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Criminal Justice 101: Jurisdictions, Crimes, and Rights

Criminal Justice 101
3 Types of Jurisdictions:
1) Federal
2) State
a. District
b. County
3) Municipal
Understanding the difference between
Misdemeanors and Felonies:
Common Terms and
Felonies are the more serious classification crimes and
the highest punishment is prison. A jury of 12 people is
required for a trial in a felony case.
Comm Corr – Community
Misdemeanors are the less serious classification of
crimes and the highest punishment is jail. A jury of 6
people or the judge can hear a trial in a misdemeanor
DOC – Department of
DA – District Attorney
DYS – Division of Youth
Cash – Posting a percentage of the overall amount of the
bond set by the court (often 10%)
LE – Law Enforcement
Property/Surety – An agreement between the court, a
bondsperson and the defendant that the bond will be
covered if the defendant fails to appear in court.
PO – Protection Order
PR Bond – A personal recognizance bond is a promise to
appear without any money paid at the time of release.
VRA – Victim Rights Act
PD – Police Department
VA – Victim Advocate
Protection Orders:
Civil – Requires service on the other party. They can be temporary or permanent.
Criminal – Ordered as part of the criminal case. They are typically in place for the duration of
the case. Sometimes called the mandatory protection order. Statutory reference is C.R.S. 18-11001.
Colorado’s Victim Rights Act:
Right to be informed of and present for many critical stages in the court process;
Right to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity;
LE, DA, the Courts, DOC, DYS, Probation, and the State Hospital have responsibilities
under the VRA
Statute: CRS 24-4.1-301 et al.
Post-Sentencing Agencies/Options:
Dept of
& Parole
Jail – Housed at a local Sheriff’s Office
Probation – Supervision while living in the community
Community Corrections - Can be sentenced directly to a facility in the community
or transitioned to a facility in the community after serving time in DOC
Department of Corrections – Prison time in a state run or private facility
Parole - A period of supervision after release from DOC