LESSON PLAN in Philippine Politics and Governance DATE/ DAY CLASS TIME & PLATFORM TOPIC April 25, 2022/ MONDAY Grade 11 Twitter 9:50AM – 11:50 AM, Limited Face to Face The Role and Functions of the Local Government Unit LEARNING COMPETENCY Explain the role and functions of the Local Government Units HUMSS_PG12-IIa-b-2 LEARNING OUTCOME The learners will be able to explain the roles and functions of the Local Government Units and be able to conduct a study about the performance of their respective barangays. I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1.Discuss the nature of the Local Government Units. 2.Identify and describe the different local government unit in the Philippines. 3.Conduct a study about the performance of your respective barangays in terms of its functions. II.LEARNING RESOURCES/ REFERENCES Philippine Politics and Governance by Dr. Rhene C. Tabajen and Dr. Erlinda B. Pulma The Local Government Code of the Philippines, Rex bookstore https://naguilianlu.gov.ph/ https://launion.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/circle-honpacoy.png https://m.facebook.com/aberimando/photos/a.100715934633373/1 01661627872137/?type=3&is_lookaside=1 https://files01.pna.gov.ph/ograph/2021/04/07/fbimg1617772524800 .jpg https://www.google.com/url?q=https://hiin.facebook.com/HappyPeopleHelpingPeople/posts/d41d8cd9/110 5686919568394/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwi82qvgb7xAhWKXisKHfhUAy4Q5BMICDAA&usg=AOvVaw05hLAWuMd TSpV4yZRJ-Ihv https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.traveldailymedia.com/k hiri-reach-helps-communities-across-southeastasia/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjYwZX0gL7xAhXVAnIKHe0gCk4Q5BM ICDAA&usg=AOvVaw2YfAFMgsc3Q0oiU47Gj2Un https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/113 6041&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwi7nomhgb7xAhXFAnIKHYwtBIIQ5BMI CDAA&usg=AOvVaw2mPQmlKDwAk2JfLBXwFkKX III.LEARNING DELIVERY MODE/PROCEDURE A. Activity Before the lesson starts, the teacher will give the following rules and guidelines to the class. Indicator 4 Rule 1: Be on Time. The more time spent, the more learning we get. Rule 2. One Mouth Rule. Listen when your teacher is talking. KRA2, Objective 5 Rule 3. Raise Hand. Always signify permission before speaking. Rule 4. Follow Direction Quickly Established safe and Rule 5. Keep your cellphone in silent mode. Mute your microphone and secure learning environments to turn off video while the discussion is ongoing. enhance learning Rule 6: No hate speeches or bullying through the Rule 7. Keep your teacher always Happy. Participate in class and be consistent proactive implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedures. General Instruction: The learners will be group into 3. Each group will be given a 30 second to think and arrange the Jumbled words with a classmate in their respective team and another 30 seconds to guess the picture being shown. After unlocking the jumbled words, they will compare their answers to another group and arrive at a one common answer. The fastest group to rearrange the jumbled words will be declared as winners. Indicator 6 Activity 1. Jumble ME! The learners will arrange the following jumbled words. 1. YETCSERA = Secretary 2. YNICULMIAPIT = Municipality 3. YMARO = Mayor 4. VRGERNOO = Governor 5. NMARESSCONG = Congressman KRA2, Objective 7 Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate in continued learning. (refer to slide decks) Activity 2: Who am I? The teacher will show pictures of Local Government Personalities and ask the learners to name them. 1. Mayor Neri Flores 2. Rep. Sandra Eriguel 3. BM Abraham Rimando 4. SB Georgina Flores 5. VM Reynaldo Flores (Refer to slide decks) The teacher will ask the learners: 1. Where do you usually see the names and personalities describe in the activity? 2. What is their role in the place where you see them? 3. What do you think is their main function as local government officials? 4. Describe the kind of Local Government you have in your locality in terms of performance of their duties and function. B. Analysis The Teacher will ask the learners: 1. In your house, or in the school. Who do you consider as person in authority? What is their role? Indicator 5 KRA2, objective 6 Maintained learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning. 2. How do you describe their authority in terms of performance of their function and responsibilities? Elaborate your answer. 3. How do these people in authority performs their function? Cite specific instances. 4. Why do person in authority influence other people? The teacher facilitator will remind the class to show respect to their classmates while they share their different views about family and school. The teacher facilitator will also ask the class to give chance to their classmate to share what they have in mind. Afterwards, the teacher facilitator will continue guiding the learners in grasping the concept of the authority in their respective house and school. C. Abstraction The teacher will show the Hierarchy of Authority of the Unitary System of the government. The flow of authority from National government down to the smallest Unit. The teacher will discuss the functions and role of the Local government. 1. Legislative 2. Executive 3. Quasi – judicial 4. Taxation functions 5. Local Budget Preparation 6. Exercises the Power of the Eminent Domain 7. Maintenance and Protection of Public property The learners will enumerate the composition of the Local Government. 1.Province 2. Municipalities 3. Cities 4. Barangays Indicator1 KRA1, Objective 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. Afterwards, the functions and the role of the local government will be associated to the following: 1. Political Science 2. Geography 3. Philippine Constitution 4. laws 5. Local Government code 6. Accounting 7. Health D. Application Indicator 7 KRA2 Objective 8 Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning. Activity 6: The learners will be group into the following: Group 1: Acrostic POETRY/ Rap writing Group 2: Cartooning Group 3. Role Play Instruction: The learners will perform considering the IBALOI, BAGO, and KANKANAEY classmate. The indigenous classmates will also perform highlighting their tradition and belief in dealing with their non-indigenous classmates. In the role Play it will be much appreciated if the learners to perform in the play to used their dialect to make the scene more realistic. Group 1: Write an ACROSTIC poem Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write an Acrostic poem explaining the role of local government. Choose a word from the following: BARANGAY, MUNICIPALITY or PROVINCIAL. Indicator 2 Group 2: Cartooning Direction: draw an editorial cartoon reflecting the role and function of the local government. KRA1, Objective 3 Displayed proficient use of Mother tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching learning. Indicator 9 KRA3, Objective 10 Adapted and used of culturally appropriated teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups. Group 3: Role Playing Direction: In a role play, portray the role and function of the local Government. Note: the teacher will allow the learners to express their opinions and answers in either English, Filipino or Iloco provided that no code switching. Indicator3 KRA4, Objective 4 Used of effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, Note: In every activity, the learners as well as the teacher will critique and give comments to the performance presented in class. In their comment they will give their loudest clap to the best group who presented their respected output. The loudest clap from the audience gets the indication to be the best presenter. Criteria Excellent 15 pts Good 10 pts Needs Improvement 5 pts Content The learners show mastery of the lesson Presentation Convincing communication of character’s role, feelings and motives Always willing and focused during assigned tasks and presentation Collaboration The learners partially showed understanding of lesson Competent communication of role, feelings and motives The learners did not show mastery of the lesson Usually willing and focused during assigned tasks and presentation Rarely willing and focused during assigned tasks and presentation Limited communication of character’s role, feelings and motives. IV.ASSESSMENT QUIZ: Fill Me Up! Indicator 3 KRA1, Objective 4 Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, V.ASSIGNMENT/ AGREEMENT Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer. The learners are going to answer orally the following. If their answer is correct; they will receive a thumbs up emoji. If their answer is incorrect they received a sad face emoji. 1. The power of ______________ is exercised when there is a need to construct a public cemetery or public market. 2. Amusement parks are examples of ________ properties which must be maintained and protected by the local government units 3. The authority to resolve issues on their level as LGUs is a function which is ________ in nature. 4. The chief executives of the LGUs are duty-bound to collate the budgetary recommendations from the different departments in their jurisdiction and this is in line with their ____________ function. 5. When an LGU wishes to grant honor or tribute to a significant person, this is done through a resolution and this is a realization of its ________ function. 6. The Governor religiously performs his duties particularly the implementation of provincial ordinances which is the meat of his _________ function. 7. Sand and gravel have become a common source of income in the different municipalities of a Union, evidence that local ________ obtains herein. Research on the different platforms of the 2022 Presidentiables. Critique some of their platforms as to whether it is beneficial to us or not. Guide Question: 1. How does the platform respond to the needs of your country. 2.Was it in accordance with the mandate of the law? 3.If you will rate their platform, what is their score 10 as the highest and 0 as the lowest. Justify 4.If you were a public official, what program or policy do you wish to suggest to help your country or the people? Why? No. of Learners within mastery level Facebook 11 Twitter 15 0 0 No. of Learners needing remediation/ reinforcements REMARKS A reflection for the teacher: On the teaching learning episodes The presence of Multiple Intelligence and High Order Thinking Skills in the lesson caters the diversity of learners. It will not only encourage a limited intelligence but rather it encourages multiple intelligence to be demonstrated. In terms of the delivery of the lesson, the lesson went well because the learners were allowed and given the chance to succeed learning on their own interest. And a collaboration of different intelligences was demonstrated during the lesson. Hence, having incorporated these principles in the lesson, I find it meaningful and fun for the learners. Prepared by: LANILYNE C. ESTEPA Checked and Noted by: JINKEE U. ROLDAN, EdD Principal III