UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2020/2021 EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ECONOMICS AND BACHELOR OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS XEQ 301: MATHEMATICS FOR ECONOMISTS II DATE: JANUARY 22, 2021 TIME: 2.30 P.M.- 5.00 P.M ===================================================================================== INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any THREE questions All Question Carry Equal Marks ==================================================================================== Question One (23 Marks) (a) Differentiate between the following terms (i) Homogenous and non-homogenous differential equations (ii) Complementary and particular integral (b) You are given the following demand and supply functions ( , β, , δ > 0) i. ii. iii. iv. Assuming that the rate of change of price overtime is directly proportional to the excess demand find the time path p general solution and definite solution What is the intertemporal equilibrium price What is the market clearing equilibrium price State the role of the complementary function and particular integral in relation to the equilibrium. Question Two (23 Marks) (a) Find the time path of capital K(t) given the following rates of net investment flow functions (i) I(t) = 20t1/3 K(0) = 200 Page 1 of 3 (ii) I(t) = 8t3/4 K(0) = 60 (iii) I(t) = 60t1/5 K(0) = 25 (iv) For each of (i) to (iii), find the amount of capital formation over the time interval {1,3] (b) The marginal cost of two firms are given by the following 1) C’(Q) = 100e0.1Q 2) C’(Q) = 25 +40Q -10Q2 TC= 3000 when Q = 0 TC =200 when Q = 0 (i) Find the total cost function C(Q) for each firm (ii) Find the average cost function for each firm (iii) What is the fixed cost for each firm Question Three (23 Marks) a) Find the general and definite solutions of the differential equations i) dy/dt + 9y=0 y(0) =12 ii) dy/dt - 15y=17 y(0) =25 iii) dy/dt + 0.1y= 5 y(0) =1/5 iv) dy/dt + 16y= 2/5 y(0) =0.8 v) 7dy/dt + 3y=0 y(0) =9 b) Given the following differential equations, verify that they are exact differential equations and find the solution to the equations. i) ii) iii) 2yt3dy + 3y2t2dt = 0 3y2tdy + (52 + y3t)dt = 0 4ytdy + (4t +2y2t)dt =0 ɛ c) Given the following price elasticity of demand of QP = -1/2, P > 0 i. Form a differential equation from the information ii. Solve the equation to find to obtain the required demand function. Question Four (23 Marks) (a) Given the following demand and supply functions for the cobweb model, find the intertemporal equilibrium price and determine whether the equilibrium is stable. (i) Qdt =14 – 3P1 (ii) Qdt =11 – 2P1 (iii) Qdt =19 – 6P1 Qst = -5 + 3Pt-1 Qst = -3 + Pt-1 Qst = -7 + 5Pt-1 Page 2 of 3 (b) In period analysis, the dynamic stability of equilibrium depends on (the complementary function). Whether the equilibrium is dynamically stable or not is a question of whether the complementary function will tend to zero as t . i) Given the range (-ꝏ to +ꝏ), show using illustrations significance of the value of b in determining the dynamic stability of equilibrium - disregarding the coefficient A. ii) Also, explain the role of A in Question Five (23 Marks) a) Find the definite integrals of the following functions (i) ʆ x(x2 +10)49 dx (ii) ʆ xlnx dx (iii) ʆ 20x5/(x6 +9) dx (iv) ʆ (lnx)3 dx (v) ʆ x2(x3 +9)1/4 dx b) You are given the following demand and supply functions Qd = 12 - 0.4P Qs = -2 + 0.3P (i) Find the consumer surplus (ii) Find the producer surplus demand function Supply function (c) Find the general and definite solutions of the difference equations i) Yt=1 + 3Yt= 17 y0 =5 ii) Yt=1 + 14Yt= 1 y0 =18 iii) Yt=1 + 0.3Yt= 3 y0 =7 iv) Yt=1 = -0.6Yt y0 =15 v) Yt=1 - 6Yt= 18 y0 =12 Page 3 of 3