ZTE Initial basic steps for OSP ZTE Initial steps for OSP Version Date Author Reviewer Notes V1.0 2020/11/04 ZTE ZTE Initial version V1.1 2020/11/05 Javier López Initial steps V1.2 2020/11/11 Javier López TX Check V1.3 2020/11/18 Javier López Traffic, RET, Licenses V1.4 2020/11/30 Javier López Templates, Updates © 2022 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used without the prior written permission of ZTE. Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to change without notice. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 1 ZTE Initial steps for OSP CONTENTS 2 1 Check cell status ............................................................................................ 7 2 Block cells .................................................................................................... 10 3 Unblock cells ................................................................................................ 13 4 Restart a Base Station ................................................................................. 16 5 Block boards ................................................................................................ 18 6 Reset boards ................................................................................................ 19 7 Manual Backup ............................................................................................. 21 7.1 Export backup ................................................................................................. 21 7.2 Import Backup................................................................................................. 22 8 Upgrade SW version / Reload SW to NE ..................................................... 25 9 TX Check ....................................................................................................... 27 9.1 O&M Link check .............................................................................................. 27 9.2 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G SCTP Link Check................................................................ 27 9.3 Ping test.......................................................................................................... 28 9.3.1 From UME ...................................................................................................... 28 9.3.2 From controllers: ............................................................................................. 29 9.4 Trace Route .................................................................................................... 31 9.4.1 From node to controller ................................................................................... 31 9.4.2 From controller to node ................................................................................... 32 10 Check traffic on a cell .................................................................................. 36 11 RET ................................................................................................................ 41 11.1 How Create the RET ....................................................................................... 41 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 11.2 How to modify tilt............................................................................................. 43 12 License Load ................................................................................................ 44 13 How to customize a template ...................................................................... 46 14 Update a parameter / feature ....................................................................... 48 14.1 Planned Area - Manual ................................................................................... 48 14.2 Planned Area – Template ............................................................................... 49 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 3 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure Index Figure 1-1 Query 2G cell status. ............................................................................................ 7 Figure 1-2 Query 3G cell status from RANCM. ...................................................................... 8 Figure 1-3 Query 3G cell status from EMS Lite...................................................................... 8 Figure 1-4 Query 4G cell status. ............................................................................................ 9 Figure 2-1 Block 2G cells. ....................................................................................................10 Figure 2-2 Lock 4G cells. ......................................................................................................11 Figure 3-1 Unblock cells 2G. ................................................................................................13 Figure 3-2 Unblock cells 3G. ................................................................................................14 Figure 3-3 Unblock cells 4G. ................................................................................................14 Figure 4-1 Reset BS by command. .......................................................................................16 Figure 4-2 Open WebLMT. ...................................................................................................16 Figure 4-3 Reset BS from LMT. ............................................................................................17 Figure 5-1 Block board. ........................................................................................................18 Figure 6-1 Command to reset board. ....................................................................................19 Figure 6-2 Select board. .......................................................................................................19 Figure 6-3 Reset board from LMT.........................................................................................20 Figure 7.1-1 Configuration Import-Export..............................................................................21 Figure 7.1-2 Export XML file. ................................................................................................21 Figure 7.1-3 REM – RANCLI. ...............................................................................................22 Figure 7.1-4 Export DV files..................................................................................................22 Figure 7.2-1 Configuration Import-Export..............................................................................23 Figure 7.2-2 Import XML File. ...............................................................................................23 Figure 7.2-3 REM – RANCLI. ...............................................................................................23 Figure 7.2-4 Import DV file. ..................................................................................................24 Figure 8-1 SPU – Upgrade Job. ...........................................................................................25 4 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 8-2 New Job. .............................................................................................................26 Figure 8-3 Job Monitor. ........................................................................................................26 Figure 8-4 Upgrade Confirmation steps. ...............................................................................26 Figure 9.1-1 Check O&M link................................................................................................27 Figure 9.2-1 Checking SCTP. ...............................................................................................27 Figure 9.3-1 Open EIM. ........................................................................................................28 Figure 9.3-2 Ip Channel Test 1. ............................................................................................28 Figure 9.3-3 Ip Channel Test 2. ............................................................................................29 Figure 9.3-4 Ping test from controller. ...................................................................................29 Figure 9.3-5 Ping test from controller 2. ................................................................................30 Figure 9.3-6 Ping test from controller 3. ................................................................................30 Figure 9.3-7 Ping test from controller 4. ................................................................................31 Figure 9.4.1-1 Open EIM. .....................................................................................................31 Figure 9.4.1-2 IP Trace from 2G node to BSC. .....................................................................32 Figure 9.4.2-3 Ping test from controller. ................................................................................32 Figure 9.4.2-5 Ping test from controller 2. .............................................................................33 Figure 9.4.2-6 Ping test from controller 3. .............................................................................33 Figure 9.4.2-6 Ping test from controller 4. .............................................................................35 Figure 10-1 Performance Management. ...............................................................................36 Figure 10-2 Realtime Monitor. ..............................................................................................36 Figure 10-3 Select KPI. ........................................................................................................37 Figure 10-4 New task. ..........................................................................................................37 Figure 10-5 Select Object. ....................................................................................................38 Figure 10-6 Select Cells. ......................................................................................................38 Figure 10-7 Select time. .......................................................................................................38 Figure 10-8 Realtime Monitor tasks. .....................................................................................39 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 5 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 10-9 Chart. ................................................................................................................39 Figure 10-10 Chart settings. .................................................................................................40 Figure 10-11 Chart view. ......................................................................................................40 Figure 11.1-1 Turn on AISG port. .........................................................................................41 Figure 11.1-2 AISG scan. .....................................................................................................42 Figure 11.1 -3 AISG scan 2. .................................................................................................42 Figure 11.1-4 Controlled antenna configuration. ...................................................................43 Figure 11.2-1 Query RET tilt. ................................................................................................43 Figure 11.2-2 Modify RET tilt. ...............................................................................................43 Figure 12-1 Load License. ....................................................................................................45 Figure 13-1 Template Management......................................................................................46 Figure 13-2 Parameter Template Create. .............................................................................46 Figure 13-3 Import/Export. ....................................................................................................47 Figure 13-4 Import/Export Parameter Template....................................................................47 Figure 14.1-1 Planned Area..................................................................................................48 Figure 14.1-2 MOC. ..............................................................................................................48 Figure 14.1-3 Change parameter value. ...............................................................................49 Figure 14.1-4 Activate changes. ...........................................................................................49 Figure 14.2-1 Export Parameter Template............................................................................50 Figure 14.2-2 Modification on excel. .....................................................................................51 Figure 14.2-3 Import file. ......................................................................................................51 Figure 14.2-4 Activate changes. ...........................................................................................52 6 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 1 Check cell status - 2G Cell Status: Open the EMS Lite tool → BSC NE Management → Status Management → BTS and right click on the cells then click Query Cell Status Figure 1-1 Query 2G cell status. 3G Cell Status: Two ways to check status cell. One from RANCM, open ULocalCell and operState and availStatus show status of cells ZTE Confidential Proprietary 7 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 1-2 Query 3G cell status from RANCM. Also from Open the EMS Lite tool → RNC NE Management → Status Management → Cell (UMTS) and right click on the cells then click Query status of cell Figure 1-3 Query 3G cell status from EMS Lite. 4G Cell Status: Open CUEUtranCellFDDLTE and availStatus, operState and adminState show status of cells: 8 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 1-4 Query 4G cell status. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 9 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 2 Block cells 2G cell block Open the EMS Lite tool → BSC NE Management → Status Management → BTS and right click on the cells to block then click Block Cell Figure 2-1 Block 2G cells. 3G & 4G cell block On UME RANCM tool, open a planned area first. Figure 27.1-2 Open Planned Area. 10 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Modify the adminState parameter value to “Locked” for ULocalCell and CUEUtranCellFDDLTE to block the 3G and 4G cells respectively Figure 27.1-3 Lock 4G cells. Once the parameters are changed, go to Data Activation. Figure 27.1-4 Activate plan. For changing state in 3G cell, it is possible to do it by commands. Open REM, select NE and open RANCLI. Once RANCLI is open do “lmd” to sinchronyze NE. Then: ZTE Confidential Proprietary 11 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 27.1-5 Block by command. For changing state in 4G cell, it is also possible to do it by commands. ITBBU > block ENBCUCPFunction=1,CULTE=1,CUEUtranCellFDDLTE=1 12 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 3 Unblock cells 2G: Open the EMS Lite tool → BSC NE Management → Status Management → BTS and right click on the cells to block then click Unblock Cell Figure 37.1-1 Unblock cells 2G. 3G & 4G from UME: On UME RANCM tool, open a planned area first. Figure 27.1-2 Open Planned Area. Modify the adminState parameter value to “Unlocked” for ULocalCell and CUEUtranCellFDDLTE to block ZTE Confidential Proprietary 13 ZTE Initial steps for OSP the 3G and 4G cells respectively Figure 3-3 Unblock cells 3G. Figure 3-4 Unblock cells 4G. Once the parameters are changed, go to Data Activation. 14 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 37.1-5 Activate plan. For changing state in 3G cell, it is possible to do it by commands. Open REM, select NE and open RANCLI. Once RANCLI is open do “lmd” to sinchronyze NE. Then: Figure 37.1-6 Unblock by command. For changing state in 4G cell, it is also possible to do it by commands. ITBBU > unblock ENBCUCPFunction=1,CULTE=1,CUEUtranCellFDDLTE=1 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 15 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 4 Restart a Base Station - By commands: Open REM > Select Node > RAN CLI Figure 4-1 Reset BS by command. - By GUI: Open REM > Select Node > WebLMT Figure 4-2 Open WebLMT. 16 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 4-3 Reset BS from LMT. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 17 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 5 Block boards Note: Only BBU boards can be blocked. RRU cannot be blocked. - By commands: REM > Select Node > RAN CLI lmd; block <ldn> Example: block CUEUtranCellFDDLTE -> block LTE Cells block Equipment=1,ReplaceableUnit=VBP_1_7 -> block board installed in slot 7 of BBU. block Equipment=1,ReplaceableUnit=VSW_1_1 -> block control board located in slot 1. - By GUI: RAN CM > Planned Area > Create a planned area Once Planned area is opened, General Configuration > Select NE > ReplaceableUnit. All boards from ReplaceableUnit can be blocked but RRU cannot. Figure 5-1 Block board. 18 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 6 Reset boards - By commands: REM > Select Node > RAN CLI lmd; eac powerOffResetBoard <ldn> Figure 6-1 Command to reset board. - By GUI: Open REM > Select Node > WebLMT > Device Topology Double click on the board: Figure 6-2 Select board. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 19 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Then click on Power Off Reset Board. Figure 6-3 Reset board from LMT. 20 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 7 Manual Backup 7.1 Export backup The easiest way to backup a site is to open REM and filter by the site wanted. Figure 7.1-1 Configuration Import-Export Then click on Export. XML configuration will start to download. Figure 7.1-2 Export XML file. It is also needed to export DV files. For that purpose, open REM - RANCLI: ZTE Confidential Proprietary 21 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 7.1-3 REM – RANCLI. Export DV Files by commands: Figure 7.1-4 Export DV files. This DV file contain some parameterization that also should not be lost. 7.2 Import Backup In order to load a backup into a NE remotely, open REM, select NE and open Configuration ImportExport. 22 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 7.2-1 Configuration Import-Export Press import and select XML file. This operation will load XML file into the NE and reboot the site. Figure 7.2-2 Import XML File. After fulfill this operation it is important to import DV files. Open REM – RANCLI Figure 7.2-3 REM – RANCLI. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 23 ZTE Initial steps for OSP When RANCLI is opened, drag DV file into the black screen and follow the commands shown below: Figure 7.2-4 Import DV file. 24 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 8 Upgrade SW version / Reload SW to NE Whether to upgrade a NE to new version release or to reload SW version into a NE, it is needed to open SPU, go to Upgrade Management – Upgrade Job Figure 8-1 SPU – Upgrade Job. Select SW and NE where operation is needed: ZTE Confidential Proprietary 25 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 8-2 New Job. Figure 8-3 Job Monitor. Figure 8-4 Upgrade Confirmation steps. 26 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 9 TX Check 9.1 O&M Link check From REM verify the Connection State of the site Figure 9.1-1 Check O&M link. 9.2 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G SCTP Link Check Open RAN CM and verify the SCTPLink OperState value of the SCTPLinks with radioMode = 2 (GSM), 1 (UMTS),48 (LTE) and 8192 (NR) is “Normal”. Figure 9.2-1 Checking SCTP. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 27 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 9.3 Ping test 9.3.1 From UME The ping test can be done by both WebLMT (via REM) or by EIM (Equipment Insight Management). Below the test from EIM is shown. Open EIM from UME home page Figure 9.3-1 Open EIM. Then open the IP Channel Test in Transmission Analysis and select the site, the source and target IP. MME IPs are those with format 10.31.x.60 and 10.31.x.61. Figure 9.3-2 Ip Channel Test 1. Click to ADD, start the test and check the Packet Loss Rate result to verify if the connection between these two IPs is ok or not. 28 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 9.3-3 Ip Channel Test 2. 9.3.2 From controllers: To perform a ping test from controllers, just open EMSLite, start NE Management and Test Management. Open Shelf 3 and select OMP 7 or 8 depending on which is active in that moment (normally 7). Right click on OMP, Create Test Task and PD Detect. Figure 9.3-4 Ping test from controller. Choose IP Path Quality Detect as Detect Type. Enter Source IP and Target IP and change IP ZTE Confidential Proprietary 29 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Detection Packet Length to 1500. Figure 9.3-5 Ping test from controller 2. Double click on task result. Figure 9.3-6 Ping test from controller 3. 30 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 9.3-7 Ping test from controller 4. 9.4 Trace Route 9.4.1 From node to controller In order to trace IP routes from node to BSC or RNC, open EIM. Figure 9.4.1-1 Open EIM. From EIM, go to IP Trace and select NE. Then select source IP and destination IP and Execute. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 31 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 9.4.1-2 IP Trace from 2G node to BSC. 9.4.2 From controller to node To perform a ping test from controllers, just open EMSLite, start NE Management and Test Management. Open Shelf 3 and select OMP 7 or 8 depending on which is active in that moment (normally 7). Right click on OMP, Create Test Task and PD Detect. Figure 9.4.2-3 Ping test from controller. 32 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Choose IP Path Trace Detect as Detect Type. Enter Source IP and Target IP and change IP Detection Packet Length to 1500. Figure 9.4.2-4 Ping test from controller 2. Double click on task result. Figure 9.4.2-5 Ping test from controller 3. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 33 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 34 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 9.4.2-6 Ping test from controller 4. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 35 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 10 Check traffic on a cell It is important to check traffic on a cell when an operation on the NE is fulfilled. For that purpose, open Performance Management. Figure 10-1 Performance Management. In PM Monitor, open Realtime Monitor. Then create a New task. Figure 10-2 Realtime Monitor. Select KPI Template and search for No rollback, It will KPIs already defined to check basic performance on each technology. 36 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 10-3 Select KPI. Select one of the template, for example, 3G. It will include the counters needed for basic check on 3G. Figure 10-4 New task. In the Next page, press Select Resources and select proper RNC, and go to the next page. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 37 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 10-5 Select Object. Select cells inside the RNC chosen. Figure 10-6 Select Cells. Now it is important to adjust parameters to get a good granularity and time for the query. Once everything is set press New. Figure 10-7 Select time. In Data View, it can be selected Table or Chart. Select Chart to get graphic of the KPIs. 38 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 10-8 Realtime Monitor tasks. Below it shows a chart with the selected KPI. Now customize it clicking on the red selected zone. Figure 10-9 Chart. Set chart style by counter/KPI to get clear information. Select KPI and affected cells. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 39 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 10-10 Chart settings. This way it will show information of the KPI in realtime and refresh every granularity time set previously. Figure 10-11 Chart view. 40 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 11 RET 11.1 How Create the RET AISG open port Before starting with the AISG scanning to check which RET are connected, the AISG port on RRU must be opened. Select the AisgCtrlPort where the RET are connected and open the corresponding powerSupplySwitch: AISG: if the RET connected to AISG port of the RRU. AISG-ANT1: if the RET are connected to the RF cable in port 1 of the RRU via the A-SBT on top. AISG-ANT3: if the RET are connected to the RF cable in port 3 of the RRU via the A-SBT on top Figure 11.1-1 Turn on AISG port. AISG scan Open the RAN Element Manager(REM) on UME and select AISG Management -> AISG Open. Select the site and run the Scan ZTE Confidential Proprietary 41 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 11.1-2 AISG scan. When the Scan is completed (Scan Status = Completed) click on Next to view the scan result Figure 11.1 -3 AISG scan 2. The result page will show all the RET scanned by all the RRUs. The MO ID and AISG ID are automatically assigned by the system but can also be modified by with the Modify button on the right. According to the actual installation by each scanned S/N to the corresponding Controlled Antenna, by selecting the Antenna name and then the Configuration button. 42 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 11.1-4 Controlled antenna configuration. 11.2 How to modify tilt First select NE and query tilt. After query is finished, press modify and set the tilt. Figure 11.2-1 Query RET tilt. Figure 11.2-2 Modify RET tilt. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 43 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 12 Site maintenance mode set Maintain state of all the nodes can be set in REM > Node Management > Edit NE. Select Set in batch – Maintain State. Figure 12-1 Maintain state. Maintain state Mode Service Processing Normal Operation Normal Mode The configuration, alarm, and performance data is reported properly. New Setup New Setup The configuration, alarm, and performance data is not reported by default. Capacity Expand The configuration data is reported properly, but the alarm and SW Upgrade Testing Mode performance data is not reported by default. Network Optimization Figure 12-2 Engineering Triggering Operation. 44 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 13 License 13.1 License Load Open the License Management from UME Home Page → License → Separate License → Load License. Choose between LTE (for a GUL Node) or NR (for a 5G activation). Figure 13.1-1 Load License. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 45 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 14 How to customize a template The easiest way to activate a feature where several MOCs are involved is to create a customized template. For that purpose, it is necessary to open RANCM and go to Template Management. Figure 14-1 Template Management. Select all MOCs where parameters are. Click twice on each MOC for opening MOC parameters and select or unselect parameters which should be included for that type of feature activation. Then save template. Figure 14-2 Parameter Template Create. Once the template is created, go to Import/Export and open Parameter template module. 46 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 14-3 Import/Export. Select NEs where changes must be applied, select the new template and export. Figure 14-4 Import/Export Parameter Template. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 47 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 15 Update a parameter / feature 15.1 Planned Area - Manual To change a parameter it is useful to have opened a planned area where changes are set. Figure 15.1-1 Planned Area. Once the planned area is opened, select NE or NEs where the changes must be set. Select the MOC where parameter is. Above the menu it is possible to search by MOC or attribute. Figure 15.1-2 MOC. Select one or more lines and edit them. Go to the attribute and change value. 48 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 15.1-3 Change parameter value. To synchronize the changes, go to Data Activation – Activate Inmediately, Select all NEs and Activate. Figure 15.1-4 Activate changes. 15.2 Planned Area – Template To change a set of parameters it is easier to use template management (See chapter 13). Just export parameter template and do modifications on the excel file exported. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 49 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 15.2-1 Export Parameter Template. Change parameter values and do not forget to indicate the operation on the first column (A: Add; M: Modify; D: Delete). 50 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 15.2-2 Modification on excel. Save the excel file and import the template. Figure 15.2-3 Import file. Once the file is imported, just activate. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 51 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 15.2-4 Activate changes. 52 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 16 How to check VSWR The way to check VSWR on a RRU is go to REM > Select Node > RANCLI. ITBBU_NAVX0003 > lmd Command Executed Successfully ITBBU_NAVX0003 > eac queryFddRruVswr Equipment=1,ReplaceableUnit=51 Command executed successfully RRU VSWR Test ANT No. Frequency Band PA ANT VSWR Value PA ANT Alarm Status 1 800M(3GPP Band20) 1.15 No Alarm 1 700M(3GPP Band28) 1.15 No Alarm 4 800M(3GPP Band20) 1.15 No Alarm 4 700M(3GPP Band28) 1.15 No Alarm 1 900M(3GPP Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 1.1 No Alarm 4 900M(3GPP Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 1.14 No Alarm ZTE Confidential Proprietary 53 ZTE Initial steps for OSP 17 How to check RSSI The way to check RSSI on a RRU at a specific moment is to go to REM > Select Node > RANCLI. ITBBU_NAVX0003 > eac queryFddRruRssiInfo Equipment=1,ReplaceableUnit=51 Command executed successfully RX ANT Baseband Carrier RSSI Info ANT No. Frequency Band Radio Mode Baseband Carrier No. ANT Set RX ANT Baseband Carrier Rssi(dBm) 1 900M(3GPP UMTS Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 0 Main Set -105.21 1 900M(3GPP GSM Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 0 Main Set -117.8 1 800M(3GPP Band20) LTE_FDD 2 Main Set -100.54 4 900M(3GPP GSM Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 0 Main Set -100.9 4 800M(3GPP Band20) LTE_FDD 2 Main Set -99.26 4 900M(3GPP UMTS Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 0 Diversity Set -104.91 4 900M(3GPP GSM Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 0 Diversity Set -117.8 1 900M(3GPP GSM Band8/3GPP2 BC9) 0 Diversity Set -97.7 This is a specific query of RSSI but most of times it is needed a real-time or historical kpi where this info can be viewed. For that purpose, open PM. 54 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 17-1 PM. Figure 17-2 Realtime Monitor. Select KPI Template ZTE Confidential Proprietary 55 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 17-3 Select KPI Template. Search for RSSI. There are several KPI template for different situation of RSSI. Select KPI called “Claudio_RSSI_RRU”. Press Next. Figure 17-4 Select RSSI_RRU KPI Template. This KPI shows RSSI in every Antenna port, so it gives good information of this measure. 56 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 17-5 Select NE and RRU. Figure 17-6 Select granularity. After pressing start, wait for 15 seconds to open Chart mode ZTE Confidential Proprietary 57 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 17-7 RSSI chart. In the icon with a tool shape, chart can be set according with the needs. Figure 17-8 Set chart. 58 ZTE Confidential Proprietary ZTE Initial steps for OSP 18 Basic KPIs It is important to know that basic KPIs are already defined. There are three KPIs defined, one per technology. - - - No Rollback 2G KPI o 1575714421841:Drop Call Rate-NEW o 1575714421840:DropTCH-NEW o 1575714411907:Established Calls o 1575714412261:Call Setup Success Rate-GSM o 1575714411917:GPRS CSSR o 1575714412121:2G Iniciated calls+receiving call o 1575714412123:ICMBand 2G No Rollback 3G KPI o 1575714411949:% RAB Drop Voice o 1575714411945:RAB Drop Voice o 1575714411947:RAB Released o 1575714412256:3G CSSR CS o 1575714421287:% CSSR PS o 1575714412079:RSSI UL o 1575714412124:3G Iniciated calls+receiving call No Rollback 4G KPI o 1575714412131:4G_DCR_CS (VoLTE) o 1575714412132:4G_DCR_CS (VoLTE)_numerator o 1575714412133:4G_DCR_CS (VoLTE)_denominator o 1575714421131:4G CSSR CS (VoLTE)-NEW o 1575714421132:4G_CSSR_PS_Success_Rate-NEW o 1575714412169:4G_% MIMO according to UE o 1575714412126:4G VoLTE Iniciated calls+receiving call o 1575714412152:4G Interference PUSCH UL (UL RSSI) In order to execute a query of one of these KPIs it is necessary to open PM. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 59 ZTE Initial steps for OSP Figure 18-1 PM. 60 ZTE Confidential Proprietary