequency graph. 3. To plot a graph connecting photocurrent and applied potential. 4. To determine the stopping potential from the photocurrent versus applied potential graph.