Bitterroot Burned Area Recovery EIS

United States
Department of
0 ,
Burned Area Recovery
Draft Enviromnental Impact
May 2001
Improve Watershed Conditions
\ 3 2001
Burned Area Recovery
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Sola, Darby, West Fork and Stevensville Ranger Districts, Bitterroot National Forest
RavaIU County, Montana
May 2001
Lead Agency
USDA Forest Service
Responsible OfIIclal:
Rood Richardson
Forest Supervisor
Bitterroot Nadonal Forest
1801 North lit Streets
HamDton MT 59840
For Further Information Contact:
CraIg Bobzien
District Ranger
Stuart Lovejoy
Project Leader
Sola Ranger District
7338 Hwy 93 South
Sola, MT 59871
Abstract: This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) describes five alternatives for recovery ofNational
Forest System land that burned in 2000 on the Bitterroot National Forest. The project is in the southern portion of the
Bitterroot Valley, in western Montana. The Proposed Action (Altemative B) would reduce fuels by removing firekilled trees through harvest and/or non-commercial methods on approximately 67,000 acres, and retain trees fur site
protection, regeneration, wildlife aud soil Watershed improvement in the furm ofroad m8intenanc~,
decommissioning and recontouring would occur. Trees would be planted on about 37,000 acres. A Forest Plan
amendment is also proposed.
Alternative C would accomplish the watershed restoration work and retain aD of the fire-killed trees on site.
Alternative D would reduce fuels by removing fire-killed trees and also reduce susceptibility to bark beetle in stands
at risk on approximately 72,000 acres. Watershed restoration aud refurestation would occur. Altemative E would
reduce fuels in 13,000 acreS ofWild1ife Urban IntedBce and dry furest areas only aud would accomplish watershed
improvement aud refurestation.
The major issues identified during scoping focused on whether there was truly a need fur fuel hazard reduction, effects
on soil and watersheds, changes in motorized and non-motorized access, bark beetle risk, economic opportunities, aud
the proposed Forest Plan amendment.
Reviewers should provide the Forest Service with their comments during the review period of the Draft
Enviromnental Impact Statement. This will enable the Forest Service to analyze and respond to the comment at one
time and to use infurmation acquired in the preparation of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, thus avoiding
undue delay in the decisionmaking process. Reviewers have an obligation to structure their participation in the
National Environmental PoHcy Act process so that it is meaningful and alerts the agency to the reviewers' position
aud contentions. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. V. NRDC, 435 U.S. 519, 553 (1978). Environmental
objections that could have been raised at the draft stage may be waived ifnot raised until after completion ofthe final
enviromnental impact statement. City 0/Angoon v. Hodel (9th Circuit, 1986) aDd WISconsin Heritages, Inc. v. Harris,
490 F. Supp. 1334, 1338 (E.D. Wis 1980). Comments on the draft environmental impact statement should be specific
aud should address the adequacy of the statement aDd the merits ofthe alternatives discussed (40 CFR 1503.3).
Table of Contents
Volume 1
PurJX)ses aM Neec:is fur Action aM Proposed Action
Identification oflsSlIes.......................................•.................................................................................................. 2-2
Key lsSlIes
Analysis Issues
ISS11es Not Addressed in Detail
A1terDative Descriptions
A1tel"D8tive A - (No Action)
A1terDative B
A1tel"D8tive C
A1terDative D
A1te:rDative E
MaDagement Re<:fUirements aM Mitigati<>n MeastlI"es
A1te:rDatives Considered But Not Given I>etailed Study
ColllJ)8rison ofA1tel"D8tives .......•.•.....••......••....••.•....•..........•...........•...........•.....••...........•.••••........•..........•.•.•.•••... 2-24
Environmental Co~s COlllJlarison aM SUIDD18I"Y ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2-26
MaDagement aM Olel Growth Indicator Species
~tam Wildlife Species
EOOangerec::l Wildlife Species
SeJJsitive Wikllife Species
For-est I.D Birds
Animal Mo'VeD1eDt, Migr'ation AIIlCl DispeI'sal
Habitat Fra.gDleDtation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3-379
Required Disc1c>8I1I'eS•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••••.••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3482
Literature Cited
List of Tables
Table 1-1- Geographic Areas in the Burne<I Area Recovery Project
Table 1-2 - Snag StaDdard
Table 1-3 - Coarse Woody Dew Objectives
Table 2-1 _Activities Proposed In Alternative B, by Geographic Area and Purpose and Need
Table 2-2 - Activities proposed under Alternative C, by Geographic Area
Table 2-3 - Activities proposed under Alternative D, by Geographic Area ..........•....................................•......•.•.....2-13
Table 2-4 - Activities proposed under Alternative E, by Geographic Area
Table 2-5 - Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures
Table 2-6- Activities Proposed by Alternative
Table 2-7 _Fuel Red1lcti<>n- Meeting the Purpose and Need
Table 2-8 -Altel"D8tives B and D WaterslJecl COIlCel'DS:
Table 2-9 - Alternative E WaterslJecl Concerns
Table 2-10 - WaterslJecl and Aq'uatk Habitat lDJprovement
Table 2-11 - Bark Beetle Risk
Table 2-12 - Reforestation Summary by Alternative and Geographic Area....................................•.....................•.. 2-31
Table 2-13 - Key Issue: Changes in Motorized and Non-Motorized Access
Table 2-14 - Units in Inventoried Road Areas
Table 2-15 _ Estimated H8I"VeSt Voh1JIle and Jobs Created
Table 2-16 - Response to the Key Issues: Economic Opportunities
Table 2-17 - Present Net Vahle by Alternative
Table 2-18 -Response to Key Issue: Forest Plan Amendment (Need by Alternative and Geographic Area)
Table 3-1 - Past FD-es by VRU Acres
Table 3-2 - Coarse Woody Dew Guiclelines by VRU
Table 3-3 - Acres ofPotential Future Fuel Loads in Proposed Treatment Units For Blodgett Geographic Area
Table 3-4 - Acres ofPotential Future Fuel Loads in Proposed Treatment Units For Skalkabo-Rye Geographic Area 3-6
Table 3-5- Acres ofPotential Future Fuel Loads in Proposed Treatment Units For East Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-6 - Acres ofPotentia1 Future Fuel Loads in Proposed Treatment Units For West Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-7 - Percent ofGeographic Areas With Fuels Greater Than or Less Than 30 Tons/Acre
Table 3-8 - Number ofHuman-Caused Fires and Burne<I Acres by Decade fur the Bitterroot National Forest
Table 3-9 - Acres ofWildlanc:llUr1lan InteJ-filce Treatment Units
Table 3-10 - Fire Effects With No Post-Fire Fuels Treatment Under 90th Percentile Weather Conditions
Table 3-11 - Fire Effects With Post-Fire Fuels Treatment Under 90th Percentile Weather Conditions
Table 3-12 - Fire occurrence on the Bitterroot NF
Table 3-13 - Percent ofBlodgett GA with Greater Than or Less than 30 Tons per Acre Post Treatment
Table 3-14 - Percent ofbumed area in the GA with Fuels Greater Than Or Less Than 30 TonslAcre
: 3-20
Table 3-15 - Percent ofGA with Fuels Loads Over 30 Tons/Acre post tRmment - Skalkabo-Rye GA
Table 3-1~ Percent ofburned area in the East Fork GA with Fuels Greater Than Or Less Than 30 TonslAcre
Table 3-17 - Percent of East Fork GA with Fuels Loads Over 30 TonslAcre Post Treatment
Table 3-18 - West Fork GA with Fuels Greater Than Or Less Than 30 Tons/Acre
Table 3-19 - Percent ofGA with Fuels Loads Over 30 Tons/Acre post tRmment - West Fork GA
Table 3-20 - Tons ofPartic:ulate MatteI" by Burn Type
Table 3-21 - Burn Severity by Geographic Area and within the Burned Area
Table 3-22 - Acres ofProposed Fuel Reduction Treatment by Alternative
Table 3-23 - Estimated Detrimental Soil Disturbance by YardinglFuels Treatment System.
Table 3-24 - Number ofHe1icopter Landings for all action alternatives
Table 3-25 - Miles ofTeJIII)Orary SoillDJpact
Table 3-26 - Alternative B Summary Table
Table 3-27 - Alternative C Summary Table
Table 3-28 - SUIDII18I"Y Table For Altemative D
Table 3-29 - SUIDII18I"Y Table ror Altemative E
Table 3-30 - SUIDII18I"Y Of Acres OfPast Logging With Ground Based Equjpment
Table 3-31 - Alternative B Ground-Based ADd Skyline Treatments (Acres)
Table 3-32 - Alternative D Ground-Based ADd Skyline Treatments (Acres)
Table 3-33 - Alternative E Ground-Based ADd Skyline Treatments (Acres)
Table 3-34 - Identification of 6* Code Hydrologic Units, Geographic Location aud Number Identifier
Table 3-35 - Bmdgett Geographic Area. Summary
Table 3-36 - Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area Summary
Table 3-37 - East Fork Geographic: Area. Summary Table
Table 3-38 - West Fork Geographic Area Summary
Table 3-39 - Miles ofFish-Bearing Riparian Area Burned in the Bmdgett Geographic: Area..•.......••••...............•... 3-169
Table 3-40 - Existing condition of the INFISH RMOs - Blodgett fish-bearing streams
Table 3-41 - Sensitive species biological evaluation summary - Blodgett Geographic: Area....•.............•...........•... 3-180
Table 3-42 - Miles of fish-bearing streams burned in the SkaJkahn-Rye Geographic Area
Table 3-43 - Existing condition of the INFISH RMOs - Skalkaho-Rye fish-bearing streams ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3-184
Table 3-44 - Sensitive species biological evaluation summary - Skalkaho-Rye Geographic: Area
Table 3-45 - Potential to hinder the attainment ofINFISH RMOs - Skalkaho-Rye Geographic: Area
Table 3-46 - Miles of fish-bearing streams burned in the East Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-47 - Existing condition of the INFISH RMOs - East Fork fish-bearing streams
Table 3-48 - Sensitive species biological evaluation summary - East Fork Geographic: Area
Table 3-49 - Potential to hinder the attainment ofINFISH RMOs - East Fork Geographic: Area
Table 3-50 - Miles offish-bearing streams burned in the West Fork Geographic: Area .•....•..............................•.... 3-222
Table 3-51 - Existing condition of the INFISH RMOs - West Fork fish-bearing streams .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3-226
Table 3-52 - Sensitive species biological evaluation summary - West Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-53 - Potential to hinder the attainment ofINFISH RMOs - West Fork Geographic: Area ......................•.. 3-241
Table 3-54 - Bum acres by VRU aM Geographic Area
. Table 3-55 - Bum severity by percentage ofVRU
Table 3-56 - Acres ofPlantations And Natural Regeneration Burned in the Fires of2000
Table 3-57 - Regeneration Success in Managed Stands, 1976-1999
Table 3-58 - Historic StaIMI Sttu.cture Distrtootion
Table 3-59 - Douglas-fir Beetle Risk ofDouglas-fir stands in moderate or low fire severity
Table 3-60 - Estimating Mortality from Primary Fire Effec::ts
Table 3-61 - Categories and Assessments ofFire Damage on Trees
Table 3-62 - Acres ofFire Severity by VRU - Bmdgett Geographic Area
Table 3-63 - Douglas-fir beetle HazardIRisk Rating - Bmdgett Geographic Area
Table 3-64 - Acres ofFire Severity by VRU - Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
Table 3-65 - Douglas-fir Beetle Hazard/Risk Rating - Skalkaho-Rye Geographic: Area ........•...........•....•..•..••.•... 3-277
Table 3-66 - Acres ofFire Severity by VRU - East Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-67 - Douglas-fir Beetle Hazard/Risk Rating - East Fork Geographic Area..............................•............... 3-285
Table 3-68 - Acres ofFire Severity by VRU - West Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-69 - Douglas-fir Beetle Hazard/Risk Rating - West Fork Geographic Area
Table 3-70 - Known Present or Potentially Present Sensitive Plant Species in
Table 3-71 - Pre-Fire aud Post-Fire Lynx Habitat Conditions Within Burned Analysis Units
Table 3-72 - Sensitive Wildlife Species, Bitterroot National Forest
Table 3-73 - Trails I.Dcated ill Bmdgett Analysis Area ..................................................•...•..............•...•............... 3-403
Table 3-74 - Trails Within the Skalkaho-Rye Analysis Area..........••......•..........••....•........•.•..•....•..•.......•........•...... 3-405
Table 3-75 - Trails Within the East Fork Analysis Area..........................................................•............................. 3-407
Table 3-76 - Trails Within the West Fork Analysis Area..•.....................................•....•....................•......•.....••...... 3-4()9
Table 3-77 - Change in Motorized Access in Alternative B - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Table 3-78- Change in Motorized Access in Alternative C - S1ca11cabo Rye Area
Table 3-79 - ChaDge in Motorized Access in Alternative D -Skalkabo-Rye Area
Table 3-80 - Change in Motorized Access in Alternative E - Skalkabo-Rye Area
Table 3-81 - Change in Motorized Access in Alternative B - East Fork Area ...........•............................•...........••.. 3-418
Table 3-82 - Estimated Truck Trips Over a Two-year Period ill Alternative B - East Fork Area
Table 3-83 - Change in Motorized Access in Altemative C - East Fork Area
Table 3-84- ChaDge in Motorized Access in Alternative D - East Fork Area
Table 3-85 - Estimated Truck Trips Over a Two-year Period ill Alternative D - East Fork Area
Table 3-86 - ChaDge In Motorized Access in Alternative E - East Fork Area
Table 3-87 - Change in Motorized Access in Alternative B - West Fork Area
Table 3-88 - Change in Motorized Access in Alternative C - West Fork Area
Table 3-89 - ChaDge in Motorized Access in Alternative E - West Fork Area
Table 3-90 - Inventoriecl Roadless Areas
Table 3-91 - Special Features by RoadIess Area
Table 3-92 - Treatment Units in Inventoried Roadless Areas by Alternative
Table 3-93 - Fuel Reduction Units Proposed Adjacent to Inventoried Roadless Area
Table 3-94 - Proposed Activities in Contiguous Uoroaded Areas......•...........................................•...•..•...........•....3-439
Table 3-95 - Economic Efficiency Analysis by Alternative
List ofPreparers
List of Agencies, Organizations aud People to Whom the Statement Was Sent
Appendix A - Past Present aud Reasonably Foreseeable Future Actions
Appendix B - Unit aud Road Detail
This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) considers the effects ofvarious ahematives to manage portions of
the Bitterroot National Forest that were burned by the fires of2000.
Wildland fire is a natural phenomenon in western Montana ecosystems. Several decades ofeffective fire suppression
and resulting fuel accumulations, extended drought conditions in the late 19905, and weather patterns filvorable for
fire during the summer of2000 brought extensive wildland fires to the western United States. Western Montana and
the Bitterroot National Forest were particularly affected.
This section presents relevant background on the fire event, the project area, National and Regional responses,
Bitterroot Valley community dialogue, and the Bitterroot's Post-Fire Assessment.
The 2000 Fire Event
The Bitterroot Valley and the Bitterroot National Forest experienced an historic wildland fire event in 2000. Results
of these fires included:
356,000 acres burned; this includes 307,000 acres ofNational Forest and 49,000 acres ofState and private
70 homes burned; over 1700 homes were threatened and almost 24 percent ofBitterroot VaDeyresidents were
either evacuated or prepared to evacuate.
170 other buildings burned
95 vehicles burned.
The Forest Service and the Bitterroot Interagency Recovery Team (BIRT) spent last &II accomplishing emergency
recovery work. The work focused on stabilizing soils and preventing erosion in areas most severely burned and
preparing for increased stream flows.
The Project Area
The Project Area is located in the middle and southerly areas of the MontaDa portion of the Bitterroot National Forest.
It includes portions of the Stevensville, Darby, SuJa and West Fork Ranger Districts in Ravalli County, Montana. The
Project Area is further broken down into four Geographic Areas, defined by fire, watershed, and community
boundaries, as described in Table 1-1 (acreages are total in Geographic Areas, not aD of these acres were burned).
Table 1-1- Geographic Areas in the Burned Area Recovery Project
East Fork
West Fork
Acres of
Major Drainages
Canyon, Blodgett and Mill Creeks
SkaIkaho, Sleeping Child and Rye Creeks
East Fork Bitterroot River
West Fork Bitterroot River
Map 1-1 shows where each of these Geographic Areas are located on the Bittem>ot National Forest, as weD as the
lauds that were visited by fire during the summer of2000. AD maps referenced in this document can be fuund in the
enclosed Map Envelope.
National Fire Plan
In August 2000 President Clinton asked Secretaries Babbitt aDd Glickman to recommend how best to respond to the recent
fire events, reduce the impacts ofwildland fires on rural communities, aDd ensure sufficient firefightiDg resources in the
future. The President also asked what actions federal agencies, in cooperation with states and local comnnmities, can take
to reduce immediate hazards to communities in the wildland/urban interfilce, and to ensure that fire management plaDning
and firefighter personnel and resources are prepared for extreme wildJaDd fires in the future.
In response to these requests, the Forest Service responded in October 2000, with the report "Managing Impacts of
Wildfires on Communities and Enviromnent" (USDA Forest Service, 2000), Imown as "The National Fire Plan".
Operating principles directed by the Chiefof the Forest Service in implementing this report include: firefightiDg readinesl,
prevention through education, rehabilitation, hazardous fuel reduction, restoration, collaborative stewardship, monitoring,
jobs, and applied research aDd technology transfer. The Bitterroot National Forest's Burned Area Recovery Project is
responsive to the rehabilitation, hazardous fuel reduction, and restoration elements of the National Fire Plan, which state:
Rehabilitation - Focus rehabilitation eftbrts on restoring watershed function including, protection ofbasic
so~ water resources, biological communities, and prevention ofinvasive weeds.
• Hazardous Fuel Reduction - Assign highest priority fur hazardous fuels reduction to communities at risk,
readily accessible municipal watersheds, threatened and endangered species habitat, and other important local
features, where conditions filvor uncharacteristically intense fires.
• Restoration - Restore healthy, diverse, and resilient ecological systems to minimize uncharacteristically
inteose fires on a priority watershed buis. Methods wiD include removal ofexcess vegetation and dead fuels
through thinning, prescribed fire, aDd other treatment methods.
Other elements of the National Fire Plan such as firefigbtiDg readiness, prevention through education, etc., are being
addressed by separate efforts on the Bitterroot National Forest.
"Toward Restoration and Recovery" Northern and Intermountain Regions
The Forest Service's Northern and Intermountain Regions' document "Toward Restoration and Recovery: An
Assessment of the 2000 Fire Season in the Northern and Intermountain Regions" (January, 2(01), provides a broad
context description of the effects of the 2000 fires and recovery needs across the two regions. The Burned Area
Recovery Project is responsive to the fullowing Regional finctings and recommendatioDS:
In the Northern Region, fuur subbasins in Montana were shown to have both high aquatic sensitivity and high
watershed vulnerability. The Bitterroot watershed had by far the most acres burned and should be the highest
priority for post-fire rehabilitation (pg. 1-19).
Natural regeneration wiD occur on most of the burned forested areas. Some areas, however, need planting, so
that soils and watersheds can be protected and because natural seed sources on these sites are minimal The
dry forest types capable ofgrowing ponderosa pine are most at _ because ofloss ofseed source. Due to the
magoitude of fire effects, the Bitterroot National Forest has the greatest need (pg. 1-21). Forests should
consider adequate fuel reduction measures prior to making reforestation investments (pg. IV-12).
Due to climatic coDditions, fuels do not decay rapidly and remain on the landscape until these lands burn
again. Without treatment, a series ofrebums ofabnormal severity and duration is likely to occur until fuel
loadings reach a more historic level These high intensity fires, in addition to higher levels ofonsite impacts,
wiD also have greater potential to affect adjacent landscapes. Fuel treatments and vegetation management
practices are needed to reduce post-fire fuel loadings. Emphasis should be with treatments in short-interval,
fir&-adapted forest ecosystems and urban inted8ce zones (pg. 1-22).
Fire iqjured Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine staDds are particuJarly susceptible to infestations by Douglas-fir
and western pine beetle, respectively, where a substantial number of trees have been affected by mixed
severity bums. While insect infestations are a natural part ofecosystem processes, past fire exclusion and
management have resulted in vast acreages of forests ofsimilar size and age; increased densities; and a
pro1iferation ofclimax, fire-susceptible species throughout much of the inland west. These forests are
vulnerable to large-scale insect infestation. Opportunities to manage outbreaks are possible in a variety of
ways, including sanitation and salvage, thinning, applications ofiosecticides, or use ofpheromones to collect
populations or anti-aggregation pheromones to prevent beetle attacks (pg. 1-23).
1-2 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose and Need
The overall desired outcome is to restore and recover the lands and waters aftected by the 2000 fires. Where
methods to accomplish this work contribute wood products to local communities, economic benefits are also
realized (pg. ll-3S).
Bitterroot Community Priorities
In October and November of2000 the Bitterroot National Forest hosted twelve meetings in six comrmmities;
''Community Opportunity Series: Learning Together From Fire Season 2000". The primary goal of the meetings was
to provide opportunities for residents to help identify post-fire management needs and opportunities. While some
variability in opinions on priorities was apparent, the highest priority recovery work identified by a majority of
attendees is summarized below:
Watersbed protection and erosion control
Comnumication and public education
Local economic opportunities
Salvage logging
Weed control
The Bitterroot National Forest also commissioned a public opinion survey fur Ravalli County during the winter of
2000 and 2001. This opinion poD was designed to gather statistically valid data regarding colDlllUDity members'
opinions on post-fire recovery priorities for the Bitterroot National Forest. In short, this survey reveals that a large
majority of survey respondents mvor active management following the fires of2000. More information and results of
the swvey 'are summarized in the ''Scoping'' section ofDEIS Chapter 2.
Bitterroot Post-Fire Assessment
Immediately following the 2000 fire event, Bitterroot National Forest resource specialists began eva bJ 8ting conditious
in the burned areas. Their findings are compiled in An Assessment ofPost Fire Conditions with Recovery
Recommendations (USFS, December 2000, referred to hereafter as "Post-Fire Assessment"). It contaiDs many
technical reports and describes the fires' impacts and recommendations for recovery. The recoJDJDeDdations
incorporated the Bitterroot Forest Plan goals and objectives and addressed both biophysical and social Deeds. Postfire resource evaluatious and the colDlllUDity input, described above, helped the Bitterroot National Forest establish the
following recovery priorities that need to be addressed during the next few years:
Reduce fuels
Improve watershed conditions
Reforest burned lands
Manage weeds
Restore fire damaged roads, trails, and other improvements
This EIS focuses on the first three of the above priorities within burned areas. Weed management wiD be addressed in
a separate EIS that is currently in progress. Restoration offire-damaged improvements and facilities is currently in
progress and will continue for the next few years.
The Post-Fire Assessment established the following priority areas to reduce fuels:
WildJaDdlUrban Inter&ce lands to protect private property and homes.
Warm, dry furested habitats to reduce the likelihood ofuucharacteristic fire effects in plant communities that
were historaDy shaped by frequent low intensity fires. These habitats typically bad low fuel loads and were
dominated by widely spaced, large, fire-resistant trees such as ponderosa pine.
Sites where reforestation occurs, in order to protect reforestation investments.
The Post-Fire Assessment also recoDDDended developing a strategy to break up fuel continuity in the burned
landscape. This would reduce the potential for several key watersheds to be adversely impacted at one time by future
large fires.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-3
Purpose and Need
The Post-Fire Assessment established a strategy to improve watershed conditions in burned areas. At a minimum,
watershed restoration work needs to be conducted in drainages where watershed integrity is nmked low or moderate
and have experienced more than 25% moderate and high burn severity. The restoration work should focus on
stabilizing roads and other sediment sources. Surfacing roads with gravel in these draiDages should also occur,
particuJarly where roads closely parallel or cross streams.
The Assessment also established a reforestation strategy in burned areas. Tree seedliDgs should be planted where
natural regeneration is not expected to meet desired species composition and stocking. Forest Plan Management Area
goals and objectives are key considerations in the reforestation strategy. Priority areas include past regeneration
harvest units that burned; burned wildland urban inter&ce lands; and warm, dry forest habitats to eusure ponderosa
pine dominance; and where the Forest Plan establishes reforestation goals. Natural regeneration can be relied on in
some areas, particularly in lodgepole pine stands at mid and upper elevations.
The Post fire Assessment reported that the fires created high potential for the Forest's pre-exmting bark beetle
epidemic to become worse. The Assessment recommended actions be taken to reduce the potential for increased tree
mortality caused by bark beetles in partiaDy burned stands that are now more susceptible.
The Assessment also recommended that many burned areas should be left to natural recovery processes. It recognized
that the fires caused some beneficial ecological effects, particuJarly in areas where low severity fire occurred, and also
resulted in increased landscape diversity.
Purgoses and Needs for Action and ProDosed Action
The project proposed in this EIS applies the strategies and priorities discussed above. The pwposes ofthis project are
(1) Reduce fuels in portions ofthe burned areas.
(2) Improve watershed and aquatic conditions in heavily impacted burned draiDages.
(3) Restore forested conditions in some areas.
(4) Accomplish fuel reduction more cost efficiently by removing forest products, and provide jobs and income.
The needs for the proposed actions are derived from the differences between current conditions and desired resource
conditions. Desired conditions are based on management objectives and Forest Plan direction. The proposed actions
are designed to move resource conditions closer to the desired COnditioDS.
The proposed action is described in this Draft EIS as Alternative B. Additional information is provided in the
ahemative descriptions in Chapter 2.
Purpose and Need: Reduce Fuels
The purposes, needs, and proposed actions are presented below in several categories; wildJandIurban interfBce, dry
forest types, suitable timberlands needing reforestation, large expanses ofheavy fuels, and increased bark beetle
mortality. More than one ofthese categories likely applies to any particular site proposed for fuel reduction activities.
There is a continuum ofconditions and associated fuel reduction purposes and needs across the burned landscape,
with few hard and &st lines separating them.
At lower elevations of the burned forest, fuel reduction pwposes are generally two-fold. These areas are located near
residences and other private improvements, creating social needs to reduce fuels and reduce risks associated with
future fires. Also, this is where vegetation and fuel conditions are more outside historic ranges, creating ecological
needs to reduce fuels and promote habitats that more closely approximate historic conditions. At lower elevations,
there are more social and biophysical needs, with less of an economic purpose.
At higher elevations, vegetation and fuel conditions are more consistent with hi1toric ranges, and human settlements
are less at risk. Thus, there are less significant coocems regarding the impacts of future fires, from both ecological
1-4 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose aDd Need
aud social staDdpoints. Fuel-reduction purposes at upper-elevations are to protect reforestation investments, provide
products and economic benefits, and to generate revenue to help support other resource improvement work.
In middle elevations there is some human development, some forested areas that are outside hi1toric conditions, a
need exists to protect reforestation investments, aDd opportunities also exist to provide products. Thus, the purposes
of fuel reduction in the middle elevations meld purposes from both lower and upper elevations.
At the landscape scale, all proposed fuel reduction activities across all elevations are intended to contribute to a
reduction in the continuity of the "legacy of fuels" created by the fires of2000.
Extensive areas of fire-killed trees will lead to heavy fuel accumulations in years to come. Fuels need to be reduced in
certain areas to decrease the risks future fires will pose to human health and safety, property and improvements, and
resources. An important concept in the fuel reduction purpose and need is that CODCel'DS for future fires' severity and
extent in areas burned in 2000 are directed more toward fires in decades to come, rather than fires in the near future.
For ease ofdiscussion, forested areas within the project area have been broken into Vegetation Response Units
(VRUs) based on habitat types, fire regimes or disturbance patterns and vegetation potential, iDcluding species
composition and stand structures. They are summarized below and more detailed infurmation on the VRUs and a map
can be fuuud in the Forested Vegetation section in Chapter 3.
VRU 2: Warm, Dry Ponderosa Pine and Douglas-fir Habitat Types
These are forested areas that support ponderosa pine at the lower elevation and Douglas-fir at the higher elevatioDS.
These areas tend to be wanner and drier due to elevation and aspect.
VRU 3: Cool, Dry, and Moist Douglas-fir Habitat Types
These are mid-elevation forested lands. Common tree species are Douglas-fir and, on moister sites, lodgepole pine.
Ponderosa pine is a minor sera! species in some areas.
VRU 4: Cool Lodgepole Pine and Lower Subalpine Fir Habitat Types
These are moderate to high elevation stream headlands. Sites are often dominated by lodgepole pine. Without
disturbaDce, composition begins to shift toward shade tolerant species such as Engelmann spruce, Douglas-fir, and
subalpine fir. Typically, growing seasons are limited by a combination of temperature (sites may experience frosts
duriDg the growing season) and moisture availability. Vegetation diversity is naturally ~ by these conditioas.
Forest Plan Direction and Management Objectives
The Forest Plan assigned Management Areas to regions of the Forest to guide management. Where the Forest Plan
establishes timber and refurestation goals aud standards, it specifies the need to secure tree establis1uncm and provide
protection for new stands (Forest Plan pgs. ill-7, ill-13, ill-20, ill-28, and ill-34). The Forest Plan standards for
MaDagement Areas I, 2, 3a, 3b, and 3c (areas suitable for timber management) include, "Fuels treatmalts and site
preparation wiD be coordiDated to minimize fire danger and iDsect aud disease problems, and secure establisbment and
protection ofnew stands."
Appeadix M of the Forest Plan provides managemcmt direction for Fire Management. Additionally, iodividual
management areas contain direction relative to fuel management within the project area. In summary, depending on the
management area, fire planning and fuel management are to be designed to protect and enhance timber investments and
values, provide big-game winter range habitat, minimize fire danger and iDsect and disease problems, aud protect visual
Many areas burned at moderate and high severities during the fires of2000, reducing soil productivity for years to come.
Future fires where heavy fuels occur will likely impact soils by severe burning (Brown and Reinhardt, 2(01). The Forest
Plan directs "Plan and conduct land management activities so that reductions ofsoil productivity poteDtia1 caused by
debimeutal compaction, displacement, puddling, aDd severe buming are minimm,d" (pg. 0-25).
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-5
Purpose and Need
Fuel reduction objectives reflect priorities identified in the Post-Fire Assessment; wildlandIurban inter&ce, dry forested
habitats, areas where reforestation is planned, breaking up large expanses of contiguous fuels, and responding to
increased bark beetle activity. Fuels objectives range between 5 and 30 tons per acre of coarse woody debris (CWD).
Objectives vary by VRU and whether or not a site is in the Wildland Urban Inter&ce (see Table 1-3). The objective is to
provide sufficient coarse woody debris to maintain soil productivity and provide site protection balanced with future fire
hazard and soil heating risk. All fuel reduction areas have the objective of leaving less than 30 tons per acre ofCWD
following treatment. Above 30 tons per acre, fire resistance to control becomes high to extreme and large fuels above
this level have increased potential for severe soil heating effects (Brown and Reinhardt, 2(01)
WildiandlUrban Interface Objectives
The "wildland/urban inter&ce" is a forest or sbrubland commonly in the foothills of rural areas where structures and
other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland vegetation (Hehns, 1998). Objectives in
burned wildland/urban inter&ce areas are:
Fuel levels provide a reasonable likelihood of safe and effective fire protection and public safety.
Fuel levels provide for adequate levels of course woody debris to maintain soil productivity.
Provide green, forested conditions, and environments that people enjoy living near.
In certain areas that burned at low severity, create stand conditions that are less susceptible to bark beetle attacks.
Dry Forest Objectives
Another high priority for fuel reduction is in the dry forest types (VRU2, page 1-5) beyond the interfilce. "Dry
forests" are forested areas that support ponderosa pine at lower elevations and Douglas-fir at mid- to upper-elevations.
Objectives in burned warm, dry forests are;
Fuel levels more closely approximate historic fuel conditions and fire regimes. Woody debris levels also maintain
soil productivity.
Stand structure and species composition more closely approximate historic conditions, thereby providing habitat
similar to that in which native species evolved (Agee, 2000).
In the low elevation ponderosa pine forests that burned at low severity, understory ladder fuels are relatively sparse
and the overstory relatively open and park-like (Fischer and Bradley, 1987). Bark beetle susceptibility is reduced.
Figure 1-1 WetDteon Homestead in 1895
1-6 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
a sa,. . •
• we
.. -
Purpose and Need
Figure 1-1 is a photo taken in the East Fork Bitterroot draiDage near Sola, MT, showing the Jake Wetzsteon homestead
in 1895 (Gruen, 1983). As illustrated in the photo, these stands were dominated bypoDderosa pine, open and parklike, and bad light ground fuels; a condition maintaiDed by frequent low intensity fires (Fischer & Bradley, 1987).
Objectives in Suitable Timber Lands That Need To Be Reforested
Suitable timber lands are those lands deemed by the Forest Plan as "suitable fur timber production. tt They include
Forest Plan Management areas 1, 2, 3a, 3b, and 3c. The Forest Plan directs that reforestation occur within the portions
of these Management Areas suited to support trees (additional information is provided UDder "Reforestation" found
later in this Chapter). Objectives in burned suitable timber lands, where refurestation investments occur, are:
Adequate levels ofcourse woody debris are retained to maintain soil productivity
Reduced fuel levels provide a reasonable likelihood ofprotecting investments from significant losses caused
by future fires.
Objectives Regarding Large Expanses of Heavy Fuels
Breaking up fuel continuity is an objective in some burned portioas of the Forest where large expanses ofbeavy fuels
will accumulate over the next two decades. The fullowing objectives focus in the Forest's burned suitable
Reduce the potential for extreme fire behavior over extensive areas, focusing in the lOaded portion ofthe Forest
Provide a higher degree ofdefensible conditions with increased levels of firefighter safety.
Objectives Regarding Bark Beede MortaUty
objectives in certain stands that burned at low severity are:
Reduce some of the fuels created by the fire and also the fuels expected to result from bark beetle mortality in
moderate aud high risk stands.
Reduce bark beetle populations at the local level (stands in which beetles are active and adjacent stands at
risk) where bark beetle mortality risk • moderate or high.
As mentioned previously, reduced bark beetle susceptibility objectives also exist in both wiJdJaDd urban
intrice areas and dry furest types that burned at low severity.
Cu"ent Conditions
Fire-killed trees now occur across thousaDds ofacres ofthe burned landscape. Most ofthese dead trees will fall over
and create heavy fuels on the forest floor over the next two decades (Lyon, 1984). In the dry climate ofwestern
Montana, wood does not decay rapidly and the large fuels will remain on the landsc8pe for 100 to 200 years or until it
bums again (Brown, persoual communication, 2(01). Future fuel loadings on a given site are dependent on a variety
of&ctors, including the amount offire-caused tree mortality and the size and distribution ofthose trees. Forest stands
that burned at moderate and high severities during the fires of2000 will result in continuous heavy fuel conditions
over large areas, ranging from less than 20 toas per acre to over 100 toDS per acre. Resource professiooals on the
Bitterroot Natioual Forest, as weD as many community members, are concerned about the potential extent and severity
offuture fires and resulting impacts to natural resources and people. As previously stated, these coucems are more
directed toward fires in decades to come, rather than fires during the next several years.
Researchers have determined that fire suppression has altered the ecosystem ofthe landscape compared to historic
conditious. These landscapes DOW have reduced coverage of ~intolerantshrubs due to increased tree deDsities,
decreased DUtrient availability for tree growth and mainteDaDce, increased water stress, and increased insect/disease
activity at levels above the historic levels before the fires of2000 (Quigley, et at, 1997).
The future potential for severe burning impacts to soils will iDcrease in the future on many sites where faIliDg trees
will result in heavy accumuJatioas offuel (Brown and Reinhardt, 2(01). These are ofparticuJar concern in forest
plant commllnities that were historically shaped by relatively fiequent, low intensity fires and Management Areas
where the Forest Plan establishes timber goals.
BumedArea RecoveryDEIS -1-7
Purpose and Need
WDclland-Urban Interfaee Current Conditio.s
Numerous dead trees wiD lead to high fuel kwlings in and Dear the burned wiIdlaDdIurban ioter&ce. These fuel
conditions present increased likelihood ofsignificant fire behavior and high resistance to control when fires occur in
the future. Increased fuelloadiDgs wiD contribute to dif6culties in protecting property aDd other values Dear the
wiIdJaDdIurban inter&ce. Without adequate treatment offuels. increased potential for fires ofhigh impact aDd
severity. as well as reduced levels offirefigbter and public safety. are expected.
Dry Forest Curre.t CODdido.s
Prior to the fires of2000. ~ was an increased risk ofwild1aDd fire inteDsity. compared to historic levels in dry
forest types. This increased mt was caused by years ofsuccessful fire suppression, which allowed much heavier
grouDd fuellcvels to 8CCI1JlIdate and small trees to grow in open stands. creating "ladder fuels". Ladder fuels in dry
forest types on the Bitterroot Natiooal Forest are most commonly smaIIcr Douglas-fir. Ladder fuels allowed fires to
spread from the grouDd into the larger tree crowns during the fires of2000. The presence of ladder fuels caused
exteosive areas oflarge old poDderosa pine trees to be killed by the fires.
Following stand-replacing fire (moderate and high severity) in the lower elevation warm, dry forest types. fuel
loadings will be outside the historic range for dead and down woody debris on many sites (Everett. 1995). Given
these coDditioos, there will be increased potential for more severe future fires to cause greater tree mortality and
adverse effects on soils compued to the historic condition. Plant roots would also be damaged by severe soil heating.
slowing their rate ofrecovery and contributing to disp1acemeDt of the Dative plant comoamity by exotic species.
Refer to Chapter 3 fur more information on fire history and historic vegetation conditions.
Figure 1-2 is a photo of the Jalce Wetzstcon homestead Dear Suia taken in 1980. A comparison of the furest coDditioDS
in Figures 1-1 and 1-2 shows that due to fire abeence during the 20111 Century. these stands have become much more
deose and fuel loads were IDJCh greater than in 1895.
FIpre 1-2 - Wetzlteon Hoaaestad in 1980
The furest behind the Wetzsteon homestead site bumed in 2000. Figure 1-3 shows the location of the Wetzstcon
homestead fullowing the fires of2000. This and other fire-killcd ponderosa pine stands wiD have much more fuel on
the grouDd in )'e8I"8 to come. compared to the historic coodition represeoted by Figure 1-1. setting the stage fur another
unnaturally intense fire in the future.
1-8 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose and Need
Figure 1-3 Wetzsteon Homestead in 2000 (The house was moved sometime in the 1990's and did not burn).
Undoubtedly there were historic instances oflocalized severe burning in dry forest types. However, extensive areas of
high intensity fires in these plant communities, such as occurred in 2000, are considered atypical events in an historic
context. This event resulted in losses of large and very old ponderosa pine, loss of seed sources to regenerate
ponderosa pine, and losses of multi-aged forest structure and associated wildlife habitats over large areas.
Current Conditions in Suitable Timber Lands Needing Reforestation
Heavy fuel loadings will pose a threat to achieving reforestation as well as timber and protection objectives in suitable
timberlands when future fires occur in these areas. Without the protection of a forest canopy, soils are more vulnerable
to erosion and invasion of weed species. Natural regeneration will not occur on all of these lands within acceptable
timeframes and planting trees is necessary. If the high levels of fuels are still present when these areas burn again,
monetary and time investments in reforestation will be lost. Another fire could also kill the remainder of seed sources
available for natural regeneration and reduce site productivity for forest vegetation (Brown and Reinhardt, 200 I).
Many older plantations that burned last summer were heavily stocked with sapling and pole-sized trees prior to the
fires. Replanting trees in these sites at a wider spacing to mimic the naturallhistoric stocking levels is proposed, but
before planting occurs reducing the fuels on some of these sites is needed to protect the reforestation investment.
Current Conditions and Large Expanses of Heavy Fuels
Large expanses of heavy fuel loadings will occur in the burned areas over the next two decades, setting the stage for
"reburns". A reburn results when full down of the old burned forest contnbutes significantly to the fire behavior and
fire effects of the next fire. The probability of a reburn is small on anyone site, but it is high over a large area such as
a ranger district (Brown and Reinhardt, 2001).
Bark Beetle Mortality Current Conditions
In areas that burned at low and mixed severity, trees that survived the fire but experienced crown, root, and stem
damage are now stressed and are higWy vulnerable to bark beetle attack. Because there was a pre-existing Douglas-fir
bark beetle epidemic on the south end of the Forest prior to the fires, beetle-caused tree mortality is expected to
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-9
Purpose and Need
increase within the burned areas. The areas where bark beetles cause high levels of tree mortaHty wiD eventually have
heavy fuels levels, exacerbating the fuel conditions created by the fires of2000.
Proposed Actions to Reduce Fuels
Reducing fuels in certain areas would be accomplished by removing some of the marketable fire-lalled trees (ie. trees
greater than 10 inches in diameter) using a variety ofmethods including timber sales, service contracts, and firewood
cutting. Fuels remaining after harvest on some sites would be treated by burning in place, piling and burning, yarding
tops to landings to be burned, or lopping and scattering to speed decay and disrupt fuel continuity. On sites where no
harvest occurs these same methods would also be used to reduce fuels to desired levels. Prescribed fire would be
conducted when effects on air, soil, and vegetation are much less severe than typically result from wildfires. These
activities would occur starting in 200 I and continuing over the next several years
Fuel reduction objectives would be achieved by applying four general prescriptions; intermediate harvest; salvage
harvest; salvage/regeneration harvest; and reducing smaller fuels using prescribed fire and manual or mechanical
methods. These prescriptions and methods are described in Chapter 2, Alternatives. The proposed action is identified
as Alternative B in this DEIS.
Extensive fuel accumulations created by the fires outside roaded areas, the large expanses ofRoadless and Wilderness
lands on the Bitterroot National Forest, are mostly in plant communities where higher intensity fire is more typical and
where the Forest Plan establishes no reforestation protection goals. Therefore, these fuel-accumulations are
considered more socially acceptable and ecologically appropriate. No management activities are proposed in
wilderness lands in this project. In inventoried Roadless Areas, only a limited amount ofnon-commercial fuels
reduction, such as prescribed burning, is proposed. No fuel reduction work is proposed in Riparian Habitat
Conservation Areas (RHCAs) specified in INFISH.
WUdlandIUrban Interface Proposed Fuel Reduction
Reducing fuels and stand density on burned National Forest lands in and adjacent to the wildJandIurban interface lands
would be accomplished using the above prescriptions and methods. These would be applied on 19,986 acres of
burned inter&ce lands. Reducing fuels and adjusting stocking and species composition would reduce the risk of
future high intensity crown fires threatening private laud and property.
Dry Forest Proposed Fuel Reduction
Fuel reduction using the above methods is proposed on 20,561 acres in burned dry forestlands outside of
wildlandIurban inter&ce areas. Reducing fuels and adjusting stocking and species composition is proposed to
maintain these stands more closely to their historic fuel condition, stand structure, and species composition.
Proposed Fuel Reduction In Suitable Timber Lands NeecUng Reforestation
Fuel reduction using the above prescriptions is proposed on 33,018 acres outside wildland urban interfilce areas and
dry forestlands. Older plantations, generally 20 years and older, that burned are also proposed for fuel reduction
activities prior to replanting. Monetary and time investments in burned suitable timber lands could be better protected
where fuel reduction activities occur. Reducing fuels in these areas, in addition to inter&ce and dry forest stands,
would contribute to breaking up fuel continuity at a larger scale.
Proposed Fuel Reduction In Large Expanses of Heavy Fuels
'Cfire-proofiDg" the forest is not proposed; doing so is neither desirable nor possible. Fires wiD always be a landscape
shaping force in this ecosystem. Collectively, aD of the above fuel reduction work would total about 73,500 acres.
These actions could reduce the extent and severity offuture fires by breaking up fuel continuity in the Forest's roaded
lands and help reduce the intensity offuture fires to acceptable levels in areas where social and ecological conditions
warrant and where the Forest Plan provides direction to do so.
1-10 - Bumed Area Recovery DEIS
Iiii...---...--- .-.------- ..---------
Purpose and Need
Proposed Actions to Address Bark Beede Mortality
Some of the trees attacked by bark beetles in high-risk stands would be removed. Areas proposed for these treatments
total about 4,179 acres (these acres are also included in the above acreages). Emphasis would be placed on removing
these trees before the beetle's flight season of2oo2 in order to remove a portion of these populations and thereby
reducing the amount of tree mortality that may expand into the unburned areas of the Forest and private land (Gibson,
2(01). Proposed activities would reduce beetle populations and the amount of tree mortality at the stand level
Purpose and Need: Improve Watershed and Aquatic Habitat
Forest Plan Direction and Management Objectives
The Forest Plan gives direction to:
Plan aDd conduct land management activities so that reductions of soil productivity potential caused by
detrimental compaction, displacement, puddling, and severe burning are minimized.
Plan and conduct land management activities SO that soil loss, accelerated sur&ce erosion and mass wasting,
caused by these activities, will not result in unacceptable reductions in soil productivity and water quality.
Actively reduce sediment from existing roads.
Maintain or mbance fish habitat.
The In1and Native Fish Strategy (INFISH) amendment to the Forest Plan provides direction to minimize sediment
delivery to streams, remove fish migration barriers, close and stabilize or obliterate roads not needed for future
management activities, and improve eUting stream crossings to accommodate a l00-year flood (USDA, 1995).
Management objectives for soil, water and aquatic resources in burned areas are:
Protect soil productivity and maintain land stability.
Meet state water quality standards by applying soil and water conservation practices
Protect water fur noD-coDSUlDptive uses including fish habitat, recreational uses, stream channel maintenance,
and aesthetics
Maintain high quality water in domestic-use watershed
Protect riparian areas to prevent adverse effects on stream channel stability and fish habitat
Reduce sediment from existing roads. Improve open roads by applying Best Management Practices (BMP)
standards. Improve water infiltration and hydrologic function on roads where prudent
RecoDDeCt native trout popuJatious by removing, replacing, or repositioning culverts tbat are bmicn to fish
Add woody debris to certain severely burned stream segments to improve fish biding cover and iDcrease
habitat complexity.
Plant appropriate tree species in certain burned riparian areas to improve aquatic and riparian habitat.
Current Conditions
Approximately 30% ofthe burned area experienced high severity fire, resulting in the loss offorest canopy,
understory and the grasses, roots, and duff that help stabilized so&. Erosion wiD continue until vegetation is
reestablished (Bitterroot BAER Reports, 2000).
Forest roads in some burned areas will exacerbate the sediment problems caused by the fires. Most roads on the
Bitterroot National Forest are relatively old and were coDStrUcted prior to today's standards which greatly reduce
sediment production. The Forest has had an active road improvement and watershed restoration program in recent
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-11
Purpose and Need
years, but funding has not been sufficient to bring all existing roads up to modem standards. Also, some eUting
roads are not needed for the Forest traDsportation system because ofchanges in logging practices and technology.
Aquatic Habitat
In the high severity bum areas, forested riparian habitat burned intensely and killed fish. The year-roUDd connectivity
offish populations is critical to the rapid recolonization (within S years) ofareas where fish kills occurred. In some of
the burned streams, culverts CUJTelltly block fish passage. Woody debris fur quality fish habitat is Jacking in some
intensely burned stream reaches.
The fires of2000 burned vegetation along several hundred miles of fish-bearing streams. Forested recovery in. some
riparian areas wiD take decades. Shade protection and woody debris recroitment sources will be Jacking in the shortterm.
As a result of the fires, stream flows will increase throughout much of the Bitterroot River basin (Fames, 2000).
Large amounts of new woody debris and sediment may be deposited in stream channels following storms, altering
channel morphology (shape and function). As streams redistnbute this material, new aquatic habitat is created and old
habitat is rejuvenated.
Proposed Actions to Improve Watersheds and Aquatic Habitat
Where risks to aquatic and watershed resources on National Forest System land are identified, improvement projects
are proposed to eljminate or reduce these risks. The fullowing activities are designed to elimiDate or reduce adverse
effects to streams, fish habitat, and fish migration. These activities would occur starting in 2001 and would continue
over the uext several years.
Approximately SIS miles ofForest roads in burned draiDages that are needed fur ongoing motorized access would be
treated to comply with Best Management Practices (BMP) staDdards. These standards primarily address the way
roads handle water. Treatments include shaping roads and installing enough drainage structures in the right locations
so water does DOt cause erosion on the road. Segments ofmain roads, totaling about 100 miles, (especially along
streams and stream crossings) would have a gravel sur&ce placed on them to reduce erosion. Gravel would come
from either private sources or crushing the waste rock generated by US Highway 93 reconstruction, currently
~led for 2001 and 2002. No changes in access would result from these activities, other than perhaps short-term
delays while the work is in progress.
Approximately lOS miles ofroads in burned drainages are proposed for rehabilitation treatments. These are roads that
are not needed in the near future and would be put "in storage". Treatments would include removing culverts,
decompacting the road surfilce, installing no-maintenance cross ditches, and revegetating. These activities would
leave the road prism in place for future use.
Approximately 63 miles ofcurrently closed roads within burned drainages are proposed for decommissioning or
recontouriDg. These roads that are not needed in the future, would be decompacted, have the natural drainage pattern
restored, and in some cases be recontoured to the original slope.
Watershed improvement work in burned drainages would result in access becoming more restricted on approximately
30 miles of roads that are currently available for some form ofmotorized access.
Establishing vegetation on burned road cut and fill slopes, as weD as on closed road sur&ces and other areas of
disturbed soil, is also proposed to reduce sediment from roads and reduce the risk ofweed spread.
Aquatic Habitat
Culvert barriers would be elimiDated to recoDDeCt fragmented native fish populations in seven burned drainages and
cmbaDce rapid fish population recovery.
1-12 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose and Need
Three aging woody debris structures in Sand Creek (a spawning and rearing tributary to Blue Joint Creek) that have
become partial fish barriers over time would be modified to allow fish passage. This would reconnect a fragmented
westslope cutthroat trout population.
In order to improve fish habitat in burned watersheds, fish habitat structures would be coustructed in eight stream
reaches that Jacked woody debris prior to the fires.
Appropriate conifer species would be planted along two stream reaches that were severely burned and DOW Jack a
conifer seed source, in order to accelerate refurestation. In aD other burned riparian areas, natural recovery would be
allowed to occur. Riparian areas dominated by sbrobs have been Jacking on the Forest, but will predominate in areas
that burned.
Purpose and Need: Reforestation
Forest Plan Direction and Management Objectives
The Bitterroot Forest Plan includes the following Forest-wide standard, "A variety of tree species wiD be planted
where habitats and conditions permit, to prevent creation ofmonocultures that are susceptible to insect and disease
epidemics." Forest Plan standards for suitable timberlauds (MAs 1,2, and 3) include direction to reforest with trees in
timely IDIDI1et and with species that help achieve management area goals. A related protection standard for these
same Mauagement Areas directs "Treat fuels in coordination with site preparation to minimize fire danger and insect
and disease problems, and assure establishment and protection ofnew stands".
Refurestation is needed in certain areas. Some of the burned area Deeds to be planted with tree seedlings where
natural regeneration would not provide the desired stocking and species composition. Warm, dry sites should be
dominated by ponderosa pine.
Priority areas for planting iDclude past regeneration units that were burned, burned wildJandIurban inter&ce areas, dry
forest habitats, and suitable lauds where no seed sources were left following the fires. Prescribed natural regeneration
can be applied in areas where adequate seed sources exist.
Current Conditions
The fires killed extensive areas of forested stands. Natural regeneration of trees wiD be quite slow and poorly
dmtributed on much of the burned area. In areas where little or no seed source is left, natural regeneration will be
limited and stand species composition may DOt retlcct historic or desired conditious. Without the protection of a forest
canopy, soils are more vulnerable to invasion ofweed species and erosion. Natural regeneration can be relied on in
some areas, particularly in lodgepole pine stands at mid- to upper-e1evatioos.
Proposed Actions for Reforestation
Approximately 37,000 acres are proposed fur planting. Trees would be planted with a spacing and species mix that is
appropriate for the site and where needed to meets Forest Plan direction and desired conditions. All of the
reforestation acreages are iDcluded in the areas described previously for fuel reduction activities. Planting would occur
in areas authorized by a forthcoming decision starting in 2002 and continuing over the next several years.
Purpose and Need: Economic Opportunities
Objectives and Forest Plan Direction
The Forest Plan has Forest-wide management goals regarding ecoDOmic values: "provide sawtimber and other wood
products to help sustain a viable local economy" and "strive for economically efficient management" (FP p. 11-4).
Burned Area RecoveryDEIS - 1-13
Purpose and Need
Economic objectives for this project are:
Accomplish fuel reduction objectives more cost efficiently by removing forest products in some areas. To
reduce the costs of the fuel reduction work to taxpayers, maximize fuel reduction cost efficiency by
proceeding as quickly as possible before the value ofdead trees degrades.
Provide jobs and income to local and regional communities through timber harvest, watershed improvement
a~ and reforestation work.
Apply the recovered value ofproducts to help fund some of the costs offuels reduction, watershed
improvement, and reforestation work.
Trees killed by the fires will lose a portion of their economic value as sawlogs each year following the fire event.
Recoverable sawlog volume will decrease steadily over the next four years, with most of the small sawlog volume
losing its value in one or two years following the fires.
The Bitterroot Valley has one of the world's largest log home industries. There is an opportunity to provide house
logs to help support this local industry. Potential house logs retain value longer than other products.
Timber market conditions are affected by national and international conditions that are beyond the control of the
Bitterroot National Forest. The timber market is poor at the present time. Unless market conditions improve, it is
possible that the recovered value ofproducts may not be able to help support much or any of the watershed
improvement and reforestation work.
Proposed Actions for Economic Opportunities
Harvest offire-ki1led trees on approximately 67,000 acres could provide up to 270 million board feet (MMBF) of
timber for sawlogs, house logs, chips, and firewood products. These activities would occur starting in 200 I and
continue over the next several years.
Harvesting fire-kil1ed trees would help accomplish fuel reduction objectives with reduced costs to taxpayers, provide
timber products for people's use, and provide revenue to help fund some of the needed watershed improvement and
reforestation work. This proposal would provide localjobs and income from the watershed improvement and
reforestation work, as well as from harvest.
Other Features of the Proposed Action
Proposed Site-specific Forest Plan Amendment
Implementing portions of the proposed actions described above would require a site-specific amendment to the
Bitterroot Forest Plan (1987). This amendment would modify the Forest-wide snag retention standard, Forest-wide
elk habitat effectiveness standard in three third order drainages, Forest-wide thermal cover standard in one Geographic
Area, and the coarse woody debris standards for several Management Areas. This amendment would only apply for
this proposed project. The proposed amendment is designed to meet the Forest-wide and Management Area goals and
objectives as described in the Plan.
Forest-wide standards
Pertinent Forest Plan Goals (FP B-3):
Provide habitat to support viable populations ofnative and desirable non-native wildlife and fish.
Provide habitat for the possible recovery of threatened and endangered species.
1-14 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose and Need
Pertinent Forest Plan ObJecdves (FP D-S):
Maintain habitat to support viable populations ofwildlife species.
Maintain vegetative diversity on land where timber production is a goal ofmanagement.
Maintain sufficient old-growth habitat on suitable timberland to support viable populations ofold-growth
dependent species.
Current Situadon: A Forest-wide standard for wildlife states, "All snags that do not represent an uuacceptable
safety risk wiD be retained" (FP 11-20). The purpose ofthe standard is to retain sufficient soag habitat where harvest
occurs to maintain viable populations ofsnag dependant species across the forest (J. Ormiston, personal
communication, 2(01). The Forest Plan clearly considered and permits fuel reduction activities and salvage ofdead
or dying trees (FP Record ofDecision, 1987).
The fires of2000 have created a vast DUIIlber ofnew soags across the burned area. The numbers &r exceed the level
necessary on these lands to meet the Forest Plan population viability goals and objectives both in the short and long-
term. At the same time, the large amount and continuity of these snags as fuel for future fires present ecological and
human risks not anticipated in the origioal standard. The proposed project specific standard is designed to clarify the
intent ofthe plan, considering the extent and effects offires in 2000, and guide project implementation regarding snag
Proposed Site-ipeelfle Snag Standard: Ifadopted, the standard to be applied for this proposed action would read:
Snags should be maintained within each activity area at or above the levels specified in the following table and
Table 1-2 - Snq Standard
Interfilce Lands
Moderate / · Se·
Inted8ce Lands
Where sua
Moderate / · Se ·
Interfilce Lands
Moderate / . Se ·
Distribution ofretained snags wiD be irregular and clumped, include representation across size classes in the
unit, but mvor the largest trees.
Snags retained in RHCA exclusion zones wiD be in addition to the snags per acres left in treatment units.
In order to meet OSHA requirements for a safe work environment, retained snags must be grouped in
helicopter harvest units. Groups may be retained in "lobes" or other concentratious within treatment units
outside and contiguous with RHCAs or other areas adjacent to treatment units.
Elk Habitat Effectiveness
Pertinent Forest Plan Goals (FP D-3):
Provide habitat to support viable populations ofnative and desirable DOn-native wildlife and fish.
Pertinent Forest Plan Objectives (FP D-S):
Cooperate with the States ofldabo and MontaDa to maintain the current level ofbig-game hunting and trout
fishing opportunities.
Current Situadon: A Forest-wide standard for wildlife states, "Manage roads through the Travel Plan process to
attain or maintain SO percent or higher elk habitat effectiveness (Lyon, 1983) in currently roaded third order drainages.
DraiDages where more than 25 percent ofroads are in place are considered roaded. Maintain 60 percent or higher elk
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-15
Purpose and Need
haPitat effectiveness in drainages where less than 25 percent ofthe roads have been built"
(FP 11-21). When
developed as a Forest Plan staDdard, Elk Habitat Effectiveness (EIIE) was a surrogate for hunting season security
(1992-1999 Forest Plan Monitoring Reports) and seasonal road restrictions were the identified tool for meeting these
objectives (FP ROD 1987, pg. 8).
The Forest Plan objectives (above) for elk management were further defined in the 1992 Montana Elk Management
Plan, which documents the agreements with the Montana Department ofFish Wildlife and Parks.
There currently are three third order drainages in the analysis area that have open road density exceeding the Forest
Plan Standard, one in Coal Creek (Olg438-1) in the West Fork Geographic Area (GA), one in Rye Creek (04fl64-3)
in the Skalkaho Rye GA, and one in Laird Creek (03m307-4) in the East Fork GA.
In spite ofoot complying with specific Forest Plan staDdards for elk habitat effectiveness in these areas, the Forest
Plan objective of maintaining the current (1987) level ofbig-game hunting seasons bas been achieved since the Plan
was implemeDted (Forest Plan Monitoring Report, 1999). Monitoring ofpost-fire elk harvests fullowing the 2000hunting season indicate that the fires have not significantly changed the Forest's ability to continue to meet the Forest
Plan objective. The Montana Department ofFish Wildlife and Parks has concurred that the current open road density
levels in these three third order draiDages should not affect the Forest's ability to continue to meet this objective into
the future (MDFWP letter, project file).
Proposed Site-specific ERE Standard:
For this project only, mauage roads in the Coal, Rye, and Laird Creek third order drainages to attain at least the
following elk habitat effectiveness: Coal Creek (OIg438-1) - 42 percent; Rye Creek (04fl64-3) - 38 percent, Laird
Creek (03m307-4) - 45 percent.
Big Game Winter Range
PertiDent Forest Plan Goals (FP 11-3):
Provide habitat to support viable populations ofnative and desirable non-native WJ1dIife and fish.
PertiDent Forest Plan Objectives (FP 11-5):
Cooperate with the States ofIdaho and Montana to maintain the current level ofbig-game hunting and trout
fishing opportunities.
Current Situation: A Forest-wide standard for big game winter range states, "Winter range wiD be managed to
provide diversity of forage and biding cover with at least 25 percent of the area in thermal cover at aD times" (FP
The Forest Plan objectives (above) for elk management were further defined in the 1992 Montana Elk Management
Plan, which documents the Bitterroot National Forest agreements with the Montana Department ofFish Wildlife and
In the SkaJkaho-Rye Geographic Area, approximately five percent of the winter range is currently in thermal cover.
Prior to the fires this area contained less than eight percent thermal cover. Activities in this proposal could further
reduce thermal cover in this area to about two percent.
The Blodgett GA also bas little winter range thermal cover post-fire, but the current situation wiD not be modified by
the proposed action or alternatives. Other Geographic Areas meet or exceed the current standard.
In spite ofthe SkaJkaho-Rye GA having been below the current Forest Plan standard for thermal cover, the Forest
Plan objective ofmaintaming the current (1987) level ofbig-game bunting seasons bas been achieved since the Plan
was implemented (Forest Plan MoDitaring Report, 1999).
Recent research bas cast doubt on the necessity for thermal cover for wintering elk (Cook, et al, 1998). In controlled
coDditioust wintering elk survived and retained body weight better in open areas than in thermal cover. Monitoring of
1-16 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose and Need
winter distribution and over-winter survival ofcalves seems to verify these findings for this area. In spite of the Jack
of at least 25 percent thermal cover on many Bitterroot winter ranges, the elk population is doing fine.
The Montana Department ofFish Wildlife and Parks bas concurred that these levels ofthermal cover in this draiDage
should DOt affect the Forest's ability to continue to meet the Forest's elk objectives.
PropoIed Site-spedfle Big Game WInter RaDle Stanclanl: Ifadopted, the standard to be applied for this project
would read, "Winter range thermal cover wiD be maintained at or above two percent within the Skalkaho-Rye
Geographic Area.
M .....ement Area Standards:
Management Area Standards Concerning Woody Debris for SoU Productivity and Nongame Species Habitat
Pertinent Forest Plan Goals (FP IT-3):
Maintain soil productivity, water quality, and water quantity.
Provide habitat to support viable populations ofnative and desirable non-native wildlife and fish.
Provide habitat for the possible recovery ofthreatened and endangered species.
Pertinent Forest Plan Objectives:
Design management activities to maintain soil productivity (FP IT-6).
Maintain habitat to support viable populations ofwildlife species (FP II-S).
CUJTeIlt Situation: Management Areas 1, 2, 38 and 3c soil standards state, "Site preparation methods wiD assure the
retention ofmodest levels oforganic mater, iDcludiDg woody materiak 8 inches or less in diameter, to provide nutrient
aDd ectomycorrhizallevels necessary for maintaining growth rates; while still providing an adequate miDera1 base for
seed germination and reduction ofgrass competition." Management Areas I, 2, aDd 38 continue with, "On dry and
harsh sites, at least 10 to 15 tons per acre ofresidual debris is Deeded (Harvey, et all981a &, 1981b; Harvey, 1982)."
Management Area 2 standard j.(2) states, "About 2S tons/acre ofdown trees larger than 6-inch diameter wiD be left
for non-game habitat ifavaiJable" (FP ill-13).
Recent research provides more refined guidelines for meeting these Forest Plan goals and objectives. During the Post
Fire Assessment, an interdiscipliDary team was convened to review current literature and develop "recommendations
that balance near term 'on the ground' soil needs, long-term soil needs, desired structural components, wildlife
habitat, and historic mel loading" (post Fire Assessment, 2000,4.5-47). The resulting guidelines were stratified by
vegetation response units (VRUs) and the site-specific severity ofthe 2000 fires.
Compared to the 1987 Forest staDdards lBted above, these guidelines recommend similar or greater amounts ofcoarse
woody debris on approximately 700,4 ofthe area to be treated in the proposed action and reduced amounts on
approximately 300,4 ofthe area (primarily on the drier habitats). They also recommend includiDg coarse woody debris
in a wider range ofsize classes to better meet the forest plan goals aDd objectives and to provide added clarity, given
the current standards' use of diffrzent size classes.
PropoMd Site-spedfle Co.... Woody Debris Stanclanl: Ifadopted, the standard to be applied for this project on
aD affected lauds (MA-I. 2. 3A. 8A> would follow the recollllDeDdations in the Post Fire Assessment. It would read:
To maintain soil productivity and wildlife objectives, coarse woody debris should be maintaioed within each activity
area based on the following table and objectives.
BumedAreaRecoveryDEIS - 1-17
-- -
Purpose and Need
Table 1-3 - Coane Woody Debris Objectives
Fires .Severity
Coarse Woody
Debris (tons/acre)
Size Class
Range> 4"
Range> 4"
Range >4"
Maximize diameters > 8",
Inter1Bce Lands
15 -20
No more than S tons/acre in 4 - 8" size class
Range> 4"
Moderate / High
Approach 5 tons/acre in the 4 - 8" size class
Range> 4"
Inter1Bce Lands
15 -20
Range> 4"
Moderate / High
Approach 5 toDS/acre in the 4 - 8" size class
25 - 30
Retain the recommended range ofdowned woody debris with material generally in larger size classes, but
greater than 4" in diameter and weD distributed across the treatment area (Graham et al., 1994).
Material should also vary by species and by size classes available across the treatment area.
Smaller diameter stands, such as 20-30 year old plantations, may approach the coarse woody debris
requirement at the lower end of the range.
Sites that have sensitive or hydrophobic soils, previous soil compaction, and/or erosion potential should be
prescribed on the high end 9fthe recommended ranges.
The lower end of the range should also be used for those habitats on the drier end ofeach VRU.
The course woody debris amounts are in addition to SDagS and live SDag replacement trees retaiDed for SD88
habitat in burned areas.
Inter&ce Lands
Moderate / High
5 -10
5 -15
Current Law and Forest Plan Direction
Development of this EnviroDlDemallmpact Statement fullows implementing regulations of the National Forest
Management Act (NFMA). Title 36; Code ofFederal Regulations, Part 219 (36 CFR 219); Council of Environmental
Quality, Title 40; CFR, Parts 1500-1508, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and is tiered to the Bitterroot
Forest Plan Enviromnentallmpact Statement (1987). This aDalysis incorporates direction provided in the Forest Plan
EIS, Record ofDecision, and Forest Plan (1987).
Many federal and state laws, iDcludiDg the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act (RPA),
Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act, also guide this analysis.
The Bitterroot Forest Plan (1987) and accompanying Environmental Impact Statement provide direction for all
resource lIJ8D8gement programs and resource activities on the Bitterroot National Forest. The Forest Plan consists of
Forest-wide and Mauagement Area standards and guidelines that provide for land uses and resource outputs.
GeDeralllJ8D8gement direction for the Bitterroot National Forest is found in the Land and Resource Management Plan
and amendments, identified throughout the remainder ofthis document as "Forest Plan". This project document den
to the Forest Plan. The Inland Native Fish Strategy (INFISH) was prepared in August 1995 and provides interim
direction to protect habitat and populations ofresident native fish (USDA Forest service, 1995). This Strategy
amended the Forest Plan.
Forest Plan Management Areas
Management Areas and associated goals and standards are described in Chapter ill of the Forest Plan. National Forest
System Lands affected by the fires within the project area include Management Areas (MA's) 1,2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5, 6, 7,
8a, and 8b. Maps 1-2 through 1-5 display the Management Areas in the four Geographic Areas. The following
provides a brief summary of Management Area goals and re8pODSe ofthe proposed project regardiog the goals.
1-18 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose and Need
MA 1 (about 152,700 acres): Emphasize timber management, livestock and big game forage production, and access
for roaded dispersed recreation activities and mineral exploration. Assure minRnnm levels for visual quality, old
growth, habitat for other wikllife species, and livestock forage.
There is a need to actively re-establish furested conditions where extensive tree mortality was caused by the fires and
to protect the newly established stands. A moderate level ofsnags, woody debris, and forage also needs to be
provided for in bumed areas to meet the habitat needs ofDOn-game wildlife species
MA 2 (about 199,300 acres): Optimize elk winter range habitat using timber ID8D8gement practices. Emphasize
access for miDera1 exploration and roaded dispersed recreation activities. Provide moderate levels ofvi1ual quality,
old growth, habitat for other wikllife species, and livestock forage.
There is a need to reduce fuels in certain forested areas of winter range to improve big game ~. Big game
species prefer to use areas where down woody debris is less than 18 iDches deep (Lyon and Jensen, 1980). A
moderate level ofsoags, woody debris, and furage needs to be provided in bumed areas to meet the habitat needs of
DOn-game wildlife species. There are also needs to actively re-establish furested conditions where extensive tree
mortality was caused by the fires and to protect the newly established stands.
MA 3. (about 66,300 acres): Maintain the partial retention visual quality objective and ID8D8ge timber. Emphasize
roaded dispersed recreation activities, old growth, and big game cover. Provide moderate levels of timber, livestock
forage, big game forage, and access for mineral exploration.
There is a need to maintain the fire-created mosaic ofpatterns on the landsaspe from middle ground and background
views. There is also a need to actively re-establish forested conditious where extensive tree mortality was caused by
the fires and to protect the newly established stands.
MA 3b (about 48,200 acres): Manage fisheries and non-fisheries riparian areas to maintain flora, fiama, water quality
and water related recreation opportunities. Emphasize water and soil protection, clmpersed recreation, vi1ual quality, and
old growth. Provide low levels of timber harvest, livestock forage, big game forage, and access for mineral development.
There is a need to protect riparian areas. No fuel reduction activities are proposed in MA 3b. Watershed improvement
activities are designed to improve aquatic habitat and protect riparian areas.
MA 3e (about 1,400 acres): Maintain the retention visual quality objective and ID8D8ge timber. Emphasize dispersed
recreation activities that wiD enhance the use ofadjacent developed recreation sites and wilderness, and not degrade
old growth, big-game cover and fish. Provide low levels oftimber harvest, livestock forage, and big-game forage.
Limit road density as necessary to meet vi1ual objectives but provide access, as needed, for mineral exploration.
There is a need to by maintain the fire-created mosaic of patterns on the landscape without readily apparent evidence
ofhuman-caused modi1icatious from the middle ground and background views. There is a need to actively reestablish forested coDditious where exteDsive tree mortality was caused by the fires and to protect the newly
established stands.
MA 5 (about 144,400 acres): Emphasize motorized and DOn-motorized semi-primitive recreation activities and elk
There is a need to maintain the semi-primitive character in these 1aDdI. Only fuel reduction activities compatible with
this goal, such as prescribed bumiDg, are proposed.
MA 6 (about 38;1.00 acres): Manage to maintain existiDg wilderness characteristics and potential for iDclusion in the
wilderness system. No project activities are proposed in this Mauagement Area.
MA 7 (about 71,500 acres): Manage in accordance with the WiJdemess Act of 1964, to ensure an enduing system of
high quality wilderness. Provide for primitive recreation experiences. No project activities are proposed in this
Management Area.
MA Sa (about 23,000 acres): Manage at the minimum level for elk security, old growth, and habitat diversity; but
protect timber, soil, water, recreation, range, and wildlife resources on adjacent IDIID8gement areas. Maintain existiDg
uses and &cilities.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-19
Purpose atV1 'Need
No fuel reduction activities in MA 8a are included in the proposed action. One action alternative (Alternative D)
considers fuel reduction activities in this MA.
MA 8b (about 6,800 acres): Optimize big-game furage production utilizing habitat improvement practices. Manage
to eDSUI'e adequate forage fur wintering big game.
No fuel reduction activities are proposed in MA 8b lands.
Scope Of The Proposed Action, Analysis And Decision To Be Made
The scope of the proposed action and the decision to be made are limited to the fuel reduction, reforestation, road
mainteuance and reconditioning, watershed improvement, travel management, mitigation, and monitoriDg identified in
Chapter 2 of this document. The actions proposed are entirely within drainages that burned during the fires of2000.
The three primary activities considered in this EIS (fuel reduction, watershed improvement, and reforestation) are
addressed in one analysis for burned areas Forest-wide. There is a coDIIeCtion between these diffrzent activities
because some of the watershed improvement work on roads could be conducted as a requirement of timber sale or
service contracts. It is also possible that some of the reforestation work could be fimded with receipts generated by
timber harvest. Also, because many of the proposed activities would occur in the same areas and similar time&ames,
addressing aD three in the same analysis better enables cumulative effects analysis.
Weed management is DOt proposed in this project and wiD be addressed in a separate EIS. Cumulative effects of
reasonably foreseeable weed management activities are addressed in this analysis.
Range management is DOt proposed in this project and decisions related to management ofrange allotments are not
within the scope. Cumulative effects ofreasonably fureseeable grazing activities are addressed in the analysis.
The proposed actions do DOt represent a comprehensive travel management plan. The access restrictions considered in
this analysis are a result ofproposed road work designed to improve watershed coDditions or are Deeded to comply
with the Forest Plan standard fur Elk Habitat Effectiveness.
The analysis ofeffects of the proposed actions and ahematives in this document includes cumulative effects ofother
activities (past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future). These include a variety ofpast events and management
activities, iDcludiDg the fires of2000, past timber harvesting, and road coustruction. The past events and activities are
iDc1uded as part of the affected environment sections ofChapter 3. The analysis in this document will coDSider the
activities proposed in this project as well as the effects of the fires of2000. Fire-damaged roads and traik will be
restored concurrently with the project and are considered reasonably foreseeable. The past, present and reasonably
foreseeable activities coDSidered in iDdividual resource analyses can be foUDd in Appendix A. Cumulative effects
analysis areas are described fur every resource addressed in Chapter 3.
The aetious proposed in the document are not intended to serve as a general management plan for the area. If the
Respousible Official selects an action ahemative as a result of the analysis, implementation of the activities
specifically identified will begin as soon as possible and without further NEPA documentation. Additional
information about what is within and not within the scope of this proposed action and analysis is provided in the
description of the issues and alternatives, includiDg "Alternatives Considered But Not Studied in Detaif' in Chapter 2.
The Responsible Official for this proposal is the Forest Supervisor. Based on the analysis in the Final EIS, the
Responsible Official will make the following decisious and document them in a Record ofDecmion:
The extent, if any, offuel reduction, watershed improvement, travel management, and reforestation to be
implemented. If implemented, where and how these activities would be coDducted.
Management requiremm1ts and mitigation measures.
Appropriate monitoriDg requirements to evaluate project implementation.
Whether a site-specific Forest Plan amendment is required for implementation.
1-20 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Purpose aDd Need
Document Organization
This DEIS displays the actions proposed to address furest ecosystem conditions following the fires of2000 aDd to
incorporate principles of ecosystem lIJ8D8gement into activities being proposed in response to those changed
conditious. It provides an assessment of the scope and aualysis ofpotential recovery altematives for the Bitterroot
National Forest.
chapter 2 - summarizes the public involvement process and describes the development of issues and alternative ways
(iDcluding no action) to address or resolve issues related to the implementation of this proposal. The action
ahematives wholly or partially meet the purpose and need for the proposal, as described in this chapter. The
alternatives are displayed so that a comparison can be made of the environmental impacts and effects of each.
Chapter 3 - Discusses the physical, biological, and human environments affected by the altematives. The location,
history, and existing conditions are described for the resources affected. The environmental CODSeqUel1Ces of
implementiDg the alternatives are described using the descriptious of the affected environment as the baseline fur
measurement. Direct, indirect, and cumulative effects are discussed.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 1-21
-------------_-...---...---- ..
-.....--~ .. _~
---- -
This chapter discusses the public involvement process and the identification ofissues and opportunities around which
alternatives were developed. It describes the alternatives considered and the mitigation measures aDd monitoring
requirements. A comparative summary ofthe effects ofthe alternatives is displayed at the end of this chapter.
''Scoping'' is the term used to describe how the Forest Service collects input in the environmental analysis process.
Through scoping the public is notified aDd asked to comment on a management proposal. Comments provided by
other agencies aDd members of the public help to identify issues. Active public involvement throughout the process
reduces delays aDd leads to better decisions.
. A team ofBitterroot National Forest resource specialists began evaluating post-fire conditions in October 2000. Their
task was to evaluate the magnitude ofthe fire impacts, predict the future effects, and develop both short- and longterm strategies for recovery (post-Fire Assessment). The proposals discussed in this analysis evolved from the issues,
concerns, and recommendations identified in the Post-Fire Assessment.
Once the specific set ofmanagement activities was formulated into a proposed action, public scoping was initiated. A
Notice ofIntent to prepare an Enviromnentallmpact Statement was published in the Federal Register on February 13,
2001. News releases were published in area newspapers in February and early March 2001. The project proposal
("scoping letter'') was also sent to about 1,300 iodividuaIs, organizations, aDd other agencies in February.
The scoping letter invited interested parties to community meetings to discuss the project and share their ideas and
concerns. Community meetings were held in Corvallis, Darby, Su1a, and West Fork, MontaDa, in February 2001.
These meetings introduced the proposed actions, summarized purposes and Deeds, aDd provided participants with the
opportunity to ask questions and submit COlDlDellts.
Additional meetings were held with representatives offederal, state and local agencies, tribal representatives, and
representatives from the science and research communities.
The University ofMontana, Bureau ofBusiness and Economic Research was commissioned by the Bitterroot National
Forest to conduct a public survey (UM UBBER, 2001). One purpose of the poll was to systematically gather
information from Ravalli County residents about what management activities people thought should be done by the
Forest Service.
The Bureau conducted over 1,200 telephone interviews in December 2000 aDd January 2001. In addition to learning
the opinions ofa cross-section ofvalley residents, the Forest was interested in whether or not there were differences
between residents ofvarious regions of the valley. Survey information was gathered from Stevensville, Montana
south to the Idaho state line.
The results of the survey show a majority ofsurvey respondents strongly &vor active resource management in the
burned areas. These fiDdings support the majority ofcoJDJJV:Dts expressed at ColDIIBIDity Opportunity Series meeting.
Written comments (letters or electronic mail) were received from 4S individuals, agencies, businesses, and
organizatious during scoping. Additional comments were submitted by phone, personal visits and at the community
Tribal consultation has been initiated with interested American Indian tribes aDd wiD be ongoing throughout the
analysis and implementation.
The complete record of the public involvement process is available for review in the Project File located at the SuJa
Ranger Station.
Identification of Issues
The ID Team sorted the scoping comments into categories to filcilitate issue tracking and response. All comments can
be found in the Project File, with a description ofhow they were used or addressed. The issues were then categorized
as follows:
Key Issues: Issues used to develop the alternative and specific activities ofthe action alternatives.
Analysis Issues: Issues addressed in the effects analysis and used to compare ahematives. They are described
in detail and analyzed in Chapter 3.
luues Dot adclreued In detaD: Issues or concerns either already addressed through alternative design,
mitigation measures or are beyond the scope ofthis project.
Key Issues
The alternatives respond to the following key issues identified during scoping. The key issues are specific to the
proposed actions and the project area. Indicators for each issue will help to evaluate how each ofthe alternatives
addresses the issue. Indicators are .discussed later in the Comparison ofAlternatives section.
Key Issue: Need for Fuel Hazard Reduction
Some scoping respondents questioned the need to reduce fuels. At the core oftbis issue are colD1DC!UtS questioning the
scientific evidence that using salvage harvest (removing fire-killed trees by logging) is an effective way to reduce
fuels, or that reducing fuels reduces the severity of future fires.
In mid- and upper-elevation forest types, fires historically burned at higher severity and less frequently. Comments
were submitted that state there is no need to reduce fuels in these areas or that it would be ineffective in reducing fire
The proposed action would thin thickets ofgreen trees in low severity burned areas in the WildJand Urban Interface
and low elevation, warm, dry forests (Vegetative Response Unit 2 or VRU2). Some scoping participants stated that it
is not necessary to remove trees that survived the fire and that live trees are now more valuable given the extent of tree
mortality caused by the fires.
Issue Indicators
The following indicators will be evaluated for each oftbe alternatives:
Acres Where Fuel Objectives Are Met in Wildland Urban Inter/ace
Acres Where Fuel Objectives Are Met in £OlVer Elevation Warm Dry Forest
Acres Where Fuel Objectives Are Met in Mid- and Upper-Elevation Forest
Percent ofArea with Less than 30 Tons per Acre ofLarge Fuel Remaining
Key Issue: Effects on SoU and Watersheds
Concern has been expressed that using mechanized equipment to reduce fuels through either timber sales or service
contracts would increase soil erosion, decrease soil productivity, and decrease water quality Water yield could be
increased in draiDages where intermediate harvest occurs. Using temporary roads to improve project economics and
the impacts ofthese on water quality is also an msue.
Some respondents suggest that the Forest Service should be more proactive in improving watershed conditions by
obliterating more roads.
Issue Indicators
Streams Where Activities Cause Sediment and/or Water Yield Concerns
2-2 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Key Issue: Changes in Motorized and Non-Motorized Access
There is concern that the road rehabilitation activities proposed to improve watershed conditions would reduce current
motorized and non-motorized access. Some people expressed opposition to any loss ofmotorized travel opportunities.
Others are concerned that the proposed road surfilce decompaction activity, and the resulting rough road surfilces,
limit the opportunity for hiking or stock animal riding on the treated road sur&ces. Conversely, some scoping
participants believe that the Forest Service should more aggressively close and rehabilitate roads and restrict
motorized access in order to protect watershed and wildlife resources.
Issue Indlcaton
Miles ofRoad Open to Motorized Yearlong Changed to Closed Yearlong
Miles ofRoad Seasonally Restricted to Motorized Changed to Closed Yearlong
Miles ofRoad Open Yearlong to Motorized Changed to Seasonally Restricted
Miles ofRoad With Seasonal Motorized Restriction Changed to Open Yearlong
Miles ofRoad Open Yearlong to Full-Sized Vehicles Changed to Less than 50 Inches Wide
Miles ofRoad Seasonally Restricted Changedfrom Full-Sized Vehicles to Less than 50 Inches Wide
Key Issue: Bark Beetle Risk
The Bitterroot National Forest had a Douglas-fir bark beetle epidemic prior to the fires. Bark beetle populations and
beetle-caused tree mortality. are expected to increase due to the extensive areas offire-stressed trees. These weakened
trees provide ideal habitat for bark beetle populations to grow dramatically, and it is highly likely that epidemic
populations will continue and possibly expand to the unburned forest (Gibson 2001). Some people believe that the
Forest Service should be more proactive in preventing a bark beetle epidemic before it spreads onto unburned portions
of the Forest and private property.
Issue Indlcaton
Acres ofBark Beetle Susceptibility Reduction
Acres ofBaric Beetle Moderate/High-Risk Stands Treated
Key Issue: Economic Opportunities
Many people want the Forest Service to maximize economic opportunities by timely salvage of fire-killed trees. They
also want to maximize the amount ofsalvage. There are concerns regarding the costs oflogging using conventional
systems VB. helicopter. Should building temporary roads be used to decrease logging costs? What benefits for the
local economy and job market would there be?
Issue Indicaton:
utimated Harvest Volume (MMBF)
Acres ofTreatment by Yarding System
Project Present Net Value (pNV ofActivities)
Key Issue:
Fore~t Plan
AD activities need to be consistent with Forest Plan standards. If some component ofan altemative selected by the
decision-maker is not consistent with the Forest Plan, a site-specific Forest Plan amendment is necessary. Some
people commented that existing Forest Plan direction should not be amended for this project.
The treatments proposed in each a1temative would determine the need for a Forest Plan amendment. Alternatives in
this 8DBIysis may require a Forest Plan amendment for snag retention, coarse woody debris (CWD) retention, elk
habitat effectiveness, and reducing big game thermal cover in winter range.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-3
Issue Indicaton:
For each alternative, the need for each of the following Forest Plan Amendments will be indicated:
Snag Retention/CWD
Elk Habitat Effectiveness
Thermal Cover
Analysis Issues
The effects of the proposed action on each of the following resources are described in detail in Chapter 3:
Fire and Fuek
Air Quality
Soil Productivity (including Wetlands)
Forest Vegetation
Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive (TES) Plants
Noxious Weeds
Wildlife (including TES; and Management Indicator
Species and old growth)
Heritage Resources
Scenery (Visual Quality)
Wilderness and Roadless Areas
Transportation Systems
Social Impacts and Public Safety
Issues Not Addressed in Detail
Some other issues that were raised,are addressed through regulation, law and policy, or would not be affected by this
decision. These issues, listed below, will not be discussed further.
Environmental Justice: Effects of various levels oftimber harvest activities and watershed restoration work are
concentrated on National Forest System lands. It is not expected that any population or group ofpeoples, minority,
low-income, or other groups, would be disproportionately impacted and scoping comments did not indicate otherwise.
Mineral resources would not be affected because of the nature of the activities.
Management of grazing aDotments affected by the fires of 2000 will be modified as needed through other NEPA
analysis and annual operating plans, and are not part ofthis proposal or the decision to be made. Effects of the
modifications will be addressed in cumulative effects in the analysis.
Alternative Descriptions
The following alternatives were developed based on the key issues discussed above, with design features and
mitigation requirements related to the issues and public concerns. The major features (fuel reduction, watershed
improvement, reforestation and Forest Plan amendment) are discussed and tables provide a summary ofactivities
Acres, miles, other quantifiable amounts, and mapped unit boundaries that are used to describe these altematives are
approximations based on the best available information. FiDal on-the-ground results of selecting any of the action
alternatives may vary somewhat from what is displayed here.
Alternative A - (No Action)
Alternative A is the No Action alternative. This alternative is required and serves as a baselioe for comparison of the
effects of all of the alternatives. This alternative responds to the following key issues; the need for fuel hazard
reduction, effects on soil and watersheds, changes in moto~ and DOn-moto~access and Forest Plan
2-4 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Under this alternative there would be no change in current management direction or in the level ofongoing
management activities within the project area. Work previously planned within the project area would still occur
under this alternative (See Appendix A, Reasonably Foreseeable Activities).
Fuel Reduction
No fuel reduction would occur - all fuels, both green and dead trees, would be left, as they exist.
Watenhed and Aquatic Improvement
There would be DO changes to soil and watershed condition due to activities considered in this analysis.
No temporary roads would be needed for timber harvest.
Motorized and non-motorized access would not be changed from the current conditions.
Reforesting Burned Lands
The burned areas would be left to reforest naturally - no trees would be planted.
Forest Plan Amendments
No 8111eDdments to the Forest Plan would be needed.
Alternative B
This alternative is the Proposed Action. This alternative was designed in response to the purpose and Deed described
in Chapter 1. Activity ~ are summarized below in Table 2-1.
Maps 2-1 through 2-8 in the enclosed map envelope show locations ofproposed actions by Geographic Area.
Detailed information on fuel reduction treatments, roads, and reforestation is provided in Appendix B.
No management activities are proposed in Wilderness lands in this project. In Inventoried Roadless Areas, only a
limited amount ofnon-harvesting fuel reduction, such as prescribed burning, is proposed. No fuel reduction work is
proposed in Riparian Habitat Conservation Areas (RHCAs) specified in INFISH.
Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures that apply to Alternative B can be foUDd starting on page 2-15.
Fuel Reduction
All fuel reduction activities using harvest are limited to Forest Plan Management Areas (MA) I, 2, 38, 3c and 5.
Some DOn-harvest fuel reduction work is proposed in MA 5.
ReduciDg fuel to accomplish the objectives stated in Chapter I in certain areas would be achieved in part by
harvesting some ofthe merchantable fire-killed trees (trees greater than 10 inches diameter breast height (DBH). This
work would be accomplished using a variety ofmethods, including timber sales, service contracts, and firewood
cutting. Intermediate, salvage, and salvage/regeneration treatments are described below.
In SOIDC areas, additional treatments would be needed after harvest to reach fuel reduction objectives. Treatmentunits where no harvest is proposed would only have DOn-harvesting fuel reduction activities conducted in them, such
as piling and prescribed burning, (described below).
Three prescriptions would be applied in areas where harvest is proposed to reduce fuek: intermediate harvest, salvage
harvest, and salvage/regeneration harvest.
Fuel Reduetlon Using Intermediate Harvest
Where a low or mixed inteDsity fire killed 10 to 7S percent ofthe trees, an intermediate fuel reduction treatment would
be applied. The fbcus would be to remove dead and dying trees to reduce fuek and balk beetle infested trees. Within
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-5
the Wildland Urban Interface and in VRU 2 outside of the Wildland Urban Interface, this treatment also includes
removing green trees to thin densely stocked stands, improve growth and vigor ofrernaining trees, provide the
opportunity to select for desired characteristics and species, and to increase resilicocy from insects and diseases. The
removal ofgreen trees would target subdominant, damaged, poorly formed and diseased trees. No reforestation is
needed where these treatments are prescribed because the remaining green stands meet, or will soon meet desired
conditions without the addition ofa new seedling age class. Following harvest, additional fuel reduction would occur
on some sites as described in the "Fuel Reduction Using Other Methods" section on page 2-7.
In warm, dry ponderosa pine forests (VRU2) intermediate treatments favor leaving the largest ponderosa pine trees
available resulting in a relatively open stand, which would more closely resemble historic conditions. This would
perpetuate habitat in which native species evolved (Arno, et al 1995).
In warm, moist types (VRU3) within the Wildland Urban Inter&ce, intermediate treatments would focus on removing
dead and dying fire-killed and beetle infested trees. Green trees would be removed to accomplish density reduction
and ladder fuel reduction goals, thereby improving the likelihood ofsuccessful fire protection efforts in the Wildland
Urban Interface.
Fuel Reducdon Using Salvage Treatments
In mid-to upper-elevation forests (VRU3 and VRU4) outside ofthe Wildland Urban Interface where a low to mixed
severity fire occurred, the focus of the salvage treatment would be to remove dead and dying trees created by the fires
and also to remove bark beetle infested trees to address fuel reduction needs discussed in Chapter I.
To achieve these objectives, a salvage treatment prescription would be applied. Following harvest, additional fuel
reduction would occur on some sites as described in the "Fuel Reduction Using Other Methods" section on page 2-7.
Before-and-after illustrations of intermediate and salvage treatment are provided in Figure 2-1. The density (in terms
of trees per acre and square feet ofbasal area) of the treated areas would be reduced by 30 to 60 percent. A reduction
in canopy closure would be similar and range from 20 to 60 percent. Snags and coarse woody debris would be
retained to achieve objectives described in Chapter I (Table 1-3).
Figure 2-1 • Example of a Low Severity Fire with 10 • 40% Mortality
Before Treatment
After Treatment
Fuel Reducdon Using SalvageIRegeneradon Treatment
In moderate and high intensity fire areas where few to no living trees remain, this treatment is intended to reduce fuels
and to establish new stands of trees relatively quickly. This treatment is designed to retain vertical structure, snags and
live trees where they exist, as well as trees that will provide good seed sources or provide shelter for planted or natural
seedlings. Coarse woody debris is retained at levels prescribed in Chapter I (Table 1-3).
Standing snags and live trees would be irregularly distributed across the treated areas. Green trees and snags would be
retained. Following harvest, additional fuel reduction would occur on some sites as described in the "Fuel Reduction
Using Other Methods" section below.
2-6 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Illustrations of this treatment are provided in Figure 2-2 to help visualize how a stand would appear before and after
treatmeDt. This treatment would resuk in the removal of7S to 100 percent of the dead trees greater than 10 inches in
diameter that are surplus to the snag and coarse woody debris retention requirements. All green trees are retained if
any exist. The amount ofcoarse woody debris and snags depends on whether the stand is inside or outside of the
interfilce and which VRU it occurs in (see Table 1-3 in Chapter 1). Treatment areas are proposed for reforestation
following fuel reduction. Planting and prescribed natural regeneration are discussed later in this section.
Flaure 2-1- EumpIe of a mgb Severity Fire with 95 - 100-;. MortaUty
Before Treatment
After Treatment
Fuel Reducdon Using Other Methods
The following treatments would occur following harvesting (activity fuels), or be applied elsewhere when fuel
loadings are higher than desired (Table 2-1).
Slashing (SL), consists of felling and cutting limbs off small diameter trees to increase fuel consumption during
burning or to facilitate piling. Numbers and diameters of trees to be slashed would vary by treatment unit based on
the prescribed snag and coarse woody debris requirement.
Underburnlng (VB), surface fuels are ignited under controlled conditions and would be allowed to bum with
specified conditions. Underbums are usually conducted in areas where the fuels are fitirly continuous and where fire
spread is predictable. Underbuming implies that there is a live overstory present and often a live understory as well
Prescriptions for underbuming usually include an acceptable mortality level in the live tree component.
Jackpot Burning (JP), consists ofbuming scattered accumulations of fuel within treatment units.
PlUng. fuels are piled following slashing and/or harvesting activities. This may be a final treatment when fuels
isolation is the objective or an intermediate treatment prior to burning the piles. The amount ofmaterial to pile would
vary by treatment unit based on the prescribed coarse woody debris requirement. Depending on fuel conditions,
terrain or soil protection requirements, piling may be accomplished by hand (HP), waUdng excavator (SP) or
excavator (EX).
Whole tree yard (WT), logs are skidded with tops and limbs attached. Limbs and tops would be piled at the landing
for later disposal or utilization. Whole tree yarding can be a final or intermediate fuel treatment. This method can be
used in conjunction with other fuel treatments (piling, jackpot burning, underbuming, etc.).
Yard tops (YT), a fuel reduction treatment in which tops from harvested trees are skidded to the landing for later
treatment or utilization. Yarding tops can be a final or intermediate treatment, used with other treatments or used when
economic or resource concerns limit treatment options.
Yard unmerehantable material (YUM), a fuel reduction treatment in which unmerchantable material is skidded to
the landing for later treatment or utilization depending on the prescribed coarse woody debris requirement, and fuel
reduction objectives.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-7
In some burned areas, no further fuel treatment activities are needed to meet the levels prescribed in Table 1-3.
No permanent roads would be constructed. Landings would be used along existing roads whenever possible. Where
existing landings are not available, new landings would be constructed close to existing roads. In that case, short
(generally less than 300 feet) temporary roads would be constnlcted to access enviromnenta1ly preferable and/or safer
landing areas (flatter terrain where a minjmum ofexcavation is needed, pre-existing openings, etc).
Watershed and Aquatic Habitat Improvement
Each road within the burned drainages was analyzed for existing risks to watersheds during the development oftbis
alternative. Where risks were identified improvement projects are proposed to eliminate or reduce these risks. These
include activities such as culvert repairs and drainage improvements, and road maintenance, storage,
decommissioning or recontouring. Appendix B and the Ahemative B maps provide more detailed information aDd
display locations ofspecific road improvement work, respectively.
Maintenance: Several activities would occur on roads within the project area to improve watershed conditions by
reducing erosion sources, improving water infiltration aDd increasing vegetation on the road surtilces. Roads that are
currently open year-long, open seasonally, or closed yearlong that are needed for long-term access would be
reconstructed as needed to reduce the amount of area that contributes sediment to streams aDd to reduce erosion from
forest roads. This includes installing ditch reliefculverts where existing ditches fiumel water into drainage-ways and
installing ofadditional ditch relief culverts where needed. Improvements on these roads would focus on reducing
erosion from the cut and fill slopes and the road surtilce so that these areas are stable and vegetated. Where cut and
fill slopes are slumping or eroding, they would be vegetated with grasses to reduce erosion. Road surfilces would be
graded to allow the water to drain offonto slopes or into buffered areas reducing road surfilce erosion aDd stream
channel sediment deposition. Slash filters would be placed at drive-through-dip and culvert outlets where there is not
enough buffer area to filter sediment between roads and streams. The outlets to drain dips or culverts on easily eroded
fill slopes would be rip rapped to reduce erosion ofthe fill slope. Road prisms that had woody debris burned within
them, would be rebuilt and stabilized. The roads on the Watershed Improvement Maps in the map envelope that
would receive these types oftreatment are included in the categories "Open yearlong-Maintain in Good Condition,"
"Closed yearlong-Maintain in good condition" and Closed Seasonally-Maintain in Good Condition". Where these
roads are located in sediment contributing areas (where materials eroded from the road sur&ce could reach stream
channels) road surtilces would be graveled to reduced sediment input (Burroughs and King, 1989; Foltz, 1996).
The roads on the Watershed Improvement Maps in the map envelope identified in the category "Open-light
maintenance, drainage improvements" would have drainage improvements similar to the description above. The
difference is that these roads have fewer watershed concerns because they are located on ridges or in other areas
where contribution ofsediment to stream channels is very unlikely. They may have potholes or soft, wet areas that
need to be repaired.
PaD Culverts, StablUze and P1aee In Sto....e: This type oftreatment would occur OD roads that are currently closed
yearlong but are not necessary for access in the foreseeable future. These roads would be '~Iaced in storage" until
such time that they are needed again and would be available for use in the long term. Culverts would be pulled from
stream crossings, fill removed, streamban1cs reshaped, aDd disturbed areas stabilized with erosion control blankets or
vegetation. Where roads cross swales or draws (intermittent or ephemeral streams), the road prism would be reshaped
to allow drainage to continue in the natural drainage and not be diverted down the road. Road surf4ces would be
decompacted. The watershed benefits following decompaction are improved water infiltration aDd subsurfilce flows,
rather than overland flows that can cause erosion (McBride, personal colIDDUnication 4/01; Wee, 1977). Where 80&
are disturbed, they would be revegetated using grass seed. There would be no need t9 maintain these roads following
treatment. These roads are identified on the Watershed Improvement Maps in the map envelope in the category
"Closed yearlong-Pun Culverts, rip road sur&ce and revegetate. tt Maintenance would not be necessary on these roads
until they are reopened in the future.
Road Deeommillioning or ReeoDtoarlng: On roads that are currently closed yearlong and are not needed for future
access, the same activities would occur as on the roads described above, but would include removing the road prism
by recontouring at some locations. Recontouring would typically occur in the beginning segment ofthe road, at
stream crossings, aDd where unstable cut and fill slopes exist. Some high risk roads may be entirely recontoured and
other roads would be partially recontoured, as needed. All decommissioned roads would be removed from the
Forest's traDsportation system. These roads are identified on the Watershed Improvement Map as "Closed yearlong-
2-8 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Recontour, Revegetate." Recontouring further improves the water infiltration from roaded areas above that
accomplished by decompaction only (Hore~ 1996).
Eliminate Fish Barrier Culverts: Culverts that CUITeIltIy block or impede buD trout and/or westslope cutthroat trout
passage in Rye, Bugle, Hart, Mink, West Fork Camp, Magpie, and Taylor Creeks would be replaced with larger
culverts or bridges to allow year-roUDd passage, reconnect fragmented populations, and enhance fish habitat and
populations. The locations can be foUDd on maps in the project file. AD new culverts and bridges would be sized to
pass the l00-year flood event, including bedload and debris. New culverts would be countersunk in the streambed to
allow a natural stream channel to form inside ofthe pipe. In Sand Creek, a small spawning and rearing tnbutary to
Blue Joint Creek, two aging woody debris structures that have become barriers over time would be modified to restore
year-round fish passage. Eliminating all ofthese barriers would increase potential spawning and rearing habitat for
bull trout and/or westslope cutthroat trout by about 20 miles.
Improve Fish Habitat: Large woody debris would be placed in sections ofReimel Creek, Jennings Camp Creek,
Taylor Creek, North Rye Creek, and three wmamed tributaries to North Rye Creek. Stream reaches where habitat
improvement work would occur are shown on maps in the project file. AD ofthese streams lacked woody debris prior
to the fires. In Rye Creek, approximately 100 burned trees would be felled with a cbaiDsaw into a four-mile long
segment ofstream between the Road 311 and Road 7S bridges. These projects would increase fish hiding cover, trap
sediments, and over time, improve buD trout and/or westslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat.
Replant Riparian Conlfen: In burned sections ofCow Creek and Little Blue Joint Creek that lack a nearby seed
source, the appropriate species of riparian conifer would be planted to speed the return ofoverstory shade and woody
debris recruitment. This work would occur in MA 3b. Stream reaches where riparian conifer planting would occur
are displayed on maps in the project file. The majority ofthe burned riparian areas would not be planted because
shrobs are expected to increase dramatically following the fires, and shrob habitats were a scarce but valuable
ecosystem component prior to the fires. With time, the return ofriparian coDiters wiD shade out the shrubs.
Reforesting Burned Lands
AD planting activities are limited to MAs 1, 2, 3a and 3c, except where noted above (riparian planting).
ArtIficial Regeneradon - Planting trees would occur on many sites that include a salvago'regeneration treatment;
specified locations are on the alternative maps in the map envelope and described in Appendix B. Site-specific
planting prescriptions would be prepared after field verification. In general, the planting prescriptions would include a
minimum of 12 foot by 12 foot spacing, limited use of netting for animal damage control, and a 3: 1 or 4: I ratio of
early sera! species (ponderosa pine in VRU 2, Douglas-fir in VRU 3, and lodgepole pine in VRU 4) over late sera!
species (Douglas-fir in VRU 2, lodgepole pine in VRU 3, and EngelmaDn spruce or subalpine fir in VRU 4). A
combination ofbareroot and container stock would be used on most sites as appropriate. No additiooal site
preparation using mechaDical means or burning is proposed. Surveys to determine regeneration success following this
treatment would be conducted for 3 to S years.
Natunl Regeneration - Many sites are plamed for natural regeneration where seed sources are present and a desired
species mix can be achieved. Site-specific prescriptions would also be prepared after field assessments. No additional
site preparation are proposed for natural regeneration. Surveys to determine natural regeneration success wiD be
conducted for 3 to S years. If it is determiDed through monitoring that natural regeneration is iDadequate, some sites
may be planted.
Forest Plan Amendment
Implementation ofAlternative B would require a site-specific amendment to the Bitterroot Forest Plan (1987). This
amendment would modify the Forest-wide snag retention standard, Forest-wide elk habitat standards for elk habitat
effectiveness and thermal cover, and the coarse woody debris standards for four management areas and would only
apply to this project. This amendment is described in more detail in Chapter I.
To improve elk habitat effectiveness and to progress towards meeting Forest Plan standards, motorized and nonmotorized access would be changed from the current conditions by restricting seasonal OHV access on about 2.4
miles of road.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-9
Table 2-1 summarizes the activities in Alternative B. The Wildland Urban Interface and High Risk Bark Beetle stands
include many ofthe same areas shown in "Warm, Dry Forest and "Suitable Timberlands Needing Reforestation."
Thus, some acreages are duplicated in the table. AD numbers in the following table are based on the best information
available. Actual acreages, should this or any other action alternative be implemented, may vary slightly from those
presented here because they are based on maps, aerial photography, and field reconnaissance without precise
Table 1-1 - Aetivides PropoIed In Alternadve B, by Geographic Area and PurpOie and Need
Wildland Urban Interface
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
7 272
Fuel Reduction (acres}
Warm Dry Forest (VRU 2)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
Salvage/Regeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Suitable Timberlands Needing Reforestation (VRUs 3 and 4)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
High-Risk Bark Beetle Stands
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
. Prescribed Burning
Burned Plantations
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Total Fuel Reduction
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
IDgJrove Watenhed Condidon
Pull Culverts, Stabilize, Place in Storage
Road Decommissioning or Recontouring
1mIm>ve Fish Habitat (miles)
Enlarge CulvertslBuild Bridge (each)
Riparian Tree Planting (miles)
Reforestadon - PlantinR(acres)
Reforestadon - Natural (acres)
2-10 - Bumed Area Recovery DEIS
Alternative C
This alternative responds to
Questioning the need to reduce filek,
Avoiding the effects of timber harvest, and other fuel reduction activities
Suggestions that more roads be recontoured to improve watershed conditions and protect other ecosystem
values, and
Remaining consistent with current Forest Plan Standards
This alternative focuses on improving watersheds with more aggressive road decommissioning and restoring
vegetation in burned areas by planting. It includes no harvesting or other fuel reduction activities.
Table 2-2 summarizes the activities proposed in this alternative. Maps 2-9 through 2-16 in the map envelope display
the location ofactivities in this alternative. Tables in Appendix B detail specific activities by unit and road.
Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures that apply to Alternative C can be foUDd on page 2-15.
Fuel Reduction
No fuel reduction work would occur in this alternative. All fuels, snags and trees in the burned areas would be
Watershed'and Aquatic Habitat Improvement
Similar watershed and aquatic restoration roadwork is proposed in this alternative as described above for Alternative B.
However, 26 miles ofroad considered in Alternative B for placing in storage for future use would be decommissioned
and recontoured in Alternative C. Maps 2-10, 2-12,2-14, and 2-16 in the map envelope show locations ofroads to be
treated and the type 0 f treatment.
Reforesting Darned Lands
Natural regeneration and planting would occur as described in Alternative B. Appendix B details the reforestation
units and Maps 2-9, 2-11, 2-13 and 2-15 show the location ofreforestation units. All funding for this work would be
provided through appropriations, since no funding would be generated by timber harvest.
Forest Plan Amendment
No amendments to the Forest Plan would be needed. ·
To meet Forest Plan Standards for EHE, motorized access would be restricted on 5.4 miles ofroad.
Table 1-1 • Aetlvltles propOled under A1ternadve C, by Geoanphlc Area
East Fork
West Fork
Improve Watenbed Condidon (mOes)
PuB Culverts, Stabilize, Place in Storage
Road Decommissioning or Recontouring
Improve Fish Habitat (miles)
Enlarge CulvertsIBui1d Bridge (each)
Riparian Tree Planting (miles)
ReforestadoD - Plantina (acres)
ReforestadoD - Natural (acres)
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-11
Alternative D
This alternative was developed in response to issues regarding
increased salvage opportunities,
improving economics,
being more proactive to address bark beetle susceptibility in high-rWc stands and
avoiding new access restrictions.
This alternative fucuses on reducing filek, improving economics of the project, addressing bark beetle risks,
refuresting burned lands and improving watershed conditions while maintaining current access opportunities.
Table 2-3 summarizes the activities proposed in this alternative. Maps 2-17 through 2-24 in the map envelope display
the location ofactivities. Tables in Appendix B detail specific activities by unit and road. Management Requirements
and Mitigation Measures that apply to Alternative D can be found on page 2-1 s.
Fuel Reduction
All fuel reduction activities are limited to Forest Plan MAs 1, 2, 38, 3c, 5 and 8a.
This alternative includes aD of the fuel reduction treatments proposed and described in Alternative B aDd the following:
Two additional harvest units
In low or mixed severity burned areas where there is a moderate or high-risk of Douglas-fir bark beetle
mortality the intermediate and salvage harvest prescription would also include thiDning green trees to create
stand stnlctures and densities more resistant to beetle attack.
Allowing ground-based equipment to operate in low severity burned areas during the "normal operating
period" (December 1 to March 1) on a slash mat (slash placed on the ground in front of equipment). Any high
or moderate burn severity areas would be harvested either using helicopters or skyline logging systems,
regardless ofseason, or, where slopes are gentler, using ground-based IoggiDg systems over snow/frozen
ground conditions (see Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures on page 2-15)
About 10.2 miles of temporary roads would be built to increase the areas where skyline systems would be
used, improving economics. Temporary roads would be fully recontoured and revegetated following use.
Fuel reduction activities would achieve or progress toward the coarse woody debris and snag retention
guidelines developed in the Post-Fire Assessment (see Tables 1-2 and 1-3 in Chapter 1).
Watenhed and Aquadc Habitat Improvement
Watershed and aquatic habitat improvement work described in Alternative B would occur in this ahemative. Reduction in
motorized and non-motorized access opportunities would be minimized. Roads that are currently open to OHVs would
retain as an OHV accessible prism. In order to achieve watershed improvement objectives on some roads currently open
year-long or seasonally to fiillsized vehicles, the traveled way would be narrowed. Other roads where motorized access
is DOt currently allowed would have a path retained to accommodate fuot travel and riding stock. Roads treated in this
way would not be added to the Forest's trail system nor would they be maintained as trails. Specific road improvement
work proposed is described in Alternative B. Table 2-13 summarizes the chaDge in access for ~ alternatives.
Reforesting Burned Lands
Planting and uatural regeneration would occur as described in Alternative B. Appendix B descnbes specific
reforestation by unit fur this alternative. Table 2-3 summarizes the reforestation activities in Alternative D.
Forest Plan Amendment
Implementation would require a site-specific amendment to the Forest Plan (1987). This amendment would modify
the Forest-wide snag retention standard, Forest-wide elk habitat standards for elk habitat effectiveness and thermal
2-12 - BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS
cover, and the coarse woody debris standards for four management areas. 1bis amendment is described in more detail
in Chapter I and would only apply to this project. Alternative D would not impose any seasonal moto~ access
restrictions fur EHE.
Table 2-3 summarizes the activities in Alternative D. The Wildland Urban Intrice and High Risk Bark Beetle
stands include many of the same areas shown in "Warm, Dry Forest and "Suitable Timberland Needing
Refurestation." Thus, some acreages are duplicated in the table.
Table 1-3 - Activities proposed under Alternative D, by Geographic Area
East Fork
West Fork
Fuel Reducdon (acres)
WildJaDd Urban InterfBce
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuek Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Warm Dry Forest (VRU 2)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Suitable Timberland Needing Reforestation (VI Us3and4)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
High-Risk Bark Beetle Stands
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
Salvage/Regeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Burned Plantations
Non-HAl y~..q Fuel
Total Fuel Reducdon
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeueration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
5 S40
Improve Watenbed Condidon (mOes)
PuB Culverts, Stabilize, Place in Storage
Road Decommissioning or Recontourina
Improve Fish Habitat
Enlarge Culverts
Plant Trees ~ · . ""
Reforestation - PlantinR(acres)
ReforestatioD - Natural (acres)
29 923
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-13
Alternative E
This alternative was developed in response to issues regarding:
no harvest of green trees and no temporary road construction,
suggestions that the Forest Service more aggressively recontour roads to improve watershed condition and
protect other ecosystem values, and
increase soil protection in harvest units that are skyline yarded.
Table 2-4 summarizes the proposed activities. Map 2-25 through 2-28 in the map envelope show locations of
activities in this alternative. Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures on page 2-15 provide further detail
and are applicable to Alternative E.
Fuel Reduction
This alternative includes all of the fuel reduction treatments described in Alternative B. The proposed action was
modified in Alternative E, as follows:
Fuel reduction activities would be limited to the burned Wildland Urban Inter&ce and warm dry forest lands
Only dead trees would be removed in these areas. No live trees would be harvested, except where needed for
skid trails, skyline corridors and safety.
Skyline yarding would be limited to snow covered or frozen ground conditions, as would aD ground-based
harvest or other fuel reduction work using mechanized equipment.
No new temporary roads would be allowed, including short spurs to access landing sites.
questioning the need to reduce fuels at mid- and upper-elevations beyond the Wildland Urban Interfilce and
warm, dry ponderosa pine forest,
Fuel reduction activities would achieve or progress toward the coarse woody debris and snag retention guidelines
developed in the Post-Fire Assessment in Wildland Urban Inter&ce and ponderosa pine cover types (see Tables 1-2
and 1-3 in Chapter 1).
Watenhed and Aquatic Habitat Improvement
Watershed and aquatic habitat improvement work and the resulting effects on motorized access are the same as those
described in Alternative c.
Reforesting Burned Lands
Planting and natural regeneration methods would occur as described in Alternative B, but would only occur in the
Wildland Urban InterlBce and the warm dry forest types. Amounts ofeach can be found in Table 2-4.
Forest Plan Amendment
Implementation would require a site-specific amendment to the Bitterroot Forest Plan (1987). This amendment would
modify the Forest-wide snag retention standard and the coarse woody debris standards fur four management areas.
This _
is described in more detail in Chapter I. Alternative E would not amend standards for elk habitat
effectiveness and thermal cover.
The Wildland Urban Inter&ce and High Risk Bark Beetle stands include many ofthe same areas shown in ''Warm,
Dry Forest and ''Suitable Timberland Needing Reforestation." Thus, some acreages are duplicated in the table.
Table 2-4 summarizes the activities in Alternative E. The Wildland Urban Interfi1ce and High Risk Bark Beetle
stands include many of the same areas shown in "Warm, Dry Forest and ''Suitable TimberIaDd Needing
Reforestation." Thus, some acreages are duplicated in the table.
2-14 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Table 2-4 - Actlvldes proposed under Altemadve E, by Geographic Area
Fuel Reduction (acres)
Wildland Urban Interface
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Warm, Dry Forest (VRU 2)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Mid and Upper Elevations (VRU 3 and 4 within WUI)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
High-Risk Bark Beetle Stands (within WUI and VRU2)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Burned Plantations
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Total Fuel Reduedon
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Improve Watenbed Condidon (mBes)
Pull Culverts, Stabilize, Place in Storage
Road Decommissioning or Recontouring
Improve Fish Habitat
Enlarge Culverts
Plant Trees (riparian)
Reforestadon - Plantinl(aeres)
Reforestadon - Natural (acres)
Ea.t Fork
West Fork
Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures
These design features, as weD as the following mitigation measures, are an integral part ofeach of the action
alternatives. They are listed here separately to avoid repeating them in each alternative description.
Burned Area Recovery DElS - 2-15
Table 1-5 - Management Requirements and Mldgadon Measures
ObJecdvelMidaadon Measures & Manaaement Requirements
Minlmia soU erosion and compacdon!
Minimize the size and number of landings to that needed for safety and operation of
Skyline yarding operations will suspend at least one end of the log off the ground. No
rehabilitation ofcable corridors is needed if soils are frozen to a 4-inch depth or on 24 inches of
settled snow. During summer months, cable corridors must be rehabilitated as soon as possible by
anchoring large woody debris in the cable corridors to act as waterbars, or breaching the berm
with water bars, and pulling adjacent woody debris to cover bare areas of the corridors.
Skyline yarding operations will suspend at least one end of the log off the ground when soils are
frozen to a 4-inch depth or on 24 inches of settled snow.
Only low ground pressure equipment (a ground pressure rating of less than 10 PSI) wiD be
allowed to operate on designated skid trails with slash mats, during the dry season, only in areas of
low severity bums, on slopes less than 35%, and where the soil moisture content of the surface is
Dispersed skidding using ground-based systems can occur on slopes less than 35% only if soils
are frozen to a depth of 4 inches or on 24 inches ofsettled snow. Ground-based skidding will be
restricted to slopes less than 35% downhill and 2()o~ uphill.
I .aDdings associated with temporary roads will be rehabilitated by ripping, seeding, and having
slash scattered over them. Those landings along classified roads will be evaluated on a case-bycase basis and either cleaned up and used as a turnout for the road or be rehabilitated by being
ripped, seeded, and scattering slash over them.
Mechanical site preparation will occur for reforestation in conjunction with mechanical fuels
Decommission temporary roads by ripping or re-contouring, seeding, and spreading available
slash over the former road surface. This will be done as soon as possible after logging operations
are complete.
On Forest roads proposed for decommissioning: culverts will be removed, they wiD be ripped,
partially recontoured, seeded and fertilized, available slash scattered over the roadbed, and the
entrance blocked or recontoured.
All fuel treatments on high severity bums will leave enough slash evenly scattered over the unit to
contrIbute to 30-60 % effective ground cover, if available.
Piling of fuels using a walking excavator can occur in fuel reduction units, with dry soil
conditions where slopes do not exceed 50010.
Areas ofsoil displacement (FMS Rl Supplement 2500-99-1) by activities will be seeded and/or
mulched as needed. Follow-up seeding and fertilizing will occur as needed.
Euure that water-related beneflcial uses are protected and that State water quaBty standanls are met!
No equipment wiD be allowed within identified wetland areas. Ground-based equipment wiD be
prohibited from entering streamside management zones or from being within 50 feet ofthe
ordinary high water mark without the appropriate variance from Montana DNRC. Any request for
variance wiD be approved by Forest Service fisheries and watershed specialists prior to requesting
a variance from DNRC.
Slash resuhing from fuels treatments within wetlands and/or within SO feet ofthe ordinary high
water mark for streams will be removed or hand piled.
Any BAER slope stabilization or &-eline that was previously rehabilitated that is disturbed during
fuel reduction or harvest operations wiD be repaired as soon as possible.
Roads scheduled placed in temporary staragelor decommissioned wiD have waterbars or cross
drains installed where necessary.
Forest roads wiD be protected from UDwammted damage during haul operations. Dust abatement
and snowplowina specifications wiD be consistent with BuD Trout Road Maintenance BA
Preserve and protect fisheries habitat!
No fuel reduction treatments wiD occur within INFISH Riparian Habitat Conservation Areas
(RHCAs) and wetlands. A map ofall RHCAs in the project area is contained in the Project File.
The RHeAs for this project include lands:
2-16 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Ob ectivelMid .don Mealures & Mana ement R ulrements
- Within 300 feet offish-bearing streams.
- Within ISO feet ofpermanently flowing streams that do not have fish; and ponds, lakes, and
wetlands > 1 acre.
- Within 100 feet ofintermittent streams, wetlands < 1 acre, and landslide prone areas (applies
the following areas: all portions of the Blodgett fire, the Skalkaho Creek drainage, the
Sleeping Child Creek drainage, the Warm Springs Creek drainage, the Meadow Creek
drainage, and the West Fork draiDage above Painted Rocks Dam).
- Within SO feet ofintermittent streams, wetlands < I acre, and landslide prone areas (applies
to all areas not listed above .
Trees may be felled in RHCAs only when they pose a safety risk. Felled hazard trees in RHCAs
will be left on-site to contrIbute to instream woody debris, unless a fisheries biologist determines it
SH standard RA-2 .
would be detrimental to the stream banks or· . function
roads wiD not be allowed to enter or cross RHCAs.
In Priority Watersheds (see Fisheries report in Chapter 3), no new landinWi wiD be allowed in
RHCAs. Use ofexisting IaDdings in RHCAs • allowable, but those IaDdings can DOt be expaDded
(INFISH standard RF-2a). For landings located within RHCAs, a silt fence and/or weed-free
straw bales will be iDstalJed around the portions ofthe landing where sediment could potentially
move towards a stream; in winter, a properly drained snow berm may be used in place ofa silt
fence or straw bales.
In non-priority watersheds, construction of new landings and expausion of exilting landings in
RHCAs would be avoided to the greatest extent possible. Where alternative laudings are not
available outside ofRHCAs, any new clearing or expansion in RHCAs would be minimized to the
greatest extent possible, and all sites proposed for landings would be evaluated and mitigated on a
case-by-case basis by a fisheries biologist or hydrologist prior to CODStrUcting any landing. No
landing would occur within ISO feet offish-bearing streams, and 100 feet ofnon-fish bearing
streams; tim distance would adequately protect shade and woody debris recruitment. Any trees
that must be felled in the RHCA would be left on site to provide woody debris recruitment to
soils, and
t sediment movement toward streams.
No fuel storage or refueling ofequipment will occur in RHCAs. If there are no other alternative
areas, refueling sites in RHCAs must be approved by the Forest fisheries biologist and have an
SH standard RA-4 .
a roved ill contaimnent lan . r to use
During culvert removals and replacements, all of the applicable Bitterroot NatioDal Forest Best
Management Practices (BMPs) will be used to minimize sediment delivery to streams. A copy of
the BMPs is contaiDed in the Project File. Where roads are encroaching on the stream or
floodplain at crossings, the road fill wiD be removed from the stream and floodplain and placed on
hillslope8, in valley bottom DOn-wetland sites, or spread on road sudBces. Stream crossings will
be re-contoured to a stable slope angle, an adequate floodplain formed, and stream banks restored
to fit up and doWDStream channel geometry. Placement ofJarge rock or log weirs and large
debris will be used to diss· te stream
on st
· b.
All work in live streams will occur between May 15 and September lit to avoid the period ofbull
trout spawning, egg incubation, and early rearing. Filter cloth will be used across the stream
below the culvert to trap sediments created during culvert removal, and the trapped sediment will
be· sed ofoutside of the flo
Jain or wetland areas.
All new culverts and bridges will be sized to accommodate the lOO-year flood, iDcludiDg
associated bedload and debris
SH standard RF-4 .
licable road cro ·
Fish assa e will be rovided or maintained at all
Preserve TES lant 0 aladonl and their habitat!
In areas where there are known sensitive plant populations, logging operations will be completed
on ound frozen to a
tb of4 inches or over 24 inches of settled snow or helico ter.
Where piles are burned, limit pile size so the area burned is no more than 20' in diameter to
minimize the potential for creating habitat for noxious weeds, and to protect the organic soil layer
and Iant roots. Slash iles will not be allowed in areas where sensitive Iants are located.
roads and
. s will be located to avoid sensitive Iant
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-17
ObJecdvelMidpdon Measures & Mana2ement Requirements
Piling for fuel reduction with a walking excavator will not be allowed where sensitive plants are
located unless the ground is frozen to a depth of4 inches or over 24 inches of settled snow, or by
Prevent the spreadllnfestadon of nODous weeds!
Requirements and recommendations for noxious weed management when conducting grounddisturbing activities, as outlined in Forest Service Manual 2000, RI Supplement 2000-2000-1, will
be followed.
Make r toward meetinl Elk Habitat Effectiveness
Install gates to restrict year-long access to seasonal access on about 2.4 miles ofroad.
Install gates to restrict year-long access to seasonal access on about 2.4 miles ofroad.
Provide for the ....ety of Forest usen
Provide signing for any road, trail, or area that will be closed or where access is restricted, as per
the Sign Plan. All projects will contain a traffic control and safety plan.
Trails and roads affected by fuel reduction activities or roadwork will be closed to travel
(including snowmobiles) during operations when they pose a danger to Forest users.
On roads designated "keep open" in contracts, trafIic wiIlllOt be delayed for more than 30 minutes
at a time, unless posted otherwise.
Advance notice ofroad and/or trail closures will be issued/posted using a variety ofmeaDS to
reduce the hazard to Forest users from fuel reduction or watershed improvement work.
Dust abatement will be required on the West Fork Road within ~ mile ofPainted Rock recreation
sites when hauling operations are occuning.
Helicopters will avoid flying directly over river users and private residences. WarDings will be
placed at river access points during periods oflogging activity.
No log hauling or roadwork will occur on any weekeDd throughout the big-game rifle season.
Provide for the safety of tralI usen and protect the lntearity of the traiIII
Directional fell trees away from trails. Skidding will not be allowed on the trail Ifthere is a need
to skid across the trail, the contract administrator will locate the skid trails on the groUDd to
minimize damage to the trail.
All trails and trailheads will be designated ''Protect Improvement" on sale area maps.
Reduce the visuallmpaets of harvest alona traIIsI
For any vegetative treatment ncar a trail, stumps within two chain lengths (132 feet) of the trail
will be backcut or tlushcut.
Slash piles will be located at least one chain (66 feet) away from the trails.
Reduce Impacts to permittees caused by Ialvaae and fuel reducdon acdvldesl
Permit administrators will work with authorized outfitters and permittees who are directly
impacted by logging operatiousofthis project.
The proposed helicopter landing at Piquett Creek is presently used as an outfitter parkiDg area.
After completion ofuse, slash will be removed from the landing, it will be seeded with the
appropriate Forest seed mix, and left in a suitable condition to park vehicles.
Fuel reduction activities using commercial sales in the Piquett Creek and Castle Creek drainages
will be prohibited from September 1 to November 30.
No cutting, slcidding, or hauling in the following units will begin until after December I, 2001:
307-311, 313-316,318-334 407 and 598-600.
Timber sale activities behind the gate on Maynard Creek Road #728 will be by permit only until
December 1, 2001.
MaIntain or protect air quaUty/
Prescribed bums will only be conducted when weather furecasts assure that Federal and State
ambient air quality staDdards will be met.
Bum prescriptions will specify weather and fuel moisture conditions that minjm= smoke
production per unit area and remove only those fuels needed to meet the coarse woody debris
The appropriate mo~up category will be prescribed to ensure that actions are taken to reduce the
impacts ofresidual smoke.
-B- - -
2-18 - BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS
Ob ectivelMiti tion Measures & Mana ement R ulrements
Forest management activities in the vicinity of Or. Charles D. Keeling's carbon dioxide climate
study in the airshed ofTag Alder Creek in Mill Creek will be coordinated with Dr. Keeling to
assure rotection of the air uaIi stud ..
Protect arch.eol •cal sitest
Heritage specialists will review and conduct additional cultural resource inventories prior to
· lementatio where
Ifpreviously UDknown cultural resource sites are encountered during implementation, activities
will be balted and the Heritage Program manager will be IlOtified immediately. Modifications will
be made to miti ate if deemed
Culturally sensitive areas in or near activity units wiD be protected during operations by "area of
avoidance" des· tion on contract
Meet Visual uaD Ob eetivest
Harvest units will have 20-30% ofburned or green trees left in each unit to give texture to the
blackened area. No man-made geometric shape wiD be imposed on the random pattern of the fire
to delineate the unit boundaries.
Units within Retention VQO (MA-3c and 5) will be desigoed so there are no readily apparent
human made alterations to the landscape when seen from the following roads or trai1heads: Mill
Creek, Canyon Creek, Blodgett Creek, Sbeafinan Creek, Skalkaho Road, Sleeping Child Road, the
lower rtion ofR Creek Road, H· wa #93, and the East Fork Road.
Units within Partial Retention VQO (MA-3a and 3b) will be designed to mimic and remain within
the fire pattern, and maintain a landscape free from roads or slci=d trails as viewed from SlcaIkaho
Road, Sleeping Child Road, the lower portion ofRye Creek Road, Highway #93, the East Fork
Road, Highway #473, County Road #104, Little Blue Joint Road, and Painted Rocks Lake.
MaDagement activities must remain visually subordiDate in pattern, size, color, and texture to the
exis' natural character.
Units within Modification VQO (MA-I and 2) wiD be desigoed to imitate natural openings in
, size, ed e tt
and & enc of occurrence when viewed from back unci distances.
Landings alongside the SkaJIcaho Highway for Units 35-47 will be rehabilitated after work is
co lete.
The monitoring effort is tiered to and developed from the recommendations in the Bitterroot Forest Plan (pgs IV-3 to
IV-S). Generally, the effects to be measured correspond to those described and listed in Table IV-I, Monitoring and
Evaluation Requirements in the Forest Plan (pages IV-6 to IV-9). However, some ofthe planned monitoring activities
associated with this proposed action are not reflected in the Forest Plan. These items are often part ofimplementation
monitoring which reflect the routine maDagement that Forest Service per80DDel undertake to ensure that project
activities occur as planned. For example, sale administration is done &equently to ensure that contract clauses are
adhered to and effective in adequately protecting the resources.
The Bittenoot Forest maintains two air quality sampling stations with automated particulate samplers and one
visibility sampler. The stations gather information pertiDent to this project and others on the Forest and in the region.
Treatment units would be monitored for implementation of required mitigations in protecting the soB resource.
Special attention will be placed on the effectiveness ofmitigations concerning winter logging due to the variability of
the conditions and the weather.
Fuel reduction and watershed and aquatic improvement projects would be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of
application ofBMP's and other required mitigation to prevent or minjmj~ on-site ~ and sediment
Burned Area RecoveryDEIS - 2-19
Monitoring of the application ofBMP's and other required mitigation would occur regularly during contract
implementation. This would be accomplished by the Contract Administrator during inspection of activities and
documented. Ifinspectors find mitigations or BMP's are not effective, a soil or watershed specialist would be
consulted and a solution implemented.
Periodic monitoring ofJandings in RHeA's (both in priority and non-priority watersheds) would occur fullowing use
to determine effectiveness ofrevegetation and sediment control Where revegetation. not successful, revegetation
techniques would re evaluated and seeding would be repeated, with follow-up monitoring to ensure adequate
MoDitoring ofwatershed improvement implementation would occur regularly. The project iDspector would monitor
the application ofmitigatioDS and BMP's (specifically 11.02) and their effectiveness would be documented. If
mitigations or BMP's are not effective, a soil or watershed specialist would be consulted and a solution implemented. a cross section of the treated road sites at least three times over the next six years, begiDniDg in year ODe, to
monitor revegetation success. Ifnot effective, alternative revegetation efforts would be continued until successful
Photos and reports would be used to document effectiveness.
MoDitoring for water yield and sediment transport wiD take place on several streams across the Forest as part of the
ongoing monitoring program.
In cooperation with Montana Fish, WiJdIife, and Parks, changes in fish populations would be monitored by electro
shocking surveys in the following Forest Plan monitoring reaches:
Two Bear Creek
Sleeping Child Creek
Little Sleeping Child Creek (establish monitoring section near Hamburger Flat)
Skalkaho Creek
Rye Creek
North Rye Creek
Meadow Creek
Tolan Creek
Warm Springs Creek
East Fork-of the Bitterroot River
Laird Creek
Praine Creek
MaYDlJ"d Creek (establish monitoring section near the mouth)
Medicine Tree Creek (establish monitoring section at FS bowaieu YJ
Little Blue Joint Creek
Each reach would be sampled a minimum of three times over six years following fuel treatment activities.
Forested VegetaUoD
Silvicultural prescriptions prepared and approved in advance of activities in furested staDds would be evaluated for
consistency with planning records and mitigation measures. The objective is to assure continuity from plaDs to
actions on the ground.
MarJdog and cruising guides prepared in advance of field activities would be evaluated by qualified perIODDeI to
assure that the guides are properly applied in the field. Crew leaders would document that marking and CJUising
guides are properly followed.
Sale or Contract Unit deliDeation would be monitored to assure that project design is applied as intended.
2-20 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Post-harvest reviews would be performed and documented.
Monitoring for reforestation would include:
Seedling production at the nursery,
Treatment, handling and storage of seedlings prior to planting,
Care and handling during preparation for planting and during planting,
Contract inspections according to regional standards to assure compliance with contract specifications,
First, third and fifth year plantation survival surveys according to regional standards, in order to verify that
stands are adequately stocked to regional standards, and that new stands are "free to grow" with no other
immediate needs, and
Stocking exams at the third and fifth year following the fuels treatment or salvage harvest, where natural
regeneration is prescribed. The objective is to ascertain if fill-in planting or other treatment is needed to
certify that stands are adequately stocked and free to grow.
Bark beetle populations would be monitored to determine whether or not, and where, they are increasing, decreasing,
or static. Bark beetle mortality will be monitored and documented.
Seed crops for ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir would be monitored so seed collection planDing can take advantage of
good cone production years.
Sensitive Plants
Ongoing monitoring would evaluate the effects of fire and proposed activities on frequency of occurrence, density and
size ofsensitive plant populations.
Treatment units would be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness ofmitigation measures in limiting weed spread at
landings, along skid trails and at slash piles. Photos would be used to supplement documented observations.
Elk population trends would be monitored by Montana FWt, Wildlife and Parks. The treDd iofurmation will be used
to manage populations through changes in regulations, seasous, and, in cooperation with the Forest Service, travel
Fuel reduction treatment units would be monitored to evaluate the implementation ofprescribed treatments in meeting
fuel reduction objectives and coarse woody debris guidelines.
Bitterroot Forest policy bas been avoidance of all adverse effects on known cultural resources wherever possible.
Avoidance would be accomplished through p1aDDing, field survey, SHPO and Tribal coDSUltation, project design and
Treatment areas would be monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed treatments in meeting visual quality
Monitoring would evaluate the effectiveness of signing and other public notices in providing for public safety.
Burned Area RecoveryDEIS - 2-21
Alternatives Considered But Not Given Detailed Study
During early public scoping and project development, several suggestions were considered for alternative
development but dismissed. The following section describes these alternative concepts and the reasons they are not
given detailed study.
Stabilize More Burned Slopes
Some people suggested that more stabilization work could be accomplished using techniques similar to those during
the Fall 2000 Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation effort such as contour felling and grass seeding. 'This alternative
was not considered in detail because most benefit ofcontour felling occurs during the first year post-fire. Contour
felling is also very costly. After the first year, grass seed would only be inhibiting the recovery ofuative species that
provide a stronger root system for stabilizing slopes.
Bring Roads That Are Proposed For Decommissioning Up To BMP Standards
Some people suggested that existing roads should be brought up to Best Management Practices (BMP) staDdards
instead ofdecommissioning them. The roads proposed for decommissioning were thoroughly reviewed for future
access needs and availability ofnearby access using other routes. All roads identified for decommissioning are no
longer needed for management access. Recreation access on these roads is also UDDeCeSS8IY because alternative
access via other roads is proximate. This alternative was not considered in detail because benefits to the watershed
would be reduced compared to the benefits resulting from decommissioning, and bringing these roads up to BMP
standards with future maintenance costs would be considerably higher than decommissioning.
Bark Beetle Suppression
Based on COlDlDalts received during seoping, an alternative was considered that would take the action necessary to
directly suppress the Douglas-fir beetle infestation in the identified analysis areas. Suppression options such as the use
oftrap-trees, pheromone-baited funnel traps, anti-aggregant pheromones and possibly insecticide to reduce populations
were considered. This alternative was e1imiDated from detailed study because it is not known where beetle activities
will occur, given the vast size of the burned area. Therefore, these suppression methods are considered premature.
Treating More Burned Areas
The areas considered for treatment in the range ofalternatives studied in detail reflect Forest Plan management area
direction and economic feasibility considerations. An alternative that would reduce fuels over a larger area was not
studied in detail because Alternative D approaches the maximum amount ofarea treatable within Forest Plan direction
and Forest Service policy.
Need for Programmatic EIS on Fire Recovery in the Northern Region
The colDlDel1t was made that with all ofthe major fires in the Northern Region and the fact that the Forest Service is,
or wiD be, proposing similar projects to deal with post-fire recovery across the Region, the fire recovery work should
be guided by a programmatic document under the guidance of the Regional Forester. The Northern and Intermountain
Regions have completed "Toward Restoration and Recovery: An Assessment of the 2000 Fire Season in the Northern
and Intermountain Regions (USDA, Forest Service, January 2(01). This presents a strategy for post fire recovery at
the RegioDal and Inter-regional levels. Any ongoing or fureseeable future activities outside the Bitterroot Forest
boundary that potentially contribute to cumulative effects are considered in the project analysis. Such a programmatic
EIS, as suggested, would have to be acted on at the Regional level and therefore is beyond the scope of tim analysis.
Close or Decommission Many More MUes of Existing Road
One suggestion was made to close and decommission more roads. The action alternatives balance watershed
improvement needs with the need to maintain a transportation system that meets public and management needs.
Alternatives C and E respond to tim suggestion by recontouring more roads. Additiona1 roads were coDSid«ed for
decommissioning or recontouring during formulation ofthe proposed actions, but were not carried furward for
2-22 - BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS
detailed study because they are necessary for a variety ofreasons, including recreation access, fire management, and
vegetation management.
Harvest By Helicopter Only and Construct No New Roads
An alternative to yarding using helicopters only was proposed but dismissed from further consideration for several
reasoos. The cost ofhelicopter yarding is substantially higher than using ground-based or skyline systems and, the
proposed action would protect soils. No new permanent roads are being proposed in any alternative. Alternatives C
and E would not construct temporary roads. If there are unacceptable impacts identified with conventional logging
systems on any given site considered for treatment, more helicopter yarding could be specified at the time of decision.
Treat Fuels Using Prescribed Fire Only
An alternative to "treat fuels through prescribed fire only" was suggested by some scoping respondents. Some
suggested management ignited fires should be used in closer proximity to private lands and a program of resource
benefit fires (allowing lightning fires to burn under certain conditions) be implemented fiuther away from private lands.
Resource benefit fires on the Bitterroot National Forest are currently allowed in wilderness lands and certain
Management Area 5 and 6 lands on the West Fork Ranger Dmtrict. The Forest wiD consider adding lands where
resource benefit fires could be allowed during the Forest Plan revision process. This approach is more appropriately
addressed at the Forest scale and therefore is outside the scope oftbis project analysis.
The option to use either management ignited or allowing resource benefit fires in burned areas would not meet the fuel
reduction objectives within the planning horizon for this project. The ground fuels would be too light to carry fire in
many burned areas within the next decade. Most of the heavy fuels of concern would still be standing suags. The
option offirst conducting a pre-burning treatment offillling snags to get the large fuels on the ground was considered,
but it m believed this would not meet the intent of the suggested alternative. Unacceptable impacts to soils would
result from burning the huge fuel loadings now present, even if fuels could be rearranged to carry fire. The extent and
cost of this work are also prohibitive.
Only Reduce Fuels Within 130 Feet of Homes
Some scoping respondents suggested that reducing fuels is only needed within 40 meters (about 130 feet) ofhomes.
This alternative was proposed because research has shown that home protection"can be greatly improved by fuel
reduction work within 130 feet ofa home (Cohen 1999). This alternative was not studied in detail because treating fuels
on private property is outside the scope of this project. The common area shared by a 13o-tOOt radius around homes and
the National Forest boundary in burned areas amounts to no more than several small slivers ofland and probably totals
less than five acres Forest-wide. These areas, as weD as surrounding inter&ce lands, are inchuled within proposed fuel
reduction treatment areas in this project and are coosidered high priority (post-Fire Assessment). The USFS and the
BNF have an active program to provide information to landowners on home and structure wildfire protection measures.
Comparison of Alternatives
This section summarizes the effect ofthe activities by resource topic. It also compares the alternatives by activities
considered, meeting the purpose and need and addressing the key issues. For more detail, refer to Chapter 3. AD
numbers in the following tables are approximate.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-23
Table 2-6- Acdvldes Proposed by A1ternadve
WildJaDd Urban Interface·
Fuel Reducdon (acres)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescnbed Burning
Warm Dry Forest (VRU 2)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescnbed Burning
Suitable Timberland Needing Reforestation (VRUs 3 and 4)
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvageIRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
High-Risk Bark Beetle Stands·
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Prescribed Burning
Burned Plantations
Non-Harvesting Fuel Reduction
Total Fuel Reduction
Intermediate Harvest
Salvage Harvest
SalvagelRegeneration Harvest
Non-Harvesting Fuels
Prescribed Burning
Improve Watenbed Condidon
PuB ~1h.rtQ Stabilize, Place in Storage
Road Decommissioning or Recontowing
Improve Fish Habitat (miles)
Enlarge CulvertslBuild Bridge (each)
~_I Tree Planting (miles)
Reforestadon - PlantiDRCacres)
Reforestadon - Natun1 Cacres)
: ....1
• The Wildland Urban InterfBce and High-Risk Bark Beede Stand acres displayed include some acres in the warm,
dry forest (VRU 2), and suitable timberland needing reforestation (VRUs 3 and 4). For this reason some acreages are
duplicated in this tables.
2-24 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Environmental Consequences Comparison and Summary
Fire and Fuels
Effects on Fuel Loading and Fire
In the Blodgett Geographic Area, Alternatives B, D and E would be equally beneficial in terms ofreducing fuel
continuity, fuel loading and potential for extreme fire behavior at the landscape level Alternatives B, D and E would
most effectively meet the stated pwpose and need of treating fuels and reducing the potential for UDDatura1ly high
severity future fires in the warm, dry forested sites. These three alternatives would also most effectively meet the need
to reduce fuels to protect reforestation investments from potential future fire. The difterence in the size and
distribution oftreatment units in these three ahematives in the Blodgett Geographic Area would be imperceptible.
Alternatives A and C would not treat fuels, so would do nothing to reduce the fuel continuity, fuel loading or potential
for extreme fire behavior at the landscape level within the Blodgett Geographic Area. Alternatives A and C would not
treat fuels in the warm, dry forested sites nor reduce the potential for high severity fire in the future. These alternatives
would not reduce fuels to protect reforestation investments. These reforested areas would remain subject to damage by
potential future high intensity fire.
In the other three Geographic Areas, Alternatives B and D would be equally beneficial in reducing fuel continuity,
fuel loading and potential for extreme fire behavior. Alternatives B and D would most effectively meet the need to
treat fuels and reduce the potential for wmaturally high severity future fires in the warm, dry forested sites. These two
alternatives would also most effectively reduce fuels at mid to high elevations to protect reforestation investments
from potential future fire. There are minor differences in acres treated and fuel reduced between these two
altcmatives, but these differences would be imperceptible at the landscape level as would be the difference in size and
distribution of the proposed treatment units.
Alternatives A and C would not treat fuels so would do nothing to reduce the fuel continuity, fuel loading or potential
for extreme fire behavior at the landscape level Alternatives A and C would not treat fuels in the warm, dry forested
sites nor reduce the potential for high severity fire in the future. These alternatives would not reduce fuels in the
middle to upper elevations to protect reforestation investments. These reforested areas would remain subject to
damage by potential future high intensity fire.
Alternative E would treat fuels on a smaller scale than Alternatives Band D. The effects ofAlternative E would be
intermediate between Alternatives B and D, and Alternatives A and C. Alternative E would partiaDy meet the need to
reduce fuels in the warm, dry forested sites to reduce the potential for future high severity fire, but the extent offuel
reduction would not address future fire risk at as 1arge a scale as Alternatives B and D.
WIldland Urban Interfaee
In the Blodgett Geographic Area, Alternatives B, D and E would be equaDy beneficial in reducing fuels and the
potential ofsignificant fire behavior occurring in or near the Wildland Urban Inter&ce (WUI). Because these three
alternatives reduce fuels to similar levels they would be equally effective in lowering the resistance to control in the
WUI treatment units. These three alternatives would be equally effective in meeting the need ofreducing the future
fire threat to private lands and property in and near the WUI and providing iDcreased firefighter and public safety .
The difference in the size and di1tribution of treatment units in these three altematives would be imperceptible.
In the Skabbo Geographic Area, Alternative D would reduce fuels on the most acres in or near the WUI. This
alternative would reduce the likelihood of sigDificant fire behavior impacting the WUI and lower the resistance to
control on 600 more acres than would Alternative B and 2800 more acres than would Alternative E. ~ alternative
would be most effective in reducing the future fire threat to private lands and property in and near the WUI.
Alternatives B and E would treat fuels on a smaDer scale than Alternative D and would partially meet the need to
reduce fuels in the WUI.
In the East Fork and West Fork Geographic Areas, Alternatives B and D would both reduce fuels to the same levels
and in the same treatment units. Both alternatives would be equally effective in reducing the likelihood ofsignificant
fire behavior occurring in or near the WUI. Because these two alternatives reduce fuels to the same levels they would
Burned Area Recovery DElS - 2-25
...-.- -
be equally effective in lowering the resistance to control in the WUI treatment units. Alternatives B and D would
equally reduce fuels and lower the future fire threat to private lands and property in the WUI.
Alternative E would reduce fuels on a smaller scale than Alternatives B and D and would partially meet the purpose
and need to lower the threat offuture fire to private lands and property in the WUI.
In all Geographic Areas, Alternatives A and C would not treat fuels and would not have any effect on fire behavior or
resistance to control in the WUI. These alternatives would not meet the purpose and need to reduce future fire threat to
Table 2-7 summarizes fuel treatmeDt acreages by Geographic Area and alternative. Fuel reduction activities are used
as indicators ofeffectiveness in meeting the purpose and need in three priority zones.
Table 2-7 also shows the percent by Geographic Area with less than 30 toDS per acres offuel by alternative. Thirty
toDS per acre ofbeavy fuels is a generally accepted threshold offuel loading. The probability ofhigb intensity, high
severity wildland fire increases at or near this threshold
Table 1-7 - Fuel ReducUoo - Meetlq the Purpose aDd Need
Acres where Fuel ObJecdves Are Met In WUdland Urban Interface
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Areas Where Fuel Objectives Are Met In Lower Elevation Warm Dry Forest
Blodgett Area
SlcaIkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Areas Where Fuel Objectives Are Met In Mld- aDd VI-per -Elevadon Forest
Blodgett Area
SkaIkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Pereeat of Area with Leu than 30 Tons per Acres of LURe Fuel Re
Blodgett Area .
SkaIkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Eileen on Air Quality
Altematives A and C
In the absence of fuel reduction and in the event ofa future major wildlaDd fire occuniDg in the burned areas, smoky
conditions could persist in the Bitterroot Valley for several weeks, depeDding on local climatic conditions. Health and
visibility could be affected. Alternatives A and C would produce no smoke from prescribed bums.
Alternatives B, D, and E
Daily particulate matter (PM) emission standards established by the Clean Air Act and National Ambient Air Quality
StaDdards would be followed. Smoke from prescribed burning would temporarily reduce air quality in certain areas,
causing short-term impacts on recreation and visual quality in and near the project areas. Under certain conditions,
smoke created duriog bumiDg operations would settle in draiDage bottoms during cooler evening and morning hours.
Residents in or near the mouths ofthese draiDages might experience short-term periods ofsmoke duriog early
morning hours before the sun beats the air enough to lift and disperse the smoke. Ifbums are properly scheduled
2-26 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
.- - -
when good mixing and dispersal conditions are forecast, smoke should not accumulate in unacceptable levels and any
impacts should be temporary and short-lived. Visibility and human health would be protected with good smoke
The Skalkaho-Rye and East Fork project area would have the most smoke emissioDS of the four Geographic Areas.
Both Skalkaho-Rye and East Fork smoke plumes are likely to move downwind without impacting population
concentrations. Human health standards for PM 10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns) wiD not be exceeded,
although downwind visibility may be temporarily affected.
The Forest is a cooperator with the MontanalIdaho Airshed Group and it is unhlcely that concurrent burning by the
Forest Service and other cooperators would produce significant air quality impacts. AD prescribed burning would be
implemented in full compliance with Montana and Idaho DEQ air programs.
All alternatives involving commercial removal would require dust abatement on roads as needed. Impacts related to
dust and vehicle emissions would be short-term and temporary in nature.
Effects on SoDs
All of the alternatives that involve fuels reduction through commercial sales were designed to 1imit detrimental soil
disturbance. They primarily differ in the amount ofacreage to be treated.
The amount of detrimental soil disturbance depends on the method of fuels treatment. By using the mitigation .
measures in Management Requirements and Mitigation Measures, the amount of detrimental soil disturbance for
Alternatives B, C and E are weD within the RegioDal guideline of creating detrimental soils conditions on no more
than 15% ofthe treatment unit.
Soil erosion is reduced when the effective ground cover (EGC) is 30 to 60 percent on the severe and moderate severity
burns. Alternatives B and D improve the amount ofEGC the most, E is next and A and C do nothing to improve the
EGC in the near term.
Removal of fuels in excess of those needed to meet suag and CWD guidelines, maintain soil productivity and meet
wildlife objectives, help to alleviate the detrimental soil effects that could be caused by future severe fires.
Effects on Watenhed
In the Blodgett Geographic Area, difterences between alternatives are small and activities were designed to minjmize
disturbance and water yield increases. All action alternatives result in essentiaDy the same effects in the Blodgett
Geographic Area. In Altemative ~ there is no decrease in sediment sources. In SkaJkaho-Rye, East Fork and West
Fork Geographic Areas, the action alternatives are not vastly different but there are slightly varying levels ofeffects,
resulting mostly from effects due to past activities. The proposals were designed to limit sediment and water yields
but due to past activities in some of the subwatersheds there is on increased risk ofchannel changes primarily due to
increased water yield for Alternatives Band D.
Water and Sediment Yields
The activities proposed in the watersheds identified in Table 2-8 and Table 2-9 are estimated to iDcreaae water and/or
sediment yields a small amount. The direct and indirect increases associated with the proposals would be ofvery little
concern because iDcreases are quite small. However, due to cumulative effects (past harvest and road construction,
and the amount ofhigh severity fire in the subwatersbeds), the proposals would contribute a small increase to already
high yields and therefore may contribute to chaDges in channel conditions. Several ofthese subwatersheds have
homesites located at the bottom of the draws or along the riparian area, heightening the concern for channel changes.
Yarding over snow and frozen ground, logging system modification and limiting intermediate harvest would address
concerns in these areas.
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 2-27
Table 2-8 -Alternatives B and D Watenbed Concern.:
SedIment and Water Yield Conce.....:
Rye and North Rye Creek (homesites),
Little Sleeping Child (homesites)
Hot springs tributary to Sleeping Child Creek (homesites)
BJacktail Creek, tributary to Sleeping Child Creek
Jennings Camp Creek
Guide Creek
Cameron Creek (all subdrainages)
Medicine Tree, Robbins Gulch (homesites)
Franklin, Dickson, Spade (homesites)
Lord Draw (homesites)
Laird Creek (homesites)
Water Yield Concerns
Mike Creek (homesites)
Bad News Tnb to Slca11caho
Mitigation and erosion control in these watersheds would need to be carefully applied when implementing watershed
improvement work in order to limit additional input ofsediment.
Table 1-9 - Alternative E Watenhed Concern.
Sediment Yield.
Cameron Creek (all subdraiDages)
Medicine Tree Creek
Little Sleeping Child
Rye Creek
Robbins Gulch
Laird Creek
Mitigation and erosion control in these watersheds would need to be carefully applied when implementing watershed
improvement work in order to limit additional input ofsediment.
Effects on Fish
In the Blodgett Geographic Area, Alternative C would be the most beneficial alternative for the fishery because it
would improve long-term habitat conditions to a small degree without causing any negative short-term sedimentation
effects. Also, the threat of future severe fires is not a significant risk to the fishery in the Blodgett Geographic Area.
There would be little diffi:rence between Alternatives B, D, and E. AD are expected to have an insignificant effect on
the fishery.
In the other three Geographic Areas, all of the action alternatives are likely to negatively affect the fishery to some
degree for the first one to two years as a result of the short-term sedimentation of spawning and rearing habitat caused
by implementation. Some of these negative effects are the UDavOidable consequences ofcoDducting large-scale
watershed and fisheries improvements. Alternative D bas the highest risk ofreducing buD trout and westslope
cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat (sedimmrtation), and killing some juveniles and eggs. Alternative E bas
the lowest risk. Alternative B's risk would be intermediate to that ofAlternatives E and D. Assuming a future fire
scenario, Alternative A bas the potential to cause the most long-term damage to buD trout and westslope cutthroat
trout populations in Rye, North Rye, Little Sleeping Child, Medicine Tree, Laird, Mayuard, Little Blue Joint, and
Chicken Creeks because it would not reduce the threat offuture severe bums in these reco~ draiDages. AU of the
altematives, including DO action, are likely to cause negative cumulative effects in some streams between 2001 and
2005 because ofthe sedimentation of spawning and rearing habitat. In the Skalkaho-Rye, East Fork, and West Fork
Geographic Areas, the most beneficial alternative for the fishery would be E, followed by B, C, D, and A
In aD four Geographic Areas, Alternative A would least benefit the fishery because it would not conduct any of the
needed watershed and fisheries improvements.
2-28 - BUI"Ded Area Recovery DEIS
Table 2-10 - Watenhed and Aquadc Habitat Improvement
Year Around Fish Connectivity Restored (lv[i]es of stream)
Blodgett Area
SlcaIkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Effects on Forested Vegetation
Effects on Dry Forest Landi
The fires of2000 burned with greater intensity in the low elevation dry furests where ponderosa pine historically
dominated (VRU 2). With the amount ofponderosa pine mortality resulting from the fires and the number of stands
sti1l at risk of future lethal fires, establishment of ponderosa pine and the creation/maintenance ofhistoric composition
and stJUcture8 are bestaddressed in Alternatives B and o. All action alternatives include reforestation ofponderosa
pine where natural regeneration 0 f this species is unlikely due to lack ofseed sources, competing vegetation, or harsh
sites. Each action ahemative refurests about the same acres to ensure ponderosa pine establishment.
Alternatives B, 0, and E vary in the amount of acres where historic fuel levels, stand structures and composition
would be created using harvest and non-harvesting meaDS. Alternatives B and 0 treat the most acres and allow
thinning green trees to better achieve the desired conditions. Alternative E would reduce fuels in dry forest types but
would not improve stand structure or stand composition in areas that burned at low severity. Alternative A would
allow natural process to take place, regeneration ofpoDderosa pine would be slow and the risk offuture lethal fires
and rebum would remain. Alternative C would replant burned ponderosa pine habitats but would not reduce fuek on
those sites. These staDds would be highly wlnerable to future fire and loss ofreforestation investments, and potential
for reduced site productivity.
Effects on Mid-and Upper-Elevadon Forest Land.
The effects on stands in the mid-and-high elevation range (VRUs 3 and 4) as a result ofAlternatives B, 0, and E are
directly related to fuels reduction. Where natural and artificial regeneration are prescribed, the fuels treatments reduce
the risk of a reborn burning up the refurestation time and doDar investment. Altematives B and 0 treat the most acres
of the action altematives. Alternative E only treats these sites that are within the WildJaDd Urban Interf8ce. The no
action alternative and Alternative C would allow natural processes to take place resulting in increased risk of reburn,
loss of natural regeneration investment, and possible loss in site productivity remain.
Effeetl on Bark Beetle RIsk
Ahernative A and Alternative C do not treat any staDds for reduced Douglas-fir beetle susceptibility reduction, remove
any beetle killed or infested trees, or treat any higblmoderate risk staDds. Ahernative B treats 2,793 acres for reduced
Douglas-fir beetle susceptibility and Alternative 0 treats 5,467 acres. Alternatives 0 and B treat the most acreage to
remove beetle killed or infested trees. Alternatives 0 and B also treat highlmoderate risk stands. These treatments
would have some effect on reducing beetle popuJatious at the local or stand level Alternative E would remove dead
or dying infested trees. It would not reduce stand density and therefore would not reduce bark beetle susceptibility.
The no action alternative allows the current epidemic ofDouglas-fir bark beetles to continue and do not attempt to
reduce mortality or reduce the risk of mortality in stands that are at high/moderate risk.
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 2-29
-------;;~------~ ~-.
Table 2-11 - Bark Beede RIsk
Acres of Bark Beetle SuseepdbWty Reduction
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Acres of Bark Beede Modentellli2b-Risk Stands Treated
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
1 855
Table 1-12 - Reforestation Summary by Alternative and Geographic Area
Acres Planted
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Effects on Sensitive Plants
Any alternative that increases the risk ofweed spread could potentially have an adverse impact on sensitive plant
habitat. Noxious weed competition is one of the greatest adverse affects on seDSitive plant habitat in VRU 2 and drier
VRU 3 habitats. Activities that include operating any type ofground-based equipment over bare soils are the most
likely to cause adverse impacts on individual sensitive plants. Sensitive plant species most at risk include Lemhi
peostemon (Penstemon lemhiensis), Payette penstemon (penstemon payettensis), dwarf oDion (Allium parvum), taper
tip oDion (Allium acuminatum), hollyleafclover (Trifolium gym1lOCQrpon), puzzIiDg haJimolobos (Halimolobos
perplexa), Rocky Mountain paintbrush (Castilleja covilleana), turkey-peas (Orogeniafusiformis), and wooDy-head
clover (I'rifolium eriocephaJum ssp. arcuatum). Candystick (Allotropa virgata) occurs in VRU 4 types and is less
likely to be impacted by noxious weeds, but the use ofground-based equipment on bare soil could adversely impact
the soil mycorrhizae associated with this species. Since more acres would be treated in Alternative D than the other
alternatives, the impacts on sensitive plants or their habitat have the potential to be greatest in this alternative.
Potential effects decrease in Alternatives B, E, e, and A in that order. The long-term impacts would be reversed fur
the most part (Alternatives A, e, E, D, and B from greatest to least potential impacts) due to the potential for a severe
fire event in future decades caused by fuel accumuJations from fire-killed trees. Alternative D would have the
potential largest impact due to the construction of the most temporary roads.
Effects on Noxious Weeds
The fires of2000 have created an environment ripe fur invadiDg noxious weed seed, which meaDS that even the DO
action altemative would allow weed spread. Any further activity would only add to this risk by exposing burned areas
to weed seed from activities associated with logging, road decommissioning, reforestation, and slash piling and
burning. Alternative D would spread weeds more readily than any other alternative due to the proposed coDStruction
oftemporary roads. Recontouring and revegetating these roads would mitigate this impact some, but would still
create conditions mvorable for weed invasion. Alternative B would be the next most likely to contribute to weed
spread, fullowed by E, e, and A These comparisoDS are based on short-term impacts, includiDg acres ofproposed
activity. In the long term, there is a risk ofa severe fire event occurriDg due to fuel acclIIDlI JatioDS from fire-killed
trees. Such an event would increase the probability ofsoil heating and damage to underground plant parts, slowing
their rate of recovery and mvoring the invasion ofnoxious weeds. If this were to occur, and it most likely would
happen in some areas, the risk ofweed spread would be greatest in Alternative A (No Action) with the most fuel left
2-30 - BU111ed Area Recovery DEIS
on site, followed by Ahematives C, E, 0, and B. In this scenario, Ahemative D would still have increased weed risk
compared to Ahemative B due to more temporary road coDStruction activities. Weeds are most likely to be spread
into areas not previously infested in any of the drier VRU 3 sites and in areas where groUDd-bascd equipment would
be used over bare soil, including machine piling ofslash.
Effects on Wildlife
Management. Indicator Species (PIne Marten, Pileated Woodpeeker, Elk)
Fires had the greatest effect on habitats for pine marten, pileated woodpecker and old growth. The activities proposed
in any of the alternatives would not reduce remaining habitat or old growth habitat remainmg after the fires.
Intermediate treatments prescribed in Alternative B and D would improve the sustainabiIity of dry forest late
successional stands by thinning smaller trees and removing ladder fuek.
m€ets on Elk Thermal Cover
Elk thermal cover on winter range was diminished as a result of the fires. Remaining thermal cover in the Blodgett
Geographic Area would not be affected by any of the proposed ahematives because no intermediate harvest is
proposed in winter range. Winter range thermal cover remaining in the SkalJeaho-Rye area does not currently meet
Forest Plan standards and Alternatives B and 0 propose intermediate harvest in a portion of the remaining cover. East
Fork and West Fork Geographic Areas have sufficient cover remaining and would meet standards under aD
A site specific Forest Plan Amendment fur the thermal cover standard would be necessary to implement Alternative B
or D in the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area. However, these ahernatives would not reduce or limit attaining elk
objectives established by the Forest Plan.
Meets on Elk Habitat Effectiveness
Three third order drainages within the proposed treatment areas currently have open road densities exceeding Forest
Plan standards. Altematives A, and 0 propose no seasonal road closures so the current situation is unaltered. In
Alternative B, progress toward meeting Forest Plan standards would be made by seasonally closiDg a total of2.4 miles
of road, some in each of the three third order drainages. In Alternatives C and E, about 5.4 miles ofroad would be
seasonally closed to bring the draillages into compliaDce with standards. A site-specific Forest Plan amendment for the
elk habitat effectiveness standard would be necessary if an action alternative other than C or E were iq)lemented.
Meets on Elk Security
Elk security bas been analyzed to verify the retention of sufficient security area to meet the Forest Plan objective of
cooperation with MontaDa Fish, WiJdlife and Parks to maintain a high level ofbunting opportunity. Security areas
have been affected by reduction ofcover by the fires, and intermediate harvest bas been proposed in some security
areas in Ahematives B and D. There is no Forest Plan standard for elk security but, in cooperation with MT FWP,
hunting success and elk populations would be monitored to detect treDds that may iDdicate a need to adjust seasons,
bag limits or access.
Effects on Habitat Fraplentadon
At the broad scale, fires created a mosaic of vegetation patterns not unlike historic fires created on the 1aDdscape.
However, fire patterns in the lower elevation forests historically dominated by ponderosa pine are not characteristic of
historic fires. In these habitats, larger areas cxperieDces stand replacing fires. The proposed activities in Ahematives
B, D and E would reduce fuek to more closely resemble historic conditions. They would also reestablish ponderosa
pine forests that in time would reduce fragmentation and provide improved habitat for the species that evolved in
these plant communities.
Treatments proposed fur 20 percent or less of the burned area would add to the diversity ofhabitats available with
negligible affects on habitat fragmentation because no permanent roads, the major contributor to habitat
fragmentation, would be built.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-31
Effects on Threatened, Endanaerecl, and Sensitive WIIdDfe Species Habitats
The only threatened, endangered or sensitive wildlife species likely to be affected by any of the action alternatives
would be lynx, Black-Backed Woodpecker, F1ammuJated Ow~ and the Northern Goshawk. Although there is
potential to affect lynx denning habitat across the analysis areas, the retention ofcoarse woody debris across treatment
units and the large expanse ofuntreated areas would mitigate most effects to denning habitat and assure future
recovery ofhabitat preferred by denning lynx. AD ahernatives are expected to affect lynx, but none of the alternatives
is expected to adversely affect thm species because action alternatives would treat less than one percent oflynx
habitats within each Geographic Area.
Action ahematives that cut green trees have potential to remove nesting habitat for FJammulated Owk possibly
impacting individuals returning to traditional nest sites. No known nest sites would be affected. Since one objective
ofAlternatives B, D and E is to reduce fuel1evels to be more consistent with historical conditions, it is expected that
doing so will, over time, move vegetation including preferred ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir habitats towards
conditions preferred by flammuJated Owls. Therefore harvest activities may impact iDdividual owls or nesting sites
but it is not expected to affect species viability or lead towards listing of this species.
Similarly, treatment in low burn severity areas may impact individuals and remove potential nesting sites in the short
term for Northern Goshawks but long-term effects are expected to be negligtble because thinning activities or fuel
reductions are designed to move vegetation towards the historical condition for that habitat type.
Some localized impacts to Black-Backed Woodpecker habitat are expected in the treated areas where more than half
ofa stand's ~killed trees are removed (Hutto, pers. COD1., 2(01). Mitigation measures that require retention of
snags, as proposed in coarse woody debris guidelines on aD treated units, would provide a reduced level ofhabitat for
Black-Backed Woodpeckers on treated acres. However, given the extent ofthe fires and acres ofnew habitat created,
Black-Backed Woodpeckers populations are not expected to be affected over the entire burned area landscape.
Alternative D, the alternative that would treat the most area, would leave 800,!c. ofthe burned area untreated.
Additional snag retention within riparian habitat conservation areas that are interspersed among treatment units, as
well as large untreated areas, would provide an abnndanr-e of furaging and nesting sites for Black-Backed
Woodpeckers across the Bitterroot National Forest.
Effects on Scenery
Alternative A
Fuel Reduction - The landscape would be at a higher ri1k to further modification by wildfire in future decades.
Reforestation - Visual recovery would not benefit from reforestation; reproduction in conifer stands would occur at a
much slower rate.
Alternative B
Fuel Reduction - Fuel reduction along the Forest boUDdary would create short-term visual impacts; however, in
warm, dry poDderosa pine plant colDllBlDities that burned at lower severity, these activities would create a more open,
park-like setting which would quickly respond with a variety of grasses and forbs.
Salvage logging and thinning would produce moderate, short-term visual impacts: however, the majority ofthis
activity would take place away from sensitive viewing areas.
Reforestation - RefOresting about 36,800 acres would more quickly achieve moderate greening effects as viewed by
visitors on Forest roads and trails and nearby residents. In the long term this would result in a more rapid visual
recovery overall as the new trees gain height and canopy.
Ahernative C
Fuel Reduction - Because thm ahemative does not include fuel reductions or intermediate harvesting, scenic
enhancement oflower elevation ponderosa pine stands by brushing and thinning would occur in future decades.
2-32 - BU111ed Area Recovery DEIS
Reforestadon - About the same number ofacres would be reforested as in Alternative B which would achieve
moderate visual quality effects in foreground distances, but would remain unchanged from greater distances.
Alternative D
Fuel Reduction· This alternative proposes similar amounts offuels reduction as Alternative B but increases the
number of fuel treatment units in mid elevations. The visual effects are essentially the same as in Alternative B
because only one of the additional units is in a sensitive viewing area.
Reforestadon • About the same number ofacres would be reforested as in Alternative B which would achieve
moderate visual quality effects in foreground distances but would remain unchanged from greater distances.
Alternative E
Fuel Reduction • This alternative would affect visual quality to a lesser extent tban Alternatives B and D due to the
elimination of green tree cutting in the urban intrice. This would, however, produce a mixed visual quality result in
that more green canopy would be retained as seen from long distances, but scenic enhancement of the lower elevation
stands made possible by blUsh removal and wider tree spacing would be reduced.
Reforestation - This ahemative would refOrest the least amount ofacres of aD action alternatives resulting in the least
amount of visual recovery from reforestation.
Effects on Recreation
Many trails and roads would be closed dming activity (harvest and fuel reduction). Noise from logging would carry
to adjacent use areas - this would have an impact dming the &ll bunting season. Using public notices to inform forest
users where activities would be occurring would help lessen the impact. Recreation use would shift to the unburned
areas of the forest, concentrating use. Alternatives B and D would be more impactive than Alternatives C or E.
Alternative A would have DO impact.
Snowmobile use would be impacted, as some of the mechanized equipment use would be dming winter resulting in
winter time activity in snowmobile use areas. Haul routes during the winter would be closed to aD public use. Using
public notices to inform forest users would help lessen the impacts. Altematives B and D would be more impactive
than Alternatives C and E. Alternative A would have DO impact.
Mitigating measures in Piquett and Castle Creek draiDages would lessen impacts on a large outfitter operation.
Another large outfitter's operation would be able to operate during the hunting season of2000 due to mitigation
measures prohibiting operations in his use area but would be moved to another location for the next few years. The
majority of day-use outfitter operations have the entire Bitterroot Forest for a use area and would be able to shift
operations to UDaffected areas. Alternatives B and D would be more impactive tban Alternatives C or E. Altemative
A would have DO impact.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-33
Table 1-13 - Key laue: Chanael In Motorized and Non-Motorized Access
Miles ofRoad to Motorized Yearlong Charlged to Closed Yearlong
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Miles ofRoad Seasonally Restricted to Motorized Changed to Closed Yearlong
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Miles ofRoad ()pen Yearlong to Motorized Changed to Seasonally Restricted
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Miles ofRoad With Seasonal Motorized Restriction Cbuged to open Yearlong
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Miles ofRoad ()pen Yearlong to Full-Sized Vehicles Changed to Less then 50 Inches Wide
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Mdes ofRoad Seasonally Restricted C . ed from Full-Sized Vehicles to Less than SO Inches Wide
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Effects on WUderness and Inventoried Roadless Areas
The proposed activities would not occur in designated Wilderness. However, fuel reduction activities on nonwiJderness lands have the potential to affect usen in the periphery ofWildemess areas. Sights and sounds ofwork
crews and noise ofequipment may affect'solitude ofWildemess visitors from units that are adjacent to Wi1demess.
Inventoried Roadlell Area
There are 10 or portioos of 10, Inventoried Roadless Areas totaling 90,490 acres within the 4 Geographic Areas.
Units 13 and 14 (347 acres) are located within the Selway Bitterroot InventoriedRoadless Area. HalfofUDit 82 (16
acres) is within the Sleeping Child Inventoried Roadless Area. AD 3 units are designed to reduce fuel in the
wildJand/urban interfBce and would use prescribed fire or other non-harvest fuel reduction methods.
Table 1-14 - Units In Inventoried Road Areal
, Alternative
UDits within Inventoried Roadless Area
13, 14
13, 14. 82
13. 14. 82
2-34 - BU111ed Area Recovery DEIS
Effects on Economic Values
The following tables summarize economic indicators by alternative.
Table 2-15 - Estimated Harvest Volume and Job' Created
Estimated Harvest Volume fMMRp)
Blodgett Area
S1ca11cabo-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Estimated Jobs Created
Table 1-16 - Response to the Key Issues: Economic Opportunities
Acres of Treatment by Yardin2 SYStem
Blodgett Area
Skalkaho - Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Table 2-17 - Present Net Value by A1temative
I PNV (ThousaDd S)
Present net values ofAlternatives B, C, D, and E range from -S19,OOO,OOO at the lower estimated range ofAlternative
C, where reforestation and watershed restoration are the major emphasis items, to -S48,OOO,OOO at the high estimate
for Alternative D, where the reforestation and watershed work are done, as well as the most fuel reduction. Among the
Alternatives that include fuel reduction, unit costs are very similar for the fuel reduction work, primarily because the
proportions ofhelicopter yarding are similar among the alternatives.
Social Effect
Alternative A responds to the desires of those who believe that nothing should be done in the burned areas. It would
result in no disruptions of residents' daily living and work activities in the near term.
Alternatives B, D, and E respond in varying degrees to those who support fuel reduction in the wildJaDd-wban
intrice and the burned areas. The amount ofdisruption to residents' daily living and work activities that would be
created by each of these alternatives is related to the amount ofwork proposed. Potential sources ofdisruption
include increased traffic, nome from helicopters, potential travel delays, etc. Alternatives D and B propose the most
activity, respectively, followed by Alternative E which proposes considerably less.
Alternative C responds to those who do not support fuel reduction but do support watershed restoration. This
ahemative would disrupt residents' daily living and work activities the least of any action alternative.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 2-35
Forest Plan Amendment
Table 2-18 summarizes the elements ofthe Forest Plan Amendment for this project by alternative.
Table 2-18 -RespoDle to Key laue: Forest Plan Amendment (Need by Alternative and GeoIraphie Area)
Sua RetentionlCWD Standard
Blodgett Area
SkaJkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Elk Habitat Effectiveness Standard
Blodgett Area
SlcaIkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
Thermal Cover Standard
Blodgett Area
SlcaIkaho-Rye Area
East Fork Area
West Fork Area
2-36 - BU111ed Area Recovery DEIS
• .....-:4........--..
. ..
• .....,---. - -: -- . . .- ---..-- .
~ r . . . . -
-- -
This chapter discusses the existing conditions of the resources and the anticipated effects ofeach of the alternatives.
The wildfires of2000 burned about 293,000 acres of the Bitterroot River drainage and about 63,500 acres in the
wilderness lands ofthe Selway River and Salmon River drainages on the Bitterroot National Forest. This project
proposed activities in the Bitterroot River drainage, so much ofthe focus in this chapter is on that portion ofthe
burned area. Fire burned with low to high severity over watersheds in the East and West Forks ofthe Bitterroot.
Fewer watershed acres were burned severely in the West Fork; Chicken Creek, Little Blue Joint, and upper Slate
Creek experienced the highest extent and severity. Several extensive areas in the East Fork were severely burned;
these include Cameron, Meadow, Upper East Fork, Medicine Tree/MaynardlLaird, Tolan, and a few other watersheds.
Sleeping Child and Rye Creeks, east-side tributaries of the main Bitterroot River, also experienced extensive areas of
high severity fire. Canyon, Blodgett, and Mill Creeks, west-side tributaries ofthe main Bitterroot River, experienced
a mix ofburn severity with very smaller areas of high severity within the major canyons. Small tributaries originating
on the Bitterroot fi1ce in the Blodgett Fire area experienced moderate to high severity burn.
For each resource addressed in this chapter, past, present and reasonably foreseeable future activities where analyzed
along with proposed activities to determine effects. Activities are listed in Appendix A
There is less than complete knowledge about many of the relationships and conditions of wildlife, fish, forest, jobs
and communities. The ecology, inventory and ID8D8gement ofa large forest area is a complex scieDce that continues
to develop. The biology ofwildlife species prompts questions about population dynamics and habitat relationships.
The interaction ofresource supply, the economy, and communities is the subject matter ofan inexact science.
However, the basic data and central relationships are sufficiently well established in the respective sciences for the
deciding official to make a reasoned choice between the alternatives, and to adequately assess and disclose the
possible adverse environmental consequences. New or improved information would be very un1ikely to reverse or
nu1lify these understood relationships.
Wildfires are the major natUral disturbance to vegetative communities on the Bitterroot National Forest and adjoining
furested lands. Fire plays an important role in ecosystem development across the landscape.
After the extensive fires in 1910, the Bitterroot National Forest, in conjunction with the rest of the Forest Service,
stale, and private landowners, began an energetic effort to suppress wildfires for the preservation ofnatural resources
and protection ofproperty. Fire detection efforts included the development ofstationary lookouts with
communications and aerial recODMissBDCe. The Forest Service initiated the "10 AM." policy; which states that the
objective in wildland firefighting is to contain aD fires by lOAM on the day after detection. In the decades following,
advances in suppression capabilities increased rapidly. Aircraft increased initial attack effectiveness in remote areas.
Roads were coDStructed on DDlch of the land, enabling fire suppression resources to access many areas.
These efforts were rewarded with a downward trend in the number of acres burned per decade from 19208 through the
19708. In the 19508, Smokey Bear was established as a fire prevention icon. He helped reinforce the public's negative
impression ofwildland fire..
In 1964, the Wilderness Act established the first wilderness lands in the United States. The purpose ofthis Act is to
provide areas ofland mauaged fur ecological integrity and minimal impact &om the activities ofhumaDs. This
iDcreased public awareness offire's natural role and the environmental consequences that can ensue when fire is
excluded. In 1972, the first prescribed natural fire was allowed to burn in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Since
that time, the number ofmes allowed to burn in the Wilderness has increased.
Fire and Fuels
In the 1980s, an increase in the number of acres burned in the U.S. caused concern in the fire management
community. The successful suppression activities ofprevious decades, combined with the lack of vegetative
treatments that mimic the effects of natural fire, created fuel accumulations that contnbuted to fire intensities that
surpassed firefighting capabilities. ,Past harvesting, such as removing the large diameter overstory and leaving the
ladder fuels in the understory, increases crown fire potential (Graham 1999). The same is true for past sanitation and
salvage harvests. These harvest treatments tend to favor late successional species that are more prone to crown fire
(Graham 1999). The upward trend of acres burned continued in the 19908.
Figure 3-1- Acres Burned by Decade on the Bitterroot National Forest
400000 ,........~~~~--.--.~~~~~~""'"""':':'~~--rn:-.~
350000 n~7#;+j~T~~~~&j~~~
~ 250000
lEI 300000
200000 ~~
150000 ~~
100000 ~~
50000 ~~
o --+-"-+"
,'tJ ,CO
fo~ ~~
In 1995, the Federal Wildland Fire Policy and Program Review was initiated. Some of the principles of this review
include: 1) firefighter and public safety are the first priority; 2) wildland fire is an essential ecological process and
natural change agent; 3) fire management plans must be based on the best available science. This policy contains
direction to allow wildfire and use prescnbed fire to restore fire's natural role in appropriate areas.
The fire season of2000 was a dramatic example ofwildland fire potential More than 356,000 acres ofpublic and
private land were burned on and near the Bitterroot National Forest.
Historic Fire Condition
There are several accounts ofhistoric fires fur the Forest. John Leiberg surveyed the Selway sub-basin in 1897-98
(Leiberg 1898). His survey showed that recent burns (within the last 40 years ofhis survey) had occurred on
approximately 35 percent of the area.
Frequency and severity of historic fires are discussed by VRU. These fire regimes represent how fire burned before
fire suppression and logging changed the vegetation pattern across the landscape. For more information regarding
VRU's see Chapter 3 of the Forested Plant Communities section.
Historic conditions in VRU 2
Generally, fires were frequent and non-lethal with a relatively uniform pattern. Average fire frequency ranged
between five and 25 years (Fischer and Bradley, 1987). Historic composition and structure were typically open, parklike, muhi-storied, and muhi-aged stands ofponderosa pine and/or Douglas fir at higher elevations.
Historically, the warmest and driest sites, and areas that were moderately warm and dry occurring on low relief sites,
were subjected to periodic ground fire with low to moderate intensity. These non-lethal ground fires would consume
ground fuels and thin susceptible species in the lower tree canopy, usually consisting ofDouglas fir and sometimes
lodgepole pine, while maintaining the existing overstory at low to moderate densities (Fischer and Bradley, 1987).
Most importantly, these low intensity and frequent fires would perpetuate an open-forested condition varying from
single-storied to muhi-storied structures.
3-2- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
r •••.•• ---;'
Fire and Fuels
Historic conditions in VRU 3
Fires were variable intensities ranging from frequent, low intensity, non-lethal, understory fires to infrequent, high
intensity, lethal fires with a fire return interval of25 to 100 years (Arno, 1993). To a degree, this VRU represents a
transition zone between the non-lethal underbums common to VRU 2 and lethal (replacement) fire regimes common
to VRU 4. Most bums are non-uniform and occur at a much smaller scale than in VRU 2. Several non-lethal bums
may occur on any given site that, under the right conditions, would then burn 1etba1ly. Fires historically played an
important role in creating age and size class diversity across the landscape within this VRU.
This VRU is distinguished by cycling disturbance regimes, where both overstory and understory vegetation
experience lethal events and are replaced by vegetation which cycles through a series ofstJUctural phases along
multiple successional pathways. Wildfire was the most common disturbance, which affected vegetation, although the
fire season was relatively short, usually starting in July and extending into September. While most fires were very
small, under drought conditions, occasional fires grew very large.
Historic conditions in VRU 4
Fires were mixed with variable intensities, ranging from periodic, low intensity, non-lethal underbums to inftequent,
high intensity, lethal fires with a fire return interval of30 to 200 plus years (Fischer and Bradley, 1987). Secondary
ecological processes, such as flooding, windthrow, diseases and insects, can make a substantial contribution to the
available fuels.
Wildfires usually burned only during late summer, and most frequently in August (Quigleyet al., 1997). Large
wildfires in this VRU often followed extensive mortality in lodgepole pine from mountain pine beetle. The large and
severe bums would occur when a combination of fuel accumulation and climatic conditions intersected. Light
underbums were also frequent on ridgetops, maintaining the dominance ofseral species. Mixed severity fires would
occur either in a single fire event, or as a result ofaccumuJated fire activity, resulting in several age classes distributed
across the VRU.
The fullowing table describes the historic fires as mapped using historical photos and data by VRU for the Bitterroot
National Forest. The key item to notice is how small a percentage ofVRU 1 and VRU 2 have burned. Under a
uatural fire regime, these VRUs would have likely had 100 percent ofthe acres burned since 1870.
Table 3-1- Put Fires by VRU Acres
Regulations and Direction
The Bitterroot National Forest Plan iDcludes furest-wide fire mauagement direction. This direction is to ensure that
fire programs are cost effective, compatible with the role of fire in forest ecosystems, and re8pODSive to resource
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 3-3
Fire and Fuels
The Plan also provides direction to:
use prescribed fire to maintain healthy ecosystems that meet land ID8D8gement objectives
maintain an adequate cadt:e of well qualified prescribed fire experts to apply both technical knowledge and
field experience in accomplishing prescnbed fire needs
emphasize fire ecology when applying prescribed fire, use fire ecology and fire management reference
documents to guide project development, execution, and evaluation. Examples inchule: "The Historical Role
ofFire on the Bitterroot National Forest"(Amo, 1976); "Fire Ecology Investigation in Selway-Bitterroot
Wilderness" (Habeck, 1972); ''Fire Group Description for the Bitterroot National Forest, adapted from Fire
Ecology ofLolo National Forest Habitat Types" (Davis, Clayton, Fisher, 1980), and "Revised Fuel
Treatment Guides, Northern Region (USDA, 1984)
integrate an understanding of the role fire plays in regulating stand stJUcture into development ofsilvicuhural
emphasize the use ofprescribed fire in range and wildlife habitat improvement projects
permit wildland fire in wilderness to the extent possible, within prescriptious that provide for protection of
life, property, and adjacent resources
assure that prescribed fire programs wiD be responsive to national, state, and local air quality regulations and
agreements. An active "inform and involve" program is necessary to ensure public involvement,
understanding, and approval ofprescribed fire programs.
Vegetation treatments using wildland and prescribed fire is allowed by the Bitterroot National Forest Plan on a
majority of the land base of the Forest. Fire has been recognized as a valuable tool for the reduction of fuels generated
from harvest activities. These treatments include broadcast burning, UDderbuming, jackpot burning, and machine and
bandpile burning. They have all been identified as necessary in the management ofnatural fuels.
Additional direction for ID8D8ging National Forest System lands comes from the Forest Service's Washington Office,
in the form of the Chiefs direction on Ecosystem Mauagement; and in the findings of the science documents and the
Environmental Impact Statement for the Interior Cohunbia River Basin Project.
Specific guidelines for fire use are fuUDd in Forest Service Manual 5100 (Fire Mauagement) and a number ofForest
Service Handbooks resulting fromFSM 5100 direction. Forest Service Handbook 5109.19 (Fire Management
Analysis and PIaDning) gives specific direction on planning practices related to Fire and Fuels management. The
''Wildland and Prescribed Fire Management Policy," August 1998, is an interagency guide established to standardize
procedures fur implementation of the Federal Wildland Fire Policy and Program Review 1995.
The operational role offederal agencies as a partner in the wildlandIurban interfilce includes wildland firefighting,
hazardous fuels reduction, cooperative prevention and education, and technical assistance. Structural fire protection is
the responsibility of Tribal, State, and local governments. Federal agencies may assist with exterior structural
suppression activities under formal Fire Protection Agreements that specify the mutual responsibilities of the partoers,
including fimdiDg. Firefighter and public safety is the first priority in every fire management activity (Wildland and
Prescribed Fire Management Policy Implementation Procedures Reference Guide, 1998). With regard to fire use in
the wildlandIurban interfilce (WUI), managing fire through natural ignitions is not a decision that is currently available
on the Bitterroot National Forest. Fire use via management ignitions is available with the predicatioDS that fire
management plaDning is fully integrated into Forest NFMA and NEPA analysis; that accurate, measurable, and
attainable objectives associated with the use offire are defined and disclosed; and that fuels management will be
based upon ecosystem mauagement principles, processes, and desired conditions, and ~ at various scaJes
(Bitterroot National Forest Plan, Appendix K-l1). Within the WUI there are portions ofBitterroot Forest Plan
Management Areas 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5, 6, and 8, where management-ignited fire is allowable (Bitterroot Forest Plan
The Code of Federal Regulations (CPR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal
Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. 36 CPR 219.27 sets forth the
mmimum specific management reqUirements to be met in accomplishing goals and objectives for the National Forest
System. With consideration to integrated resource management, most of these regulations pertain in some ID8DIlCI" to
managing resources in the wildland/urban inter&ce. The requirements from Section (a) Resource Protection listed
below are those that most directly pertain to fire management. AD management prescriptions shall: (1) conserve soil
and water resources and not allow significant or permanent impairment of the productivity of the land; (2) consistent
with the relative resource values involved, minimal serious or long-lasting hazards from flood, wind, wildfire, erosion,
3-4- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
other natural physical forces unless these are specifically excepted; (12) be consistent with maintairring air quality at a
level that is adequate for the protection and use ofNational Forest System resources, and that meets or exceeds
applicable Federal, State and/or local standards or regulations.
Existing Condition
Fires during the summer of2000 became large and intense because of the numerous fire starts, fuels arrangement,
overstocking of trees in staIids, lack offire suppression resources, and severe drought conditions. When the Bitterroot
National Forest was experiencing its worst fires, the SahnOD, Beaverhead-Deerlodge, and Helena National Forests
were also burning, as were other areas around the country. Firefighting resources were scarce. Resource placement
was prioritized depending on the need for protection ofwhole communities rather than single structures, indicating the
magnitude ofthese events.
One of the results of the fires of2000 was to make forest fuels more available. Forest fuel is organic matter that could
easily burn ifignited (Brown 1983). Standing dead trees (large woody fuels) will eventually fiill over and pile up on
the forest floor if no action is taken to reduce them.
Fire behavior is complex with many contributing &ctors; fuels along with weather and topography are the elements
influencing fire behavior (Agee 1993). This discussion is a simplified version ofhow fuels affect fire behavior. Fuels
contribute to the rate of spread ofa fire, the intensity of the fire, how long a fire is held over in an area, flame length,
and the size of the burned area, (Rothermal1983, Agee, 2(01). Removal offuels helps to reduce or retard wildfire '
spread and severity (pollet 1999).
Fuel characteristics affecting fire behavior are forest density, species composition, amount of sur&ce fuel,
offuels, and moisture content (Rothermel, 1983). There are three types offuels that affect fire behavior:
fiDe fuels such as grass or forbs, smaD woody fuels Jess than three inches in diameter, and Jarge woody fuels greater
than three inches in diameter. Fine fuels carry the ignition. Small woody fuels influence a fire's rate of spread and
fire intensity. Small woody fuels lose their moisture 18ster, start easier, and burn more readily (Agee 1993). Large
woody fuels contribute to development oflarge fires and high fire intensity (Brown and Reinhardt, 2001). Fire
persistence, resistance to contro~ and burnout time are significantly influenced by amount, size and decay oflarge
woody fuels (Brown 2001). Fire hazard and resistance to control reach high ratings when large woody fuels exceed
25 to 30 tons per acre in combination with small woody fuels oftive toDS per acre or more (Brown and Reiohardt,
Historically, on the Bitterroot National Forest, small woody fuel accumuJatious (0.25 to six inches in diameter) in
VRU 2 were less than 15 toDS. Large woody fuel accumulations ranged from five to 11 tODS per acre in VRU 2, Dine
to 21 toDS per acre in VRU 3, and 12 to 25 toDS per acre in VRU 4 (Brown 2001).
Fuek are the only element affecting fire behavior that can be controlled. Fuel management modifies fire behavior,
ameliorates fire effects, and reduces fire suppression costs and daDger (DeBano 1998). Fuelmauagement includes:
reducing the loading ofavailable fuels, converting fuels to those with a lower t1ammahility, or isolating or breaking up
large continuous bodies of fuels (DeBano 1998).
In order to begin approachiDg historica1levels oflarge down woody fuels, to lessen the threat offuture large fires, and
to provide site protection and future site productivity, coarse woody debris guidelines would be applied to treatment
areas. These guidelines, Table 3-2, were developed by an interdiscipliDary team ofresource specialists to achieve
recoDJDJ«lmdations that baJaDce near-term "on the ground" soil needs, long-term soil needs, desired structural
CODIpODeDts, wiIdli1e habitat, and historic fuel loading. The resource specialists iDcluded a wiIdIi1e biologist,
silviculturist, soil scientist, and fuels specialist. Literature used to develop these guidelines included Graham et al.,
1994; Fischer and Bradley, 1987; and Evans and Martens, 1995.
B1IrJm Area Recovery DEIS - 3-5
Fire and Fuek
Table 3-1 - Coane Woody Debris Guidelines by VRU
Debris (tons)
Interface lands
Interface lands
Interface lands
Size Class
Range> 4"
Range> 4"
Range> 4"
Maximize dia > 8", No more than 5 tons/acre in 4 - 8" size class
Range> 4"
Approach 5 tons/acre in the 4 - 8" size class
Range> 4"
Range> 4"
Approach 5 tons/acre in the 4 - 8" size class
5 -15
15 -20
15 -20
25 -30
25 -30
These guidelines were used to help determine areas where fuels reduction could help meet objectives. The guidelines
represent desired average amounts ofcoarse woody debris across an area. It is recognized that even under historic
conditions there would be a high degree ofvariation in these amounts.
Grasses and rorbs wiD begin to grow this year providing future fine fuek. It wiD take more than 10 years for a duff
layer to begin to form, and 30 years for a dufflayer to become well established in areas that burned with high or
moderate severity (Brown 2(01). Shrubs would have begun to resprout in 2001, providing future small woody fuek.
Branches &om the large trees and new seedlings also contribute to small woody fuels. Large woody debris would
begin to &II shortly after the fire, with the majority being on the ground within the next 30 years, with little decay
occurring after that for 30 or more years (Reinhardt, 2001; Harrod et al., 1998).
Tables 3-56,3-57,3-58 and 3-59 display acres ofpotential future fuel loads in each geographic area by VRU. These
were compared to the desired future conditions in Table 3-2 to determine where fuel reduction treatments could be
applied. Most ofthese potential fuels are still standing in the rorm offire-lalled trees. These tables iDclude only areas
that are proposed for treatments, since site specific data was not collected on areas not proposed for treatmmlts.
Table 3-3 - Acres of Potential Future Fuel Loadlln PropoHd Treatment Units For Blodgett GeoIraphic Area
Total Acres
5-15 Tons/Acre
15-25 Tons/Acre
25-30 Tons/Acre
>30 Tons/Acre
Total Acres
Notice that 1,000 acres ofVRU 2 are outside the historic ranges.
Table 3-4 - Acres of Potential Future Fuel Loads In Proposed Treatment Units For Skalkaho-Rye GeoIrapblc
~, ·.··.~~rDtaf~ .
5-15 Tons/Acre
15-25 Tons/Acre
25-30 Tons/Acre
DOC):"::> ...~ ..':":':~~.:~~:".
>30 Tons/Acre
Approximately 13,000 acres ofVRU 2, 12,000 acres ofVRU 3 and 2,800 acres in VRU 4 are outside historic ranges.
Table 3-5- Acres of Potential Future Fuel Loads In Proposed Treatment Units For Eat Fork GeoIraphic Area
5-15 Tons/Acre
1 500
3 200
1 300
>30 Tons/Acre
".'. ofil:A~··~ ..
2 200
Approximately 13,600 acres ofVRU 2, 7,100 acres ofVRU 3 and 5300 acres ofVRU 4 are outside historic ranges.
3-6- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
Table 3-6 - Acres of Potential Future Fuel Loads In Proposed Treatment Units For West Fork Geographic
5-15 Tons/Acre
. ··'Tot4l.A4'es, :'" ".:.
15-25 Tons/Acre
25-30 Tons/Acre
~600,,: .
>30 Tons/Acre ~c~ ·totatACJjS·'~
3,100 ~·6,400.~.
..:. 3~820., ..... '::-~<~" ·.7~nA:~
Approximately 320 acres ofVRU 2, 3,800 acres ofVRU 3 and 700 acres ofVRU 4 are outside historic ranges.
Fire hazard and resistance to control reach high ratings when large woody fuels exceed 25 to 30 tons per acre, in
combination with small, woody fuels offive tons/acre or more (Brown 2001). Approximately 50 percent ofthe
burned area would have the potential for high fire hazard when the fuels have fiillen to the ground. Table 3-7 has
more details within geographic areas that may have a high fire hazard within the burned area.
Table 3-7 - Pereent of Geographic Areas With Fuels Greater Than or Less Than 30 TolIIIAcre
Skalkaho- Rye
East Fork
West Fork
Percent ofarea with Fuels Greater
Than 30 T/A
Percent of area with Fuels Less
Approximately 45 percent ofWest Fork analysis area, 65 percent ofEast Fork analysis area, 50 percent ofBlodgett
analysis area, and 30 percent ofSkaIkaho-Rye analysis area has the potential for high fire hazard when these fuels are
on the ground.
Map 3-12, Alternative A (No Action Alternative) displays areas that have future fuel loadings ofgreater than or less
than 30 tons/acre.
Fire Occurrence in the Next Several Decades
Because of the dry climate, the large fuels remaining in the burned area will not decay rapidly, and will most likely
remain on the landscape until it burns again. A reburn resuhs when fiill-down ofthe old burned forest contributes
significantly to the fire behavior and fire effects ofthe next fire (Brown 2001). The possibility ofa reburn is smaI1 on
any site, but it is high over the laDdscape. Accumulations oflarge woody fuels, especially larger diameter decaying
pieces, can hold a smoldering fire on a site for extended periods (Brown 2001). Heat from the large fuels in direct
contact with the ground could have severe effects on soils. Potential for spotting and crown fires is greater where
large woody fuels have accumulated (Brown 2001). A severe fire OCCWTeDCe in the next several decades would
depend on amount of fuels present, vegetation development, point ofigDition, and weather. Based on Brown's (2001)
paper, effects ofa future burn in the areas that burned at a moderate to high severity in 2000 (reburn) during high to
exbeme burning conditions 'follows.
0-10 years after 2000 fires - Severe fire is unlikely because large woody fuels would still be accumnlating
and there would not be enough decay to support prolonged smoldering combustion.
10-30 years after 2000 fires - Most ofthe large woody fuels would have &Den down, with some decay to
support prolonged burning. A dufflayer would not be well established. High severity burn would primarily
occur where large woody material was lying on or close to the ground. High severity burn could be
substantial where a large portion ofthe soil sur&ce was directly overlain by large woody pieces.
30-60 years after 2000 fires - Large woody fuels would have considerable rot; a duff layer may be wen
established depending on the amount ofoverstory conifer. More severe burning is possible, depending on
extent ofsoil coverage by large woody pieces. Ifa conifer overstory is present, crowning and burnout of the
duff could amplify.the bum severity.
Fires need an ignition source, usually lightning or bumaDs. IJghtning causes most ofthe fires on the Bitterroot
National Forest. Increased human presence in the Forest bas the potential to contribute to more human-caused fires.
Following are the ~ ofhuman-caused fires for the last three decades for the Forest and Ranger Districts.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-7
Table 3-8 - Number of Human-eaused FIres and Burned Acres by Deeade for the Bitterroot National Forest.
Fire and Fuels
Bitterroot Nadonal Forest
Human-Caused Fires
Acres Burned
There has been an increase in human-caused fires and acres burned on the Bitterroot National Forest over the last 30
years. As more people populate the area and use the national forest, the potential for more human-caused fires is
WildlandlUrban Interface
In general, it appears that fires on the Bitterroot National Forest and throughout the West are becoming larger,· more
destlUctive, and more resistant to control actions (USDA Forest Service, 2001). IDcreased human habitation of
forested lands is a contributing &ctor. The wildJandIurban intrice exists where humans and their development meet
or intermix with wildlaDd fuel (USDA 2000). In the Bitterroot Val1ey, many people wish to live in the lower
elevations immediately adjacent to VRU 2 lands. Most people want trees on their property for screening and
seclusion. There are few fuel breaks ofsufficient size to stop fires or provide a safe anchor for suppression actions.
Fuels in the wildland environment exist in a continuum; and there is rarely a distinct line between the wildland and
urban environment. The Little Blue Fire in 2000 was a lightning fire that started in a remote area of the West Fork
Ranger District, over four miles from private property. As a result of the continuous fuel bed and the strong winds, the
Little Blue became a wildlaDdIurban intedBce fire in one burning period.
The purpose offuels trtmmmts in the urban interfilce is to provide for firefighter safety and mininrize future loss of
property and natural resources. WiJdlandIurban interfilce treatment units were designed in this project to provide a
defensible fuel profile where firefighter safety would not be endangered aDd fires could be more easily and safely
suppressed. The proposed WUI tr~tments units are not intended to fire-proof the forest, as this is not possible nor
desirable from an ecological staDdpoint. Fuels treatment in and near the WUI also serve to protect National Forest
lands from the risk ofwiJdJand fire spreading from private property. The wildJand/urban inter&ce unit delineation
considered terrain and slope and are adjacent to private land with residences. Table 3-9 displays acres ofproposed
urban interfilce units in the burned area by geographic area.
Table 3-9 - Acres ofWDd1aDdlUrban Interface Treatment Units
Blod ett
East Fork
West Fork
These are the areas where the Forest proposes to concentrate fuel reduction to protect private property and increase
firefighter safety, in anticipation offuture fires occurring.
Blodgett Geographic Area
The boundary for this analysis area is the burned areas within the Canyon, MiD, Blodgett, and Sbeafinan watershed
boUDdaries. The analysis area includes a range offuel types aDd VRU's common to the west side of the Bitterroot
National Forest. The effects offire aDd the vegetative response to fire occurs at the stand level and the landscape level,
so the scale of this ana1ysis area is reasonable for evabwting the affected enviroJDDeDt aDd the mviromnental effects.
Effects Analysis Methods
Ofprimary concern to fire and fuels management is the increase in fuel loading aDd subsequent changes in fire
severity and intensity that may occur over time as a result offire related mortality. A fuel loading analysis was done to
determiDe the potential fuel loading in tons per acre on a stand-by-stand basis across the 8D8lysis area. As part of this
ana1ysis the total tODDage of fuel removed by harvest was calculated for each alternative. The fuel loading analysis
utilized stand exam data coDected prefire and archived in the Region I Timber Stand Management Record System
(TSMRS). TSMRS provides, among other things, stand level information ofnumber of trees per acre, by species and
size class, volume, basal area, age class, etc. By using stand data from TSMRS and actual observed post fire mortality
levels, the total potential fuel loading was determined for all stands proposed for treatment within the project area.
Further analysis was conducted on a sample ofstands from the analysis area, to determine differences in potential fire
intensities and severities that could resuh from different management strategies. The selected sample stands represent
the full range ofVRU's and a full range ofpredicted fuel load increases due to fire related mortality. To conduct this
3-8- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
--- • • T -
Fire and Fuels
analysis, researchers from the Intermountain Fire Sciences Laboratory (Reinhardt, 2001) utilized the Forest
Vegetation Simulator (FVS). This widely used model simulates the effects ofvarious vegetation management actions
on future forest conditions. The Fire and Fuels Extension to FVS (FFE-FVS) integrates FVS with elements from
existing fire behavior and fire severity models. Outputs from the model display fuels, stand structure, snags and
potential fire behavior over time and provide a basis for comparing proposed fuel treatments.
Fuels Tables depicting fuel loading over 30 tons per acre were determined using a GIS query. The calcuJation details
are described in the project file.
Environmental Consequences
Direct and Indirect~Effects
Fuel Loading (local/stand level effects)
2S to 30 tons per acre ofdown woody material is a reasonable and accepted threshold when discussing undesirable
fire effects and fire behavior (Brown 2001, Rothermel 1984). This level offuel loading poses several hazards should a
fire ignition occur on a good burn day. A good burn day is a ~y during which weather conditions are conducive to
fire spread, generally hot, dry and windy. Fire managers use 9<F percentile weather indices as a threshold to define
good burning conditions. On a 90th percentile day, weather conditions exceed 90 percent of all days that are in the
recorded weather records. By extension, 90th percentile conditions occur on an average 10 percent ofdays during any
given fire season.
Modeling done by Reinhardt using FVS-FFE on several sample stands that experienced high severity fire in 2000 with
post-fire fuels treatments under 90th percentile weather conditions yield the results in Table 3-10.
Table 3-10 -Fire Effects With No Post-FIre Fuels Treatment Under 90th PereentDe Weather CODdltlona
Fire year
post 2000
Fuel loading l41ame Ienph ey. mortality In
In feet
- 32
Estimate of CroWDlng/spottlq potential
ralltaneeto bued on tire type (Iurfaee,
DUlIv~ adlve)*
• Modeled as if canopy lWTe present
The stands above were modeled again with the same weather conditions and with post fire fuels treatment apptied.
Treatments consist ofslashing and band piling to reduce CWO to levels consistent with Post Fire Assessment
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-9
Fire and Fuels
Table 3-11 Fire Effects With Post-FIre Fuels Treatment Under 90th PereentDe Weather Conditions
Fire year Fuel loading
post 2000 tollllaere, 3"+
9-13 .
length In
Estimate of trowninglspottlq potential
resistance to bued on fire type (surface,
paulve. aetive)*
• Modeled as if canopy »ere present
For VRU 2 and 3 stands, the results displayed in Table 3-11 are outside the desired and historical range, in terms of
fire effects and fire behavior. In VRU 4, the fire behavior aDd fire effects are similar to what would be expected under
a natural fire regime.
The high percent mortality in regeneration results in a loss ofreforestation investment in those areas that are
reforested either naturally or artificially. While soil beating and fire severity is difficult to predict, the heavy fuel loads
and good burning conditions indicate that a high percentage of the larger fuels would be collSUlDed over an extended
period of time, having a deleterio~ effect on the soil For more information regarding fire effects on soils, see the
Soils report in this document.
F1ames lengths in excess of four feet indicate that direct attack by band crews is ineffective and UDSafe; indirect attack,
the use of mechanized equipment and!or the use of a«ia1 resources (air tankerslhe1icopter bucket drops), is required to
gain control (Rothermel, 1983). Moderate croWDing/spotting potential indicates that the fire will produce enough heat
energy to create and loft firebrands, aDd that sur&ce fuels would be receptive to ignitions. Spotting distance will
depend on wind speed. Given these fire behavior characteristics, there is a good probability that a fire ignited aDd
burning under these conditions would escape initial attack efforts aDd go into extended attack. Increased complexity
aDd duration offirefightiog efforts increases firefighter risk aDd public exposure. Spotting, crowning, and iDdirect
attack are all elements of the "Eighteen Watchout Situations" (NWCG, 1998). The Watchout Situations are iDdicators
ofpotentially life threatening conditions that must be mitigated prior to taking any control actions on a wildJaDd fire.
Under more severe burning conditions than modeled above, it can be reasonably expected that fire behavior and fire
effects would be more extreme than those discussed above.
FIre Oecurrenee In the NeD Several Deeades (fire effects at the landlcape level)
There are several variables that influence the probability ofa large fire or fires occurring in the 8D8lysis area over the
next several decades. These variables include fuels, weather, topography, ignitions (natural and human), and success
or Jack ofsuccess ofany suppression response. It is not possible to predict exactly when or where a fire will start, nor
can it be predicted how large a fire will grow. By examining historic weather records, predicted fuel loading data, fire
history records, and human use patterns, it is possible to qualitatively assess the probability oflarge, landscape fire
revisiting the areas burned in 2000.
The phenomena of large, high intensitylhigh severity fire revisiting recently burned areas is referred to in the literature
as reburn or double burn. The reburn phenomena is relatively ~ in fire history as the conditions required for it to
occur on a significant scale are fiUrly specific; and by their very nature, reburns destroy nmch of the evidence of
3-10- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
au • •
Fire aDd Fuels
previous fires (trees with fire scars) (Barrett, 1982). Despite the relative rarity ofreburns, there is a good body of
literature documenting the~ occurrence in the Northern Rockies ecosystem.
Barrett, in his 1982 fire history study ofthe Clearwater National Forest, cites a combination of&ctors that appears to
make an area prone to rebums: "ample fuels for large fires", large tracts ofrelatively contiguous downed fuels, west or
southwest orientation ofmajor drainages that parallel the prevailing summer winds, mid to upper elevation ridges
paralleling these same summer winds, high lightning frequency, aDd prolonged drought. The conditions cited by
Barrett for the Clearwater NF exist as well on the Bitterroot NF, aDd in met are among the conditions that led to the
extensive fires of2000.
Table 3-11 - Fire occurrence on the Bitterroot NF
Fire per
Fires over
10 acres
30 year total
A veragelyear
• Fire per acres is a fire occurrence indicator. In this case, over the past 30 years there has been one fire for ~very
387 acres ofNational Forest.
••A fire day is any day on which a fire starts
••• A multiple fire day is day on which 5 or more fires start.
The high number oflightning fires displayed in Table 3-12 indicates a high probability offire starts in areas with high
fuel loadings (30+ tons/acre).
While fire starts do not occur in a totally random filshion across the landscape, the fire per acres figure, displayed in
Table 3-12, does indicate that there is a good chance offire visiting any given area over the course of30 years.
Human-caused fires are an important contributor to the fire load experienced by the Bitterroot NF. Several recent
human-caused fires have become large aDd caused significant resource damage; including the North Rye fire in 1998,
the Blodgett Fire in 2000, aDd the Rock Creek Fire in 1988. Human-caused fires are on the increase, as the population
ofRavaUi County increases (Table 3-8).
Fires over 10 acres are generally fires that have escaped initial attack aDd become extended attack fires that last for
several operational periods. Extended attack fires require a significaDtly larger commitment ofresources than do
initial attack fires, and in the case ofmultiple ignitions, can lead to resource shortages that hamper fire lD8D8gers
abilities to respond to DeW ignitions.
On average there are 48 days during the fire season on which the Bitterroot NF experiences DeW fire starts. The
average fire season on the ~itterroot National Forest is approximately 90 days long.
Multiple fire days are days on which five or more new fire starts are experienced on the Bitterroot NF. Multiple fire
starts require a large commitment ofresources across the Forest; aDd resource shortages can be experienced,
increasing the likelihood offires escaping initial attack.
From the above, the conclusion can be drawn that there is a good probability of fire visiting or revisiting virtually any
location on the Bitterroot NF over the next several decades.
Several areas on the Bitterroot National Forest did not cany fire during the fires of2000, even though they were
encroached upon by high intensity fire. Those areas include: the Sleeping Cbi1d Fire (1961) area, the Saddle Mountain
Fire (196S) area, and the North Rye (1998) area. The Sleeping Child Fire aDd Saddle Mountain Fire areas did not
carry fire, because they were salvag~harvested after they burned. The fuels that were not disposed of through harvest
were dozer-piled and burned. The North Rye Fire area did not bum, because there has not been enough time to allow
the ground 8CC\I1Dulation offire-ki1led fuels.
WddlIIntVUrban Interface
interfiJce (WUI) exists where humans aDd their developments meet or intermix with wiJdJaDd
fuels (USDA 2(00). When wildland fire enters the WUI, the suppression ofthat fire requires a large commitment of
firefighting resources. During the fires of2000, large portions ofotherwise high priority fires remained uustaffed,
because resources were committed to structure protection in the WUI. Experienced fire 1D8D8ger8 know that the WUI
is one of the most dangerous environments in which to conduct fire suppression operations. Poor ingress aDd egress
The _
BUI"Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 3-11
Fire and Fuels
within the WUI compromise firefighters' escape routes. Hazardous materials and other manmade materials produce
toxic gases when burned, and pose significant threat to firefighters and the public. The high values ofhomes, vehicles,
domestic animals, etc within the WUI, lead even the most seasoned wildland firefighter to take risks that he or she
would not consider in the wildland environment.
Recent research (Cohen 1999) addresses home IgnItfbmty in the WUI. Cohen concludes that homes ignite via ODe of
two processes: direct flame contact with the stlUcture and lofted firebrands landiDg on a receptive fuel (house). The
StlUcture Ignition Assessment Model (SIAM) (Cohen 1995) and results from the International Crown Fire Modeling
Experiment (Alexander, et aL 1998), generally concur that a flaming front at a distance of 40 meters or more from a
stlUcture does not deliver sufficient heat energy to ignite a home. Lofted firebrands are also a principle WUI ignition
&ctor. Highly ignitable homes can ignite during wildland fire without fire spreading near the stlUeture. This occurs
when firebrands are lofted downwind from fires. The firebrands subsequently collect on, aDd ignite flammable home
materials and adjacent flammables. Firebrands that result in ignitions can originate from wildland fires that are a
distance ofone kilometer or more (Cohen 1999). Cohen concludes, "because homeowners typically assert their
authority for the home and its immediate surroundings, the responsibility for effectively reducing home ignitability
can only reside with the property owner rather than wildland agencies."
The above-cited research addresses home ignitibility almost exclusively in discussing the larger problem offire in the
WUI. Not addressed in the research are other issues aDd problems filced by resource mauagers, fire professionals, and
residents when considering fire in WUI. When fire enters the WUI, there remains the potential for loss oflife and
property even ifhomes have been made fire safe. Also not included is the potential loss ofvehicJes, other StlUctures,
domestic animals, and inftutlUcture (roads, utility lines, water supply, etc). When fire enters the WUI, there is high
probability that firefighting resources (as wen as members ofthe public) will be deployed aDd exposed to hazards
mentioned above, even ifall homes have been made fire safe. Not addressed above is the probability that all property
owners will effectively reduce the ignitibility ofms or her home aDd maintain that condition over the ensuing decades.
In addition, many homeowners find it uodesirable to live in a burned-over forest, even if their home has survived the
passage offire.
Because of the problems and complexities associated with the WUI, resource mangers and fire managers find it
desirable to exclude, to the extent possible, wildland fire from the WUI, aDd prefer to use prescribed fire to manage
Effects Common to all (Fuels) Action Alternatives; B, D and E.
These three alternatives represent the action alternatives in terms of fuel reduction treatmeDt.
Treatment prescriptions were designed with several objectives in mind from the firelfuels perspective. The first is to
reduce future fuel loadings to less than 30 tous/acre in all treatment areas. This level offuel loading represents a
threshold above which fire behavior aDd fire severity effects are considered undesirable in VRU 2, VRU 3, and areas
in which a reforestation investment bas been made. An equally important objective is to retain a level of coarse woody
debris (CWO) that is biologically sound. These recolDlDellded levels ofCWD are displayed in Table 3-2 aDd are
further discussed in Chapter 3 ofthe Soil section and the Post-Fire Assessmmt .
The slash created by the harvest and fuels treatments that is left on the groUDd for site protection and fhture site
productivity, would create a short term (zero-eight years) fire hazard. The fuel-bed created by these treatments would
be, in large part, comprised of material in the smaller size classes. These fuels would contribute to the flammability
and continuity of fuels on a local level, as wen as across the landscape. Under good burning conditions, fires burning
in these slash fuel types have the potential to spread rapidly and extensively. These fires would be easier to control,
and burn with less intensity and severity, than potential future fires on the same site, under a no treatment sceuario,
with large quan~ ofbeavy fuels present.
Table 3-13 - Percent ofBlocIgett GA with Greater Than or Lea than 30 Tons per Acre Post Treatment
Fuels Greater Than 30
Percent of area
Fuels Leu Than 30
3-12- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Percent ofarea
22Z .....L
X i - .!&. • • -' ..
Fire and Fuels
Alternative A in Table 3-13 displays the current fuel loading in the Blodgett Geographic area; A1tematives B, C, D
and E display the post treatment fuel loadings, if those ahematives were implemented.
Maps 3-12, 3-13, 3-14 and 3-IS, display the areas that will have greater or less than 30 tous/acre before and after
proposed treatments.
Treatment methods were prescribed based on harvest opportunities and resource impacts. Where possible, fuels
reduction methods were prescribed using harvest treatments. In areas where harvest treatments alone would not meet
the desired future fuel loadings, or in areas in which commercial treatments are not feasible from an economic or
resource impact standpoint,' further fuel reduction methods were prescribed. These further fuels treatments include:
piling fuels by band or machine and burning piles, jackpot burning, and underbuming.
Any type ofhuman activity increases the possibility ofignition and wildJaDd fire. Ignition sources include; equipment
operation, smoking, arson, and escaped warming fires. While the fire hazard is minimal in the moderate and high
severity areas, a fire hazard remains in the low and mixed severity areas, as well as in the unburned area through
which contractors and employees travel
Alternative A
This alternative is the no action alternative, under which there would be no change from current management direction
or from the level ofmanagement intensity in the area. No fuels reduction treatments associated with the fires of2000
would be initiated at this time. The effects analysis reflects existing conditions and the anticipated effects of the fire
related mortality ifno management actions are taken.
Fuel LoacUng
There would be no fuel reduction treatments applied under this alternative. Areas with excessive fuelloadiDgs are at
risk ofhigh severity/higb intensity fire in the future. With these higher fuel loadings, the future opportunities for
implementing fire-use strategies as a vegetation maintenance tool are greatly limited, due to the potential fur high
intensity fire and fire effects that would be outside the historic range ofvariability
Large Fire Occurrence In the NeD Several Decades
The Blodgett Geographical area is bisected by two major drainages that are strongly east/west oriented. These
drainages, like others along the Bitterroot front, channel and amplify the prevailing west winds, and have a significant
affect on fire behavior in those canyons. Of the 11,100 acres within the Blodgett area that burned, 5,600 acres or
roughly half; have the poteqtial to exceed 30 tons/acre of down, woody fuel over the next several decades. The
Blodgett fire of 2000 burned in a very continuous fBshion and did not leave many islands ofunburned fuels. The fuel
bed that will develop as a result ofthis fire, will be very continuous and wiD allow fUture fires to move easily and
rapidly throughout the area, with reasonable likelihood ofachieving large size when weather conditions are
WlldIandlUrban Interfaee
The Blodgett Geographic area abuts private property along its eastern edge; there is approximately 4.S miles of
wiJdJandlurban inter&ce where the Bitterroot NF shares a boundary with private property. The private property (WUI)
is downwind of the fire area. Adjacent to the WUI, in the Blodgett 8D8lysis area, there are approximately 700 acres of
Forest with potential fuel loads in excess of30 toDSlacre. There is an additional 300 acres adjacent to the WUI that
have potential fuel loads ofless than 30 tous/acre, but in excess of the coarse woody debris recommendations. This
level of fuel loading in close proximity to human development, poses a significant hazard to lite and property, ifa
high intensity fire becomes established in the Blodgett analysis area.
Alternative B
Fuel LoacUng
UDder this a1temative fuel reduction treatments would be applied to approximately 1000 acres. This represents about
10 percent of the burned area within the analysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic and
biologically sound levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/higb inteDsity fire on these treatment units. Reducing
fuels in areas prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments. These reduced
fuel levels would also al1Qw prescribed fire to be safely applied in the fUture, to maintain historic fuelloadiDgs in
VRU 2 and VRU 3.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-13
Fire aDd Fuels
Large FIre Oecurrenee In the NeXt Several Deeades
Fuel treatments UDder this alternative would break up the continuity and extent of the high hazard fuel bed in the
Blodgett area. While large fires would still be possible the extent, severity aDd probability ofhigh intensity reburns
would be reduced. Reducing fuels would also allow fire-fighting resources to more safely conduct fire suppression
operations and reduce the risk of fire escaping during initial attack.
Wl1dIandlUrban Interfaee
AD fuel reduction treatment units in this alternative are adjacent to the wildJand/urban inter1Bce. The reduction of fuels
on these 1000 acres would decrease the probability of fire entering the WUI, by allowing firefighting resources to
safely and effectively conduct suppression operation in these areas ofreduced fuel loadings. By reducing the fuel
loading and thus the potential fire intensity, fewer fire brands will be produced, and their lofted height will be less
than in untreated fuels (Rothermel 1983). This reduces the probability offire entering the WUI through the
mechanism of spotting.
Alternative C
Fuel LoacUng
This alternative does not reduce fuels, aDd the effects to fuel loadings would be the same as alternative A There are
approximately 200 acres ofartificial regeneration prescribed under this alternative. The probability offire mortality in
the event ofa large, high intensity fire in these plantations is greater than iffuel reduction treatments were applied to
these areas.
Large FIre Oecurrenee In the NeD Several Deeades
Same as described for Alternative A
WI1dIandlUrban Interface
Same as described for Ahemative A
Alternative D
Fuel LoacUng
Under this alternative, fuel reduction would be applied to approximately 1000 acres. This represents about 10 percent
of the burned area within the analysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic aDd biologically
soUDd levels, and reduce the chance ofhigb severity/high intensity fire on these treatment units. Reducing fuels in
areas prescribed for uatural and arti1icial regeneration would help protect those investments. These reduced fuel levels
would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel loadings in VRU 2 and
LarKe FIre Oecurrenee In the Nen Several Deeades
There is DO perceptible change from Ahemative B.
WI1dIandlUrban Interfaee
There is no perceptible change from Alternative B.
Alternative E
Fuel Loading
This alternative treats fuels only in VRU 2 aDd the WUI. UDder this alternative, fuel reduction treatmmlts would be
applied to approximately 1000 acres. This represents about 10 percent of the burned area within the analysis area.
These treatments would return fuet loadings to historic and biologically 80UDd levels aDd reduce the chance ofhigb
severity/high intensity fire on these treatment units. These reduced fuel levels would also allow prescribed fire to be
safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel loadings aDd stand structure in VRU 2 and VRU 3.
L.... Fire Oecurrenee In the NeD Several Deeades
There is no perceptible change from Ahemative B.
Wl1dIandlUrban Interface
There is no perceptible change from Alternative B.
3-14- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
Cumulative Effects .
Past Activities
Forest Servlee timber sales
There has been very little harvest activity in the Blodget Geographical area. This low level ofharvest will have a very
localized effect on fuels, and thus fire behavior and spread.
PrIvate timber salel
On private land, extensive timber harvest and clearing has occurred for homes, pastures, and commercial purposes.
One of the main effects of clearing on private land is the disruption in the continuity of fuels. The mosaic effect
created modifies the spread and extent ofwildJaDd fire on a large scale. On a smaller scale, untreated logging slash
and debris from homesite clearing can and does pose localized hazard ofwildJaDd fire.
Forest Service artIflcla1 reforestadon
Areas ofartificial reforestation, such as plantations, can provide increased fuel loadings on a local scale depending on
the level ofstocking. IfplantatioDS are thinned, untreated slash can contribute to fire spread and intensity.
Forest Service road construetlon and maintenance
Road density is low in this area, but the presence ofroads does allow visitors increased access to W1ldland fuels;
human-caused fires increase in roaded areas. The presence ofroads does disrupt the contiouity ofwildland fuels, and
can provide amchor points and possible control options in the event of a wildland fire ignition. The operation of any
equipment meases the potential for wildland fire ignitions.
PrIvate road eonstruetlon and maintenance
Extensive road coDStruCtion and maintenance has occurred on private property in this area. The main effect ofroads in
this area is to dislUpt the continuity ofwildland fuels and limit the potential spread ofwildland fires. Existing roads
provide auchor points and Possible control lines in the event of a wildland ignition. Untreated slash &om road
construction poses a localized fire hazard Increased access to wildland fuels by the public increases the risk offire
FIsh stoddng
Fish stocking, especially in lakes, tends to draw and concentrate people in areas that would otherwise not be visited.
This increased human use increases the probability ofhuman-caused fires.
NoDous weed treatment
As noxious weeds are eradicated, they tend to be replaced by cheat grass and Dative grasses. These grasses tend to be
more flammable and conducive to fire spread than noxious weeds, so the human and uatural ignition hazard is
increased slightly.
Irrigation Dams and reservoln
There are 11 dams and associated reservoirs in the Blodgett area. The presence offish and other recreatiooal
opportuDities at these bodies ofwater attract forest visitors to these sites, which increases the risk ofhuman-caused
wildland fires.
Subdivision on private land
The subdivision ofprivate lands often involves CODStlUction ofroads and the cJcariDg ofland; the main effect ofthese
activities is to distupt the continuity ofwildland fuels.
FIre luppreaion
SO plus )aI"S ofeffective' fire suppression has caused significant changes in stand structure and fuel loading. As
demonstrated by the fires of2000, these changes have left forested areas more vulnerable to high inteDsity and high
severity fires. In areas that burned in 2000, residual uncoDSlJlDed fuels occur in greater 'l'18JJtjties post-fire than would
be expected under a more natural fire regime.
Past wildfires in this area have been suppressed while still smaD and had only very local, site-specific effects.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-15
---- - --
Fire and Fuels
Prescribed fires
Prescribed fire has been applied on the south &cing slopes ofFred BUIY and Cow Creeks. These prescribed fires
reduced sur&ce aDd ladder fuels, but due to the limited area involved, the effects are local aDd site specific.
2000 flres-Suppreaion
These effects are discussed in AffeCted Enviromnent for firelfuels. This applies to all geographic areas.
2000 fires- Effects
The trees and other vegetation killed by the fires of2000 will eventually lose 1imbs and branches and &II to the
ground contnbuting to future fuel loadings.
Cow Creek burned Interface demo project
This three acre project harvested fire-killed trees to show the visual effects ofpost fire salvage and fuels treatment.
Due to the small area involved, the effects are local and site specific.
Ongoing Activities
BlocIgeWSheafman Creek traU h~rbidde spnylng
As noxious weeds are eradicated and are replaced by native grasses and cheat grass, the flammability and potential for
firespread increases. The small and noncontiguous area included in this project will have only very local effects.
Mushroom and lpeclal products harvest
While most mushroom harvest occurs outside the usual fire season; the increased presence ofmrest users does
increase the risk ofwUdJaDd fire ignitions.
Beetle infestations
Beetle-related mortality iDcreases the sur&ce fuel loading as dead trees shed limbs and &ll. It is difficult to predict
where and to what extend this fuel accumulation will occur, but beetle mortality is generally in isolated pockets, so
effects are localized.
Routine Forest Service road, traU and faelUty maintenance
Increased presence of equipment and peJ'SODDeI in the wildland environment has the potential to iDcrease ignition.
Routine road malntenanee on private land
Increased presence ofequjpmmlt aDd per80DDeI in the wildland envirODlDellt has the potential to iDcrease humancaused ignition.
SubdlvllioDlroad eonatructlon on private land
Construction ofroada and subdivisions often involves the cJcariDg of timbered aDd vegetated 1aDds. The resultiDg
slash from these activities poses a hazard and risk ofwildJand fire in either an untreated state or when burned.
Equipment operations in the wildJaDd enviroDlDmlt iDcrease the risk ofwildJand ignitions. The resultiDg distuption of
wildland fuel continuity reduces tht? potential oflarge landscape fire.
ArtIfIcial regeneradoD (tree planting)
72 acres ofburned plantations would be planted within the Dext five years. While the trees are young, a fuel break
may be present, as flHdHngs do not readily bum. Areas ofartificial reforestation, i.e. plantations, can provide
increased fuel loadings on a local scale, depending on the level stocking. IfplantatioDS are ~ untreated slash can
contribute to fire spread aDd intensity.
FIre luppreaion In eertaIn areas
Fire suppression remains DeCeSS8I}' in many areas. Fuel loadings are in excess ofhistorical levels across many
landscapes; and the fire effects that result, when these areas burn under typical 8UJDIDer condition, are undesirable.
These conditions will preclude the use ofuatural fire, until fuels can reduced to levels that are within a more natural
(historical) range. Fire suppression will remain necessary in areas where public or private improvements, structures, or
other values, preclude the use ofutural fire. These areas include, but are not limited to: the _
developed campgrounds, bridges, etc. Continued fire suppression has the potential to aggravate the existing fuels
problem, ifnot mitigated.
3-1 &- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
Penon" use firewood euttlng
Slash and other residue created from personal use firewood cutting do not pose a significant fuel threat. The iDcreased
presence of forest users does increase the threat ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions, through the operation of
chaiDsaws and vehicles, as wen as warming fires in close proximity to wildland fuels.
Hunting, fishing, and dlspened recreadon
These activities increase the presence of forest users and increase the risk ofhuman-caused wildJand fires, through the
operation ofvehicles, chainsaws and warming/cooking fires, etc.
Use of developed recreadon sites
These activities increase the presence offorest users and increase the risk ofhuman-caused wildJand fires, through the
operation of vehicles, chainsaws and warming/cooking fires, etc.
Reasonablv foreseeable projects
Stevl sw Eeobum
This project will reduce sudBce and ladder fuels on approximately 200 acres and will be implemented in the spring of
2001 at the earliest. This project wiD reduce the probability ofundesirable fire effects on a local scale, and will disJUpt
fuel contiDuity on a larger scale.
Fire Res,oDle Team fuel reduetlon proJeets
These projects would i-educe green fuels in areas especially in the urban inter&ce. This may further reduce the risk of
high severity fires and the cbaDce of those fires destroying private property.
Sheafman fuels reduedon proJeet (proposed)
This project would thin standing green trees along the National Forest boUDdary near the town ofPiDesdaIe, and wiD
be implemented begiDning in the spring of2001. This project would reduce the possibility ofwi1dJand fire ofmoviDg
from National Forest lands to private lands, as wen as reducing the possibility of fire moving &om private property
onto National Forest lands.
Boundary fuels
This project will thin noDCOmmcrcial staDding green trees along the National Forest boUDdary in the Fred BUIT
drainage, to reduce the pro1)ability ofwildland fire spreading from NF lands onto private lands, as wen as from private
lands onto the NF.
Herbidde spraying
This project would likely involve weed spraying along roads in the Blodgett area. As noxious weeds are eradicated,
they tend to be replaced by native grasses and cheat grass. These grasses tend to be more flammable and contribute to
fire spread more than the noxious weeds that they replace. Because the areas treated tend to be along roadsides, this
increase in spread potential and ignitability bas the potential to increase human-caused ignitions slightly.
DNRC salvage sale, BlocIgett race
This state salvage sale is proposed to harvest fire-1d1led timber during the summer of2001 and winter of2002. There
will be a short term (zero-eight years) increase in fire risk due to the slash created by the harvest activity.
Reeonstruction of Canyon and Wyant Dams
The presence ofequipment and persoDDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Routine opentlon ad maintenance of wilderness dams and reservoln
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
MDIhroom and lpedal proclum harvest
While most mushroom harvest occurs outside the usual fire season, the increased presence offOrest users does
increase the risk ofwi1dJand fire ignitions.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-17
Fire and Fuels
Continued private salvage sales
Some timber salvage sales have occUlTed on private land; and it is anticipated that salvage harvest will continue. There
wiD be an increased risk ofhuman ignition during logging activities and a short term (zero-eight )aI"S) hazard created
by logging slash.
Continued Beetle InfestationsIFS rap0Dle to beetle infestation
It is anticipated that the Douglas-fir bark beetle in1Cstation will continue aDd other beetle mortality will occur,
especially in light of the extensive fires of2000. It is difficuh to predict where aDd to what extent these infestations
will occur. Trees killed by beetles will contribute to fuel loading as they shed branches and fillL The significance of
this additional fuel load will depend on the extent of the beetle mortality as well as the FS response to the infestation.
Continued routine FS road traD and fadllties maintenance
The presence of equipment and persoDDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions
Continued routine road malntenanee on private land
The presence of equipment aDd persoDDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Continued subdivision lroad eonatruction on private land
The presence ofequipment aDd personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wiIdJaDd fire ignitions.
Continued fire suppression In certain area
Fire suppression remams necessary in many areas. Fuel loadings are in excess ofhistorical levels across many
landscapes; and the fire effects ~ result when these areas burn UDder typical SUIDIDeI" condition are UDdesirable.
These conditions will preclude the use ofuatural fire, until fuels can reduced to levels that are within a more natural
(historical) range. Fire suppression will remain necessary in areas where public or private improvements, structures, or
other valueS preclude a fire use strategy. These areas include, but are not limited to: the wildJandIurban interfilce,
developed campgroUDds, bridges, etc. Continued fire suppression has the potential to aggravate the existing fuels
problem if not mitigated. This applies to all four geographic areas.
Continued penonal use firewood cutting
Slash and other residue created from personal use firewood cutting do not pose a significant fuel threat. The increased
presence offorest users does iDcrease the threat ofhuman-caused wiJdlaDd fire ignitioDS, through the operation of
cbaiosaws and vehicles, as well as warming fires in close proximity to WJldland fuels. This applies to all four
geographic areas.
Continued hunting, ftIblng and 4Ispened recreation
These activities iDcrease the presence offorest users aDd increase the risk ofhuman-caused wildland fires, through the
operation ofvehicJes, cbaiosaws and warming/cooking fires, etc.
Items not included in the above list for past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities, but contained on the
cumulative effects list in the project file, are not addressed here, because they do not contribute to firelfuels
cumulative effects.
Summary ofCumullltive Effects for aU alternatives
PrIvate, state and Forest Servke timber sales
When appropriate levels ofslash disposal have been implemented, harvest units reduce the fuel loading and the
potential effects ofa severe fire on.. local site, specific level At the landscape level, harvest units and the associated
roads bn8k up the continuity offuels. Alternatives that reduce fuels (Altematives B, D and E) would enbaDce the
effect that these existing roads aDd harvest units have on fuel continuity and fire spread.
Prescribed fire treatments, fuel reduetlon proJeetI, and boundary fuels treatments: pat, Presellt, and future.
These projects all reduce fuels or modify their distribution on the landscape, reducing the likelihood offires escaping
initial attack or burning at high intcmsity/high severity. Alternatives that reduce fuels (altematives B, D, & E) would
enhance the effect that these projects have on fire behavior and fire effects.
3-18- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
a _.
Fire and Fuels
Fire suppreulon: Put, present, ad future.
Successful fire suppressiOn Causes long-term changes to stand structure, which ultimately changes the characteristics
of the fuel bed that develops on that site. Fuels remain uucbaracteristically high across DDlCh of the burned area, partly
as a result ofsuccessful fire suppression. Ahematives that do not reduce these fuels loads (alternatives A & C) limit
the opportunity to implement fire use strategies to maintain these stands. Under these DO action a1tematives, fire
suppression will remain necessary in an areas; and the effort required to suppress new fires will increase, as will the
risk offire escaping initial attack.
Beetle lnfestatioDIFS rapoDle to beetle lnfestadoD
It is anticipated that the Douglas-fir bark beetle infestation will continue especially in areas of fire-weakened trees.
Trees killed by beetles contribute to fuel loading as they shed branches and ultimately fillL Alternatives that remove
trees that have been killed, or those that are at risk ofbeing killed (alternatives B& D), would reduce the future fuel
loading on those sites. H these are not removed, they will eventually 1B1l and contribute to the already existing fuel
load. In areas where the existing fuel load is already excessive, the addition of these fuels would exacerbate the
situation. In other areas, where the fuel loading is at an acceptable level, the addition ofbeetJe-la1led fuels bas the
potential to create an unacceptable level offuel loading.
Projects that Increase the human presence In the wildland environment (including continued development of
private property In the WUI)
Humans in the wildlaDd environment are a fire ignition source; in areas where there is an iDcreased human presence
there is an increased risk ofhuman ignitions. Fuel reduction treatments are not likely to perceptively reduce the
number of human ignitions; but the results ofthose ignitions may be different. Alternatives that reduce fuel loadings
(alternatives B, D & E) lessen the probability that a human ignition will start in an area of heavy fuel loading. Fire
starts in heavy fuels are more likely to escape initial attack and are more likely to result in a large and high severity
Consistency with the Bitterroot Forest Plan and Other Regulatory
Alternative A
This a1temative would not be consistent with the Forest Plan, in that fire plaDDing would not be designed to protect
and eDhaDce timber investments and values.
Alternative B
This alternative would not be consistent with the current Forest Plan in _
area 1,2, 3a, 3b, and 3e, when
down woody fuels are reduced to the levels stated in the 2000 Post Fire Assessment. The following standards would
not be met:
Protection: Slash and potential fuels would be reduced to less than 2S toDS per acre in VRUs 2 and 3, in areas that
burned with low severity and urban intedBce lands, and VRU 4 urban inter&ce lands.
Water and Soil: Slash and potential fuels would be reduced to less than 10 toDS per acre in urban inter&ce
lands in VRU 2.
This alternative would be consistent with Forest Plan Standards as amended by the proposed coarse woody debris
Alternative C
This alternative would not be consistent with the Forest Plan in that fire plaDDing would not be designed to protect and
eDhaDce timber investments and values.
Alternative D
This alternative would not be consistent with the current Forest Plan in _
area 1, 2, 38, 3b, and 3c, when
down woody fuels are reduced to the levels stated in the 2000 Post Fire Assessment. The following staDdards would
not be met:
Protection: Slash and potential fuels would be reduced to less than 2S tons per acre in VRUs 2 and 3, in areas that
burned with low severity and urban interfiJce lands, and VRU 4 urban interfiJce lands.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-19
Fire and Fuels
Water and Soil: Slash and potential fuels would be reduced to less than 10 tons per acre in urban inter&ce
IaDds in VRU 2.
This alternative would be consistent with Forest Plan Standards as amended by the proposed coarse woody debris
Alternative E
This alternative would not be consistent with the current Forest Plan in management area 1, 2, 3a, 3b, and 3c, when
down woody fuels are reduced to the levels stated in the 2000 Post Fire Assessment. The following standards would
not be met:
Protection: Slash and potential fuels would be reduced to less than 2S tons per acre in VRUs 2 and 3, in areas.that
burned with low severity and urban inter&ce lands, and VRU 4 urban inter&ce lands.
Water and Soil: Slash and potential fuels would be reduced to less than 10 tons per acre in urban inter&ce
lands in VRU 2.
This alternative would be consistent with Forest Plan Standards as amended by the proposed coarse woody debris
Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
The boundary for this Geographic Area will be the burned areas within the Skalkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye Creek
watershed boundaries. The analysis area includes a range offuel types and VRUs common to the east side of the
Bitterroot National Forest. The effects offire and the vegetative response to fire occur at the stand level and the
landscape kwe~ so the scale oftbis analysis area is reasonable for evabwting the affected enviromnent and the
environmental effects.
Existing Condition
See Blodgett Geographic Area for complete Existing Condition
Table 3-14 - Percent of burned area In the Geographic Area with Fuels Greater Than Or Less Than 30
Geop!phlc Area
Fuels Greater Than 30
Fuell Less Than 30
Effects Analysis Methods
The same methods were used as described for the Blodgett Geographic Area
Direct and Indirect Effects
Fuel Loadings (locaJIstaDd level effects)
The direct and indirect Fuel Loading effects description is the same as described for the Blodgett Geographical Area.
FIre OecurreDee In the NeD Several Deeades (fire effeets at the landscape level)
The direct and indirect Fire Occurrence in the Next Several Decades effects description is the same as described for
the Blodgett Geographical Area.
WlldlandlUrban Interfaee
The direct and indirect _
inter&ce effects are the same as described for the Blodgett Geographical Area.
Effects Common to all (Fuels) Action Alternatives.
The effects common to all action alternatives are the same as described for the Blodgett area.
3-20- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
II :
Fire and Fuels
Table 3-15 - Pereent .fGeographic Area with Fuels Loads Over 30 Tons/Acre post treatment by alternative for
Skalkaho-Rye Geographic area
Fuell Greater Than 30
Fuell Less Than 30
Alternative A
Alternative E
Alternative A in Figure 3-1S displays the current fuel loading in the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic area; Alternatives B,
C, D and E display the post treatment fuel loadings, if those alternatives were implemented.
Maps 3-12, 3-13, 3-14 and 3-1S found in the map envelope, dispJaythe areas that will have greater or less than 30
tons/acre before and after proposed trtmmmts.
Direct and Indirect Effects by Alternative
Alternative A
This alternative is the no action alternative, under which there would be no change from current management direction
or from the level ofmanagement intensity in the area. No fuels reduction treatmeDts associated with the fires of2000
would be initiated at this time. The effects analysis reflects existing conditions and the anticipated effects ofthe fire
related mortality, if no management actions are taken.
Fuel Loading
There would be no fuel reduction treatmeDts applied under this alternative. Areas with excessive fuel loadings are at
risk ofhigh severity/high intensity fire. With these higher fuel loadings, the fhture opportunities fOr imp1emeotiDg fire
use strategies as a vegetation maintenance tool are greatly limited, due to the potential for high intensity fire and fire
effects that would be outside the historic range of variability.
Large Fire Oeeurrenee In the NeD Several Decades
The S1ca1lcaho-Rye Geographic Area is located on the east side of the Bitterroot Valley, which is exposed to the
prevailiog west-southwest wind during the summer fire season. The area is heavily bisected by drainages that are
oriented in an east-west direction including Rye and Skalkaho Creeks, amplifying the effect of diurnal (upslope/up
canyon day time) winds. The affect of these winds on fire behavior was wen demonstrated during the North Rye Fire
in 1998 and the Fires of2000 in this area. Approximately 24,000 acres of the 82,200 acres (or 1/3) burned in the
Ska1lcabo-Rye area has a potential fuel loading of30 toDS/acre or more. With the exception of the North Rye Fire, the
SkaIkaho-Rye area burned with a high degree ofcontinuity; the fuel bed that develops over time , 88 a result of the
fires of2000, will also have a high degree of continuity. Areas ofhigh fuel loadings will be liDked by areas of lighter
and continuous fuels.
WIId1aDdlUrban Interface
Much of the SkaDrabo-Rye area is in·mixed ownership, so the wiJdland/urban interfilce is exteDsive. Most of the
human development in this area occurs at the lower elevations, where weather tends to be warJDer and dryer, and in
the ~ns which tend to cbmmel and amplify the winds. There are approximately 7,000 acres ofNational Forest
lands that abut private property, with developments where the potential fuel loading exceeds 30 tons/acre. There is a
significant hazard posed by these extensive fuel loadings in close proximity to human development.
Alternative B
Under this alternative, fuel reduction treatmeDts would be applied to approximately 36,SOO acres. These treated acres
represent about 44.percent of the burned area in the analysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to
historic and biologically soUDd levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/high intensity fire on these trtmmmt
UDits. Reducing fuels, in areas prescribed fur natural and artificial regeneration, would help protect those investments.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-21
Fire and Fuels
These reduced fuel levels would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel
loadings in VRU 2 and VRU 3.
Lillie Fire OeeurreDee In the Next Seven) Decades
Fuel treatments under this alternative would break up the continuity and extent of the high hazard fuel bed in the
Slcalkaho-Rye area. Wbi1e large fires would still be possible, the extent, severity, and probability ofhigh intensity
rebums would be reduced. This would also allow firefighting resources to more safely conduct fire suppression
operations and reduce the risk ofescape during initial attack.
WUd1aDdlUrban Interfaee
This alternative would reduce fuels" to less than 30 tons/acre on approximately 6,400 acres that are adjacent to the
WUI. The reduction offuels in these units would decrease the probability of fire entering the WUI, by allowing firefighting resources to safely and effectively conduct suppression operation in these areas ofreduced fuel loadings. By
reducing the fuel loading ,and thus the potential fire intensity, fewer firebrands will be produced and their lofted
height will be less than in untreated fuels (RotbermeI1983). This also reduces the probability offire entering the WUI
through the mechanism of spotting.
Alternative C
Fuel LoacUng
This alternative does not reduce fuels; and the effects to fuel loadings would be the same as altemative A There are
about 19,700 acres of artificial regeneration and about 3,600 acres ofnatural regeneration prescribed under this
alternative. The probability offire mortality in these regenerated areas is greater under this alternative than if fuels
reduction treatments were applied to these areas prior to regenerating.
Lillie Fire OeeurreDee In the Nen Seven) Decades
No change from alternative A
WUd1aDdlUrban Interface
No change from alternative A
Alternative D
Fuel Loading
Under this altemative, fuel reduction treatments would be applied to approximately 37,000 acres. These treated acres
represent about 4S percent ofthe burned area analysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic
and biologically sound levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/high intensity fire on these treatment UDits.
Reducing fuels in areas prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments. These
reduced fuel levels would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel loadings
in VRU 2 and VRU 3.
Lillie FIre OeeurreDee In the Not Seven) Decades
Wbi1e altemative D treats about SOO more acres than does alternative B, there would be no perceptible difference in
the probability or effects oflarge fires under either ofthese alternatives. The difference in acres and the spatial
ammgement ofunits is insignificant at the landscape level
WI1dIaDdlUrban Interface
Tbm alternative would treat about 'approximately 7000 acres in the WUI (600 acres more than alternative B). This
would reduce the risk offire entering the WUI in those areas.
Alternative E
Fuel Loading
This altemative would treat fuels only in VRU 2 and the WUI; it does not include any intermediate treatments. UDder
this alternative, fuel reduction treatments would be applied to approximately 12,200 acres. These treatments would
return fuel loadings to historic and biologically sound levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/high intensity fire
on these treatment units. Reducing fuels in areas prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect
those investments. These reduced fuel levels would also allow fire use strategies to be safely applied in the future to
maintain historic fuel loadings in VRU 2 and VRU 3.
, EJ
3-22- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
Lillie FIre Oeeurrence In .tbe Next Seven) Decades
The fuel reduction treatments proposed in the VRU 2 and the WUI, under this alternative, would reduce the risk of
ignitioDS in these areas escaping initial attack and becoming large, high intensity/high severity fires.
WUdlandlUrban Interface
This alternative would treat about 2800 less acres in the WUI than would alternative D. This would increase the risk
in the WUI adjacent to the untreated areas compared to alternatives B & D.
Cumulative Effects
Past Activities
FS Timber harvest and associated road construction
The Rye Creek drainage has been heavily harvested and roaded in the past; the SlcaJ1cabo and Sleeping Child drainages
have areas ofconcentrated past harvest and roads. The main effect of this past harvest activity is to disrupt the
continuity ofwildland fuels; slash associated with FS timber sales has been treated to reduce the hamrd to an
acceptable level Roads provide possible anchor points, controlliDes, and access for firefighting resources in the event
ofa wildland fire. Roads also provide access, which increase the risk ofhuman-caused ignitions.
Private timber harvest and associated road construction
Extensive timber harvest and road construction has occurred on approximately IS sections of Darby Lumber JaDd.
While cutting units generally disrupt the continuity ofwildJand fuels, the hazard associated with the untreated slash on
these units will tend to override whatever benefit the break in continuity would provide. Roads provide possible
IDChor points, control Jines, and access for firefighting resources in the event ofa wildJand fire. Roads also provide
access for forest users, which increases the risk ofhuman-caused ignitious.
FS Planting
Areas ofartificial reforestation, ie. plantations, can provide increased fuel loadings on a local scaJe depending on the
level ofstockiDg. Ifplantatious are thiImed, untreated thinning slash can contribute to fire spread and intensity.
FS road/State highway 38 construction and maintenance
Road density. filirly high in thm area; the presence ofroads does allow Forest visitors increased access to wildJand
fuels. The risk ofhuman-caused fires increases in roaded areas. The presence ofroads does disrupt the contiDuity of
wildJand fuels and can provide anchor points and possible control optious in the event ofa WJ1dJand fire ignition. The
operation of any equipment increases the potential for wildJand fire ignitions.
Private road construction and maintenance
Extensive road construction and maintenance has occurred on private property in this area. The main effect ofroads in
this area is to disrupt the continuity ofwildland fuels and limit the potential spread ofwildJand fires. Existing roads
provide IDChor points and possible controlliDes in the event ofa wildland ignition. Untreated slash from road
constlUction poses a localized fire hazard. Increased access to wildland fuels by the public increases the risk offire
Nom. weed treatment
As noxious weeds are eradicated they tend to be replaced by cheat grass and native grasses. These grasses tend to be
more f1ammahle and conducive to fire spread than noxious weeds, 80 the human and D8tUral ignition hazard is
increased slightly.
SabdivIIIon on private land
The subdivision ofprivate lands often involves construction ofroads and the clearing oflaDd; the main effect of these
activities is to disrupt the continuity ofwildland fuels.
Uvestoek anzIqIPrIvate and Forest Service IandI
Livestock graziDg tends to reduce fiDe fuels on grazed lands; depeDding on the level of grazing, this can affect the fire
behavior ofa wildland fire ignition.
Rye Creek elk farm
The level of graziDg on thm private )and • such that there is a low probabiJity offire spread through the fiDe fuels.
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 3-23
Fire and Fuels
Fire suppression
Fifty plus years ofeffective fire suppression bas caused significant changes in stand structure and fuel loading. As
demonstrated by the fires of2ooo, ~ changes have left forested areas more vulnerable to high intensity and high
severity fires. In areas that burned in 2000, residual unconsumed fuels occur in greater quantities post-fire than would
be expected under a more ~ fire regime.
S1eepina Child Fire, 1961. This was a high intensity/high severity fire that burned primarily in mid to high elevation
lodgepole pine. This fire area was heavily salvaged and virtua1ly aD slash was disposed of Much ofthe fire area.
now in pole-sized lodgepole pine. Because of the extensive fuels treatment post-fire, there is little srice fuel
available. While fire did bump the edge the Sleeping Cbild fire during 2000, the Jack offuel prevented fire spread
through the old burn area.
North Rye fire 1998. This fire area did not reburn during the 2000 fire season, even though fire did encroach upon it.
This fire is recent and very Iitt1e down filll of fire-killed material bas occurred; and the scant surfilce fuels will not
support fire spread at this time. This condition is expected to slowly change over the next few decades; as dead
material accumulates, the potential for high intensity/high resistance to control fire will increase. A small amount of
firewood cutting bas occurred along the roaded perimeter ofthis fire.
Gird #1 & Gird #2 1989 &1991. These fire areas were encroached by fires in 2000 but did not support extensive fire
spread because of lack of surface fuels. These fire areas did burn more than the North Rye fire area, due to their older
age and relatively more fuel accumulation. This trend is expected to continue as more fuel accumulates over time.
Prelerlbecl tires
Prescribed fire bas been applied to south &cing slopes and numerous harvest units. The effect ofthese bums is to
reduce fuels on site and disrupt fuel continuity on a landscape scale.
Buntin., fIIblng, and dllpened recreation
These activities increase the presenCe offorest users and increase the risk ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fires through the
operation ofvehicles, chaiDsaws and warminglcooking fires, etc.
On going projects
Mushroom and lpedal produdl harvest
While most mushroom harvest occurs outside the usual fire season; the increased presence offorest users does
increase the risk of wildland fire ignitions.
ArtIfIcial regeneration (tree planting)
8,375 additional acres would be planted within the next five years. These pJantatious could act as a fuel break while
the trees are young, as there are not enough fuels to carry a fire and seedlings do not burn as well. Areas of artificial
reforestation, ie. plantations, can provide increased fuel loadings on a local scale depending on the level ofstocking.
Ifplantations are thinned, untreated thinning slash can contribute to fire spread and intensity.
BearlRoan Burke Timber Sales
Harvest activities, iftbey occur during the warm, dry months, can contribute to the risk ofhumanlequjpment caused
fires. The increased human presence and travel associated with logging activity iDcreases the probability ofhuman and
equipment caused ignitions. Fuel reduction, accomplished as a result the ~ harvest, reduces the probability of
undesirable fire effects in the event ofwildJaDd fire at a the stand level The disruption offuel continuity at a larger
scale is accomplished due to harvest units.
North Rye ftre wood sale
Tbm salvage sale is removing fire-killed timber along the roaded perimeter ofthe North Rye fire. This project will
reduce the potential fuel loading along the road and will reduce the probability ofa roadside ignition escaping iDitial
Beede infestations
Beetle related mortality increases the surfilce fuel loading as dead trees shed limbs and &D. It is difficuJI: to predict
where and to what extent this fuel accumulation will occur. Beet1e mortality is geoerally in isolated pockets ,so
effects are localized.
3-24- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
PrIvate salvage sales
It is assumed that aD private land that was burned during the 2000 season will be harvested where stands oftimber
burned. There will be an increased risk ofhuman ignition during logging activities and a short term (zero-eight years)
hazard created by logging slash, depending on Jevel ofpost harvest slash disposal. In areas ofisoJated salvage units,
the effects ofa post salvage fire in untreated slash will be localized; in areas ofextensive salvage, a post salvage fire
in untreated slash could have extensive effects.
Subdivision/road construction on private land
Constnlction ofroads and subdivisioDS often involves the clearing of timbered and vegetated lands. The resulting
slash from these activities poses a hazard and risk ofwildland fire in either an untreated state or when burned.
Equipment operations in the wildland enviromnent increase the riskofwildJaDd ignitions. The resulting disruption of
wildland fuel coDtiDuity re4uces the potential ofJarge landscape fire.
Rye Creek elk farm
The level ofgrazing on this private land is such that there is a low probability of fire spread through the fiDe fuels.
Routine FS/State HIghway 38 road maintenance
Road density is &irly high ~ this area; the presence ofroads does aDow Forest visitors increased access to wildland
fuels. The risk ofbuman-caused fires increases in roaded areas. The presence ofroads disrupts the continuity of
Wl1dland fuels and can provide anchor points and possible control options in the event ofa wildland fire ignition. The
operation ofany equipment increases the potential for wildland fire ignitioDS.
Routine road maintenance on private land
The presence ofequjpment and per80DDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitioDS.
Highway maintenance (State Hwy 38)
The presence ofequipment and per80DDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Harlan Burke Grazing aDotment
Grazing reduces fiDe fuels and the potential for fire spread in those areas.
North Sleeping ChDd and Sleeping ChDd Grazing aDotment
Grazing reduces fiDe fue~ and the potential for fire spread in those areas.
Skalkaho gruJng allotment
Grazing reduces fiDe fuels and the potential for fire spread in those areas.
S1adkaholDaly dllpened eampllte rehabWtation
The presence ofequipment and per80DDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Snow PIllow Creek culvert removal
The presence ofequipment and per80DDel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Reasonably Foreseeable Projects
Herbldde spraying
This project would likely involve weed spraying along roads. As noxious weeds are ezadicated, they tend to be
replaced by Dative grasses and cheat grass. These grasses tend to be more flammable and contribute to fire spread
more than the noxious weeds that they replace. Because the areas treated tend to be along roadsides, this increase in
spread potential and ignitabiIity bas the potential to increase buman-caused ignitions slightly.
South Fork sleeping ChDd Cr. TraD reeollltraction
The presence ofequipment and persoDDel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Sleeping CbIld Creek #105 ReeoDltraction
The presence ofequjpment imd per80nnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-25
Fire and Fuels
DNRC salvage sale
This state salvage sale is proposed to harvest fire-killed timber beginning in August 200I, and continuing through the
winter of2002. There will be a short term (zero-eight years) increase in fire risk due to the slash created by the harvest
Middle Fork fire traI1 restoration
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wild1and fire ignitions.
Middle Fork fence coDltraetion
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-ciwsed wildIaDd fire ignitions.
Middle Fork roadside hazard tree removal
Slash and other residue created from this project would not pose a significant fuel threat. The increased presence of
forest users does increase the threat ofhuman-caused wi1dland fire ignitions through the operation ofchaiDsaws and
vehicles, as well as warming fires in close proximity to wildland fuels.
Middle Fork bark beetle mortality control
Slash and other residue created from this project may pose a fuel threat, until the slash has a few winters to cure and
compact into the ground. The increased presence offorest users does increase the threat ofhuman-caused wildlaDd
fire ignitions through the operation ofcbainsaws and vehicles, as well as warming fires in close proximity to wiIdJand
Continued muhroom and spedal forest produet harvest
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildIaDd fire ignitions.
HIghway maintenance (State hwy 38)
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildIaDd fire ignitions.
Items not included in the above list for past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities, but contaiDed on the
cumulative effects list in the project file, are not addressed here, because they do not contribute to firelfuels
cumulative effects.
Summary of Cumulative Effects for All Alternatives
See Blodgett Geographic Area for summary of cumulative effects.
Consistency with the Bitterroot Forest Plan and Other Regulatory
See Blodgett Geographic Area for Consistency discussion.
East Fork Geographic Area
The aDaIysis area boundary for this analysis area will be the burned areas within the East Fork: of the Bitterroot River
watershed boundaries. The analysis area includes a range offuel types and VRUs common to the southeast portion of
the Bitterroot National Forest. The effects offire and the vegetative response to fire occur at the stand level and the
landscape level, so the scaJe ofthm.analysis area is reasonable for evaluating the affected enWomnent and the
enviromnental effects.
Existing Condtion .
See Blodgett Geographic Area for complete Affected Enviromnent write up.
Table 3-1~ Pereent of burned area In the Eat Fork GA with Fuels Greater Dan Or Lea Dan 30 Tons/Acre
Geographic Area
East Fork
Fuels Greater Than 30
3-26- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fuels Lea Than 30
_.w ...
" I i i . .... •
Fire and Fuels
Effects Analysis Methods
The same methods were used as described for the Blodgett Geographic Area
Direct and Indirect Effects
Fuel Loadings (local/stand level effects)
The direct and indirect fuel loading effects description is the same as described for the Blodgett Geographical Area.
FIre Oeeurrenee In the Next Several Decades (fire effects at the landseape level)
The direct and indirect fire occurrence in the Next Several Decades effects description is the same as described for the
Blodgett Geographical Area.
WildlandlUrban Interface
The direct and indirect wildlandIurban interfilce effects description is the same as described for the Blodgett
Geographical Area.
Effects Common to all (Fuels) Action Alternatives.
The effects common to aD action alternatives description is the same as described for the Blodgett area.
Table 3-17 - Percent of Eat Fork GA with Fuell Loacll Over 30 Tons/Acre Post Treatment
Fuels Greater Than
Alternative A
Alternative B
Alternative C
Alternative D
Alternative E
Fuels Less Dan 30
Alternative A in Figure 3-1 displays the current fuel loading in the East Fork Geographic area; Alternatives B, C, D
and E display the post treatment fuel loadings, if those alternatives were implemented.
Maps 3-12, 3-13, 3-14 and3-1 5, display the areas that will have greater or less than 30 toDS!acre before and after
proposed treatments.
Alternative A
This alternative is the no action alternative, UDder which there would be no change from cum:nt maDagement direction
or from the level o f _ intensity in the area. No fuels reduction treatments associated with the fires of2000
would be initiated at thm time. The effects analysis reflects existing conditions and the anticipated effects of the fire
related mortality, if no management actions are taken.
There would be no fuel reduction treatments applied UDder this alternative. Areas with excessive fuel loadings are at
risk ofhigh sevmitylhigh intensity fire. With these higher fuel loadings, the opportunities for using prescribed fire
and/or DBtura1 fire as a stand maintenance tool are greatly limited.
Large FIre Oeeurrence In the Not Several Decades
The East Fork ADalysis area is located in the upper reaches of the Bitterroot valley. The area is heavily bisected by
draiDages and due to the relatively high elevation of this area, it is exposed to the prevailing winds. The affect ofthese
winds on fire behavior was weD demoDStrated during the Fires of2000 in this area. Approximately 86,300 acres of the
132,800 acres bumed in East Fork area has a potential fuel loading of30 tous/acre or more. The extensive nature of
the burned area and the hig1a degree offuel loading will cause this area to be vulDerabJe to large, high intcnsitylhigh
severity fires in the future.
WildlandlUrban Interface
Much of the East Fork area is in mixed ownerslUp 80 the wildlaDdIurban inter&ce is exteDsive. Most of the human
development in this area occurs at the lower elevations, where weather tends to be W8I'IDm" and dryer, and in the
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-27
Fire and Fuels
canyons which tend to channel and amplify the winds. Ingress to and egress from much of thm private property is
difficult and potentially dangerous in a wild1and fire situation. There are approximately 10,100 acres ofNational
Forest lands that adjoin private property with developments in which the potential fuel loading exceeds 30 tous/acre.
There is a significant hazard posed by these extensive fuel loadings in close proximity to human development.
Alternative B
Fuel LoacUDg
Under this alternative fuel reduction treatments would be applied to approximately 28,600 acres. These treated areas
represent about 22 percent of the burned area within the analysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to
historic and biologically sound levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severitylhigh intensity fire on these tRatmeDt
units. Reducing fuels in areas prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments.
These reduced fuel levels would also allow a fire use strategy to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic
fuel loadings in VRU 2 and VRU 3.
Large FIre OeeurreDee In the Nen Several Deeades
Fuel treatments under this alternative would break up the continuity and extent of the high hazard fuel bed in the East
Fork area. Wbi1e large fires would still be possible, the extent, severity, and probability ofhigh intensity rebums
would be reduced. This would also allow firefighting resources to more safely conduct fire suppression operations and
reduce the risk of fire escaping during initial attack.
WI1dIaDdlUrban Interfaee
Tbm alternative would reduce fuels to less than 30 tons/acre on about 10,100 acres that are adjacent to the WUI. The
reduction of fuels in these units would decrease the probability offire entering the WUI by allowing fire-figbting
resources to safely and effectively conduct suppression operation in these areas ofreduced fuel loadings. By reducing
the fuel loading and thus the potential fire intensity, fewer firebrands will be produced and their lofted height will be
less than in untreated fuels (Rothermel 1983). This reduces the probability of fire entering the WUI through the
mechanism of spotting.
Alternative C
Fuel Loading
Tbm alternative does not reduce fuels and the effects to fuel loadings would be the same as altemative A There are
approximately 13,700 acres ofartificial regeneration and 8,100 acres ofnatural regeneration prescribed under this
alternative, the probability of fire mortality in these pJantatious is greater UDder this alternative than iffuels reduction
treatments were applied to these areas.
Large FIre OeeurreDee In the Nen Seven) Deeades
No chaDge from altemative A
WI1dIaDdlUrban Interface
No change from alternative A
Alternative D
Fuel Loading
Under this alternative fuel reduction treatments would be applied to 29,900 acres. These treated areas represent about
23 percent of the entire analysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic and biologically sound
levels and reduce the chaDce ofhigh severitylhigh intensity fire on these treatment units. Reducing fuels in areas
prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments. These reduced fuel levels
would also allow a fire use strategy to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuelloidings in VRU 2 and
Large FIre OecurreDee In the Next Sneral Deeades
No perceptible change from altemative B.
WI1dIaDdlUrban Interface
No perceptible chaDge from alternative B.
3-28- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
- --
Fire and Fuels
Alternative E
This alternative treats fuels only in VRU 2 and the WUI. Under this ahemative fuel reduction treatments would be
applied to approximately 14,200 acres. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic and biologically sound
levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severitylhigh intensity fire on these treatment units. Reducing fuels in areas
prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments. These reduced fuel levels
would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuelloadiogs in VRU 2 and
Large FIre Oeeurrence In 'the Next Several Decades
The fuel reduction treatments proposed in the VRU 2 and the WUI under this alternative would reduce the risk of
ignitions in these areas escaping initial attack and becoming large, high intensitylhigh severity fires.
WlldlandlUrban Interface
This alternative would treat about 2,700 less acres in the WUI than alternative D. This would iDcrease the risk in the
WUI adjacent to the untreated areas compared to alternatives B & D.
Cumulative effects
Past Projects
FS Timber harvest and -.odated road construction
The East Fork: ofthe Bitterroot River drainage bas been heavily harvested and roaded in the past. The main effect of
this past harvest activity is to disrupt the continuity ofwildland fuels; slash associated with FS timber sales has been
treated to reduce the hazard to an acceptable level Roads provide possible anchor points, control lines, and access for
firefigbtiDg resources in the event of a wildland fire. Roads also provide access to forest users, wlUch iDcreases the
risk ofbuman-caused ignitions.
PrIvate timber harvest and assoelated road eonstrucdon
Limited timber harvest and road construction bas occurred on approximately eight sections ofprivate land. While
cutting units generally disrupt the continuity ofwi1dland fuels, the hazard associated with the untreated slash on these
units will tend to override whatever benefit the break in continuity would provide. Roads provide possible anchor
points, control lines, and access for firefighting resources in the event of a wildland fire. Roads also provide access to
forest users, which increase8 the risk ofhuman-caused ignitions.
FS road construction and maintenance
The presence of roads does allow Forest visitors iDcreased access to wildJaDd fuels; and person caused risk increases
in lOaded areas. The presence ofroads disrupts the continuity ofwildland fuels, and can provide anchor points and
possible control options in the event ofa wildland fire ignition. The operation of any equipment increases the potential
for wildland fire ignitions.
Forelt Servlee Plantlq
Areas of artificial reforestation, ie. plantations, can provide increased fuel loadings on a 1oca1 scale. depeDdiDg on the
level ofstoeldDg. Ifplantations are thiDned, untreated slash can contribute to fire spread and intensity.
PrIvate road construction and malnteDaDce
The main effect ofroads in this area is to disJupt the continuity ofwildland fuels and limit the potential spread of
wildland fires. Existing roads provide anchor points and possible control1ines in the event ofa wildland ignition.
Untreated slash from road coDStruction poses a localized fire hazard. IDcreased access to wildland fuels by the public
iDcreases the risk of fire ignitions.
Noma weed treatment
As noxious weeds are eradicated they teDd to be replaced by cheat grass and Dative grasses. These grasses tend to be
more flammable and coDducive to fire spread than noxious weeds, 80 the human and natural ignition hazard •
iDcreased slightly.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-29
Fire and Fuels
HIghway 93 construcdonlmalnt.ance
The highway could disrupt the continuity of wildland fuels, provide anchor points and possible control optious in the
event of a fire. The operation ofany equipment increases the potential for fire ignitions. These roads do allow a
forest visitor increased access and increase the chance ofhuman-caused fires.
Lost TraD Sid Area construction and UIe
The removal of timber for the ski nms may provide a fuel break in the event ofa fire. The ski nms also break up fuels
continuity in a heavily timbered area.
PrIvate livestock gruJng
The extensive grazing that oCCUlTed in the past served as means ofreducing fiDe fuels and preventing any natural fire
starts from spreading and carrying out their historical role in vegetation disturbance.
Andrews, Bunch Guleh, Shirley Mountain, Camp Relmel, Eat Fork, Meadow Tolan, Medicine Tree, Sola
Peak, Warm Sprlnp and Waugh Guleh, grazing aBotments
Extensive livestock grazing ocCUlTed in the early part of the 201b century. The heavy grazing reduced fiDe fuels and
prevented wiJdJaDd fires from spreading across the landscape.
Waugh Gulch bomed Interface demonstration project
This three acre project harvested fire-killed trees to show the visual effects ofpost fire salvage and fuels treatment.
Due to the small area involved, the effects are local and site specific.
Ongoing Projects
Roadside and Relmel RldgeJBarley Ridge graalands herbldde spraying
As noxious weeds are eradicated they tend to be replaced by native grasses and cheat grass. These grasses tend to be
more flammable and contribute to fire spread more than the noxious weeds that they replace. Because the areas treated
tend to be along roadsides, this increase in spread potential and ignitability has the potential to increase buman-caused
ignitions slightly.
Tree planting In manaaed staDdl
An additiona114,29S acres would be planted within the next five years. These plantations could act as a fuel break
while the trees are young, as there are not enough fuels to carry a fire and seedlings do not bum well. Areas of
artificial reforestation, i.e. plantatious can provide increased fuel loadings on a local scale depending on the level of
stocking. Ifplantatious are thinned, untreated slash can contribute to fire spread and intensity.
Thin Bertie timber sale
Harvest activities, if they occur doting the warm, dry months can contribute to the risk ofhuman/equipment caused
fires. The increased human presence and travel associated with logging activity increases the probability ofhuman and
equipment caused ignitions. Fuel reduction, accomplished as a resuh of the ~ harvest, reduces the probability of
UDdesirabJe fire effects in the event of wildlaDd fire at a the stand level The disruption of fuel continuity at a larger
sca1e is accomplished due to harvest units.
PrIvate salvage IaIeI Trinity Ranch
There will be an increased risk ofhuman ignition during logging activities and a short-term (zero-eight years) hazard
created by logging slash, depeDding on level ofpost harvest slash disposal In areas ofisolated salvage units, the
effects ofa post salvage fire in untreated slash will be localized. In areas ofextensive salvage, a post salvage fire in
untreated slash, could fuel a fire for a long distance. These areas are in the urban inter&ce and removal of the large
fuels (dead trees) would resuh in a,lower long-term risk oflarge fires in this area.
PrIvate salvage sales Dickson Creek, Laird Creek, and other private lands along the Highway 93 Corridor.
There will be an increased risk ofhuman ignition during logging activities and a short-term (zero-eight years) hazard
created by logging slash depeDding, on level ofpost harvest slash disposal In areas ofisolated salvage units, the
effects ofa post salvage fire in untreated slash will be localized. In areas of extensive salvage, a post salvage fire in
untreated slash could fuel a fire for a long distance. These areas are in the urban inter&ce and removal of the large
fuels (dead trees) would resuh in a lower long-term risk of large fires in this area.
3-30- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
DNRC aalvqe IaIeI Sola State Forest
There will be an increased risk ofhuman ignition during logging activities and a short-term (zero-eight years) hazard
created by Jogging slash, depending on level ofpost harvest slash disposal. In areas of isolated salvage units, the
effects ofa post salvage fire in untreated slash will be localized. In areas ofextensive salvage, a post salvage fire in
untreated slash could fuel a fire for a long distance. Removal of the large fuels (dead trees) would result in a lower
long-term risk of large fires in this area.
Highway 93 reeoDltruction and highway maintenance
The highway could disrupt the continuity ofwildlandfuels, provide anchorpoints andpossible control options in the
event ofa fire. The operution of any equipment increases the potentialfor fire ignitions. This road does allowforest
visiton increased access and increases the chance ofhuman-causedfires.
Lost TraD Sid Area expansion
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildJaDd fire ignitions.
PrIvate Uvestoek grazing
Livestock grazing reduces fiDe fuels and decreases the chance ofa fire in the areas grazed. This may provide a fuel
break in the urban interfilce, depending on the extent of the grazed area.
Andrewl, Bunch Gulch, Shirley Mountain, Camp Relmel, Eat Fork, Meadow Tolan, MedIclne Tree, Sola
Peak, Warm Springs and Waugh Guleb grazing allotment
Livestock grazing reduces fiDe fuels and decreases the chance ofa fire in the areas grazed.
Indian Trees Campground reeoDltruction
The presence ofequipment and persoDDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildJaDd fire ignitions.
Sola Peak lookout reeGDltrudion
The presence ofequipment ~ personnel increases the probability ofbuman-caused wildJaDd fire ignitions.
Sola Peak e1eetronle lite construction
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildJaDd fire ignitions.
Reasonably Foreseeable Projeets
Tepee #1 eeobum
This project will reduce sur&ce and ladder fuels. This project will reduce the probability ofundesirable fire effects on
a local scale and will disrupt fuel continuity on a larger scm
Tepee #2 eeobum
This project will reduce sur&ce and ladder fuels. This project will reduce the probability ofundesirable fire effects on
a local scale and will disrupt fuel continuity on a larger scale.
Camp Relmel #10 eeobum
This project will reduce sur&ce and ladder fuels. This project wiD reduce the probability ofundesirable fire effects OD
a local scale and will· disrupt fuel continuity on a larger scale.
Continued roadllde herbicide spraying
This project would likely involve weed spraying along roads. As noxious weeds are eradicated they tend to be
replaced by Dative grasses and cheat grass. These grasses tend to be more flammable and contribute to fire spread
more than the noxious weeds that they replace. Because the areas treated tend to be along roadsides, this increase in
spread potential and ignitabiIity bas the potential to increase _
ignitions slightly.
Buet TraIl #198, Continental DIvide TraIl #9, Medldne Point TraD #18l.and Medicine Point Trailhead
The presence ofpersonnel iDcreases the probability ofhuman-caused W1ld1and fire ignitions.
JeDulnp eommerda1 thin timber sale
This project would thin 80 acres in VRU 3. Harvest activities, if they occur during the warm, dry months can
contribute to the risk of~equipment caused fires. The increased human presence and travel associated with
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-31
Fire and Fuels
logging activity increases the probability ofhuman and equipment caused ignitions. Fuel reduction accomplished as a
result of the timber harvest, reduces the probability ofundesirable fire effects in the event ofwildJand fire at a the
stand level The disruption offuel continuity at a larger scale is accomplished due to harvest units.
Continued highway 93 construction and maintenance
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fire ignitions.
Lost TraD lid area expansion
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fire ignitions.
Private livestock gruJng
Livestock grazing reduces fiDe fuels and decreases the chance ofa fire in the areas grazed. This may provide a fuel
break in the urban interfilce, depending on the extent of the grazed area.
Andrews, Bunch Guleh, Shirley Mountain, Camp Relmel, Eat Fork, Meadow Tolan, Medicine Tree, Sola
Peak, Warm Springs and Waugh Gulch grazing allotments
Livestock grazing reduces fine fue~ and decreases the cbaoce ofa fire in the areas grazed.
Items not included in the above list for past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities, but contained on the
cumulative effects list in the project file, are not addressed here because they do not contribute to firelfueJs cumulative
Summary of Cumulative Effects for All Alternatives
See Blodgett summary of ~ effects.
Consistency with the Bitterroot Forest Plan and Other Regulatory
See Blodgett Geographic Area for Consistency discussion.
West Fork Analysis Area
The analysis area boundary for this analysis area will be the burned areas within the West Fork of the Bitterroot River
watershed boundaries, which includes approximately 59.800 acres. The analysis area iDcludes a range offuel types
and VRUs common to the southwest portion of the Bitterroot National Forest in MontaDa. The effects offire and the
vegetative response to fire occur at the staDd level and the landscape Ieve~ so the scaJe of this analysis area is
reasonable for evaluating the affected environment and the environmental effects.
Existing Condition
See Blodgett Geographic Area for complete Affected Environment write up.
Table -3-18 - West Fork GA with Fuels Greater Than Or Leu Dan 30 Tons/Acre
Analyl. Area
Fuels Greater Than 30
Fuels Leu Than 30
West Fork
Effects Analysis Methods
The same methods were used as'described for the Blodgett Geographic Area
Direct and IncUrect Effects
Fuel Loadings (local/stand level effects)
The direct and indirect Fuel Loadiqg effects description is the same as described for the Blodgett Geographical Area.
Fire Oeeurrenee In the Next Several Deeacles (fire effects at the landseape level)
The direct and indirect Fire Occurrence in the Next Several Decades effects description is the same as described for
the Blodgett Geographical Area.
3-32- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
WIldland-Urban Interface
The direct and indirect WiIdJand-Urban Interfilce effects description is the same as described for the Blodgett
Geographical Area.
Effects Common to all (Fuels) Action Alternatives.
The effects common to aD action alternatives description is the same as described for the Blodgett area
Table 3-19 -Percent of Geograpblc Area with Fuell Loads Over 30 Tons/Acre post treatment by alternative for
the West Fork Geograpblc area
% of Area with Fuels
Greater Than 30 Tons/Acre
% of Area with Fuels Less Than
30 Tons/Acre
Alternative A in Figure 3-20 displays the CWTeDt fuel loading in the West Fork Geographic area; Alternatives B, C, D
and E display the post treatment fuel loadings, if those alternatives were implemented.
Maps 3-12, 3-13,3-14 and 3-lS, display the areas that will have greater or less than 30 tons/acre before and after
proposed treatments.
Alternative A
There would be no fuel reduction treatments applied under this alternative. Areas with excessive fuelloadiDgs are at
risk ofhigh severity/high intensity fire. With these higher fuel loadings the opportunities for using prescribed fire
and/or natural fire as a stand maintenance tool are greatly limited.
This alternative is the DO action alternative, under which there would be DO change from current management direction
or from the level ofmanagement intensity in the area. No fuels reduction treatments associated with the fires of2000
would be initiated at thm time. The effects analysis reflects existing conditions and the anticipated effects of the fire
related mortality ifno management actions are taken.
Fuel Loading
Lillie Fire Oecurrenee In the Next Several Decades
The West Fork Geographic area consists of four separate burned areas. Of the approximately 46,400 burned acres in
the West Fork Geographic area, about 20,900 acres have potential fuel loadings in excess of30 toDS/acre. The vast
majority, 93 percent, ofthe area with fuel loadings in excess of30 toDS/acre burned as a high severity, wind driven
event. As fuel levels increase in these areas over the next several decades, they will once again become wJnerable to
high intcmsity/high severity wind driven fire. The continuity of these fuel beds will contribute to the growth and extent
of these potential future fires.
WIldIandlUrban Interface
Most of the WUI in the West Fork Geographic area is located in a filirlyuarrow corridor along the West Fork of the
Bitterroot River. This valley/canyon location tends to fimDel diurnal winds and exposes property to the risk of fire.
There are approximately 2,500 acres ofNational Forest adjacent to the WUI in thm area.
Alternative B
Fuel Loading
Under this alternative fuel reduction treatments would be applied to 7,300 acres. These treated areas represent about
16 percent of the bumed area in the BDBlysis area. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic and
biologically sound levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/high intensity fire on these treatment units. Reducing
fuels in areas prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments. These reduced
fuel levels would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel loadings in VRU
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-33
Fire and Fuels
Large FIre Oecurrenee In the Nen Seven) Deeades
Fuel treatments under this alternative would break up the continuity and extent of the high hazard fuel bed in the West
Fork Geographic area. Wbi1e large fires would still be possible, the extent, severity, and probability ofhigh intensity
rebums would be reduced. This would also allow firefighting resources to more safely conduct fire suppression
operations and reduce the risk offire escaping during initial attack.
WUdlandlUrban Interface
This alternative would reduce fuels to less than 30 tons/acre on 2,500 acres that are adjacent to the WUI. The
reduction of fuels in these units would decrease the probability of fire entering the WUI, by allowing fire-fighting
resources to safely and effectively conduct suppression operation in these areas ofreduced fuel loadings. By reducing
the fuel loading and potential fire intensity, fewer fir brands will be produced and their lofted height will be less than
in untreated fuels (Rothermel 1983). This reduces the probability of fire entering the WUI through the mechanism of
Alternative C
Fuel Loading
This alternative does not reduce fuels; and the effects to fuel loadings would be the same as alternative A There are
approximately 3,200 acres ofartificial regeneration and 1,700 acres of natural regeneration prescribed UDder this
alternative. The probability of fire mortality in the event ofa large high, intensity fire in these plantations is greater,
under this alternative, than iffuels reduction treatments were applied to these areas.
Lillie Fire Occurrence In the Nen Seven) Decades
Same as Alternative A
WI1dIandlUrban Interface
Same as Alternative A
Alternative D
Fuel Loading
Under this alternative fuel reduction treatments would be applied to approximately 7,600 acres. These treated areas
represent about 16 percent of the bumed area within the analysis area. These treatments would return fuelloadiDgs to
historic and biologically sound levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/high intensity fire on these treatment
units. Reducing fuels in areas prescribed for natural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments.
These reduced fuel levels would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel
loadings in VRU 2 and VRU 3.
Large Fire Oeeurrenee In the Nen Several Deeades
No perceptible change from alternative B.
WI1dIandlUrban Interface
No perceptible change from alternative B.
Alternative E
Fuel Loading
This alternative treats fuels only in VRU 2 and the WUI. Under this alternative, fuel reduction treatments would be
applied to approximately 900 acres. These treatments would return fuel loadings to historic and biologically sound
levels and reduce the chance ofhigh severity/high intensity fire on these treatment units. Reducing fuels in areas
. prescribed for uatural and artificial regeneration would help protect those investments. These reduced fuel levels
would also allow prescribed fire to be safely applied in the future to maintain historic fuel loadings in VRU 2 and
Lillie Fire Oecurrenee In the Not Several Deeades
The fuel reduction treatments proposed in the VRU 2 and the WUI under this alternative, would reduce the risk of
ignitioDS in these areas escaping initial attack and becoming large, high intensity/bigh severity fires.
3-34- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire and Fuels
WUdlandlUrban Interface
This alternative would treat about 4,700 less acres in the WUI. This would increase the risk in the WUI adjacent to
the untreated areas compared to alternatives B & D.
Cumulative Effects
Past Projects
Painted Rocks Dam
The dam breaks up fuel continuity, provides a water source for fire suppression, and acts as a fuel break in the event
of a wildfire.
Coal Creek, Plquett Creek and Trapper Peak grazing aDotments
The extensive grazing that occurred in the past served as means of reducing fine fuels and preventing anyuatural fire
starts from spreading and carrying out their historical role in vegetation disturbance.
PrIvate salvage sales
This sale removed future large fuels and decreased the chance ofa large fire spreading in this area.
PrIvate green timber Ia1e Plquett Creek
Fuel reduction accomplished as a result of the timber harvest, reduces the probability ofundesirable fire effects in the
event ofwiJdJaDd fire at a the stand level The disJUption of fuel continuity at a larger scale is accomplisbcd due t~
harvest units. Untreated slash will pose an increased fire hazard for up to eight years after harvest.
DNRC Coal Creek timber sale
Fuel reduction accomplished as a result of the timber harvest, reduces the probability ofundesirable fire effects in the
event ofwiJdJaDd fire at a the stand level The disJUption of fuel continuity at a larger scale is accomplisbcd due to
harvest units.
Ongoing Projects
Roadside and traI1 herbldde spraying
As noxious weeds are eradicated, they teDd to be replaced by native grasses and cheat grass. These grasses tend to be
more flammable and contribute to fire spread more than the noxious weeds that they replace. Because the areas treated
tend to be along roadsides, thm increase in spread potential and ignitability bas the potential to increase buman-caused
ignitions slightly.
PaInted Rocks Dam
The dam breaks up fuel continuity, provides a water source for fire suppression and acts as a fuel break in the event of
a wildfire.
Fern Trap Timber Sale
This project is near the geographic area, but fuel reduction accomplished as a result of the timber harvest, reduces the
probability ofundesirable fire effects in the event ofwildland fire at a the stand level The disJUption offuel continuity
at a larger scale is accomplished due to harvest units.
Beaver Woods Timber Sale
Fuel reduction accomplished as a result of the timber harvest, reduces the probability ofundesirable fire effects in the
event ofwiJdJaDd fire at a the stand level The disJUption offuel continuity at a larger scale is accomplisbcd due to
harvest units and prescribed burning.
West Fork mpway Pavlq
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
mpway Malntenanee
The presence ofequipment 8nd personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildJaDd fire ignitious.
Hughes Creek Dredge MInIng
The presence ofequipment and persoDDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitious.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-35
Fire and Fuels
Coal Creek, Plquett Creek and Trapper Peak grazing allotment
Livestock grazing reduces fine fuels and decreases the chance ofa fire in the areas gnwd
Trapper Creek Job Corps sewer system upgrade
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fire ignitions.
West Fork bank stabDizadoD project
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fire ignitions.
Reasonably Foreseeable Projects
Fern Trap EcobUrDI
This project will reduce sur&ce and ladder fuels. This project will reduce the probability ofundesirabIe fire effects OD
a local scale and will disropt fuel continuity on a larger scale.
Trapper Overlook ecoburn
This project would reduce surfiIce and ladder fuels. This project will reduce the probability ofundesirabIe fire effects
OD a local scale and will disrupt fuel continuity on a larger scale.
Sam BDUnp eampground fuels reduetioD project
This project would reduce sur&ce and ladder fuels and reduce the probability ofundesirabIe fire effects on a local
Upper West Fork fuel reduetlon project
This project would reduce surfiIce and ladder fuels along the Forest boundary adjacent to private property in the
vicinity ofCoa! Creek. This project will reduce the probability ofundesirable fire effects on a local scale and will
disrupt fuel continuity on a larger scale.
Nez Perce road paving and road raise
The presence of equipment and per80DDeI increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fire ignitions.
Continued roadllde herbicide .praylng
As noxious weeds are eradicated, they tend to be replaced by native grasses and cheat grass. These grasses tend to be
more flammable and contribute to fire spread more than the noxious weeds that they replace. Because the areas treated
tend to be along roadsides, this increase in spread potential and ignitabiIity has the potential to increaSe human-caused
ignitions slightly.
Jew Mountain TraD #185/182 reeoDltrudioD
The presence of equipment and per80DDeI increases the probability o f _ wildlaDd fire ignitious.
Beaver Woods timber sale upen release
Down aspen would pose a fuels risk for the first few years. Aspen seedlings would help break up the fuel profile in
the area.
West Fork bridge CODltradioD
The presence ofequipment and persoDDel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildlaDd fire ignitions.
SDverbInl aalvage uIe
There will be an increased risk ofhuman ignition during logging activities and a short-term (zero-eight years) hazard
created by logging slash, depeDdiDg on level ofpost harvest slash disposal. In areas ofisolated salvage units, the
effects ofa post salvage fire in untreated slash will be localized. In areas of exteDsive salvage, a post salvage fire in
untreated slash could fuel a fire for a long distance. Removal of the large fuels (dead trees) would result in a lower
long-term risk oflarge fires in this area.
Deer Creek IrrIptioD pipeline InltaDation
The presence ofequipment and persoDDeI increases the probability o f _ wildlaDd fire ignitions.
Painted Rocks Dam
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability o f _ wildlaDd fire ignitions.
3-36- Bwned Area Recovery DEIS
. . . . ...
---. ---..----
Fire and Fuels
HIghway malntelWlee
The presence of equipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Hughes Creek dredge mining
The presence ofequipment and personnel increases the probability ofhuman-caused wildland fire ignitions.
Coal Creek, PlqueU Creek and Trapper Peak gruJng aUotment
Livestock grazing reduces fine fuels and decreases the chance ofa fire in the areas grazed.
Items not included in the above list for past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities, but contained on the
cumulative effects list in the project file, are not addressed here, because they do not contribute to firelfuels
cumulative effects.
Summary of Cumulative Effects for All Alternatives
See Blodgett summary ofcumulative effects.
Consistency with the Bitterroot Forest Plan and Other Regulatory
See Blodgett Geographic Area for Consistency discussion.
The main issue for air quality is the amount ofparticulate matter (PM) produced by prescribed burning. Particulate
matter is tiny particles of so~ or semi-solid matter suspended in the air. Particles can range in size ftom less than 0.1
microns to 50 microns. Particles more than 50 microns tend to settle out of the air quicldy and are less likely to affect
public health. Particles 10 microns and smaller are considered inhalable and pose the greatest threat to public health.
Coarse particles, from 2.5 (pM2.5) to 10 (PMIO) microns in diameter, come from sources such as windblown dust BDd
dust kicked up on unpaved roads by traffic. Fine particles, smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter, are generally emitted
ftom activities such as industrial and residential combustion, from wildJaDd fire and prescribed bums, and vehicle
exhaust. These fine particles are major contributors to visibility problems because of their ability to scatter tight.
The fOcus of this analysis is PMl 0 and PM2.5 smoke effects caused by prescribed burning ofslash piles, underbums,
and jackpot bums. Smoke is dominated by both PMIO and PM2.5, ofwhich the majority is PM2.5. PM2.S affects
visibility and human health. Smoke has carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, many volatiJe and semi-voJatiJe
organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, trace elements, anions, and cations, a complex chemistry, in addition to
particulate matter. Cbemica1 analysis ofthe smoke produced by the wildJaDd fires of2000 indicated DO spike in
cancer-causing compounds; and that fine particulate matter may be the main concern for human health and visibility.
Regulatory Framework
The Clean Air Act (July 14, 1995) mandates that federal1and managers will protect air quality related values. The
Act establiabed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter less than PMI0, of 150
micrograms per cubic meter per 24 hours. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a DeW standard for
particulate matter less than PM2.5, of65 micrograms per cubic meter per 24 hours.
Since 1990, new air quality roles have related to fine particulate matter (pM2.5) and visibility (regioD81 haze).
Prescribed fire and wild1and fire smoke emissions are currently regulated by smoke management programs.
Prescribed burning smoke management in forested areas began in 1978, when Federal, State, and local government
agencies formed the MontalJa State Airshed Group. In 1990, agencies and forest products industry in North Idaho
joined the MontalJa group, and in 1999, South Idaho joined the group. The MontaDalldaho Airshed Group reports
plaJmed bums to the Smoke MaDagement Unit in Missoula. BUl'DS are reported by "airshed", which are geographical
areas with similar topography and weather pattems. The Missoula Smoke Management Unit meteorologist and
program coontiDator evaluates daily bum plans, air quality conditious in particulate matter coDCeDtrations at
monitoring stations, and current forecast weather conditions. Atmospheric stability and transport winds are carefully
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-37
Air Quality
analyzed when issuing daily decisions, aDd can restrict burning when atmospheric conditions are not conducive to
good smoke dispersion. The MaDagement Unit announces burning restrictions after consultation with Montana State
ofEnviromnental Quality (DEQ) personnel through the airshed coordiDators in Montana aDd Idaho.
Area of Analysis
The analysis area is located in Montana, Airshed 4, which encompasses Ravalli County. Airshed 4 is the primary air
quality analysis area for the proposed action. There are no non-attainment areas within its boundaries. A no~
attainment area is a geographic area that does not meet one or more ofthe NAAQS for the criteria pollutants
designated in the Clean Air Act. The non-attainment areas in Montana closest to Airshed 4 are Missoula, which is
from SO to 100 miles north; aDd Butte, which is about 100 miles east ofthe project area. Missoula is both a nonattaimnent area aDd an impact zone for Smoke Management pwposes. The Bitterroot Valleyairshed is adjacent to
aDd connected with the Missoula Valley Airshed.
There are DO non-attaimnent areas in Idaho adjacent to the analysis area. With the prevailing southwesterly winds, the
Salmon River aDd Selway River areas ofIdaho are generally upwind ofthe analysis area. Downwind areas in
Montana are the Rock Creek, Flint Creek, Big Hole, aDd upper Clark Fork Valleys.
The Clean Air Act subdivides Airsheds into Class I or IT areas. The Class I designation provides the most protection
to pristine lands, and the greatest challenge to smoke management, by limiting the increment ofadditional "manmade
pollution" that can be added to the area. All other Bitterroot National Forest JaDds not desigoated Class I, are Class n
areas where more air pollution can legally be added. It is the Forest intention to minimize smoke in aD areas. Class I
areas include the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness located on the western portion ofthe analysis area, and the AnacoDdaPintIer Wilderness located on the southeastern portion ofthe analysis area. The Frank Church River-ot:No-Retum
Wilderness is a Class II area located on the southwestern edge ofthe analysis area. The Welcome Creek Wilderness is
a Class n area located on the northeastern edge ofthe 8D8lysis area.
The analysis area includes Blodgett, Sblkabo..Rye, East Fork, and the West Fork Geographic Areas of the Bitterroot
Airshed 4. Smoke from the slash piles, UDderbuming, aDd jackpot burning has been modeled for these four areas.
Analysis ofthe four areas can be expanded to follow normal weather patterns ofsouthwesterly aDd westerly winds
with potential to cany smoke doWDWiDd into the Rock Creek watershed ofthe Lolo NF, and the Big Hole River aDd
upper Clark Fork watersheds ofthe Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF.
Existing Condition
The Bitterroot Valley is a long, narrow, north-80uth mountain basin bounded by the Bitterroot Mountains on the west
aDd Sapphire Mountains on the east. Both mountain ranges are barriers to westerly flowing weather movement, and
often trap air within the basin. Topography aDd weather patterns determine the extent to which airborne particulate
matter accUmJJates within the local Ainhed.
Diumal daytime temperature changes affect how particulate matter and other poDutants are dispersed. The cooling of
the earth's surfiIce at night creates downslope winds that cmy pollutants from higher terrain to low lying areas where
they may pool or exit the region along the river vaDeys. The beating ofthe earth's sur&ce during the day causes
pollutants to rise with the heated air where they are diluted and can be carried away with the air that passes over the
Rocky Mountains in west to east moving weather patterns.
During winter months, weather conditions can trap emissions in a layer ofcold sur&ce air. This happens when snow
covers the ground and keeps the earth's sur&ce from heating up, and is particularly prouounced in mountain vaDeys
that trap the air in their basiDs. Atmospheric conditions ofhigh pressure contribute to stable, slowly moving stagDant
air. Weather changes with frontal systems and low pressure contribute to moving air and breaking down inversions
which may persist throughout the day in winter when heating is lower than in summer.
Air quality in Airshed 4 is considered good to excellent during most of the year. Occasional short-term adverse
effects occur from prescribed fire as well as naturally ftom wildland fire. In August 2000, wildland fire smoke
exceeded NAAQS of 1SO micrograms per cubic mrJter per 24 hours for particulate matter less than PM 10 fur Dille
days at Stevensville, with daily averages from a few huDdred to many hundreds of micrograms per cubic meter. The
NAAQS for PMIO bad not been eXceeded prior to 2000, in 6 years ofmoDitoring at Stevensville.
Levels ofPMlO UDder NAAQS for human health (ISO micrograms) are a CODCel'l1 due to visibility effects. Experience
with particulate moDitoring at Stevensville, Hamilton, West Fork, aDd Sula Peak monitoring sites indicates that
visibility becomes increasingly a public concern when PMIO concentrations are above 30 micrograms per cubic meter
3-38- Burned Area RecoveIy DEIS
Air Quality
per 24 hours. The scenic view of the beautiful Bitterroot Mountains disappears above 80 micrograms per cubic meter
per 24 hours.
Much of the smoke generated from large wildland fires that occur in the surrounding wilderness areas west of the
Bitterroot Valley is transported by southwesterly winds. Air quality and visibility can deteriorate due to temporary air
stagnation at night and with high-pressure weather systems. Fires are common in July, August, and September.
Smoke from private debris burning, agricultural burning, and wood burning stoves all contribute smoke in the
Bitterroot Valley (Airshed 4). Many residents bum fencerows and irrigation ditches in the early spring. Farmers in
north Idaho bum large grain fields in the fiill and the smoke is canied into the Bitterroot Valley via predominant
weather patterns with the west to southwesterly flow. The Airshed also receives emissions ftom increasing numbers
of cars and trucks. Inversion conditions, which are common during the winter, often trap pollutants in inhabited areas.
Road dust, including that from winter road sanding and summer use of unpaved roads, contributes particulate matter
emissions. There are no known large point sources of air pollutants in the Bitterroot valley. Vehicles are a mobile
and growing source of air emissions.
Forest Service prescribed fire use and wi1dJand fires also contribute smoke and cause short-term deterioration of air
quality in the area. Wildland fires managed under the wildland fire use strategy are permitted to bum within
predetermined parameters that CODSider smoke contnbutious to the airshed and the effects on the surrounding
Wilderness. Ifany of the p~tion parameters are exceeded, the appropriate suppression response is initiated.
Management-ignited prescribed fires contribute smoke to the airshed, though they tend to produce less smoke than
wildland fires of equal size would since fuel consumption is typically lower in prescribed bums.
On the Bitterroot National Forest, prescribed burning is generally accomplished during spring and early SUIDIIJer when
dilution, dispersal, and mixing conditioDS are geuera1ly good to excellent; and late 81JD1IDer and early &II when
conditions may be more restrictive. All burning is closely coorctiDated with the MontaDa DEQ. The goal of the
Smoke Management UDit is to protect state and federal ambient air quality standards. The Smoke Management Unit
develops restrictions daily during the spring and fiill burning seasons based on predicted smoke dispersion and
ventilation conditions. It also imposes a near ban on burning from December tbrough FebJUary when poor
atmospheric dispersion conditions and inversions are common. It is the policy of the Bitterroot National Forest to
further restrict its burning activities to periods when air dispersion is good or better, and to time the length ofignition
to allow enough time fur ~ transport winds to move the smoke out of the valley.
General winds (winds aloft unaffected by topographic features) influencing the analysis area and prevailing weather
patterns usually move smoke west-ta-east or southwest-ta-northeast in the direction of the Beaverhead-Deerlodge and
Lolo National Forests. Temperature inversions may occur at any time of the year, but are more common during the
months ofDecember, January, and February. LocaDy, winds are modified by topographic features and the heating
and cooling of the earth's surfilce. Consequently, all major drainages are subject to local variatioos that can
temporarily trap smoke, affecting its dilution and dispersal In spite of the Forest's efforts to avoid burning under
these conditions, smoky conditions sometimes occur which impact the Bitterroot Valley fur short time periods or until
these circumstaDces are naturally abated (usually within 12 hours).
Analysis Methods
The First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM), version S, is used to estimate prescribed bum fuel smoke eDUssious.
The NFSPUFF model (a dispersion model fur smoke management in complex terrain), version 1.21, is used to
estimate prescribed burning smoke dispersion. Smoke dispersion modeling includes an estimate of weather and
terrain effects, allowing doWnwind smoke plume COncentratioDS to be predicted. Although this affects aualysis only
addresses prescribed fire use (e.g., slash pile burning, UDderbuming, and jackpot bumiDg), both wildland fire and
prescribed fire can be modeled with FOFEM and NFSPUFF. These models are available from the Regional website
http://fSweb.r l.fs.ted.uslRl infocenter/.
Three vegetation response units (VRUs), represented in the FOFEM model by ponderosa pille (VRU2), Douglas-fir
(VRU3), and lodgepole pine (VRU4); fuur project aualysis areas, Blodgett, Skalkaho-Rye, East Fork, and West Fork;
and two prescribed bum treatments, slash piles and UDderbumIjackpot bum, were modeled with FOFEM fur
Alternatives, B, D, and E; for a total of72 FOFEM model IUDS. Average fuel loading for each VRU, each analysis
area, and each fuels ~t were cumulated for each altemative to IUD FOFEM.
The Project File contaiDs UDit-by-UDit tabuJatioDS ofalternatives, detaiJed FOFEM outputs showing fuel consumption
and smoke emissious, and a printout ofeach NFSPUFF smoke dispersion plume for each Geographic Area.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-39
Air Quality
Because Alternative D has the most smoke emission potential it was chosen fur NFSPUFF dispersion modeling.
NFSPUFF was ron on Alternative D fur each of the four project areas. The source locations for plumes were selected
with the assistance ofthe Sola Ranger District Fire Management Officer aDd the Bitterroot National Forest Fuels
Management Specialist. Alternatives B and E wiD have less smoke emissions than Alternative D, aDd dispersion
conditions modeled in Ahemative D show the maximum downwind concentrations expected.
The NFSPUFF runs were made assuming slash piles would be burned in filii 2002, aDd underbuming and jackpot
burning would occur in spring 2003. Average winds in the analysis area were assumed for a transport or steering
wind ofwest-southwest, 250 degrees, at 15 miles per hour. Ideal unstable atmospheric conditions, &vorable smoke
plume rise, and smoke dispersion atmospheric conditions, were also assumed. AD prescribed burning is done in
atmospheric conditions ofgood air quality, good smoke plume rise, aDd dispersion as forecast and permitted by the
Smoke Management Unit. The NFSPUFF model roDS were not made for stable atmospheric conditions oflow .
transport winds and poor mixing (e.g., inversion conditions). Since prescribed burning is controlled by cumulative air
quality and atmospheric conditions, as well as vegetation aDd fuel conditions, it is likely that aD bum units would not
be accomplished in one season or year as modeled. Thus, smoke emission and dispersion modeling in &112002, and
spring 2003, are showing more smoke at one time than would be likely to occur.
For interpretation of the estimated smoke di1persion plumes from the modeled prescribed burning, the Blodgett
project area has Highway 93 at four miles downwind aDd the community ofCorvallis six miles downwiDd. For the
Skalkaho-Rye area, there is no nearby downwind population center. The smoke plume would move into sparsely
populated ranches and summer homes in Rock Creek 30 miles away, aDd then move to the Philipsburg and Deer
Lodge communities SO to 100 miles away. For the East Fork area, the downwind population center could be the
concentration of homes in the upper East Fork caned Springer Memorial, which is 15 miles downwind. For the West
Fork area, the downwind population center could be the small community of Darby, which is 25 mi1es downwind.
Environmental Consequences
Effeets Common to AU Action Alternatives
Smoke fi'om wildland fires would occur with aD alternatives, dependent upon climate. WildlaDd fires locally, or
anywhere in the northwest aDd Canada, can affect regional haze in the Bitterroot Valley. Frequently, wildJaDd fires
150 miles upwind on the Payette Forest are carried by southwesterly winds into the Bitterroot affecting visibility, but
not exceeding PMIO. Natural pheaomena like volcanic emptions aDd windstorms over deserts also produce
particulate matter. Dust from as fi1r away as ChiDa in 1998 and 2001 impacted the Bitterroot Valley, as well as the
1980 eruption ofMount Saint Helens. Metropolitan areas upwind Jike Seattle 8Dd PortlaDd can affect particulate
matter. Smoke and dust from agricultural areas like the Palouse Prairie wheat growiDg area of eastem WasbiDgton
and Idaho also affect particulate matter in the Bitterroot Valley. Wind on wheat fields ofsouthern Alberta and
Saskatchewan, Canada, as well as eastern MoDtaDa, has affected particulate matter in the Bitterroot Valley.
WiIdlaDd fires wiD continue to produce smoke, primarily during the SlIIDIDer months. The draft paper, "Coarse
Woody Debris and Succession in the Recovering Forest" (Brown aDd Reinhardt, 2(01) states that the risk ofsevere
fire is relatively low within 10 years, moderate fi'om 10 to 30)'e8l'S, aDd high over 30 to 6O)'e8I'S after the fires of
2000. AD alternatives have wildJaDd fire smoke potential.
Daily particulate matter emission staDdards established by the Clean Air Act 8Dd NAAQS would be foDowed. Smoke
from prescribed bumiDg would teniporarily reduce air quality in certain areas causing short-term impacts on recreation
and visual quality in and near the project areas. The size aDd location ofa prescribed bum and weather conditions
(e.g., _ , wind, atmospheric stability aDd mixing, 8Dd fuel moisture) determiae how much and in wbat
direction smoke travels. For example, under certain conditious, smoke created during burning operations might settle
in drainage bottoms during cooler evening and morning hours. Residents in or near the mouths of these drainages
might experience short-term periods ofsmoke during early morning hours before the sun rises aDd heats the air
enough to tift and ctispene the smoke.
Short-term temporary effects on air quality and visibility are unavoidable under aD ofthe alternatives. Smoke will be
present at times due either to prescribed fire or wildJaDd fire aDd may affect the highway 8Dd residential areas, the
Class I Wilderness areas of the Selway Bitterroot and ADacoDda-Pintler WiJdemesses, aDd the communities of
Florence, Stevensville, Victor, Corvallis, Pinesdale, Hamilton, Darby, CoDDer, aDd SulL Inversions are common in
the Bitterroot Valley during the filii aDd winter, 8Dd anytime of the )aI' at night, when atmospheric conditions are
stable. Ifbuming were to take place during stable atmospheric conditions, particulate matter emissions could reduce
visibility aDd air quality. However, ifbums are properly scheduled when good mixing and dispersal conditions are
3-40- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Air Quality
forecast, smoke should not accumulate in unacceptable levels aDd any impacts should be temporary and short-lived.
In the case ofa major wild1aDd fire, smoky conditions could persist in the Bitterroot Valley fur several weeks,
depending on local climatic conditions.
Direct and Indlreet Effects
Air quality is temporarily a1rected by several activities associated with forest management. Prescribed burning
produces smoke, aDd harvesting activities can produce dust as well as vehicle emissions. Dust aDd vehicle emissions
can temporarily reduce air qua1ity in the immediate vicinity ofmachinery operations. All alternatives involving
CODJDlel"Cial removal would require the application ofdust abatement to roads as needed to reduce dust Impacts
related to dust aDd vehicle emissioDS would be short-term and temporary in nature. The focus of this portion of the
analysis is on prescribed burning smoke from Alternatives B, D, and E. Alternative A (no action), aDd Alternative C
would produce no smoke from prescribed burns.
Prescribed burning is proposed in Alternatives B, D, and E. Excess slash produced by ~tment activities would be
piled aDd burned, and some areas will be underbumed and jackpot burned (e.g., accumulations burned in place).
These mel ~tments can produce isolated aDd short-term degradation ofail' quality, though they can also reduce the
likelihood aDd extent ofhigh intensity wildland fires that normally produce more smoke than carefully managed
prescribed bums. Smoke emissions vary with combustion efficiency aDd quantity ofmel burned. MachiDe piles aDd
hand piles tead to produce more smoke than other bums because much of the coDSUlDption occurs during the
inefficient smoldering phase ofcombustion. Underbums tead to produce less smoke than jackpot bums because less
fuel is available to bum. The alternatives differ in the number ofacres treated by each ~tment method and thus in
the quantity ofsmoke that would be produced by prescribed burning.
Smoke emissions modeled with FOFEM can be tabulated in PM2.S aDd PMIO. PM2.5 is about 85 percent ofPMlO.
Table 3-20- ToOl of Particulate MaUer by Burn Type
East Fork
West Fork
FaD 2001 - PDes
Sprlna 2003 - UnderbunalJaekpot Burn
239 tons PMIO
.The Sbllcabo-Rye aDd East Fork project areas have the most smoke emissions of the four areas. Both SkaJkaho-Rye
BDd East Fork smoke plumes are likely to move downwind without impacting population concentrations. Human
health staDdards for PM10 would not be exceeded, although downwiDd visibility may be temporarily affected. Smoke
JDaDagement based upon air quality aDd weather is the key to maintaining acceptable air quality levels.
Smoke emissious were ~led with NFSPUFF for Alternative D, the maximum burning alternative, fOr each of the
(*) starred emission values in the above table. Tbe estimated smoke plume fur aD fuur project areas shows less than I
microgram per cubic meter per 24 hours at the groUDd surface in all but a h plume cell locations where the smoke
concentration shows less than IS micrograms per cubic meter per 24 hours. Such low estimated PMIO COncentratioDS
imply that visibility aDd human health would be protected given good smoke dispersion.
Cumulative Effects
The FOFEM and NFSPUFF modeling assumed that aD piles would be burned in filIl2002, and aD of the
_jackpot burns would be completed in the spring, 2003. This is unlikely to happen given the coDStraints of
weather and air quality conditions that dictate when burning can occur. Because of these coDStraints, the prescribed
bumiDg is Jikely to be spread out over several years, making less cumulative smoke at anyone time and location than
that modeled. Cumulative effects ofsmoke are weather dependent and would minimized by smoke maDagement
relative to air quality aDd weather.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-41
Air Quality
Since the Forest is a cooperator with the Montanalldaho Airshed Group, it is unlikely that concurrent burning by the
Forest Service BDd other cooperators would produce significant air quality impacts.
Regional haze arises from lOcal and upwind emission sources, which may be global or regional in D8tUre. Particulate
matter from upwind emission sources will depend primarily upon weather conditions. Wildland fire is dependent
upon climate, with weather determining smoke effects from wildland fire. Private burning ofditches and debris is
common. Ravalli County's open burning regulations limit the types ofmateria1 that maybe burned BDd the period of
burning (March 1 through November 30). Burners are also requested to caD the Ventilation Hotline during the &D
months to be advised of airshed burning restrictions. Cumulative impacts ofconcurrent private and Forest burning are
unlikely since prescribed burning is conducted only during periods ofgood or better smoke dispersion.
Consistency with Bitterroot Forest Plan and Other Regulatory
AD prescribed burning would be implemented in full compliance with MontaDa and Idaho DEQ air programs through
cooperation with the Missoula Smoke Management Unit.
Regulatory Framework
Bitterroot Forest Plan (1987>
Forest Plan standards iDclude plaDning and conducting land lDIDagement activities so that:
(1) Reductions in soil productivity potential caused by detrimental compaction, displacement, puddliDg, BDd severe
burning are minimized
(2) Soil loss, accelerated sur&ce erosion, and mass wuting caused by these activities wiD not result in
unacceptable reductions in soil productivity and water quality
On droughty sites, at least 10 to IS tons/acre of large coarse woody debris should be left on site in order to provide
substrates fur soil biota BDd to promote soil moisture retention.
Additionally, the Forest Plan directs that Soil and Water Conservation Practices be incorporated into project design
and implementation to ensure ~ loilBDd water resources are protected.
Forest Service Manual Guidelines (FSM 2554)
The National Forest MaDagement Act requires that lands be IDBIIBged to ensure the maintenance BDd long-term soil
productivity, soil h)'drologic fimction, BDd ecosystem health. Soil quality is maintained when erosion, compaction,
displacement, rotting, burning, and loss of organic matter are maintained within defined soil quality staDdards (FSM
RI Supplement 2500-99-1).
FSM Rl Supplement 2500-99-1 Policy is to design DeW activities that do DOt create detiimental soil coDditioDs on
more than IS percent ofan activity area (treatment unit). When operations are plaJmed in areas that do not meet soil
quality standards due to prior activities, new activities should be plaJmed to meet current standards. Detrimental
conditions remaining from prior activities should be ameliorated as part of the current activities where feasible, with
the Del result being an activity 8R8' that is moving toward a Del iq)rovement in soil quality.
Montana State Guidelines
Best Management Practices· (BMPs) are designed to prevent soil erosion and protect water quality, as weD as help
prevent soil damage. In a Memorandum ofUDderstaDding (MOU) with the State ofMontana, the Forest Service has
agreed to follow BMPs (MontaDa DNRC, 2(00).
Executive Order 11990
Wetlands are protected under Executive Order 11990. This act directs federal agencies to "minimize the destruction,
loss or degradation ofwetlands, and to preserve and enhance the uatura1 and beneficial values ofwetlaDds...".
3-42- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Geology and Soils
Analysis Area
The analysis area fur soils eDcompasses aD lands within the boundaries of tile four geographic areas. This area is also
tile analysis 8R8 for cumulative soils effects. Literally, and figuratively, soil will bear the ''footpriDt'' of tile action
performed on it. Soils outside this area will not be directly or indirectly affected by this proposal.
Existing Condition
The lands that burned outside ofwildemess on the Bitterroot National Forest during tile 2000 fires are located in the
Bitterroot Lobe of tile Idaho Batholith. The Idaho Batholith is a large plutonic body that domiDates much of tile State
ofIdabo 8Dd furms tile Bitterroot Mountain Range on tile west side of the Bitterroot Valley. A portion of tile batholith
extends east of tile Bitterro~t River. Two-thirds of tile burned acreage is underlain by tile graDites and gneisses
associated with tile Idaho Batholith. The baJaoce is underlain by Beh Series metamorphosed quartzite rock. There are
also areas of volcanic rocks and much older tertiary-aged alluvial deposits, but these are ofminor extent.
Landform features characterizing this portion ofthe Bitterroot National Forest reflect tile up1iftiDg and fiwlting of
mountain furming processes. Glacial action aDd fluvial processes have further modified tile landscape. Surfilce 8Dd
mass erosion are also natural influences on tile landscape.
The soils within tile four geographic areas have furmed in materials derived from three dominant lithology's;
gnmite/gneiss, metamorphic rock, and volcanics. Stream deposits or alluvium in tile major valley bottoms are
composed ofmixed rock sources. The alluvium in stream bottoms of tile smaller draiDages is composed of tile
lithology occurring within ~ drainage. Areas offine-textured soils with a high clay content developed in IDCieDt
tertiary-aged deposits. These areas occur as benches at tile lower elevations aDd can be interspersed with old stream
Granite and Gneiss
Two-thirds of the project area occurs in highly weathered, coarse-grained, granitic parent materials. Soik funned in
this "gmssic" parent material are tile most infertile soils on tile Forest. They have a coarse, 88Ddy texture aDd very
low water-holding capacity. Natural rates oferosion are high in these coarse-grained soils, aDd the potcmtial for
acceleratiDg erosion from management practices is also high. The coarse-grained soils are intermingled with those
formed from slightly finer-grained granitic 8Dd associated gneiss bedrock. These fine-grained soils have sHghtly
higher water-holding capacity aDd stabiJity than the coarser gnmitics, but fertility is still low. The rock fragment
content of tile two granitic soils varies, but generally, rocks in the finer-grained soils tead to be more angular. Soil
depth to bedrock is also highly variable, ranging ftom less than 1 foot to several feet. Because the coarse aDd finegrained granitic soils are intermingled, it is difficult to predict which one dominates a given part ofthe landscape.
Metamorphosed Rocks
Metamorphosed Belt Series rocks, including argillite 8Dd quartzite, underlie the other one-tbird of tile 8D8lysis area.
The soils weathered from this Beh rock have higher fertility 8Dd water-holding capacity than tile gnmitic soils. They
also are not as erosive as the granitic soils. The potential for accelerating erosion from management practices is lower
than that which occurs on granitic soils.
Volcanic Intrusions
VolcaDic intrusious ofrhyolite occur within tile aualysis area, however, the intrusions are ofminor extent. The soils
weathered from tile volcaDies are highly variable in texture, rock ftagment content, 8Dd depth to bedrock. Other
properties such as water-holding capacity, Datura1 fertility; aDd erosion ha7Md are also variable.
Volcanic Ash
Bitterroot National Forest soils contain vo1canic ash that wu wiDd-canied from past vo1canic emptions in tile Cascade
Range. This ash is tile siDgle most important feature eobaDcing productivity aDd watershed fimction in forest soils.
VolcaDic ash sur&ce layers ofler a superior growth medium compared to soik formed in Dative pareot materials.
They have a high water-holding capacity and a high proportion of air space; they function Jike a sponge, soaking up
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS - 3-43
Geology aDd Soils
SDOwmeh aDd rain. This slows runoff: retaining water longer than soils without the ash component. Soils with the
highest content ofvo1caDic ash, a reddish-colored surtBce horizon, occur at high elevation on northerly aspects.
Volcanic ash mixed with other parent materials also occurs on the other aspects at lower elevations.
The interrelationships and influences ofgeomorphic processes, varying lithology (rock types), and climatic processes
on soil and vegetation can be ~ refined fur project level planning and mapped into units called LaDdtypes (BNF
LaDdtype Inventory, in progress).
Typical Jaodtypes include stream break1anck, dissected mountain slopes; moderately steep mountain slopes, and
ridgetops. Each 1andtype has a descriptor code (map unit description, MUD) that categorizes the unit by landform,
rock type, vegetative habitat types, and soil characteristics. The Jandtypes are interpreted for resource lD8IJ8gement
implications iDcludiDg hazards, suitability, and productivity potential. They provide the basis for plmmiDg at the
project level aDd will be the basis for analyzing the soil resource for these proposals
Wetlands exist as a continnum between aquatic and terrestrial habitats and are among the !DOst biologicaDy diverse
ecosystems. Wetlands are classified according to the publication, Classification ofWetlands aDd Deepwater Habitats
of the United States (Cowardin et~, 1979).
.Wetlands within the burn area were delineated using a combination of 1979 inftared aerial photos, 1998 aerial photos
taken before the fires, aerial photos taken shortly after the fires, and GIS maps ofthe burned area. They have been
mapped on mylar overlays at the scale of 1:24,000 (pF Wetlands Map).
Wetlands in the project area are, for the most part, a function oftopography, slope, aspect, aDd elevation. Increased
ftequeDcies are noted at mid to upper elevatious, on slopes with north and east aspects, and in relatively low gradimt
valley bottoms. In lower, drier terrain, of southern and western aspects, wetlands exist primarily as intermittent,
riverine habitats. The Piquett, Slate, and Overwbich draiDages contain the bigbest acreage ofwetlaDds in the analysis
area, followed by the Blue Joint, Coal, West, and Chicken Creek drainages. In geuera), wetlands are Jess common and
located in drier locales in the East Fork and SkaIkaho-Rye geographic areas.
Information Common to aU Geographic Areas
The current condition of the soilresource focuses OD long-term soil productivity, detrimental soil impacts (compaction
and displacement) and accelerated erosion (sur&ce and mass erosion).
Natural and human-related _
have inf1ueDced the soils in the analysis area.
Natural disturbances of the soil include glacial activity, floods, mass erosion, drought, insects, plant disease, and
wildland fires. These disturbances are directly or indirectly related to short and long-term local and global climatic
conditions or changes such as temperature differentials, freezing/thawing, precipitation (amount, intensity, form), and
wind. Natural disturbaDces can alter long-term soil conditious. Wildland fires, including the 2000 fires, have been the
most influential and widespread, reoccurring uatural disturbaDce events affecting the soils in the analysis area.
Human disturbance of the soil bas OCCUlTed in the analysis 8R8 to some degree fur possibly Inmdreds of)'e8l'S (e.g.
burning by early Native AmericaDs). The extent aDd degree ofhuman disturbaDce, however, has been most
pronoUDCed in more recent times. These disturbances iDclude such activities as road construction, graziDg, mining,
timber harvest, prescribed fire, fire suppression, and recreational activities. Human disturbances have affected longterm soil productivity aDd altered soil properties by committing areas to specific uses (e.g. roads), or disturbing the
soil by compaction, dispJacement, mixing, 8Dd/or accelerating erosion.
Implications ofFire
Burn Severity
Bum severity is often confused with burn intensity. Bum severity describes the fire-caused damage to the soi1, while
bum intensity describes the nature ofa fire in terms ofits rate ofenergy release (Miller, 1994). These are physical
descriptions of the fires, not its ecological effects. Data collected by Bum Area Emergency Rehabilitation (BAER)
teams after the fires of2000 suggest that bum severity varied widely across the landscape (Maps 3-1 through 3-4 in
the map packet). Bmn severity mapping provides a generalized view of the post-fire soil conditious. The severity
ratings are based on the foDowing standards (BAER Handbook, FSH 2509.13):
3-44- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
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Geology and Soils
High severity - More than 40 percent of the area exhibits soil features h1cely to significantly increase nmoff
and erosion, e.g., absence ofduffJayer, hydrophobic soils, soil discoloration.
Moderate severity - Less than 40 percent ofthe area exhibits high severity indicators. Dufflayers may be
absent or mostly absent.
Low severity - Duff layers are burned but intact. Unburned areas are intermingled with lightly burned areas.
Although aD types offire behavior occurred in 2000, a sur1Bce fire with deep flame fronts and considerable soil
heating was the norm. A combination of surfBce fire, topography that holds heat longer, and accuUlllatioos oforganic
matter on the forest tIoor were metors that created large areas ofmoderate and high severity bum, which collectively,
are considered areas of"severe" soil effects. Water-repellent soils (e.g. hydrophobic soils) are another iDdicator of
high and moderate burn severity. Map 3-1 tbrough 3-4 shows the spatial distribution ofhigh, moderate and severe fire
severity. Table 3-21 shows the percentage of the geographic area burned by severity and the percentage of the bum
by severity.
Table 3-21 - Burn Severity by Geographic Area and within the Burned Area
East Fork
West Fork
High Severity Bum
% GEO- % burned
area area
12% 23%
15% 39%
Moderate Severity Bum
% GEO - % burned
Low Severity Bum
% GEO - % burned
Severe Soil Effects
The data presented in Table 3-21 indicates that the SkaIkaho-Rye and East Fork Geographic Areas suffered the largest
percentage of severe soil effects (moderate and high severity bums). The table also shows the relatively high
percentage oflow severity bum across aD geographic areas. This was highest fur the Slcalkabo-Rye Geographic Area,
but from 40 to 60 percent ofthe burned area in aD geographic areas was ofa low severity.
Water repellency (e.g. hydrophobicity) occurs when organic substances are vaporized by extreme soil surfilce
temperatures that are common during high severity fires. The vapors move downward in the soil and condense on
cooler soil particles below the surfBce. This condensation forms a waxy, water-repellent Ja)'ef in the soil. Bued on
loca1lmowledge, water repelJency usually lasts no longer than one or two )'e8I'S on the Bitterroot Forest (post Fire
Assessment, pg. 4.1 [2]). Monitoring information from the Foothills Fire on the Boise National Forest revealed that 72
percent of the burned soils were water-repellent for the first year fullowing the fire, 43 percent were water-repellent
the second year, and 22 percent the third year. They also foUDd that water-repellent soik were highly variable across
the slopes (Clayton, 2(01).
In geoeral, hydrophobicity following the Bitterroot 2000 fires was also variable. The Valley Complex BAER report
iDdicated that 40 to 50 percent of the moderate and severely burned soils were water repellent (USDA 2000, Valley
phase I BAER report). However, BAER testing also jndrated that 39 percent ofthe 11DburDed soils were water
repellent to some degree. The latter findiDg was probably due to the extremely dry soils UDdemeath the top layer of
duff (Natherius, 2000).
Nutrient Cycling
The dufflayer contributeS to the development oforganic matter content within the soil. More organic matter
geueral1y equates to higher soil fertility. Organic matter content in Bitterroot National Forest soils averages 3 to 5
percent in the top 2 to 6 inches of the soil DuffJayers at the sudBce nmge from 1 to 3 iDches in thicJmess. In the
areas burned at moderate and high severity, the entire duffJayer was coDSUlDled. Observatious from other fires
iDdicate that severe heatiDg can reduce soil organic matter to less than one percent (post Fire Assessment 2(00).
In the first year after fire, a flush ofnitrogen is available to germinating and re-sprouting plants in areas oflow and
moderate burn severity. In high-severity areas, large amounts ofnitrogen and phosphorous are typicaDy volatilized.
Microorgauisms tie up much of the remaining nitrogen in order to survive, meaning less is available fur recovering
plants and the more vulnerable microbe species. Soil microorganisms serve as the inter&ce between plants and the
miDera1 soil. Microbes eDhance plant uptake ofnutrients and water in droughty, infertile soils, help protect plants
agaiDst pathogens, provide tolerance to heavy metals, help improve resistance to drought, contribute to soil structure
stability, and keep nutrients from leaching from the soil
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-45
Geology and Soils
In the highest severity bum areas, a complete shift jn the ratio ofcarbon, potassium, and calcium versus nitrogen and
phosphorous occurs, causing a complete shift in plants supported by the soils. Grasses and other plants that convert
nitrogen from less available forms tend to &vor sites where this conversion occurs (post-Fire Assessment, 2000).
These effects account for the natural succession that occurs on the landscape following fire.
In moderate BDd high severity burn areas, a significant portion (80-90 percent) of the fine (less than 4 inches in
. diameter) and coarse woody debris (CWD - gratter than 4 inches in diameter) on the ground was coDSlllDed by the
fire. A major portion of the fine BDd coarse material in the canopy was also consumed. Prior to the fire this organic
material provided the nutrient recroitment base for maintaining long-term productivity. Additional organic matter was
added seasonally from herbaceous plants, needle cast, branches, and boles of dead woody plants that fell to the
ground. In moderate and high severity bum areas, the standing burned trees and snags and the regenerating
understory wiD continue to provide recruitment oforganic material in the long-term. However, in the short-term the
reclUitment oforganic material to the soil will be limited, particularly the coarse woody debris. The majority of the
snags will filII to the ground in the next 20 years as the support roots and boles decay. In the long-term., the
accumulation and decomposition ofrepresentative sizes ofwoody debris is necessary to maintain site productivity.
Because the fire coDSUlJled much ofthe organic material in the moderate and high severity areas, there is potential for
reduced plant growth until new leaves, wood, needles, etc. are produced, falls to the ground, decays, and is
reincorporated into the soil. This process takes approximately 150 to 200 years. The fires removed coarse woody
debris at different levels ofdecomposition. The different decomposition levels of coarse woody debris provide fur a
slow, continual release of nutrients. The larger logs also serve as reserves for microbe species by retaining moisture,
and provide filvorable microsites (e.g. shade and moisture) for the growth ofnew trees aDd shrubs (post-Fire
Assessment, 2000).
The reoccurrence of fire in these areas may be beneficial if it is within the historic cycle offire fur that ecosystem.
When dead branches and trees filll, they become part of the fuel loading aDd create horizontal fuel continuity. In areas
ofexcessive post-fire woody material accumulation, a "reburn" could further impact the soil resource iftbe fire was of
high severity (Brown 2000). The reborn could consume the balance of the organic material resulting in a shortage of
woody material to again add to the nutrient base. For example, areas burned in 1910 aDd then re-burned in 1919
ret1ect a lower productivity than adjacent stands that were not re-burned (post-Fire Assessment, 2000, page 4.1-9).
In other areas where fire bas a ftequent natural fire occurrence interval, such as warm, dry Ponderosa pine forests, it
may be advantageous to periodicaDy burn the area to avoid excess fuel JoadiDgs BDd the potential fur an abDormaDy
severe fire.
Soil microbes are intolerant to significant changes in their envirolllDeDt. Some mortality of soil microbes occurs at
moderate burn severity, however, the soil temperatures typical ofhigh burn severity can be lethal to aD soil life within
the heated zone. It may take a year to a few years, aDd in extreme cases many years, fur soil biota to recover to prefire levels. Nutrient iDput and oVerall soil condition will greatly affect rates of microbe recovery. Recovery of biota
populations may be delayed in homogeneously burned areas aDd in large areas of re-bum where the resident
population ofmicrobes has been reduced.
The loss offine BDd coarse woody debris from the groUDd also results in a reduction or loss ofmicrosites critical for
moisture retention, insulation from heat on high-eDergy slopes, BDd the retention of soil heat on "cold" sites. The
microsites are very important to seedling survivalBDd vigor, and the general productivity of the area. The shade
created by slash has been found to be more effective in shading seedlings than the standing, '~ving" shade created
by fire-kiDed snags (post-Fire Assessment, 2(00).
Surface Erosion
"Post-burn soil conditions may vary depending upon fire severity, steepness ofs1opes, inherent erodibility, BDd others,
soils are particularly vulnerable in a burned landscape" (Beschta et al., 1995).
BAER models estimate that potential soil erosion fuDowing the 2000 fires could range ftom 3 to 6 toDS/acre. The
most common type of surfilce erosion foDowiDg fire is rill erosion; especially in high intensity burn areas. Rill erosion
occurs when water flows overlaDd during aDd immediately after heavy raiDs or during the melting ofsnow. The
riDiDg, if excessive, wiD contribute to gullying. This already occurred along the East Fork of the Bitterroot River near
Sula fullowing an inteDse September 2000 thunderstorm.
Where fire has coDSUJDed the vegetation and duffJayer, there is a high risk fur slope &ilures and debris flows in steep
draws during rain-on-snow nmoff events or localized thunderstorms with high intensity rain&IL The Post-Fire
Assessment (page 4.2-15) identified laDdtypes with inherent instabilities, such as breaklands, convergent stream
3-46- BlJI'DCd Area Recovery DEIS
Geology aDd Soils
headlands, and glacial troughs. Naturally sparse vegetation on south-&cing slopes in combination with high
precipitation events can aJs<) trigger landslides. Maps showing these areas are included in the Project File.
The most severe potential for soil erosion has already been mitigated by BAER efforts during autumn, 2000.
However, there will be areas ofsoil erosion within the burned area that will persist until the sites revegetate and/or
there is sufficient accUtD1lation oforganic material on the sur&ce. This was verified by BAER teams in the field,
who observed that soil erosion tended to be localized and associated with water repellent soils, nmoffftom
impenetrable sur&ces (e.g., roads, compacted areas, and bedrock outcrops), steep slopes, and oventeepeDed road fiBs.
In moderate and high burn severity areas, the removal ofthe organic material has exposed the sur&ce to the energy of
raindrop impacts, wind, and dry ravel These erosional furces can readily displace the bare soil. In low burn severity
areas, erosion rates are likely to increase only slightly over pre-fire rates because of the protection of the soil surfilce
by organic material and vegetative canopy.
Soils formed in granite and gneiss parent materials have a higher iDcidence oferosion than soils formed in other soil
parent materials. There is evidence that intact dufflayers, intermixed burned and unburned areas, and needle &D
where burn severity was light to moderate will adequately protect sites from widespread, excessive erosion.
The erosion hazard persists until burned sites revegetate, and duff and woody material accumulates on the surfilce.
Where seeds and roots survived the fire and/or soil heating, typical oflow and moderate burn severity areas,
vegetative cover will quicldy re-establish. As observed by the BAER teams, sprouting from roots can occur within
weeks following the fire. Seed germination begins the spring following the fire.
A predicted post-fire invasion ofspotted 1mapweed and other weeds may effect soil erosion as weD. Spotted
1mapweed, which is expected to out-compete recovering native vegetation in many areas, does not provide good
protection from soil erosion because it does not have a fibrous root system (Schroeder, E., Rye-Burke Fire BAER
report, 2(00).
Mass Erosion
Fire can have a pronounced effect on slope stability. The potential fur mass movement can increase on already
JaDdslide prone slopes when there is a high mortality ofvegetation, particularly trees. Tree mortality reduces
evaporation, alters soil moisture regimes, and reduces moisture interception by the canopy. The shear strength of
roots reduces over time as they decay. Roots provide important structural reinfurcement and buttressiDs on slopes.
The roots oflive trees tead to remove moisture in the contact zone between the soil BDd the underlying ftactured aDd
weathered bedrock. When trees are killed by fire, roots no longer remove this moisture, aDd the risk ofslides along
the soil-bedrock contact zone increases. The slides associated with slippage along the soil-bedrock coDtact zone are
called "shaDow mass fiUlures". Shallow mass &ilures are typically small rapid or slow slides that move soil, organic
debris and rock en masse down a slope. The potential for shallow mass &ilures is believed to increase for up to
approximately 10 years, during the period when dead roots decay and before the roots ofnew vegetation become fully
established. Soil strength is' reduced more when conifers are killed because they do not resprout and maintain a viable
root system, as do hardwoods and many shrub species. These types of &ilures are relatively unusual occurrences on
the Bitterroot National Forest.
Environmental Consequences
Effects to soils are closely interconnected with effects to streams. Soil sur&ce erosion potential is addressed in the
Watershed section of the EIS. Indicators ofeffects to long-term soil productivity are:
Detrimental soil compaction and displacement - the potential for soil compaction and displacement is
evaluated based on the logging method and its potential for disturbance, and changes in soil coDdition
produced by temporary road coDStruction and road ripping/obliteration
Acres ofeffective ground cover- the potential fur reducing soil erosion is evaluated based on the area of
effective ground cover that could be created by fine woody debris slash
FuelloadiDg compared to natural historic levels - the risk ofsevere damage to soils from future fires is
evaluated based on the acres that would meet desirable coarse woody debris levels foDowing fuel reduction
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 3-47
Geology and Soils
Effects Analysis Methods
Five sources of data were used for analyzing effects on the soil resource:
Pre-fire soils data mapped and described in the Bitterroot National Forest LaDdtype Inventory
Information compiled aud'reported in the BAER report for the Post-Fire Assessment (including maps ofbum
Timber Stand Management Record System (TSMRS)
Tables and maps ofproposed treatment areas aud method oftreatment
Pertinent scientific publications, local knowledge and professional judgment
Direct and Indirect Effects Common to Alternatives B, D, and E
Alternatives B, D, 8Dd E contain various levels offuel reduction treatments. Table 3-22 summarizes the acres of
commercial fuel reduction treatments by yarding system, aud the acres ofDOn-commercial fuel piling by conventional
or walking excavator.
Table 3-22 - Acres of Proposed Fuel Reduction Treatment by Alternative
Excavator piling on slash mat
''WaDcing'' Excavator piling
Alt. A
Alternatives B, D, 8Dd E would reduce fuels to levels that more closely resemble natural coDditious. The fOcus offuel
reduction would be warm, dry poDderosa pille staDds (VRU 2) aud cool, dry Douglas-fir stands (VRU 3) (post-Fire
Assessment, 2(00). The amount ofmaterial removed would depend on the toDS/acre ofexistiDg fuel, the amount of
fuel that is left after fuel treatmeDt,.and the desired fuel condition for that VRU (Table 1-3 in Chapter 1). Excavator
piling OD a slash map will only occur in areas that have low severity or unburned areas.
Site productivity changes can be long-term or temporary. Ifa fire is within the natural range ofvariation fur an
ecosystem, productivity changes should be short term aud acceptable since fire is a natural compoDeDt in many
ecosystems. Ifa fire is outside of the natural range ofvariation aud intensity, long-term soils productivity is more
likely to be at risk (Robichaud et aI, 2000; Brown, 2(01).
Nutrient Cycling
In high severity burn areas, removing varying numbers ofbumed trees would have a beneficial short-term effect on
nutrient cycling rates. Harvesting would put some coarse woody debris in contact with the soil sur&ce sooner than
the natural recruitment rate, which would start the decoqx>sition process SOODer aud iDcorporate nutrients back into
the soil &ster than if trees were to filIl over 8Dd rot on their own. Post-treatment coarse woody debris JoadiDp would
be retained at optimum levels based on historical fuel loadiDgs (Table 1-3). This material could be fuund in cuD
material, downed trees, 8Dd in standing mags. The staDdiDg dead trees would filIl at various times depeDding on their
size aud species. The long-term benefit ofremoving excessive fuel is that it would reduce the potential ofsevere
damage to the soil from prolonged soil beating from future fire on these sites (Brown 2001).
In low severity burn areas, removing dead and dying trees would have very little effect on the nutrient cycle. These
areas still have abundant green vegetation in the form of grasses, shrubs, and BYe trees to supply DUtrients to the soil
system. In this case, excessive slash would be removed ftom the site 8Dd/or piled 8Dd burned on-site in order to
reduce fuel accumulations.
AD burning activities (underbum, jackpot bum, pile burning) would result in a short-term (two to three )'e8I'S)
reduction in vegetative cover in these burn IocatioDS. These bums would have similar characteristics as the low
severity fires in 2000; releasing nutpents tied up in the woody vegetation (Brown 2(01).
The degree ofsur&ce disturbance aud erosion attributed to harvest activities (e.g. yardiDg 8Dd/or fuels treatment) is
dependent on the harvest method, slash treatment, slope gradimt, soil characteristics, rock fragment content, aud soil
moisture content. Ground-based logging systems (e.g. dozers aDd rubber-tired &kidders) typically produce the most
3-48- BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS
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Geology aDd Soik
ground disturbance, aDd helicopter systems produce the least. The ground disturbance produced by skyJiDe systems is
intermediate to those two systems. Skid trails aDd skyline corridors increase the potential fur CODCeDb'ating water aDd
causing rill aDd sheet erosion. The use ofground-based equipment for slash disposal has the potential to cause
detrimental impacts, such as compaction and displacement. Following conventional harvest activities on bare soil,
surfiIce erosion rates typically increase.
On-site erosion caused by helicopter logging is minimal Although logs may drag on the ground for a short distance
before they are lifted into the air, the area ofdisturbance is usually very minor. Helicopter logging usua1ly requires
larger landings, which resuhs in additional erosion, compaction, aDd displacement oft:site.
Activities that can mitigate erosion potential with groUDd-based equipment include skidding logs with the leading end
of the log suspended, operating over packed snow or frozen ground, traveling on debris left on the ground (slash mat),
directional felling and using pre-existing skid trails. For skyline logging systems, mitigation includes partial or full
log suspension. Mitigation for roads aDd landings is best accomplished by minimizing the area ofdisturbance,
locating roads aDd landings where their resource impacts will be minimal, aDd by properly implementing aDd
maintaining BMP's. Implementation of the soil mitigation measures in Chapter 2 would decrease the erosion
potential in aD units.
Effective ground cover (EGC) consists ofany slash, vegetation, woody debris, pine needles, or rock cover that would
lessen the impact ofrain splash, aDd &Dow infiltration ofrainwater. Effective ground cover would also prevent soil
from leaving the hillslope, provide shade, slow nmoft: reduce flood peaks, retain site productivity, and reduce
downstream sedimentation. A previous study has found that 60 percent ground cover reduced sediment movement to
negligible amounts, aDd 30 Percent ground cover reduced erosion by half compared to bare ground (Robichaud et aI,
2(00). Removal offire-lalled timber can improve watershed conditions where fire has coDSlllDed EGC (Maloney,
1995). Improvements would be accomplished by distributing EGC over the treatment area in the form ofslash that is
Jess than 3" in diameter.
Leaving some fioe fuels for effective ground cover will increase the rate ofspread ofa fire for zero to eight years (see
firelfuels section for more infurmation). It is not unlikely that a fire would occur siDce the Jmtoric DBtura1
reoccurrence in VRU2 is between S aDd 25 years (post Fire Assessment, 2(00). However, because most of the larger
fuels would be gone, a fire probably would be more controllable aDd Jess severe.
Live trees transpire soil moisture aDd buffer soD moisture. The canopies oftive vegetation intercept precipitation.
The shear strength ofroots provides important structural reinforcement aDd buttressing on slopes. Live roots increase
the stability ofsoils on steep slopes by "biDding" the soil mantle across slip surfilces to the underlying fractured and/or
weathered bedrock. When live trees are harvested these attributes change. The salvage of fire-killed trees will not
have an effect on mass erosion siDce these processes are already altered. However, the dead roots remaining after the
salvage offire-killed trees will bind the soD the same as ifno salvage of the fire-kil1ed trees oCCUlTed. Salvage aDd
fuels reduction on steep slopes will primarily be helicopter which results in negligible disturb&nces. The most critical
landslide prone areas were eliminated from consideration in this proposal.
SoD CompaetiOD or DIIplaeement
Ground-based equipment can cause soil compaction and soil displacement. Where a lot ofsoil disturbaDce 0CCUl'I, the
results include long-term detrimental effects on productivity, water infiltration, air excbaDge, aDd microbial activity.
Watershed health is likely iq)acted when there are extensive areas ofcompacted and/or displaced soils.
The degree ofcompaction is high enough to be considered "detrimental compaction" when the soik have a greater
than 15 percent increase in bulk density compared with undisturbed soils (FSM 2554). Water infiltration rates on
compacted soils are slower than rates on undisturbed soil (McBride, 2(00). Understory vegetation height aDd density
is typically lower in compacted areas aDd plant species composition may be different from undisturbed sites.
EssentiaDy aD soils in the 8D8lysis areas are susceptible to compaction to some degree.
Following fire, the ground is especiaDy susceptible to impacts ftom groUDd-based equipment where the duffJayer wu
completely burned. In moderate aDd high severity bum areas, the duff1ayer aDd wood on the sur&ce has been
consumed by the fire, increasing the risk ofcompaction aDd rutting. This potential will increase the challenge of
conducting ground-based operations without further impairing the soil
The potential fur additional detrimental soD damage can be mininrized or eliminated when the mitigation measures
described in Chapter 2 are iq)kmented. Operating on frozen and/or packed snow has been geuerally effective at
IimitiDg the extent ofimpacts on unburned soil (McBride, 2(00). It was found to be eflective in Waugh Gulch aDd
Cow Creek logged this winter (2000-2001) for demonstration purposes (Lockman, 2(01), as well as on a considerable
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 3-49
Geology and Soils
amount of State acreage (CoDiDs, J., 2(01). Excavator piling on a slash mat will only occur on low severity and
unburned soils where a slash mat is available.
The amount ofsoil compaction and displacement with skyline yarding is confined to the canidar where logs are
actually dragged. On-site compaction and displacement from helicopter yarding is neg1iglble. The landings and roads
are a total commitment of the soil resource unless those disturbances are rehabilitated and reverted back to production.
Table 3-23 bas estimated detrimental soil compaction and lor detrimental soil displacement that is likely to result in
each treatment unit from the proposed fuel reduction activity exclusive ofroads and landings. Past compaction is
discussed in cumulative effects. Estimated disturbance is the extent ofdetrimental soil compaction 8Dd/or detrimental
soil displacement that is likely to result from the proposed activity.
Table 3-23 - Estimated Detrimental SoU Disturbance by YanlIngIFuels Treatment System
Feller/Processor on slash mat
Excavator piling on slash mat
Walking excavator piling
Estimated Disturbance
No fuels treatment is being proposed on identified wetland areas, in any alternative. Therefure DO direct effects are
anticipated to wetland soils.
Effeetl and ImpUeatioDl of Roaell and Landlnp
Roads have the greatest potential fur affecting the natural process of the Jandscape. Roads BDd landings modify
natural hillslope draiDage systems and accelerate erosion processes. Numerous studies have identified roads as the
primary sediment 8OW"Ce in managed areas. Roads tend to cause the greatest iDcrease in surf8ce erosion per unit of
land disturbed. The amount ofdisturbance associated with roads depends on design, slope steepness and road length.
These variables also influence sur&ce and mass erosion processes. No DeW roads area proposed and temporary roads
are proposed in Altematives B and D to access landings. Miles ofproposed temporary roads are shown in Table 3-25.
Temporary roads would be rehabilitated at project completion. The following table lists the approximate number of
landings, DeW and existing for helicopter access. L.ndings used in the logging operation would be reclaimed.
Table 3-14 - Number of HeIIeopter Landin.. for aU action alternatives
East Fork
West Fork
New Lancllnas *
Old LancUnas
-Landing size was estimated at one acre per landing.
If an ofthese Jaudings are used, approximately 336 acres would be impacted.
Roads accelerate surfilce erosion by modifying the soil structure, removing the protective ground cover, increasing
raindrop impact and reducing soil infiltration rates. In addition, road cut and fiUslopes increase slope gradients,
intercept subsur&ce flow, and couceotrate overland flow ofwater within the road prism and in chaJmels. AD the
action alternatives include some level ofshort-tenn distmbance associated with either the buikting oftemporary roads
aDdIor some level ofreclamation ofold roads. The temporary roads would be reclaimed. The following table
compares the miles ofnew (temporary) distuJbance and miles ofroad reclamation anticipated for the action
aItematives. Temporary roads would be located on ridges where possible and would not cross riparian areas or
streams. Those locations should pose little risk to slope stability. Road locations would be field verified by the
appropriate specialist prior to coD8tlUction. The existing roads have withstood the test of time and have a low risk of
failure. Although there has been some miDor slumping associated with road building, major IaDdsIides are unusual on
the Bitterroot National Forest.
3-50- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
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Geology and Soils
Roads also tead to increase the potential for mass fuilure when constructed on JaDdsIide prone slopes. The primary
cause for the increase is vegetation removal, slope gradient increases associated with the cutslopes and fillslopes,
modifying soil strength parameters and altering surfilce and subsudBce water movement. Erosion from temporary
roads would be negligible when BMP standards are applied and roads are located on ridges.
Table 3-25 - MIles of Temponry SoU Impact
Geographic Area
Ska11ca bo-Rye
East Fork
West Fork
Ahernative B
Temp Road
Ahernative D
Temp Road
Alternative C and E
Temp Road
Direct and Indirect Effects Specific to Each Alternative
Alternative A
Under this alternative, recovery would happen D8tUI'8lly, without treatment over the course oftime.
SoU Productivity
Maintaining long-term soil productivity requires the presence ofsoil organic matter and fire interwls _
the natural fire regime (Brown 2001). Loss ofsoil organic matter is probably the most serious CODCel1l having Iongterm effects (Brown 2001). Fire releases nutrients from dead woody vegetation and makes them available for soil.
processes. Under severe burning conditions, soil organic matter can be removed or destructively altered, nutrients
voJatized, water absorbing capacity decreased, and living plant parts and microorganisms killed (Brown 2(01). The
potential fur a severe fire in'the future is greater in areas that have more than 30 tons per acre ofJarge fuels. Ifa fire
were to bum in these areas in the future, organic matter would decrease or be totally removed and it would take
another 30 to 60 )'e8I'S to again build up the dufflayer thus further decreasing short-term and long-term soil
productivity. A severe fire would be more probable 30 to 6O)'e8I'S after the 2000 fires because most of the dead trees
would have &Ilen to the groUDd and be in some sort ofdecayed state (Brown 200 I). While the probability ofa reburn
is small on anyone site, it is high over a large area such as a ranger district (Brown 2(01).
Nutrient Cycling
In high severity bum areas, the nutrient cycle would fully recover within ISO to 200 )'e8I'S after trees have become
established, matured and died (USDA Forest Service, 1992). In moderate severity bum areas, the DL1trient cycle
would recover fully in 1S to 80)'e8l'S. Needles ftom the dead trees not coDSUlllCd in the fire would &11 to the ground
to begin building the Jitter and duffJayers. Whole trees would begin to decay and &IL CWD would contiDue to
decay. In low severity buni areas, the nutrient cycle has not been moved out ofa natural operating range and would
contiDue to function.
IfaD of the dead trees were to remain on site, they would eventually &11 to the forest floor, with the majority fiilling
within 20 to 30)'e8l'S. The amount ofCWD would exceed the optimal amounts present in a natural system especially
in VRU 2 and VRU 3 ecosystems (Brown 2(01). This would not necessarily increase the amount ofnutrients
available in the soil. A fire releases these nutrients to the soil. Ifone were to occur where fuels were over 30 toDS per
acre, most of the nutrients would be voJatized due to the high severity of the fire.
Soil would contiDue to erode at accelerated levels until adequate ground cover returns, down&D is in contact with the
soil sur&ce, or new vegetation grows. The soil washed from the biDslopes will take hundreds of)'e8l'S to replace.
This is especially so in the high severity bum areas. The moderate severity burn areas would have adequate EGC in 3
to 10)'e8l'S. The low severity bum areas have minimal increases to on-site soils erosion and have retained the EGC.
Where water repellent soik have formed, the sur&ce erosion would contiDue at accelerated rates. Wate!" repellent
layers would persist for two to three )'e8I'S in most iDstaDces.
Roads would contiDue their present treDd ofsoil erosion. This would vary depending upon adjacent burn severity.
Rates of soil erosion would gradually decrease as vegetation became established on the adjacent slopes. Roads that
have poor drainage conditions would continue to erode at higher rates in the event ofhigh runoff events.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS - 3-51
Geology and Soils
Detrimental Imp.eta
There would be no increase in compaction or displacement in any of the bum areas. Natural processes would slowly
remove any compaction that does exist.
There would be no change in soil resource commitment. However, due to the potentially high soil erosion rates on the
high severity burned areas, and some of the large areas ofmoderate severity bum areas, an irreversible loss ofsoil
productivity would reduce the productive potential ofthese lands for one to two hundred years.
The increased fuel loading from the fire killed trees and future wi1dlaDd fire scenarios as described in Chapter 3
Fire/Fuels, depicts the probability ofa second high severity wildland fire. The greatest threat that a future wild fire
may have on this area is the potential loss of the dufflayer again.
Alternative B
This alternative meets the goal of managing quantities ofaccumulated downed woody material such that the severity
ofa reburn maybe less and benefits derived from coarse woody debris (CWO) and EGC can be rea1ized. There
would be 168 miles ofroad rehabilitated and 36,792 acres planted.
SoU Produetlvlty
Areas used for temporary roads and landings would be taken out ofproduction for the short term (<20 years).
Leaving CWO greater than four inches in diameter in a treatment unit as shown in Table 1-3 in Chapter 1 ensures
enough organic matter would be present on a site to maintain long-term site productivity (Brown 2001). Removing
the remaining course woody material would decrease the chance ofa severe fire in these units in the next several
decades. In turn, this would decrease the chance ofa severe future fire removing most ofthe dufflayer and losing the
soils protective layer. The 168 miles of rehabilitated roads includes about 105 miles ofroad put into storage and 63
miles of road decommissioned. The 63 miles would return 235 acres to productive soils in the long term. The 105
miles would have natural drainage restored aDd would be put in a selfmaintaining state and stored for future use.
Nutrient Cycling
This alternative reduces fuels on S4 percent ofthe acres ofthe burned area that have fuels in excess of30 toDS per
acre. This would directly benefit DUtrient cycling by retaining optimum amounts ofcoarse woody debris, and
increasing effective ground cover genmated by the fuels treatment. Benefits include:
Quick incorporation ofslash, which would assist in the recovery oflong-term soils productivity by assisting
in nutrient cycling. Organic material in various sizes would be placed in contact with the soil sur&ce to
begin the cycle 01lCe more.
The reduction oflong-term fuelloadiDg in treatment areas would reduce the hazard offuture high severity
Planting would occur on 36,792 acres where natural regeneration may not occur in the foreseeable future.
The jackpotlunderburn fuel treatment following yarding and COll1lDerCial removal in the units proposed for treatment
of fuels would primarily result in effects to so& similar to that ofa low severity fire. In some areas, where fuel
loading is more concentrated, the bum treatments may act similarly to a moderate to high severity fires. This could
have a short-term (2-3 years) reduction in vegetation cover on these sites. SmaD, ~ loosely piled slash can
minimize bum effects and provide a flush of nutrients, especially nitrogen, to the site.
SoU ErosioD
• In areas ofhigh and moderate severity bums, slash distributed throughout the units to meet EGC guideliDe of
30 to 60 percent coverage would decrease erosion in the short-term. About 14 percent ofthe total amount of
high and moderate severity bum area wiD meet the EGC through the distribution ofslash and/or planting.
• Yarding over frozen soil or compacted SDOW would not add to soil erosion because soils would not be further
3-52- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
===_ . .
Geology aDd Soils
Detrimental Impacts
Some logging methods were IUIed out as being too impactive considering that the soils that burned at high or
moderate severity are in a fragile state aDd are easily compacted or displaced. The methods listed below were selected
to minimize effects.
Ground-based yarding over snow or frozen soil on severely and moderately burned soil would minjrnj7A'
compaction and displacement.
SkyliDe yarding would result in two percent - five percent soil disturbance. There would be fewer impacts if
winter logged. Erosion mitigations would rehabilitate disturbance in skyliDe cable corridors used during
summer logging.
It is preferable that fuels be removed or piled in one season, unless removed later by band methods to avoid
multiple entries with equipment.
In order to minimize soil compaction, a walking excavator may be used to remove fuels on slopes (up to 50
percent) in the summer on dry soils.
Table 3-26 - Alternative B Summary Table
Percent of Area Treated for Fuels
Percent of High and Mod severity with Increased EGC
;y Roads
Miles ofT
Miles ofRoad Reclamation
Alternative C
The alternative responds specifically to watershed issues and reforestation. There would be 168 miles ofroad
rehabilitation and 36,885 acres ofplanting. There would be no fuel reduction.
SoU Produetivlty
In planted areas, soil productivity would iDcrease due to additional material (needles, smaD twigs) on the site to
contribute to orgaDic matter and build up the duff layer. Since no fuels would be removed, there would be more than
adequate CWO for long-term site productivity. The effects ofa reburn would be similar to those described in
Alternative A The 168 miles ofrehabilitated roads includes about 90 miles ofroad put into storage and 78 miles of
road decommissioned. The 78 miles would return 273 acres to productive soils in the long term. The 90 miles would
have natural drainage restored and would be put in a selfmaintaining state and stored for future use.
Nutrient CycUna
In planted areas, needles and smaD twigs would filii to the ground along with material from the fire killed trees to
begin building litter and dufflayers. Other effects are the same as stated in Alternative A
SoU Erosion
Soil would continue to erode at accelerated levels until adequate cover from the dead vegetation &Us and is in contact
with the soil sudBce, or new vegetation grows. Planted trees would provide new vegetation aDd help prevent soil
erosion. Planting would occur on 36,885 acres. Less soil would be washed from the hillsides. This is especially so in
the high severity burn areas. The moderate severity burn areas would have adequate effective ground cover (EOC) in
3 to 10 years. EGC in the short-term would be Jess in this alternative than inAltematives B aDd D due to no input of
tops aDd branches left during fuel removal The low severity burn areas have minimal increases to on-site soil erosion
and have retained the EGC.
Where water repellent soils have formed, the sur&ce erosion would continue at accelerated rates. Water repellent
layers would persist for two to three years in most instances.
Reclamation of202 miles ofroads would reduce the present trend of soil erosion from roads.
Detrimental Impadl
There would be no iDcrease in compaction or displacement in any ofthe burn areas. Natural processes would slowly
remove any compaction that does exist. There would be no cbange in soil resource commitment.
Due to the potentiaDy high soil erosion rates on the high severity burned areas, aDd some of tile large areas of
moderate severity burn areas, an irreversible loss ofsoil productivity would reduce tile productive potential of these
lauds for ODe to two hundred years.
BUI"DCd Area Recovery DEIS - 3-53
Geology and Soils
The increased fuel loading from the fire killed trees and future wild1and fire scenarios as described in Chapter 3 Fuels,
addresses the probability of a second high severity wildland fire. The greatest threat that a future wild fire may have
on this area is the potential loss of the dufflayer again.
Table 3-27 - A1tematlve C Summary Table
Percent of Area Treated for Excessive Fuels
Percent of High and Mod M;;Y~liL'y with Increased EGC
Miles ofT
Miles ofRoad Reclamation
Alternative D
This ahemative includes fuel reduction, cODSwction of 10.2 miles oftemporary roads, 168 miles ofroad reclamation
and 36,350 acres ofplanting. In addition to the design and mitigation criteria listed for Alternative B, this alternative
Low ground pressure equipment used over a slash mat in areas oflow bum severity during the dry season to
minimize soil compaction and displacement.
SoU Productivity
Land areas used for temporary roads and landings would be taken out ofproduction for the short term «20 years).
Leaving CWO greater than four inches in diameter in a treat:ment unit as shown in Table 1-3 in Chapter 1 ensures
enough organic matter would be present on a site to maintain long-term site productivity (Brown 2001). Removing
the remaining course woody material would decrease the chance ofa severe fire in these units in the next several
decades. In tum, this would decrease the chance ofa severe future fire removing most of the dufflayer and losing the
soils protective layer.
The 168 miles ofrehabilitated roads includes about 9S miles ofroad put into storage and 73 miles ofroad
decommissioned. The 73 miles would return 2S4 acres to productive soils in the long term. The 9S miles would have
Datura1 draiDage restored and would be put in a selfmaintaining state and stored for future use.
Nutrient Cycling
Nutrient cycling would be the same as described for Alternative B. In this case, SS percent of the acres would be
treated, an increase compared to Alternative B.
SoU Eroalon
• In areas ofhigh and moderate severity bums, slash distributed throughout the units to meet EGC guideliDe of
30 to 60 percent coverage will decrease erosion. About 14 percent of the total amount ofhigh and moderate
severity bum area will meet the EGC through the distribution ofslash and/or planting.
The potential for erosion from building 10.2 miles oftemporary roads is low when BMPs are followed and
rehabilitation occurs in the same yair as conswetion. Iftemporary roads are not rehabilitated within the same year,
detrimental80il impacts may occur. See the Watershed section for details concerning increased sediment ifthis
Detrimental Impaeta
These effects would be the same as Alternative B.
Table 3-28 - Summary Table For Alternative D
Percent of Area Treated for Fuels
Percent of High and Mod Severity with Increased EGC
Miles ofT
~ Roads
Miles ofRoad Reclamation
Alternative E
This alternative only includes activities related to fuel reduction in VRU2 and WUI areas; 22,981 acres would be
planted, and watershed improvement activities would be the same as in Alternative c.
SoD Productivity
Effects to soil productivity would be the same as AJtemative B.
3-54- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Geology aDd Soils
Nutrient Cycling
Effects to nutrient cycling would be the same as for Alternative B.
Effects to soil erosion would be the same as for Alternative B except:
There would be at least 7733 acres ofeffective ground cover provided through the distribution ofsJash and/or
planting in the areas ofhigh burn severity. This is about six percent ofthe total amount ofhigh severity burn
area. This was determined by adding the acreage in the proposed treatments in units with high aDd moderate
bum levels. Areas with mixed severity of high, moderate, aDd low were not considered in this calculation.
• No temporary roads would be buih.
Detrimental Impacts
These would be the same as Alternative B.
Table 3-29 - Summary Table for Alternative E
Percent of Area Treated for Excessive Fuels
Percent ofHiah aDd Mod with Increased Ground Cover
Miles ofT
~ Roads
Miles ofRoad Reclamation
Cumulative Effects
Some past activities created long-term adverse soil COnditioDS. The 2000 fires caused UDdesireabIe effects to soil
productivity. However, BAER treatments and past road closures within the project area(s) have had beneficial effects
in some areas.
Put harvesting
Past harvesting has resulted in some detrimental effects on the soil resource in terms of compaction and displacement.
Typically, "tractor units" harvested/piled prior to 1980 have detrimental compaction over 30 to 60 percent of the unit.
The current condition of these areas relative to soil quality standards is only known in a h areas. Main skid trails
are still evident from over 20 years ago, but most dispersed skid trails had revegetated prior to the fire and are
begimUDg to restore over time. For this reason, logging methods and accompanying mitigation measures have been
developed to prevent as much as possible any additional debimental damage. The logging aDd fuels reduction
methods proposed in the action alternatives were selected so that only minor amounts 0 f additional soil damage would
occur. There may be opportunities to rehabilitate poorly placed old skid trails 88 they are encountered. No future
harvest, other than band thinning, is anticipated for 80 to 100 years, which would also allow time for the soils to
The following table provides a summary ofacres of past logging for each geographic area and alternative. These
previously logged areas are currently proposed for treatment. The information was queried from the TMSRS
database. Only those units that were logged in the past using methods considered most impactive to soil productivity,
such as tractor logging and dozer piling, were considered. The maps showing areas of past ground-based logging are
found in the project file.
Table 3-30 - SUIIIIIlU)' Of Aeres Of Plat LoaInI With Ground Based Equipment
Geographic Area
East Fork
West Fork
Total Acres In the
hie Area
Acres with Past
Treatment (GB)
Pereent of Area with
Put Treatment
The data from this table suggests that a relatively small amount ofthe geographic areas bas hid past Jogging with
ground-based equipment. These results can probably be attributed to the steepDess of the landscape, which is more
coDducive to skyIioe methods.
BUl"Ded Area Recovery DEIS - 3-55
Geology aDd Soils
The following tables indicate that for those geographic areas proposed for re-entry with ground based and/or skyliDe
equipment (Ska1kaho-Rye aDd East Fork), about one quarter ofthe total area has been affected. The East Fork has the
most re-entry acres, with 27 to 33 percent.
Table 3-31 - A1temative B Ga:oUDd-Based And SkyUne Treatments (Acres)
East Fork
West Fork
Reentry Area
Percent of PropOied Treatment
area reentered
Table 3-32 - A1temative D GroUDd-Based And SkyUne Treatments (Acres)
East Fork
West Fork
Reentry Area
Pereent of PropOied Treatment
Area reentered
Table 3-33 - Altemative E GroUDd-Based And SkyUne Treatments (Acres)
East Fork
West Fork
Reentry Area
Pereent of PropOied Treatment
area reentered
Other Activities
An activity that will potentially have a cumulative effect on the soil resource is grazing. The severely burned soils
have lost their vegetative protection aDd are much more susceptible to compaction aDd displacement. The plant cover
had been stressed prior to the fire by drought. It will take time for the vegetative cover to recover. This typically
takes two years for grassy areas aDd three years for forested soils.
The East Fork has 10 grazing allotments in the burned area, SkaIkaho-Rye has five, and the West Fork has two. The
Blodgett geographic area does not have any. The plan is to "rest" (keep cattle ofl), those allotments in moderately and
severely burned areas for at least one year, at which time the situation will be reevaluated. Grazing wJll continue in
those areas that are unburned. An implementation plan has been developed to ensure that cattle routes, etc., won't
develop where they will cause a problem (Guzman, Project File). More information on grazing is found in the
Watershed Effects section.
The proposed activities would not create new access to areas that were unused before the fires. Therefore, no
additional soils would be detrimentally impacted by cattle because of the proposed action.
Dispersed recreational activities have had some effect on the soil resource in the past and wiD likely have an effect in
the future. The fragile nature ofthe moderately aDd severely burned soils wiD make them more susceptible to damage
for the next few years.
Forest Plan Consistency
Management direction in the Forest Plan Water aDd Soil standard for MAs 1, 2, 3a and 3c states that at least 10 to IS
tons per acre should be left on dry aDd harsh sites to "assure the retention ofmodest levels oforganic matter."
Following Post Fire Assessment CWO recommendations (Table 1-3) would reduce slash and potential fuels to 5 to 10
tons per acre in wildland urban interface in VRU2. Doing so would be consistent with the Forest Plan, as proposed to
be amended.
3-56- Burned Area Recovery DEIS
The most influential natural disturbance agents in intermountain west watersheds are wildfire and major precipitation
events. Effects can be dramatic, such as those that occurred in Overwhich Creek following the 1992 fire, or they can
be minimal in the absence ofprecipitation. The CUITeIlt conditions ofwatersheds within the burned area wiD be
discussed in the beginning of this section; environmental consequences wiDbe discussed towards the end. Each
geographic area, Blodgett, SkaIkaho-Rye, East Fork and West Fork, are broken down into sub-watersheds at the 6th
Code Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) level A hydrologic unit (HUC) is defined as an area ofland upstream from a
specific point on a stream (designated the mouth) that defines a hydrologic boundary and includes an of the source
areas that could contribute surfAce water nmoff directly and indirectly to the designated outlet point (NRCS, 1995).
Map 3-5 in the map packet displays the hydrologic units discussed in this analysis.
Regulations and Direction
The Forest Plan's goal for watershed management is to ''maintain the present high level ofwater quality and the
current fish habitat capacity throughout the Forest", and specifically to:
Upgrade drainage and place sur&cing on some roads
Use new sediment control methods on new construction
Maintain or improve large woody debris in stream cbaDnels for aquatic habitat aDd cbaDDel function
• Limit road density
A special management emphasis area (MA3b) protects riparian areas along aD major tributaries of the Bitterroot
River. The 1995 INFISH Amendment to the Forest Plan further restricts the type ofactivities that can occur in
riparian areas (USDA Forest Service, 1995).
Other regulatory or legal requirements that direct watershed management are:
Section 208 of the 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 92-500), which
specifically mandates identification and control ofnonpoint-source pollution resulting from silvicultural
• Endangered Species Act aDd INFISH
• Section 403 ofTitle IV of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2201-2205) and Title 7, Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 624 (7 CFR 624), the Emergency Watershed Protection Program.
Up'until late March 2001, agencies were inswcted to use the 1996 Montana 303d tist ofWater Quality Impaired
Streams. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the 2000 Montana 303d list in late March 200 1.
Because the 2000 list was approved late in this analysis, both lists are referenced in this report.
All Geographic Areas
Existing Condition The wildfires of2000 burned about 293,000 acres in the Bitterroot River drainage and 63,500 acres in the wildcmess
lands ofthe Selway aDd Salmon River draiDages on the Bitterroot National Forest. Fire burned with low to high
severity over watersheds in the East and West Fork Bitterroot River drainages. Fewer watershed acres were burned
severely in the West Fork drainage. Chicken Creek, Little Blue Joint, and upper Slate Credc received the highest
extent and severity. Several large areas in the East Fork draiDage were severely burned; these include Cameron,
Meadow, Upper East Fork, Medicine Tree'Maynard/Laird, Tolan, and a few other watersheds. Sleeping Child and
Rye Creeks also received extensive areas ofhigh severity fire. CanyonIBlodgettIMiDISheafinan had a mix ofbum
severity with very smaD acreages ofhigh severity within the major canyons. SmaD tributaries originating on the
Bitterroot filce received moderate to high severity bum.
The analysis area wiD include those watersheds affected by fire by 6* Code HUe. A Jist ofaffected watersheds
BUI"DCd Area Recovery DEIS- 3-57
Table 3-34 - Identification of ~ Code Hydrologic Units, Geop-aphic Location and Number Identifier
Geographic Area
East Fork
West Fork
Watershed Name, 6tl1 Code HUC
Upper Blodgett
Lower Blodgett
S. FIe. Skalkaho
Bear Gulch
Little Sleeping Child
Middle Sleeping Child
Divide Creek
S. FIe. Sleeping Child
Upper East Fork
Middle East Fork
Lower East Fork
Blue Joint
Upper West Fork Intertluve
Middle West Fork Intertluve
Lower West Fork
6th Code HUC Number
Activities are proposed within these watersheds that were subject to fire during 2000. Project effects analysis wiD be
focused in 6th Code HUC watersheds that were deliDeated using the Natural Resource and Conservation Service
methodology. Analysis wiD include direct, indirect, and cumulative effects within the 6th code HUC's. Changes in
water and sediment yield from the proposed activities, and the effect ofthese changes on stream cbaDDel conditioDS,
cbaDDel stability, downstream conditions and water quality wiD be analyzed.
The existing burned condition of the watershed is the starting point for analysis. The changes from the present
condition resulting from the proposed activities wiD be evaluated in the section on Enviromnental Consequences. The
effects will be evaluated on water quality (sediment and water yields) and on fisheries (in the fisheries sections) as
these are the primary beneficial uses. Estimates ofchanges in sediment and water yields resulting from the proposed
activities wiD be modeled and the effect on stream channel conditions wiD be evaluated.
Several HUC's such as those in the Nez Perce Fork of the Bitterroot River, as weD as others listed in each geographic
area were not affected by fire, nor having any activities proposed, they will not be discussed further. These areas wiD
continue on the same trend as before the fire and there wiD be no changes to them either from the fire or from
proposed activities discussed in this document.
Included in the analysis wiD be cumulative effects in the East aDd West Forks HUC's (0506 and 0305). In the main
stem of the Bitterroot River below the East Fork-West Fork confluence, effects wiD be diluted because of the large
. amount ofland area involved. The large area would dilute and mask effects downstream of this area. The reason for
3-58 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
us. •
this is that as you move downstream to larger streams, the effects oflarge disturbaDces diminish; this is often called
"dilution." In larger downstream areas, areas not affected by activities and the larger streamflows dilute effects from
specific actions. In Skalkaho and Sleeping Child areas, effects will be diluted to immeasurable levels in the lower
reaches ofeach of these streams. In the Blodgett area, effects of the activities would be masked by the large upstream,
wilderness areas.
Wildfires rarely bum bomogenously across an entire watershed. Small tributary watersheds may burn severely and
have a high re8pODSe while tributaries burned lightly or !lOt at an will have no change. Effects from the severely
burned sub watershed may be diluted by clean water from the unburned areas at downstream locatious. Conversely, if
many tributary watersheds are burned severely, effects will be amplified.
Designated Beneficial Water Uses
All waters on National Forest have been classified as 8-1 by the MontaDa Department ofHealth aDd Enviroomental
Sciences (ARM 16.20.604). The associated beneficial uses ofB-1 waters are driDking, cuIiDary and food processing
purposes, after conventional treatment; bathing swimming and recreation' growth and propagation ofsaJmonid fishes
and associated aquatic life, waterfowl and furbearers; and agricultural and industrial water supply.
Water quality is currently maintained aDd improved through the application ofBest Management Practices (BMPs) for
controlling nOllpOint sources ofpoDution to sur&ce water. Use ofBMPs are the foUDdation ofwater quality standards
for the State ofMontana. This is documented in ARM 16.20.603 and meaDS "laud and lD8D8gement activities must
not generate poDutants in excess of those that are naturally occurriDg, regardless of the stream's classification".
Naturally occurring as defined by ARM, is the water quality condition resulting from runoff or percolation over which
man has no control or from developed lauds where an 'reasonable' land, soil and where couservation practices
(commonly called BMPs) have been applied.
The proposed action has the potential to affect the physical and biological quality of the waters within the project area.
The associated water quality criteria that could be affected are:
2. No person may violate the following specific water quality staDdards for water classified B-1 :
(d) The maximum allowable increase above naturally occurring turbidity is S nephelometric turbidity units
except as permitted in ARM 16.20.633.
(e) A 1 degree F maximum increase above naturally occurring water temperature is allowed within the range of
32 to 66 degrees F;
(f) No increases are allowed above naturally occurring concentrations ofsediment...which are likely to create a
nuisance or render the waters harmful, detrimental, or injurious to public health, recreation, safety, wel&re,
livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other wi1dIife (ARM 16.20.633).
On the Bitterroot National Forest, BMP application and effectiveness is monitored by the contract administrators each
time they visit the project site. Assigning the responsibility to the admiDivator ensures that monitoring occurs many
times during the life ofeach contract. Documentation on effectiveness ofBMPs is doDe on the IDspection Form. that is
filled out during each visit. During the inspections, the administrator observes aDd documents which BMPs are of
concern during each visit. The application ofBMPs and their effectiveness is noted during the inspection. When
questioDS or prob1emtl arise about the BMPs, the administrators contact one of the soils or water specialists and a field
visit is arranged, or some other method is found to resolve the concern (Luibrand, 2001). Monitoring also occurs
through the State ofMontaDa BMP audit process every other year on a mix ofland ownerships where timber harvest
has occurred. The results ofthese audits are publi1bcd annually by the Department ofNatural Resources and
Conservation. In 2000, on Federal landS BMP application was rated as 96 percent compliant, and 97 percent
effective. The 2000 audits show continued improvement in the application and effectiveness ofBMPs when
compared to previous audits (DNRC, 2(00). No audits have occurred recently on the Bitterroot National Forest
within the past couple ofyears because !lODe of the completed sales have been selected for audit. However, this
monitoring report iDdicates the level ofapplication and effectiveness ofBMPs on an National Forest Lands.
Refer to the Post-Fire Assessment (4.2.3) for information on pre-fire and historic conditions. Additional information
on this will be discussed for each hydrologic unit within the geographic areas.
The analysis area is a snowmelt runoffdominated system, meaning that precipitation occurs mainly in the form of
snow with snowmelt nmoff resultiog in peak flows. Stream flows typically iDcrease as snowmelt occurs, usually
beginning in April or May, and reaching peak levels anywhere between early May and mid-June, depeDding upon the
weather and temperature fluctuatious. After the peak, flows decrease through June and mid-July reaching low flows
BlIIDCd Area Recovery DEIS- 3-59
by August. During August high temperatures aDd low precipitation inputs result in the lowest flows of tile season. In
September, as air temperatures decrease and fiill rains begin, streamflows increase slightly after which they remain at
a filirly cODSistent level until spring runoffbegins again. The majority ofprecipitation in the Bitterroot River Basin
occurs in the form ofsnow during the winter months and ranges between IS inches in the valleys to 100 inches per
year along the Bitterroot crest.
A snowmelt runoffanalysis was completed for aD ofthe burned tributary streams (HUC 6 level) in the Bitterroot
River draiDage (Fames, 2oooa). Because of the very dry soil conditions this year and the heat from the fire, and the
low soowpack, that there is likely to be a low risk for significant runoff in 2001. Despite the low snowpack, high
flows could still occur in some small tributary streams where more than 25 percent of the watershed was severely
burned, but this reaction should be mitigated by watershed size. In 2002, assuming an average precipitation year,
peak flow increases are expected to be about 5-10 percent above what would be expected in the pre-fire condition.
Widespread flooding could occur if snow accumulation exceeds 130 percent ofaverage and melts rapidly during a
w~ wet spring (Farnes, 2ooob).
The majority ofstreams in the analysis area are A and A+ stream types that are steep, narrow stRu1S dominated by
step pool morphology (Rosgen, 1996). These streams have narrow bands ofriparian vegetation and wetlands along
their banks. "A" streams can be sensitive to increases in peak flows because they are narrow and confined. When the
stream banks and substrate are composed ofsmaller sized particles, such as in portions of the West Fork aDd East
Fork, the banks can be easily eroded and substrate moved because smaller sizes are moved easily and high flows (high
stream energy) are concentrated in the cbaDDel rather than spread out over tloodp1aiDs. An example ofthis type of
stream is Guide Creek on the East Fork. Other "Att streams have bouJder substrate and stream banks aDd are very
resistant to erosion caused by increases in streamflows aDd sediment yields. An example of this is Canyon Creek near
the trailhead. "A,t streams have the energy to move sediment most of the year.
At lower elevatioDS where valley bottoms widen aDd gradients become less steep, "B" streams form (Rosgen, 1996).
These streams are less confined than A streams aDd can access their floodplain during high flows. They are typicaDy
the most stable stream type because they can dissipate energy on the floodplain. These streams usually carry sediment
during high flows and deposit it during low flows. An example ofa B stream in the area is SkaJkaho Creek.
Alluvial deposits are present in the Oatter gradient valley bottoms of the larger stream systems. This bas resulted in
the formation of"C" type streams (Rosgen, 1996) in the lower gradient vaI1eys in the Bitterroot Basin. These areas
are especially sensitive to increases in erosion (aDd sediment yields), as fine alluvial soil particles are easily moved.
In these lcinds of stream systems, stream bank vegetation is an important &ctor in maintenance in cbaDDel stability.
These streams are most sensitive to increases in water aDd sediment yields. Because ofthis; they are often where
effects from water and sediment yields are observed. The Bitterroot River near Hamilton is an example ofa C type
stream, as is Meadow Creek on the East Fork aDd Hughes Creek in the upper West Fork.
Fire Effects on Watershed Function
The most influential natural disturbance agents in intermountain west watersheds are wildfire and major precipitation
events. Effects on watersheds can be dramatic, particularly when major storm. events occur shortly after a wiklfire.
Watershed and stream chaDnel conditions will continue to adjust and change as a resuh ofchanges in water yield and
sediment yield resulting from the Bitterroot Fires of2000. The changes resulting from the fire are likely to be larger
than those that might resuh from the implementation ofproposed activities. Regardless of the alternative selected,
mitigation described in Chapter 2 will be applied to reduce effects. Activities would be designed so that they would
not adversely affect watershed condition beyond what might occur as a resuh of fire. For aD the action ahematives,
the design of the activity, the use of the RHCA (Riparian Habitat Couservation Area) a buffer area along streams, and
the application of Best Management Practices (BMPs) would reduce or eliminate threats to decreases in watershed
conditions that might occur from proposed activities. Watershed improvements would reduce sediment sources and
improve infiltration throughout the analysis area.
Wildfire removes large amounts offorest canopy, increasing stream temperatures, nmoffrespoDSe to precipitation,
and erosion. Increased nmoff may erode less resistant stream banks, scour chaDnelst create new chaonels while
abandoning others, and cause floodwaters to occupy floodplains rarely flooded. Increases in flow and sedimentation
may cause some streams to extend their range in the floodplain by moving laterally. Large amounts of new woody
debris and sediment may be deposited in the stream chaDne~ altering cbanDel morphology. As the stream works
through aDd redistributes this material, new aquatic habitat is created and old habitat is rejuvenated. These effects can
have a large effect initiaDy to the stream and do present a thmlt to development within or adjacent to streams.
3-60 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fire suppression also has an effect on the lauds where fire burned. In an attempt to minimize suppression effects,
resource advisors are assigned to the fires to ensure that fire lines are not coDStructed in areas ofconcern or sensitivity
such as riparian areas aDd heritage sites. During the fires of2000, several Bitterroot National Forest personnel served
as resource advisors to the fire teams as suppression aDd BAER work was occuning. Following the fires, aD ofthe
fire lines (band lines ~ dozer lines) were rehabilitated. The rehab work began in late August aDd continued into late
October. HUDdreds of miles ofdozer lines were decompacted, water barred where necessary, hid the top soil spread
back over them, had slash aDd woody debris spread over the lines, aDd were seeded with grass aDd fertilized to reduce
erosion aDd minimize noxious weed invasion. Following the rehabilitation work, access by vehicles on dozer lines
was extremely difIicuIt, if not impossible. The grasses seeded on the dozer IiDe should germinate aDd begin growing
during the 2001 season. Like other disturbed aDd reseeded soils, it wiD take about three years for the seeded grasses to
reach a size where they are effective in controlling erosion. All ofthe fire lines on National Forest 1aDds were
rehabilitated. On private land, most ofthe fire lines were rehabilitated by the Forest Service with Jaudowner
permission, but some landowners chose to leave their fire lines in place.
Wildfires rarely bum bomogenously across an entire watershed. Small tributary watersheds may bum severely aDd
have a high response (erosion aDd debris flows) while tributaries burned lightly or not at an wiD have no change.
Effects from the severely burned subwatershed may be diluted as the water flows furthc;r downstream. Conversely, if
many tributary watersheds are burned severely, effects will be amplified.
Many roads within the proposed project area are at high risk oferosion, especially following the fire. These roads
were constructed prior to the use of Best Management Practices aDd did not incorporate guidelines that result in
decreased sediment input to streams. These roads would be improved to meet those guidelines, such as iDstaDatjon of
ditch relief culverts to divert water from the roadside ditch to the hiDslope where the risk is low that runoff would
reach streams; shaping the road to reduce the risk ofwater IUIIDing down the road, eroding the sur&ce of the road aDd
depositing that eroded sediment in streams; stabilizing cut aDd fiB slopes using vegetation or other method to reduce
erosion. The roads that are needed for future forest access would be improved to BMP staDdards, thus reducing
erosion from many miles ofroads.
Other roads at risk within the bum perimeter are low staDdard roads that had been abaDdoned aDd vegetation had
closed the roads to travel prior to the fire. These roads had not been improved to reduce erosion, aDd before the fire it
was generally not necessary because vegetation was stabilizing the cut aDd fiB slopes aDd gradually decompacting the
road surfilce. However, following the fire these roads have had the vegetation burned offof them, aDd with the
stabilizing vegetation gone, the cut aDd fiB slopes wiD be prone to erosion and/or slumping. The vegetation was killed
by fire above aDd below these roads, aDd this wiD result in greater soil moisture aDd nmoff from these areas. This,
combined with the destabilized cut aDd fiB slopes, is expected to further increase erosion. The decompaction aDd
recontouring of these roads would allow the nmoffto infiltrate better aDd allow for filster revegetation. The rougher
surfilce following decompaction would slow nmoff(reducing erosion capability aDd further increasing infiltration).
Lower staDdard roads have a Dative surfilce aDd many stream crossings. Stream crossings provide easy contributing
points for sediment eroded from roads. The culverts at these crossings are usually not armored with rock, aDd erode
fill into the streams at their inlets aDd outlets during high flows. The sediment from the road sur&ce aDd fiB
contributes to poor channel COnditioDS, including higher percentages of fiDes in the substrate, deposition in low
velocity areas, aDd wider, shallower cbaDDels.
The pre-fire condition ofa watershed has a great intluence on delivery rates ofboth sediment aDd nmof[ High road
densities can increase sediment delivery rate aDd amount, young stands not "hydrologically mature" can increase
nmoffrates aDd add to accelerated nmoff from adjacent burned areas, high peak flows erode stream baDks, aDd
riparian shade reduced by past harvest adds to the miles ofshade reduced by the fire.
Overland FIo"lRunoft
Overland flow occurs when ram&D or SDOwmelt exceeds soil infiltration capacity. Variables that intluence infiltration
rates in a forest include an soil/water relations: plant interception aDd evaporation, intensity aDd duration of
precipitation, gradient of slope, aDd whether the soil is frozen (Wisler aDd Brater, 1959). Overland flow rarely occurs
in a mature, UDburned forest. Interception by the forest cauopy, evapotraDspiration ofvegetation, forest floor litter aDd
decomposing organic matter, aDd native soil aeration an reduce the poteDtial for overland flow.
Many of the mctors that limit overland flow in a green forest change after fire ofmoderate to high severity. Soils
remain saturated longer due to reduced canopy interception aDd reduced evapotnmspiration. Where soil heat intensity
is high, soils can become water repellent from restructured hydrocarboDS forming around soil particles. Microclimates
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-61
change; soils have wider swings in daily temperatures aDd may experience diurnal freeze/thaw where they had not
Slope gradient increases the effects aDd the rate ofoverland flow, which eventually becomes runoffand is delivered to
streams. The amount oferosive energy determines the amount ofpotential sediment delivered to a watercourse.
Summer storms are a much more efficient eroding force than overland flow from snowmelt (Hewlett and Nutter
Studies conducted in Yellowstone National Park following the 1988 fires indicate that fire-related debris flows and
floods occurred across the landscape. Resuhs of the studies foUDd that the year following the fire sheet erosion, riDs
and gullies formed and mass movement ofmaterial occurred when heavy rains occurred. These were followed by
debris flows and "black" water. Sediment increased in streams in burned watersheds throughout the park from
snowmelt and rain nmofffor the first two years following the fire (Franke, 2000).
The changes in stream channels were largest three years following the 1988 fires when large runoff events caused
major migration and/or downcutting in some streams. Since that time, the input offire-reJated sediment into
Yellowstone streams has been reduced by even sparse growth ofplant cover. Much ofthe sediment is now being
deposited along floodplains where the nutrient rich material contributes to productivity. Debris flows still occur but
only in areas where vegetation ~ slow to recover (Fnmke, 2(00).
Erosion and debris flow events similar to those in Yellowstone could happen throughout the Bitterroot burned area as
well. Based upon the research conducted in YellowstoDe, debris flows are more likely to occur in smaller tributaries
than in larger streams (Fnmke, 2000). One of the reasons for this is that it is more likely for large amounts ofsmall
drainages to be burned by high severity fire than large portions oflarge drainage basins.
Stream Flows And Channel Respoue
For a wide range ofburn severities, the impacts on hydrology aDd sediment can be minimal in the absence of
precipitation (Robichaud, 2(00). Watersheds where less than 25 percent of the area was burned at moderate or high
severity may result in less than a 10 to 15 percent increase in stream flow with average precipitation events (Fames,
To estimate which streams may have elevated peak flows following the fire, a report in the Post-Fire Assessment by
Phil Fames titled "ADalysW of Snowmelt Runoffand Impact of the 2000 Fires, Bitterroot River DraiDage" lists the
streamflow increases expected as a result of the fires.
When a precipitation event follows a large, moderate to high severity fire, impacts can be fiIr-reaching (Rinne, 1996 in
Robichaud, 2(00). These impacts in severely burned watersheds can be ID8Difested by overland flow of water that
results in sheet erosion ofburned soils. This water/soil combiDation is concentrated in swales as it moves doWDhill.
The erosive mixture picks up velocity, gathers debris aDd often cuts chaDnels and gullies in first order and larger
tributaries, at times scouring to bedrock, causing wide aDd deep gullies in exbeme examples. This material is
deposited in low gradient areas, in the valley bottoms aDd often in streams, blocking the cbaDnel and forcing the
stream to either cut through the debris deposit or through adjacent floodplains in an effort to form a channel This
results in large amounts ofsediment in the channel that is transported downstream as weD as deposited in low gradient
areas. Following ODe of these events, the high levels ofsediment increase the erosive power of the stream causing
increases in bank erosion downstream of the debris flow.
In stream channels affected by erosion aDd depositional events following the fire, we will see large increases in
erosion, deposition, sediment transport, bank erosion aDd channel migration, especially in "e" reaches. Over a period
ofseveral years, the sediment will be traDsported dowostream, and DeW channels will form and stabilize. We have
seen this in the Overwhich draiDage where monitoring has shown that the percentage offine sediments in stream
channels increased dramatically immediately following the debris flow, then decreased over the next 8 years, alluvial
fims formed during the debris flow have stabilized aDd become vegetated and C reaches in lower Overwhich Creek
have migrated across the valley (Forest Plan Monitoring Reports, 1998, 1999).
Debris flows have also occurred in wilderness settings following fire. The Swet fire in 1996, located primarily in the
Storm Creek draiDage of the Selway River Basin, burned 40,085 acres with approximately 30 percent ofthis being
high severity fire, a similar perccmage as the 2000 fires in the Bitterroot drainage. The year following the Swet Fire,
many small debris flows occurred between 1996 aDd 1997 with a few of these reaching major streams. One ofthose
reaching Storm Creek, occurred in a small (8' baDkfull width) UDD8IDed tributary and deposited gravel sized sediment
in Storm Creek for several hundred yards downstream of the confluence. This sediment completely covered the
substrate to a depth ofseveral inches, aDd an alluvial lim was formed at the mouth of this watershed from deposited
3-62 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
material. When surveyed in 1999, the sediment had been traDsported out oftbis reach and dispersed downstream as
there were no large depositional areas of material tbis size doWDStream ofthis tributary. The alluvial lim was
revegetated to the extent that it was unrecognizable as a new feature to those that had not seen it two years previous.
By 1999, several more, larger debris flows had occurred on tributaries to Storm Creek that had blocked the stream in
the vicinity of Storm. Creek Flat. These had flowed across the stream requiring the stream to cut through or around the
debris flows to reestablish it's stream chanDeL In these areas and immediately downstream, the streambanks were raw
and roots ofbaDk vegetation were exposed, indicating that sectioDS of the bank had been eroded.
Stream surveys were conducted at six sites in Storm Creek in 1997 and 1999. Results indicated that the percentage of
fine sediments in the substrate decreased between 1997 and 1999 (Forest Plan Monitoring Report, 1999). Observation
of stream baDks in 1999 iDdicated that the "e" channels had more eroded banks than in 1997. Some ofthese eroded
baDks were located where debris flows had occurred. Where riparian vegetation was completely consumed by the fire
(the majority of Storm Creek), the willow, alder and dogwood was sprouting in 1997, one year after the fire. By 1999,
these shrubs were 1-3 feet taD and coming in thick along the burned stream banks.
Combined with high variability in distribution offire effects, no two watersheds exhibit the same respoDSe to changes
in watershed conditions. Differences in watershed size, geology, landforms, and mauagement/disturbaDce history an
playa role in adding complexity. However, there are similarities within stream systems that have similar routing and
flow characteristics.
CbaDnels either tend to transport sediment aDd water very efficiently in a short period of time or accumulate and route
sediment, responding more slowly. The nature ofthese two processes, traDsport and response, vary by substrate type.
Naturally, substrate is a reflection ofthe geology and iDhcrent erosion rates. In mauaged watersheds, substrates-can be
altered by the change in size and amount ofsediment and the rate offlow energy to route that sediment. A bit
oversimplified, but useful aD the same, transport-and-response stream reac~ become a benchmark for observing
response to disturbance and recovery. Changes in channel morphology can be a reflection ofchanges in flows or
increased sediment (or both) or a response to a structural change in the channel or streambank
Discussion with BiD Elliot of the Rocky Mountain Research Station (personal communication 02109/01) reveals some
of his thoughts on sediment and fires. He describes the fire cycle (aDd sediment cycle) as follows: fire -«osion deposition -then traDsport of sediment out ofreach, then the cycle starts an over agaiD. He believes that what we see
as sediment transported or measured in watersheds not affected by fire for long time periods is sediment produced and
deposited from the last fire, sediment from roads, plus any sediment from activities such as past timber harvest.
Water QuaHty
Changes in physical or cbemical quality ofstreams are usually temporary or transitory and dependent on flow regime.
Ammonium-N and phosphorous COncentratioDS can increase an order ofmagnitude after wildfire and organic-N can
double (Hoffinan and Ferreira, 1976). These concentrations are temporary and are usually brought in by pulses of
delivered sediment from hi11slope erosion. Most intermountain forest watersheds are relatively nutrient-poor.
Indications are that these nutrients are rapidly taken up by microbiota in the streams, emicbing the food base for
recovering aquatic fife.
Nutrient-rich sediments canied downstream in suspension can deposit in reservoirs and slower moviDg ilrigation
canals, causing eutrophication or reducing storage area. They also are retained for later release in tloodplaimJ and
wetlaDds; this is one of the natural processes ofnutrient cycliDg for streams.
Turbidity can greatly increase during snowmelt and rain nmoff from hillslope erosion and bank erosion after fire or a
severe stonn event. Suspended fine sediment and ash detritus can be carried long distances during high streamflow
and may not settle out until streamflow djminishes or slows, as in a backwater or eddy. Fine and coarse sediment
remobilize when stream flow energy increases. These "cbaDDel maintenance flows" are very important.
Description Of Tools Used In This Analysis
Existing condition of iDdividual watersheds can be determined through the use ofseveral tools. For this analysis,
tools included computer estimates ofwater and sediment yields (WATSED spreadsheet); the IWWR (Inland West
Watershed ReconMiS8ll!lCe); the Bitterroot Coarse Filter Analysis (Decker, 1991); BAER analysis (Summer and Fall,
2000); the Bitterroot Post-Fire Assessment; as well as condition of stream CODditions obeerved and surveyed before
and after the fire will be used to determine existing condition. Each ofthese tools wJll be discussed fiuther below.
Some of the information on the watershed existing condition is a result ofthe review ofthe InJaDd West Watershed
Initiative conducted on the forest in 1998, (Decker et al., 1998) that screened watersheds for their level ofaltered
BUI"DCd Area Recovery DEIS- 3-63
processes due to management practices, and inherent vulnerability to disturbance. The IWWR divided the Bitterroot
Basin into sub watersheds that were 40-60,000 acres in size and were designated using a number as well as a
geographical description. Some ofthese where distinct watersheds, such as Camp Creek were an waters upstream
pour into the lowest point of the 6th Code HUC to the designated watershed boUDdary. Large watersheds, such as
SJeep~ Child Creek that were too large to be included in ODe 6th Code HUC, were divided into several 6th Codes.
Other 6 Code HUC's were divided into interfluvial or intertluve watersheds. These contain "filce" streams, smaller
watersheds that are too small to meet the size category, floodplain and valley bottoms, aDd can cross major streams
and include lands on either side of the river. An example of this is the Canyon Creek HUC. The IWWR was a quick
review ofwatershed COnditiODS across the Forest, looked at geomorphic integrity, watershed vuJDerability and water
quality, aDd assigned each watershed a rating (good, moderate or poor) Geomorphic integrity is a look at the stream
channel shape, form aDd fimction and reflects soil-hydrologic function as a sponge and filter system to absorb, store
and release water. Related parameters include substrate composition, channel geometry and channel stability.
Geomorphic integrity can be affected by changes in sediment yields, stream chaDnel shape (from road encroachment
or channelization) or large increases in water yield. Watershed wlnerability looks at the soils and geology of the
watershed and the presence ofUDStable soils within the watershed. Water quality looks at bank damage, sediment
loads, charmel modification, and the increases in sediment yields that resuh, flow disruption, thermal change,
chemical CODtamination, productivity, and biological stress.
The results of the InJaDd West Watershed Reconmjssance (IWWR) is _
in each hydrologic unit for
watersheds within the burned area. Because the information was assimilated at the HUC 6 leve~ it does not reflect
where nmoffmay have a sigoificant effect on a small area. The IWWR was an anaIysi1 ofwatersheds across the
Bitterroot National Forest completed in the mid-1990's aDd coDSidered geomorphic integrity, watershed wInerability
and water quality in assigning a level ofwatershed health.
Stream surveys are probably the best tool that can be used to determine existing conditions before the fire. The
condition of the stream channel is the response to upstream conditioDS. The stream has reacted to and evolved to it's
present state as a result of the upstream and past activities aDdIor events. Past activities that have occurred in the
burned area are discussed in the Cumulative Effects section and these have contributed to the conditions of the stream
at the current time. For example, the size and type ofsubstrate is directly related to geology; the size of the stream is
dependant upon watershed area and the amount ofprecipitation it receives; width-depth ratios are dependant upon
stream bank conditions, and substrate deposition; erosion from disturbed lands upstream can lead to deposited
sediment in the cbaDnel, channel widening and a shallower stream; or upstream fire or harvest in large areas of the
watershed can increase water yields causing the stream to become wider and deeper over time. Streams constantly
adapt to changes upstream and that • why similar reference streams are used as comparisons to lD8D8ged stream
counter-parts (Rosgen, 1996).
Stream surveys have been coDducted on reference and lD8D8ged reaches across the forest and information on those
stream surveys is found in a forest wide database. The stream reaches are grouped into Rosgen (1996) stream types
based upon channel shape, form and function. Each stream type is a group of streams that respond similarly in the
way they transport sediment and respond to increases in stream flow and sediment. The form and fimction ofeach
group ofstreams is dictated by the landform. they have evolved in, geology and reflects the integrated effects of all
natural processes and laud management activities in the watershed. Managed streams can be compared to similar
reference streams within the same stmun type category to help determine stream condition. Pre-fire stream surveys
located at sites throughout the burned area will be used to help describe stream channel conditions in the 6th code
HUe watersheds where they are available. These sites an describe stream channel conditions prior to the fire and any
water yields or sediment yields that might occur following the fire. The Bitterroot stream survey methodology is
described in the Bitterroot Watershed Evaluation Process (Decker, et al, 1993) and iDcludes survey ofsuch things as
channel substrate composition, channel stability, widtbldepth ratio and productivity.
Pre-fire conditioDS will be updated to current/existing conditions by discussing the trends that can be expected over
the next several years because offire within the watershed. Earlier in this report, ''Fire Effects on Watershed
Function" was a gemnl discussion of the kinds ofeffects that can occur following fire in streams. In the following
sectioDS, the level ofrisk ofchanges resulting from fire wiD be discussed for areas within the HUC aDd wiD be based
upon the amount and severity of fire within the watershed, aDd current channel conditions.
Information gathered during the BUI"DCd Area Emergency Rehab (BAER) efforts immediately following the fires wiD
also be used to help determiDe existing conditions. These reports were completed by teams that looked at soil
conditions following the fire, bum severity; and evaluated where the risk ofoverland flow was present. This is the
3-64 - BUI"DCd Area Recovery DEIS
ldod ofinformation that wiD be included to discuss trends in stream channel coDditions that may occur over the next
few years.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter (Decker, 1991) wiD also be used to help determine existing coDditions. This pre-fire
analysis looked at road and stream crossing densities aDd the percentage of the watershed that is in equivalent clearcut
area (BCA). These two parameters provide a pre-fire evaluation of the areas where the chance is high that sediment
and water yields might be in excess oflevels that the stream chaDnel can route and carry without resulting in
degradation or less-stable stream channel conditions. In watersheds with high road and stmun crossing deDsities, and
high ECA levels, there is high likelihood that the channel has more iDstream deposition, more unstable banks, aDd
higher water yields. These watersheds and stream channels are less stable and less able to haDdle additioDal stresses
that could result from the fire or from proposed activities.
The existing burned coDdition of the watershed is the starting point for analysis ofeffects from proposed activities.
The change from that condition that result from the proposed activities wiD be evaluated. The effects wiD be
evaluated on water quality (sediment and water yields) aDd on fisheries (in the fisheries sections) as these are the
primary beneficial uses. Estimates ofchanges in sediment and water yields resultiDg from the proposed activities will
be modeled and the effect on stream cbaDDel coDditions wiD be evaluated.
One of the tools used to estimate increases in sediment aDd water yield and the resultiDg changes in stream channel
wiD be a spreadsheet version ofWATSED (USFS, 1991) developed by Gary Decker, Bitterroot NatioDal Forest
Hydrologist. This model simplifies a complex physical system from a limited database for analysis purposes. The
values generated by the model are used, along with other water resource information to interpret the potential effect to
a stream cbaDDeL
This model does not account for effects from fire including such things as hydrophobic soils and the risk ofoverland
flow events that.may occur in these areas should a high intensity rainstorm occur. Because oftbat, these treDds were
evaluated quaHtatively and discussed in the Affected Enviromnent. Should these events occur, the amount oferosion
and sediment moved would be much greater than the sediment that miIIlt be produced from proposed activities. Where
aDd ifthese events occur is entirely dependant upon weather patu2m over the next few )aI'I and the presence of
hydrophobic (water repelling) soils. BAER reports determined that approximately 30 percent of the burned area was
burned at high severity levels. Based upon field samp1iDg conducted followiDg the fire, about 30 percent ofthis, is
thought to be hydrophobic. Hydrophobic soils are the result oflong bum periods on soils with heavy fuel on the sur&ce,
such as deep layers ofduB: organic matter or woody debris. The heat resulting from the fire causes compounds in the
soil to surround the soil particles, and narrow the pores between soil particles thus repelliDg or slowiDg precipitation
infiltration. The effect of the water repelliDg soils on nmoffand erosion wiD be discussed quaHtatively as it would be
impossible to predict when or where storms would occur or ifstorms occurred where hydrophobic soils exist.
Another tool used to assess watershed coDditious is the increase in equivalent clearcut area that could result from the
harvest of green trees. The methodology used wiD be that described in Forest Hydrology Part n published in 1974
and wiD be incorporated in the water yield estimates in the WATSED spreadsheet.
All Geographic Areas
Environmental Consequences
Direct and Indirect Effects
Alternative A
In Alternative A - the No Action Alternative, no watershed improvements or fuels reduction are proposed. There
would be no short-term increases in sediment yields from ground disturbance associated with watershed
improvements, fuels reduction, aDd temporary road construction, or landing coDBtruction.
With No Action, there would be no opportunities to reduce human caused sediment yields by improving drainage on
roads, decompacting road surfaces or obHterating road prisms. Culverts would continue to limit floodplain access and
provide a risk of&ilure on roads that aren't maintained to the level uecessary to control erosion and sediment
contribution to streams. All roads would continue to intercept shaDow subsur&ce water where cutslopes cut into
ground water paths. Roads would continue to capture aDd transport nmoffrather than aDowiDg it to infiltrate to a
larger degree than • present currently. Roads with ditches that drain into streameourses would continue to do so.
Because DOne of the above improvements would occur, long-term sediment yields would remain on the same trend as
currently exist.
Bumecl Area Recovery DEIS- 3-65
Sediment inputs would increase over the next 2-3 years until vegetation re-establishes itselfon the burned areas.
Following the re-establishment ofvegetation, sediment yields would decline to near pre-fire !eve. in 5-6 years.
Hydrophobic soils will recover over the next few years to pre-fire conditions. The risk ofoverland flow on areas that
were burned at high severity where hydrophobic soils formed would decrease until infiltration rates that are within the
natural range ofvariability were attained.
Water yields will increase following the fire aDd slowly decrease as vegetation recovers to the point that use of
moisture would be similar to that present to the fire and openings created by the fire become D8ITOwer from greater
levels ofcrown closure. The increases in water yields would result in iDstream erosion as chaDnel systems lengthen
and widen to provide enough area to carry higher flows. Defined channel systems would extend further up the slope
where the fire killed large percentages ofvegetation aDd iDcreased equivak:ot c1alrcut area. Over time, as water yields
decreased, these channels would narrow and recover to pre-fire conditions.
Sediment yields that result from increases in upland erosion would scour steeper channels and be deposited in low
gradient stream reaches. Low gradient reaches would experience channel migration. Alluvial &os would be
augmented with sediment from upstream sources.
Over the next 10-30 years, the trees killed in last summers' fires will filIl to the groUDd. These, along with the new
growth understory and young sapliDgs would be fuel for any fires that might be started either by lightning or by
people. Should a fire start under these conditions, the fuel would carry and hold fire for long periods of time because
the large fallen trees would bum for several hours (Everett, 1995, pp 3,4). The long burning hot fire in areas where
high amounts of file. are consumed increase the risk aDd occurrence ofhydrophobic soils (post Fire Assessment, 4.1).
Fires that might start in these fuel conditions would bum hot aDd would be more likely to form. hydrophobic soils than
fires that would burn in areas with less fuels or would bum for short time periods.
Should high severity fires occur in future decades on sites affected by high severity fire in 2000, there is high risk that
overland flow, sheet erosion could occur on sites where thi1 happened previously. IDcreased burn intensity increases
the risk oferosion and soil loss (Everett, 1995, pp. 6). The risk of this occurring would be greatest in areas where
large amount of fuels were jackstrawed (Gerbardt, personal communication, 4/01), aDd this is likely to occur in areas
of the 2000 burn where large amounts of fuels are left staDding. These are the areas that did burn at high severity
during the 2000 fires and where soil conditions have been altered because of the fire severity. In an action altematives
there will be a short-term increase (less than three years) ofsediment that would result from pulling culverts and
decompacting road surfBces (especially when located near streams). Where culverts are puJled, increases would be
approximately 0.1 tons/year from the disturbed sites when mitigation is applied (Decker, personal communication
4/2(00). This decreases over a few years (typically 3 years) to a point where there is a long-term decrease from road
improvements such as graveliDg, culvert removal and revegetation because of the reduction in sediment sources
(Burroughs and King, 1989; Foltz, 1996).
There will be improvements in stream channel function &om culvert removal that allows the stream to function within
an unconfined stream channel and to the improvements to the riverine wetlands present along the chaDneL Removal of
culverts would reduce the risk ofculvert fBiIure from blockage or overtopping. It would allow the stream to adapt to
increases and decreases inflows. There is also a fisheries benefit that is described in the fisheries section.
AU Action Alternatives
In an action alternatives there will be some decreases in water yields associated with compacted road sudBces and
subsudilce flow interception because ofdecolq)8Ction (Luce, 1997). Road cuts intercept both surfBce nmoffand
shallow groundwater, capturing it in ditches aDd this becomes part of the sur&ce draioage network. RainfBll that faDs
directly on the cut and fiB slopes doesn't infiltrate but nms offonto slopes below the road or into ditches. The above
two examples can result in more rapid nmoff following storms or snowmelt; increased peak flows and iDcreased
sediment delivery (Hore~ 1996).
Many roads within the anatysi1 area are at high risk oferosion, especially following the fire. These roads were
constlUeted prior to guidelines that result in decreased sediment input to streams. These roads would be improved to
meet those guidelines, such as installation ofditch reliefculverts to divert water from the roadside ditch to the
hi1lslope where the risk is low that nmoffwould reach streams; shaping the road to reduce the risk ofwater numing
down the road, eroding the sur&ce of the road and depositing that eroded sediment in streams; stabilizing cut and fill
slopes using vegetation or other method to reduce erosion. The roads that are needed for future forest access would be
improved to BMP standards, thus reducing erosion from many miles ofroads.
3-66 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Roads that would be used for hauling would be improved so that current staDdards for erosion control are met. Some
of these would be put into storage and closed year long following use and allowed to revegetate. Some of these are
roads that have been allowed to grow close with vegetation over that past years and have received DO mainteuance.
Erosion on these surfBces would increase for the short-term (two to three years), then decrease as vegetation became
Other roads are currently closed year long to travel by motorized vehicle, and nearby roads provide alternate access.
Some of these are proposed to be decompacted, culverts removed and some are identified for recontouriDg. One of
the pmposes of this is to improve infiltration. On a road in the Meadow Creek draiDage that was decompacted in
1997, a quick comparison survey of infiltration was done during a Forest Plan Monitoring Trip in October of 1997 on
the road surfilce, and on an adjacent decompacted road surface showed that infiltration occurred much quicker on the
decompacted surfilce than on the undisturbed road surfilce (8 minutes 30 seconds for water to infiltrate on the road
surfilce compared to 2 minutes 30 seconds on the decompacted road surfilce for the same amount ofwater to
infiltrate). In study conducted by Charles Luee (1997) decompaction (ripping) was found to improve infiltration rates.
Where culverts are removed, the fill would be completely removed and the bauks shaped to a similar contour as those
above and below the crossing. Rocks and/or logs would be placed in the chalmel to mimic the habitat that occurs
above and below the crossing. Ifwoody vegetation is available, it would be transplanted along the banks to speed the
revegetation process. The area disturbed would be covered with erosion control mat and seeded (refer to BMP 11.02).
Recontouring doesn't completely restore the origiDal surfilce aDd subsurface flow conditious, but it does improve it.
By decompactiDg and restoring the slope contour, runoffis infiltrated, shallow ground water isn't intercepted, aDd the
ditch network is elimioated. Restoration of the road prism results in fewer slides and washouts (Hore~ 1996).
Another pmpose and benefit of the roads proposed for decompaction aDd recontouriDg is that vegetation wiD be better
able to become established on the surfilce. The decompaetion of the road surface not only improves infiltration it also
increases the depth to which developing root systems can penetrate. Similar to the disking ofa farmers field to
improve crop growth, decompaction improves growth on the road surfilce.
The magnitude of the affect of the above activities associated with roads would vary by alternative and wiD be
discussed in individual HUC's below.
BMPs, would be applied for aD action alternatives. The application ofBMPs maintains and improves water quality by
controlling noupoint sources ofpollution to surfilce water. The use ofBMPs are the foundation ofwater quality
standards for the State ofMontana. This is documented in ARM 16.20.603 aDd meaDS that land mauagement
activities must not generate pollutants in excess ofthose that are naturally occurring, regardless of the streams
classification. NaturaDy occurring is defined by the ARM, as the water quality condition resulting from runoffor
percolation over which man has DO control or from developed lands where aD reasonable land, soil and water
conservation practices (BMPs) have been applied. In conclusion, laud lD8D8gement activities that are in compliance
with Montana water quality law aDd regulations have three elements in CODDDOD: (1) BMPs are applied, (2) Beneficial
uses are not impaired, and (3) Monitoring is in place to test whether BMPs are adequate to protect beneficial uses.
In aD action alternatives there would be some increase ofcoarse woody debris on the soil. This would reduce the
extent and severity ofrilling within the treated units. Following large scale fires and salvage on the Boile National
Forest, post-salvage monitoring showed that where slash was left on the ground, fire induced surface erosion was
reduced aDd sometimes eliminated (Maloney and Thornton, 1995). Eroded sediment was stored on the slopes behind
woody debris instead ofmoving down the slopes, and being delivered to stream chaDneJs.
The following pages discuss features present in the aualysm area that may influence watershed response aDd recovery.
Included in tim section is discussion of eUting conditions in 6th Code HUe watersheds affected by fire in 2000.
Blodgett Geographic Area
Existing Condition
The area ofana1ysis for Blodgett includes the following 6th Code Hydrologic Units: Upper Blodgett (1005), Lower
Blodgett (1007), and Sheafinan and MiD (1101). These areas are included in analysis because portions ofthem were
burned during the fires of2000 and activities are proposed within them. These areas contribute water aDd sediment to
the Bitterroot River aDd so any changes in water or sediment yield wiD be coosidered in the conditions of the river;
discussed later in this report.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-67
Watershed - Blodgett Area
The streams of the Blodgett are high-gradient "A" type streams that originate high in the Bitterroot Mountains and
flow east through steep, glaciated, U-shaped valleys formed in granitic rock and usociated gneiss. Steep slopes with
shaDow soils are common. Low capacity for water storage causes runoffto be rapidly delivered" from snowmeh and
rainstorms. Small basins in the headwaters make particularly important contributions to year-round Bows and
temperature regulation by storing and slowly releasing meltwaters from the winter's snow. These channels are mostly
transport reaches until they reach the upper terraces ofthe Bitterroot River valley floor.
Several small tnbutary streams originate along the mountain filce, rapidly descending through steep V-notch imler
gorges (e.g., Cow and Tag Alder Creeks). Streams are "flashy", responding rapidly to precipitation. CbaDnels are
very sensitive to scour from increased peak flows. Inner gorges are sensitive to streams undercutting along hiDslope
margins; this can increase hilIslope erosion or debris slides.
The Rosgen stream type map, BAER surveys, and review of the GIS topographic layer indicate steep headwater
streams (A3/A4) for most ofthe length ofthe smaller watershed streams. Where these streams meet toe slopes and
alluvial fims, stream type changes to 84. Both ofthese stream types are transport streams that move sediment and
water efficiently downstream. Downstream impoundments and diversions are at risk ofsediment and ash deposition
and potential filiIure from high flows. Structures adjacent to streams are at risk to flooding and bank erosion. The
steep headwater channels (A3/A4) tend to fill in with colluvium over time, and during high flows, are subject to
severe bank erosion and scouring. They can carry sediment and debris rapidly downstream, plugging culverts and
removing road fills.
On National Forest land, the three large streams (Canyon Creek, Blodgett Creek, and MiD Creek) are well-developed
''8'' type channels with small inclusions of"C" channels. These streams handle high flow events from rapid
snowmelt and wiD transport runoff and sediment efficiently downstream. Aerial photography indicates that stream
banks are well armored with granitic boulders, woody debris, and shrub/tree vegetation.
Below the National Forest boundary, Blodgett Creek, Mill Creek, Canyon Creek, Tamarack Creek, and Chum Creek
are mapped as response reaches or "c" cbaDnels. Others remain transport channels. DependiDg on condition of
stream banks, severe bank erosion may occur during high flows and channel migration may occur in the respoDSe
Overall burn severity in the large canyons (MiD Creek, Canyon Creek, and Blodgett Creek) was low. UDbumed and
low-severity burn buffer effects from high burn severity areas. The Sheafinan Creek Canyon was unburned. Smaller
watersheds on the Bitterroot filce (Tag Alder Creek, Cow Creek, Tamarack Creek, and Chum Creek) received a much
higher concentration ofmoderate and severe bum. The fires within these areas cousumed most of the standing trees,
shrubs, grasses, and dufflayer.
Several smaller watersheds are located above the COIDIIIUDity ofPiDesda1e (Cow Creek, Sage Creek, and Sheridan
Creek). Cow Creek serves several domestic water supplies.
Included in the evaluation of current conditions are the effects of past activities. The stream channel is the indicator of
upstream and upland conditions. It is coustantly adjusting to changes in sediment and water yield (Rosgen, 1996).
Because ofthis, the stream chaDnel is the best indicator ofwatershed condition.
CanYOn Creek (1004)
This is a 24 square mile interfluve area that includes the city ofHamilton. An interf1uve is an area that is not a
cmtinct watershed with watershed boundaries; instead it contaiDs land area on either side ofdrainage. Within this
interfluve, a portion is on the west side ofthe Bitterroot River and inch1des NatioD8l Forest as weD 88 private laud. A
1ittle less than half of the land on the west side is wiIdemess and there are two dams that were coDStrUCted for
irrigation purposes before the estabJisbment of the NatioDaI Forest on Canyon and Wyant Lakes. The remainder of
the area is National Forest lauds and mostly private lauds that include Barley, Sawdust, and Owings Creeks on the
west side and across the Bitterroot River, includiDg the southern part ofthe Hamilton city limits and east to the area
between Gird Creek and SkaJkaho Creek watersheds. The geographic features in this area are highly variable.
Canyon Creek is glaciated and UDlD8D8ged and the private land is deposited glacial and alluvial material that is
subdivided and fiumed.
No stream surveys have been conducted on Canyon Creek or within this HUC, as there has been little activity within
this watershed on National Forest lauds, the stream should be in reference condition. The majority of the watershed
on the National Forest is wilderness, it was not rated in the Bitterroot Seusitive Watershed ADalysis and is considered
healthy. The IWWR rated this HUC as having good geomorphic integrity and water quality.
3-68 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Blodgett Area
Two percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional three percent was burned
at a low severity level The high and moderate severity occurred as smaD pockets on the Blodgett/Canyon divide.
Water yields are estimated to increase less than one percent as a result of the fire within the HUC. There is moderate
risk that overland and debris flows would occur in the portion of the watershed affected by high severity fire. The
areas affected are small, and surrounded by weD-vegetated lands so downstream effects would be minimal
This area contributes water and sediment to the Bitterroot River that is on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report.
The probable impaired use is the aquatic life support and cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, organic
enrichment, habitat alterations, siltation and thermal modifications.
In summary, the lands on National Forest are in good health. Few roads, no live stream crossings on National Forest,
and limited timber harvest have resulted in healthy conditions. Area-wide the major cause ofchange is human uses
associated with homes, the town ofHamilton and fimning. The fire that occurred in this area should not impair
doWDStream activities on private or national forest lands. It is not likely that effects from the fire would affect channel
conditions on the mainstem of the Bitterroot River.
Upper Blodgett (1005)
This is a 28 square mile watershed west ofHamilton. Most of this is wilderness with the remainder being private land
within the actual watershed ofBlodgett. There are two dams in the Blodgett Creek watershed, one on Blodgett Lake
and the other on High Lake; the Blodgett dam was constructed for inigation purposes before the establishment of the
National Forest, and High Lake is outside of the wildemcss area.
No stream surveys have been couducted on Blodgett Creek and there has been tittle activity within this watershed on
National Forest lands. The stream should be in reference, or healthy condition. The only difference between
reference and current conditions would be the augmentation offlows during late season to provide irrigation water to
doWDStream users. Since the majority of the watershed that is on the NatioD8l Forest is wilderness, it was DOt rated in
Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis and is considered healthy. The IWWR rated this HUC as having good
geomorphic integrity and water quality.
Five percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional eight percent was burned
at a low severity level The high and moderate severity occurred on the south side of the stream up to the watershed
divide. Water yields are estimated to increase less than one percent as a result of the fire. There is moderate risk that
overland and debris flows could occur in the portion of the watershed affected by high severity fire. The areas
affected are small, and surrounded by well-vegetated, unburned lands so dowustream effects would be minimal
This area contributes water and sediment to the Bitterroot River that is on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report.
The probable impaired use is the aquatic life support and cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, organic
enrichment, habitat alterations, siltation and thermal modifications.
In summary, the area on National Forest is in good health. The fire that occurred in this area should not impair
doWDStream activities on private or National Forest lands.
Lower Blodgett (1007)
This is a 49 square mile area that includes Tamarack and Tag Alder Creeks on the west ofHamilton as well as a lower
reach ofGird Creek and Cow Creek on the east side. It al10 includes a section of the Bitterroot River from Hamilton
to Woodside Crossing. The majority of this HUC is private land and is well developed.
No stream surveys have been conducted in this area and it is not rated in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis.
The IWWR rated this HUC as having poor geomorphic integrity and good water quality.
Five percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional one percent was burned at
a low severity level The high and moderate severity occurred in the headwaters ofTamarack, Tag Alder and Churn
Creek. Water yields are estimated to increase less than four percent as a result of the fire, and it is likely it would
occur in these smaD drainages. There is moderate risk that overland and debris flows could occur in the portion of the
watershed affected by high severity fire and would affect chaDnel coDditions in Tamarack, Tag Alder and Chum
This area contributes water and sediment to the Bitterroot River that is on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report.
The probable impaired use is the aquatic life support and cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, organic
enrichment, habitat alterations, siltation and thermal modifications.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-69
Watershed - Blodgett Area
In summary, aD of the area on National Forest was burned at some level ofseverity. It is likely tbat there wiD be some
movement ofsoil and depending upon the intensity of thunderstorms storms, there could be some overland flows or
debris flows in those areas affected by high severity fire over the next 3 years.
Sheatinan and Mill Creeks (1101)
This is a 64 square mile area that includes Fred Burr to the north, Cow Creek and Sage Creek, two smaller watersheds
above Pinesdale. About 1/3 of this area is private land and the remainder is National Forest; ofthat the majority is
Two stream surveys have been conducted on Cow Creek, one above and one below Road 438. Both of these sites had
higher fines than reference with the site below the road being considerably higher than that above the road. The
results of the stream survey indicate that the road system in Cow Creek is contributing sediment to the stream system.
No other surveys have been conducted in this area.
Five percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional ten percent was burned at
a low severity leve~ the remainder was unburned. The high and moderate severity occurred in Cow, Sheridan and
Sage Creek. Water yields are estimated to increase less than one percent in this HUC as a result of the fire, with any
increases occuning in the smaller Cow and Sage Creeks. There is moderate to high risk that overland and debris
flows could occur in the portion of the watershed affected by high severity fire, culverts have been replaced on the
roads in this area to reduce the risk ofplugged and overtopped culverts.
This area contributes water and sediment to the Bitterroot River that is on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report.
The probable impaired use is the aquatic life support and cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, organic
enrichment, habitat alterations, siltation and thermal modifications.
In summary, the areas at highest risk ofchanges from the fire are located in Sage, Sheridan and Cow Creeks. It is
likely that there wiD be some movement ofsediment and depending upon storms, there could be some debris flows in
those areas affected by high severity fire.
Environmental Consequences
Blodgett Geographic Area
Direct and Indirect Effects
Effects Common to AU Action Alternatives
In aD actions alternatives there wiD be short-term increase in sediment from the ground disturbance associated with
the watershed improvements. In this area, only a smaD amount ofsediment sources wiD be treated, this equates to
small levels ofimprovements. The removal of culverts will likely be the largest source because the activity would
occur in the stream channel and sediment could readily be contributed. Mitigation would reduce this amount, but
there would still be some small increase. Short-term increases in sediment from the watershed improvements are
likely to occur and the majority of this would be associated with gravelling sections ofroad that contribute sediment to
On roads that are decompacted and recontoured, there is Jess risk of fiB slope &ilure. Restoration of the road surface
results in fewer slides and washouts (Hore~ 1996). RecontouriDg lesseos the cut and fill slopes and aids in restoring
drainage. This reduces erosion and unstable cut and fiB slopes, as wen as &ci1itatiDg vegetation. Partial recontouriDg
stabilizes the cut and fiUs10pes and can provide trails for recreational opportuDity (MoD, 1996).
In an action alternatives, the Forest is likely to use a gravel pit on private land or a commercial source for gravel that
could be used within this geographic area. The processing of this material would disturb lauds, convertiDg a formerly
vegetated area into a pit. Dust would be produced from the crushing operations that would be blown from the area
and/or settle on surrounding vegetation and water.
In all high and moderate severity burned areas where fuel reduction takes place, small diameter coarse woody debris
would be left on site (refer to the So& report for description ofcoarse woody debris). This material helps to capture
and hold eroded materials that are a result of the fire. Monitoring on the Boise NatioD8l Forest on units harvested
following high severity fire showed that careful fire salvage logging could help to reduce surface soil erosion and
sediment delivery by increasing ground cover and storage areas with logging slash. The monitoring also indicated
3-70 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
,......-..... .-:-.---.--.
Watershed ~ Blodgett Area
that by reducing erosion from the hillsJopes, greater channel stability in intermittent and dry draws occurred (Maloney
and Tho~on, 1995).
Non-colDIDerCial treatments offuels occur in aD HUC's to varying degrees. Some of these treatments are thjnning by
band, piling and burning; others would use an excavator to pile materials. Where tracked excavators are used to pile
fuels, the activity would occur over snow or frozen ground and so sediment yields would be very small due to the Jack
ofground disturbance. Walking excavators would be allowed to pile fuels on dry soils. This would increase sediment
to a small degree as there would be some ground disturbance. However, this disturbance would be isolated and occur
over small areas; surrounding areas would be undisturbed. The likelihood of soils eroded from these isolated spots of
disturbance reaching stream channels and contributing to decreases in channel conditions would be small.
Landings would be used to store and load timber onto trucks. Some the landings are located within RHCA's, these
are existing landings that would be used but not enlarged. Sediment control would be applied to limit, and prevent the
transport oferoded material from leaving the landing area or entering streams. The majority of the landings are
located away from streams, located on ridgetops, at wide spots in the road, and on saddles. Most of these would
require little ground disturbance because ofthe existing topography, however vegetation would be disturbed and the
landings would be the location for a large amount of activity during the yarding operatioDS. It is likely that some
erosion would occur on these sites but only a small amount ofit would be traDsported off site and an even smaller
amount (immeasurable) enter drainage ways. Ground disturbance and estimates ofsediment yield iocreases that
would result from the proposed landings are included in the discussion and analysis of proposed activities.
Direct and Indirect Effects
Alternadve A
See "Effects Common to AD Geographic Areas" on page 3-65
Alternative B
In Alternative B, an ground based skidding would occur over snow lDdIor frozen ground. This would essentiaI1y limit
ground disturbance and erosion from this source to immeasurable. Conditions would remain on CUITeI1t trends as was
discussed in the Affected Enviromnent (McBride, Decker, Hammer, 1994).
Upper Blodgett (1005)
Alternadves B and D
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. A small amount ofgraveling on the stream
crossing ofBlodgett Creek would reduce sediment yields slightly. This amount would be apparent directly adjacent to
the treatment but would not be measurable downstream because ofthe dilution effect and the level ofdecrease. In
Canyon Creek, drainage would be improved on about one mile ofroad. This would reduce sediment sources from the
road but the road is over 300' from the stream and 80 benefits to the stream chaDnel would be immeasurable. No fuel
reduction would occur in these HUC's.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal because there is no removal of green trees.
Channel conditions would be maintained in this watershed and improved to a slight degree.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic so& would continue, and depending upon the occurrence ofligbtning storms or human-caused fire,
could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in tim watershed. A small amount ofgraveling on the stream
crossing ofBlodgett Creek would reduce sediment yields slightly. This amount would be apparent directly adjacent to
the treatment but would not be measurable downstream because of the dilution effect and the level ofdecrease.
In ~n Creek, drainage would be improved on about one mile ofroad. This would reduce sediment sources from
the road and lead to improved chaDnel conditions in the long-term.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
Channel conditions would be maintained in these watersheds and improved to a slight degree.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-71
Watershed - Blodgett Area
The ri1k offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The ri1k ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same in these two watersheds as in Alternative B. There would be no fuel
reduction treatments. Effects would be the same in Upper Blodgett or Canyon Creek.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
Channel conditions would be maintained or slightly improved in this watershed.
The ri1k offuture fires within this HUC would be the same as Alternative B.
Lower Blodgett (1007)
Alternatives B and D
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. A small amount ofgraveling on the road to
the Canyon Creek Trailhead and drainage improvements on the remainder of the road would reduce sediment yields
slightly that could accumulate over time in doWDStream depositional areas. This amount would not be measurable in
stream channel conditions because this road is not adjacent to any natural stream systems. It does cross several
ditches and the reduction ofsediment in those structures would be ofbenefit to the users with water rights. No fuel
reduction would occur in this HUC.
There would be DO increases in water yield from this proposal
Channel conditions would be maintained or slightly improved in this watershed.
The ri1k of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The ri1k ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic so& would continue, and depending upon the occurreoce of lightning storms or human-caUsed fire,
could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternatives C and E
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. A small amount ofgraveling on the road to
the Canyon Creek Trailhead and drainage improvements on the remainder of the road would reduce sediment yields
slightly. This amount would not be measurable in stream channel conditions because this road is not adjacent to any
natural stream systems. It does cross several ditches and the reduction ofsedimtm in those stlUctures would be of
benefit to the users holding doWDStream water rights.
There would be no increases or decreases in water yield from this proposal
Channel conditions would be maintained in this watershed.
The ri1k of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The ri1k ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic so& would continue to increase, and depeDding upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Shearman and Mill Creeks (1101)
Alternadves B and D
Watershed improvements would occur on several forest roads in this watershed. A small amount ofdrainage
improvements and road decompactions would reduce sediment yields slightly. This amount would not be measurable
in stream channel conditioDS because of the amount ofsediment decrease and the size ofwatershed involved.
Harvest would increase sediment yields slightly because ofground disturbance associated with skyline yarding. The
proposed tractor yarding would occur over snow and so soil disturbance and erosion would be minimal
Water yields would increase slightly from the harvest of34 acres green trees in the wildland urban intrice area, and
would not be measurable downstream.
Channel conditions would be maintained in this watershed.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The ri1k ofstaDd-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue, and depeDding upon the occurrence oflightning storms or human-caused fire,
3-72 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
- '_ _
Watershed - Blodgett Area
could occur at any time after several decades. Fuels would be reduced slightly in the units treated, but watershed wide
the effect would be minimal
Alternative C
Watershed improvements would occur on several forest roads in this watershed. A smaD amount ofdrainage
improvements and road decompactious would reduce sediment yields slightly. This amount would improve
conditions in Sage, Cow and Sheridan Creeks because of the amount ofsediment decrease and the size ofwatersbed
Water yields would not increase. Infiltration would improve on the roads that were decompacted. Decompaction
allows water to soak into the surfBce ofthe road much better than without being decompacted (Luce, 1997).
CbaDneI conditions would be maintained in this watershed.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depeDding upon the occurrence oflightDing storms or humancaused fire, and could occur at any time after several decades.
There would be decreases in sediment yield from the drainage improvement and improved revegetation on the
decompacted sections ofroad. The areas treated would be small but would occur on what roads are present within this
HUC. Improved drainage would reduce sediment sources in Cow and Sage Creeks and their tributaries. The
implementation ofAlterative C would contribute to improved stream ChaDDeI conditions in this HUC_. The reduction
of sediment sources from the watershed improvements in this watershed would be the same as with Alternative B. In
this alternative there would be no short-term increases associated with ground disturbance from harvest activitieS.
Sediment yields would reach a lower level more rapidly compared to Alternative B.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as Alternative C.
Fuels reduction by haDd or using helicopters would minimize ground disturbance. Off-site erosion would not be
likely and sediment yields would be maintained. Overall sediment yields would be reduced.
There would be no incmlses in water yield from this proposal
CbaDneI conditious would be maintained or sJightIy improved in this watershed.
Fuels would be reduced in the units treated. This would reduce the risk ofa high severity fire adjacent to private land
and the risk ofhydrophobic soils.
CanYOn Creek (1004)
Alternatives B, D and E
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. A small amount ofgraveling on the stream
crossing of Blodgett Creek would reduce sediment yields slightly. This amount would be apparent directly adjacent to
the treatment but would not be measurable doWDStream because ofthe dilution effect and the level of decrease. In
Canyon Creek, drainage would be improved on about ODe mile ofroad. This would reduce sediment sources from the
road but the road is over 300' from the stream and so benefits to the stream chaDnel would be immeasurable. No
harvest would occur in these HUC's.
There would be no incmlses in water yield from tim proposal because there is DO removal of green trees.
CbaDneI conditions would be maintained in this watershed and improved to a slight degree.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replaciog fires and
hydrophobic 80& would continue to increase, and depeDding upon the occurrence ofJigbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternatives C
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. A small amount ofgraveling on the stream
crossing ofBlodgett Creek would reduce sediment yields slightly. This amount would be apparent directly adjacent to
the treatment but would not be measurable doWDStream because ofthe dilution effect and the level of decrease.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-73
Watershed - Blodgett Area
In Canyon Creek, drainage would be improved on about one mile ofroad. This would reduce sediment sources from
the road and lead to improved chaonel conditions in the long-term.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
Chaonel conditions would be maintained in these watersheds and improved to a slight degree.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic so& would continue to increase, and depeDding upon the occurrence oflightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Table 3-35, below summarizes the effect that proposed activities would have in the Blodgett Geographic Area and
relates it to amount ofthe HUC burned, stream sensitivity and the IWWR ratings.
Table 3-35 - Blodaett Geop-aphlc Area Summary
CIIuaes 1D T ...... FoIIo.... lmplelD. . .d_
No Cbanae in Trmd= None
Long Term Increased Risk: I·
Long Term Decreued Risk: D·
IDcreased risk &om water yield iDcrases but loog-tam risk fiom sediment yidd decreIses: lID
Stream Geomorphl
Type c Intepity
Burned (1)
RllkofF1re RI.ofFire
Damqeby Damage by
Blab Severity type (%) Intelrity (%)
Ratlna (1) Modenteand
none none
none none
(1) From Table 2-1, pages 4.2-11 aud 12 published m Post Fae Assessment, 2000
(2) From Gary Deem, pcnoaaI COIDJIIUDicati~ 4127/01 aud BWEP 1993
l-Good. 2- Modaa1e, 3-Pom- u described in Affected EDvironmmt
• With aIllCtiviti~ 1ba'e will be a short-term increase in sediment yidds fiom ground disba'bing activities.
Cumulative Effects
Described and listed below are the past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities that are coDSidered in the
cumulative effects 8D8lysjs for watershed areas within the Blodgett geographic area.
Put Acdvldes:
• Past Forest Service Timber Sales and associated road coDStruction: Roads have been constructed to provide
access to west-side canyons and some timber harvest. Roads, especially when located next to or crossing
streams are the largest human-caused source ofsediment and influence to stream conditions (WATSED,
1991) on National Forest Lauds. Harvest is a cause of iDcreases in water yields because tree removal frees
soil moisture for use by other trees or nmotI Where ECA is great« than 15%, the stream chalmel is likely
experiencing chaDges to streambaDk erosion, substrate composition and decreased chaonel stability. Very
little ofthe NatioD8l Forest Lauds in this geographic area have been harvested and roaded. Most ofit •
• State Department ofNatural Resources (DmC) Timber Sales: Harvest on state laud in Sec. 16 near Blodgett
Creek has occurred in the past. This occurred usiDg various yarding systems and various types of
silvicu1tural treatments. It is likely to be harvested in the future.
• Private Laud Timber Sales: Timber harvest and clearing has occurred for homes, businesses, roads and
pastures. Post-fire harvest has occurred on private laud during the winter of2000-2001. Through photo
interpretation and maps, we have estimated 1,321 forested acres on private land burned that could be
3-74 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Blodgett Area
harvested in the Blodgett Geographic Area. For the pmpose ofthe watershed auaIysis, it is assumed that aD
ofit will be harvested ifnot in 2000, then over the next couple ofyears, and that aD ofit would occur using
ground based yarding systems (although some ofit would likely be harvested using other less impactive
systems). Given the assumption that ground based systems would be used for yarding timber, this activity
would increase ground disturbance and erosion. The effect on sedimentation in stream channels that occurs
is dependant upon the application ofBMPs, proximity to streams and draiDage-ways, season ofbarvest, as
well the actual method of implementation. Depending upon the yInting system used and the application of
BMPs, sedimtm yields could increase as a result of this activity. Water yields are not expected to increase
because it is very probable that only fire-lalled trees would be removed.
Road CoDStrUction, Reconstruction and Maiutenance on National Forest Lauds: Roads are the largest source
of sedimtm with the initial three years following coDStruction being the largest contributious, until disturbed
areas become armored and vegetation becomes established. Sediment from roads often is traDsported to
streams and channel conditions reflect increased sediment loads from within the watershed. Where roads
contribute sediment to streams, an increase in fine sediment in the substrate is common. Reconstruction can
re-disturb so& and increase sediment yields for a time until revegetation and restabiIized occurs.
RecoDStrUction includes such activities as improving the drainage on a road or improving the surfilce, and in
the long-term this is an improvement because sediment yields can be decreased.
Road CoDStrUction on Private and State Lands: Road construction and recoustnlction on State Lands is
regulated and implemented similar to the ID8DI1er that is done on National Forest lands, effects would be
similar as described above. Road construction and reconstruction on private lands is regulated by no one and
can be very well done or not, depending upon the landowner. Roadwork can cause increased sediment"
contributed to streams and reduction in chaDnel conditions when built (and maintained), especially when
adjacent to stream chaDnels.
Forest Trail Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance: This activity results in a minor amount of ground
disturbance and erosion. In the long-term, estabImhed ofwell designed trails benefits watershed conditions
because trails are routed through areas that can be drained, where streams won't wash away trail tread and
where sediment won't be contributed to streams. The amount ofsediment that results from trail
improvements is minor compared to that from other sources in the watershed. Trails in this area are located
in the canyons: Canyon, Blodgett, SbNtfinan and Mill Creeks.
Roadside Noxious Weeds Treatment and BlodgettlSbNtfinan Trail Spot Herbicide TreatmeDts: Herbicide
treatment ofnoxious weeds occurs along trails. These avoid application on wetland sites and adjacent to
stream channels. Applied correctly, the herbicides have no lingering effect on water quality, as dosages are
very small. This proposed project wouldn't change the frequency or intensity that these treatments occur.
Farming and RaDching on Private Land: This activity has occurred fur over 100 years. Included in this is the
cultivation ofcrops such as hay; grazing oflivestock, irrigation, feeding areas, barDs and outbuildings. The
land was often converted from open forest to meadow or grassland. Ditches are coDStructed fOr irrigation
pmposes and maintained; and in extreme cases streams have been chaDnelized in an effort to reduce the
amount of area affected by flooding each year. This activity is likely to continue indefinitely.
Fire Suppression: Fire suppression resulted in more dcDse staDds throughout the area. This has helped lead to
a greater amount of ground fuels and more intense fires than occurred historically. Hotter fire with heavy
ground fuels increase the extent and severity ofhydrophobic soils. This likely was a great influence on the
amount of area within the burn perimeter this previous summer.
Prescribed Fire: In the recent past, some prescribe fire was applied in this area. However, the amount ofthis
that has occurred was small and scattered when compared to the size of the geographic area and probably
would have minimal effect during a severe fire season.
2000 Fire and Rehabilitation: Many dozer IiDes and baDd-1iDes were completed throughout the area during
August and September 2000. Dozer tiDes were repaired as soon as they were no longer needed for fire
suppression. Rehabilitation included puDing the disturbed soil back onto the fire line, spreading slash and
organic debris on top and then spreading seed and fertilizer. Where dozer tiDes were incised, they were
recontoured. Hand lines were also rehabilitation as soon as they were no longer needed for fire suppression.
Waterbars were iDstalled and slash spread on fire 1ines before band crews left the area.
2000 Completed BAER Activities: Culverts were upsized in the Cow Creek area immediately following the
fires. These were iDstalled during low flow periods and an were seeded and mulched. It is likely that
sediment was contributed to streams when they were iDstaIled and some erosion will continue from disturbed
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-75
Watershed - Blodgett Area
soils until vegetation becomes established, through 2001 at least. These sites will need to be monitored to
see if seeding is successful or if additional erosion control is needed. Some straw was spread above
Pinesdale to provide mulch and improve revegetation efforts as well as reduce sur&ce erosion. A few acres
of log erosion barriers were installed above Pinesdale to reduce the risk ofoverland flow and debris flow
events from occurring.
• 2000 Fire Effects: As stated in the Affected Enviromnent, fire burned a relatively small amount of the
hydrologic units within this area. This will increase water yields, sediment yields and debris flows may
occur in the high severity areas, mostly in the Cow Creek face area. Water yields are likely to increase in the
watersheds affected by fire until vegetation recovers. Sediment yields are likely to increase also until
vegetation recovers to the point that cover and roots protect the soil from erosion forces.
• Personal Use Firewood and Christmas Tree Cutting: Both of these have occurred in the watershed but very
little occurs within SMZ's or RHCA's. There are no known problem areas.
• Hunting, Fishing, Dispersed and Developed Recreation: Activities at dispersed recreation sites may affect
channel conditiODS at isolated spots where trails are worn to collect water from streams. Another influence
would be compaction ofcamp areas from parking vehicles and from trampling. None of the affects
associated with dispersed recreation occur wide-spread in the watershed and any effects are localized.
Developed sites are located at the Blodgett Canyon Trailhead and at trailheads in Sheafinan, Fred Burr and
Mill Creek.
• Ditches, Diversions, and !nigation Dewatering: Irrigation withdrawals occur throughout the area. Most
diversions are located below National Forest lands. This activity wiD continue indefinitely.
• Subdivision on Private Land: This activity occurs throughout the area on private laud, with the majority ofit
occurring at the lower elevations. This trend is expected to continue.
• CanyonIWyant, Biodgett/Higb, MiWSearslHauf(Mill), GarrardIKDaak(Sheafinan), Fred Burr Dam: These
dams are located in the headwater cirque basins oftheir respective streams. The operations decrease peak
flows slightly and contribute additional water duriDg low flows for downstream inigation. The reservoirs
and the flow alterations they produce also affect stream temperature to a sma11 degree duriDg late season
• Fred Burr Dam Failure and Flood: The dam fAiled in 1948 releasing a full reservoir ofwater. The flood
scoured the stream channe~ removing fiDes and woody debris from the chaDneL The dam was reconstructed
and the stream has been recovering over the last 52 years.
• Past Wildfire: Wildfire has affected vegetation and watershed conditions in this area. Past large events
include Totem Peak and the Blodgett Canyon of 1988. Vegetation is growing well in these areas at this time.
• Pinesdale Burned InterfBce Project: This was a demonstration project completed in the winter of2001.
Completed over snow, there wiD be no iDcreases in sediment yield from this project.
• Fred Burr Trail Reconstruction: Improvement in drainage reduces erosion from the trail surfilce and
downstream sediment yields (even though smaD). Following recoDStrUction, erosion is greater until soils
stabilize, tread surfiIces become armored, and vegetation recovers.
Ongoing ProJeets
• Road Maintenance, normal and fire related: Maintenance on forest roads would be ongoing and include
blading, culvert inlet and ditch cleaning. This activity does disturb the road sur&ce and can increase erosion
because ofreducing the amount ofanilOring, and disturbance ofvegetation. However, improving the
drainage and getting the erosive force ofthe water off the road sooner out weighs the short-term increase in
erosion. In the long-term, improved drainage reduces the risk oflarge road &i1ures. Repair of fire related
road damage is likely to have a negligJble effect on sediment yields because a very small percentage ofwork
to be done would be within 'Sediment contributing areas near streams.
• Blodgett Sbeafinan Spot Trail Herbicide Treatments: Described under ''Past'' Activities.
• Toilet Replacement in Recreation Sites: Ground disturbance would occur on site. The chances of eroded
sediment reaching stream channels would practicaDy non-existent because the location oftoilet sites is
typically 100 feet from open water and located on gentle slopes.
• Farming and Ranching on Private Lands: This was di1cussed UDder past activities.
• Irrigation dewatering: Discussed in Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
3-76 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
ci r
Watershed - Blodgett Area
Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Infestations: These are likely to spread in fire stressed stands as well in densely
populated green stands. As green trees succumb to the bark beetle, more dead tress will be present along
with increases in soil moisture and water yields caused by increasing levels of tree mortality.
• Private Land Salvage Sales: Post-fire harvest has occurred on private land during the winter of2000-2001
and wiD likely continue over the next few years. Described under Past Activities.
• Mushroom Harvest: This may increase the amount ofdispersed camping and the impacts associated with that
as described under ''Past'' Activities but influences to stream chaDnel conditions should not measurable.
• Routine Road Maintenance on Private Land: This activity probably doesn't occur often enough in some
areas! Maintenance can maintain and improve drainage so that erosion from roads is reduced and
contrIbution to streams is diminished. Improper maintenance can also cause erosion: side-casting of
material into streams is direct sediment source and can contribute to stream channel narrowing and increased
amount of fine materials in the substrate. Maintenance on private laud wiD continue indefinitely.
• Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Livestock will continue to be grazed on private lands, most ofwbich
occurs during the winter months when the ground is frozen. Some stream bauks within pastures are trampled
and streams may be wider and shallower than they would be without the livestock use. Land used as pastures
during the winter are hay meadows in the SlIIDIDeI" and produce 1-2 cuttings ofbay. These activities are
likely to continue indefinitely.
• Pond Construction on Private Land: Described under Past Activities.
• Trail Maintenance: This work involves clearing trails offilllen trees and repairing eroding sections of trail.
This would be an improvement, even though a relatively small one.
• PersoDal Use Firewood Cutting: Described under Past Activities.
• Hunting, Fishing Dispersed and Developed Recreation: Described under Past Activities.
• Fire Suppression: This is likely to continue, especially along wildlaDd urban interface areas. This wiD reduce
the spread ofsmaII fires and may lead to increased fuels ifthey aren't reduced in some other 1D8.DI1er.
• Canyon/Wyant, BlodgettlHigh, MiDlSearslHauf (Mill), GarrardlKnaak (Sbeefinan ), Fred Burr Dam:
Continued operations of these dams would lower peak flows slightly and contribute additioDal water during
low flows for downstream irrigation. These reservoirs and the flow alterations they produce affect stream
temperature to a small degree during late season flows and slightly lower peak flows. Maintenance would be
ongoing indefinitely and would include pulling oflogs from the headgate areas and burning ofmaterials.
This would resuh in bare groUDd; any erosion created would be stored in the dam.
Reasonably Foreseeable Projects:
• Roadside Herbicide Treatments, Herbicide Treatments on New Areas: Roadside treatments would likely
begin in the next year or two depending upon environmental aD8Iysi1 and decision. If the mitigations are
followed properly, the ri1k ofdegradation ofwater quality is likely to be negligible (Information Ventures,
1998). This activity would continue indefinitely.
• Continued Fire Related Road Recoustruction: Repair of roads with burned out fill and undersized culverts
wiD continue until completed and roads are stabilized. The road reconstruction is likely to be away from
stream crossings and BMPs would be applied to limit sediment production. The replacement of culverts
would be regulated by INFISH, BMPs would be applied and revegetation and mulching would occur to limit
sediment production. There is likely to be some sediment produced and contributed to stream chaDDels
during culvert replacement. However the risk of culvert &ilure ifnot replaced is high because of increased
flows resulting from the fire and the sediment that could be produce from a fililed culvert is much higher than
would be contributed during replacement (Sirucek, 1999). The activity would cease when work is
completed, likely by the end of2001.
• Prescribed Fire Treatments: These are likely to continue in areas where enviromnental analysis has been
completed in an eftOrt to reduce fuels and reduce the risk .of stand-replaciDg fire. Low severity prescribed
fire typically bums ground fuels but doesn't result in hydrophobic soils or large numbers of tree mortality
(DeBano, 1998, p.176-177 and 183). Vegetation usually resprouts soon after the burn is completed. Little
off-site erosion occurs. These types oftreatments are likely to continue in the future.
• Continued Forest Trail RecoDStruction: Discussed UDder Past Activities
• Farming and Ranching on Private Lands: This was discussed under past activities.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-77
Watershed - Blodgett Area
FS/BLM OHV EIS: Depending upon the decision resulting from this analysis, off-road travel across the
forest may be restricted. This could be a benefit as newly grown vegetation would not be trodden on by offroad vehicles. Restriction oftravel could reduce the spread ofnoxious weeds, the development ofadditional
user made trails and the formation ofnew erosion sources.
Continued Road Maintenance on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Subdivision on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely. Described
in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Mushroom Harvest: Described in Ongoing Projects. It would likely decrease after 2002.
Continued Douglas fir Bark Beetle Infestations: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Fire Suppression; Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Artificial Reforestation .
Continued Personal Use Firewood Cutting and CbriItmas Tree Cutting: Described in Ongoing, would
continue indefinitely.
Continued Hunting, Fishing, and Developed Recreation: Described in Ongoing, would continue indefinitely.
Canyon/Wyant, BlodgettJHigh, MillISearslHauf(Mill), GarrardIKDaak (Sbeafinan), Fred Burr Dam:
Continued operations ofthese dams would lower peak flows slightly and contribute additional water during
low flows for downstream irrigation. These reservoirs and the flow alterations they produce affect stream
temperature to a small degree somewhat during late season flows and slightly lower peak flows.
Maintenance would be ongoing indefinitely and would include pulling of Jogs from the headgate areas and
burning ofmaterials. This would result in bare groUDd; any erosion created would be stored in the dam.
RecoDStruction of the Can}'On/Wyant Dams is likely to begin in the near future to reduce risk of&ilure and to
repair headgates. This activitiy would cause increases in sediment and turbidity during construction and may
result in depostion immediately downstream ofthe project. The effects would be cbluted by the time the
waters left National Forest Lands.
DNRC Salvage Sales in Sec. 16, near Blodgett Creek: Harvest in these areas is proposed on 250 acres north
and east ofBlodgett Canyon. The majority of this would be harvested using helicopter or cable logging
systems but some tractor yarding may occur. Ifnot yarded over snow, the tractor yarding would disturb soils
and increase erosion. BMPs would be applied to maintain water quality.
Sheafinan Fuels Reduction Project: Analysis of the project, completed in April of2001, indicates that no
increases in water or sediment yield should occur that would affect stream channel conditions or water
Items not listed above, but contained on the 1ists in the Project File, were not selected because they occur outside of
this watershed area and do not have the potential to contribute to watershed and stream channel cumulative effects.
Alternative A
Projects identified in the ongoing aod reasonably foreseeable lists are likely to occur. There would be no additional
impacts from this alternative. Conditions in the area would continue on the same trends 88 described in existing
conditions. There would be no additions to the effects described in the cumulative effects list above.
UDDer Blodgett (1005)
Alternatives B and D
The very small decrease in sediment yields would not be measurable in Blodgett Creek. When combined with
sediment yields from the above list, human-caused sources would be slightly less.
Alternative C
There would be very slight decreases in sediment yield from the graveling ofthe crossing on Blodgett Creek. The
decrease would not be large enough to improve chaDnel conditions in Blodgett Creek but when combined with the
sediment from activities on the cumulative effects list the total sediment yields would be slightly less.
3-78 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
•, .
Watershed - Blodgett Area
Alternadve E
There would be very slight decreases in sediment yield from the graveling of the crossing on Blodgett Creek. In
Canyon Creek, the drainage improvements would reduce sediment sources. The decreases would not be large enough
to improve Channel conditions in Blodgett Creek but when combined with the sediment from activities on the
cumulative effects list the total sediment yields would be slightly less. The same would be troe in Canyon Creek.
Lower Blodgett (1007)
Alternatives B and D
The very small decrease in sediment yields would not be measurable in nearby streams. When combined with
sediment yields from the above list, human-caused sources would be slightly less in this area.
Alternadves C and E
There would be decreases in sediment yield from the graveling ofthe road to the Canyon Creek trailhead. Because
the road is not located near a natural stream system, changes in sediment deposited into stream channels from this
source would be small. The decrease would not be large enough to improve chaDnel conditions in Blodgett Creek but
when combined with the sediment from activities on the cumulative effects list the total sediment yields would be
slightly less.
Shearman and MiN Creeks (1101)
Alternatives B and D
The very small decrease in sediment yields would not be measurable in nearby streams. When combined with
sediment yields from the above list, human-caused sources would be slightly less in this area.
Alternadve C
The reduction in sediment sources from the implementation of this alternative would reduce the total amount of
sediment sources in the HUC. The cumulative effect ofsediment would be less.
Alternadve E
There would be slight decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and from the decompaction and revegetation ofroad surlBces. In the long-term, Channel coDditious in
Sage, Sheridan and Cow Creeks would be improved.
CanYOn Creek (1004)
Alternadves B and D
The very small decrease in sediment yields would not be measurable in Blodgett Creek. When combined with
sediment yields from the above Jist, human-caused sources would be slightly less.
Alternadve C
There would be very slight decreases in sediment yield from the graveling of the crossing on Blodgett Creek. The
decrease would not be large enough to improve chaDnel conditions in Blodgett Creek but when combined with the
sediment from activities on the cumulative effects list the total sediment yields would be slightly less.
Alternadve E
There would be very slight decreases in sediment yield from the graveling ofthe crossing on Blodgett Creek. In
Canyon Creek, the drainage improvements would reduce sediment sources. The decreases would not be large enough
to improve Channel conditions in Blodgett Creek but when combined with the sediment from activities on the
cumuJative effects list the total sediment yields would be slightly less. The same would be troe in Canyon Creek.
Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
Existing Condition
This area CODSists of the following ~Jogic UDits: Rye Creek (0801), Burke Gulch (0805), Little Sleeping Child
(0704), Middle SleepiDg Child (0703), Divide (0702), Uppa- Sleeping CbiJd (0701), Daly (0902), Upper SkaDcaho
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-79
Watershed - SkaIkaho-Rye Area
(0901), Skalkaho-Bear Gulch Area (0903), and Lower Skalkaho (0904). AD of these areas were included in this area
of analysis because they were a part ofthe Skalkabo and Rye portions of the Valley Complex Fires. They are
geologically similar and in the same geographic area.
Skalkaho and Sleeping Child Creeks originate in the broadly sloping headwaters ofthe Sapphire Range. They flow
west through a variety ofbedrock types and landforms, creating a high degree ofdiversity in chaonel substrate, bank
stability, nmoffregimes, chaonel morphology, and fine sediment regimes.
Rye Creek flows through granitic bedrock, much ofwhich is coarse-grained, highly weathered, "decomposed" granite.
Substrates are sandy with round gravels that create a high degree of natu(a1 scour as they move through the channel
Large woody debris, roots of trees, and shrobs along the stream banks retain bank stability.
"A" streamtypes, steep well-confined channels, make up the majority of the streams within the Skalkaho-Rye Area.
The streams naturally have a high percentage of fine particles in the substrate, because of the geology (weathered
granitics and volcanics that weather to fine grained particles. "A" streams are confined with narrow floodpJaiDs
located in v-shaped valleys. They can be sensitive to increases in water yields because there is little access to a
floodplain where energy can be dissipated.
''8'' streamtypes are also common in the area. These are found in the wider valley bottoms. They are Jess sensitive to
increases in sediment yields, or water yields because access to a floodplain allows for dmsipation ofenergy and
sediment is depositied on the floodplains.
A few "e" streamtypes are found on National Forest in the area, the majority are found downstream on private land.
These are low gradient, wide and shallow streams that meander through the 8oodplain. These streams are formed in
wide vaI1ey bottoms in alluvial (deposited) material They are sensitive to increases in sedimeDt and water yields
because the materials the stream flows through are easily detatched and moved.
The Sleeping Child and Rye Creek watersheds have a greater percentage ofhigh burn severity than does the Skalkaho
Creek Drainage. The Sleeping Child and Rye Creek watersheds have some ofthe more exteDsive fire severity on the
Forest. Field surveys by BAER identified the following sub-watershed areas that may experience 10caDy high
discharge and place structures or roads at risk and includes Upper Little Sleeping Child, Two Bear, and the drainage
above Sleeping Child Hot Springs. Within this area, the number ofroads and their placement adjacent to streams
influences conditions. Roads that restrict floodplain access increase risk ofchannel and stream bank erosion caused
from increased streamflows resulting from fire. Granitic so& are easily eroded and affect hiDslope and road stability.
Rve Creek, North Fork Rve (0801)
This is a 63 square mile watershed that is naturally sensitive because ofsoib and geology, and weathered granitic soils
erode easily. The presence ofa road in the narrow valley bottom ofboth Rye Creek and North Fork Rye clwmelizes
the stream. and limits flood plain access coDSiderably; the road • also a source ofdirect sediment input to the streams.
Fifteen square miles ofthe watershed is private IaDd, some ofwhich has high road ~ities and high levels ofpast
timber harvest, other private land activities have included fiuming, livestock grazing, timber harvest, road
construction, mining and residential uses. On National Forest, past uses have included road construction, timber
harvest, and fire.
Stream surveys have been completed in Rye and North Rye Creeks. In both streams, the percentage of sand,
productivity ratios, and channel stability ratings are greater than would be expected compared to reference conditions.
This is likely the result oferosion from roads and historic timber harvest that produced a large amount ofground
disturbance and high sediment iDputs to streams. The stream survey results iDdicate that sediment sources continue to
be active in the watershed, and clwmel coDditious are being negatively affected.
Within this HUe, Rye, Spring Gulch, MooDShine, N. Fork Rye, Fox, Cathouse and Lowman Gulch are aD listed as
high risk because ofroads and past levels ofharvest in the Bitterroot Seusitive Watershed Analysis. This
classification is supported by information gathered during the stream surveys.
The IWWR rates the HUC as poor water quaHty and geomorphic integrity because ofroad location, clwmel
modification, past levels ofharvest, and activities on private land.
Moderate and high severity fire affected 45% ofthe area and an additional 31 % burned at low severity. Water yields
are estimated to increase ten percent as a result ofthe fire in Rye Creek and the majority ofthis is likely to occur in
North Rye and MooDShine (Fames, 2(00). In the areas that burned at high severity, the risk is high that overland 80w
and debris flows will occur. In an eftOrt to reduce risks ofoverlaDd flow Dear residential areas, BAER installed 1,016
acres of log erosion barriers in areas ofhigh severity burn in an effort to reduce the risk and severity of debris flows.
3..80 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed- Skalkaho -Rye Area
Drainages within the HUC contribute water and sediment to the maiDstem of the Bitterroot River, which is tisted on
the Montana 1996 303d Report. The probable impaired use is the aquatic life support, recreation, swimming and coldwater fishery caused by agriculture, irrigation, rangeland and stream bank modification. North Rye is al10 tisted for
impaired aquatic life support aDd cold-water fishery as a result ofsiltation and suspended solids resulting from
This area received a large amount ofhigh severity fire aDd the risk is high that there will be overland flow or debris
flows. This watershed is sensitive to increases in sediment yield because of the road densities and the location of
roads along streams.
Burke Gulch (0805)
This is a SS square mile area intert1uve that contains drainages on the east aDd west side of the Bitterroot River, the
upper reaches of the HUC begins at the confluence of the East and West Forks and continues downstream to the
mouth ofRock Creek, aDd includes Burke Gulch, Jerrys Gulch, Dick Gulch, Mike Creek, Deer Hollow, Fern Creek,
McCoy Creek, Waddell Creek, and Hart Bench areas. The larger watersheds that enter the Bitterroot River within this
reach, Rye Creek, Tin Cup, and Chaffin Creeks, are individual HUC's excluded from 080S. The area contains a high
percentage of private land where fiums, ranches, timber harvest, road construction aDd residential areas are among the
past aDd current uses; National Forest lands are located in the upper headwater areas on the east side. Along the
Bitterroot River, the roads and the railroad limit floodplain access, restrict stream chaDne~ aDd cut offmeanders. The
Bitterroot River valley bottom is composed ofcoarse alluvial materials deposited over geologic time from upstream
erosion that are easily moved and throughout this reach the river is prone to migrate during periods ofhigh flood
flows. There are many irrigation withdrawals from the river and tributaries in this area that reduce flow duriDg the
late summer months. This area is naturally sensitive because ofsoils and geology.
Within this area, Burke Gulch, McCoy Creek, Bunkhouse Creek, aDd Waddell Creek are listed as high risk in the
Bitterroot Seusitive Watershed Analysis because ofroRds and past levels ofharvest. Spoon Creek is listed as sensitive
because ofpast activities aDd sensitive 80&. AD except Burke Gulch are located on the west side of the Bitterroot
River where no activities from this project would occur.
The IWWR rates the HUC as having moderate water quality because ofroad location along stream channels, sediment
concerns and bank erosion. The area is rated as poor geomorphic integrity because ofroad location, rangeland
activities and timber harvest.
Moderate and high severity fire affected 18 percent of the area and an additional 12 percent burned at low severity; the
majority of the high severity fire was in the headwaters ofBurke Gulch and Mike Creek. Water yields are estimated
to increase four percent as a result of the fire and increases will be in those areas affected by high severity fire (Burke
Gulch and Mike Creek). In the areas that burned at high severity, the risk is high that overland flow and debris flows
will occur. In an eftOrt to reduce risks ofoverland flow near residential areas, BAER iostaIled 70 acres oflog erosion
barriers in the upper elevations ofBurke Gulch aDd Mike Creek.
Drainages within the HUC contribute water and sediment to the maiDstem of the Bitterroot River, which is listed on
the Montana 1996 aDd 2000 303d report. The probable impaired use is the cold water fishery, aquatic life support,
aDd recreation with the sources being agriculture, inigation, rangeland and stream bank modification.
In summary, this area is moderately healthy. The effects from the fire are not expected to result in changes in stream
chalmel conditions in the main Bitterroot River but there could be alterations in the tributaries directly affected by
high severity fire. On the Bitterroot Rivefr below Skalkaho Creek (the closest site to Burke HUC where flows were
estimated), the 2S year peak flow is expected to iDcrease 3.3 %.The road in Burke Gulch on National Forest aDd on
private land could be eroded or altered by debris flows or increased flows in Burke Gulch.
Little Sleeping Child (0704)
This is a 16 square mile watershed that is a tributary to Sleeping Child Creek. In the lower portion of the watershed,
private land occupies the valley bottom aDd is used mainly for residential uses. Several ponds have been built along
the stream chalmel on private land aDd Little Sleeping Child dam, a larger reservoir, all serve to impound water from
the stream, releasing it at a steady rate throughout the year. Portions oftwo Darby Lumber land sections are in Little
Sleeping Chi1d, these were heavily lOaded aDd harvested in the aarly 1990's. This area is naturally sensitive because
ofsoils and geology; granitic so& are easily eroded and landslide prone areas are present in the headwaters.
Inigation withdrawals reduce flow during the late SUJDIDm' months.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-81
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Stream surveys have been completed in this area above private land and the reservoir on a low gradient reach. At this
site, measured parameters indicate that fine sediments in the substrate were present in greater numbers than in
reference streams. This is an indicator oferosive soils, high road densities and poorly maintained roads.
This watershed is rated as sensitive in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis because ofpast harvest and roads.
The IWWR rates the HUC as poor water quality because ofthe constructed ponds along the stream, changes in stream
temperature and sediment inputs. Geomorphic integrity is also rated as poor because ofroads and past harvest.
Moderate and high severity fire burned 39 percent ofthe Little Sleeping Child HUC. An additional 39 percent burned
at low severity. The majority ofthe high severity bum occurred in the headwaters of Little Sleeping Child and Rogers
Gulch. Water yields are estimated to increase ten percent as a result of the fire, and the most ofthe increases will be
in the areas affected by high severity fire. In the high severity areas, there is a high risk that overland flow and/or
debris torrents will occur over the next 2-3 years. If these events are large enough, they could compromise the
integrity ofdownstream impoundments. In this watershed, a September 2000 raiDstorm produced overbank flows that
plugged and overtopped culverts. In an effort to reduce risks ofoverland flow near residential areas, BAER installed
639 acres of log erosion barriers and wattles in the upper elevations ofLittle Sleeping Child.
This stream contributes stream flow and sediment to Sleeping Child Creek that is on the MontaDa 1996 and 2000 303d
report. The probable impaired use is the cold water fishery, and aquatic life support caused by flow alteration, habitat
alteration, siltation and thermal modification.
In summary, this area is in moderate to poor condition. High road densities and past harvest, and development along
the stream on private land increase the risks ofcbaDnel altering events in Little Sleeping Child. The effects from the
fire could result in changes in stream cbaDnel conditions in Little Sleeping Child but it is likely that the effects would
be minimal in main Sleeping Child. The dam in Little Sleeping Child will be breached in 2001. Should a debris flow
occur above the dam, debris would have a chance to settle out before going beyoDd the dam., as there would still be a
slow water area that would allow for sediment and den deposition, however iocreased flows downstream could
cause some changes in the stream along private 1aDd.
Lower Sleeping ChUd (0705)
This is a 21 square mile area watershed that is a tributary to Bitterroot River. Sleeping Child is divided into four
different HUC's, lower -below Two BaIr Creek, middle between the Two Bear Creek and the confluence with Divide
Creek, Sleeping Cluld above Divide Creek and Divide Creek itsel£ The majority ofthe stream in the lower section
has a wide valley bottom that is fiumed and subdivided for a distance ofabout four miles from the confluence with the
Bitterroot River. Within this area, the stream has been straightened (cbaDnelized), irrigation diversion are present,
iDstream flows reduced. It is likely that temperature has been affected by activities on private land in this HUC.
Above private land, the stream flows through a DarroW, steep canyon where the road restricts channel and floodplain
width. ODe section ofState Land exists near Sawdust Gulch. Irrigation withdrawals are common in this area below
National Forest. This area is naturally sensitive because of granitic soils and geology as weD as steep slopes that
break into the stream. Irrigation withdrawals reduce flow during the late summer months.
Stream surveys have been completed throughout the Sleeping Child watershed; two of these were completed below
National Forest on low gradient stream reaches. At both oftbese sites, the stream was wider and shallower than
reference, but the substrate composition was comparable to that ofrefereDce streams. This iDdicates that there have
been changes to the stream but that it is on an improving treDd. Within this HUC there are 9 miles of stream where
the road eucroacbes upon the stream and floodplain or where the stream has been straightened to facilitate agricultural
The entire Sleeping Child drainage iI rated healthy in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysil. However there are
subdrainages within that have higher levels ofharvest and higher road deDsities and these are not classified as healthy.
BIacktai1 and Last Log Draw are rated as high risk because ofharvest and roads. Little Sleeping Child, a tributary, is
listed as seusitive.
The IWWR rates Lower Sleeping Child as poor water quality and geomorphic integrity because ofroad encroachment
and sediment.
Twelve percent ofthis HUC was affected bymodefate and high severity fire; much ofthis was in Blacktail. Water
yields are estimated to increase four percent as a result ofthe fire and the most ofthe increases are expected to be in
the Blacktail drainage as this is where the high severity fire occurred. In an effort to reduce risks ofoverland flow
near residential areas, BAER installed 76 acres of log erosion baniers aDd wattles were iDstalled in the headwaters of
3-82 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - SkaJkaho -Rye Area
Blacktail Creek. 0veraD in Sleeping Child Creek, a 2S-year flood event is estimated to iDcrease eight percent as a
result of the fires (Fames, 2(00).
The lower nine miles of Sleeping Child Creek is designated as Water Quality Limited on the MontaDa 1996 and 2000
303d reports. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery, and aquatic life support caused by flow alteration,
habitat alteration, siltation, and thermal modification.
In summary, this area is in moderate to poor health. The risk ofchannel changing events occurring in Blacktail Creek
are high and whether or not these result in visible effects in the main chaDnel of Sleeping Child is dependant upon the
occurrence and magnitude ofother overland flow events that might occur upstream in other high severity burn areas in
Sleeping Child Creek.
Middle Sleeping Child (0703)
This is a 23 square mile area that is a tributary to the Bitterroot River. Sleeping Child Creek is separated into several
HUC's and this is the middle section. The lower boUDdary of the area is at the confJueDce with Two Bear Creek and
continues upstream to the confluence with Divide Creek. Most of the stream through this area is moderately confined
and except for Two Bear Creek, there is little development adjacent to streams. This area iI D8tUraIIy sensitive
because of granitic soils and geology as weD as steep slopes that break into the stream. There is 200 acres ofprivate
land within this area. 160 acres is located in the Two Bear area where past activities have iDcluded timber
management and 40 acres where the hot springs are located. The hot springs was a commercial operation for )aI'S
but is now a private holding with hot pools, residences; a tributary stream is fimneled through a culvert on the private
land at the hot springs. Another risk &ctor in the hot springs tributary is the presence ofa geologic fiwlt that creates
natural instability in the channel This natural instability will be compoUDded by the fire.
Stream surveys have been completed throughout the Sleeping Child Creek watershed. One survey site was located
above the end ofForest Road 720, where watershed parameters were comparable to reference conditions. Another
site was located below Divide Creek, where there was a slightly higher amount of fine sediments in the substrate
compared to reference conditions, but the other parameters were comparable to reference conditions. Surveys at both
of these sites indicate that Sleeping Child Creek is healthy. In Two Bear Creek, three stream surveys were conducted
in the early 1990's. The upper site was used as a reference for the lower two sites. The survey data indicates that
other than some increased sediment from Road 720 in the lower balf=.mile, Two Bear Creek is comparable to reference
conditions (Bear FEIS, 1994). Upstream ofTwo Bear Creek and the Hot Springs, there are no roads along Sleeping
Child Creek, and few erosion sources. Fisheries surveys indicate that Sleeping Child Creek is healthy.
Sleeping Child Creek is rated healthy in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis. However there are smaller
tributary drainages (ie. subdraioages) within the larger watershed that have higher levels ofharvest and higher road
densities. These subdraioages are not classified as healthy. One of these (the hot springs tributary), is listed as
sensitive from upstream activities as weD as from channelization on private land.
The IWWR rates Lower Sleeping Child as poor water quality and geomorphic integrity because ofroad eDCrOacbment
and sediment. The section between Two Bear Creek and the Bitterroot River is iDcluded in this section, and is
functioning within its natural floodplain. There is a short section of the hot springs tributary <at the hot springs) where
an undergroUDd pipe chaDnels the stream through private land. The size of the pipe limits the amount ofwater that
can be canied at anyone time. This could be a problem for the structures at the hot springs if flooding occurs. Other
than the hot springs tributary, this portion of Sleeping Child Creek has moderate to good health.
Forty-six percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire. An additional3? percent was burned
at low severity. Much of the bum was concentrated in the hot springs tributary; the remainder was scattered
throughout the HUC. Water yields are estimated to increase nine percent as a result of the fire. The risk is high that
debris flows could occur somewhere in this area because of the amount ofhigh severity fire. Some these iDcreases
would be in the hot springs tributary and the development built in the valley bottom are at risk should flooding and
debris flows occur. In'an effort to reduce risks ofoverlaDd flow near residential areas, BAER installed 633 acres of
log erosion barriers and wattles in the headwaters of the hot springs tributary.
Included within this HUC is the middle five miles ofSleeping Child Creek, which is li1ted as Water Quality Limited
on the Montana 1996 303d report. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery, and aquatic life support
caused by flow alteration, habitat alteration, siltation and thermal modification.
In summary, the majority area is in good health, based upon stream surveys conducted in the stream. The risk of
channel changing events occurring in the area are high because of the amount offire activity and since the system is
healthy, it would respoDd to those events and recover much more quickly than if the stream were unstable.
Burned Area Recovay DEIS- 3-83
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Divide and Switchback Creeks (0702)
This is an 18 square mile area that is a tributary to Sleeping Child Creek. Sleeping Child Creek is separated into
several HUC's and this is one of the upper sections. Divide Creek bas mostly quartzite geology and is very stable. In
the headwaters, low gradient chaDnels are formed in meadows. Some timber harvest and grazing have occurred in the
past, as well as a portion of the 1961 Sleeping Child burn.
Stream surveys have been completed throughout the Divide Creek watershed. Near the mouth, the survey indicates
there that the stream is healthy, although there are more fines at the smaller size classes; other measured parameters
indicate the stream is healthy.
Sleeping Child and Divide Creeks are rated healthy in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed ADalysis. There are roads
and past harvest in the watershed but at levels that limit erosion sources and shouldn't result in decreased cbaDnel
The IWWR rates Middle, Upper Sleeping Child and Divide Creeks as poor water quality and geomorphic integrity
because ofroad encroachment and sediment. Divide Creek is functioning within its natural floodplain and so the road
encroachment and sediment input from that is not a concern in Divide Creek. However, there is a road that circles the
headwaters of Divide Creek has several stream crossings that are sources of sediment input. Road density is low in
this watershed; overall sediment sources should be low to moderate.
Twenty-five percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional3S percent was
burned at a low severity level The high and moderate severity was located near the confluence with Sleeping Child
with a small amount in the headwaters. Water yields are estimated to increase S percent as a result of the fire. There
is a moderate risk that overland and debris flows could occur in the portion of the watershed affected by high severity
fire. A relatively small area of the watershed is affected, if debris flows did occur they would be localized.
Divide Creek is a tributary to Sleeping Child Creek that is listed on the Montana 1996 303d report. The probable
impaired use is the cold water fishery, and aquatic life support caused by flow alteration, habitat alteration, siltation
and thermal modification.
In summary, Divide Creek is in good health as indicated by fisheries and stream surveys. The risk ofchannel
changing events occurring in the area is low and since the system is healthy, it would respoDd to those events and
recover quickly. Should debris flows occur, it is likely they would be near the lower part of the drainage and the
effects of these would be traDsported into Sleeping Child Creek.
UDDer Sleeping Child Creek (0701)
This is a 16 square mile area that is the headwaters to Sleeping Child Creek. Sleeping Child Creek is separated into
several HUC's and this is one of the upper sections. In the headwaters, low gradient cbaDnels are formed in meadows.
The geology in the watershed consists ofcalc-silicate rocks that are stable and have low erosivity. POrtioDS of three
sections of Darby Lumber land are in Upper Sleeping Child Creek, these were clearcut and heavily lOaded in the early
1990's. Timber harvest and grazing have occurred in the past, as weD as a portion of the Sleeping Child bum
occurred in this watershed.
Stream surveys have been completed throughout this watershed. Surveys iDdicate that the stream is healthy even
though there has been recent timber harvest and road coD8tJUction activities on Darby Lumber lands and in the White
Stallion sale area.
Sleeping Child is rated healthy in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysil. There are roads and past harvest in the
watershed but at levels that shouldn't result in decreased chaDnel COnditioDS.
The IWWR rates Middle, and Upper Sleeping Child and Divide Creeks as poor water quality amd geomorphic
integrity because ofroad eDCroachment and sedimeDt on the reach below the hot springs tributary, Darby Lumber
lands and the 1961 Sleeping Child Fire. Thi1 portion of the stream is functioning in its' natural floodplain and the
stream surveys indicate that the stream is moderately healthy within the South Fork ofSleeping Child watershed. On
National Forest road density is low in this watershed; overaD sediment sources should be low to moderate, however,
when considering private timber lands, road densities and ECA is high.
Seventeen percent ofthis HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire amd an additional 29 percent was
burned at a low severity level The high and moderate severity was located near the confluence with Divide Creek.
Water yields are estimated to increase 3 percent as a result of the fire. There is a high risk that overland and debris
3-84 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkabo -Rye Area
flows could occur in the portion of the watershed affected by high severity fire. Log erosion barriers (366 acres) were
installed on high severity burned slopes as part of the BAER effort to reduce this risk within the high severity area.
This area contributes water and sediment to Sleeping Child Creek that is on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report.
The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery, and aquatic life support caused by flow alteration, habitat
aheration, siltation, and thermal modification.
In summary, stream surveys indicate this area is in good health. The risk ofchannel changing events occurring in the
area is high in the lower reach; since the system is healthy, it would respond to those events and recover much more
quickly than if the stream were unstable.
Dalv Creek (0902)
This is a 37 square mile watershed that drains into SkaDcaho Creek. The SkaDcaho Creek drainage is divided into four
HUC's, two main stem areas - below and above the National Forest boundary, and two tributaries - Daly and upper .
Skalkaho. Daly Creek is the northern tributary. The main human caused impact in this watershed is the Skalkaho
highway, also known as State highway 38. There has been a limited amount timber harvest and forest road
CODStruction in the Daly Creek drainage, but the effects are far outweighed by the eDCrOachment and sediment sources
associated with the Skalkaho highway. The Daly Creek drainage consists ofa mix of granitic, quartzite, and volcanic
geologies, with an unstable fimlt line in the headwaters. Soils in the granitic portion of the watershed are highly
Stream surveys have been completed in Daly Creek. A survey located above the confluence with Ska11cabo Creek in
an area encroached by the Skalkabo highway indicates that there is more sand-sized sediment in the stream bottom
than reference conditions.
In the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis, Daly Creek was split into two separate areas, Daly and upper Daly.
The lower section is rated as sensitive because of the impacts of the Skalkabo highway. The upper section is rated as
high risk because ofgeologic instabi1ity. The stream survey conducted on the lower reach iDdicates that there is
sediment input from upstream sources.
The IWWR rates Daly Creek as moderate geomorphic integrity and moderate water quality because ofroad
encroachment and sediment. The Skalkaho highway closely parallels Daly Creek for about four miles, and crosses
several tributaries in the headwaters in an area ofgeologic iostabi1ity. These areas are the primary sediment sources in
the drainage.
Fifteen percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional ten percent was burned
at low severity. The high and moderate severity was located along the ridges that separate this watershed from Rock
Creek. Water yields are estimated to iDcrease three percent as a result of the fire. There. high risk that overland and
debris flows could occur in the portion of the watershed affected by high severity fire because of the uatural
instabilities present in the geology.
Daly Creek is a tributary to Skalkaho Creek that is listed on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report. The probable
impaired use is the cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, habitat alteration, and siltation. Despite the 303d
listing, fish population monitoring surveys conducted since the late 1980's indicate that Daly Creek contains one of
the strongest resident bull trout populations on the Forest. It also contains a completely native fish community (bull
trout, westslope cutthroat trout, and slimy sculpin) with no exotic trout species, which is relatively uncommon on the
Bitterroot National Forest.
Because of the coDStriction of the floodplain and stream channel by the Skalkaho highway, and the direct source of
sediment from the road, Daly Creek bas elevated sediment inputs along its road-eDCr08Ched reaches, but is in good
condition where the highway pulls away from the stream. Should overland or debris flows occur, the chaDnel would
not be able to carry the increased flow and debris. It is likely that the highway would be impacted (the fill eroded) and
this would be iDcluded in the debris that flowed doWDStream, putting iDcreased erosional risk on doWDStream reaches.
Upper Sludkllho Creek (0901)
This area total1 45 square mi1es and • the headwaters to Skalkaho Creek. SkaDcaho Creek is divided into several
HUC's: two rnainstem areas, Daly and this ODe, the southern tributary, that combines with Daly Creek become the
mainstem ofSkalkaho Creek. The area has calc-silicate geology that has erosivity.
Stream surveys competed in the early-1990's, indicate that at the lower site the stream has fewer fiDe sediments in the
cbaDDels that at the upper site. The survey sites are located about three mi1es apart. This could be caused from the
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-85
Watershed- Skalkabo-Rye Area
road being located directly adjacent to the stream near the upper section providing a direct input ofsediment to the
system. At the lower reach, the increased size dilutes the sediment somewhat, and some of the sediment contributed
by the road is stored in low gradient areas between the two stream reaches.
Upper SkaDcaho is rated as sensitive in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis. The major contributor to this
sensitivity is the road that parallels the stream for eight miles and provides a direct source ofsediment as weD as
restricting floodplain access. Other drainages within this watershed, South Fork SkaDcaho, Railroad, and two other
wmamed tributaries are listed as sensitive because ofa combination ofroad densities and the amount ofarea harvested
in the past. Weasel and Hog Trough Creeks are rated as healthy.
The IWWR rates Upper Skalkaho as having moderate geomorphic integrity and water quality because ofchannel
modification, sediment and roads throughout the watershed.
Twenty four percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional 31 percent was
burned at low severity. The majority ofthe high and moderate severity was located on the west side of the stream in
areas with high road densities. Water yields are estimated to increase 6 percent as a result of the fire in the Upper
Skalkabo watershed (Fames, 2(00). There is a moderate risk that overland and debris flows could occur in the portion
of the watershed affected by high severity fire. Culverts were upsized in this area to reduce the risk of culverts filling,
road fills overtopping and fililiDg because ofhigh intensity storm events.
This area contributes water and sediment to Skalkaho Creek, which is designated as Water Quality Limited on the
Montana 1996 and 2000 303d reports. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration,
habitat alteration, and siltation. Despite the 303d listing, fish population monitoring surveys conducted since the late
1980's indicate that upper SkaDcaho Creek contains one of the strongest resident bull trout populations on the Forest.
It also contains a Dative fish community (bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, and slimy sculpin).
In summary, this area is in moderate health. The presence ofroads that constrict stream cbaDDels and limit flood plain
access increases the risk ofdamage to the road system and increase of sediment downstream in the event of an
overland flow or debris flow.
SkIIlkaho. Bear Gulch Area (0903)
This is a 34 square mile area that is located on Skalkaho Creek above Milepost Nine and below the confluence of Daly
and Upper Skalkaho Creeks. The area within and upstream ofthis HUC is ofmixed geology, from stable calcsilicates to erosive granitics are present. A little over one square mile is private land and this is located along the
stream, mostly in the lower reaches of the stream within the HUC. In this private land area there are homes and some
Stream surveys have been competed in the early 1990's where the stream gaging station is located. At this site, a few
miles above the bottom of the HUC area, measurements indicate that the stream is healthy. Ska1lcaho is a large
watershed, over 132 square miles. Because it is so large, upstream effects (roads mostly) are diluted, which meaDS
that healthy areas of the watershed help to counter-act those areas ofpoorer health. Where there is more stream
energy (flow) it is possible for the stream to carry out contributed sediment rather than depositing it in the chaDnel In
a watershed this size, there is often portions of stream cbaDDel where physical characteristics indicate sensitivity or
reduced habitat while downstream the characteristics indicate good stream health. Thi1 is the case with Skalkaho,
some ofthe upstream sites are sensitive while downstream within this area, the stream chaDnel characteristics indicate
good chaDnel conditions.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates this area as part of the larger SkaDcaho drainage as healthy. However, several small
tributary drainages that enter Skalkaho Creek along within this HUC are rated as seusitive or high risk. These iDclode,
Fullerton, Tenderfuot, Coffee and Brenuan Gulch.
The IWWR rates Skalkaho (the lower and middle sections) u having moderate water quality and low geomorphic
integrity, mostly a result ofroads.
Thirteen percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire and an additional 20 percent was burned
at a low severity level The majority of the high and moderate severity was located in lower Newton Gulch and on
private land and above on the south side of the stream in the area. Water yields are estimated to increase 3percent as a
result of the fire in this watershed (Farnes, 2(00). There iI a moderate risk that overland and debris flows could occur
in the portion 0 f the watershed affected by high severity fire.
Skalkabo Creek is designated as Water QuaHty Limited on the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report. The probable
impaired use is the cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, habitat alteration, and siltation. Despite the 303d
3-86 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkaho -Rye Area
listing, fish population monitoring surveys conducted since the late 1980's indicate that the portions ofSlcaIkaho
Creek on National Forest land contain relatively healthy resident bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations,
with few exotic trout. On downstream private lands, native trout gradually diminish and exotic trout (brook, brown,
and rainbow trout) increase.
In summary, this area is in moderate health. The presence of roads that coDStrict stream channels and 1imit flood plain
access increases the risk ofdamage to the road system and increase ofsediment downstream in the event of an
overland flow or debris flow.
Lower Skalkaho Creek (0904)
This is a 16 square mile area that includes the lower nine miles of Skalkaho Creek and its tributaries. The area within
and upstream of this HUC is of mixed geology, from stable calc-silicates to erosive granitics are present. The
majority ofthis area is private land with a mix ofactivities including subdivision, grazing, ranching, irrigation
withdrawals, channelization, and road CODStructiOn. Inigation withdrawal is most likely the greatest influeDce on
. Skalkaho Creek in this HUC. During SlIIDIDer and into the fiill irrigation season, much of the stream is dewatered for
irrigation, and little to DO flow reaches the Bitterroot River. This dewatering elimiDates fish habitat, and degrades
cbaDDel conditions. Lower flows allow stream bank vegetation to grow into the cbaDDel D8ITOwing the area that can
effectively carry streamflows during flood periods. A smaller cbaDDel means that the effects oftloods (even 8DDU8l
high flows) can be greater than if the channel were adapted to carry larger amounts of floodwaters and the debris that
often accompanies floods.
In 1991, one stream survey was conducted in lower SkaBcaho Creek by the MontaDa Department ofFish, WiJdlife and
Paries. At that survey site, most of the measured parameters were comparable to reference conditious. Apart from
cbaDDelization and the lack oflate season flows, lower SkaBcaho Creek appears to be in moderate health.
The Skalkaho Creek drainage is a large watershed ofapproximately 132 square miles. Because ofits large size,
upstream effects (roads mostly) are diluted, which means that healthy areas of the watershed help to "hide" and
"mask" the areas ofpoorer health. Where there is more stream energy (flow), it is possible for the stream to carry out
contributed sediment rather than deposit it in the cbaDneL In a watershed this size, there are typically some sites
where physical characteristics indicate sensitivity or reduced habitat quality, while downstream sites indicate good
stream health. This is the case in the Skalkaho Creek drainage, where some of the upstream reaches are sensitive,
while further downstream, the stream channel characteristics indicate a healthy conditions.
This area is mostly private land and was not rated in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watersbcd ADaIysis.
The IWWR rates Skalkaho (the lower and middle sectioDS) as having moderate water quality and low geomorphic
integrity, mostly a result ofroads.
Two percent of this HUC was affected by moderate and high severity fire. Most of the fire impacts are above this
HUe. Because the Skalkaho Creek watershed iI large, the effects ofupstream debris flows and overlaDd flows will
likely be small in this area. Water yields are estimated to increase less than one percent as a result of the fire in this
watershed. Overall in Skallcaho Creek a 2S-year flood event is estimated to increase by 6 as a result of the fires.
Skalkaho Creek is desigoated as Water Quality Limited on the MontaDa 1996 and 2000 303d reports. The probable
impaired use is the cold-water fishery caused by flow alteration, habitat alteration, and siltation. Lower Skalkaho
Creek is dominated by exotic trout (brook, brown, and rainbow trout), with reduced numbers ofbull trout and
westslope cutthroat trout, particularly in the lowermost 2-3 miles.
In summary, this area is in moderate to health. The dewatered stream and the upstream constriction of the clwmel by
roads increase the risk ofdamage to downstream chaDDeJs.
Environmental Consequences
Skalkaho Rye Geographic Area
Effects Common to AU Action Alternatives
Similar to those described for the Blodgett geographic area
BUI"Ded Area Recovay DEIS- 3-87
Watershed - SkaJ1caho-Rye Area
Direct and Indirect Effects
Alternative A
These are the same as those described for the Blodgett geographic area.
Rve Creek. North Fork Rve (0801)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur throughout the watershed. This would result in short-term increases in
sediment followed by considerably lower sediment yields after vegetative recovery. The reason for the long-term
decreases is that with decompacted surfilces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luee, 1997) and allow plants to
grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted
surfaces. This would provide shade and increased moisture as well as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposes.
The biggest short-term source ofsediment would be from the graveling ofstream crossings and sections ofroads near
stream channels (Foltz, 1996), as well as removing culverts, recontouring fill slopes near streams, and stabilizing
stream channels where culverts were removed. However, these short-term sediment inputs are likely to decrease
rapidly to pre-project conditions (Lolo National Forest, Monitoring Report, 1999), and eventua1ly return to natural
erosion rates when vegetation is recovered (Decker, personal commnnjcation, 4/2(01).
Ground disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields. A mix ofhelicopter, skyline and over snow tractor
yarding systems would be used in this watershed that would 1imit sediment yields (WATSED, 1991). The largest
increase associated with timber harvestlfuels reduction would be from skyline yarding.
Temporary landings and a short temporary road (0.05 mi1es in length) to access one UDit would be cODStrueted with
this alternative. These would be CODStnlcted outside ofstreamside management zones (SMZ's) and outside RHCA's.
Ground disturbance would occur OD these laDdings and temporary roads that would result in on-site erosion, the
likelihood oferoded sediment from these areas reaching streams would be very small because ofthe distance from
live water. Mitigation in the form of straw bales and/or silt fence would be placed wherever there was a risk that
sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated and seeded following use to allow them to recover to
pre-existing conditions.
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened and used in this altema~. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams or wetlands. Following use, RHCA landings
would be restored to their pre-use condition.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture and possibly some
influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). A very small percentage of the watershed is
proposed for treatment so that iDcrease would be small.
Roads are designed to prevent water from infiltrating so that a serviceable travel sur&ce is maintained in all types of
weather. Decompaction allows more water to infiltrate (Luce, 1997). As a result ofdecompaction, there would be
some decreases in nmoff (Horel, 1996).
Channel conditions would not change as a result of the proposed activities because increases in water and sediment
yield resulting from the project would be relatively small. There would be some improvements within two years from
decreases in sediment and water yield that result from the road improvements and the reduction in sediment sources.
In the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields from the road improvements that depending on time
ofimplementation could occur at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Ifthat were the case, the sediment
resulting from the management activities would be far out-weigbed by the fire-caused sediment, and the sediment
produced from the road system would be lower than currently exists.
The fires of2000 are expected to cause some changes in stream channel conditions. In some locations, the changes
may be dramatic depending upon storm intensity and presence ofhydrophobic soils and the formation ofdebris flow
events. Increases in water yields and erosion wiD alter stream channels from their pre-fire condition, even without
debris flow events.
Alternative B would reduee fuel accumulations in the treated units. After 30 years, this could reduce the extent and
severity of future fires in the treated areas.
3-88 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkaho -Rye Area
Alternative C
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. A large amount ofgraveling (over 20 miles)
would reduce erosion from road surfilces that are within contributing distance of stream channels. Drainage
improvements on roads would reduce sediment contributions to stream cbaDDeJs (Logan, 1991) on another 21 miles of
road. In areas where nearby roads are available for trave~ decompaction and recontouring of a large number ofroads
would reduce road densities, improve infiltration (Luce, 1997) on the road prisms and improve vegetation
productivity. In the short-tmn, there would be increases in erosion and sediment yield where culverts were pulled but
they would be lower than in alternatives where harvest causes some ground disturbance.
There would be DO increases in water yield from this proposal Where roads were decompacted, infiltration would be
increased (McBride, email, 4/01) in the treated sites.
CbaDneI conditions would be on an improving trend in this watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources
and improvements in infiltration. .
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofJigbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watersbcd improvement would be the same as described for Alternative B. A large amount ofgraveling and draiDage
improvements would reduce erosion sources and sediment yields considerably. There would be short-term increases
during and following the implementation ofthe improvements. In the long-term, sediment yields would decrease.
Ground disturbance from harvest, construction oflanding and some temponry roads in Rye Creek create additional
bare ground and erosion sources. Sediment yields are estimated to increase for several years. The short-term
increases would be greater than with Alternative B because ofincreases in ground disturbance in low severity areas.
Water yields would increase slightly, but to the same degree as Alternative B. There would be improveaDt in
infiltration on roads that would be decompacted or recontoured.
The sediment and water increases produced by Alternative D have the potential to cause negative channel conditions
in Rye and North Rye Creeks.
The risk of future fires would be the same as Alternative B.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as Alternative C.
Fuels reduction treatments using a combiDation ofhc1icopter, skyline, and tractor yarding over snowand/or frozen
ground would minimize ground disturbance. ABo, considerably less area would be treated than in Altematives B and
D. Off-site erosion is unlikely to occur. Any sediment input to streams is likely to be immeasurable because of the
winter mitigations that would minimize ground disturbance.
There would be no increases in water yield from Alternative E. Infiltration on roads would reduce runofffrom their
CbaDnel conditions would be improved in this watershed because ofthe large reduction in human-caused sediment
Fuels and risk offuture high severity fire would be reduced in the units treated. Less area would be treated than in
Alternative B or D, and the reduction in risk ofa high severity fire would be less within the entire watershed.
Burke Gulch (0805)
Alternative B
Watersbcd improvements would occur in a small portion of the headwaters ofJerrys Gulch and Mike Creek. The
majority of the remaining areas ofthese and other smaD watersheds on the east side ofthe HUC are private land. The
watersbcd improvements would result in a small decrease in sediment in the long-term. The reason for the long-term
decreases is that with decompacted surfBces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) and allow plants to
grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted
surfaces. This would provide shade and increased moisture as weD 88 nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposes.
BUllIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-89
Watershed - SkaIkaho-Rye Area
Ground disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields a very sma11 amount and it would be spread out
among several small wat~. A mix ofhelicopter, skyline, and over snow tractor yarding systems would be used
in this HUe, which would limit sediment yields (WATSED, 1991). The largest increase associated with timber
barvestlfuels reduction would be from skyline yarding when the ground was not frozen or protected by snow.
Temporary landings would be constructed with this alternative. These would be coDStrUcted outside ofstmunside
management zones (SMZ's) and RHCA's. Ground disturbance would occur on these landings and temporary roads
that would result in on-site erosion. The likelihood oferoded sediment from these areas reaching streams would be
very small because of the distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed wherever
there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated and seeded following use to
allow them to recover to pre-existing conditions.
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened and used in this alternative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk ofany eroded sediment from reaching streams or wetlands. Following use, RHCA landings
would be restored to their pre-use condition.
Intermediate harvest (green trees are thinned) is proposed in the Mike Creek and Deer Hollow drainages. A total of
268 acres would receive intermediate harvest. Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have
some increase in soil moisture and possibly some influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975).
A large percentage of the Mike Creek drainage burned at high severity and water yields are likely to be higher
following the fires. A sma11 percentage of the Deer Hollow drainage burned at high severity, amd water yield
increases are likely to be minor.
Increases in water yield may alter stream channel conditions in Mike Creek. This was an intermittent stream system
before the fire, and increases in water yield might cause the defiDed channel to lengthen and provide additional
sediment to downstream depositional areas. In Deer Honow, very little of the watershed burned at high or moderate
severity, amd water yield increases are not likely to be noticeable. There would be some small decreases in long-term
sediment sources because of the drainage improvements on the roads. These improvements would be located high in
the watersheds and so improvements in stream channel conditions would be smaD.
The reduction of fuels is likely to reduce the extent and severity of future fires in the next 30-60 years within the
treated areas.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements would occur on forest roads in this watershed. Several mi1es ofroad decompaction,
recontouring and drainage improvements would reduce sediment sources (Logan, 1991) and improve infiltration of
water on the road surfilces (Luce, 1997). The decrease in sediment yields would be almost two times that of
Ahemative B in the long-term. In the short-term, there would be increases in erosion and sediment where culverts
were puDed and this could be directly contributed to the streams. The appJication ofBMPs would reduce the risk and
amount of sediment contribution.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Wh«e roads were decompacted, infiltration would be
improved (McBride, email, 4/0 I) on the treated sites.
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration in the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstaDd-:replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depeDdiDg upon the occurrence ofligbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time several decades.
Alternative D
In the long-term, watershed improvements would be slightly less than those described for Ahemative B. Five mi1es of
road would be decompacted and recontoured, but a tread would be left to provide for ATV, foot, and horse traffic on
approximately three mi1es ofroad. There would be short-term increases during and following the implementation of
the improvements. In the long-term, human-caused sediment yields would be lower than they are currently.
Ground disturbance from harvest and coostruetion oflandings and some temporary roads would create additional bare
ground and erosion sources. Sediment yields are estimated to iocrease for several years from those activities. The
short-term increases would be higher than with Alternative B because ofincreased ground disturbance in low severity
burn areas.
3-90 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkaho -Rye Area
Water yields would increase to the same degree as Ahernative B. There would be improvement in infiltration on
roads that would be decompacted or recontoured.
The short-term sediment and water increases produced by Ahemative D have the potential to reduce stream channel
conditions in Mike Creek.
The risk of future fires would be the same as with Ahernative B.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as those described for Ahemative C.
Fuels reduction would be accomplished with a variety of yarding systems. Sediment yields would iDcrease to a sma11
degree in the short-term, but decrease as disturbed soils stabilize and vegetation recovered. The construction of
landings would also result in a small, short-term increase in sediment yield. In the long-term, sediment yields from
human-caused sources would be slightly lower than currently exist.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration on roads would reduce runoff from road
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in human-caused sediment sources.
This would occur on a similar level as that described for Ahemative C. Stream cbannel conditions in Mike Creek
would be maintained in Ahemative E.
Fuels would be reduced in the treated units. Less area would be treated than in Ahematives B or D, and the reduction
in risk ofa high severity fire would be less within the entire watershed.
Little Sleeping Child (0704)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur in the upper portion of the watershed. This would result in short-term
increases in sediment followed by considerably lower sediment yields after vegetative recovery. The reason for the
long-term decreases is that with decompacted surfBces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) allowing
plants to grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (slash) spread on the
decompacted surfaces. This would provide shade and increased moisture as weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash
Ground disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields to a small degree. A mix ofbelicopter, skyline and
over snow tractor yarding systems would be used in this watershed that would 1imit sediment yields (WATSED,
1991). The largest increase associated with timber harvestlfuels reduction would be from skytioe yarding during
periods when the ground was not frozen or protected by snow.
Temporary landings would be coDStructed with this alternative. These would be coDStructed outside of streamside
management zones (SMZ's) and RHCA's. Ground dmturbance would occur on these landings and temporary roads
that would result in on-site erosion. The likelihood oferoded sediment from these areas reaching streams would be
very small because of the distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed wherever
there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated and seeded following use to
allow them to recover to pre-existing conditions.
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened and used in this alternative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk ofany eroded sedimeDt from reaching streams or wetlands. Following use, RHCA landings
would be restored to their pn>-use condition.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some iDcraIse in soil moisture and some influence
in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). Little Sleeping Child is a relatively small watershed, and
the increases in water yields from about 1,200 acres ofintermediate harvest (that removes green trees) may result in
measurable water increases in Little Sleeping Child Creek. This could iDcraIse baDk erosion and sediment deposition
in low velocity 8fC8S.
The harvest ofgreen trees in Little Sleeping Child would reduce the amount offuels and the risk of high severity fire
because a large portion of the watershed that wu affected by low severity fire would be treated with fuel reduction
activities. The removal of dead staDdiog trees in the higher elevations ofSleeping Child would also help to reduce the
extent amd severity offuture fires. Reducing the fuels in almost half of the watershed would reduce the extent and
severity offuture fires to a large degree, but would also increase the potential for stream chaDnel changes.
BUI"Ded Area Recovery DEIS- 3-91
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Alternative C
In the long-term, the watershed improvements in Alternative C would reduce sediment production slightly more than
Alternative B. About one mile of road decompaction, recontouring, and drainage improvements would reduee
sediment sources (Logan, 1991), and improve infiltration ofwater on the road surf8ces (Luee, 1997). Short-term
sediment yields would increase when decompaction and removal of culverts occurred and would decrease as soils
stabilized. With this alternative, there would be no increases ofground disturbance or sediment yields that would
occur from harvest activities.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources and
. improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofligbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative B. Short-term increases would occur during and
immediately following roadwork, sediment yields would decrease over current levels in the long-term.
Ground disturbance from harvest and the construction of landings and temporary roads would create additional bare
ground and erosion sources. Sediment yields are estimated to increase for several years from those activities. The
short-term increases would be higher than with Alternative B.
Water yields would increase to the same degree as Alternative B. Some increases in water yields would result from
green tree harvest. There would be improvement in infiltration on roads that would be decompacted or recontoured.
The increase in short-term sediment and water yields from Alternative D has the potential to negatively change
channel conditions in Little Sleeping Child Creek to a slighty greater degree than that ofAltemative B.
The risk offuture fires would be similar to that ofAlternative B.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as Alternative C.
Fuels reduction would be accomplished by hand in this area. Oft:site erosion would not be likely because little
ground dmturbance would occur.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration on roads would reduce nmofffrom road
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in human-caused sediment sources.
This would occur to a similar level as Alternative C. Stream channel conditions would be maintained and slightly
improved with Alternative E, as compared to Alternatives B and D which have more potential to increase water yields
because ofgreen tree harvest.
Fuels would be reduced in the treated areas, but less area would be treated than in Alternatives B or D. The watershed
would faee a higher risk offuture fires because less area would be treated within the entire watershed.
Upper Sleeping Child (0701)
Alternatives B and D
Watershed improvements would occur over a very small area. Sediment reductions gained produced by drainage
improvements on roads are likely to be immeasurable.
A mix ofhelicopter and over snow tractor yarding systems would limit sediment yields in this watershed (WATSED,
1991 and McBride 1994). GroUDd disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields slightly. Tractor yarding
would occur over snow, and groUDd disturbance is expected to be minima)
Temporary landings would be constructed with this alternative. These would be coostrueted outside ofstreamside
mauagement zones (SMZ's) and RHeA's. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed wherever there was
3-92 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - SIcaIkaho -Rye Area
a risk that sediment might reach streams. Landings would be decompacted and seeded following use to allow them to
recover to pn>-existing conditions.
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened and used in this alternative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk ofany eroded sediment from reaching streams or wetlands. RHCA landings would be
decompacted and seeded following their use.
The proposed actions would not result in an increase in water yields because only fire-killed trees would be removed.
The implementation of the proposed activities should not result in measurable increases in sediment or water yields.
Channel changes should not occur as a result ofthese proposed actions.
The decreases in erosion sources and long-term sediment yields would be the same as those described for Ahemative
B. There would be short-term sediment increases associated with groUDd disturbance and culvert removak. These
short-term increases would decline over two to three years as soils stabilize and vegetation recovers on the distumbed
sites. There would be DO short-term increases or ground disturbaDce associated with timber harvest with this
alternative. Therefore, the lower yields would be attained sooner than with Altemative B.
Divide Creek (0702)
Fuel reduction treatments would reduce the risk ofhigh severity fires in the next 30-60 years in the treated 8fC8S.
Approximately 25 percent ofthis HUC was burned by high severity fire; the remainder was not burned or was burned
at low severity. The fuel reduction treatments would reduce the extent and severity offuture fires, particuJarly in the
high severity 8fC8S.
Alternatives C and E
There would be no iDcreases in water yield from this proposal Infi1tration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofligbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternatives B and D
Proposed harvest would occur using helicopter yarding. GroUDd disturbance and sediment yields from this type of
yarding is very small (WATSED, 1991), and seldom is transported
Temporary IaDdings would be coDStructed with this alternative. These would be constructed outside of streamside
management zones (SMZ's) and outside RHCA's. GroUDd disturbance would occur on these landings and temporary
roads that would result in on-site erosion. The likelihood of eroded sediment from these areas reaching streams would
be very small because ofthe distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales and/or silt fence would be
placed wherever there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be decompacted and seeded
following use to allow them to recover to pre-existing conditions.
Measurable iDcreases in water yields are not likely to occur because only fire-killed trees would be removed.
Channel conditious would not decrease as a result of the proposed activities because increases in water and sediment
yields produced by Alternatives B and D would be small.
The fuel reduction treatments are likely to reduce the extent and severity of fires 30-60 years in the future in the
treated units. Over the next 10-30 years, the standing dead trees will filIl to the groUDd along with the growth ofnew
trees amd underbrush that occurs during that time be available should a fire start. The presence of the large trees
(heavy fuel) would cause the fire to bum for a long time period, melting the organic compounds present in the soil and
create hydrophobic soils, possibly for a second time (Gerhardt, personal commnnication, 2(01).
Alternatives C and E
Watershed improvements would result in sligbtly lower long-term sediment yields than with Alternative B. In the
short-term, there would be increases usociated with the groUDd disturbaDce and culvert removals. These short-term
iDcreases would dectiDe over two to three )aI'S as soils stabilize and vegetation recoven on the disturbed sites. There
would be no short-term sediment increases associated the fuel reduction treatments in this alternative.
BUllIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-93
Watershed - Skalkabo-Rye Area
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
ChaDnel conditions would be improved in this watershed in the long-term because ofthe reduction in sediment
sources aDd improvements in infiltration.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires aDd
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence oflightDing storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Middle Sleeping Child (0703)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements in the form ofroad obliteration, drainage upgrades, aDd graveJiDg road segments that are
sediment contributors to streams are included in this alternative. This would result in short-term increases in sediment
foDowed by considerably lower sediment yields after vegetative recovery. The reason for the long-term decreases is
that with decompacted sur&ces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) aDd allow plants to grow more
vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted sudBces.
This would provide shade aDd increased moisture 88 weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposes.
Ground disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields to a small degree. A mix ofhe1icopter, skyline and
over snow tractor yarding systems would be used that would 1imit sediment yields (WATSED, 1991). The largest
increase associated with timber harvest/fuels reduction would be from skyline yarding during periods when the ground
is not frozen or protected by snow. Less than 50 acres would be treated with a skyline yarding system on bare ground,
and less than 100 acres would be treated with tractor yarding over snow.
Temporary landings and 0.05 miles of temporary road would be constructed with this alternative. These would be
coDStructed outside ofstreamside management zones (SMZ's) and outside RHeA's. Ground disturbance would occur
on these landings aDd temporary roads that would result in on-site erosion. The likelihood of eroded sediment from
these areas reaching streams would be very small because ofthe distance from live water. Mitigation in the form of
straw bales would be placed wherever there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be
decompacted and seeded following use to allow them to recover to pre-existing conditions.
Some existing laDdings located in RHeA's would be reopened aDd used in this alternative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams or wetlands. RHCA landings would be
decompacted aDd seeded following their use.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture and some influence
in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). Some of this intermediate harvest is proposed in the
trIbutary above the bot springs. High aDd moda'ate severity fire affected a large portion ofthe bot springs watershed,
so water yields will be high because of the fire.
Channel conditious could be reduced because ofwater yield increases caused by the green tree harvest in the bot
springs tributary. In the remainder of the watershed, channel conditions would be maintained.
The harvest of green trees aDd standing dead in the bot springs tributary would reduce the amount offuels and the risk
ofhigh severity fire because a large portion of the watershed that was affected by low severity fire would be treated
with fuel reduction activities (it would also increase water yields in this sma11 watershed). The removal ofdead
standing trees in the other areas ofthe watershed would also help to reduce the risk ofhigh severity fire, and would
have no influence on water yield increases. Over the next 10-30 years, the staDding dead trees wiD filIl to the ground
along with the growth ofnew trees aDd underbrush that occurs during that time be available should a fire start. The
presence of the large trees (heavy fuel) would cause the fire to burn for a long time period, melting the organic
compounds present in the soil and create hydrophobic soils, possibly for a secoDd time (Gerbardt, personal
commnnication, 2(01). Reducing the fuels would reduce the risk ofa severe fire within the treated units.
Alternative C
The reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would be the same as with Alternative B.
In the short-term, there would be sediment increases associated with the ground cmturbaDce aDd cuIYert removals.
The difference between the two alternatives would be that no harvest would occur with Alternative C, and therefore,
the short-term increases in ground disturbance and sediment yields would be less.
3-94 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkaho -Rye Area
There would be no 1Dcreases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel COnditioDS would be improved in this watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofHghtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watersbcd improvements would be the same as Alternative B. Sbort-term sediment increases would occur during and
immediately fonowing the watershed improvement work. In the long-term, sediment yields would decrease over
current levels.
Ground disturbance from the fuel reduction treatments and the coDStrUction of landings and temporary roads would
create additional bare ground and erosion sources in the short-term. Thi1 ground disturbaoce would be slightly greater
than Alternative B because ofthe construction ofa short section oftemporary road. Sediment yields are estimated to
increase for two to three years from these activities.
Water yields would increase to the same degree as Alternative B. Some increases in water yields would result from
green tree harvest. There would be improvement in infiltration on roads that would be decompacted. The amount of
recontouring is less than in Alternative B, so infiltration improvements would be lower.
Alternative D would produce sHghtly higher short-term sediment yields, but the difference from Alternative B would
be a very minor amount. It is unhlcely that there would be visible and measurable changes in stream channels between
Alternatives Band D.
The risk offuture fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B.
Reducing or eljminating green tree harvest in the bot springs tributary would reduce the potential for bank erosion.
Alternative E
Watersbcd improvements would be the same as Alternative c.
Fuels reduction would be accomplished by hand or using helicopten in this area in a few acres. Oft:site erosion would not
be likely, because the no equipment would not be operated on bare soils.
In the long-term, sediment yields would be reduced from human-caused sediment sources.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration OD roads would reduce runofffrom road
Channel conditions would be improved in this HUC because of the reduction in human-caused sediment sources.
Improvements would occur on a similar level as Alternative C. Stream channel conditioDS would be maintained and
improved with this ahemative.
Fuels would be reduced in the treated units. Less area would be treated than with Altematives B and D. As a resuh,
the extent and severity of future fires could be greater.
Lower Sleeping Child (0705)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements in the form ofroad obliteration, drainage upgrades, and graveling road segments that are
sediment contributors to streams are included in this alternative. Thi1 would result in short-term iocrcases in sediment
followed by considerably lower sediment yields after vegetative recovery. The reason for the long-term decreases is
that with decompacted surfices, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luee, 1997) and allow plants to grow more
vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted surfilces.
Thi1 would provide shade and iDcreased moisture as weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposes.
Ground disturbance from the fuel reduction treatments would increase sediment yields to a small degree. A mix of
helicopter, skyline and over snow tractor yarding systems would be used in this watershed that would limit sediment
yields (WATSED, 1991). The largest increase associated with timber harvestlfbels reduction would be from skyline
yarding during periods where the ground is not ftozen or protected by SDOW. Less than 220 acres would be treated
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-95
Watershed - Ska11caho-Rye Area
with skyline yarding system on bare ground, and less than 80 acres would be treated with over snow tractor yarding.
The remainder would be yarded with helicopters.
Temporary landings would be constructed with this alternative. These would be coDStructed outside of streamside
management zones (SMZ's) and outside RHCA's. Ground disturbance would occur on these landings and temporary
roads that would result in on-site erosion. The likelihood of eroded sediment from these areas reaching streams would
be very small because of the distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed where
there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be decompacted and seeded following use to
allow them to recover to pre-existing COnditiODS.
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened and used in this alternative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams or wetlands. RHCA landings would be
decompacted and seeded following their use.
A temporary road (0.05 miles in length) would be constructed to access one unit on the north side of Sleeping Child
Creek. This road would be located on a ridge and would not enter RHCA's. Ground disturbance would occur, and
some sediment would be produced. However, the likelihood oftbis sediment being transported into a drainage-way or
stream would be very small.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture and some influence
in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). Some of this intermediate harvest is proposed in Blacktail
Creek, a watershed that burned at high severity on its' west &cing slopes. There is an old road built up the valley
bottom of this stream that restricts stream width and floodplain access. Water yield increases caused by the
intermediate harvest would increase the risk of 0verbaDk: flows, and erosion of the old roadbed and streambanks along .
Blacktail Creek.
Only 12 percent of this HUC was burned by high and moderate severity fire, most of this occurred in the Blacktail
Creek drainage. The moderate and high severity fire in upstream areas of the Sleeping Child drainage is estimated to
increase 2S-year peak flows by approximately eight percent.
Channel conditions in lower Sleeping Child Creek may be influenced to a small, immeasurable degree by the green
tree harvest in the Blacktail Creek drainage. The sediment increases produced by harvest activities would be less than
the decreases produced by the watershed improvements. Channel conditions in lower Sleeping Child Creek would be
maintained because the stream has stable, well-vegetated streambanks and large diameter substrate.
The harvest ofgreen trees on National Forest lands that were burned at low severity would decrease the risk ofhigh
severity fire in the future. The effect on other areas within this HUC would be minimal Over the next 10-30 years,
the standing dead trees wiD &Il to the ground along with the growth of new trees and underbrush that occurs during
that time be available should a fire start. The presence ofthe large trees (heavy fuel) would cause the fire to bum for a
long time period, melting the orgBDic compounds present in the soil and create hydrophobic soils, possibly for a
second time (Gerhardt, personal communication, 2(01). Reducing the fuels would reduce the risk ofa severe fire
within the treated units.
Alternative C
In these areas, the reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would be the same as with
Alternative B. In the short-term, there would be sediment increases associated with the ground disturbance and
culvert removals. The difference between Alternatives B and C would be that no harvest is proposed with Alternative
C, and the short-term increases in ground disturbaDce and sediment yields would be less.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the kmg-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to iDcrease, and depending upon the occurrence oflightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
In Alternative D, her miles ofroad would be decompacted and recontoured. There would also be several miles of
road that would be decompacted, but a trail would be left to allow access. Compared to Alternative B, this would
3-96 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- -
-.....-.----.........---r--------.---...-,----.-- - . -- -- --
Watershed - SkaDcaho -Rye Area
result in slightly fewer decreases in sediment sources, but not to a measurable amount. 0veraD, the watershed
improvements in Alternatives B and D are likely to produce similar results.
Compared to Alternative B, Alternative D would create some additional ground disturbance as a result oftemporary
road construction. However, there is not likely to be a measurable sediment difference between these two alternatives.
Sediment yields are estimated to increase for two to three years from these activities, after that they would decrease.
The risk offuture fires would be similar to Ahemative B.
Water yield increases would be the same as those descnbed for Alternative B.
The increase in short-term sediment yields over that ofAhemative B would be a very minor amount. It is unlikely
that there would be measurable stream. chaDnel changes between Alternatives B and D.
Reducing or eliminating green tree harvest in the Blacktail Creek drainage would reduce the risk ofbaDk erosion.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as Alternative C.
Fuels reduction would be accomplished using a helicopter yarding on a small amount ofacres. Off-site erosion and
sediment input to streams is not likely to occur.
In the long-term, sediment yields would be reduced from human-caused sediment sources.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration on roads would reduce runofffrom road
CbaDneI conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in human-caused sediment sources.
Long-term improvements would be similar to those created by Alternative C.
Fuels would be reduced in the treated units. The reduction in extent and severity offuture fires is likely to be minimal
in this watershed because such a small area is being treated.
Effects downstream in the Bitterroot River would be diluted and immeasurable.
UDDer Skllllulho. South Fork (0901)
Alternative B
Large decreases in sediment in this watershed are likely to occur because of the graveling ofeight miles ofroad that
encroach on streams. Other improvements in the form ofdrainage improvements and road obliteration are included in
this alternative. This would result in short-term increases in sedimaJ.t followed by coDSiderabIy lower sediment yields
after vegetative recovery. The reason fOr the long-term decreases is that with decompacted sur&ces, precipitation
would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) and allow plants to grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved
&om organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted sur&ces. Tbm would provide shade and iDcmIsed moisture as
wen as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposes.
Ground disturbance froDl fuel reduction treatments would increase sediment yields to a small degree. A mix of
helicopter and skyline yarding systems would be used in this watershed that would cause very little ground
disturbance or increase sediment yields (WATSED, 1991). The largest increase associated with timber harvestlfuels
reduction would be &om skyline yarding during periods when the ground is not frozen or protected by snow.
Approximately 260 acres out of 1,700 would be treated by skyline yarding on bare ground. The remainder would be
yarded with helicopters.
Temporary Jandings would be CODStructed with this alternative. These would be coDStructed outside ofstreamside
management zones (SMZ's) and RHCA's. Ground disturbance would occur on these Jandings and temporary roads
that would result in on-site erosion. The Iikehbood of eroded sediment ftom these areas reaching streams would be
very small because of the dia.oce from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed where there
was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be decompacted and seeded following use to allow
them to recover to pro-existing conditions.
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened and used in this altemative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk ofany eroded sediment &om reaching streams or wetJaDds. RHCA landings would be
decompacted and seeded following use.
Water yields would not increase to a measurable degree because only fire-ldlJed trees would be removed.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-97
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Channel conditions would be maintained and improved because sediment and water increases from harvest would be
easily offset by the decreases from watershed improvements.
Over the next 10-30 years, the standing dead trees will fBll to the ground along with the growth ofnew trees and
UDderbrosh that occurs during that time be available should a fire start. The presence of the large trees (heavy fuel)
would cause the fire to burn for a long time period, melting the organic compounds present in the soil and create
hydrophobic soils, possibly for a second time (Gerhardt, personal commnnK:ation, 2(01). Reducing the fuels would
reduce the risk ofa severe fire within the treated units.
Alternative C
In these areas, the reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would be the same as with
Alternative B. In the short-term, there would be sediment increases associated with the ground disturbance and
culvert removals. The difference between the two alternatives would be that no harvest is proposed with Alternative
C, and there would be less ground disturbance.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal In1iltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofligbtniDg storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as those described for Alternative B.
Compared to Alternative B, Alternative D would create some additional ground disturbance as a result of temporary
road construction. Although Altemative D's sediment yields may be slightly higher than Alt, the differeDce relative to
Alternative B is not likely to be measurable. Sediment yields are estimated to increase for two to three years from
these activities, after that they would decrease.
Water yields would not increase because only fire-ki1led trees would be removed.
The increase in short-term sediment yields beyond that ofAlternative B would be a very minor amount. It is not
likely that there would be measurable changes in stream chamels as a result ofthis s1ight increase.
The risk offuture fires would be similar to that described for Alternative B.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as Alternative C.
Fuels reduction would be accomplished using a skyline yarding system. erosion would be minimal because
ofa limited amount ofground disturbance occurring and mitigation.
In the long-term, sediment yields would be reduced from buman-caused sediment sources considerably because of
graveling eight mi1es of road.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration on roads would reduce nmofffrom road
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in human-caused sediment sources.
Long-term channel improvements would be similar to those produced by Alternative C.
Fuels would be reduced in the treated units. The reduction in extent and severity offuture fires is likely to be minimal
in this watershed because such a small area is being treated.
Dalv Creek (0902)
Alternatives B and D
Watershed improvements in the form ofgraveling ofRoad 711 adjacent to the stream would reduce human-caused
sediment yields to Daly Creek and an UDD8IIled tributary to Daly Creek. This would resuh in short-term increases in
3-98 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
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• •,------
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-
- -- - - -
Watershed - SkaJkaho -Rye Area
sediment foUowed by coDSiderably lower sediment yields after the surfBce of the gravel was armored. The reason for
the decrease is the larger gravel particles are less easily moved during runoff events.
No harvest or fuel reduction is proposed in this watershed.
No increases in water yields would occur.
Channel conditions would be improved by the decrease ofhuman-caused sediment in the tributary to Daly Creek and
in Daly Creek below the confluence with that stream.
There would be no change in the !"We offuture fires with this alternative.
Alternatives C and E
The reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would be the same as with Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal. Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
CbaDnel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sedimalt sources aud
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The !"We of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk of stand-replacing fires aud
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, aud depending upon the occurrence oftigbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
SkIlllulho. Bear Gllkh Area (0903)
Alternatives B and D
Watershed improvements in this area would cause immeasurable sediment reductions in stream chaDnels.
The areas proposed for fuel reduction treatments would be helicopter yarded, so very little ground disturbance would
occur. It is not likely that disturbed soils would move off-site aud contribute sediment to streams.
Small increases in water yields would occur with the proposed green tree harvest. It is unlikely that these increases
would move Any water yield increases would be immeasurable in streams.
Channel conditions would not be decreased as a result ofproposals in this watershed. Sediment sources in the upper
HUC's of the SkaJkaho watershed would be reduced aud stream chaDnel COnditioDS improved by the decrease of
human-caused sediment.
There is likely to be a reduction in the extent aud severity ofhigb severity fires in the treated units. In the Skalkaho
Creek watershed, the overall reduction in the extent aud severity offuture fires would be very smaD because such a
small area would be treated.
Alternative C
The reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would be the same as with Alternative B.
In the short-term, there would be iocreases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removals. No fuel
reduction treatments would occur with Alternative C, and ground disturbaDce would be less than Altemative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources aud
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The !"We offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk of stand-replacing fires aud
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, aud depending upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as Alternative c.
Harvest would be accomplBhed using a helicopter yarding system. erosion would be minimal because a
limited amount ofground _
would occur. In the long and short-term, human-caused sediment sources
would be reduced slightly.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-99
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Channel conditions would be maintained m ~ watershed because there would only be a small reduction in humancaused sediment sources. They are not likely to ~ measurable in the stream channels.
Fuels would .~ reduced in the units treated; the reduction in risk ofa high severity fire would ~ decreased only
slightly because a small area is proposed for treatment. The risk of stand-replacing fire and the chance ofhydrophobic
soils would remain in the green stands oftimber as weD.
Lower Skalkllho Area (0904)
Alternatives B and D
No watershed improvements are proposed in this area.
The areas proposed for harvest would use helicopters, so very little ground disturbance would occur. The disturbed
soils are not likely to move off-site.
Sman increases in water yields would occur because of the proposed green tree harvest. It is unlikely that these
increases would move and be measurable in downstream areas.
Channel conditions would oot be decreased as a result ofthese ~~sal1. Sediment sources in the upper HUe's of
the Skalkaho watershed would be reduced and stream channel conditions improved by the decrease ofhuman-caused
There is likely to ~ a considerable decrease in the extent and severity of future fires and hydrophobic soils within the
treated units. The overall reduction in extent and severity in the entire Skalkaho Creek draioage is likely to ~ small
because only a small portion of the watershed would have fuels reduced.
The implementation ofAlterative B in Skalkaho Creek would maintain stream channel conditions. Improvements in
upstream HUe's would decrease sediment sources within ~ watershed and lead to improved conditions in Skalkaho
Downstream decreases in sediment ~lds are not likely to be measurable in the main stem of the Bitterroot River as
they wo~ ~ diluted and masked by large laud areas and many other activities on all land ownerships.
Alternative C
The reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would ~ the same as with Ahemative B.
In the short-term, there would be increases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removals. No fuel
reduction treatments would occur with Ahemative C, and ground disturbance wo~ be less than Alternative B.
There wou~ be 00 increases in water yield ~m ~ ~pom Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
Channel conditions would be improved in ~ watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-repJacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence oflightDing storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
No watershed improvements are proposed in this area. Upstream reduction in sediment yields would contribute to
improved stream health in ~ downstream reach ofSkalkaho Creek.
A small amount ofbarvest would be accomplished using a helicopter yarding system. erosion would be
minima) because only a limited amount of ground distuJbaDce is likely to occur.
There wo~ be 00 increases in water yield from ~ propom
Channel conditions would ~ maintained and improved in ~ watershed because ofupstream proposal1 for grave~
drainage improvement and road decompactioDlobliteration.
Fuels wo~ ~ reduced in the units treated; the reduction in risk ofa high severity fire within the HUC would ~ not
be decreased because a small area is pro~sed fOr treatment. The risk ofstand-replacing fire and the chance of
hydrophobic soils would remain in the green stands of timber as weD.
3-100 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
•..,.-------.- -- --
Watershed - SkaIkaho-Rye Area
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
CbaDneI conditions would be maintained in this watershed because there would only be a small reduction in humancaused sediment sources. They are not likely to be measurable in the stream channels.
Fuels would be reduced in the units treated; the reduction in risk ofa high severity fire would be decreased only
slightly because a small area is proposed for treatment. The risk ofstand-replacing fire and the chance ofhydrophobic
soils would remain in the green stands of timber as well
Lower Skalkaho Area (0904)
Alternatives B and D
No watershed improvements are proposed in this area.
The areas proposed for harvest would use helicopters, so very little ground disturbance would occur. The disturbed
soils are not likely to move
Small increases in water yields would occur because of the proposed green tree harvest. It is unlikely that these
increases would move off-site and be measurable in downstream areas.
Channel conditions would not be decreased as a result of these proposals. Sediment sources in the upper HUC's of
the Skalkaho watershed would be reduced and stream channel conditions improved by the decrease ofhuman-caused
There is likely to be a considerable decrease in the extent and severity of future fires and hydrophobic soils within the
treated units. The overall reduction in extent and severity in the entire Skalkaho Creek draiDage is likely to be small
because only a small portion of the watershed would have fuels reduced.
The implementation ofAlterative B in Skalkaho Creek would maintain stream cbaDnel conditions. Improvements in
upstream HUC's would decrease sediment sources within this watershed and lead to improved conditions in SkaJkaho
Downstream decreases in sediment yields are not likely to be measurable in the main stem ofthe Bitterroot River as
they would be diluted and masked by large land areas and many other activities on all land ownerships.
Alternative C
The reduction in erosion sources associated with watershed improvements would be the same as with Alternative B.
In the short-term, there would be increases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removals. No fuel
reduction treatments would occur with Alternative C, and ground disturbance would be less than Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal Infiltration would improve where roads were
decompacted (McBride, email, 4/01).
CbaDneI conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-repJacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
No watershed improvements are proposed in this area. Upstream reduction in sediment yields would contribute to
improved stream health in this downstream reach ofSkaJkaho Creek.
A small amount ofbarvest would be accomplished using a helicopter yarding sysUm. Off-site erosion would be
minimal because only a limited amount of gro~ distuJbaDce is likely to occur.
There would be no iDcreases in water yield from this proposal
ChaDneI conditions would be maintained and improved in this watershed because ofupstream proposak for grave~
draiDage improvement and road decompactioDlobliteration.
Fuels would be reduced in the units treated; the reduction in risk ofa high severity fire within the HUe would be not
be decreased because a small area is proposed fOr treatment. The risk ofstand-replacing fire and the chance of
hydrophobic soils would remain in the green stands oftimber as weD.
BUI"IJed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-101
Watershed - SlcaJkaho-Rye Area
Table 3-36, below summarizes the effect that proposed activities would have in the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
and relates it to amount of the HUC burned, stream sensitivity and the IWWR ratings.
Table 3-36 - Skalkaho-Rye Geop-aphlc Area Summary
CIwIps III T.... FoIIowiDIlmplemeatatioD
No Change in Trmd: NODe
Loog Term lDaased Risk: .Long Term Decreased Risk: D*
lnaeased nsk fiom wata' )'I~odd'mcrcases, ong term dt.ctases m nsk fi'om lower sedimalt)'ll'd<Is: YO0
Stream Geomor
Name, 6th Code
(ROIIen, Integrity
S. Fk. SkaIkaho
Skalkaho Bear
Gulch (0903)
Lower Skalkaho
Percent of
Burned (1)
Risk of
Damage by
Integrity (2)
type (2)
none none
none none
none none
none none
Little Sleeping
Child (0704)
S. Fk. Sleeping
Child (0701)
Divide Creek
Sleeping Child
Sleeping Child
Burke 0805)
(1) From Table 2-1, pages 4.2-11 aDd 12. published in Post Fire Assessment, 2000
(2) From Gary Deem, persooal communieatim. 4127/01, aDd SWEP, 1993
1==<Jooc12= Moderate, 3saPCXX" as descnbed in Affected Environment
- With all activities, tbere wiD be a short tam iDaase in sedimeDt yields fi'om ground disturbing activities.
Cumulative Effects
Described and listed below are the past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities that are considered in the
cumulative effects aDalysis fOr watershed areas within the SlcaJkaho-Rye Geographic Area.
Past Activities:
Past Forest Service Timber Sales and associated road construction: Much ofthese types ofactivities have
occurred in this area in the paiL Road densities and road locations are the largest source of sediment and
influence to stream conditions because roads are a chronic source ofsediment and over nine miles ofroads in
the draiDage are located in sediment contributing areas parallel to streams. Harvest is a cause of increases in
water yields because tree removal frees soil moisture for use by other trees or runoff. Within this geographic
area, road deDsities and ECA are high in Rye Creek, North Rye, Blacktail, MooDShine, and South Fork of
Sleeping Child.
3-102 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
- .
Watershed - SkaI1caho-Rye Area
State Department ofNatural Resources (DNRC) Timber Sales: Harvest on state 1aDd in Rye or Skalkabo
Creek, or Mike Creek has occurred in the past. This occurred using various yarding systems and various
types of silvicultural treatments. Only three State sections are present within this geographic area. Salvage
harvest is proposed in the Sleeping Child and Spring Hill sections in 2001-2002 on 282 acres that would be
yarded using tractors and skyline systems. Following the project, 1.4 miles ofroad would be abaudoned and
Private Land Timber Sales: Timber harvest and clearing has occurred for homes, bnWesses, roads and
pastures. Post-fire harvest has occurred on private 1aDd during the winter of2000-2001. Through photo
interpretation and maps, we have estimated 17,274-forested acres on private land burned that could be
harvested in the SkaJkaho-Rye Geographic Area. For the purpose ofwatersbed analysis, it is assumed that all
ofit will be harvested over the next couple ofyears, and that all ofil would occur using groUDd based
yarding systems (although some of is likely to be harvested using less impactive aerial systems). Given the
assumption that groUDd based systems would be used for yarding timber, this activity will increase groUDd
disturbance and erosion. The effect on sedimentation in stream channels that occurs is dependant upon the
application ofBMPs, proximity to streams and drainage-ways, season ofharvest, as well the actual method
ofimplementation. Depending upon the yarding system used and the application ofBMPs sedimalt yields
could increase as a result of this activity. Water yields are not expected to increase because it is very
probable that only fire-Ialled trees would be removed.
Artificial Reforestation: Planting trees in clearcuts decreases the amount of time it takes for a cleared area to
become hydrologically recovered by several years. HydrologicaDy recovered is defioed as vegetative
recovery to a level that approximates a mature stand in use ofsoil moisture, and snow distribution.
Typically, this takes at least 30 years in this area.
Road Construction, Reconstruction and MainteDance on National Forest Lands: Roads are the largest source
of sediment, with the initial three years fOllowing construction being the worst, until disturbed areas become
armored and vegetation becomes established. Sediment from roads often is traDsported to streams. ChaDDeI
conditions reflect increased sediment loads from within the watershed. Where roads contribute sediment to
streams, increases in fine sediment in the substrate are CODDDOn. Reconstruction can re-disturb soils and
increase sediment yields for a time until revegetation and restabilized occurs. Reconstruction includes such
activities as improving the draiDage on a road or the road sur1Bce. In the long-term, this is an improvement
because sediment yields can be decreased. Road densities are high in Blacktail, MooD8hine, North Fork Rye,
Rye Creek, South Fork Sleeping Child, headwaters of Little Sleeping Child, Burke Gulch, and several dry
draws in Skalkaho.
Road Construction on Private and State Lands: Road construction and recoDStruction on State Lands is
regulated and implemented similar to the mauner that is used on National Forest lands. Effects would be
similar and is described above. Road coDStruction and reconstruction on private 1aDds is regulated by no one
and can be done very well or poorly, depending upon the landowner. Roadwork can cause iocreased
sediment contributed to streams and reduction in channel conditions when built (and maintained), especially
when adjacent to stream channels.
Forest Trail Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance: This activity resuhs in a minor amount of groUDd
disturbance and erosion. In the long-term, established, well-designed trails benefit watershed conditions
because trails are routed through areas that can be drained, where streams won't wash away trail tread, and
where sediment won't be contributed to streams. The amount ofsediment that results from trail
improvements is minor compared to that from other sources in the watershed.
Farming and Ranching on Private Land: Tbm activity has occurred for over 100 years. Included is the
cultivation ofcrops such as hay; grazing of1ivestock, irrigation, feeding areas,. barns and outbuildinp. The
land was often converted &om open forest to meadow or grassland. Ditches are constructed for irrigation
purposes and maintained. In extreme cases, streams have been channelized in an effort to reduce the amount
ofarea affected by flooding each year. Tbm activity is likely to continue indefinitely.
Harlan Burke Grazmg Allotment: This allotment is located on the west side of the Sapphire MoUDtaiDs. The
livestock graze areas within the Harlan Creek draiDage fOr the majority ofthe summer. Livestock use can
and at times does result in stream baDk trampling, compaction ofsoils in livestock-&vored areas, riparian
areas and over grazing ofnative grasses. Tbm area is quite dry and the development ofsprings to provide
watering areas away from wetJaud and streams is necessary to provide water for livestock as well as protect
the wetland areas. This allotment will be rested in 2001.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-103
Watershed - SkaIkaho-Rye Area
North Sleeping Child Grazing Allotment: Livestock use can and at times does result in stream bank
trampling, compaction of soils in livestock-&vored areas, riparian areas and over grazing ofnative grasses.
Recent ID8D8gement has reduced these effects but they still occur to some degree. This allotment will be
rested in 2001.
Sleeping Child Grazing Allotment: This allotment has not been grazed since the early 1990's, aud there are
no plans to graze it in 2001. In the past, livestock use did produce some stream bank trampling, compaction
ofsoils in riparian areas, and over grazing ofnative grasses in the upper Sleeping Child meadows. These
areas have been on a &vorable recovery trend for the last 7+ years.
Skalkaho Grazing Allotment: Use occurs in five pasture areas during various parts ofthe grazing season.
Livestock use can aud at times does resuh in stream bank trampling, compaction ofsoils in riparian areas,
aud over grazing ofnative grasses. Recent ID8D8gement bas reduced these effects but they still occur to some
degree. This activity will continue indefinitely.
Rye Creek Grazing Allotment: This allotment has been vacant for at least a decade aud there are no plans to
graze it in the near future.
Fire Suppression: Fire suppression resulted in more dense staDds throughout the area. This bas helped lead to
a greater amount ofground fuels and more intense fires than occurred historically. Hotter fire with heavy
ground fuels increase the extent and severity ofhydrophobic soils. This likely was a great influence on the
amount of area within the burn perimeter this previous SIl1DIIIeI".
Prescribed Fire: In the recent past, some prescribe fire was applied in this area. However, the amount ofthis
that bas occurred was small aud scattered when compared to the size ofthe geographic area and probably
would have minimal effect during a severe fire season.
2000 Fire and Rehabi1itation: Many dozer lines and hand-lines were completed throughout the area during
August and September 2000. Dozer Iioes were rehabi1itated as soon as they were no longer ueeded for fire
suppression. Rehabilitation included pulling the disturbed soil back onto the fire line, spreading slash and
organic debris on top ofthe lines, and then spreading seed and fertilizer. Where dozer Iioes were incised,
they were recontoured. Hand lines were also rehabilitation as soon as they were no longer needed for fire
suppression. Waterbars were iDstalled and slash spread on fire Iioes before baud crews left the area.
2000 Completed BAER Activities: Culverts were upsized tbroughout the area itmnediately following the
fires. These were iosta1led during low flow periods, all were seeded but not all were mulched. It is likely
that sediment was contributed to stIeamS when they were iDstaIled, and some erosion and sediment input will
continue &om disturbed soils until vegetation becomes established, through 2001 at least. These sites will
need to be monitored to see if seeding was successfid or if additional erosion control is needed.
2000 Fire Effects: As stated in the Affected Enviromnent, fire burned a large percentage ofthe Skalkaho-Rye
Geographic Area. This wiD iocreue water aDd sediment yields. Debris flows may occur in the high severity
areas. The effects ofthe fire could lead to some dramatic effects in stream channek, especially the higher
order, small streams that were burned at high severity or where roads restrict flood plain access and narrow
channels, such as in North Fork Rye and Rye Creek.
Personal Use Firewood and Christmas Tree Cutting: Both of these have occurred in the watershed but very
little occurs within SMZ's or RHCA's. Dlegal firewood cutting areas include the road encroached RHCA's
along Rye, North Rye, Skalbbo, Daly and Sleeping Child Creeks.
Hunting, FiIbing, Dispersed and Developed Recreation: Activities at dispersed and developed recreation sites
may affect channel conditions at isolated spots where trails are worn to collect water from streams. Another
influence would be compaction of camp areas iom parking vehicles aDd from trampling. None ofthe affects
associated with recreation occur widespread in the watershed and any effects are localized.
Ditches, Diversions, and Inigation Dewatering: Inigation withdrawals occur throughout the area. In
Skalkaho and Sleeping Child Creeks, decreases in late season flows from irrigation withdrawals affect
iDstream flows, limiting the amount ofwater contributed to the Bitterroot River and nearly drying up the
stream. Most inigation withdrawals occur below the Forest boundary. This activity wiD continue
Subdivision on Private Land: This activity occurs throughout the area, with the majority of it occuning at the
lower elevations. This trend is expected to continue.
3-104 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Highway 93 Coostruetiou, Reconstruction and Mainteoance: The Highway was constructed in the 1930's aDd
several river meanders were cut-off and the river and floodplain access was restricted below CODDer, most
activities associated with the highway are located above Conner.
Dam Creek Dam: Located on a tributary to Daly Creek (Dam Creek); the operations ofthis structure lower
peak flows and contribute additional water during low flows for downstream irrigation. The influence upon
Daly Creek is small and immeasurable because only a small amount ofwater is impounded and released
compared to the size of the Daly/Skalkaho watershed.
Little Sleeping Child Creek Dam: Tbm is a Diy large impoundment on a small stream. Irrigation
doWILmeam diverts some of the impounded water during low flow periods. The largest coucern associated
with this structure is the risk ofoverland flow/debris flow events that are at risk of occurring in the
headwaters ofLittle Sleeping Child Creek that could affect the stn1ctUral stability of the dam. Tbm wiD be
breached in the spring of2oo1. Breaching would increase turbidity, suspended and bedload sediment in
Little Sleeping Child Creek during and immediately following breaching activities.
Pond Development on Private Land: Construction ofponds adjacent to and on Little Sleeping Child Creek
has altered channel diversity below National Forest Land. Other ponds are coDStructed in other
subwatersheds within this HUC but are located off the stream channel and are fed with ditches.
Rye Creek Elk Farm: Development ofpasture on Rye Creek has affected channel stability, width/depth ratios
and temperatures on Rye Creek. Fencing has reduced this impact and the stream is gradually improviDg.
Heavy grazing in pastures adjacent to stream channels increases the risk ofoverland flow because oflimited
vegetation to filter out eroded materials and compacted soils that reduce infiltration.
Past Wildfire: Wildfire has affected vegetation and watershed conditioDS in this area. Past eva1ts include
North Rye Fire of 1988; the Sleeping Child Fire of the early 1960's; and the Ann Fire of the early 1990's in
the SkaJkaho drainage are the largest fires.
Crystal Mountain Fluorspar Mine: Located in the head ofRye Creek this mine, on private laud, has resulted
in groUDd disturbance and un-reclaimed tailings are a source oferosion. From the examination of aerial
photos it appears that sediment sources are surrounded by vegetation and the amount of sediment that could
reach stream channels is limited.
State Highway 38 Coostruetiou, MainteDance: Tbm road is located in an erosive area and coDStricts the
stream chaDnel and limits flood plain access in severallocatioDS. During periods offlooding sections of the
roadway are submerged by floodwaters and a significant amount ofsediment is contributed to Daly Creek
increasing suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity. Steep, rocky fiDsJopes that are difficult to
vegetate provide a sediment source siDce the road was developed. Majntenauce of the road may result in
some overcast although efforts are made to limit occurrence.
Ongoing Proteets
Road MainteDallCe, normal and fire related: MainteDallCe on forest roads would be ongoing and include
blading, culvert inlet and ditch cleaning. This activity does disturb the road sur&ce and can increase erosion
because ofreducing the amount ofarmoring, and disturbance ofvegetation. However, improving the
drainage and getting the erosive force of the water off the road sooner out weighs the short-term iDcrease in
erosion. In the long-term, improved drainage reduces the risk oflarge road &ilures. Repair of fire related
road damage is likely to have a negligible effect on sediment yields because a very small percentage ofwork
to be done would be within sediment contributing areas near streams.
Toilet Replacement in Recreation Sites: Ground disturbance would occur on site. The chances oferoded
sedimalt reaching stream channels would practicaDy non-exisUDt.
Farming and Ranching OD Private Lauds: This was discussed UDder past activities.
Tree Planting in MaDaged StaDds: Tbm activity decreases the amount oftime to hydrologic recovery in the
stand that are planted by several years because one and two year stock wiD be planted. Ground ~
would be minimal as planting would occur by hand. This project should DOt contribute sediment to
Irrigation dewatering: Dmcussed in Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Infestations: These are likely to spread in fire stressed stands as wen in densely
populated green stands. As green trees succumb to the bark beetle, more dead trees wiD be present along
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-10S
Watershed - SkaIkaho-Rye Area
with increases in soil moisture aud water yields caused by increasing amounts ofECA These dead trees
would be available as fuel for future fires.
Private Land Salvage Sales: Post-fire harvest bas occurred on private land during the winter of2000-2001
aDd wiD likely continue over the next few years. Much of the harvest on the CB Ranch occurred using
helicopter yarding systems. Described UDder Past Activities.
Mushroom Harvest: This may increase the amount of dispersed camping aDd the impacts associated with that
as described UDder "Past" Activities but influences to stream chaDnel conditions should not measurable in the
stream chaunels.
Routine Road Maintenance on Private Land: Maintenance can maintain and improve drainage so that erosion
from roads is reduced and contribution to streams is diminW1Jca4. Improper maintenance can also cause
erosion: sidecasting ofmateria1 into streams is direct sediment source and can contribute to stream chaDnel
narrowing aDd increased amount of fine materials in the substrate. Maintenance on private land wiD continue
Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Livestock wiD continue to be grazed on private lands, most ofoccurs
during the winter months when the groUDd is frozen. Some stream banks within pastures are trampled and
streams may be wider aDd shallower than they would be without the 1ivestock usc. These activities are likely
to continue indefinitely.
Pond Construction on Private Land: Described UDder Past Activities.
Trail Maintenance: This work involves clearing trails of filllen trees and repairing eroding sections of trail
This would be an improvement, even though a relatively small one.
Harlan Burke, North Sleeping Child, Rye "Creek, Sleeping Child, Skalkaho AMPs: Described under "Past"
BAER Projects to be completed: Several culverts are still listed to be upsized. Sedimentation would be
associated with the removal aDd iDstaUation ofnew culverts in streams.
Personal Use Firewood Cutting: Described UDder Past Activities.
Hunting, Fishing Dispersed Recreation: Described UDder Past Activities.
Fire Suppression: This is likely to continue, especially along wildland urban inter&ce areas that are located
throughout the lower portions ofthis geographic area. This would reduce the spread ofsmall fires and may
lead to increased fuels ifllOt reduced in some other DJaDDer.
Removal ofSnow Pillow Culvert: This culvert, located in an 1IDII8D1ed tributary to Daly Creek wiD be
removed in late summer, 2001. When it is removed, BMPs would be applied to limit and reduce erosion
from the disturbed banks and facilitate revegetation. Some sediment would be contributed to Daly Creek, but
it would be a small amount and limited to a time period closely related to the removal itself(Lolo National
Forest Monitoring Report, 1999).
Breaching of Little Sleeping Child Creek Dam: Described under Past Activities
Continued Operation ofDam Creek Dam: Described under Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Rye Creek Elk Farm: Described UDder Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
State Highway 38 Maintenance: Described UDder Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Skallcaho Daly Dispersed Recreation Site Rehabilitation: These areas wiD be blocked so that access to the
stream bank is restricted. Camping would be allowed, but would be limited to areas off the stream.
Reasonably Foreseeable Proleets:
Roadside Herbicide Treatments, Herbicide Treatments on New Areas: Roadside treatments would likely
begin in the next year or two depending upon environmental analysis and decision. If the mitigations are
followed properly, the" risk ofdegradation ofwater quality is likely to be negligible (Information Ventures,
1998). This activity would continue indefinitely.
Continued Fire Related Road ReconstlUction and Uncompleted BAER Projects: Repair of roads with burned
out fill aDd UDdersized culverts wiD continue until completed aDd roads are stabilized. The road
reconstruction is likely to be away from stream crossings aDd BMPs would be applied to limit sediment
production. The replacement of culverts would be regulated by INFISH. BMPs would be applied and
revegetation aud mulching would occur to limit sediment production. There is likely to be some sediment
3-106 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - SlcaIkaho-Rye Area
produced and contributed to stream chaDnels during culvert replacement. However the risk ofculvert &ilure
if not replaced is high because of increased flows resulting from the fire and the sediment that could be
produce from a fililed culvert is much higher than would be contributed during replacement (Sirucek, 1999).
The activity would cease when work is completed, likely by the end of2001.
Prescribe Fire Treatments: These are likely to continue in areas where environmental analysis has been
completed in an effort to reduce fuels and reduce the risk ofstand-replacing fire. Low severity prescribed
fire typically bums ground fuels but doesn't result in hydrophobic soils or large numbers of tree mortality.
Vegetation usually re-sprouts soon after the burn is completed. Little erosion occurs. These types of
treatments are likely to continue in the future (DeBano, 1998, pp177-178, 183).
Continued Forest Trail Reconstruction: Discussed under Past Activities.
Farming and Ranching on Private Lands: This was discussed under past activities.
FSIBLM OHV EIS: Depending upon the decision resulting &om this auaIysm, off-road travel across the
forest may be restricted. This would be a benefit from a watershed standpoint because newly grown
vegetation would not be trodden on by ofl:.road vehicles, nor would sensitive soils be disturbed or rotted.
Restriction oftravel could reduce the spread ofnoxious weeds, the development ofadditional user made
trails and the formation of new erosion sources.
Continued Routine Trail Maintenance: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Road Maintenance on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Subdivision on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely. Described
in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Mushroom Harvest: Described in Ongoing Projects. It would likely cease after 2002.
Continued Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Infestations: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Harlan-Burke, North Sleeping Child, Sleeping Child, and Skalkabo Grazing Allotments: Described in Past
Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Highway 38 Maintenance.
Continued Fire Suppression: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Artificial Reforestation: Described in Past Activities.
Continued Personal Use Firewood Cutting and Christmas Tree Cutting: Described in Ongoing, would
continue indefinitely.
Continued Hunting, Fishing, and Developed Recreation: Described in Ongoing, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Operation ofDam Lake Dam.
Breaching of Little Sleeping Child Dam: Described in Past Activities.
Continued Operation ofRye Creek Elk Farm.
DNRC Salvage Sales in North Rye (Sec. 36) Sleeping Child (Sec. 36), Gird Skalkaho Divide (Sec. 16):
Harvest in these areas would likely occur over snow and remove only fire-1alled trees. This would not
iDcrease water or sediment yields to any measurable degree.
Items not listed above, but contained on the lists in the Project File, were not selected because they occur outside of
this watershed area and do not have the potential to contribute to watershed and stream channel cumulative effects.
Alternative A
Effects would be the same as for the Blodgett Geographic Area.
Rve (0801)
Alternative B
The past, ongoing and reasonable foreseeable future activities contribute sediment and water yield to the Rye Creek
watershed. The ongoing presence of the roads in North Fork and Rye Creek increase the risk oferosion and
downstream sedimentation in the event offlood flows over the next several)afS. The risk of flooding from high
water yields that are a result of the fire is high in the North Fork and Rye Creek Canyons, without any additional
BUI'IJed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-107
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
upstream increases in water or sediment yields. The implementation ofactivities that would increase water or
sediment yields in this watershed are likely to add to the severity offlooding in the D8ITOW canyons where the existing
roads restrict the channel and limit floodplain access (North Fork Rye aDd Rye Creek). Without the cumulative
effects in this watershed, the proposed activities would be acceptable because they have been designed to limit water
and sediment yield increases, however, when combined with the cumulative effects listed above, the effects would be
measurable. Activities should be limited to those that do not contribute to increases in erosion or water yield.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources aDd sediment yields in Rye Creek with this alternative would be
significant and be slightly more than Ahernative B because ofa greater amount ofroad recontouring. This would
improve infiltration to a greater degree.
Alternative D
The increase in short-term sediment yields associated with harvest, and the coDStruction of landings and temporary
roads increases sediment yields at the same time that maximum increases from the fire would occur and would be
larger than with Alternative B. Combined with other sediment producing activities on the cumulative effects list,
along with the roads constricting the channels, the risk ofchannel changes in Rye aDd North Rye is increased
considerably and to a larger degree than Alternative B.
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the as same Alternative B.
Alternative E
There would be decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and from the graveling, decompaction aDd revegetation of road surfaces. In the long-term, stream
channel conditions in Rye Creek would be improved considerably.
Burke (0805)
Alternative B
In Mike Creek, the water aDd sediment yields resulting from the fire when combined with cumulative effects &om
other projects could alter stream channel conditions. The addition ofadditional water yields from the harvest of green
trees could add to that impact aDd contribute slightly to degradation ofchannel conditions. In the remainder of the
watershed, fire effects or other cumulative impacts should not be magnified by additional management activities.
Improvements on the roads would reduce erosion sources aDd sediment slightly aDd contribute to long-term
improvements in stream channels. Harvesting only fire-kiDed trees in Mike Creek would reduce the risk ofchannel
changes in this small watershed.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area would be almost twice that ofAlternative
B. When considered in combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list,
human-caused sediment sources aDd sediment yield would be decreased and more quickly than in Alternative B
because short-term increases in sediment would be lower.
Alternative D
The increase in short-term sediment yields associated with harvest, and the construction ofJandings and temporary
roads increases sediment yields at the same time that maximum increases &om the fire would occur. Combined with
other sediment producing activities on the cumulative effects list, the risk ofchannel changes in Mike Creek is
increased slightly above Alternative B. In other subwatersheds within this HUC, conditions would be maintained.
The long-term decreases in erosion sources aDd sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as Ahemative B.
Alternative E
There would be small decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and &om the decompaction aDd revegetation of road sur&ces. In the long-term, conditions in this HUC
would be improved.
3-108 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Little Sleeping Child (0704)
Alternative B
In Little Sleeping Child Creek, cumulative effects (past harvest, road construction aDd the amount offire in the
headwaters) are likely to increase erosion, sediment yields, aDd water yields to a large degree. In Lairdon Gulch, a
tributary to Little Sleeping Child, overlaDd flows following the fire have already occurred. Increases in sediment from
harvest should be kept below that decrease that resulted from watershed improvements. Water yields from harvest
would contribute to increases already expected from the fire.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be less than Alternative B because no timber harvest would occur. When considered in
combination with the sediment produced &om the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment
sources aDd sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attaiDed more quickly than iftimber
harvest occurred.
Alternative D
The increase in short-term sediment yields associated with harvest, and the construction oflaDdings and temporary
roads, increases sediment yields at the same time that maximum increases from the fire would occur. Combined with
other sediment producing activities on the cumulative effects list, the risk ofchanuel changes is increased slightly
above Alternative B because of increases in the short-term sediment yields.
The long-term decreases in erosion sources aDd sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the as same Alternative B.
Alternative E
Divide (0702)
Alternatives B and D
There would be decreases in sediment yield &om the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and from the decompaction aDd revegetation ofroad sur&ces. In the long-term, human-caused
sediment sources on NatioD81 Forest 1aDd in this HUe would be improved.
The proposed activities would not increase water and sediment yields to a measurable extent. Although past activities
have resulting in increases in water and sediment yields, the proposals should not contribute to changes in watershed
Alternatives C and E
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be simdar to those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield the
reduced level would be attained at a similar rate as with Alternative B because what harvest is proposed in that
alternative would be yarded using helicopters aDd this results in very little groUDd disturbance.
UDDer Sleeping Child (0701)
Alternatives B and D
Sediment and water yields have been iDcmIsed from past actions in this watershed, including road coDStructiou,
livestock use, and timber harvest. The implementation of the proposed activities would not increase these parameters
because of the yarding system that would be used and the removal ofonly dead trees.
Alternatives C and E
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be similar to those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield, the
reduced level would be attaiDed at a sHghtly quicker rate than with Alternative B because no harvest is proposed with
this alternative.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-109
Watershed - Ska 1lcabo-Rye Area
Middle Sleeping Child (0703)
Alternatives B and D
In the hot springs tributary to Sleeping Child Cree~ past timber harvest as wen as fire has resulted in increases of
water yields. Intermediate harvest proposed in this drainage in Alternatives B and D could add to the risk ofhigh flow
events. The channelization ofthis tributary in a culvert through private laud reduces the amount of flow than can be
carried at anyone time and further increases the risks associated with increased water yields. Increases in water yields
in the remainder of the watershed would be very small and not affect channel conditions. Sediment yields would
increase very slightly from skyline harvest and a very small amount from tractor harvest. These increases would be
less than those decreases that result from the improvements; there would be no net increase in sediment yields in this
watershed that could be combined with sediment yields &om other projects listed above.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be less than Alternative B because no timber harvest would occur. When considered in
combination with the sediment produced &om the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment
sources and sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attained more quickly than iftimber
harvest occurred.
Alternative E
There would be decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and from the decompaction and revegetation ofroad surfaces. In the long-term, human-caused
sediment sources would decrease and sooner than in harvest alternatives where the short-term increases in sediment
yields would be greater.
Lower Sleeping Child (0705)
Alternatives B and D
High and moderate severity fire increases the risk ofoverland flow and debris flows in Blacktail Creek. BAER
installed log erosion barriers in this watershed to reduce that risk. Harvesting of green trees in these areas would add
to the risk ofwater yield increases. In the remainder of the HUC, the proposed activities would cause very small
increases in sediment and water yields. Conditions would be maintained in Sleeping Child with these activities.
Alternative C
ne long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
.ovements would be less than Alternative B because no timber harvest would occur. When considered in
combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment
sources and sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attained more quickly than iftimber
harvest occurred.
Alternative E
There would be decreases in sediment yield ftom the reduction in sediment sources that result &om drainage
improvements and from the decompaction and revegetation ofroad surfaces. In the long-term, human-caused
sediment sources would be decreased.
UDDer Skalkaho (0901)
Alternatives B and D
The proposed activities would result in a net decrease in human-caused sediment yields in the Upper Skalkaho
watershed. The cumulative decrease in sediment yields would lead to an improvement in channel conditions in
Skalkaho Creek.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be less than Alternative B because no timber harvest would occur. When considered in
combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment
3-110 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
w ..
. . . ..........----~~-.-
Watershed - SkaJkaho-Rye Area
sources and sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attained more quickly than if timber
harvest occurred.
Alternative E
There would be decreases in sediment yield &om the reduction in sediment sources that result &om drainage
improvements aud from the decompaction and revegetation ofroad sur1Bces. In the long-term, human-caused
sediment sources would be decreased.
Dalv (0902)
Alternatives B and D
Small decreases in buman-caused sediment sources would result in minor, immeasurable long-term imprOvements in
stream channel conditions in Daly and Skalkaho Creeks.
Alternatives C and E
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be less than Alternative B because DO timber harvest would occur. When coDSidcred in
combination with the sediment produced ftom the activities on the cumulative effects Hat, _
sources and sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attained more quickly than if timber
harvest occurred.
Skalkaho Bear Gulch Area (0903)
Alternatives B and D
The sediment and water yields produced by the proposed activities would be immeasurable and cause no changes in
stream channel conditions. The improvements in upstream HUC's would actually reduced sediment yields overall in
the watershed. Combined with the activities listed above, the effects of the proposals would not contribute to changes
in stream channel conditions.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be less than Alternative B because no timber harvest would occur. When considered in
combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects Hat, _
sources and sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attained more quickly than if timber
harvest occurred.
Alternative E
Cumulative Effects would be the same as those listed in Alternative B.
There would be decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and from the graveling, decompaction and revegetation ofroad surfilces in upstream HUC's. In the
long-term, buman-caused sediment sources would be decreased.
Lower Skalkaho Area (0904)
Alternatives B and D
Decreases in buman-caused sediment sources would result in long-term improvements in stream channel conditions in
Skalkabo Creek. Over the long-term the cumulative additions ofsediment would be less because ofreduction of
human-caused sediment sources from upstream sources.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be less than Alternative B because no timber harvest would occur. When considered in
combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects Hat, _
sources and sediment yield would be decreased and the reduced level would be attained more quickly than if timber
harvest occurred.
Alternative E
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-111
Watershed - S1calkabo-Rye Area
There would be decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage
improvements and from the graveling, decompaction and revegetation ofroad sur&ces in upstream HUC's. In the
long-term, human-caused sediment sources would be decreased.
East Fork Geographic Area
Existing Condition
This area consists of the following hydrologic units: Upper East Fork (0402), Martin (0403), Meadow (0404), Middle
East Fork (Bertie Lord Area) (0405), Tolan (0501), Camp (0502), Middle East Fork Intertluve (Guide-Reimel) (0503),
Cameron (0504), Warm Springs (0505), and Lower East Fork Intertluve (0506). AD of these areas were included in
this area ofaoaIysis because they are within the East Fork of the Bitterroot River basin. They are geologically similar
and within the Bitterroot River basin.
The East Fork of the Bitterroot River originates high in glaciated basins of the Sapphire Range. Some basins are
underlain with metasedimentary rocks of the Belt Series and others with granitic bedrock. Many tributary streams
flow through moderate- to low-relief IaDdfurms dominated by decomposed granitic parent material and then into
broad, low-gradient meadows prior to reaching the East Fork, Cameron and Meadow Creeks are examples oflow
gradient streams. Glacial and alluvial deposits ofmixed origins and saody materials from granitic bedrock influence
substrates of the East Fork. The East Fork flows through low gradient montaDe vaDeys and in confined D8ITOW
valleys, intermittently transporting sediment efficiently and then depositing sediment in low gradient reaches.
Midway, the East Fork makes a bend and flows north to meet the West Fork. In this reach, the valley D8ITOWS and
smaller tributaries flowing through moderate- to higb-reliefIaDdfurms efficiently route nmoff and sediments from
weathered granites to the main stem.
Roads are a major impact in disconnecting the East Fork and Camp Creek from their floodplains and restricting
chaDnel migration. Natural detritus from meadows and woody debris are important to boosting nutrient capital in
these streams.
Nearly halfof the total watershed area in the East Fork of the Bitterroot was burned, of this over 25 percent of the area
burned with moderate to high severity. Watersheds with significant amounts ofhigh severity burn and potential for
high runoffevents are: Laird, Balsam, Dickson, Beam, Reimel, Spade Creeks, un-named tributaries to Meadow
Creek, tributaries to Cameron and Camp Creeks, and the headwater tributaries to Tolan Creek.
BAER specialists' reports iDdicate that high flows are expected in many of the watersheds in the East Fork. The Far
East BAER reports suggest a high degree ofwater repeDency in soils even though duff layers and organic matter were
not entirely coDSUlJled. Far East Fire BAER Area hydrologists reported a high amount ofwood in channels, which
will offer a stabilizing effect when high flows occur and route sediment. They also suggest that lower-gradient
segments in the upper portion of the East Fork will buffer increases in sediment in the lower East Fork by storing aud
slowly routing sediment over time. Valley Phase 1 fire area (the East Fork below Tolan Creek) also has exteDSive
areas of high and moderate severity bum.
Many of the streams within the East Fork had high severity fire in the riparian areas. Recovery ofvegetation and bank
stability will depend on pre-fire condition ofriparian shrubs and the ability ofshrubs to sprout along the banks.
Pre-fire watershed condition for most watersheds has been rated at moderate or high integrity. Exceptions are Reimel,
Camp, and Cameron Creeks, where low integrity ratings were given. Watershed fimction in R.eimel Creek was
already affected before the fires by grazing and a private water diversion that i10lates the stream from the East Fork at
low flows. Conditions in the Camp Creek watershed are influenced by graziog and U.S. Highway 93 channelization
and winter sanding operatiom that contribute sediment to the stream system. Camp Creek influences are high road
density, large areas ofpast timber harvest, and graziog. AD of these watersheds may have less resilience and could
experience increased bank erosion from fire effects.
Included in the evaluation of current conditions are the effects ofpast activities, these are described in detail in the
cumulative effects section. The stream chaDnel is the iDdicator ofupstream and upland conditions, it is CODStantly
adjusting to changes in sediment and water yield. The fOrm of the chaDDel evolves from upstream events, geology,
landform, and climate (Rosgen, 1996). Because ofthis, the stream chaDDel is the real indicator ofwatershed condition.
"A" strcamtypes, steep weD-confined chaDDek, make up the majority of the streams within the SbDcaho-Rye Area.
The streams naturally have a high percentage ofb particles in the substrate, because of the geology (weathered
granitics and volcanics that weather to fiDe grained particles. "A" streams are confioed with D8ITOW floodplains
3-112 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
located in v-shaped valleys. They can be sensitive to increases in water yields because there is little access to a
floodplain where energy can be dissipated.
"B" streamtypes are also common in the area. These are found in the wider valley bottoms. They are less sensitive to
increases in sediment yields, or water yields because access to a floodplain allows for dissipation ofenergy and
sediment is deposited on the floodplains.
A few ''C'' streaJDtypes are fOund on National Forest in the area, the majority are found on private land in the SuJa
Basin. These are low gradient, wide and shallow streams that meander through the floodplain. These streams are
formed in wide valley bottoms in alluvial (deposited) material, they are sensitive to increases in sediment and water
yields because the materials the stream is formed are easily detatched and moved.
Rosgen stream type surveys on national forest lands indicate that upper reaches ofstreams have chaDDels that will
efficiently tnmsport runoff and sediment to low gradient reaches downstream. Low gradient chaDDels with high
integrity will tend to store and slowly release sediment over time. Those that are lower integrity may have increased
bank erosion. Important "e" reaches are located in the following streams: East Fork Bitterroot, Camp, East Fork
Camp, Lick, Martin, Meadow, Reime~ and Swift. There are also important re8pODSe chaDDels downstream of the
Forest boundary within private lands. StreambaDk condition is low to moderate, which may increase sediment loads
by bank erosion to the East Fork.
Moose Creek (0401)
Moose Creek is a 2S square mile watershed that has a large proportion ofroadless and undeveloped lands in its
headwaters. Geology consists ofmostly glaciated and weathered granitics. The lower reach of the stream is a stable
B chaDDel with a substrate composed ofcobbles and small boulders. There are about four miles of road in the
watershed that are located in the riparian area. There are 400 acres ofprivate land in the headwaters near Frog Pood
Basin. There are severallUStic cabins, logging and mining in the past. A short section ofroad has been built on the
private land for access. DisturbaDce (road, logging, mining) on the private land has little direct iDput to live water.
Stream surveys have been conducted for several years at the end ofForest Road #432 on Moose Creek. This reach is
considered a reference reach because there has been very little activity above this point. The information from this
reach is used to compare with other streams ofsimilar form and geology.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates this watershed as healthy except fOr Lick Creek that is rated seositive because of
The IWWR rates the watershed as moderate with respect to vulnerability because oferodible land types, moderate
water quality because of sediment and channel modification and inoderate geomorphic integrity because ofpast
harvest and roads in the lower portion ofthe watershed.
About two percent of the watershed was affected by moderate severity fire and about six percent by low severity; the
majority of this was in the headwaters of the Lick Creek drainage. This is estimated to iocrease water yields by less
than one percent in Moose Creek. The risk ofoverland flow and debris flows is small.
Moose Creek is listed as baving a threatened cold water fishery in the Montana 1996 and 2000 303d report with the
cause being siltation probably as a result of agriculture, irrigated crop production and range land. The impairment is
likely the result ofsome other activities because the Ii1ted sources do not occur in this watershed or the listed stream is
a di1Ierent Moose Creek.
In summary, Moose Creek is a healthy stream. Although there are sediment sources and activities that have occurred
in the lower part of the watershed, watershed improvements and road decommissioning that has occurred in Paint,
Reynolds and Lick Creek bave reduced sources. Stream surveys indicate near re1ereDce CODditions.
UDDer East Fork (0402)
The Upper East Fork is a S7.9 square mile watershed that is largely wildemess. The geology of the area is mostly
glaciated and weathered granitics. The lower reach of the stream is a large meaDdering ''C'' reach that flows through a
wide valley.
A stream survey was completed on the East Fork upstream ofthe Wilderness boUDdary in 1994. This is a reference
reach and the information gathered from it was used to compare to other similar stream clwmek.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates this watershed as healthy as does the InJaDd West Assessment for geomorphic
integrity, wInerability and water quality.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-113
Watershed - East Fork Area
Thirty-five percent ofthe watershed was affected by fire during the 2000 season. The risk ofchanges in channel
conditions following is high, especially in the headwater streams. No emergency watershed treatments were
implemented in this area.
The portion ofthe East Fork listed on the Montana 1996 303d report is below the wilderness boundary. The majority
of this watershed is wilderness and considered in good heahh.
This watershed and stream are considered healthy because ofthe roadless and nnmauged conditions. The stands
within the drainage are mostly mature and there is some risk of lightning and wildfire within the drainage at some
point in the future.
Martin Creek (0403)
Martin Creek is a 32 square mile watershed that is a mix ofgeologies including calc-silicates, weathered and haid
granitics. There is a road in the riparian area that restricts stream channel and floodplain function. The Sleeping
Child Burn affected the upper elevatiom of this watershed in 1959 and there were many low staDdard roads and firelines constructed during and after the old Sleeping Child Burn. Many of these bave been obliterated; log culverts
removed and revegetated during a watershed improvement project that was implemm1ted in the early 1990's
(Watershed Restoration in Martin aud Bertie Lord Drainages, 1995).
A stream survey was conducted on Martin Creek at milepost 7.5 from the con1luence with Moose Creek in 1992. At
this point there is a large amount of fiDe sediments in the chaDneL This portion of the watershed is composed of
weathered, easily eroded sediment plus there are lingering effects from the old fire. In 1995 and 1996 many ofthese
roads were decompacted, log culverts pulled and reseeded.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates this watershed as sensitive because ofthe old fire, levek ofECA and the presence of
roads in the riparian area.
. The IWWR rates the watershed a moderate for geomorphic integrity, water quality, and vulnerability because of
erodible laud types, sediment, channel modification and roads.
A small amount ofthe watershed was affected by the fires of2000, two percent ofthe area was of moderate severity
aud another one percent was low severity. This is estimated to increase water yields by less than one percent. The
risk ofchanges in channel conditions following fire in Martin Creek is small because such a small area was affected.
Martin Creek is listed on the Montana 1996 303d report. The probable impaired use is cold-water fisheries with the
probable source being silviculture. It is not listed on the 2000 303d report.
In summary, this watershed. in moderate health because ofpast activities and the road along the stream restricting
the stream and the floodplain. Sediment sources bave been limited to some extent by the watershed improvements of
the mid-90's and the gravel sur&ce on the road along the stream.. Channels are on an improving trend because of the
reduction ofsediment sources that were implemented in 1995.
Meadow Creek (0404)
Meadow Creek is a 32 square mile watershed that • a mix ofweathered and hard granitics. There is a road in the
riparian area that restricts stream channel aud floodplain function for Dine miles. This watershed is the heart of the
Meadow Tolan Allotment and is utilized by livestock for several months each season. Watershed improvements were
completed in this area in 1996 and 1997. Most ofthe areas where soils were disturbed and are being monitored are
becoming grass covered. The best revegetation results are where there is shade and moisture available.
Monitoring occurs 8IIDU8lly on the allotment at 14 sites, 11 of these are in the Meadow Creek drainage. ODe ofthe
Meadow Creek reaches exceeded the recommeuded level of trampling. This site was located on Meadow Creek,
above Road Number 5761, where an old harvest UDit has not regenerated.
Several stremn surveys have been conducted throughout the Meadow Creek drainage. Although most parameters
along the mainstem are near re1erence, productivity decreases the further downstream the site. located (Meadow
Tolan EAWS, 1998). Stream surveys taken on Lodgepole Creek, a tributary, over the past several years, indicates
this stream is on an improving trend. Surveys have also been conducted on Swift Creek, another tributary. The upper
site is considered re1ereDce because there is very little activity above that point and the majority ofthe watershed is
roadless. When compared to the lower site, the lower site has slightly greater amount of fiDe materials in the
substrate, this reach is slightly flatter gradient and so is a depositional reach. It is also accessible by livestock and
there is one watering hole/crossing in the reach which results in weakened banks for about 15 feet. The remainder of
the reach is inaccessible and has stable banks.
3-114 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates Meadow Creek watershed as seusitive because the road along the stream restricts
floodplain access and stream width, other roads throughout the watershed aDd past harvest also are a source of
The IWWR rates the watershed a moderate for geomorphic integrity, water quality, aDd vulnerability because of
erodible land types, sediment, channel modification, past grazing practices and roads.
A large portion of this Meadow Creek was affected by high aud moderate severity fire: 46 percent, an additioDal19
percent was burned at a low severity level This is estimated to increase water yields by 12 percent in this watershed.
Balsam Creek aDd the headwaters ofMeadow Creek were the drainages that were most affected by high severity fire.
The chance ofoverland flows aDd debris flows within this area is high and it is blcely that there will be deposition of
material aDd chaDoel changes, in some places dramatic changes, in Balsam Creek aDd the Meadow Creek headwaters.
These events would most likely be the result of an intense thuoderstorm in a locaHzed area aDd the visible effect of
this would be in localized areas also. The result would be deposition in the chaDnels of soil, rock and some trees. The
stream would cut through this deposition, either establishing a DeW channel or cutting through to the original cbanneL
Downstream of the depositioDal area it is expected that a greater amount offine sediments would be deposited in the
substrate aDd channel migration would occur. Fonowing the event, the fine sedimmlts would be traDsported
downstream to depositioDal reaches and stream bank erosion could occur. Recovery would occur over ten-plus years
following the event. Stream bank erosion be most likely to take place where low gradient, meandering stream reaches
are present, where fine grained alluvial soils are present.
Mt;adow Creek is listed on the Montana 1996 30~d report. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery with
impairment being other habitat alterations resulting from highway/roadlbridge CODStlUCtion, rangeland and agriculture.
It is not listed on the 2000 303d report.
In summary, this watershed is in moderate health because of past activities and the road along the stream restricting
the stream aDd the floodplain. Sediment sources have been limited to some extent by the watershed improvements of
the mid-90's aDd the gravel sur&ce onportioos ofthe road along the stream. Since such a large amount ofthe
watershed was affected by fire, there is risk that there will be effects to chaDnel couditioDs (especially in the small
headwater tributaries) as a result ofincreases in water yields, sediment yields and debris flow events. Estimates
indicate that effects of the fire would be greater than those resulting from the project.
Middle East Fork (]Jerde Lord Area) (0405)
This is a fourty square mile intertluve area that coDSists of Bertie Lord, Teepee Creek aDd the area above ''BoDaDZa
Lands" subdivision as wen as a portion of the main East Fork River. The geology in this area is composed ofmostly
weathered with some areas ofharder granitics, most ofwlUch are easily erodible.
Several stream surveys have been completed in the area in 1999. On Bertie Lord Creek one was located near the
mouth aDd the other upstream on a tributary, there was also a survey completed in Teepee Creek. In these areas there
was high percentage of sand sized particles in the substrate.
This area bas a high road density aud this is evident by the high risk rating given by the Bitterroot Coarse Filter aDd
Less than one percent of the area was affected by moderate severity fire in the headwaters of Bertie Lord, with another
six percent baving low severity fire above Bonanza Lands. Water yield increases estimated from this are very small
aDd would not affect channel conditious. Risk ofchannel changes resulting from the fire is very smaD.
The maiDstem of the East Fork is listed on the Montana 1996 303d report. The probable impaired use is the coldwater fishery with impairment being other habitat alterations, siltation aud flow alteration. It is not listed on the 2000
303d list.
In summary, tributaries in this HUC are in poor health because ofpast activities such a roads, the main East Fork min
moderate to good health. Some watershed improvements in the form ofroad drainage improvements have occurred in
the area which will lead to reduced sedimeDt sources in the long-term.
Tolan Creek (0501)
Tolan Creek is a 20 square mile watershed that has a several hundred acres ofprivate ranch land at the mouth where
bay is grown in the summer aDd &l1 aud livestock graze in the winter and spring. The geology ofthe area on NatioDal
Forest is granitic and is fairy erodible and is rated as high wlnerability in the IWWR because ofsoils, dissected slopes
aDd erodibility.
BUI'IIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-115
Watershed - East Fork Area
Stream surveys bave been conducted in the area as part ofthe monitoring for Tolan Timber Sale and the Meadow
Tolan Allotment. A survey on a tributary to Tolan Creek below harvest activity indicates that the site has a low
percentage ofsaDd in the substrate aud that there baven't been any changes in chaDDel conditions as a result of timber
sale activities. Monitoring ofstream bank trampling on NatioDal Forest in the upper part ofthe watershed shows that
little livestock use occurs in this part ofthe allotment and livestock is not affecting stream chaDDel conditiODS.
This area has a low road density and is rated as healthy by the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis. The IWWR
rates the watershed as baving moderate health
Almost 29 percent of the area was affected by moderate and high severity fire, another 40 percent was burned by low
severity fire, and water yield is estimated to increase six percent following fire. High severity fire in some headwaters
ofTolan Creek could result in debris flow events ifhigh intensity thunderstorms were to occur. The risk of this
happening in the tributaries where high severity fire occurred is high and would likely result in some deposition in the
mainstem. The main stream would react by cutting through or around the deposition and transporting sediment
Tolan Creek contributes water and sediment to the maiDstem of the East Fork that is listed on the Montana 1996 303d
report. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery with impairment being other babitat alterations, siltation
and flow alteration. Input ofsediment from fire caused debris flows to the East Fork would likely be small and be
transported through the East Fork stream system. The East Fork is not listed on the 2000 303d report.
In summary, this watershed is in good health. There could be some affects as a result ofthe fire but good existing
stream channel conditions will allow the chaDnel to react aDd recovery from fire caused impacts without large changes
in the chaDDel on NatioDal Forest. On private land there could be some changes in channel conditions because of
sediment transport aDd deposition from upstream areas. These effects could include deposition, bank cutting and
chaDDel migration. Inigation structures may be affected by these fire effects.
Camp Creek (0502)
Camp Creek is a 36 square mile watershed where a variety ofactivities have occurred in the past. About three square
miles ofthe watershed is privately owned and this 8Ial has been fiumed and received livestock use in the past, aDd
some of the private land is currently being used for home site development. Another five square miles are part of the
SuJa State Forest where timber harvest, grazing, road coDStruction, aud road reclamation has occurred. On NatioDal
Forest there is a ski area, there has been road CODStlUction, road reclamation, timber harvest, Saddle Mountain Fire,
and Highway 93 bisects the watershed. The highway is a major impact in the watershed because ofchanne1ization,
constnlction, reconstruction, mainteuance and sanding along the road corridor during the winter.
Several stream surveys bave been completed throughout the area in the mid-90's. Near Camp Creek hm, measured
parameters on Camp Creek were within ranges ofnormal when compared to refereDce streams. Much of Camp Creek
is chaDDe1ized aDd has poor bank stability that results from past activities on private land. On Waugh Creek a survey
indicates that it is on the less healthy side reference streams. At ~ sites (Camp Creek, Waugh Gulch, East Fork
ofCamp (4 sites), West Fork ofCamp (3 sites) the managed reaches indicated that there is a higberpercentage ofsaDd
in the substrate that in the reference reaches (Camp Reimel EA, 1997), this is likely due to high road densities above
the survey locations.
In Camp Creek, the Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates the watershed as sensitive because ofpast road construction, stream
chaDDel relocation aDd harvest. Praine, Indian Tree Trib, West Fork ofCamp and Andrews Creek, an tributaries, were
rated as high risk because of roads aDd grazing along the stream channek. The other areas within the watershed were
rated as sensitive. This auaIysis considered only NatioDal Forest Lands. Since the Camp Reimel Analysis, the State
ofMontana Department ofNatural Resources has implemented a road improvement/watershed improvement package
that closed, improved drainage and revegetated roads throughout State Land. This project reduced sediment sources
aDd will lead to Jess sediment input to the chaDnek in Praine aDd Andrews Creeks in the long-term. This project was
implemented in 1999 aDd 2000 and streams have not had the time to recover to the fun extent from the reduced
sediment sources.
The IWWR rates this area as in poor geomorphic integrity aDd water quality because of the amount ofactivity that has
occurred in the past.
Thirty-four percent of the area was affected by moderate and high severity fire with another 19 percent affected by
low severity fire. Water yields are estimated to increase 6 percent following the fire. Risk of debris and overland
flows as a resuh ofthe fire is high in the areas affected by high severity fire and even in some moderate severity fire
areas because of granitic soil types. Thunderstorms in September of2000 caused several overland flow events that
3-116 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
didn't affect channel conditions, but indicate the sensitivity of these types ofsoils to high intensity storms aDd
overlaud flow events. Given a thunderstorm of the right intensity, the risk is high that there could be overlaud flow
and debris flow events in some areas of the Camp Creek watershed, especially those affected by high severity fire.
Should these occur effects would be visible in stream chaDnels by deposition, channel migration, aDd stream bank
erosion. Upsizing ofculverts on roads throughout the watershed by BAER has reduced the risk of culverts plugging
and road fills being eroded considerably.
Camp Creek contributes water and sediment to the maiostem of the East Fork, which is listed on the Montana 1996
303d report. The probable impaired use is the coldwater fishery with impairment being other habitat alterations,
siltation and flow alteration. It is not on the 2000 303d list.
In summary, this watershed is in moderate health because ofpast activities such as roads, harvest, channelization,
grazing aDd ski area development. Some watershed improvements in the form ofroad closures aDd revegetation have
occurred in the area that will lead to reduced sediment sources in the long-tenD. However, chaDnelization and
streambank conditions in the lower reaches of the stream lead to a relatively high risk ofchaDDel changes from fire
Middle East Fork Interfluve (Guide-Reimel) (0503)
This is a an interfluve area that consists ofReimel Creek, aDd tributaries to the East Fork upstream ofReimel,
including Mink, Springer, Kerlee, Bertie Lord, Guide, Colvert, Jennings Camp Creek, aDd contains a portion of the
East Fork River. The geology in this area is composed ofhard aDd weathered granitics. A small amount ofprivate
laud is located at the mouths ofReimel, Mink, Springer, and Kerlee. On Reimel Creek, where the largest parcel of
private laud is, much of the stream is diverted into a pond, especially during low flows.
Several stream surveys have been completed throughout the area over the past several years. In Reimel Creek,
surveys bave shown that eroding stream banks have resulted in a wider and sbaBower stream with more fine
sediments in the substrate than reference streams. Stream bank restoration was implemented in 1999 that stabilized
severallnmdred feet oferoding banks aud planted willows. A stream survey on Springer Creek indicates hallthy
stream chaDDel coDditioDS. Stream surveys on Guide, Colvert aDd Jennings Camp Creeks aD indicate that there is a
high amount ofsediment in the streams that is likely related to the higher road densities and granitic, erosive soils.
Jennings Camp, Guide, Dowling and Mink Creeks are aD rated as high risk in the Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed
Analysis as high risk because ofroads and timber harvest. Jennings Camp and Guide both have roads that parallel the
stream chaDDel aDd provide a direct sediment source to the stream, as weD as restricting the flood plain access.
Reimel is listed as sensitive because of grazing and the remaiDder of the area is listed as bealthy.
The IWWR rates the HUC as moderate water quality and geomorphic integrity in Rcimel Creek and poor water
quality aDd geomorphic integrity in the remainder of the area. Roads are the major impairment, followed by channel
modificatioDS. The maiostem of the East Fork likely would receive moderate ratings except for the inputs from the
tributary watersheds and channelization on private laud.
Moderate and high severity fire affected eight percent of the area aud an additioDal19 percent burned at low severity.
Water yields are estimated to increase two percent as a result of the fire. A larger percentage ofReimel Creek was
burned by high severity fire, including sensitive soils on steep slopes aud in the riparian valley bottom. The risk of
overland flow BDdIor debris flows is high in some areas ofReimel Creek. Should this occur, there is likely to be
increased deposition, bank erosion and chaDnel migration in the aDuvial vaDey bottom. BAER evaluations identified
a need for fencing of the stream to e1imiDate livestock access aDd this fence will be built in 2001. The stream bank
stabilization structures installed in 1999, were not burned during the fire, although about 1/3 of the planted willows
were. The structures should provide additiooal protection to streambanlcs during the next few years when increases in
sediment and water are expected from fire mortality.
Reimel Creek. listed in the Montana 1996 303d report. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery aDd
aquatic lite with impairment being other habitat alterations, siltation and suspended solids resulting from agriculture
aDd rangeland. The East Fork is also listed, with the probable impaired uses being cold-water fishery with impairment
being other habitat alterations, siltation aDd flow alteration. It is not listed on the 2000 303d list.
In summary, Reimel Creek received the largest amount ofhigh severity fire within this HUC aDd the risk • high that
there wiD be overlaud flow or debris flows in that watershed. Should this occur, stream chaDnel conditions in Reimel
Creek would change because ofdeposition, stream bank erosion. The remainder of the area received only low
severity fire and no changes in stream channel area blcely.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-117
Watershed - East Fork Area
Cameron Creek (0504)
Cameron Creek is a 49 square mile watershed with 28 square miles ofthat being private and state laud. The private
land is located mainly in the aDuvial valley, fiuming, ranching and home sites have been the primary activities. State
land is located above private land aud below National Forest, the primary activities in the past bave been road
construction, livestock use aud timber harvest. National Forest lands comprise the upper elevations of the watershed
and past activities include timber harvest, road coDStruction aud limited livestock use. Geology in the area consists of
mostly weathered gnmitics that are erodible.
No stream surveys have been conducted in the area. However, the fisheries biologist has surveyed the percent fines
(<2DDD) in pools and in low gradient riftles in many reaches across the National Forest land and five of these were in
Cameron Creek near the Forest BoUDdaries. Surveys on Hart, Lyman, NF Cameron and Upper Cameron have percent
fines similar or less than reference levels. At the site on lower Cameron, an aDuvial, low gradient reach there is a high
percentage of fiDe sediments in the substrate. Surveys indicate that streams higher in the watershed are bealthy, that
they are able to adjust to and transport sediment yields but in the lower elevations, woody vegetation is Jacking,
sediment is deposited in the chaDDe~ the stream is wider and more shallow.
The Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis rates this watershed as high risk because ofroad density and the
probability ofa large IlUIDIx2" ofsediment sources in the watershed. There has also been a high percentage ofharvest
before the fires. Grazing is common in Cameron Creek on private and state land and some use occurs on National
Forest lands. This also contributes to poor channel conditions in this watershed.
IWWR rates the area having poor watershed integrity and water quality as a result of sediment from roads, bank
erosion, livestock aud increased flows.
Sixty percent ofthe watershed was affected by moderate and high severity fire; another five percent was burned at low
severity. This is estimated to increase water yields almost 13 percent as a resuh of the fire. Hart Creek and the West
Side ofCameron Creek were affected by a large percentage ofhigh severity fire. The risk ofoverland flows in these
areas is high. On the west side, 4S0 acres oflog erosion barriers and wattles were iDstaDed in an effort to reduce the
risk ofoverland flow events from that area ofhigh severity fire on National Forest, and protect doWDStreamldownhill
irrigation structures.
The lower reaches ofCameron Creek are an E stream type, relatively deep and D8ITOW, and flows through an aDuvial
valley composed of fiDe grained soils. In this type of stream, bank stability is directly related to stream bank
vegetation. In lower Cameron Creek, few willows remain and this along with fiDe aDuvial soils, influences bank
stability and makes it very sensitive to increases in water and sediment yield, both ofwhich are expected as a result of
the fire.
Cameron Creek contributes water and sediment to the maiDstem of the East Fork that is listed on the MontaDa 1996
303d report. The probable impaired use is the coldwater fishery with impairment being other babitat alterations,
siltation and flow alteration. There is at least moderate risk that fire caused sediment will reach the East Fork from the
headwaters ofCameron Creek. Input ofsediment from fire caused debris flows to the East Fork would likely be
traDsported through the East Fork stream system. It is not on the 2000 303d list.
In summary, this watershed was in poor health, before the fire. Because of improvements on state land, there bad
been decreases in sediment sources but there hadn't been time for improvements in the stream chaDDel to occur from
sediment source reduction. Following the fire, there will be iocreases in water and sedimeDt yields, audlor overland
flow events in some areas as a result of the fire and these could affect channel conditions in Cameron Creek. The
effects could include deposition, bank cutting and channel migration. On private land there is blcely to be some
changes in chaDDel conditions because oflow flows that are a result ofirrigation withdrawals. This may affect
irrigation structures on private IaDd. In the East Fork contributed sediment would likely be transported doWDStream to
depositioual areas and result in little risk to changes in the East Fork.
Wal7ll SDrings Creek (0505)
Warm Springs is a 4S square mile watershed where a variety ofactivities have occurred in the past. Geology aud soils
in the area are granitics and volcanics that are easily disturbed and eroded. Private land exists along the lower mile of
the stream and includes Medicine Hot Springs, a development that used to be a commercial hot springs resort but is
DOW a private operation. Grazing and home site development also takes place on the private land. A large amount of
the watershed is roadless and undeveloped with some livestock grazing that takes place along the grasslands in the
3-118 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
.,. .
Watershed - East Fork Area
Porcupine Saddle area. About three square miles ofthe watershed is privately owned aud this area has been fiumed
and received livestock use in the past, aud currently some is being used for home site development.
Several stream surveys have been completed throughout the area in the mid-90's. Two are located on the maiDstem;
one is an upstream reference reach that can be compared to a similar downstream similar reach. 1be parameters
measured for both sites were similar. Stream surveys indicate that the maiDstem ofWarm Springs is healthy. Other
surveys have been completed on Crazy Creek and Planet Creek, tributaries to Warm Springs, both ofthese have a
greater amount ofsand in the substrate than do reference streams.
In Warm Springs Creek, the Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates it as healthy however, there is about three miles ofroad that
parallels the stream aud limits channel migration and floodplain access to a small degree. Bear Gulch, and Crazy
Creek, both tributaries to Warm Springs are rated a high risk because ofroad densities.
The IWWR rates this area as in high geomorphic integrity and moderate water quality because ofthe activities that
have occurred in Bear Gulch and Crazy Creek (roads and harvest). Much of the watershed is roadless and
A small amount of the area was affected by moderate and high severity fire (14 percent) and another 30 percent was
affected by low severity fire. 1be estimated increase in water yield from this is 3 percent over current 1evek in Warm
Springs Creek. Risk ofdebris aud overlaud flows resulting from the fire is low in most ofthe watershed, but there is
some higher risk in those areas that did experience high severity fire. Generally, the fire in Warm Springs is
considered a benefit because most ofit was oflow and moderate severity aud this reduces risk oflarge-scale fire in
the future as weD as reducing fuek. Channel changes as a resuh ofthe fire are not expected in the Warm Springs
watershed but there may be some localized areas ofoverland flow where fire burned at high severity.
Warm Springs Creek contributes water and sediment to the maiostem ofthe East Fork that is listed on the Montana
1996 303d report. The probable impaired use is the cold-water fishery with impairment being other habitat
alteratioDS, siltation and flow alteration. It is not listed on the 2000 303d report.
In summary, this watershed is in good health. The extent of fire activity in the watershed is minor aud few effects in
the form ofchaDDel changes aud overland flow events are expected.
Lower East Fork Interflllve (Medicine Tree, May,",,' Laird) (0506)
This is an intertluve area that includes streams tributary to the East Fork between Sula aud the confluence with the
West Fork, included are Maynard, Laird, Robbins Gulch, and Medicine Tree Creeks. 1be canyon section of the East
Fork has steep rocky slopes aud erodible land types. The remainder ofthe area has granitic aud volcanic geology that
is erodible but the slopes aren't as steep as in the canyon and this results in the soils being more stable than those in
the can~n. The watershed is 54 square miles and 14 ofthat is private laud that is located mainly in the lower section
in Dickson, Spade and along the East Fork itsel£ Most of the activity on private laud is centered on residential use
and 'ranching. Highway 93 restricts floodplain access aud has straightened the river for much of the length in this
section and this results in higher velocities, downstream bank erosion. Winter sanding also contributes sediment to
the channel
Several stream surveys have been completed throughout the area in over the past several years. In Maynard Creek, six
years ofmonitoring conditions in the stream following the implementation of the Maynard Creek Timber Sale showed
that the stream remaDvd similar to pre-project conditions (Forest Plan Monitoring Report, 1997). In Laird Creek, a
watershed improvement project was implemented in the early 1990's that reduced sediment sources by graveling the
road in the riparian area, removing culverts, decompacting and recontouring roads and reseeding distmbed soils.
Monitoring ofthe treated sites indicates that sediment sources bave been reduced and that stream cbannek bad
improved very slightly since implementation ofthe project (Forest Plan Monitoring Report, 1997). In Robbins Gulch,
the road restricts the stream cbaDDel Medicine Tree Creek is heavily impacted along the lower reaches aud has
downcut through sandy alluvial soil. Beam, Dickson, aud Spade Creeks are mostly private land and DO surveys bave
been conducted in these areas but they do have high road densities.
The Bitterroot Scmsitive Watershed Analysis rates several streams within this area. Lord Draw is listed as high risk
because ofhigh road densities. Laird Creek was listed as high ri1k but had a large amount ofwatersbed improvements
implemented, aud the stream has shown some improvement and was downgraded to seositive. Maynard is healthy.
Spring Gulch would be seositive, not because of upland activity but because the road i1 built in the valley bottom and
restricts chaDDel function.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-119
Watershed - East Fork Area
The IWWR rates the HUC as moderate water quality aDd geomorphic integrity because ofchannel modification in the
East Fork, Laird, Robbins, aud Spring Gulch.
Moderate aDd high severity fire affected 49 percent of the area aDd an additioDal4O percent burned at low severity.
Water yields are estimated to increase 10 percent as a result of the fire in the East Fork. Smaller watersheds that were
burned heavily such as Laird, Dickson, Beam, Spade, as well as the rock face areas in the East Fork canyon will all
have higher water yields aDd a high risk ofoverland flow aud debris flow events. In an effort to reduce risks of
overland flow near residential areas, BAER installed 634 acres oflog erosion barriers (LED's) aDd wattles in Laird
Creek, 89 acres in Dickson, S9 acres in Spade aDd 40 acres in Franklin Gulch. About eight miles ofroad were
recontoured in Laird Creek during the emergency rehab efforts to reduce the risk ofroad fiB &iIure aDd to improve
Drainages within the area contribute water aDd sediment to the mainstem of the East Fork that is listed on the Montana
1996 303d report. The probable impaired use is the cold water fishery with impairment being other habitat alterations,
siltation aud flow alteration. Laird aDd Gilbert Creek are listed on the MontaDa 1996 aDd 2000 303d report for
impaired aquatic life support aDd cold water fisheries from silvicultural activities that caused habitat alterations,
siltation aDd suspended solids.
The East Fork of the Bitterroot has been restricted by the construction ofHighway 93. The highway limits flood plain
access aDd has shortened the length of the river, this makes the river have more erosive power during high flows. In
channelized rivers, energy during peak flows is confined to the channel rather than being dissipated on the larger flood
plain. Before the fire, only a small amount ofharvest bad occurred aDd the fire did not affect a large percentage of the
watershed. Given a normal snowpack, flows in the East Fork are expected to increase about 10 percent (Farnes,
2000); additioDal water yields would put additioDal stress on the stream system.
Environmental Consequences
Effects Common to All Acdon Alternatives
In aD action alternatives there wiD be short-term increase in sediment from the ground disturb8Dce associated with the
watershed improvements. The removal ofculverts wiD likely be the largest source because the activity would occur in
the stream channel aDd sediment could readily be contributed. Mitigation would reduce this amount, but there would
sti11 be some increase. Short-term increases in sediment from the watershed improvements are estimated at 0.1 ton
from each culvert removal site (Decker, persooal communication, 4/03/01) until vegetation is recovered aDd soils are
stabilized. This decreases over a few years (typically three years) to a point much lower than would be ifno
improvements were made.
Improvements would occur on varying lengths ofstream chaDnel from the removal of cu1verts within each HUC.
Where cu1verts were removed, a channel would be CODStI'UCted that would mimic what was above aDd below the
culvert site. This would improve floodplain accessibility aDd allow vegetation to grow along the banks.
Decompacted road surfaces would allow for greater infiltration than exists currently (Luce, 1997). Roads intercept
both surfilce aDd shallow subsur&ce ground water aDd can result in more rapid runoff aDd iDcreased sediment delivery
(Borel, 1996). As a result of the decompaction, vegetation would grow more vigorously. MonitoriDg on watershed
improvement projects location on the Bitterroot NatioDal Forest has shown that within three years vegetation has
recovered (FP MonitoriDg Report, 1998) aDd is similar to what existed prior to the decompaction (persoDal
On roads that were decompacted and recontoured there would be less risk offill slope &iIure. Restoration of the road
surfilce results in fewer slides aDd washouts (Horel, 1996).
In Alternative B, all ground based skidding would occur over snow 8DdI0r frozen ground. This would essentially limit
ground disturbance aDd erosion from this source immeasurable levels (McBride, 1994; see also the soils report for
amount ofarea disturbed from ground-based systems over snow).
No activities are proposed in Moose Creek (0401), aDd Upper East Fork (0402) with any of the alternatives.
Conditions would remain on current trends as was discussed in the Affected EnviroDlDel1t in those watersheds.
3-120 - BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Direct and Indirect Effects
Alternative A
In Alternative A for aD hydrologic units - the No Action Alternative, no watershed improvements, harvest or fuels
reduction are proposed. There would be no short-term increases in sediment yields from ground disturbaDce
associated with watershed improvements, timber harvest, fuels reduction, and temporary road coDStruction or landing
With No Action, there would be DO opportunities to reduce man caused sediment yields by improving drainage on
roads, decompacting road surfilces or obliterating road prisms. Culverts would continue to limit floodplain access and
provide a risk of fiillure on roads that &reD't maintained to the level necessary to reduce the risk ofculvert fiillure. All
roads would continue to intercept shallow subsurfice water where cutslopes cut into ground water paths. Roads
would continue to capture and transport runoffrather into streamcourses would continue to do so. Because there
would be none ofthe above improvements occuring, long-term sediment yields would remain on the same trend as
In the event that no large stand-replacing fires occurred erosion sources and sediment yields would increase over the
next few years until vegetation became established on the burned areas. It would take about 2-3 years for the
vegetation to recover.
Hydrophobic soils will recover over the next few years to pre-fire conditions (see soils section on hydrophobicity).
The risk ofoverland flow on areas that were burned at high severity where hydrophobic soils formed would decrease
until infiltration rates that are within the natural range of variability were attaiDed.
Water yields will increase following the fire and slowly decrease as vegetation recovered to the point that use of
moisture would be similar that present prior to the fire. The increases in water yields would resuh in iDstream erosion
as channel systems lengthened and widened to provide enough area to carry higher flows. Defined channel systems
would extend further up the slope where ilie fire killed large percentages ofvegetation and increased water yields.
Over time, as water yields decreased, these channels would DaITOW and recover to pre-fire conditions.
Sediment yields that resuh from increases in upland erosion would scour steeper channels and be deposited in low
gradient stream reaches. Low gradient reaches would experience channel migration. Alluvial fims would be
augmented with sediment from upstream sources.
Over the next 10-30 years, the trees killed in last SUIIJIIaS' fires will fiill to the groUDd. These, along with the new
growth understory and young saplings would be fuel fOr any fires that might be started either by lightning or by
people. Should a fire start under these conditions, the fuel would carry and hold fire for long periods oftime because
the large fiillen trees would burn for several hours (Everett, 1995, pp 3,4). The long burning hot fire in areas where
high amounts of fuek are consumed increase the risk aud occurrence ofhydrophobic soils (post Fire Assessment, 4.1).
Fires that might start in these fuel conditions would burn hot and would be more likely to form hydrophobic soils than
fires that would burn in areas with less fuek or would burn for short time periods.
Should high severity fires occur a second time on sites affected by high severity fire in 2000, there is high risk that
overland flow, sheet erosion could occur on sites where this happened not too many years previous. Increased bum
intensity iDcreases the risk of erosion and soil loss (Everett, 1995, pp. 6). The risk ofthis occurring would be greatest
in areas where large amount offuek were jackstrawed (Gerhardt, persoDal coJDDDmication, 4/01), and this is likely to
occur in areas ofthe 2000 burn where large amounts of fuels are left standing. These are the areas that did burn at
high severity during the 2000 fires and where soil coDditions have been altered because ofthe fire severity.
Alternative B
No activities are proposed in the Moose Creek (0401) and Upper East Fork (0402) HUCs with Alternative B. No
additioDal anaIysm will occur on direct, indirect or cumulative effects in these two watersheds. Conditions would
remain on current trends as was diM:ussed in the Affected Enviroument.
Martin Creek (0403)
Alternatives B and D
Exi1ting roads in the headwaters of Martin Creek will bave drainage improved to reduce the amount ofsediment that
erodes from the road surfilce as weD as the 8IDO\Dlt ofsediment that is contributed to stream chaDDels, another short
section that crosses into the Martin Creek watershed from another HUC (.03 miles) would be obliterated. This would
BUI'DCd Area Recovery DEIS- 3-121
Watershed - East Fork Area
resuh in a short-term increase in sediment because ofground disturbance but in the long-term sediment produced from
these roads would be less than it is currently.
No harvest is proposed in this watershed.
There would be DO increase in water yields from the implementation ofthis activity. There would be DO measurable
decreases in water yield from the decompaction that would occur because such as small length ofroad would be
Channel conditions would be improved slightly because ofthe reduction in sediment yields and erosions sources. In
the short-term, there would be a small increase in sediment yields from the roadwork, that depending on time of
implementation could occur at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Mitigation applied to reduce sediment
from entering channels during road improvements would limit the amount ofsediment contnbuted during constlUCtion
The implementation of these alternatives would resuh in DO change in the risk offires from burning again in 30-50
years because DO fuels are being reduced in the HUC.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the same with both Alternative B and C. The decreases in erosion sources and
long-term sediment yields would be the same also. In the short-term, there would be increases associated with the
ground disturbance and culvert removal, this would recover over two to three years as soils stabilized and vegetation
grew on the site. There would be DO short-term increases or ground disturbance associated with timber harvest with
this alternative and so the lower yields would be attained in approximately the same amount of time as Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal. Where roads were decompacted, infiltration would be
increased (McBride, email, 4/01) on the treated sites.
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources aud
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
Effects in Martin, Middle East Fork and Tolan Creek would be the same as in Alternative B and consist ofdrainage
improvements on open roads.
In Meadow Creek, effects would also be the same as in Alternative B and consist ofdrainage improvements and
graveling on open roads.
Meadow Creek (0404)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur throughout the watershed. This would result in short-term increases in
sediment followed by lower sediment yields after vegetative recovery. The reason for the long-term decreases is that
with decompacted surfiJces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) allowing for plants to grow more
vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted surfiJces.
This would allow for shade and iDcreased moisture as wen as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposed. The
biggest short-term source ofsediment would be from the removal ofculverts, recontouring fill slopes near stream
chaDnek aDd stabilization of stream chaDnels where culverts were removed. However, this would decrease rapidly to
pre-project conditions (Lolo National Forest, Monitoring Report, 1999) and eventually return to natural erosion rates
when vegetation is recovered (Decker, persoDal CODJIDUIlication, 4/2(01). The largest long-term decrease in sediment
would be as a result of the gravel surfilce that would be placed on the Meadow Creek road aDd on stream crossings
that contribute sediment directly to stream chaDnek (Fohz, 1996).
Ground disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields very slightly. A mix ofhelicopter and skyline
yarding systems over less than 800 acres would be used to would limit sediment yields to small amounts because
ground disturbance would be very small (WATSED, 1991). The largest increase associated with timberharvest/fuek
reduction would be from skyline yarding, which would be immeasurable.
3-122 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Temporary landinp would be constructed with this alternative. Both ofthese would be constructed outside of
streamside mauagement zones (SMZ's) aDd outside RHCA's. Some would be located on ridges. Ground disturbance
would occur on these Jaodings that would result in on-site erosion, the likelihood of eroded sediment from these areas
reaching streams would be very small because ofthe distance from live water. Mitigation in the form of straw bales
would be placed wherever there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated aDd
seeded following use to allow them to recover to the extent possible.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture aDd possibly some
influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). A very small percentage of the watershed is
proposed for treatment so that possible increase would be very smaD.
Roads are designed to prevent water from infiltrating so that a decent travel sur&ce is maintained in aD types of
weather. Decompaction allows more water to infiltrate (Luce, 1997). As a result ofdecompaction, there would be
some decreases in nmoff(Horel, 1996).
Channel conditions should not decrease as a result ofthe proposed activities because iocreases in water and sediment
yield resulting from the project would be smaD. There would actually be some improvements in the long-term from
decreases in sediment and water yield that result from the road improvements and the reduction in sediment sources.
In the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields from the road improvements that depeDdiog on time
ofimplementation could occur at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Iftbat were the case, the sediment
resulting from the mauagement activities would be &r out-weighed by the fire caused sediment, aDd in the sediment
produced from the road system would be lower than what exists cUl1'CDtly.
The fires of2000 are expected to cause some changes in stream channel conditions, in some locations the changes
may be dramatic depending upon storm intensity and presence ofh)Urophobic soils aDd the formation ofdebris flow
events. Increases in water yields and in erosion will alter stream channe. from their condition before the fires even
without debris flow events. Over the next 10-30 years, the standing dead trees will fiill to the ground along with the
growth ofnew trees and underbrush that occurs during that time be available should a fire start. The presence of the
large trees (heavy fuel) would cause the fire to burn for a long time period, meltiDg the organic compounds present in
the soil aDd create hydrophobic soils, possibly for a second time (Gerhardt, personal communication, 2(01).
Reducing the fuels would reduce the risk ofa severe fire within the treated units.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the same as Alternative B. Drainage improvements would reduce the amount
of sediment eroded from the road surface that could enter drainage-ways. In the short-term, there would be increases
associated with the ground dmturbance aud culvert removal, this would recover over two to three years as soils
stabilized aDd vegetation grew on the site. There would be DO short-term iDcreases or ground disturbance associated
with timber harvest with this alternative and 80 the short-term increases would be less with this altemative aDd
improvements in stream channek would occur on a quicker trend.
There would be DO iocreases in water yield from this proposal.
Clwmel conditions would be improved in this watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstaDd-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depeDdiog upon the occurreuce ofligbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative B. Changes in sediment yields would be the same.
Ground disturbance from harvest, coDStruCtion offive landings aDd 0.3 miles oftemporary roads create additional
bare ground aDd erosion sources in the short-term to a slightly greater degree than Alternative B as the result of
additional temporary road. Sediment yields are estimated to increase for two to three years from these activities after
that they would return to pre-harvest conditions. Increases in short-term sediment yields would be slightly higher with
than with Alternatives B, C or E.
Water yields would increase to the same degree as Alternative B.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-123
Watershed - East Fork Area
The increase in short-term sediment yields over that in Alternative B would be a minor amount. It is not likely that
there would be measurable changes in the chaDDel from the difference between the two alternatives. In the long-term
chaDnel conditions would be the same as with Alternative B.
The risk of future fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B and fuels and harvest treatments are
similar in both ahernatives.
Alternative E
Effects in Martin, Middle East Fork and Tolan Creek would be the same as in Alternative B and consist ofdrainage
improvements on open roads.
In Meadow Creek, effects would also be the same as in Alternative B and include draiDage improvements and
graveling on open roads.
Middle East Fork (Bertie Lord Area) (0405)
Alternatives B and D
In this HUe, the drainage on the main road above Springer Memorial would be improved so sediment contributed to
streams is minimized. This road was in fiUrly good condition prior to the fire and so decreases from improvements
would be quite small. This would result in a short-term increase in sediment because of ground disturbance but in the
long-term sediment produced from this road would be less than it • CWTeJltly. Prior to the fire, the streams on this
face didn't flow into the East Fork; they became sub-surfilce flow before entering the river. Following the fire they
may carry more streamflow but it is questionable whether they will reach the river; however, streams may develop
longer chaDDels and carry water and sediment further across the valley. It is unlikely that sediment produced in this
system would reach the river.
A burned plantation located on the face above Springer Memorial is proposed to have fuels reduced by band, and
seedlings planted. The likelihood oferosion and offsite sediment yields from these activities • very small.
There would be no increase in water yields from the implementation ofthese activities because there would be DO
green trees harvested; instead reforestation would reduce the amount of time it would take for the burned plantation to
become hydrologically recovered because trees that are a couple years old are planted and would be growing more
quickly than if left to natural methods of tree regeneration. In the long-term, the stand would recover hydrologically
more quickly by a few years.
Channel conditions in the small intermittent streams in this area should improve slightly in the long-term as sediment
from the road. reduced. In the short-term, there would be a small increase in sediment yields from the roadwork and
depeDding on time ofimplementation could occur at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Mitigation applied
to reduce sediment from entering chaDDels during road improvements would limit the amount ofsediment contributed
during construction activities.
The implementation ofthis alternative would result in little change in the risk offires from burning again in 10-30
years in most of this h)Urologic unit because such a small area • being treated. However, it would make a difIereDce
in the small unit treated.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the same as Alternative B. Drainage improvements and gravel surfilcing
would reduce the amount ofsediment eroded from the road surface that could enter draiDage-ways. In the short-term,
there would be increases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removal, this would recover over two to
three years as soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There would be DO short-term increases or ground
disturbance associated with timber harvest with this alternative and so the short-term increases would be lower with
this alternative and improvements in stream chaDDek would occur on a quicker treDd.
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources and
improvements in infiltration over the long-term.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
h)Urophobic soils would continue to increase, and depeoding upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
3-124 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Alternative E
Effects in Middle East Fork Creek would be the same as in Alternative B aDd include drainage improvements on open
Tolan Creek (0501)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur on very few sections roads in the watersbed. This would result in small shortterm increases in sediment followed by sedimeDt yields that are slightly lower than they currently are from roads by
improving drainage. This allows water to be diverted from the road sur&ce at appropriate intervals, before the water
has the velocity aDd power to erode the road sur&ce.
Ground disturbance from harvest would increase sediment yields very slightly. One increase associated with timber
harvest/fuels reduction would be from skyline yarding, which could occur during the summer aud could result in some
ground disturbance. The ground based activities would occur over snow (McBride, 1994) which limits ground
disturbance to a very small amount aDd the remainder would be yarded with helicopter would limit sediment yields to
small amounts because ground disturbance would be very small (WATSED, 1991).
Temporary landings would be constructed with this ahernative. Both ofthese would be constructed outside of
streamside management zones (SMZ's) aDd outside RHCA's. Some would be located on ridges. Ground disturbance
would occur on these landings aDd temporary roads that would resuh in on-site erosion, the likelihood oferoded
sediment from these areas reaching streams would be very small because of the <tistaDce from live water. Mitigation
in the form of straw bales and/or silt fences would be placed wherever there was a ri1k that sedimeDt might reach
streams. These areas would be obliterated aDd seeded following use to allow them to recover to pre-existing
Some existing landings located in RHCA's would be reopened aDd used in this alternative. Mitigation would be
applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams or wetlands. These would be rehabilitation
following use to allow landings to recover to pre-existing conditions.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have a very small «1%) increase in soil moisture and
possibly some influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). This increase is less than one
percent and would not be measurable or separated from that produced by the fire or past harvest.
Channel conditiom would not be altered as a result ofsediment or water yield from these proposals alone. Prior to the
fire, Tolan Creek was in good condition aDd had good chaDnel stability on NatioDal Forest. The short-term increases
in sediment yield would occur at the same time as those resulting from the fire. Under normal conditions, increases in
water yield or sediment yield would not be a concern.
The fires of2000 are expected to cause some changes in stream channel conditions, in some locations the changes
may be dramatic depending upon storm intensity aDd presence ofhydrophobic soils aDd the formation of debris flow
events. Increases in water yields aDd in erosion will alter $treaID chaDnels from their condition befbre the fires even
without debris flow events. Over the next 10-30 years, the standing dead trees will &l1 to the ground along with the
growth ofnew trees aDd UDderbrusb that occurs during that time be available should a fire start. The presence of the
large trees (heavy fuel) would cause the fire to burn for a long time period, melting the organic compounds present in
the soil aDd create hydrophobic soils, possibly for a second time (Gerhardt, persoDal communication, 2(01).
Reducing the fuels would reduce the risk ofa severe fire within the treated units in this watersbed.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the same as Alternative B. Drainage improvements aDd gravel sur1Bcing
would reduce the amount of sedimeDt eroded from the road surface that could enter drainage-ways. In the short-term,
there would be increases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removal, this would recover over two to
three years as soils stabilized aDd vegetation grew on the site. There is DO timber harvest with this altemative aDd so
the short-term increases would be lower with this alternative aud improvements in stream clwmek would occur more
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal.
Channel coDditious would be improved slightly in the long-term in this watershed because of the improvements in
drainages and sediment sources over the long-term.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-125
Watershed - East Fork Area
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstaDd-replacing fires aud
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, aud depending upon the occurrence oflightDing storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative B aud relatively small. It is not likely that decreases
would be measurable.
Ground disturbance from harvest aud construction oflaDdings is similar to Alternative B. Sediment yields are
estimated to increase for two to three years from these activities after that they would return to pre-harvest conditions.
Increases in sediment yields would be similar to Alternative B.
Water yields would increase slightly more than Alternative B but the difference would be inmeasurable.
The increases in short-term sediment yields are slightly larger than Alternative B. The increase of sediment yield
increases the risk ofchannel changes slightly above that ofAlternative B. In the long-term channel conditions would
be the same as with Alternative B.
The risk of future fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B aud fuels aud harvest treatments are
similar in both alternatives.
Alternative E
Effects in Tolan Creek would be the same as in Alternative B and consist ofdrainage improvements on open roads.
Camp Creek (0502)
Alternative B
A small amount of watershed improvements are proposed in this watershed because improvement work was proposed
with the Camp Reimel Vegetation Management Project in the mid-90's. Not aD of the Camp Reimel watershed
improvement project was implemented, the remainder was to be implemented in August of2000, because offire
conditions it was postponed. Implementctation is plaDDed for 2001. Watershed improvements proposed with this
alternative include graveling several miles ofRoad 728, culvert removals, decompaction aud recontouring ofsome
roads. These activities would result in short-term increases in sediment followed by lower sediment yields after
vegetative recovery. The reason for the long-term decreases is that with decompacted surfilces, precipitation would
infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) allowing for plants to grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from
organic matter (slash) spread on the decompacted sur&ces. This would allow for shade and iDcreased moisture as
weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposed. The largest long-term decreases in sediment would be as a
result of the gravel sur&ce that would be placed on the Andrews Creek road (Foltz, 1996), improvements would also
result from drainage improvement on the other roads.
A mix ofhelicopter, skyline and over-snow yarding systems would be used in this watershed that would limit
sediment yield increases to small amounts because ground disturbance would be very small (WATSED, 1991). The
largest increase associated with timber harvest/fue. reduction would be from skyline yarding in the summer, which is
small because of the minimal amount of ground disturbance. CalcuJations estimate that skyline yarding would
increase ground disturb8Dce and erosion above that gained from the watershed improvements in the first year, but by
year two, yields would have decreased to approximately equal to the improvements. Increues that result from harvest
would occur the same years as the greatest sediment yield increases from the fires. In Praine and Andrews Creeks,
where chaDDel conditions were poor before the fire, increases in sediment yields increase the risk ofchannel changes.
In the remainder of the watershed increases in sediment yield would be immeasurable.
Temporary landings would be constnlcted with this alternative. These would be constructed outside ofstreamside
management zones (SMZ's) and outside RHCA's (riparian habitat conservation areas), most would be located on
ridges. Ground disturbance would occur on these landings and temporary roads that would result in on-site erosion,
the Iikehbood of eroded sediment from these areas reaching streams would be very small because of the distance from
live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed wherever there was a risk that sediment might reach
streams. These areas would be obliterated and seeded fbllowing use to allow them to recover to pre-existing
3-126 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Some existing laDdings would be reopened and used in this ahemative; others would be CODStructed. Mitigation
would be applied to reduce the risk ofany eroded sediment from reaching streams, wetlands or moving offiJite.
Landings would be rehabilitation following use to aDow landings to recover to ~existiog coDditioDS.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture and possibly some
influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). A small percentage ofthe watershed is proposed
for treatment so that possible increase in water yields would be less than ODe percent.
Roads are designed to prevent water from infiltrating so that a decent travel surfilce is maintained in all types of
weather, decompaction would allow more water to infiltrate (Luce, 1997). As a result ofdecompaction, there would
be some decreases in runoff from these roads (Hore~ 1996).
Channel conditions should not decline in Camp Creek as a result ofthe proposed activities because increases in water
and sediment yield resulting from the project would be small. Increases that result from harvest would be ofliet by
the decreases that result from the improvement. In the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields from
the road improvements, and harvest, that depending on time ofimplementation could occur at the same year as
immediate post-fire erosion. In the long-term, decreases in sediment and water yield that result from the road
improvements and the reduction in sediment sources would occur. Ifthat were the case, the sediment resulting from
the management activities would be fir out-weighed by the fire caused sediment, and in the sediment produced from
the road system would be lower than what eUts currently.
The fires of2000 could cause some changes in stream chaJmel conditions, in some locations the changes may be
dramatic depending upon storm intensity and presence ofhydrophobic soils and the formation ofdebris flow events.
Increases in water yields and in erosion could &her stream even without debris flow events. Over the next 10-30
years, the standing dead trees will fiill to the ground. These dead trees, along with the growth ofnew trees and
underbrush that occurs during that time would be fuel should a fire start. The presence ofthe large trees (heavy fuel)
would cause the fire to bum for a long time period, melting the organic compounds present in the soil and create
hydrophobic soils, possibly for a second time (Gerhardt, personal communication, 2(01). Reducing the fuels would
reduce the risk ofanother severe fire, and the risk ofhydrophobic soils within the treated UDits.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the similar to Alternative B. Drainage improvements and gravel sur&cing
would reduce the amount ofsediment eroded from the road sur&cc that could enter drainage-ways. In the short-term,
there would be increases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removal, this would recover over two to
three years as soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There would be no short-term increases or ground
disturbance associated with timber harvest with this ahernative and so the short-term increases would be lower with
this ahemative and improvements in stream channels would occur on a quicker trend.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
Channel conditions would be improved sHghtly in the long-term in this watershed because ofthe improvements in
drainage from the road sur&ce and sediment sources over the long-term.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-repJacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence oflightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative B and would result in fewer human-caused sediment
sources in the long-term.
Ground disturbance from harvest, construction oflaDdings and temporary roads result in slightly greater amounts of
bare groUDd and erosion sources in the short-term compared to Alternative B as the result ofadditional temporary
road, the iDcrease would not be measurable. Sediment yields are estimated to iDcrease for two to three years from
these activities after that they would return to pre-harvest CODditioDS.
Water yields would be the same as Alternative B.
The very small increase in sediment yields from the additional temporary roads would not result in measurable
difference when compared to Alternative B. In the long-term, cbaDnel coDditioDS would be the same as with
Alternative B and human-caused sediment sources would be reduced.
BUI'IIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-127
Watershed - East Fork Area
The risk offuture fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B and fuels and harvest treatments are
similar in both alternatives.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative C.
Harvest would be accomplished using a helicopter and skyline yarding systems. Landings would be constlUcted to
store and transfer material to trucks. This would add additional ground disturbance but not to the extent ofother
harvest alternatives, as fewer trees would be moved. Off-site erosion would be minimal because ofa limited amount
of ground disturbance occurring and mitigation.
There, would be no increases in water yield from this proposal.
Channel conditions would be maintained and improved in this watershed because ofproposaJs for gravel, drainage
improvement and road decompactionlob1iteration.
Fuels would be reduced in the units treated; the reduction in risk of a high severity fire and accompanied hydrophobic
soils within the HUe would be reduced but not as much in the other harvest alternatives. The risk ofstand-replacing
fire and the chance ofhydrophobic soils would remain in the green stands oftimber as weD.
Middle East Fork Interfluve (Guide-Reimel) (0503)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur in this area with the majority of it coDSisting ofgravel sur&ce being placed on
roads that parallel the stream channel and are direct sediment sources in Reimel, Guide and JeDDings Camp Creeks.
This would result in decreases in sediment yields (Foltz, 1996). Other improvements include improving drainage
from roads open as well as those closed seasonally or yearlong, and the long-term storage ofother roads that aren't
needed in the near future. The watershed improvement activities would result in short-term iocreases in sediment
followed by lower sediment yields after vegetative recovery. The reason for the long-term decreases is that with
decompacted sur&ces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) allowing for plants to grow more vigorously.
Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter spread on the decompacted sur&ces. This would allow for
shade and increased moisture as weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposed. The largest long-term
decreases in sedimtmt would be as a result of the gravel sur&ce that would be placed on roads in Reimel, Jeanings
Camp and Guide Creeks (Foltz, 1996),
A mix ofhelicopter, skyline and winter yarding systems would be used in this area that would limit sediment yield
increases to small amounts because ground disturbance would be very small (WATSED, 1991). The largest increase
associated with timber harvestlfueJs reduction would be from skyline yarding in the summer. In JeoniDgs Camp the
reduction in sediment from gravel would offiJet any that might occur from the skyline yarding proposed on 126 acres.
Temporary landings would be constructed outside ofstreamside management zones (SMb) and outside RHCAs with
this altcmative. Most would be located on ridges. Ground disturbance would occur on these landings would result in
on-site erosion, the blcclihood of eroded sediment from these areas reaching streams would be very small because of
the distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed wherever there was a risk that
sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated and seeded following use to allow them to recover to
the extent possible.
Six landings would be reopened in RHCAs and used in this alternative while others would be COD8tJUcted outside of
RHCAs. Mitigation would be applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams, wetlaDds or
moving offsite. I JUlCtings would be rehabilitation following use to allow landings to recover.
Water yields in staDds treated with intermediate harvest would have some iDcrease in soil moisture and possibly some
in8ueDce in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). In Guide and JeDDiDp Camp several UDits have
been proposed for intermediate treatments and this results in some increase in water yield. In Reimel Creek two units
have been proposed for intermediate treatment that would increase water yields slightly. This watershed was weD
below levels ofconcern for water yields before the fire but the area proposed is in low elevation ponderosa pine that is
typically water yield deficit (WATSED coefficients).
Roads are designed to prevent water from infiltrating so that a decent travel sur&ce is maintained in all types of
weather, decompaction would allow more water to infiltrate (Luce, 1997). As a result ofdecompaction, there would
be some decreases in runoff (Horel, 1996) in JeoniDgs Camp and Guide Creek from roads that are proposed for
3-128 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Channel conditions should not decrease in the East Fork ofBitterroot River as a result of activities proposed in this
area or upstream because a relatively small number ofUDits are proposed for treatment. In JemUngs Camp and in
Guide the water yield increases could affect channel conditions because of the current conditions of the stream:
restricted channel and high sediment load. In the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields from the
road improvements, and harvest, that depending on time ofimplementation could occur at the same year as immediate
post-fire erosion. In the long-term, decreases in sediment aud water yield that result from the road improvements and
the reduction in sediment sources would occur in Jennings, Guide, and Reimel Creeks. This would lead to improved
watershed conditions.
The implementation ofvegetation management proposals in Guide and Jennings Camp could reduce the risk ofhigh
severity fire occurring in the future within the UDits treated. As several of the UDits are located adjacent to the stream
channel, that would reduce the risk ofriparian vegetation being consumed in a stand-replacing event, help to maintain
a vegetative buffer and shade on ODe side of the stream, and help to ensure stream bank vegetation is maintained. At
the same time the small increase
percent) in water yield may contribute to channel destabilization.
In Reimel Creek removal ofstanding dead trees along the west side of the watershed would reduce the number of
standing dead trees. Over the next 10-30 years, the standing dead trees will fiill to the ground and ground fuels will be
increased. These dead trees, along with the growth ofexi1ting trees and UDderbrush that occurs would fuel a fire start.
Should a fire start and develop into a hot ground fire, that for a long time period, melting the organic compounds
present in the soil aud create hydrophobic soils in an area that had hydrophobic soils following the fires in 2000.
Reducing the trees would reduce the risk offire.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are would result in slightly greater amount ofsediment yield decrease than
Alternative B. Drainage improvements and gravel sudBcing would reduce the amount ofsediment eroded from the
road surfilce that could enter drainage-ways. Increased amount ofroad recontouring would improve revegetation
efforts. In the short-term, there would be increases auociated with the ground disturbance and culvert removal, this
would recover over two to three years as soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There would be no shortterm increases or ground disturbance auociated with timber harvest with this alternative and so the short-term
increases would be lower with this alternative aud improvements in stream cbaDDels would occur on a quicker trend.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal. There would be a slightly larger decrease due to
infiltration (McBride, email, 4/2001) from the recontouring ofroad prisms instead ofjust decompaction.
Channel COnditioDS would be improved in the long-term in this watershed because of the improvements in draiDage
from the road surface and sediment sources.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstaDd-repJacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, aud depending upon the occurrence oflightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative B and would decrease human-caused sediment sources
considerably because ofgraveling road directly adjacent to streams.
Ground distuJbance from harvest, construction of landings and temporary roads result in slightly greater amounts of
bare ground aud erosion sources in the short-term compared to Alternative B as the result ofadditional temporary
road, the increase would not be measurable. Sediment yields are estimated to increase for two to three years from
these activities after that they would return to pre-harvest conditioDS.
Water yields would be sJightIy less than Alternative B.
The very small increase in sediment yields from the additional temporary roads would not result in measurable
difference when compared to Alternative B. In the long-term, channel coDditioDS would be the same as with
Alternative B aud buman-caused sediment sources would be reduced in Reimel, Guide and JemIiDgs Camp from
graveling ofroads.
The risk of future fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B aud fuels and harvest treatments are
similar in both alternatives.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-129
Watershed - East Fork Area
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative C.
Salvage harvest would be accomplished using a helicopter yarding systems. Landings would be constructed to store
and traDsfer material to trucks. This would add additional ground disturbance but not to the extent ofother harvest
alternatives, fewer trees would be moved. Ofl:site erosion would be minima) because ofa limited amount ofground
disturbance occurring and mitigation.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal.
Channel conditions would be maintained and improved in the long term in this watershed because ofproposals for
grave~ drainage improvement and road decompaction/obliteration.
Fuels would be reduced in the units treated; the reduction in risk ofa high severity fire and accompanied hydrophobic
soils within the HUC would be reduced but not as much in the other harvest alternatives. The risk ofstand-replacing
fire and the chance ofhydrophobic soils would remain in the green stands of timber as well.
Cameron Creek (0504)
Alternatives Band D
Watershed improvements would occur in this area with the majority ofit consisting ofimproving drainage on road
surlBces so that less sediment is contributed to stream channels, a smaller amount is the resuh ofgravel sur&ce being
put onto roads that parallel the stream cbaDnel and are direct sediment sources. This will result in decreases in
sediment yields (Foltz, 1996) over the long-term, some increases would occur in the short-term from soil disturbing
activities such as iostaDation ofadditional culverts aud drain dips aud culvert cleaniDg. The reason for the long-term
decreases is that with decompacted surfilces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) allowing for plants to
grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter (also caDed slash) spread on the
decompacted surfBces. This would allow for shade and increased moisture as well as nutrients for the soil as the slash
A mix ofhelicopter, skyline and winter yarding systems would be used in this area that would limit sediment yield
increases to small amounts because ground disturbance would be small (WATSED, 1991). One of the sediment yield
increase associated with timber harvest/fuels reduction would be from skyline yarding in the summer. The watershed
improvements offSet any that might occur from the skyline yarding proposed.
No landings would be CODStIUcted with this alternative in this area. Proposed units would be yarded to existing
landings and roads. Mitigation would be applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams,
wetlands or moving offiJite. I andings would be rehabilitation following use to allow landings to recover to preexisting conditions.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture and possibly some
influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). In Cameron Creek, water yields were at or near
levels that could cause cbaDnel changes before the fire, the fire will cause increases above this level ofconcern. The
lower reaches ofCameron Creek are C aud E cbaDneJs that are sensitive to increases in water yield; Cameron Creek is
especially sensitive because oflimited vegetation to improve stream bank stability on private laud. Changes in
cbaDnel condition are likely from the fire and iDcreases that result from proposed harvest could increase the risk of
No roads are proposed for decompaction or recontouring in Cameron Creek.
Changes in chaDnel condition are b1cely from the fire and iDcreases ofwater yield that result from proposed harvest
could increase that risk ofdestabilization. In the long-term, sediment sources from roads would be decreased because
of the drainage improvements iostaIled on open and seasoually closed roads.
The implementation ofvegetation management propou in Cameron Creek could reduce the risk ofhigh severity fire
occurring in the future within the units treated and in the watershed because much of the area will be treated on an
land ownerships. Over the next 10-30 years, the standing dead trees will &ll to the ground and ground fuels will be
increased. These dead trees, along with the growth of existing trees aud underbrush that occurs would fuel a fire start.
Should a fire start and develop into a hot ground fire, that for a long time period, melting the organic compoUDds
present in the soil and create hydrophobic soils in an area that had hydrophobic soils over much of the west side of the
watershed following the fires in 2000.
3-130 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the same as those proposed in Alternative B. Drainage improvements and
gravel sud8cing would reduce the amount of sediment eroded from the road surfilce that could enter drainage-ways.
Increased amount ofroad recontouring would improve revegetation efforts. In the short-term, there would be
increases associated with the ground disturbance and culvert removal, this would recover over two to tbree years as
soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There would be no short-term increases or ground disturbance
associated with timber harvest with this alternative and so the short-term increases would be lower with this
alternative and improvements in stream channels would occur on a quicker trend.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal.
Channel conditions would be improved in the long-term in this watershed because ofthe improvements in drainage
from the road sur&ce and reduction ofsediment somces.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence of lightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decad~.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Altemative C.
Salvage harvest would occur on almost the same amount ofland area as Altemative B. This would result in sediment
yields similar to those in Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal as no green trees would be removed.
In the long-term, sediment sources from roads would be decreased because of the drainage improvements iDstalled on
open and seasoually closed roads. This would contribute to improved cbaDnel conditions. Improvement would be
slightly greater than Alternative B, not to a measurable degree.
Warm Springs Creek (0505)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur in this area with the majority of it consisting of drainage improvement on road
sur&ces so that less sediment is contributed to stream chaDneJs, a smaller amount is the result ofgravel surfBce being
put onto roads that paraDel the stream channel and are direct sediment sources. These activities would result in
decreases in sediment yields (Foltz, 1996), over the long-term, some increases would occur in the short-term from soil
disturbing activities such as iDstalIation ofadditional culverts and drain dips and culvert cleaning. The reason for the
long-term decreases is that with decompacted sur&ces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luee, 1997) allowing for
plants to grow more vigorously. Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter spread on the
decompacted sur&ces. This would allow for shade and increased moisture as weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash
A mix ofhelicopter and skyline yarding systems would be used in this area that would limit sediment yield increases
to small amounts because ground disturbance would also be small (WATSED, 1991). One increase associated with
timber harvest/fuels reduction would be from skyline yarding in the summer. The watershed improvements offilet any
that might occur from the skyline yarding proposed.
Temporary landings would be constructed (or re-opened) with this altemative in this area that would result in between
10 and IS additional acres oflaDd disturbance. Mitigation would be applied at the JaDdiog sites to reduce the risk of
any eroded sediment from reaching streams, wetlaDds or moving offilite. Landings would be rehabilitation following
use to allow landings to recover to pre-existing coDditioDs. A longer temporary road (O.OS mile) would be CODStructed
to access one of the UDits in Warm Springs. 1bm road would be decompacted, recontoured and revegetated after use.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have some increase in soil moisture and possibly some
influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). In Warm Springs Creek, water yields are below
levels that would affect chaJmel conditions. Before the fire, only a small amount ofharvest had occurred and the fire
did not affect a large percentage ofthe watershed. Changes in cbaDnel condition are not b1cely from the fire and the
smaD increases that result from proposed harvest should not contribute to decrease stream channel condition.
No roads are proposed for decompaction or recontouring in Warm Springs Creek with tlUs alternative.
BUI'IIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-131
Watershed - East Fork Area
The risk that proposed activities or the fire would changes in channel condition is low. In the long-term, sediment
sources from roads would be decreased because of the drainage improvements iostaIIed on open or closed roads.
The implementation ofvegetation management proposals could reduce the risk ofhigh severity fire occurring in the
future within the units treated and so would reduce the risk offuture hydrophobic soils in the treated areas. Warm
Springs is a large watershed and only a small percentage ofit would be treated with this proposal.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements proposed are the same as those proposed in Alternative B. DraiDage improvements would
reduce the amount ofsediment eroded from the road surfBce that could enter drainage-ways. In the short-term, there
would be increases associated with the groUDd disturbance and culvert remov8l, this would recover over two to three
years as soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There would be no short-term increases or ground
disturbance associated with timber harvest with this ahernative and so the short-term iDcreases would be lower with
this alternative and improvements in stream chaDnels would occur on a quicker trend.
Channel conditions would be improved in the long-term in this watershed because of the improvements in drainage
from the road sur&ce and reduction ofsediment sources.
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence oflightning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Altemative B and would decrease human-caused sediment sources
considerably because ofdrainage improvements directly adjacent to streams.
GroUDd disturbance from harvest, construction oflandings and temporary roads result in slightly greater amounts of
bare ground and erosion sources in the short-term compared to Alternative B as the result ofadditional ~rary
road, the incraIse would not be measurable. Sediment yields are estimated to increase for two to three years from
these activities after that they would return to pre-harvest conditions.
Water yields would be slightly less than Alternative B.
The small incraIse in sediment yields from the additional temporary roads would not result in measurable differeDces
in stream channels when compared to Alternative B.
The risk offuture fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B and fuels and harvest treatments are
similar in both ahematives.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative c.
Salvage harvest would occur on coDSiderabIy less land area and all would be helicopter yarded. Short-term increases
from this activity would be jmmeasurable.
There would be 00 iDcreases in water yield from this proposal, as 00 green trees would be removed.
ChaDges in channel conditions would be improved and more quickly than other harvest alternatives because shortterm increases would be the same as in Alternative c.
The fuel reduction treatments are b1cely to reduce the extent and severity offuture fires over the next 30-60 years in
the treated units. Overall, the proposal would not have much effect on the Warm Springs watershed as much of the
area would oot be treated and much of the area was not bumed.
Lower East Fork Interfluve (0506)
Alternative B
Watershed improvements would occur in this area with the majority of it coosistiDg ofimproving drainage on road
sur&ces so that less sediment is contributed to stream chaJmels, a smaller amount is the result ofgravelling, road
obliteration and decompaction. In the short-term, sediment yield would increase from soil disturbing activities such as
the installation ofadditional culverts, drain dips and culvert cleaning. There would be short-term increases until
3-132 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
vegetation on the disturbed sites was recovered (up to three years) but the length of time would be shortened by
application ofBMPs and erosion control at each site (Decker, personal communication 4/3/01). In the long-term,
decreases in sediment yields (Foltz, 1996) would occur. The reason for the long-term decreases is that with
decompacted surfaces, precipitation would infiltrate better (Luce, 1997) allowing for plants to grow more vigorously.
Plant growth would also be improved from organic matter spread on the decompacted sur&ces. This would allow for
shade and increased moisture as weD as nutrients for the soil as the slash decomposed.
A mix ofhelicopter, skyline and ground based over snow yarding systems would be used in this area that would limit
sediment yield increases to small amounts because ground disturbance would be small (WATSED, 1991) on each site.
However the accumulation ofmany small increases could add up to a concern in some sub watersheds within this
HUC that had pre-fire erosion and sediment concerns (Laird, Lord Draw, Robbins Gulch).
Temporary landings would be constructed (or re-opened) with this alternative in this area that would result in between
40 and 45 additional acres ofland disturbance. Mitigation would be applied at the landing sites to reduce the risk of
any eroded sediment from reaching streams, wetlands or moving offsite. Landings would be rehabilitation
(decompacted, recontoured where necessary, seeded and fertilized) following use to allow them to recover to preexisting conditions. Private home located downstream in these watersheds increases the element ofrisk.
Water yields in stands treated with intermediate harvest would have SODIC iDcrease in soil moisture and possibly some
influence in increased water yields below these sites (USDA, 1975). In Lord Draw, Laird, Medicine Tree, Dickson,
Spade, Blind Draw and Robbins Gulch water yields are concerns because of the level ofpast harvest. In Whiskey,
Franklin and Elk Gulch existing roads/trails up the valley bottom have displaced the chaDnel and increased risk
associated with increases in water yields as there is very little floodplain accessible and the road bed is located in the
original channel Increases ofwater yield (or sediment yields) in these areas could further reduce channel conditions.
The East Fork of the Bitterroot has been restricted by the coDStIUCtion ofHighway 93. The highway limits flood plain
access and has shortened the length of the river, this makes the river have more erosive power during high flows. In
channelized rivers, energy during peak flows is confined to the chaDnel rather than being dissipated on the larger flood
plain. Before the fire, a small amount ofbarvest bad occurred and the fire did not affect a large part of the watershed.
Several miles ofroad are proposed for obliteration and decompaction in Medicine Tree, Blind Draw, Gilbert and Laird
Creeks. This would improve infiltration on the treated surfilces.
The risk that changes in channel condition would occur from the proposed activities is high in the following
subdrainages: Lord Draw, Laird, Franklin, Whiskey, Dickson, Spade, Blind Draw aDd Medicine Tree. In the longterm, sedimeDt sources from roads would be decreased because of the drainage improvements iostaIIed on open and
closed roads, and road decompaction and obliteration which would benefit the stream systems within this HUC.
The implementation ofvegetation management proposals could reduce the risk ofhigh severity fire occurriDg in the
future within the units treated and so would reduce the risk of future hydrophobic soils in the treated areas. A large
amount of this HUC is proposed for treatment so risks offuture high severity fire would be minimized throughout.
Twenty-five year peak flows are estimated to increase in the East Fork by nine percent as a result of the fire. In the
East Fork of the Bitterroot River it is not likely that the project proposed would change channel conditions. There is
moderate to high risk ofdebris flows in tributaries and these would increase turbidity and suspended sediment in the
river for a short time.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements would be siImlar to Alternative B. Drainage improvements would reduce the sediment
eroded from the road surfilces that could enter draiDage ways. In the long-term sediment sources would be reduced.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal The increased amount or road recontouring would
improve infiltration in those areas.
CbaDneI conditions would be improved in the long-term in this watershed because of the improvements in draiDage
from the road sur&ce and reduction ofsediment sources. The greater reduction in sediment sources and sediment
increases would result in larger improvements in chaDDel conditions than with Alternative B. Affect ofAlternative on
the Risk ofFuture Fires
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same treDd as is present. The risk of staDd-repJacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to iDcrease, and depending upon the occurrence oflightDing storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades•
BUI'IIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-133
Watershed - East Fork Area
Alternative D
Watershed improvements would result in slightly larger decreases in human-caused sediment sources as a result ofa
ofroad decompacted roads. However, this difference is quite small and not likely to be measurable.
greater amount
Ground disturbance from harvest, constnlction ofJandings and temporary roads result in slightly greater amounts of
bare ground and erosion sources in the short-term compared to Alternative B as the result of additional temporary
road. Sediment yields would recover over the next three years as soils stabilized and vegetation became established.
Water yields would be slightly less than Alternative B. In Dickson, Spade, Blind Draw, Laird, and Medicine Tree the
increases could contribute to decreases in cbaDDel conditions.
The very small increase in sediment yields from the additional temporary roads would not result in measurable
difference when compared to Alternative B. In the long-term, chaDnel conditions would be the same as with
Alternative B, improved from decreases in erosion sources.
The rH offuture fires would be approximately the same as with Alternative B and fuels and harvest treatments are
similar in both alternatives.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative C.
Salvage harvest would occur on one third less land area than Alternative B and would be yarded using a variety of
systems. Short-term increase in sediment yields would occur but they would not be almost as much as Alternative B.
Concerns would be the same as with Alternative B. Reduction of sediment yields by harvesting over snow or frozen
groUDd for both tractor and skyJine yarding in this area would reduce the concern about iocreases in sediment yields.
There would be no iocreases in water yield from this proposal, as no green trees would be removed.
The risk ofchannel changes in Laird, Medicine Tree, Lord Draw remains high with this ahemative. Compared to
Alternative B, the risk is slightly lower.
The fuel reduction treatments are likely to reduce the extent and severity of future fires over the next 30-60 years in
the treated areas. 1bm reduces the rH ofhydrophobic soils forming during the fire.
The table below summarizes the effect that proposed activities would have in the East Fork Geographic Area and
relates it to amount of the HUC burned, stream sensitivity and the IWWR ratings.
Table 3-37 - Eat Fork Geographic Area Summary Table
CUaps fa T...... FoIIowiDI"pIeaa. .tIoa
No CbaDae in Tread: NODe
Long Term IDacucd Risk: ILona Term Decreased Risk: D*
Increased risk fiom water yield iDcreases but 1oDg-tenn risk fiom sedimeat yield decreases: YO
Watenbed Name, Stream
6dI Code HUe
(RoI. . .
....... (1)
Moderate ...
Stream type
. . . .ty(2)
...... Severlty
Moose (0401)
MClIdow (0404)
Middle East Fork
Tolan (OSO 1)
Upper East Fort
Martin (0403) .
Camp (0502)
Middle East Fork
1Dta'fluve. Rcime1
Camaon (0504)
Warm Springs
Lowei' East Fork
3-134 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
(1) From Table 2-1, pages 4.2-111Dd 12, published in Post Fire Assessment, 2000
(2) From Gary Deem, pasonaI COIDDlUDicatiOll. 4/27/01. and BWEP, 1993
1=Good, 2= Moderate, 3=P()(X' as descnbed in Affected FJlvironm~t
·Wdb all activities, there will be a short tam increase in scdimmt yields tiom ground disturbing activities.
Cumulative Effects
Described and listed below are the past, ongoing, and reasonably fureseeable activities that are coDSidered in the
cumulative effects analysis fur watershed areas within the East Fork.
Past Activities:
Past Forest Service Timber Sales and associated road construction: Many of these types ofactivities have
occurred in the East Fork in the past. Road densities and road locations are the largest source ofsediment to
stream conditions. Over 20 miles ofroads in the drainage are located in sediment contributing areas and are a
chronic source ofsediment to streams. Harvest, especially clearcut harvest is a cause of increases in water
yields because tree removal frees soil moisture for use by other trees or runoff
State Department ofNatural Resources (DNRC) Timber Sales: Harvest on state land in Cameron, Andrews
and Praine Creek occurred during the winter of2000-2001. This occurred over snow and well-frozen ground
and so groUDd disturbance should be minimal 4,118 acres were harvested and DNRC analysis indicated
sediment yield increases would be limited. Harvest on State lands has oCCUlTed fur many years.
Private Land Timber Sales: Timber harvest and clearing has occurred fur homes, businesses, roads and
pastures. Post-fire harvest has occurred on private land during the winter of2000-2001. Through photo
interpretation and maps, we have estimated 6,201 forested acres on private laud burned that could be
harvested in the East Fork. For the purpose ofwatersbed analysis, it is assumed that it would be harvested in
not in 2000, then over the next couple of years, and that aD of it would occur using groUDd based yarding
systems. This activity would increase groUDd disturbance and erosion. The effect on sedimentation in
stream channels that occurs is dependant upon the application ofBMPs, proximity to stre1m8 and drainageways, season ofharvest, as weD the actual method ofimplementation. . Water yields are not expected to
increase because it is very probable that only fire-kiDed trees would be removed.
Artificial Reforestation: Planting trees in clearcuts decreases the amount oftime it takes for a cleared area to
become hydrologically recovered by several years. Hydrologically recovered is defined as vegetative
recovery to a level that approximates a mature stand in use of soil moisture, and snow distribution, typicaDy
this tak~ about 30 years in this area.
Road Construction, Reconstnlction and Maintenance on National Forest Lauds: Roads are the largest source
ofsediment with the iDitia1 three years following CODStruction being the highest, until disturbed areas become
armored and vegetation becomes established. Sediment from roads often is transported to streams and
chaDnel conditions reflect increased sediment loads from within the watershed. Where roads contribute
sediment to streams, increases in fine sediment in the substrate are coumon. Reconstruction can re-disturb
soils and increase sediment yields for a time until revegetation and restabilized occurs. RecoDStruetion
includes such activities as improving the drainage on a road or improving the sur&ce, and in the long-term is
an improvement as sediment yields can be decreased.
Road Construction on Private and State Lauds: Road construction and reconstruction on State Lands is
regulated and implemented similar to the ID8DI1er that is done on National Forest lands, effects would be
similar and is described above. Road coDStIUction and reconstruction on private lands is regulated by DO one
and can be very weD done or not, depending upon the Jandowner. Road work can cause increased sediment
contributed to streams and reduction in channel conditions when built (and maintained), especially when
adjacent to stream channels.
Forest Tnil Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance: This activity results in a minor amount ofgroUDd
disturbance and erosion. In the long-term, weD designed trails benefit watershed conditions because trails are
routed through areas that can be drained, were streams won't wash away trail tread and were sediment won't
be contributed to strealm. The amount of sediment that results from trail improvements is minor compared
to that from other sources in the watershed.
Roadside Noxious Weeds Treatment: Herbicide treatment ofnoxious weeds occurs along roads. These avoid
application on wetland sites and adjacent to stream channels. Applied correctly, the herbicides have DO
lingering effect on water quality, as dosages are very small. 1bm alternative wouldn't change the frequency
or intensity that these roadside treatments ofnoxious weeds would occur (Information Ventures, 1998).
BUI'IIed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-135
Watershed - East Fork Area
Farming aDd Ranching on Private Land: This activity has occurred for almost 100 years. Included in this is
the cultivation ofcrops such as hay; grazing of1ivestock, irrigation, feeding areas, barns aDd outbuiJdinWl.
The land was often converted from open forest to meadow or grassland. Ditches are constructed for
irrigation purposes aDd maintained; aDd in extreme cases streams have been channelized in an effort to
reduce the amount of area affected by flooding each year. This is likely to continue indefinitely.
• Meadow Tolan Grazing Allotment: Meadow Creek is the heart of the Meadow Tolan Allotment. The
livestock graze areas within the drainage for the majority ofthe summer. Livestock use can aDd at times
does result in stream bank trampliog, compaction ofsoiJs in livestock-filvored areas, riparian areas aDd over
grazing ofnative grasses. Recent management has reduced these effects but they still occur to some degree.
Recent monitoring ofsites specific to the allotment indicates that ODe ofeleven sites is outside the desired
levels oftrampliog. Grazing in the aBotment wiD continue indefiDitely. This project wouldn't alter livestock
access to wetland areas or streams beyond that which has occurred as a result of the fire.
• Andrews, Bunch Gulch, Shirley Mountain Grazing Allotments: The majority of1ivestock use in Andrews
Creek occurs on State Land but some does occur on National Forest. Livestock use can aDd at times does
result in stream bank trampling, compaction of soils in livestock-&vored areas, riparian areas aDd over
grazing ofDative grasses. Recent management has reduced these effects but they still occur to some degree.
This activity will continue indefinitely. Proposed harvest would not increase access to wet1aDds or riparian
• Reimel Grazing AllobDent: Use usually occurs in mid-summer. Livestock use can and at times does result in
stream bank trampling, compaction ofsoils in livestock-favored areas, riparian areas and over grazing of
native grasses. Recent management has reduced these effects but they still occur to some degree. Recent
management changes have limited usc in the Reimel Creek riparian bottom coDSiderabIy and conditions have
been gradually improving since the early 1990's. A stream bank stabilization project that included the
planting ofover 800 willows along the stream will add to the improvements in this area. Grazing in the
Reimel watershed wiD continue indefiDitely. Reimel Creek will be fenced and additional willows will be
planted in the summer of2001.
• East Fork, SuJa Peak Grazing Allotments: Activities on these has occurred in the past, they are cum:otly
vacant. Livestock use can and at times does result in stream bank trampliog, compaction ofsoils in
livestock-filvored areas, riparian areas and over grazing ofDative grasses. As these allotments haven't been
used recently, conditions that are a resulting from livestock are improving. This allotment will be rested in
• Warm Springs Grazing Allotment: Most use in this area occurs on the grasslands located on the ridges along
the southern headwaters of the watershed. Few stream chaDoels are located here aDd so livestock impacts to
streams is very small. Several wetlaDds in the area have been fenced and developed to provide off-site
livestock watering areas. Livestock use can aDd at times does result in stream bank trampling, compaction of
soils in livestock-filvored areas, riparian areas aDd over grazing of Dative grasses. Management in recent
years has reduced this effect. Use will continue in this area indefiDitely.
• Waugh Gulch' Grazing Allotment: Most use in this area occurs in the lower elevations ofWaugh Gulch aDd
along the roads in the east aDd west forks ofCamp Creek. Livestock use can aDd at times does result in
stream bank trampling, compaction ofsoils in livestock-favored areas, riparian areas aDd over grazing of
native grasses. Livestock use in this area has been decreased in recent years. On Waugh Gulch, a fence
around a reach of stream weD used by livestock has eliminated use on about 1/2 mile of stream. Conditions
are likely on a level trend at this time. Use on this allotment will occur indefiDitely but will be rested in
• Medicine Tree Grazing Allotment: Use occurs throughout this aDotment, focusing on'roads aDd upper
elevation forage areas. This aDotment is fairly dry and reliance on development ofstock watering areas in
small fenced wetlaDds is necessary. Livestock use can and at times does result in stream bank trampling,
compaction ofsoils in livestock-&vored areas, riparian areas aDd over grazing of Dative grasses. Conditions
are likely on a level trend at this time. Use on this allotment will occur indefiDitely but wiD be rested in
• Waugh Gulch Burned Interface Demoostration Project: This was implemented in the late winter 2000 aDd
removed most merchantable dead trees within a tbree-acre area using ground based yarding systems. Little
ground disturb8nce occurred within the project area and no erosion is expected.
3-136 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
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Watershed - East Fork Area
Fire Suppression: Fire suppression resulted in more dense stands throughout the area. This has helped lead to
a greater amount of groUDd fuels aDd more intense fires than 0CCUI'I'ed historically. High severity fire with
heavy ground fuels increases the extent aud severity ofhydrophobic soils. This likely was an influence on
the amount ofhigh severity fire within the burn perimeter this previous summer.
• Prescribed Fire: In the recent past, some prescribe fire was applied in the East Fork Watershed. However, the
amount ofthis that has occurred was smaD aud scattered when compared to the size of the watershed aud
would probably have minima) effect during a severe fire season.
• 2000 Fire aDd Rehabilitation: Dozer line aud hand-line was completed throughout the area during August and
September 2000. Dozer tines were repaired as soon as they were no longer needed for fire suppression.
Rehabilitation included pulling the disturbed soil back onto the fire line, spreading slash and organic debris
on top and then spreading seed aDd fertilizer. Where dozer tines were incised, they were recontoured. Hand
lines were also rehabilitation as soon as they were no longer needed for fire suppression. Waterbars were
installed and slash spread on fire lines before fire crews left the area.
• 2000 Completed BAER Activities: Culverts were upsized throughout the East Fork immediately following
the fires. These were installed during low flow periods, aD were seeded but not all were mulched. It is likely
that sediment was contributed to streams when they were iDstaDed aud some erosion will continue from
disturbed soils until vegetation becomes established. These sites will need to be monitored to see if seeded is
successful or if additional erosion control is needed. Log erosion barriers were iostalled in Laird Creek,
below SuJa Peak and in Reimel Creek for (1,299 acres) to reduce the risk ofoverland flows and debris flows
above homes.
• 2000 Fire Effects: As stated in the Affected Enviromnent, fire burned a large percentage of the East Fork
watershed. This will iDcrease water yields, sediment yields and debris flows may occur in the high severity
areas. The effects of the fire could lead to some dramatic effects in stream channels, especially the small
streams that were burned at high severity.
• Persoual Use Firewood and Christmas Tree Cutting: Both of these have occurred in the watershed but very
little occurs within SMZ's or RHCA's. There are no kDown problem areas.
• Hunting, Fishing, Dispersed and Developed Recreation: Activities at dispersed and developed recmltion sites
may affect chaDnel conditions at isolated spots where trails are worn to collect water from streams. Another
influence would be compaction ofcamp areas from parking vehicles and from trampling. None ofthe affects
associated with dispersed recreation occur widespread in the watershed and any effects are localized.
• Ditches, Diversions, and Irrigation Dewatering: Irrigation withdrawals occur in the East Fork drainage
doWDStream from the East Fork Guard Station and from below Dick Creek on Camp Creek. Most irrigation
withdrawals occur below Mink Creek in the SuJa Basin. In this area, withdrawals don't dewater strealm to a
large extent but they do reduce streamflows during low flow periods. This activity will continue indefiDitely.
• Subdivision on Private Land: This activity occurs throughout the East Fork watershed with the majority of it
being along the East Fork above CODner aud below Warm Springs, aud is scattered above SuJa with
concentrations ofdevelopment occurriDg in the Bonanza LaodsISpringer areas. This treDd is expected to
• Highway 93 Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance: The Highway was constructed in the 1930's and
several river meanders were cut-offand the river and floodplain access was restricted between SuJa and
CODner. Winter 88Dding operations contribute sediment to the river each winter to maintain safer driving
conditions. Reconstruction in Camp Creek resuhed in a large sediment pulse during construction and
vegetation recovery phases. In some areas, eroding cutslopes continue to be a sediment source. In Camp
Creek aDd the East Fork Canyon, the highway is probably the largest impact to chaDnel conditions and
stream health. These effects will continue. The highway will be reconstructed over the next several years
begiDniog in JUDe 2001. This will increase sediment sources from disturbed soils until they become
revegetated. Based upon recovery rates ofupstream sections reconstructed several years ago, decreases in
sediment yields would take more than the usual three years to recover because of the amount ofarea
disturbed. ODe reach ofstream will be reconstructed and returned to a cut-offmeaoder with this project.
This will improve chaDnel diversity and restore floodplain access in the reconstructed reach.
• East Fork Road CoDStruction, MainteDaDce: The East Fork Highway limits flood plain access and restricts the
stream channel but to a lesser degree than does Highway 93. Winter maintenaDce is a smaD source of
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS- 3-137
Watershed - East Fork Area
sedimcmt as little sauding occurs on this road. Most cut slopes and fill slopes along this road are wen
vegetated and are not a large sediment source. Effects from this road will continue indefinitely.
Lost Trail Ski Area CoDStIUction and Use: Development of the ski area began in the 1950's and continues
through today. Ground disturbance results in erosion but current erosion control limits erosion and
revegetates disturbed soils soon after work is completed. The clearing ofnms results in conversion of forests
to grassy areas and contributes a small amount to water yield increases. The usc wiD continue indefinitely
and development of the ski area will continue through at least the current planning and expaosion phase.
Ongoing Proiects
Road Maintenance, normal and fire related: Maintenance on forest roads would be ongoing and include
blading, culvert inlet and ditch cleaning. This activity does disturb the road sur&ce and can increase erosion
because ofreducing the amount ofarmoring, and disturbance ofvegetation. However, improving the
drainage and getting the erosive force of the water offthe road sooner out weighs the short-term increase in
erosion. In the long-term, improved drainage reduces the risk oflarge road &ilures. Repair offire related
road damage is b1cely to have a negligible effect on sediment yields because a very small percentage ofwork
to be done would be within sediment contributing areas near streams.
Roadside Herbicide Treatments: Described under "Past" Activitie!.
Reimel RidgelBarley Ridge Grasslands Herbicide Spraying Project: Treatments began in this area in 1995
and resulted in repopulation ofnative grasses in the area. Touch-up treatments continue. When mitigations
are followed, the risk ofdegradation of water quality is very small.
Toilet Replacement in Recreation Sites: Ground d8turbaDce would OCC\D" on site. The chaDces oferoded
sedimcmt reaching stream channels would practically non-existalt.
Springer Memorial Fuel Reduction DemoDStration Project: This is an inter&ce fuels reduction project that
would remove groUDd and small ladder fuels. The slash would be piled and burned. Very little overstory
vegetation will be cut and this will be made available for firewood. The collection offirewood from this area
would be the greatest impacted as most ofit would be removed using pickups or ATV's and these vehicles
can cause rutting or compaction ofsoils. The disturbed areas would not result in measurable increases in
offsite sediment yields because the area treated is fairly flat and sediment movement would be limited given
the gentle slope and the presence of groUDd vegetation. The implementation ofthis project will begin in May
and continue until finjsbe4
Farming and Ranching on Private Lands: This was discussed UDder past activities.
Tree Planting in M8D8ged Stands: This activity will decrease the amount of time to hydrologic recovery in
the stand that are planted by several years because one and two year stock will be planted. Ground
would be minimal as planting would occur by hand. This project should not contribute sediment
to oft:site areas.
Irrigation dewatering: Discussed in Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Douglas Fir Bark Beetle InfestatioDS: These are likely to spread in fire stressed stands as wen in densely
populated green stands. As green trees succumb to the bark beetle, increases in soil moisture and
downstream water yields would occur.
Private Land Salvage Sales: Discussed under Past Activities.
Highway 93 Recoustruetion: Discussed under Past Activites.
Mushroom Harvest: This may increase the amount of dispersed camping and the impacts associated with that
as described under "Past" Activities but influeDces to stream chaDnel conditions should not measurable.
can maintain and improve drainage so that erosion
Routine Road MainteDance on Private Land: _
from roads is reduced and contribution to streams is diminished. Improper maintenance can also cause
erosion; sidecasting ofmaterial into streams is direct sediment source and can contribute to stream chaDoel
narrowing and increased amount offine materials in the substrate. Mainteoance on private land will continue
Lost Trail Ski Area Expansion: Expansion ofthe ski area is an ongoing project for the past tbree years and
will continue through about 2010 as described in the Lost Trail EIS (1997). Expansion in the next years will
include ski nm clearing, chair lift iDstaDation and CODStlUction of two new lodges and a septic field.
Mitigation associated with ground disturbing Activities (refer to the EIS) requires use ofmulch, erosion
3-138 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
control and reseeding to prevent sediment from entering streams. Monitoring has shown that although some
ground-based equipment operated in isolated wetlands, mitigation measures on this project have been
effective in prevent sediment from reaching streams (1998 Forest Plan Report).
Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Livestock will continue to be grazed on private lands, most ofoccurs
during the winter months when the ground is frozen. Some stream banks within pastures are trampled and
streams may be wider and shallower than they would be without the livestock use. Land used as pastures
during the winter are hay meadows in the summer and produce 1-2 cuttings ofhay. These activities are
likely to continue indefinitely.
Pond Construction on Private Land: Several ponds have been constructed on private land in the last 10 years.
Often they are sources for gravel then rehabilitated to be ponds for fish production or for scenic value. Most
of Reimel Creek is diverted into a pond on private land that causes dewatering ofthe lower reach ofstream
during low flow months. Other ponds in the area are ground water iDfluenced or are filled with irrigation
ditches. This activity will continue indefinitely.
Highway 93 and East Fork Highway Maintenance: Discussed UDder Past Activities. This activity would
continue indefinitely.
Trail Maintenance: This work involves clearing trails offiillen trees and repairing erodiog sections of trail.
This would be an improvement, even though a relatively small ODe.
Meadow Tolan, Andrews, Bunch, Shirley Mountain, Camp Reime~ East Fork, Medicine Tree, SuJa Peak,
Warm Springs, Waugh Gulch AMPs: Described under "Past" Activities.
BEAR Projects To Be Completed: Culvert replacement in some areas and monitoring.
Personal Use Firewood Cutting: Described UDder Past Activities.
HuntiDg, Fishing Dispersed Recreation: Described under Past Activities.
Fire Suppression: This is likely to continue, especially along wildland urban interfBce areas that are located
throughout the East Fork. This will reduce the spread ofsmall fires and may lead to iDcreased fuels if they
aren't reduced in some other maDDer.
Reasonably Foreseeable Projects:
Roadside Herbicide Treatments, Herbicide Treatments on New Areas: Roadside treatments would likely
continue in areas that need 'touching up', this has been ongoing since 1998. Treatments in other areas may
begin in the next year or two depending upon enviroDlDmltal analysis and decision. Ifthe mitigations are
followed properly, the risk ofdegradation of water quality is likely to be negligible (Information Ventures,
1998). 1bm activity would continue indefinitely.
• Continued Fire Related Road RecoDStruction and Uncompleted BAER. Projects: Repair ofroads with burned
out fill and undersized culverts will continue until completed aud roads are stabilized. The road
reconstruction is b1cely to be away from stream crossings and BMPs would be applied to limit sediment
production. The replacement of culverts would be regulated by INFISH, BMPs would be applied and
revegetation and mulching would occur to limit sediment production. There is b1cely to be some sediment
produced and contributed to stream cbaDDeJs during culvert replacemmlt. However the risk ofculvert fBilure
ifnot replaced is high because ofiDcreased flows resulting from the fire. The sediment that could be
produced from a &iled culvert is much higher than would be contributed during replacement (Sirucek, 99).
The activity would cease when work was completed, likely by the end of2001.
• Prescribe Fire Treatments: These are likely to continue in areas where enviromnental analysis has been
completed in an eftOrt to reduce fuels aud reduce the risk ofstand-replacing fire. Low severity prescribed
fire typicaDy bums groUDd fuels but doesn't result in hydrophobic soils or large numbers of tree mortality
(DeBano, 1998). Vegetation usually resprouts soon after the bum is completed. Little erosion
occurs. These treatments are likely to continue in the future.
• Continental Divide Trail, Medicine Point Trail Reconstruction; Effects of trail recoDStlUction and
maintenance are the same as "Forest Trail Construction, Recoostruetion and MainteJJance" discussed in the
Past Activities section.
• Medicine Point Trailhead Reconstruction: The reconstruction of this would result in some ground disturbance
but the site is located tar from live water. Seed and slash would be spread to speed revegetation on disturbed
soils. The risk of sediment reaching chamJels and changing channel conditions is very small.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-139
Watershed - East Fork Area
Farming and Ranching on Private Lands: 1bm was discussed UDder past activities.
Jennings COlIIIDCrCial1bin: The commercial harvest of this area would occur over snow and so sediment
yields would be very smalL Water yields are not expected to increase because ofthis project. The treabDent
is a thinning and the remaining trees would use the moisture on-site and so water yields in Jennings Camp
Creek are not expected to increase to a measurable extent (Wildey, 12/00).
DNRC Salvage Sale: The harvest ofdead and burned trees in the SuJa State Forest would continue through
the winter of2002. The amount of sediment produced from this project should be small because ofthe
application ofBMPs and operations occurring over snow and frozen ground. Sediment increases may occur
but would likely be small. Improvements to roads should decrease erosion from those sources. Water yield
increases should not occur as a result ofharvest of dead trees.
FSIBLM OHV EIS: Depending upon the decision resuhing from this aDaIysis, ofl:.road travel across the
forest may be restricted. 1bm could be a benefit because newly grown vegetation would be protected from
off-road vehicles. Restriction oftravel could reduce the spread ofnoxious weeds, the development of
additioual user made trails and the formation of new erosion sources.
Continued Highway 93 Reconstnlction: Descnbed in Ongoing Projects. It would continue for several years
until completed.
Continued Routine Trail Maintenance: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Road MainteoaDCe on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Lost Trail Ski Area Expansion: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue through expansion period
Continued Subdivision on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely. Described
in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Highway 93 and East Fork Highway Continued Maintenance: Described in Past Activities.
Continued Mushroom Harvest: Described in Ongoing Projects. It would likely cease after 2002.
Continued Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Infestations: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Routine Road Maintenance: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely as
Meadow Tolan, ADdrews, Bunch Gulch, Shirley Mountain, Camp Reime~ East Fork, Medicine Tree, SuJa
Peak, Warm Springs, and Waugh Gulch Grazing Allotments: Described in Past Activities, would continue
Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Implementation ofBAER Proposals: Described under Past Activities, would continue until
Continued Fire Suppression: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Artificial Reforestation: Described in Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Personal Use Firewood Cutting and Christmas Tree Cutting: Described in Ongoing, would
continue indefinitely.
Continued Hunting, Fishing, aDd Developed Recreation: Described in Ongoing, would continue indefinitely.
Items not listed above, but CQntained on the lists in the Project File, were not selected because they occur outside of
this watershed area and do not have the potential to contribute to watershed and stream channel cumulative effects.
Alternative A
Same as for the Blodgett Geographic Area
Martin Creek (0403)
Alternatives B and D
When the proposed activities are combined with the sediment producing activities listed above, there would be a
short-term increase in sediment yields during construction activities and until disturbed soils are revegetated and
stabilized, usually two years to three years. Following this time, sediment sources and sediment yields would be
lower than they are currently.
3-140 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently.
Alternative E
Effects in Martin Creek would be the same as in Alternative C and consist ofdrainage improvements on open roads.
Meadow Creek (0404)
Alternative B
As a result of the activities proposed in this watershed, there should be a net decrease in human caused sediment
yields in the long-term. This meets with the intent of the Clean Water Act by reducing a pollutant, sediment. As
described in the direct and indirect aualysis for Meadow Creek, increases in sediment and water yield from activities
proposed with Alternative B are estimated to be small and immeasurable. Because of this, they would not contribute
to erosion sources, sediment yields, water yields, or stream channel COnditioDS that result from the above listed
activities in streams within Meadow Creek watershed or downstream.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B but the short-term increases would be less. When
considered in combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, humancaused sediment sources and sediment yield, sediment yields would be less than they are currently in the long-term.
Alternative D
Short-term sediment yields would be greater with Alternative B or C and would occur at the same time as those from
the fire. In the long-term, sediment yields from human-caused sources would be lower than exist currently.
Alternative E
Effects in Martin, Middle East Fork, Meadow and Tolan Creeks would be the same as in Alternative B and coDSist of
drainage improvements on open roads.
Middle East Fork (]JerDe Lord Area) (0405)
Alternatives B and D
As described in the direct and indirect amalysis for this HUC, increases in sediment yield are estimated to be small and
in the long-term would be lower because ofreduction ofsediment sources. There would be no increases in water
yield. Activities proposed in this HUC would not contribute to the cumulative effects from the above listed activities.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When coDSidered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently in the long-term.
Alternative E
Effects in the Middle East Fork would be the same as in Alternative B and consist ofdrainage improvements on open
Tolan Creek (0501)
Alternative B
As a result of the activities proposed in this watershed, there should be neither a decrease or increase in human caused
sediment yields in the long-term. As described in the direct and indirect aualysis for Meadow Creek, increases in
sedimtW and water yield from activities proposed with Alternative B are estimated to be small and immeasurable.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-141
Watershed - East Fork Area
Because ofthis, they would not contribute to erosion sources, sediment yields, water yields, or stream cbaDnel
conditions that result from the above listed activities in streams within Tolan Creek watershed or downstream.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently in the long-term.
Alternative D
Combined with other sediment producing cumulative effects-especially sediment and water yields associated with the
fire, the increase in sediment and water yields would increase the risk ofcbaDnel changing events in Tolan Creek.
Alternative E
Effects in Tolan Creek would be the same as in Alternative B and consist ofdrainage improvements on open roads.
Camp Creek (0502)
Alternative B
As a result ofthe activities proposed in this watershed, there could be a slight increase in human caused sediment
yields in the short-term and a decrease in the long-term as soils disturbed during harvest activities recovered. When
considered in combination with the sediment produced from activities in the cumulative effects list, the small
sediment yield increases would not decrease cbaDnel conditions.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be sHgbtly better than Alternative B because short-term increases would be less. When
considered in combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the cumulative effects Hat, humancaused sediment sources and sediment yield, sediment yields would be less than they are currently in the long-term
and sooner than with Alternative B.
Alternative D
The short-term increases associated with harvest would occur during the same time period as erosion associated with
the fire. Combined with other sediment producing cumulative effects-especiaDy sediment and water yields associated
with the fire, the increase in sediment and water yields would increase the risk ofcbaDnel changing events in Camp
Alternative E
There would be long-term decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from
drainage improvements and from the graveling, decompaction and revegetation ofroad surfaces in upstream HUC.
Short-term increases would be slightly less those from Alternative B.
Middle East Fork lnterfluve (Guide-Reimel) (0503)
Alternative B
As a result ofthe activities proposed in this watershed, there could be a slight increase in human caused sediment
yields in the short-term (from both harvest and watershed improvements) and a decrease in the.long-term as soils
disturbed during harvest activities recovered. In Guide and Jennings Camp Creek, past harvest and road coDStI'UCtion
has caused high ECA and sediment sources, additiooal green tree harvest could further decrease chatmel conditions in
these two watersheds. These could result in a small cumulative increase in sediment yields. In sections of the river
that has been cbaDnelized, there is risk ofcbaDnel changes because ofunstable streambanks and increased velocities.
In the remainder of the watershed, conditions would be maintained.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in this area associated with the watershed
improvements would be greater than those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
3-142 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - East Fork Area
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently in the long-term, and sooner that with Alternative B because of
lower short-term increases.
Alternative D
The short-term increases associat~ with harvest and watershed improvements would likely occur during the same
time period as erosion associated with the fire. Combined with other sediment producing cumulative effectsespecially sediment and water yields associated with the fire, the increase in sediment and water yields would increase
the risk ofchannel changing events in Guide aDd Jeunings Camp. In the remainder of the watershed, the risk of
channel changing events would not be increased. In the long-term, sediment sources would be reduced.
Alternative E
Short-term increases would occur at the same time as those resulting from fire. In the long-term decreases in sediment
yield from the reduction in sediment sources that resuh from drainage improvements and from the graveling, would
Cameron Creek (0504)
Alternative B
As a result of the activities proposed in thi1 watershed, there is estimated to be a long-term decrease in sediment yields
from man caused sediment sources. These would result in a smaD cumulative decrease in sediment yields. Harvest
on State and private laud is likely to contribute to some increased sediment yields but it should be a relatively smaD
amount as most ofit occurred over-snow in 2000-2001.
Alternative C
The long-t~ decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in thi1 area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same those in Ahemative B but there would be a smaDer short-term increase because of
no proposed harvest activities. When considered in combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the
cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources aDd sediment yield, sediment yields would be less than they
are currently in the long-term, and sooner than with Alternative B.
Alternative D
Short-term increases associated with harvest would be slightly larger than with Alternative B aDd would likely occur
the same time period as erosion caused by the fire. Cameron Creek bad high ECA's aDd road deDsities before the fire,
along with grazing on private laud. Combined with other sediment producing activities in the watershed, the increases
in water and sediment yield that are estimated to occur with thm alternative increase the risk ofchannel changing
events occurring in Cameron Creek. In the long-term, sediment sources would be reduced.
Alternative E
Short-term increases of sediment yields from proposed activities would occur at the same time as those resulting from
fire aDd would be relatively small. There would be long-term decreases in sediment yield from the reduction in
sediment sources that result from drainage improvements; thm would contribute to improved channel conditions in the
Warm Springs (0505)
Alternative B
As a result of the activities proposed in thi1 watershed, there is estimated to be a long-term decrease in sediment yields
from man caused sediment sources. These would result in a small cumulative decrease in management caused
sediment yields.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in thi1 area associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same those in Ahemative B but there would be a smaDer short-term increase due to lack
ofharvest activities. When considered in combiDation with the sediment produced from the activities on the
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-143
Watershed - East Fork Area
cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield, sediment yields would be less than they
are CUJTeDtly in the long-term, and sooner than with Alternative B.
Alternative D
Fire effects were minimal in Warm Springs and SO increases in eroded sediment and ~ater yields are expected to be
small. When proposed activities are combined with the cumulative effects in Warm Springs, there should be no
changes in stream channel conditions because the increases in sediment and water yields would be small. Warm
Springs Creek is a B3 stream for much ofit's length, is extremely stable and able to withstand moderate changes in
water or sediment yields without channel changes. Long-term human-caused sediment sources in Warm Springs
would be decreased following implementation.
Alternative E
Short-term increases would occur at the same time as those resulting from fire, but Warm Springs is in good health
and short-term increases would not decrease channel conditions. There would be long-term decreases in sediment
yield from the reduction in sediment sources that result from drainage improvements
Lower East Fork lnterfluve (0506)
Alternative B
It is likely that there will be increases in sediment and water yield following the fire. The recoustruction ofHigbway
93 will be a large source ofsediment and changes in channel conditions during reconstruction are highly probable.
Activities associated with the highway reconstruction include relocation of the road prism, channel reconstruction, aud
bridge construction. There are likely to be changes in the East Fork within thi1 HUC from several cumulative effects.
Activities proposed that disturb soils or increase water yields are likely to contribute to changes in stream channel
conditions, in the following subwatersheds: Medicine Tree, Laird, Franklin, Dickson, Spade, aud Gilbert Creeks. In
the long-term, human-caused sediment yields would be decreased because of the watershed improvements and
throughout the HUC, stream channel conditions would be on an improving trend.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources aud sediment yields in thi1 area associated with the watershed
improvements would be greater than in Alternative B because there would be a smaller short-term increase due to lack
ofharvest activities. When considered in combination with the sediment produced from the activities on the
cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield, sediment yields would be less than they
are currently in the long-term, and sooner than with Alternative B.
Alternative D
Fire effects within thi1 HUC are expected to be quite large because of the amount ofarea affected. The highway is
also a concern in thi1 area because it constricts aud straightens the channel, aud thi1 increases stream channel
velocities. Increases in water and sediment yields from the proposed activities increase the risk ofiDstream erosion
aDd channel changing events at the same time as increases would be expected from the fire in Lair~ Medicine Tree
aDd Gilbert Creeks. Effects would be similar to Alternative B.
Alternative E
The short-term increases would occur at approximately the same time as the erosion from the fire and disturbances
from Highway 93 recoustruction. The accumulation ofeffects increases the risk ofchannel changing occurring in
Laird, Gilbert and Medicine Tree as weD as in the Din river where erosion and water yields are likely to increase
because of the fires.
East Fork Summary
In the East Fork, the reduction in sediment sources throughout the watershed would contribute to an improving trend
in stream channel conditions in the long term. Sediment aud water yields resulting from the proposed activities in the
East Fork should not decrease channel conditions above those resulting from the fire.
3-144 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
West Fork Geographic Area
Existing Condition
This area consists ofthe following hydrologic units: Deer (0102), Hughes (0103), Overwhich (0104), Blue Joint
(0105), Slate (0106), Upper West Fork Interfluve (Coal, West Creeks) (0107), Middle West Fork Interfluve (0301)
Lower West Fork Interfluve (0305), All ofthese areas were included in this area ofaualysis because they are within
the West Fork ofthe Bitterroot River basin. They are geologica1ly similar and all bad some level offire within their
boundaries. Activities are proposed within these watersheds. Other watersheds within the West Fork were not
affected by fire, neither are there activities proposed within them. These will not be discussed further.
Painted Rocks Reservoir regulates flow and sediment routing in the lower half of the West Fork ofthe Bitterroot.
Below the dam, the West Fork is sediment-limited and, at times, flow-limited. Below the dam, the Nez Perce Fork is
a major contributor ofstream flow and sediment to the West Fork. Channel morphology, substrates, and gradient of
tnbutary streams above Painted Rocks Reservoir are influenced by numerous faults, volcanic intrusions within
metamorphic bedrock, and weathered granites. Landfonns are very diverse, ranging from low reliefto very steep
Above Painted Rocks Reservoir, the watersheds with the greatest extent ofhigh severity bums are West Creek, Slate
Creek, Chicken Creek, Upper Overwhich Creek, Upper Slate Creek, aDd Little Blue Joint Creek. Below Painted
Rocks Reservoir, the watersheds with the greatest extent ofbigh severity bums are Piquett Creek and several smallunnamed tributaries to the Lower West Fork near the Trapper Creek Job Corps Center. Other watersheds burned but
with light severity include Hughes Creek, Deer Creek, and Coal Creek.
"A" streamtypes, steep weD-confined channels, make up the majority ofthe streams within the West Fork Area. The
streams naturally have a high percentage of fine particles in the substrate, because of the geology (weathered granitics
and volcaoics that weather to fine graiDed particles. "A" streams are confined with narrow floodplains located in vshaped valleys. They can be sensitive to increases in water yields because there is little access to a floodplain where
energy can be dmsipated.
''8'' streamtypes are also common in the are. These are found in the wider valley bottoms. They are less sensitive to
increases in sediment yields, or water yields because access to a floodplain allows for dissipation ofenergy and
sediment is depositied OD the floodplains.
A few "e" streamtypes are found on National Forest in the area, the majority are found doWDStream on private land.
These are low gradient, wide and shallow streams that meander through the floodplain. These streams are formed in
wide vaI1ey bottoms in alluvial (deposited) material They are sensitive to increases in sediment aud water yields
because the materials the stream is formed are easily detatched and moved.
The BAER hydrologist survey reports severe bums in riparian areas in Upper Slate Creek, Upper Overwbich Creek,
aDd Chicken Creek, but large amounts ofwoody debris should provide a stabilizing effect for routing flow and
sediment. BAER's bum severity map also indicates high severity burn in riparian areas ofWest Creek, Little Blue
Joint and Blue Joint Creeks. Little Blue Joint and Lower Blue Joint are the only two "managed" riparian areas on the
list. Without road encroachment, riparian areas are in good condition and should recover quickly. Some increases in
stream temperature may occur, where large areas ofshade were removed by fire
Deer Creek (0102)
Deer Creek is a 22.6 square mile watershed that is largely roadless aDd UDdeveloped. The geology ofthe watershed is
glaciated granitics and quartzites; these are &irly stable and not very erodible. The lower reach ofthe stream is a
meanderiDg "e" stream type and it flows through private laud before reaching the West Fork of the Bitterroot River.
A stream survey has been completed in the early 90's, this drainage is mostly roadless and so the stream is considered
reference. Conditions are comparable to other reference streams of this type.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates thi1 watershed as healthy as does the IWWR for both geomorphic integrity and
water quality. There are some sensitive land types within the watershed related to oversteepened stream brealdands.
A smaD amount ofthe watershed was affected by fire duriDg the 2000 season, 106 acres or less than ODe percalt of the
drainage area within the burned area was affected by high and moderate severity fire. The risk ofchanges in channel
conditions following fire in Chicken Creek is smaD because such a smaD area was affected. No emergency watershed
treatments were implemented in thi1 area.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-145
Watershed - West Fork Area
This watershed and stream are considered healthy because ofthe roadless and unmanaged conditions. The staDds
within the drainage are mostly mature and there is some risk of lightning and wildfire within the drainage at some
point in the future.
Hughes Creek (0103)
Hughes Creek is a 59.5 square mile watershed that is developed in the lower portions of the watershed yet contains a
large percentage ofundeveloped lands. Hughes Creek geology is mostly metamorphic rock that is typically less
erosive than other rock types and weather to fine-grained sand. There are sites ofsensitive land types; these are
located in the Taylor Creek area. Much of the mainstem, valley bottom lands along the stream channel are under
private ownership and in the past, placer and dredge mining along the stream has been a major, direct source of
sediment to the stream and aherations to channel conditions in Hughes Creek. Currently, most ofthi1 is on a
recovering trend on both private and National Forest lauds. Above Mine Creek, a major tributary to Hughes Creek,
some mining is currently ongoing on private land. Inigation withdrawals occur all along the maiDstem ofHughes
Creek. This can affect the streams ability to carry sediment during low flow and resuh in more sediment deposition
that would be present when sufficient stream energy is available to carry sediment downstream as would occur
A stream survey conducted on the maiDstem in 1998 indicates that Hughes Creek at this point is a meandering stream
in a broad valley bottom, with a cobble substrate. The lower section ofthi1 reach bad high baDks aDd loolced to be
channelized (it was uunaturally straight as weD as being weD confined) for a distance ofabout 150 feet. At thi1 site,
width/depth ratio, channel stability ratio, TarseweD substrate ratio and percent fines were similar to reference, while
particle size distributions were smaller than reference streams ofthi1 type (other Hughes Creek tributaries that bad
surveys completed on them also have a greater percentage offine sediments than their reference streams Christmas
tree, which can be attributed at least partially to geology as other streams surveyed in Hughes Creek also bad smaller
substrate sizes.
Some tributaries ofHughes Creek, Spruce, Malloy, and to a lesser extent Mill and Taylor Creeks, bad equivalent
clearcut (ECA's) areas and road densities that were high before the fire, thi1 would increase the number oferosion
sources (disturbed soils such as road cut and fill slopes) within these areas. The remainder of the Hughes Creek
watershed has smaller amounts ofharvest and roads. The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates Hughes Creek as a whole as
healthy because oflow road densities aud ECA's watershed wide.
The IWWR rates Hughes Creek as having moderate geomorphic integrity and water quality. This rating is given
because of the lOading in the drainage below Mine Creek, and the channel modification that has occurred in the past
from mining aud timber harvest
In Hughes Creek, about four percent of the watershed burned at a high severity leve~ mostly in the Taylor Creek area.
The remainder, a little more than eight percent of the watershed area burned at low severity levels. This increase is
estimated to increase water yields in the Hughes Creek watershed by on percent (Farnes, 2(00). In the area directly
affected by fire, Taylor Creek, there is an increased risk ofoverlaDd flow and debris torrents that could result in
deposition aud channel migration. The effects ofany debris flows in Taylor would be diluted in the mainstem of
Hughes Creek.
Hughes Creek is listed on the State ofMontana, 1996 and 2000 water quality limited stream list (WQLS). It is Ii1ted
as "not supported" for aquatics aDd coldwater fisheries. The probable sources ofimpairment are resource extraction
aud dredge mining.
Past aetious in Hughes Creek have compromised stream health in the past and resulted in a stream that is not as
resilient as would be desired. However, stream channel conditions near the mouth indicate that the stream is stable
and on an improving trend. Should debris 110ws occur on fire 8a1Sitive slopes in Taylor Creek·there could be channel
changes but these would be moderated in Hughes Creek.
Overwhich Creek (0104)
This watershed is s 50.2 square mile area that is about one halfroadless (in the headwaters), while the lower reaches
and tributaries are developed. Overwhich Creek is an evolving stream system because ofa recent (geologically
speaking) stream capture in the headwaters that involves Overwhich aud Fault Creelcs. In the recent geologic past the
upper part ofOverwhich Creek, above Overwhich Falls flowed into Fauh Creek, which is a tributary to Warm Springs
Creek. Because of fimlt movement aud rapid headward erosion of the upper part ofOverwhich Creek, a nickpoint
formed at the location of the Falls aud diverted the upper part of the stream from Fault Creek into Overwhich Creek.
3-146 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
This increased the flow ofwater in Overwhich Creek, which in tum caused downcutting and oversteepening ofslopes
along the stream. As this happened relatively recently in geologic time, Overwhich is still adjusting to the increased
stream flows and sediment, and this results in the stream being oatura1ly UDStable.
An overland flow event occurred in Overwhich Creek in 1992 following an escaped prescribed fire that burned 1,800
acres on steep slopes. The event resulted in the channel scour in four tributaries to Overwhich and deposition of
sediment, rocks and logs in the mainstem. Over the past eight years, the affected streams have been on an improving
trend. Stream surveys conducted on the main stream indicate that the percentages of fine sediments have been
decreasing each year. The channel bas been migrating across the valley bottom during periods of peak flows partially
because of the event and partially because of the naturally unstable nature ofOverwhich Creek.
Three surveys were conducted on the mainstem ofOverwhich Creek in 1999. One ofis a reference reach while the
others are located downstream, below areas ofdevelopment. The lowest survey completed on the mainstem of
Overwhich Creek in 1999 was as the site below the bridge on FR # 5699, which is a "c" channel and is prone to
chaDnel migration. The survey at this site found a larger percentage offine sediments in the substrate as wen as larger
size classes in the particle size distributions than were measured in 1998 however, these are still smaller than have
been measured during the period between 1996 and 1993. The percent of the substrate mobile duriDg baDkfuD flows
is lower than had been measured during past years and other parameters were similar.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates Overwhich Creek as healthy because of the large amount ofroadless and
undeveloped lands in the headwaters. Several tributaries are rated at higher risk because ofpast fire, road coDStrUction
and timber harvest. Included in this list is Blue Creek, and UDD8IDCd watershed in section 24 and to a lesser degree
Dan, Gentile, Antler and Placer Creeks.
The IWWR classifies the area as having low geomorphic integrity and moderate water quaHty, for the same reasons as
listed in the Bitterroot filter, as well as natural causes as discussed above.
Approximately 18 percent of the watershed was affected by high and moderate severity fire; another 21 percent was
affected by low severity fire. Most of the high severity fire was located in the middle ofthe draioage on both the
north and south aspects. In the high severity areas, there is high risk that overlaDd flow events could take place
fonowing a severe thunderstorm. Should these occur it is likely that effects would be similar to those observed and
monitored following the 1992 fire.
Overwhich is listed on the MontaDa State 1996 and 2000 303d WQLS li1t. It is listed for impaired cold water
fisheries because offlow alteration and thermal modification.
In summary, portions ofthi1 watershed are in moderate health while some of the smaller tributaries in the lower
elevations are in poor health. The stream will continue to recover from the earlier fire and mainstem conditions could
be further impacted by debris flows that might occur in the areas that were high severity burned in 2000. The lower
mainstem ofOverwhich migrates duriDg high flows and this tendency could be increased because of additioaal
sediment and water from the burned areas.
Blue Joint (0105)
This is a 62.6 square mile drainage that is contains a large percentage ofroadless area. Little Blue Joint is included
within the HUC, the stream flows directly into Painted Rocks Lake. Geology in the area consists ofboth glaciated
and weathered granitics.
Stream surveys have been conducted in both streams. On Blue Joint the survey is located at the trailhead and
conditions reflect reference, unmanaged conditions. On little Blue, the survey is located the stream is located in a
swampy, low reliefvaDey bottom that is periodicaDy affected by beaver activity and this results in a wider and
shallower stream at the survey site than other similar streams. Other parameters indicate that the streams were healthy
at this point before the fires.
In the Bitterroot Coarse Filter, Blue Joint watershed is rated as healthy and Little Blue Joint is rated as sensitive
because of the amount ofpast harvest.
The IWWR rates thi1 watershed as having high geomorphic integrity and water quality except in the lower sections
that are developed and in the Little Blue Joint watershed. In these areas, both are rated as low.
Blue Joint bad about 10 percent of the watershed burned during the fires. In main Blue Joint the majority of the fire
area was oflow to moderate severity with a few pockets ofhigh severity fire; while in Little Blue Joint, fire was of
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-147
Watershed - West Fork Area
high severity and affected a large percentage ofthe Little Blue Watershed. In Little Blue, water yields are expected to
increase by S percent, while in the entire watershed, increases would be only 2 percent.
In summary, Blue Joint is in good condition. Only a small portion ofthe watershed was affected by fire and only the
lower portion bas been mauaged in the past. In Little Blue Joint, a large amount of the watershed burned at high
severity levels. This increases the sensitivity of the watershed beyond that wbat existed before the fire. Activities that
could result in disturbing soils should be restricted. The risk ofa debris flows and deposition is high in this watershed
because ofthe amount ofarea affected by high severity fire.
Slate Creek (0106)
Slate Creek is an 18.2 square mile watershed that contains a large amount ofroadless in the headwaters and is
developed in the lower reaches of the stream. Geology in this watershed is mixed and includes granitics and
volcanics. Slate Creek flows directly into Painted Rocks Lake and the lower quarter mile ofthe stream is within the
high pool area of the reservoir. The road in Slate Creek is built along the north side ofthe stream for a little over two
miles and at times constricts the channel and reduces floodplain width. It is a direct source ofsediment to the stream.
Stream surveys have coDducted in Slate Creek and on Elk Creek, a tributary. The surveys on the main stream are
similar to comparable reference reaches and so the stream and watershed was considered healthy and stable before fire
The Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis rates Slate Creek as healthy because oflow road and stream crossing
densities and limited amounts ofpast harvest. One sub-watershed, Elk Creek is rated as sensitive because ofroad and
past harvest.
The IWWR rates Slate Creek as having moderate geomorphic integrity and water quality. The moderate rating is the
result of the road in the stream bottom, other road coustruetion, and past harvest.
In Slate Creek, 33 percent ofthe watershed burned at high and moderate severity while Dine percent burned at low
severity the aD ofthis is in the roadless portion ofthe wannbed. As a result of the high and moderate severity fire,
water yields are estimated to increase by 8 percent beyond pre-fire levels (Fames, 2(00).
In summary, Slate Creek bas a moderate risk ofexperiencing overland flow events the first few )arB following the
fire, especially in the headwaters that were directly affected by high severity fire. Ifthis were to occur, hiDsIope
erosion and deposition ofmaterials Slate Creek is possible and could result in blocking the channel, channel migration
and deposition ofsediment in the stream. The risk ofthis occuning depeDds upon weather.
UDDer West Fork lnterfluve (Coal, West Creeks) (0107)
Included in this area is Chicken Creek, West Creek, Coal Creek, Cow Creek, Little Boulder Creek as well as the main
stem of the West Fork between Chicken Creek and Little Boulder Creek. This grouping ofstreams, called an
''interfluve'' was done completing the Inland West Watershed Assessment. It is 28.6 square miles in size, flows into
and includes the Painted Rocks Lake area. Geology in this area consists ofmostly quartzites, which are very stable.
Painted Rocks Lake traps sediment brought into it from upstream sources and also alters flow and sediment transport
downstream. The main vaI1ey is private land that is used for home sites and small ranching activities. There is some
state land in Coal Creek that is in the process ofbeing harvested. Little Boulder Creek is the lowest tributary to
Painted Rocks Lake. The reservoir submerges the lower half-mile of the stream. The main road in Slate Creek
parallels the stream for a little over a mile and in some locatious is a direct source ofsediment to the stream. It also
coDStricts the channel and the floodplain in some locatioDS.
Stream surveys have been completed on Little Boulder Creek and one tributary. At the lowest survey site substrate
a greater number offine sediments are present in the channel This site is located above
the reservoir and is wider than other representative reference streams. The parameters at the site that is located 1
miles upstream is very similar to other representative streams. In the tributary reach substrate composition is larger
than other representative reaches but otherwise, parameters are similar to reference streams.
measurements iDdicate that
The Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis rates Little Boulder and Chicken Creek as healthy; Coal Creek as high
risk because ofsoils and past management activities; West Creek and Cow Creek as sensitive.
The IWWR rates the area as having poor geomorphic integrity and water quality. The rating is the result ofthe road
in the stream bottom along Little Boulder Creek, other road CODStruction, past harvest, and the reservoir that affects
the floodplain and stream flow within the pool area.
3-148 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
In this group ofwatersheds, 18 percent ofthe area was affected by high severity fire; an additiooal 26 percent was of
low severity. Most ofthe high severity fire occurred in Chicken Creek and the upper elevations of West Creek. As a
result of the high and moderate severity fire, water yields are estimated to iDcrease by 8 percent beyond pre-fire levels
(Farnes, 2(00) in the watersheds affected.
The West Fork of the Bitterroot is listed as water quality limited on the Montana 1996 aud 2000 303d report because
ofprobable impaired uses ofaquatic life support and cold water fisheries caused from flow alteration, noxious aquatic
plants, habitat alterations, siltation aud thermal modifications.
In summary, this area (outside ofChicken Creek, which is healthy) bad high percentages ofECA before the fire, this
has increased following fire activity, it is in poor watershed health. Road densities are high in Coal Creek and this
equates to many sediment sources. The dam and reservoir affects streamflows and sediment transport and captures
sediment from upstream sources behind the dam. There are areas that have been grazed heavily in the past on private
laud and development on private land includes &rming, grazing, and subdivision.
Middle West Fork lnterfluve (0301)
This area is the area below Painted Rocks Dam down to the confluence with the Nez Perce Fork ofthe West Fode aud
includes Mud, BJack, Rombo, Ditch, Basin, Beavertail, Buck and BoDDie Blue Creeks. Geology is both weathered
aud glaciated granitics. This area has been heavily roaded in the past and there is private laud at the mouths of
Rombo, Buck, and Beavertail Creeks. On the private laud there has been timber harvest, home site development and
grazing in the past. Only a small amount «1 percent) of the area was affected by the fires of2000 and this was of low
and moderate severity.
Two stream surveys have been completed on Rombo Creek, ODe near the mouth and another reference reach in the
headwaters. Both sites are the same stream type and can be compared. Conditions in the lower reach indicates that
Rombo Creek has bad increases in water and sediment yield in the past but is currently on a recovering trend. A
smvey on Ditch Creek indicates that water and sediment yield were high in the past but the stream is on a recovering
trend. Neither of these two watersheds were directly affected by fire.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates this area as high risk because ofroads and ECA aud the IWWR also rates this area
with low geomorphic integrity and water quality. This reach of the West Fork is on the WQLS Hat as was diIcuued in
the previous section, as is Ditch Creek.
The risk ofchanges in stream channel conditions that may occur as a result of the fire is very low because a small
amount of the area was affected by fire. In the West Fork itself: the laud area that was not affected would dilute any
effects of the fire.
Piguett Creek (0303)
Piquett Creek is a 32.3 square mile watershed that contains a small amount ofroadless in the headwaters and is
developed in the lower reaches of the stream. Geology in this watershed is mixed and includes grussy and hard
granitics. Piquett Creek flows directly into the West Fork. The road in Piquett Creek is built along the east side of the
stream for a little over two miles and at times constricts the channel and reduces floodplain width. It is a direct source
ofsediment to the stream.
No stream surveys have been conducted in Piquett Creek.
The Bitterroot Sensitive Watershed Analysis rates Piquett Creek as sensitive because ofroad and stream crossing
densities and a large amount of past harvest. East Piquett, the tributary watershed to the northeast has the highest
ECA in the watershed.
The IWWR rates Piquett Creek as having low geomorphic integrity and water quality. ·The moderate rating is the
result of the road in the stream bottom, other road coDStruction, aud past harvest.
In Piquett, nine percent ofthe watershed burned at high and moderate severity while seven percent burned at low
severity. As a result of the high aud moderate severity fire, water yields are estimated to increase by 1 percent beyond
pre-fire levels (Fames, 2000).
In summary, Piquett Creek has a low risk of experiencing overlaud flow events the first few years following the fire,
especially in the headwaters that were directly affected by high severity fire. There is likely to be erosion from those
areas ofmoderate severity fire where sur&ce vegetation burned is no longer available to protect the soils.
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-149
Watershed - West Fork Area
Lower West Fork lnterfluve (0305)
This area is an intertluvial area that inchldes Swamp, Bam Draw, Lavene, CbristiseD, lloyd, Baker, Violet Creeks aud
the West Fork from the confluence with the Nez Perce Fork downstream to the East Fork; it does not include Boulder
Creek. It is 34.6 square miles and about six percent ofthe area was affected by fire in 2000 at mostly low severity.
Geology consists ofglaciated granitics in the upper elevations ofthe west side, weathered granitics throughout the
remainder of the area. Much of this area bas been managed in the past aud there is private laud on both sides ofthe
river for the whole length ofthe West Fork.
No stream surveys have been conducted within this area.
The Bitterroot Coarse Filter rates several of these areas as very sensitive because of the roads aud the amount ofarea
being harvested in the past. Swamp/Bam Draw and Violet Creek are considered high risk and Pierce, Lavene, aud
Pierce are considered sensitive because they have lower road densities and ECA than do those with the high-risk
The IWWR rates the area as having low geomorphic integrity because ofroads, harvest and grazing. It is given a
moderate water quality rating because ofchannel modificatious, bank erosion and sediment. The main road along the
West Fork constricts the flood plain aud in some locations cuts offmcanders and straightens the stream. Watershed
vulnerability is rated as good because there is litt1e area with risk ofslumping or sliding ofsoils.
The fire burned at mostly low with some moderate severity areas on the east side ofthe drainage across from Trapper
Creek; the west side was not affected by fire. Two pockets ofhigh severity fire are located in UIlD8IDed tributaries in
Section 26 and 35 on the east side of the river. Six percent ofthe area burned aud this is estimated to increase water
yields in the West Fork by less than one percent; this would not be noticeable in the West Fork. In the two Imnamed
tributaries if there were a high intensity thunderstorm, overlaud flow and debris flows cold occur.
The West Fork is listed on the Montana 1996 303d report as having impaired aquatic life support aud cold-water
fisheries. The causes are listed as flow alteration, noxious aquatic plants, habitat alterations, siltation, aud thermal
modifications. It is not listed on the 2000 303d report.
In summary, the risk ofchannel changing events in the West Fork River is small, but in where there was high severity
fire in small tributary watersheds, the risk is higher. Should the tributaries be affected in this way, there would be
deposition in the river aud iDcreases ofsediment aud turbidity downstream ofthis point until sediment was transported
downstream and/or effects diluted by additional laud area.
Effects Common to AU Action Alternatives
Similar to those described for the Blodgett geographic area.
Direct and Indirect Effects
Alternative A
In Alternative A - the No Action Alternative, no watershed improvements, harvest or fuels reduction are proposed.
There would be no short-term increases in sediment yields from ground disturbaDce associated with watershed
improvements, timber harvest, fuels reduction, and temporary road coostruetion or landing coDStruction.
With No Action, there would be no opportunities to reduce man caused sediment yields by improving drainage on
roads, decompacting road surfiJces or obliterating road prEs. Culverts would continue to limit floodplain access and
provide a risk of&ilure on roads that aren't maintained to the level necessary to AD roads would continue to
intercept sballow subsrice water where cutslopes cut into ground water paths. Roads would continue to capture aDd
transport nmoffrather than allowing it to infiltrate to a larger degree than is present currently. Roads that had ditches
that drained into streameourses would continue to do so. Because there would be noDe of the above improvements
occurring, long-term sediment yields would remain on the same trend as they CUITeIltly are.
In the event that DO large stand-replacing fires occurred erosion sources aud sediment yields would increase over the
next few years until vegetation became established on the burned areas. It would take about two to three years for the
vegetation to recover.
Hydrophobic soils will recover over the next few years to pre-fire conditions. The risk ofoverland flow on areas that
were burned at high severity where hydrophobic soils formed would decrease until infiltration rates that are within the
natural range ofvariability were attained.
3-1 SO - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
Water yields wiD iocrease following the fire aud slowly decrease as vegetation recovered to the point that use of
moisture would be similar that present prior to the fire. The increases in water yields would result in iDstream erosion
as channel systems lengthened aud widened to provide enough area to carry higher flows. Defined channel systems
would extend further up the slope where the fire killed large percentages ofvegetation and increased equivalent
clearcut area. Over time, as water yields decreased, these channels would DIITOW aDd recover to pre-fire conditions.
Sediment yields that result from increases in upJaDd erosion would scour steeper channels and be deposited in low
gradient stream reaches. Low gradient reaches would experience channel migration. Alluvial &us would be
augmented with sediment from upstream sources.
Over the next 10-30 years, the trees killed in last summers' fires will &ll to the ground. These, along with the new
growth UDderstory and young saplings would be fuel for any fires that might be started either by lightning or by
people 30-60 years from now. Should a fire start under these conditions, the fuel would carry aud hold fire for long
periods of time because the large &Den trees would burn for several hours (Everett, 1995, pp 3,4). The long burning
hot fire in areas where high amounts of fuels are consumed increase the risk and OCC11l1'eDCe ofhydrophobic soils (post
Fire Assessment, 4.1). Fires that might start in these fuel conditions would bum hot and would be more likely to form
hydrophobic soils than fires that would bum in areas with less fuels or would bum for short time periods.
Should high severity fires occur a second time on sites affected by high severity fire in 2000, there is high risk that
overland flow, sheet erosion could occur on sites where thi1 happened not too many years previous. Increased burn
intensity increases the risk oferosion and soil loss (Everett, 1995, pp. 6). The risk ofthis occuniDg would be greatest
in areas where large amount of fuels were jackstrawed (Gerhardt, persooal colDDDlnication, 4/01), and thi1 is likely to
occur in areas of the 2000 bum where large amounts offuels are left standing. These are the areas that did burn-at
high severity during the 2000 fires and where soil conditions have been altered because of the fire severity.
Alternative B
In Ahemative B, aD ground based slcidding would occur over snowand/or frozen ground. This would essentially 1imit
ground disturbaDce and erosion from this source to zero (McBride, Decker, HIIDIIIeI", 1994).
No activities are proposed in Deer Creek (0102), Hughes Creek (0103), Middle West Fork Interftuve (0301), with thi1
alterative. No additiooal analysis will occur OD Direct, Indirect or Cumulative Effects in these watersheds.
Conditions would remain on current trends as was discussed in the Affected EnviroDlDCDt.
Alternative C
No activities area proposed in the foRowing hydrologic units: Deer Creek (0102), Hughes Creek (0103), Overwhich
Creek (0104), Middle West Fork Interftuve (0301). Conditions will continue on the same trends as are described in
existing conditions in these areas.
Alternative D
No activities are proposed in Deer Creek (0102), or Hughes Creek (0103) with this aItemative. No additiooal aoa1ysis
will occur OD Direct, Indirect or Cumulative Effects in these watersheds. Conditious would remain on current trends
as was discussed in the Affected Environment.
In Ahemative D, temporary roads are proposed. Salvage harvest/fuel reduction would occur only in ponderosa pine
habitats aDd in wikUand urban interface. Landings would be COD8tlUcted to store aDd tnmsfer timber to tnlcks, these
would be the maxjmum in number for aD the alternatives.
Alternative E
No activities are proposed in Deer Creek (0102), Hughes Creek (0102), or Middle West Fork Interfluve (0301) with
this alternative. Conditions would be the same as discussed in the Affected Environment aud the No Action
Overwhich Creek (0104)
Alternative B
A mix ofheJicopter and skyline yarding systems would be used in thi1 area that would limit sediment yield increases
to smaD amounts because ground disturbance would be very smaD (WATSED, 1991). Sediment yield increases
would be _ l e because of the small amount ofground disturbance that would occur.
BUI'IK'd Area Recovery DEIS- 3-1 S 1
Watershed - West Fork Area
Temporary landings would be constlUcted with thm alternative. These would be coDStructed outside ofstreamside
management zones (SMZts) and RHCAts t some would be located on ridges. Ground disturbance would occur on
these landings and temporary roads that would result in on-site erosion, the likelihood of eroded sediment from these
areas reaching streams would be very small because of the distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw
bales would be placed wherever there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated
and seeded following use to allow them to recover to pre-existing conditions.
Some existing landings would be reopened and used in thm alternative while others would be cODStrUcted. Mitigation
would be applied to reduce the risk of any eroded sediment from reaching streams, wetlands or moving offsite.
Landings would be rehabilitation following use to allow, landings to recover to pre-existing conditions.
There would be no increases in water yields with thm alternative in this watershed because no live trees would be
CbaDneI conditions should not decrease in the Overwhich Creek as a result ofactivities proposed in thm area because
a relatively small area is proposed for treatment and the skyline yarding systems cause little ground disturbance. In
the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields, that depending on time ofimplementation could occur
at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Sediment yields would decrease as vegetation became established on
the disturbed soils.
The implementation ofvegetation management proposals in Overwhich could reduce the risk ofhigh severity fire
occurring in the future within the units treated. Only a small percentage of the watenbed is being treated and so
would not make a significant difference watershed-wide.
Alternative C
No activities are proposed in this watershed with thm alternative. Effects would be the same as with the no action
Alternative D
No watershed improvements are proposed with thm alternative. A watershed improvement project that was in the
plaDning stages prior to the fires wiD be brought forward to address watenbed improvement opportunities in this area.
An increase in ground disturbance associated with temporary roads iDcrease sediment yields over Alternative B. A
mix ofhelicopter and skyline yarding systems would be used in thm area that would limit sediment yield increases to
small amounts from the yarding activities because ground dmturbaDce would be very smaD (WATSED, 1991).
There would be increases in water yields with this alternative that would be slightly more than in Alternative B.
CbaDneI conditions should not decrease in the Overwhich Creek as a result ofactivities proposed in thm area because
a relatively small area is proposed for treatment and the skyline yarding systems do not cause much ground
disturbance. In the short-term, there would be an iDcrease in sediment yields from harvest, depending on time of
implementation could occur at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Sediment yields would decrease as
vegetation became establi1bed on the disturbed soils. CbaDneI conditions would be maintained in Overwhich Creek.
The implementation ofvegetation management proposals in Overwhich could reduce the risk ofhigh severity fire
occurring in the future within the units treated. Only a small percentage of the watershed is being treated and so
would not make a significant difference watershed-wide.
Alternative E
No activities are proposed in this alternative. Effects would be the same as for the No Action Alternative.
Bille Joint Creek (0105)
Alternative B
A very small decrease in sediment yields wiD result from watershed improvements in this area. The decrease wiD be
from the drainage improvements on Road 5656, 5652 and 13407.
A mix ofhelicopter, over snow tractor and skyline yarding systems would be used in this area that would 1imit
sediment yield increases to smaD amounts because ground disturbance would be very small (WATSED, 1991). The
increase in coarse woody debris in the units affected by high severity fire would help to reduce erosion (Maloney and
Thornton, 1995).
3-152 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
Temporary landings would be constructed or reopened with this alternative. These would be located outside RHCAs,
and the remainder would be located on ridges. Ground disturbance would occur on these landingc aud temporary
roads that would result in on-site erosion, the likelihood oferoded sediment from these areas reaching streams would
be very small because of the distance from live water. Mitigation in the form ofstraw bales would be placed
wherever there was a risk that sediment might reach streams. These areas would be obliterated aud seeded following
use to allow them to recover to pre-existing conditions.
There would be no increases in water yields with this alternative in thi1 watershed because no live trees would be
CbaDneI conditions should not decrease in Blue Joint, or Little Blue Joint Creek as a result of activities proposed in
this area because a relatively small area is proposed for treatment using yarding systems that could cause ground
disturbance. In the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields &om harvest. Sediment yields would
decrease as vegetation became established on the disturbed soils.
The implementation ofvegetation management proposals in the Blue Joint area could reduce the risk ofhigh severity
fire occurring in the future within the units treated. Blue Joint above the burned area is a large area ofunbumed fuels,
it is likely that some time within the next 30-60 years there wiD be a start aud large fire within thi1 area, thi1 could
burn into those areas affected in 2000 and cause additional hydrophobic soils.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements are proposed with thi1 alternative that are similar to Alternative B; the decreases in erosion
sources aud long-term sediment yields would be similar also. In the short-term, there would be increases associated
with the ground disturbance and culvert removal, thi1 would recover over two to three years as soils stabilized and
vegetation grew on the site. There would be DO short-term increases or ground disturbance associated with timber
harvest with thi1 alternative aud so the lower yields would be attained sooner than in Ahemative B.
There would be DO increases in water yield from this proposal Where roads were decompacted, infiltration would be
improved (McBride, email, 4/01) on the treated sites, but would be a very small amount overall as so little area is
being decompacted.
CbaDnel conditions would be improved in thi1 watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources over the longterm.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstaDd-replacing fires aud
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurreoce ofligbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
As with Ahernative B, a small amount ofwatershed improvement would be proposed in thi1 area. This would result
in a little improvement in channel conditions from the decrease in sediment yield.
An increase in ground disturbance associated with temporary roads increase sediment yields slightly over Ahemative
B. A mix ofhelicopter aud skytine yarding systems would be used in thi1 area that would limit sediment yield
increases to small amounts from the yarding activities because ground disturbance would be very small (WATSED,
There would be no increases in water yields with thi1 alternative.
CbaDnel conditions should not decrease in the Blue Joint Creek as a result of activities proposed in thi1 area because a
relatively small area is proposed for treatment aud the skyline yarding systems do not cause much ground disturbance.
In the short-term, there would be an increase in sediment yields from harvest, depending on time ofimplementation
could occur at the same year as immediate post-fire erosion. Sediment yields would decrease as vegetation became
established on the disturbed soils. CbaDnel conditions would be maintaiDed.
The effect on the risk offuture fires would be the same as Alternative B.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Ahemative c.
No harvest would occur, but eight acres would have fuels reduced on them by baud. Sediment yield iDcreases would
be minimal
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-1 S3
Watershed - West Fork Area
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal.
Changes in channel conditions would be improved and more quickly than other harvest alternatives because shortterm increases would not occur.
There is not likely to be any significant reduction in the extent and severity offuture fires in the next 30-60 years as a
result of this proposal
Slate Creek (0106)
Alternatives B and D
There would be a long-term decrease in sediment yields from improving drainage on the main Slate Creek road and
graveling two miles ofit along the stream where it is a direct source of sediment. In the short-term, there would be a
small increase from ground disturbance associated with installing drive through dips, cleaning culverts, iDstalling
additional culverts and repairing ditches. This would decrease as surfilces became armored and vegetation was re-
No harvest or fuels treatments are proposed with this alternative.
There would be no increases in water yields with this alternative in this watershed because no five trees would be
The short-term sediment yield increases in Slate Creek should not decrease channel conditions; they would decrease
as vegetation became established on the disturbed soils. In the long-term, channel conditions should improve in Slate
Creek from the reduction in sediment yields.
The risk offuture fires would not be altered with the implementation of this ahemative.
Alternatives C and E
Watershed improvements are proposed with this alternative that are the same as Alternative B; the decreases in
erosion sources and long-term sediment yields would be similar also. In the short-term, there would be increases
associated with the drainage improvements and application ofa gravel sur&ce, this would recover over two to three
years as soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There would be no short-term increases or ground
disturbance associated with timber harvest with this alternative and so the lower yields would be attained sooner than
in Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal.
CbaDneI conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sediment sources over the Iongterm. The main source ofimprovements would be the gravel sur&ce along the two miles ofroad that contributed
sediment directly to the stream.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofHghtDing storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
UDDer West Fork lnterfluve (Coq!, West Creeks) (0107)
Alternatives B and E
There would be a long-term decrease in sediment yields from improving drainage on the main Coal Creek road and
graveling two miles ofit along the stream where it is a direct source ofsediment. In the short-term, there would be a
small increase from ground disturbaDce associated with iDstaIliog drive through dips, cleaning culverts, iDstalling
additional culverts and repairing ditches. This would decrease as surf8ces became armored and vegetation was re-
Harvest is proposed using a variety ofyarding methods in the Coal, West and on the face that drains into the West
Fork. The skyline yarding would result in a small amount of ground disturbance and some increase in sediment
yields. The tractor yarding would occur over snow. In Coal Creek, the sediment yields were high before the fire;
long-term decreases would occur. In West Creek and on the mee, there would also be small increases in sediment
yield but these increases should not cause changes in stream channel conditions. West Creek bas few sources
CUJTeIltly (except for the fire) and a small increase in sediment in the river could be transported dowustream into the
3-154 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
There would be no increases in water yields with thi1 alternative in West and Coal Creek watersheds because no live
trees would be removed. Removal of green trees along the face would improve moisture availability for the remaining
trees; any oft:site yields would be incorporated into the river aud would not be measurable.
Short term increases ofsediment yields in Coal Creek would be oftSet by long-term decreases, channel conditions
would be maintained or slightly improved because of the reduction ofhuman-caused sMiment. In the other areas
treated within this HUC, sMiment yields should not alter conditions.
The risk offuture fires wouldn't be decreased by the reduction offuels in the areas treated. The reduction of fuels in
both the commercial and noncommercial treatments would be helpful because the majority of the fire was low severity
and a large amount of fuels are left within the units. Reducing the risk ofstand-replacing fire would reduce the risk of
future hydrophobic soils in a watershed where sediment yields are high from _
Alternative C
Watershed improvements are proposed with thi1 alternative would be greater with thi1 alternative because a greater
amount ofclosM road would be recontoured instead ofdecompacted only. This would improve revegetation because
ofbetter infiltration. In the short-term, there would be increases associated with the drainage improvements, aud
decompaction, thi1 would recover over two to three years as soils stabilized and vegetation grew on the site. There
would be no short-term increases or ground disturbance associated with timber harvest with this alternative and so the
lower yields would be attained sooner than in Alternative B.
There would be no iDcreases in water yield from thi1 proposal The recontouring would improve infiltration and
revegetation better than decompaction only.
Channel conditions would be improved in this watershed because of the reduction in sMimalt sources over the longterm.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replaciDg fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depeoding upon the occurreDCe ofJjgbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative D
Fewer watershed improvements would be implemented with thi1 alternative. Culverts would be retained in 3.5 miles
ofroad where they are proposM for removal with Alternative B, and decompaction or obliteration would not occur.
Reduction in long-term sediment yields would be less with thi1 alternative.
An increase in ground disturbance associated with temporary roads increase sediment yields slightly over Alternative
B. Increases are small and the difference is not b1cely to be measurable.
Increases in water yield would be the same as Alternative B.
Channel conditions should be maintained in most areas within thi1 HUC. One area ofconcern is Coal Creek, where
roads aud past harvest is a concern.
In thi1 watershed the effect ofthe risk offuture fires would be the same as Alternative B.
Middle West Fork lnterfluve, Beavertail (0301)
Alternative B and D
No watershed improvements are proposed in thi1 HUC with thi1 alternative.
Harvest is proposed on seven acres using a helicopter yarding systan. This would cause very little ground disturbance
and inuneasurable increases in sediment yield in streams.
There would be no increases in water yields with thi1 alternative as only fire-kiDed trees will be removed.
Stream chaDnel conditions would be maintained as a result ofthi1 proposal
The risk offuture fires would be decreased in the area treated but since it is such a small area, there would be DO
reduction of risk within the HUe.
Alternative C and E
Effects would be the same as the Alternative A as no activities are being proposed.
Burned Area RecoveryDEIS- 3-155
Watershed - West Fork Area
Piguett Creek (0303)
Alternatives B and D
There would be a long-term decrease in sediment yields from improving drainage on the main Piquett Creek road and
graveling about one mile along the stream where the road is a direct source of sediment. In the short-term, there would
be a small increase from ground disturbance from installing drive through dips, cleaning culverts, iDstaUing additional
culverts and repairing ditches. This would decrease as surfilces became armored and vegetation was re-established.
Harvest is proposed using a helicopter yarding method. Helicopter yarding causes very little ground disturbance, with
the exception ofpeople walking, and the tree filIling. The sediment yield increase is essentially zero.
There would be no increases in water yields with this alternative in the Piquett watershed because no live trees would
be removed. Removal ofgreen trees along the filce would improve moisture availability for the remaining trees; any
oft:site yields would be incorporated into the river.
Increases of sediment contributions from roads in Piquett Creek would be reduced in the long-term, where drainage
was imFoved and gravel sur&ced roads eroded less material This would contribute to improved stream channel
conditions in the long-term.
The risk offuture fires and associated hydrophobic soils would be decreased by the reduction of fuels in the areas
treated. The reduction of fuels in both the commercial and noncommercial treatments would be helpful because the
majority of the fire was low severity and a large amount offuels are left within the units. Reducing the risk ofstandreplacing fire would reduce the risk offuture hydrophobic soils in a watershed where sediment yields are high from
human-caused sources.
Alternative C
Watershed improvements are proposed with this alternative would be the same as with Alternative B, the effects
would be the same. Graveling, drainage improvements and decompaction would reduce erosion sources over the
long-term. There would be no short-term increases or ground disturbance associated with timber harvest with this
alternative and so the lower yields would be attained sooner than in Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal. The decompaction would improve infiltration and
Channel conditions would be improved in because ofthe reduction in sediment sources over the long-term.
The risk offuture fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofligbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
Effects would be the same as with Alternative A
Lower West Fork lnterfluve (0305)
Alternatives B and D
In the area where activities are proposed there are no roads, no watershed improvement related to roads is proposed,
there would be no decreases ofhuman-caused sediment in this HUe.
Harvest is proposed using helicopter yarding on the filce and in the smaIl-llnnamed tributaries to that drains into the
West Fork. Sediment yields in this area are currently influenced only by fire or other natural disturbances. The
helicopter yarding would increase sediment yields very little, ifat all, it would not be measurable.
There would be some intermediate harvest that involves removal ofgreen trees within the units treated. This would
increase soil moisture in the units affected with green tree harvest and may result in doWDStream increases in water
yields. Because the increases would be small, and likely used by remaining green trees within the harvest units the
increases would not be measurable. Removal ofgreen trees along the face would improve moisture availability for
the remaining trees, any oft:site yields would be incorporated into the river.
Because the harvest would be yarded using helicopters sediment yield increases would be immeasurable and water
yields would be slight because ofthe trees left on site to utilize moisture, the harvest activities would result in no
measurable changes in channel conditions in the West Fork.
3-1 S6 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
The majority of this hydrologic unit was not burned in 2000; the areas proposed for treatment are the only areas that
were affected by the reduction offuels in both the commercial and noncommercial treatments would be helpful
because the majority ofthe fire was low severity and a large amount offuels are left within the units. Reducing the
risk ofstand-replacing fire would reduce the risk of future hydrophobic soils following a stand-replacing event.
In the West Fork, 2S-year peak flows are estimated to increase less than two percent following the fires (Fames,
2000). The proposal ofharvest activities upstream would not iDcrease water or sediment yields above this by any
measurable amount. Conditions would be maintained in the West Fork following the imp1c:mentation of this project.
Alternative C
Watershed improvement would be the same as with Alternative B. A very small amount ofroad would have drainage
improved. This would not result in a measurable level ofimprovement. There would be DO short-term increases or
ground disturbance associated with timber harvest with this alternative and so the lower yields would be attained
sooner than in Alternative B.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
CbaJmel conditions would be maintained in this watershed because ofthe reduction in sediment sources over the longterm. Improvements that result from the small amount ofarea treated would DOt be large enough to be measured.
Affect of A1temative on the Risk of Future FIres
The risk of future fires would remain on the same trend as is present. The risk ofstand-replacing fires and
hydrophobic soils would continue to increase, and depending upon the occurrence ofJigbtning storms or humancaused fire, could occur at any time after several decades.
Alternative E
Watershed improvements would be the same as in Alternative C.
Salvage harvest would occur, using helicopter yarding. Sediment yields would not be increased in the West Fork.
There would be no increases in water yield from this proposal
CbaJmel conditions would be maintained in this watershed.
There is likely to be a reduction in the extent and severity of future fires in the treated areas over the next 30-60 years
as a result of this proposal Within the entire watershed, extent and severity would not be reduced to a measurable
degree. The risk ofstand-replacing fire in the areas affected by low severity bum would increase over time.
Table 3-38 - West Fork Geo....phie Area Summary
c......... T...... FoUowiDa ImplemeDtadoa
No Cbange in Traxl: None
Long Tam lDcreased Risk: 1*
Long Tam Decreased Risk: 0*
IDcreased ns
• k fiuD waterYil.eId mcreases
but I10IlI-tam ns
. k tiom sediment }'II.eJd decreases: YO
Pereellt of
RIIkofFlre RIIkofFlre
Watenlaecl Name, Stream
WatenMd Baned Daaaaaeby Duaqeby
6th Code HUC
(1) Mederate ud
RatbIa (1)
Type (2)
IIItepity (2)
HlP Severity
Deer: (0102)
Hughes (0103)
Ovawbicb (0104)
Blue Joint (OIOS)
Slate (0106)
Uppa- West Fark
Inta'ftuw (0 I 07)
Middle West Fark
lnta1luw (0301)
PiqueU (0303)
(I) From Table 2-1, pages 4.2-11 and 12, published in Post Fire Ass~ 2000
(2) From Gary Decka', penoaal COIIIIDUDieatiOll, 4127/01, and SWEP, 1993
1=Good, 2= Modaate, 3-Po« as described in Affected Enviromnalt
* With all Activities 1ba'e will be a sbcxt-tam iDcrease in sedimalt yields &om ground disturbiDg activities.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-157
Watershed - West Fork Area
Cumulative Effects
Described and listed below are the past, ongoing, and reasonably foreseeable activities that are considered in the
cumulative effects analysis for watershed areas within the West Fork.
Past Activities:
Past Forest Service Timber Sales and associated road construction: Much of these types of activities have
occurred in the West Fork in the past. Road densities indicate multiple sediment sources and road locations
near streams are the largest source of sediment in stream conditions because oftheir location near streams.
Harvest is a cause ofincreases in water yields because tree removal frees soil moisture for use by other trees
or runoff
• State Department ofNatural Resources (DNRC) Timber Sales: Harvest on state land in Coal Creek was
expected to be completed in January of200t. 207 acres were treated using mostly ground based s1cjdding
with a 30-50 percent canopy removal. It is likely that there was some ground disturbance with this project
and that sediment yields increased slightly. Water yields would also be expected to increase slightly because
ofthe reduction of trees but this would be a relatively small amount because a large number of trees remain
on site.
• Private LaDd Timber Sales (Including Blue Joint Bay): Timber harvest and clearing bas occurred fOr homes,
businesses, roads and pastures. Post-fire harvest bas occurred on private land during the winter of2000200 1. Through photo interpretation and maps, we have estimated 578 forested acres on private land burned
that could be harvested in the West Fork. For the purpose ofwatershed analysis, it was assumed that all of it
wiD be harvested ifnot in 2000, then over the next couple ofyears, and that aD ofit would occur using
ground based yardiog systems. This activity would increase ground disturbance and erosion. The effect on
sedimentation in stream channels that occurs is dependant upon the application ofBMPs, proximity to
streams and drainage-ways, season of harvest, as well the actual method ofimplementation. Depending upon
the yarding system used and the application ofBMPs sediment yields could increase as a result of this
activity. Water yields are not expected to increase because it is very probable that only fire-kiDed trees
would be removed.
• Private Green Tree Timber Sales, Piquett Creek: The harvest of80 acres of trees on private land bas
occurred. The area harvested is most likely ofgentle gradient so movement of disturbed soils would be
minimal This is not likely to increase sediment yields to a measurable level in Piquett. Increases in water
yield would be small.
• Artificial Reforestation: Planting trees in clearcuts decreases the amount oftime it takes for a cleared area to
become hydrologicaDy recovered by several years. Hydrologically recovered is defined as vegetative
recovery to a level that approximates a mature stand in use of soil moisture, and snow distribution, typically
this takes about 30 years in this area.
• Road CoDStruCtion, RecoDStrUCtion and Maintenance on National Forest Lauds: Roads are the largest source
of sediment with the initial three years fOllowing construction being the worst, until disturbed areas become
armored and vegetation becomes established. Sediment from roads often is transported to streams and
chanDcl conditions reflect iDcreased sediment loads from within the watershed. Where roads contribute
sediment to streams, increases in fine sediment in the substrate are common. RecoDStruction can re-disturb
soils and increase sediment yields for a time until revegetation and restabilization occurs. Reconstruction
includes such activities as improving the drainage on a road or improves the sur&ce, and in the long-term this
is an improvement because sedimalt yields can be decreased.
• Road Construction on Private and State Lands: Road coDStruction and recoustruction on State Lands is
regulated and implemented similar to the ID8DDer that is done on National Forest lands, effects would be
similar and is described above. Road construction and recoDStrUCtion on private lands is regulated by no one
and can be very well done or not, depending upon the landowner. Road work can cause increased sediment
contributed to streams and reduction in channel coDditions when built (and maintained), especially when
adjacent to stream cbaDnels.
• Forest Trail Construction, RecoDStlUCtion and MainteDance: This activity results in a minor amount ofground
disturbance and erosion. In the long-term, established ofwen designed trails benefits watershed conditions
because trails are routed through areas that can be drained, were streams won't wash away trail tread and
3-1 S8 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
were sediment won't be contributed to streams. The amount ofsediment that results from trail improvements
is minor compared to that from other sources in the watershed.
Roadside Noxious Weeds Treatment: Herbicide treatment ofnoxious weeds occurs along roads. These avoid
application on wetland sites and adjacent to stream chanDcls. Applied COlTeCtly, the herbicides have DO
lingering effect on water quality, as dosages are very small. This altemative wouldn't change the frequency
or intensity that these roadside treatments occur.
Farming and Ranching on Private Land: This activity bas occurred for ahnost 100 years. Included in this is
the cultivation of crops such as hay; grazing oflivestock, irrigation, feeding areas, hams and outbuildings.
The land was often converted from open forest to meadow or grassland. Ditches are coustrueted fOr
irrigation purposes and maintained; and in extreme cases streams have been chanDclizcd in an effort to
reduce the amount ofarea affected by flooding each year. This activity is likely to continue iDdefinitely.
Coal Creek Grazing Allotment: This allotment is currently grazed during the summer and early &D months..
Livestock use can and at times does result in stream bank trampling, compaction ofsoils in livestock-favored
areas, riparian areas and over grazing ofnative grasses. This project wouldn't alter livestock access to
wetland areas or streams beyond that what has occurred as a result of the fire.
Piquett Creek Grazing Allotment: This allotment bas not been grazed since 1994, but is tikely to be grazed
for three months in SUIDIDer (2001) to accommodate cows that have been displaced by the burning ofthe
Medicine Tree allotment. The Piquett allotment is tikely to revert back to non-use after the 2001 grazing
season. Following aualysis in 1994, this allotment was allowed to be vacant to 1Bcilitate recovery where
livestock use had been too heavy on some upper elevation grasslaDds. Use prior to 1994 was not haviDg a
negative effect on stream chanDcls and riparian areas because the vast majority ofuse occurred on dry, upper
elevation grasslands.
Trapper Peak Grazing Allotment: Livestock use can and at times does result in stream bank trampling,
compaction ofsoils in livestock-favored areas, riparian areas and over grazing of Dative grasses. This use
would continue iDdefinitely.
Fire Suppression: Fire suppression resulted in more dense stands throughout the area. This bas helped lead to
a greater amount of ground fuels and more intense fires than occurred historically. Hotter fire with heavy
ground fuels increases the extent and severity ofhydrophobic soils. This likely was a great influence on the
amount ofarea within the bum perimeter this previous SUIDIDer.
Prescribed Fire: In the recent past, some prescribed fire was applied in the West Fork Watershed. However,
the amount of this that bas occurred was small and scattered when compared to the size of the watershed and
probably have minimal effect during a severe fire season. The effect on sediment yield increases is minimal
because the prescribed fire isn't hot enough to 1ciIl ground vegetation - it typically resprouts (DeBano, 1995
p. 176-77 and 183).
2000 Fire and Rehabilitation: Dozer line and haDd-1ine was completed throughout the area during August and
September 2000. Dozer lines were repaired as soon as they were no longer needed for fire suppression.
Rehabilitation included pulling the distwbed soil back onto the fire line, spreading slash and organic debris
on top and then spreading seed and fertilizer. Where dozer 1ines were incised, they were recontoured. Hand
lines were also rehabilitation as soon as they were no longer needed for fire suppression. Waterbars were
instaDed and slash spread on fire tiDes before band crews left the area.
2000 Completed BAER Activities: Culverts were upsized throughout the West Fork immediately following
the fires. These were iostaDed during low flow periods, aD were seeded but not all were mulched. It is likely
that sediment was contributed to streams when they were iostalJcd and some erosion will continue from
disturbed soils until vegetation becomes established. These sites will need to be monitored to see if seeded is
successful or if additional erosion control is needed.
2000 Fire Effects: As stated in the Affected Enviroament, fire burned a relatively small portion of the West
Fork watershed. This will iDcrease water yields, sediment yields and debris flows may occur in the high
severity areas. The effects of the fire could lead to some dramatic effects in stream chaDnels, especially the
higher order, small streams that were burned at high severity.
Personal Use Firewood and Christmas Tree Cutting: Both of these have occurred in the watershed but very
IittJe occurs within SMZ's or RHCA's. There are no known problem areas.
Hunting, FisbiDg, Dispersed Recreation: Activities at dispersed recreation sites may affect chanDcl conditions
at isolated spots where trails are worn to collect water from streams. Another influence would be compaction
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-159
Watershed - West Fork Area
ofcamp areas from parking vehicles and from trampling. None of the affects associated with dispersed
recreation occur widespread in the watershed and any effects are localized.
Ditches, Diversions, and Irrigation Dewatering, Ditch Bills: Irrigation withdrawals occur in the West Fork
drainage from Cooper Draw north. Most ofit occurs north ofCastner Creek. In this area, withdrawals don't
dewater streams to a large extent but they do reduce streamflows during low flow periods. This activity will
continue indefinitely.
Subdivision on Private Land: This activity occurs throughout the West Fork. This treDd is expected to
West Fork Highway Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance: The road construction began in the early
1900's and continues through today. Several river meanders have cut-oft: the river straightened and
floodplain access was restricted on several areas of the West Fork River. Winter sanding operations
contribute sediment to the river each winter to maintain safer driving conditions. Reconstruction in the upper
West Fork in 1997-1998 resulted in a large sediment pulse during construction and vegetation recovery
phases. At this time several thousand feet ofstream was reconstructed and moved away from the highway.
This was a benefit to the stream as there is no longer sediment input from the road prism or winter sanding
operations, the stream is not constricted by the highway, and meanders were included in the stream design.
Effects from the highway will continue.
Painted Roclcs Lake and Dam: The coDStruction ofPainted Roclcs Lake flooded several miles ofstream
channel, reduced diversity ofbabitat and altered riparian function. This dam was constructed for irrigation
purposes and is owned by DNRC, it provides for flood control, minimum flows for fisheries and recreation.
The reservoir occupies about 317 sudBce acres and stores about 32,000 acre-feet ofwater. The reservoir
captures sediment from upstream sources (both natural and man-made), it is estimated that it will take
approximately 400 years for the reservoir to fill with sediment (Buck Little Boulder Timber Sale FEIS,
Forest Service Facilities CoDStruction and Reconstruction: Ground disturbaDce and erosion bas likely
occurred during construction ofcampground filcilities and buildings. These activities have altered the level
ofcompaction and infiltration in the soils within the campground area and around buildings such as Ranger
Stations. The contribution ofsediment to stream systems would be dependant upon the nearby presence of
streams and/or a drainage-way between the construction site and a stream.
Hughes Creek dredge mining, on private land and on National Forest. Dredge mining in the Hughes Creek
stream chaDnel bas occurred on private and on National Forest Lands. This activity is one of the most
impactive to streams and wetlands because the entire valley bottom is often displaced, reformed and at times
left in a condition that wiD take hundreds ofyears to recover. Dredge mining is a large contributor of
sediment during the operation and alters the how sediment and water is routed through the disturbed system
until recovery occurs.
Hughes Creek Restoration: RecoDStrUCtion ofquarter mile ofHughes Creek occurred in 1997 and 1998 in an
area where dredge mining had occurred, and the stream had been straightened. The project rebuilt terraces,
floodplains, a meandering channel, spread topsoil, planted willows and seeded the area with grass. This ar~
will take several years to fully recover.
Ongoing Projects
Road Maintenance, normal and fire related: MaintenaDce on forest roads would be ongoing and include
blading, culvert inlet and ditch cleaning. This activity does disturb the road surfilce and can increase erosion
because ofreducing the amount ofarmoring, and disturbance ofvegetation. However, improving the
drainage and getting the erosive force of the water off the road out weighs the short-term increase in erosion.
In the long-term, improved drainage reduces the risk ofJarge road &ilures. Repair offire related road
damage is likely to have a negligible effect on sediment yields because a very small percentage ofwork to be
done would be within sediment contributing areas near streams.
Roadside Herbicide Treatments: Described under ''Past" Activities.
Boulder, Watchtower/Sheephead, Deer Chicken, Rombo/Shook Mountain Creek Trail Herbicide Spraying:
Spot herbicide treatment ofweeds along the Boulder Creek trail. Accomplished by tanks on mules or horses
and sprayed by haDd. This avoided use in wetlands or along streams. Applied correctly, the herbicides have
no lingering effect on water quality, as dosages are very small (Information Ventures, 1998).
3-160 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
Toilet Replacement in Recreation Sites: Ground disturbance would occur on site. The chaDces of eroded
sediment reaching stream clwmels would practically non-existent because toilets are typically located away
from live water and on gentle ground.
Farming and Ranching on Private Lands: This was discussed under past activities.
Tree Planting in Managed Stands: This activity will decrease the amount oftime to hydrologic recovery in
the stand that are planted by several years because one and two year stock wiD be planted. Ground
disturbance would be minimal as planting would occur by hand. This project should not contribute sediment
to oft:site areas.
Ditch BiIlsIIrrigation dewatering: Discussed in Past Activities, would continue indefinitely.
Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Infestations: These are likely to spread in fire stressed stands as well in densely
populated green stands. As green trees succumb to the bark beetle, more dead tress wiD be present along
with increases in soil moisture and water yields caused by iDcreasing amounts ofECA
Private LaDd Salvage Sales: Post-fire harvest has occurred on private land during the winter of 2000-2001
and wiD likely continue over the next few years. Through photo interpretation and maps, we have estimated
6,201 forested acres on private land burned that could be harvested, some of this has already occurred. For
the purpose ofwatershed analysis, it was 8Sl'lmed that all ofit will be harvested over the next couple of
years, and that all of it would occur using ground based yarding systems. This activity would increase
ground disturbance and erosion. The effect on sedimentation in stream channels that occurs is dependant
upon the application ofBMPs, proximity to streams and drainage-ways, season ofharvest, as well the actual
method ofimplementation.
West Fork Highway Paving: This project is planned to begin in spring of2001 on 3.5 miles of the highway
constlUcted in 1997 and 1998. This will reduce sediment from the road sur&ce.
Mushroom Harvest: This may increase the amount ofdispersed camping and the impacts associated with that
as described under "Past" Activities but iDfhMmCeS to stream chaDDel conditions should DOt measurable.
Routine Road Maintenance on Private Land: This activity probably doesn't occur often enough in some
areas! Maintenance can maintain and improve drainage so that erosion from roads is reduced and
contribution to streams is diminished. Improper maintenance can also cause erosion: sidecasting of material
into streams is a direct sediment source and can contribute to stream channel uarrowing and increased
amount of fiDe materials in the substrate. MaintenaDce on private land wiD contiDue indefinitely.
Painted Roclcs Lake Dam Operations: Discusses under PastAetivities.
Beaver Woods Harvest: In the Beaver Woods EIS (1995), analysis concluded that Beaver Woods harvest in
Salt Block and Jolmson Creek (the watersheds where activities are ongoing) would DOt result in adverse
impacts on aquatic life or beneficial uses. Sediment yield increases were oftiet with graveling and so there
was DO net increase in sediment yields resulting from the project.
Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Livestock will continue to be grazed on private lauds. Some stream
banks within pastures are trampled and streams may be wider and shallower than they would be without the
livestock use. LaDd used as pastures during the winter are hay meadows in the summer and produce one to
two cuttings ofhay. These activities are likely to continue indefinitely.
Pond Construction on Private Land: Several ponds have been coDStructed on private land in the last 10 years.
Often they are sources for gravel then rehabilitation to be ponds for fish production or just of scenic values.
This activity will contiDue indefinitely.
West Fork Highway Mainteuaoce: Discussed under Put Activities. This activity would continue indefinitely.
Trail MainteDance: This work involves cJearing trails of&llen trees and repairing eroding sections oftrail
This would be an improvement, even though a relatively smaD ODe.
Coal Creek, Piquett Creek, Trapper Peak AMPs: Described under "Past" Activities.
Artificial Regeneration (tree planting): Planting seedlings in stands where seed source is not available
fDDowing fire would reduce the 1ength of time for the stand to become hydrologically recovered by several
Trapper Peak Job Corps Sewer System Upgrade: Installation ofseptic systems in accordance with state and
county guidelines is thought to maintain water quality. Permitting for sewer systems is authorized by the
COUDty Sauitarian.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-161
Watershed - West Fork Area
West Fork. River Bank Stabilization Project: A section oferoding streambank adjacent to the West Fork
Highway across from the West Forie Ranger Station wiD be stabilized using rocks and logs. The activity will
produce sediment during and for a year or two fonowing CODStnlctiOn. In the long-term bank erosion wiD be
Personal Use Firewood Cutting: Described UDder Past Activities.
Hunting, FisbiDg Dmpersed and Developed Recreation: Described UDder Past Activities.
Fire Suppression; This is likely to continue, especially along wildland urban inter&ce areas that are located
throughout the West Fork. This will reduce the spread of small fires and may lead to increased fuels if they
aren't reduced in some other maDDer.
Reasonably Foreseeable ProJeets:
Roadside Herbicide Treatments, Herbicide Treatments on New Areas: Roadside treatments would likely
continue in areas that need 'touching up', tim has been ongoing since 1998. Treatments in other areas may
begin in the next year or two depending upon environmental aualysis and decision. If the mitigations are
followed properly, the risk ofdegradation ofwater quality is likely to be negligible (lnfurmation Ventures,
1998). This activity would continue indefinitely.
Continued Fire Related Road Reconstruction and Uncompleted BAER Projects: A streambaDk stabilization
project is proposed on Overwhich. This project would use rocks and logs to stabilize a high eroding bank
and would reduce sediment sources in the long-term.
Trail Reconstruction: Not likely to increase sediment production in the short-term and depending upon
location oftraD in relation to live water could result in small decreases in sediment yield in the long-term.
Prescribe Fire Treatments: These are likely to continue in areas where enviroDlDellta1 aualysis has been
completed in an effort to reduce fuels and reduce the risk of stIDd-replacing fire. Low intensity prescribed
fire typically bums groUDd fuels but doesn't result in h)Urophobic soils or large DUmbers of tree mortality.
Vegetation usuaI1y resprouts soon after the bum is completed. Little oft:site erosion occurs. These types of
treatments are tikely to continue in the future.
Sam Billings, Upper West Fork Fuels Reduction Project: These projects would thin existing green trees
within the project area. Some groUDd disturbance could occur from yarding activities. Sam BiDings is
located on flat groUDd so disturbance would be minimal, transport to streams would be unlikely. West Fork
project area has not been finalized ~t, aualysis would identify concerns and caDSida' effects from this
Beaver Woods Aspen Release: Activity completed over snow and frozen groUDd. Sediment produced would
remain on-site, as Wrly level ground would be treated. Project would allow aspens to resprout.
West Fork Bridge Constmction; Construction ofnew bridge would result in wetlaDcl and stream chauoel
disturbance. Some sediment contribution to the West Fork would occur during construction and until soils
were stabilized. The Federal Highway Administration is analyzing this project.
Nez Perce Road Paving: Installing pavement on Nez Perce Road would involve road recoDStrUction and could
cause sediment input to streams. Mitigation would be used to reduce risk ofsedimeotation. In the long-term,
sediment yields would be decreased.
Nez Perce Road Raise: Railing the base level on about ~ mile road in an area often t100ded would increase
sediment yield in the short-term but result in long-term decreases.
Slate Hughes Travel MaDagement EA: This project would result in iDcreases in the short-term ofsediment
but long-term decreases as disturbed soiL1 revegetated. Conditions in stream chaJmels would be improved.
Farming and Ranching on Private Lauds: This was discussed UDder past activities.
FSIBLM OHV EIS: Depending upon the decision resulting from this aualysis, oft:road travel across the
forest may be restricted. This could be a good thing because newly grown vegetation would DOt be trodden
on by off-road vehicles. Restriction oftravel could reduce the spread ofnoxious weeds, the development of
additional user made traik and the formation ofnew erosion sources.
Deer Creek Irrigation Pipeline InstaDation: Some disturbance at the streambanlc where a screened headgate
would be installed. Minimal soil and wetland disturbance, some, but littJe sediment contribution to Deer
Creek dwing and for one year following iDstaDation.
Painted Rocks Dam Operation: Discussed UDder Past Activities
3-162 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Watershed - West Fork Area
Continued Routine Trail Maintenance: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Road Maintenance on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely.
Continued Subdivision on Private Land: Described in Past Projects, would continue indefinitely. Described
in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
• Continued Mushroom Harvest: Described in Ongoing Projects. It would likely cease after 2002.
• Continued Douglas Fir Bark Beetle Infestations: Described in Ongoing Projects, would continue indefinitely.
• Forest Service Response to DF Bark Beetle Infestations: It is likely that salvage harvest ofbeetle-killed trees
would occur throughout the West Fork. The areas identified for harvest would be seJected and analyzed as
the need arose. Cumulative effects analysis for those projects would include any effects that might occur
with this proposal Discussed under Past Activities, likely to continue indefinitely.
• Continued Highway Maintenance of West Fork Highway:
• Continued Routine Road Maintenance and Fire Related Road Maintenance: Described in Ongoing Projects,
would continue indefinitely as needed.
• Coal Creek, Piquett Creek, Trapper Peak Grazing ADotments: Described in Past Activities, would continue
• Livestock Grazing on Private Lands: Descnbed in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
• Continued Hughes Creek Dredge Operations: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
• Continued Fire Suppression: Described in Ongoing Activities, would continue indefinitely.
• Continued Artificial Reforestation: This activity would decrease the amount of time it takes for hydrologic
recovery to take place in the stands were one and two year old trees were planted by several years. Ground
disturbance would be minimal, as it would be done by hand. The project shouldn't contribute sediment to
offsite areas because 0 f the small amount ofground disturbed.
• Continued Personal Use Firewood Cutting and Christmas Tree Cutting: Described in Ongoing, would
continue indefinitely.
• Continued Hunting, Fishing, Developed Recreation: Described in Ongoing, would continue indefinitely.
Items not listed above, but contained on the lists in the Project File, were not selected because they occur outside of
this watershed area and do not have the potential to contribute to watershed and stream chaDnel cumulative effects.
Alternative A
Same as for Blodgett Geographic Area.
Overwhich Creek (0104)
Alternative B
As a result of the activities proposed in this watershed, there could be a slight iDcrease in human caused sediment
yields in the short-term from harvest. This would decrease in two to three years. When combined with the above
activities, these could result in a small cumulative iDcrease in sediment yields, this is expected to be small and when
combined with the watershed improvements and the streambaDk stabilization project would not iDcrease the effect of
other cumulative actions on the stream. The Slate Hughes Travel Management Project would result in a short-term
increase in sediment when culverts were pulled, roads decompacted and recontoured. In the loug-term this would
result in a fewer human-caused sediment sources. Another sediment source reduction would result from the
completion of the strearnbaDk stabilization on Overwhich that is planned to be completed by BAER.
Alternatives C and E
No activities are proposed in Altematives C or E. Effects would be the same as with Alternative A
Alternative D
As a result ofthe activities proposed in this watershed, there could be a slight increase in human caused sediment
yields in the short-term from harvest. This is expected to be short-term and would decrease in two to three years.
When combined with the above activities, these could result in a small cumulative increase in sediment yields. This is
expected to be small and when combiDed with the watershed improvements and the stream bank stabilization project
(BAER) would DOt iDcrease the effect ofother cumulative actions on the stream.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-163
Watershed - West Fork Area
The Slate Hughes Travel Management Project would result in a short-term increAIse in sediment when culverts are
pulled, roads decompaeted, and recontoured. In the long-term this would result in a fewer human-caused sediment
sources. Another sediment source reduction would result from the completion of the stream bank stabilization on
Overwhich to be completed by BABR.
Blue Joint Creek (0105)
Alternative B
Blue Joint was a healthy watershed before the fire. As a result ofthe activities proposed in this watershed, there could
be a slight increase in human caused sediment yields in the short-term from harvest. This is expected to be short-term
and would decrease in two to three years. When combined with the above activities, these could result in a small
cumulative increAIse in sediment yield, this is expected to be small and would not increase the effect ofother
cumulative actions on the stream. However, the small amount ofstorage from woody debris left by timber harvest
could offset the increases caused by ground disturbing harvest activities (Maloney and Thornton, 1995)
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in these areas associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently.
In the Lower West Fork, loug-term sediment sources would be reduced from upstream sources. This would result in
lower inputs watershed-wide. However, it would not be measurable in the maiDstem because effects would be diluted
and masked by upstream land areas.
Alternative D
As a result of the activities proposed in this watershed, there could be a slight increase in human caused sediment
yields in the short-term from harvest. This is expected to be short-term and would decrease in two to three years.
When combined with the above activities, these could result in a small cumulative increAIse in sediment yields. The
increase is small enough that in a watershed the size ofBlue Joint and even Little Blue Joint that increases would not
be measurable.
Alternative E
The implementation of the watershed improvements would increase short-term sediment yields at the same time as
those that would occur ftom the fire. Mitigation would limit sediment could reach streams. In the loug-term,
sediment sources would be decreased and clwmel conditions improved.
Slate Creek (0106)
Alternatives B and D
In Slate Creek the fire burned in the upstream roadless area and a high percentage ofit was at high severity. Water
and sediment yields are likely to increase in Slate Creek as a result was a healthy watershed before the fire. The
watershed improvement, graveling two miles ofthe Slate Creek road and improving drainage on the remainder would
decrease human-caused sediment yields overall in the watershed. When combined with the above activities, these
could result in a small cumulative decrease in sediment yields.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in these areas associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Ahernative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently.
In the Lower West Fork, long-term sediment sources would be reduced from upstream sources. This would result in
lower inputs watershed-wide. However, it would not be measurable in the maiDstem because effects would be diluted
and masked by upstream land areas.
Alternative E
No activities are proposed, there would be additive effects to those projects listed in the cumulative effects list.
3-164 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
~-I r
-I -,
Watershed - West Fork Area
Upper West Fork Interlluve (Coal, West Creeks) (0107)
Alternative B
In this area the fire burned a large percentage ofChicken and West Creek, the rest of the HUC was not affected to a
large degree; the fire will cause some erosion and sediment yield increases. Past activities, mostly roads have resulted
in increases in sediment yield. The increases that are likely from the implementation ofthe proposed alternative are
quite small and slash left on site would help to decrease the amount ofthat sediment that moves offsite (Maloney and
Thornton, 1995). Watershed improvement would also decrease sediment yields and erosion in West but mostly in
Coal Creek. There would be an overall reduction in sediment yields from the proposed activities.
Water yields would increase slightly with this alternative. The IWWR rated this area as poor because of past levels of
harvest that cause higher water yields in small subwatersheds. Because intc:rmediate harvest UDits are located on a
filce that drains into the West Fork the increase in water yields would not affect chanDel conditions in the West Fork
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in these areas associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects Jist, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently.
In the Lower West Fork, long-term sediment sources would be reduced from upstream sources. This would result in
lower inputs watershed-wide. However, it would not be measurable in the maiostem because effects would be diluted
and masked by upstream land areas.
Alternative D
In this HUe, the risk is small that chanDel conditions would be altered as a result of these proposals. As a result of the
activities proposed in this watershed, there could be a slight increase in human caused sediment yields in the sbortteon from harvest. This is expected to be short-term and would decrease in two to three years. When combined with
the above activities, these could result in a small cumulative increase in sediment yields. In the long-term, humancaused sediment sources would be decreased in this area.
Alternative E
No activities are proposed, there would be additive effects to those projects listed in the cumulative effects list.
Middle West Fork Interlluve. BetlVertilil (0301)
Alternatives B and D
A small amount ofactivity is proposed in this watershed, only seven acres, it would yarded using a helicopter. The
sediment produced by this type of activity would be immeasurable. Combined with the other sediment producing
projects included in the cumulative effects analysis, the iDcreased effects would immeasurable.
Alternatives C and E
No activities are proposed in Alternatives C or E. Effects would be the same as with Alternative A
Piquett Creek (0303)
Alternative B
The helicopter yarding and DO harvest of green trees would result in no changes in sediment or water yields from the
proposed activities. The watershed improvements would result in a decrease in sediment contributed from humancaused sources. Although sediment yields and water yields would increase as a result of the fire, the man caused
sediment contributions would decrease. The cumulative effects from the above listed activities combined with the
proposed activities would be less because of the reduced sediment yields from roads.
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in these areas associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When considered in combiDation with the sediment
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-165
Watershed - West Fork Area
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently.
In the Lower West Fork, long-term sediment sources would be reduced from upstream sources. This would result in
lower inputs watershed-wide. However, it would DOt be measurable in the mainstem because effects would be diluted
and masked by upstream land areas.
Alternative D
The cumulative effects from the listed activities when combined with the proposals would resuh in increases in shortterm sediment yields but long-term sources and yiekls would be decreased. Channel conditions would improve over
the long-term.
Alternative E
No activities are proposed, there would be additive effects to those projects listed in the cumulative effects list.
Lower West Fork Interlluve (0305)
Alternatives B and D
Increases in water yields would be small with the proposed activities, it is h1cely that increases would be used on site
by trees remaining within the units treated with some green tree harvest. The small increases would not be
measurable in the West Fork and would be added to increases from other activities. The change would be small and
Alternative C
The long-term decreases in erosion sources and sediment yields in these areas associated with the watershed
improvements would be the same as those in Alternative B. When considered in combination with the sediment
produced from the activities on the cumulative effects list, human-caused sediment sources and sediment yield,
sediment yields would be less than they are currently.
In the Lower West Fork, long-term sediment sources would be reduced from upstream sources. This would result in
lower inputs watershed-wide. However, it would DOt be measurable in the maingtc:m because effects would be diluted
and masked by upstream land areas.
Alternative E
Helicopter yarding would not iocrease sediment yields to a measurable degree. Combined with cumulative effects,
there would be no changes in conditions in the West Fork.
CoDditions in the West Fork would be maintained and slightly improved from the reduction of sediment sources from
upstream areas. This would not be measurable in the maiDstem because the effects would be diluted.
3-166 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
The fisheries analysis focuses on the current condition and effects to buD ttout (Salvelinus confluentus) and westslope
cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewis,), which are the two native trout species in the Bitterroot River drainage.
The analysis also considers impacts to other native and non-native fish species. The current condition information
summarized in this analysis is discussed in greater detail in the Bitterroot River Section 7 Watershed Baseline for Bull
Trout (USDA Forest Service, 2oo0a) and Post-Fire Assessment (USDA Forest Service, 2000b). Copies of the
Watershed Baseline and Post-Fire Assessment are available in the Project File (pF, FISH-2; PF, NFMAINEPA-I).
Regulatory Framework
On the Montana portion ofthe Bitterroot National Forest, the standards and objectives for fisheries are contained in
two documents:
The Bitterroot Forest Plan (USDA Forest Service, 1987)
The Inland Native Fish Strategy (USDA Forest Service, 1995: A-6 to A-13)
The Bitterroot Forest Plan requires that habitat be provided to support viable populations ofuative and desirable nonnative fish, and that the habitat needs ofsensitive species and protection ofthreatened and eudangered species is
considered in all project planning (USDA Forest Service, 1987: ll-3, ll-21).
Inland Native Fish Strategy
The InJaDd Native Fish Strategy (INFlSH) amended the Bitterroot Forest Plan in 1995. INFISH directs the Forest to
maintain or improve habitat for native fish by restricting the types of activities that can occur in riparian areas. A
copy ofthe INFISH Decision Notice is available in the Project File (pF, FISH-I).
INFISH was not designed to be a landscape scale, long-term conservation strategy. It was designed to provide interim
protection for fish habitat and populations until longer-term ID8D8gement strategies such as the Interior Columbia
Basin Ecosystem M8D8gement Project (ICBEMP) and federal buD trout recovery plan were developed. INFISH is
still in effect today because long-term plaDs have DOt been implemented. INFISH focuses on riparian areas and does
not regulate most activities that occur outside of riparian areas. INFISH bas some acknowledged flaws. These are
highlighted on pages 59-69 ofthe buD trout Biological Opinion (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998), and have been
documented in other National Forest monitoring reports (USDA Forest Service, 2000c: 77). In a nutshell, INFISH
maintains a fragmented network ofhabitats in degraded conditions, but lacks a compreheusive strategy to protect and
restore buD ttout watersheds (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998: 50, 59). Bull trout will persist, but most likely not
recover, UDder the direction ofINFISH (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998: 59). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service buD ttout Biological Opinion concludes that the Forest Plan as amended by INFISH is not likely to jeopardize
the continued existence ofbuD trout, but wiD h1cely result in incidental take (USFWS, 1998: 91-92).
As part ofINFISH, the Bitterroot National Forest designated a system ofnine priority watersheds (also termed "core
areas") across the Forest (pF, FISH-5). In priority watersheds, activities allowed in riparian areas are more restrictive
than those allowed in non-priority watersheds. The fullowing priority watersheds lie within the geographic areas
addressed in this analysis:
Blodgett - all National Forest land except fOr the Canyon Creek draiDage
SkaI1caho-R~ - aD NatioDal Forest land except for the R~ Creek draiDage
East Fork - aD ofthe Warm Springs Creek drainage, and an ofthe East Fork dramage upstream (and
including) the Meadow Creek drainage
West Fork - aD National Forest land upstream ofPainted Rocks Dam
INFISH establishes buffers called Riparian Habitat Conservation Areas (RHCAs) around aD streams, wetlands, water
bodies, and landslide prone areas on the Forest. INFISH designates default RHCA widths (USDA Forest Service,
1995: A-4 to A-6), which apply to an ofthe burned areas. Map 3-6 in the map packet displays the RHCAs in the
project area. The de&ult RHCA widths used in this project are:
Fish-bearing stream reaches = 300 feet on both sides of the stream chaDnel
Permanently flowing non-fish bearing stream reaches == 150 feet on both sides ofthe stream channel
Area Recovery DEIS- 3.. 167
Ponds, lakes, wetlands> 1 acre = 150 feet from both sides of the wetJandlwater body
In priority watersheds: seasonally tlowing or intermittent streams, wetlands < 1 acre, and IaDdslide prone
areas = 100 feet from the edge of the stream/wetlandlJandslide area
In non-priority watersheds: seasonally flowing or intermittent streams, wetlands < 1 acre, and landslide prone
areas = 50 feet from the edge of the stream/wet1andl1aDdslide area
Within RHeAs, INFISH designates fish habitat objectives called Riparian M8D8gement Objectives (RMOs). INFISH
specifies defilult IlUJDCric values for each of the RMOs (USDA Forest Service, 1995: A-2 to A-4), which apply to aD
ofthe fish-bearing streams in the project area. The defimlt RMOs should be considered the minimum level ofhabitat
conditions that are needed to maintain or improve habitat for bull trout and westslope cutthroat ttout. Actions that
reduce habitat quality, whether the existing conditions are better or worse than the RMO values, would be inconsistent
with the purpose of the INFISH strategy. All of the RMOs may not occur in a specific reach of stream within a
watershed, but all should occur at the watershed scale" for stream systems ofmoderate to large size (3rd to 6th order
Endangered Species Act/Sensitive Fish Species
In the Bitterroot River drainage, the bull trout is listed as a Threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, and
the westslope cutthroat ttout is designated as a Sensitive species by the Forest Service. The regulations associated
with Threatened (buD trout) and Sensitive (westslope cutthroat trout) fish species apply to all National Forest activities
in the geographic area, regardless ofcurrent or historic fish distributioDS.
Per the requirements of the Endangered Species Act and the buD trout Biological Opinion (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 1998), a stand-alone Biological ~t (BA) will be prepared using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
matrix to address the direct, iDdirect, and cumulative effects of the selected alternative on bull ttout habitat,
iodividuals, and populations (50 CFR Part 402 and FSM 2670 policy). A copy of the bull trout BA will be placed in
the Project File prior to completion of the Final EIS.
A fisheries Biological Evaluation (BE) bas been prepared for this project. The fisheries BE has been incorporated
within the fisheries effects 8D8lysis per Regional directive 2670/1950 (August 17, 1995). The fisheries BE addresses
the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of all alternatives on westslope cutthroat trout habitat, iDdividuak, and
populations (FSM 2672.4).
Reeovery Plans/Conservation Agreements
A formal recovery plan for listed species is mandated by the Endangered Species Act. The federal recovery plan for
bun trout is cUrrently being developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. At present, critical habitat has not been
designated for buD trout, and the recovery plan is still in the draft stage.
The State ofMontaDa completed its own Bull Trout Restoration Plan in June, 2000 (MOntaDa BuD Trout Restoration
Team, 2000). The State's restoration plan contains the following goals for the Bittenoot River drainage (MontaDa
Bull Trout Restoration Team, 2000: 70; MBTSG, 1995: 23-24):
Establish a self-reproducing migratory buD ttout population in the Bitterroot River that spawns in tributary
streams. The pre1imiDary goal is to have at least 100 redds or 2000 total individuals in the migratory
population over a period of 15 years (3 generations), with spawning distributed among all of the core (i.e.
priority) watersheds.
Maintain self-sustaining bull trout populations in aD the watersheds where they presently exist
Maintain the population genetic stIUcture throughout the watershed
Reestablish coDDeCtivity between the Bitterroot River and its tributaries
In May 1999, the Montana Department ofFish, Wildlife, and Parks developed a couservation agreement for westslope
cutthroat trout in MontaDa, a cooperative effort amoug state and federal resource ageucies, couservation and iDdustry
organizations, resource users, and private IaDdowners (MFWP, 1999). The Bitterroot National Forest is a partner in
the westslope cutthroat ttout conservation agreement.
All projects that are consistent with INFISH are also considered to be consistent with the MontaDa BuD Trout
Restoration Plan and the westslope cutthroat trout conservation agreement. Copies of the Montana Bull Trout
Restoration Plan and westslope cutthroat trout couservation agreement are available in the Project File (pF, FISH 3;
PF, FISH-4).
3-168 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
Blodgett Geographic Area
Area of Analysis
There are four fish-bearing streams in the Blodgett Geographic Area: Sheafinan. Mill, Blodgett, and Can)'on Creeks.
All of the small fRee streams (Chum, Cow, Sage, Sheridan, Tag Alder, and Tamarack Creeks) are fishJess on the
Bitterroot National Forest. A few of these small streams support non-native fish species further downstream on
private 1aDd. In this analysis, a fish-bearing stream was defined as any stream that contaiDs any fish species of any
size on National Forest 1aDd. For more detailed information on fish species distribution and abuDdaDce in the Blodgett
Geographic Area, consult the fish distribution tables in the Project File (pF, FISH-8).
With the exception ofCow Creek, post-fire fish population and habitat surveys were not conducted in the Blodgett
Geographic Area. The fisheries data is generally concentrated in the non-wilderness stream reaches near the can~n·
mouths. Most of the streams have been lightly sampled because oftheir roadlesslwilderness character. Bitterroot
National Forest and MontaDa Fish, Wildlife, and Parks fisheries personnel conducted presence/absence fish population
surveys in Blodgett, MiD, Sheafinan, Canyon, and Cow Creeks on several occasions between 1992 and 2000. Data
collection methods included presence/absence electrofishing (Blodgett, MiD, Cow) and snorkel (Can~n, Sbeafinan )
surveys. A fish habitat inventory was conducted in Canyon Creek in 1998. The other streams have not been
inventoried for habitat conditions. Water temperature monitoring has occurred in Blodgett Creek (1997-98), Mill
Creek (1997-99), and Canyon Creek (2000).
Existing Condition
Compared to other parts of the Bitterroot National Forest, the Blodgett fire burned only a very small portion of the
occupied fish habitat in the geographic area. Table 3-39 summarizes the miles offish-bearing habitat burned by fire
severity class.
Table 3-39 - MI1eI of Fish-Bearing Riparian Area Burned in the Blodlett GeoInphie Area
Miles of
riparian burned
low severity
Miles of riparian
burned moderate
Miles of
riparian burned
high severity
% offish-bearing stream
riparian miles burned by
moderate and high severity fire
Desired Fish Populations
In the desired condition, fish populations in the large canyon streams support a simple assemblage ofbuD trout,
westslope cutthroat trout, and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). The small &ce streams provide a limited amount of
spaWDiDg and rearing habitat fOr westsJope cutthroat trout, and possibly a few buD trout, in their lower ends Dear their
respective contluences with the larger canyon streams. On private IaDds near the Bitterroot River, the same species
occur, along with mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamson,), longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), largescale
sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus), and longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae). Bull trout and westslope cutthroat
trout populations consist ofmigratory and resident fish. Both life history forms are abundantly distributed throughout
the larger canyon streams. All fish populations are counected to each other year-round. The only barriers to
movement are natural geologic barriers such as fBlls, bedrock chutes, steep gradients, and alluvial &us where the smallest streams sometimes flow subsurfilce during low flows. For additional information on desired conditions, the
reader should consult pages 6-7 (section 4.3) in the Post-Fire Assessment (USDA Forest Service, 2000b).
The key differences between desired and CUI'I'alt fish populations are:
Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations are isolated in their respective streams on National Forest
IaDd fur most of the year; there is only a margiDal connection to the Bitterroot River for several weeks during
high flows
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-169
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
Because of this isolation, buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in the Blodgett Geographic
Area are less resilient to recovering from severe fires than they historically were; fortunately, severe fire
avoided the vast majority of fish-bearing stream reaches in the Blodgett Geographic Area in 2000
Migratory bull ttout are no longer present, at least not in viable numbers; some migratory westslope cutthroat
trout still spawn in Blodgett Creek, and possibly Sheafinan, Mill, and Can~n Creeks
Streams on private land have lost most (westslope cutthroat trout) or aD (buD trout) of their Dative trout
Non-Dative trout species dominate the fish communities on private land
Pre and Post-Fire BuU Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations
The bull trout Biological Opinion identified 27 distinct subpopulations ofbull ttout in the Bitterroot River drainage
(pF, FISH 6a; PF, FISH-7). Two ofthose subpopulations occur in the Blodgett Geographic Area: Blodgett Creek and
Prior to the fires, the bun trout subpopulations in Blodgett and Mill Creeks were estimated to contain between SO and
500 adult resident fish. AD, or nearly all, ofthose bull trout occurred on National Forest land. All, or nearly all, of
those bull trout are likely to have survived the 2000 fires because the amount ofoccupied habitat that was burned at
high severity was small « 1 mile). Both streams are large enough that they likely butferedldiluted the beating and
chemical effects ofthe fire and provided adequate refugia in nearby habitats (GressweD, 1999). Migratory buD trout
are believed to be absent in the Blodgett and Mill subpopulations. If any migratory bull trout are still left in these
subpopulations, they are very rare and incidental
Prior to the fires, westslope cutthroat trout were common in Blodgett, MiD, Sbeafinan, and Canyon Creeks. Most of
the fish were residents. There are still some migratory westslope cutthroat trout that spawn in Blodgett Creek, and
possibly Sheafinan , MiD, and Canyon Creeks, but they are uncommon (based on ODgoing MFWP radio-tracking data).
The total population size in Blodgett, Mill, Sbeafinan, and Canyon Creeks coDSisted ofseveral thousaDd aduh
cutthroat in each stream.
AD, or nearly all, of the bull trout and westslope cutthroat ttout in Blodgett, Mill, Sbeafinan, and Canyon Creeks are
likely to have survived the Blodgett fire because of the low amounts ofhigh severity fire in occupied habitat (USDA
Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 12). Based on fire severity patterns, the post-fire fish colDlllUDities in Sheafinan,
Mill, Blodgett, and Canyons Creeks are likely to be largely unchanged from pre-fire conditions.
Maps 3-7 and 3-8 display the distribution ofbull trout and westslope cutthroat ttout in the Blodgett Geographic Area
relative to bum severity. The maps also display areas where fish kiDs are known or suspected to have occurred
during the 2000 fires.
ConnectivitY and Life History
None of the streams in the Blodgett Geographic Area maintain a fish-passable, year-round coDDeCtion to the Bitterroot
River. A seasonal connection may occur for several weeks during high water, but for the majority of the year,
dewatering and numerous irrigation barriers block fish movement between the Forest and the Bitterroot River. As a
result, all of the remaining bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in the Blodgett Geographic Area are
thought to be isolated to their respective streams for the majority of the year. This isolation renders the populations
less resilient to recovering from fires (Gresswell, 1999). There are no known man-made fish passage barriers on
National Forest System land.
Historically, the buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in the Bitterroot River drainage exhibited two
forms ofbehavior, or life history: (1) a "resident" pattern; and (2) a "migratory" pattern. Resident, fish reside in their
home streams fur their entire lives, and usually do not grow to more than 12 inches in length. Migratory fish are bom
and reared in small streams, but move downstream into rivers or lakes as juveoiles where they grow rapidly into
adulthood Adult migratory bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout make annual migrations back into their home
tributaries to spawn. Because of the reduced connectivity between the Forest and the Bitterroot River, migratory bull
trout may no longer occur in the Blodgett Geographic Area. Some migratory westslope cutthroat trout still spawn in
Blodgett Creek, and may spawn in Sbeafinan, Mill, and ~n Creeks. AD, or nearly aD of the bull trout and
westslope cutthroat trout in the Blodgett Geographic Area are likely to be resident fish.
Genetic Integrity
Most of the bull trout in the Blodgett Geographic Area appear to be pure genetic strains, but since brook trout
(Salvelinus fontinalis) are also present in certain areas that contain bull trout (lower Blodgett and Mill Creeks), some
3-170 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
FiJheries - Blodgett Area
h~tion may be occuning between these two species. Bull trout X brook trout hybrids have not been
documented in the geographic area, but may be present at low DUmbers.
Genetic testing indicates that the westslope cutthroat trout populations in Sbeafinan, MiD, and Blodgett are hybridized
with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mylciss) (Mill, Blodgett) and Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki
bouvieri) (Sheafinan). The rainbow trout and Yellowstone cutthroat trout genes originated from fish that were stocked
in headwater alpine lakes between 1940-80. Genetic testing of the westslope cutthroat trout population in Canyon
Creek indicates that the population is pure.
Post-Fire Habitat Conditions
The condition ofpost-fire fish habitat is dictated by burn severity (USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 15-19).
In areas oflow severity, there is likely to be little change from pre-fire coDditioDs. In areas ofhigh severity, woody
debris, pools, sediment, turbidity, chaDDel stability, water temperatures, and nutrients wiD be highly dynamic for the
first 1-5 years after the fire. Habitat changes in moderate severity are likely to be intermediate to the low and high
effects, and will be influenced to a large degree by site-specific filctors such as extent ofburn along the stream banks,
slope ofriparian zone, aspect, etc. Consult the Post-Fire Assessment (section 4.3: 15-19) for a summary oflikely
habitat changes in the burned streams.
All fish bearing streamside riparian habitat in Sbeafinan Creek was unburned, and the vast majority of fish habitat in
Mill, Blodgett, and Canyon Creeks was unburned or only lightly burned. In total, only 0.84 miles offish habitat was
burned at moderate or high severity in Mill and Blodgett Creeks. As a result, post-fire fish habitat on National Forest
land in Sbeafinan, MiD, Blodgett, and Canyon Creeks is predicted to be largely unchanged from pre-fire habitat..
Minor changes that occur as a result of the fires are likely to be beneficial, such as small inputs ofwoody debris and
On National Forest Systems land, post-fire fish habitat in Sbeafinan, Mill, Blodgett, and Canyon Creeb is at or near
its full potential, with little to no evidence ofhuman-caused alterations. Pool frequencies are at or near the number
expected for undisturbed streams, and pool quality is high with most pools containing filvorable combinations of depth
and complex cover. Large woody debris levels are at or near full potential, and abundant future woody debris
recruitment is available.
The burned drainages on the forest where human-caused sedimentation is negatively impacting fish habitat are listed
on pages 22-23 (section 4.3) of the Post-Fire Assessment. No streams in the Blodgett Geographic Area w«e
identified because human-caused sediment is not having a significant impact on fish habitat on National Forest land.
Pre-fire sediment levels were low in the National Forest reaches ofSbadjnan, MiD, Blodgett, and Can)on Creeks.
Starting at the National Forest boundary and continuing downstream onto private land, fish habitat quality changes
abruptly in all of the streams as a result of most of the water being removed from the stream chaDDels during the
summer irrigation season (typically July through mid September). Private stream reaches also lack woody debris,
pools, shade, and have much higher water temperatures and sediment levels. They also exhibit a large amount of
stream bank damage due to grazing, road encroachment, and subdivision. Most of the fish habitat on private land was
degraded prior to the Blodgett fire, and is likely to continue that way in the yalI'S after the fire.
Table 3-40 - EmtIq conclldoD of the INFISH RMOI- B10daett fllh-bearIq ItreaIIlI
Method of Survey
BNF stream survey
BNF habitat inventOry
per mile
No data
No data
per mile
No data
No data
water temp
wldthdepth ratio
13-15 ~oint)
15-16 ( obo )*
15-16 ( obo )*
15-16 (F obo )*
30 *
No data
No data
30 *
* = RMO is not meeting the defimlt value; (Hobo) = temperatures have been contiouously monitored with HOBOTEMP thermographs; (point) = temperatures have been estimated from several point measurements
Notllble RMO Trends In The Blodgett Geographic Area
The width-depth ratios do not meet the defiwlt RMO in any stream, but they are consistent with ratios
measured in UlDD8D8ged streams throughout National Forest Regions 1 and 4 (Overton et al., 1995). The
ratios observed in the Blodgett Geographic Area likely reflect uatural chaDnel conditioDs, and do DOt indicate
Bumed Area Recovery DEI8- 3-171
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
signs oflD8D8gement-caused widening. Almost aD of the streams on the Bitterroot Natioual Forest contain
wetted width-depth ratios > 10. Our reference fish habitat data collected from roadlesslwi1derness streams
indicates that the width-depth RMO is not a reliable indicator ofstream channel health. Streams on the
Bitterroot National Forest tend to be naturally wider and shallower than those observed in the western
Cascades, the streams which were used to develop the defiwlt RMOs.
Mean-maximum water temperatures recorded at the mouths ofCanyon, Blodgett, and Mill Creeks typically
hover right around 1S° C during the warmest 7-day period ofmost summers. During unusually hot periods,
such as late July 2000, maximum temperatures can approach or exceed 16° C for a few days. These
temperatures appear to be augmented to a small degree by stored water releases from wilderness headwater
reservoirs, particularly in Canyon Creek where the distance between the reservoir and the canyon mouth is
relatively short (4 miles) compared to Blodgett and MiD Creeks.
Environmental Consequences
Effects Analysis Methods
Bull trout are being used as the indicator species to assess the effects of this project on the fisheries resource. Bull
trout have more specific habitat requirements than other sahnonids (including westslope cutthroat trout), and are very
sensitive to environmental disturbance at all life stages (Rieman and McIntyre, 1993). On the Bitterroot Natioual
Forest, buD trout presence is strongly related to watershed condition. BuD trout are present in more than 90 percent of
the watersheds that are rated as "healthy", but only present in about 20 percent of the watersheds rated as "high risk"
(Clancy, 1993). Other cold-water species such as westslope cutthroat trout generally have similar, but less restrictive
habitat needs than buD trout, and will therefore benefit by activities that preserve and protect buD trout habitat.
Bull trout growth, survival, and long-term population persistence are dependent on five habitat characteristics
(Rieman and McIntyre, 1993). These include:
Cover - the effects analysis will coDSider how the alternatives affect future woody debris recruitment and
how that woody debris could alter the growth and survival ofbuD trout and wests10pe cutthroat trout
CbaDnel stability - the effects analysis will consider how the alternatives affect stream flows and channel
erosion and how channel changes may alter the growth and survival ofbuD trout and westslope cutthroat
Substrate composition - the effects analysis will consider how the alternatives change sediment levels in
spawning and rearing habitats and how those changes could affect buD trout and wests10pe cutthroat trout
production, growth, recruitment, and survival
Water temperature - the effects analysis will coDSider how the alternatives would affect staDding wood and
shade in riparian areas, and how temperature iDcreases may affect buD trout and wests10pe cutthroat trout
distribution, growth, and survival
Migratory corridors - the effects analysis will consider the role ofbarriers in blocking buD trout and
westslope cutthroat trout movement, ftagmenting populations, and reducing the long-term persistence of
A good description ofthese key habitat characteristics is contained on pages 29-31 of the bull trout Biological
Opinion (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998), and in the Intermountain Research Station publication "Demographic
and Habitat Requirements for Couservation ofBuD Trout" (Rieman and McIntyre, 1993).
An important consideration fur fisheries is the potential fur severe fires to revisit the riparian areas that were severely
burned in 2000. The fires of2000 burned some low elevation ponderosa pine stands and adjacent riparian areas at
severities beyond the range ofbistoric conditions (Agee, 1993, 2000; Fischer and Bradley, 1987; Quig1eyet aL, 1997;
USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 21). These riparian areas generally occurred where smaD streams (1--3 M
order) flowed through or near severely burned ponderosa pine stands that prior to the fires contained high fuel loads
and densities of ladder fuek.
The Post-Fire Assessment identified the ponderosa pine stands (VRU 2) that burned at high severity across the Forest
(USDA Forest Service, 2000b; Map 5-8). For this analysis, we considered the small (1--3 M order) fish-bearing streams
flowing through concentrated patches ofseverely burned pine stands to be at increased risk for negative fisbeIy effects if
fire revisits the burned pine stands in the next 30-60 years. The reason that these streams could be vulnerable is that
without some sort offuel reduction, fuel accumulations in excess of30 tons/per acre are likely to pile up in the burned
3-172 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
pine stands over the next 2-3 decades (Map 3-12). These downed fuek would "set the table" for a future severe fire
which could spread into nearby riparian areas and severely burn fish habitat that bas I10t fully recovered from the 2000
fires. The riparian areas occuning in small streams adjacent to ponderosa pine stands tend to be drier with narrow
tloodplaios. This makes them easier to burn ifa severe fire fueled by large accumulations offire-killed trees spreads into
the riparian zone from adjacent stands. Historically, the riparian areas in low elevation ponderosa pine stands burned
more frequently, but at lower severities than the fir-lodgepole riparian areas that occur at higher elevations (Agee, 2(00).
Direct and indirect Effects
Effects Common to All Action Alternatives
The action alternatives would not remove vegetation from RHCAs. Therefore, they are not likely to alter the post-fire
recovery processes (recruitment ofwoody debris to the stream channel and recovery oflow overhead riparian
vegetation) that produce good bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout biding cover.
Because there would be 110 removal or alteration ofvegetation in the RHCAs (Alts B, C, D, and E), and aD (Ah E) or
the vast majority ofbarvested trees would be dead (Alts B and D), the action alternatives are predicted to cause
insignificant stream flow increases in the small non-fish-bearing 1- and 2nd order headwater streams that drain the
Cow Creek face. These small water increases would cause no visible changes in channel stability and fish habitat
stnleture in occupied habitat in the much larger downstream reaches of Sheafinan, Mil1, and Blodgett Creeks.
The action alternatives would not affect water temperatures because there would be no loss ofshade from fish-bearing
streams or from non-fish-bearing streams that contribute water to downstream fish habitat.
The action alternatives would not affect fish migration because no barriers would be eljminated or created.
Alternative A
None of the fish-beariDg stream reaches in the Blodgett Geographic Area are likely to experience large-scale, negative
aquatic effects beyond the range ofhistoric variability if fire revisits their bumed riparian areas in the BeD 60 years.
The reason for the low risk is that aD riparian areas along SheafinaD Creek were unburned, and the majority ofriparian
areas along Mil1, Blodgett, and Canyon Creeks were unburned or only lightly bumcd. With or without the return of
fire, natural recovery is expected to continue in aD of the fish-beariDg streams according to the patterns documented
on pages 14-19 of the Post-Fire Assessment (USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3).
Ahemative A would maintain the post-fire recovery processes (recruitment ofwoody debris to the stream cbaDnel and
recovery oflow overhead riparian vegetation) that produce good bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout biding cover.
Ahemative A would not cause increases in stream flows; therefore, it would not alter channel stability and fish habitat
Stream bottom sediment levels would remain at or near the existing condition with 110 action. At present, the National
Forest reaches ofSheafiDan, Mil1, Blodgett, and Canyon Creeks contain clean substrates with low levek ofsediment.
Opportunities to reduce road-derived sediment inputs to fish habitat are very limited in the Blodgett Geographic Area
because there aren't any road segments that are significant sediment producers to fish habitat right now. The one
small area ofbull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat where slightly higher sediment inputs may continue with
110 action is the first several bundred feet ofBlodgett Creek directly below the Road 736 bridge.
Alternative A is not likely to increase water temperatures in Sheafinan, Mil1, Blodgett, and Canyon Creeks to any
measurable degree because large losses ofshade are not likely to occur.
Ahemative A would not affect fish migration because no barriers would be elimiDated or created.
Because of the reasons discussed above, Alternative A is I10t likely to cause any visible and measurable changes in
bull trout aDd westslope cutthroat trout numbers and habitat conditions. Natural recovery from the 2000 fires woUld
continue in aD streams.
Alternatives S, D and E
These alternative have the potential to cause _ l e sediment increases in bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout,
. aDd brook trout habitat in the following stream reaches:
Westslope cutthroat trout habitat in Sheefinan Creek about 0.5 miles below the Forest boundary
Brook trout habitat in Cow Creek about 0.3 mi1es below the Forest boUDdary
BuD trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in MiD Creek directly below the Forest boundary
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-173
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
The closest fish habitat that could be affected by sediment from the harvest activities is located> 0.4 miles
downstream of the harvest UDits. The only potential avenues of input are:
Two small, non-fish-bearing 1- order tributaries that enter Sheafinan Creek about a half mile below the
Forest boundary
The non-fish-bearing 1- order headwaters ofCow Creek
A non-fish-bearing 1- order tributary that enters MiD Creek directly below the Forest boundary
With the exception ofCow Creek, aD ofthese small streams were intermittent prior to the fires. They have a greater
chance ofcarrying perennial flows fullowing the fire because most ofthe trees in their drainage areas were lalled. No
harvest activities would occur in any of the RHCAs surrounding these small streams. The amount of ground
disturbance that occurs in the harvest UDits as a result oflog yarding would be minimal because of the use ofaerial
systems (helicopter and skyline), and the over snow/frozen ground restriction on ground-based sJcidding. No landings
would be located in RHCAs in the Blodgett Geographic Area. Because ofthese soil and water protection mitigations,
any sediment inputs that manage to penetrate the RHCAs and enter the small, non-fish-bearing streams are likely to be
immeasurable. Monitoring on the Foothills Fire salvage sale (Boise NF, 1992-95) indicated that BMP's, ifproperly
applied, are likely to limit sediment inputs to immeasurable quantities and very localized areas of streams (Maloney
and Thornton, 1995).
Assuming that immeasurable sediment input does occur in the small, non-fish-bearing tributaries to Sheafinao, Cow,
and Mill Creeks, it would still have to get carried > 0.4 miles downstream to reach occupied fish habitat. By the time
that occurs, the sediment would be widely scattered and invisible. In Cow and Mill Creeks, the sediment would also
have to make its way through irrigation ponds on private land before it could enter fish habitat. The likelihood of that
occurring is highly unlikely. Also, the three small tributaries that would cany the sediment into Sbeafinan and MiD
Creeks only contribute a fractional amount of the stream flow in those two large streams. Therefore, to have any
visible impact on fish habitat aDd popuJatioDS in Sbeafinan and MiD Creeks, those three tributaries would have to
route a very large quantity ofsediment. This is highly unlikely. For the reasons discussed above, the salvage harvest
activities have a very low risk ofcausing measurable sediment input in fish habitat, and any jrntneasurable sediment
inputs that occur are likely to have an insignificant effect on the fishery. Alternative B is not likely to cause the death
ofany fish in the Blodgett Geographic Area.
The watershed improvement activities have a low risk ofcausing any visible or D1aISUI1lble sediment input to fish
habitat in any stream. This is because the roads proposed for ripping and culvert removals (Roads 13105 and 13106)
are located high on the Cow Creek face, and do not cross any streams that contribute water to doWDStream fish habitat.
The graveling and BMP upgrades on Roads 438 (Cow Creek), 736 (Blodgett Creek), and 735 (~n Creek) would
cause some jrrnneuurable sediment input at stream crossings and along encroached segments for a period of three
years (Foltz, 1996). After three years, a long-term reduction in sediment production would commeoce, which would
improve buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat to a small degree in a few localized
areas, particularly in Blodgett Creek downstream of the Road 736 bridge. Over time, minor increases injuvenile buD
trout and westslope cutthroat trout recruitment, growth, and survival could occur in Blodgett Creek near the Road 736
bridge, but not on a large eDOugh scale to be detected in population estimates.
Alternative C
Ahemative C has the potential to affect fish habitat in the following reaches:
BuD trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in Blodgett Creek downstream of the trailhead
Westslope cutthroat trout habitat in ~n Creek doWDStream of the trailhead
Alternative C contains the same watershed improvement actions as Ahemative B, but Jacks any harvest. Substrate
composition (sediment) is the only key habitat characteristic that could be affected by Ahemative C.
The watershed improvement activities in Ahemative C have a very low risk of causing any visible or measurable
sediment input to fish habitat. This is because the roads proposed for ripping aDd culvert removals (Roads 13105 and
13106) are located high on the Cow Creek mce, and do not cross any streams that contribute water to doWDStream fish
habitat. The graveling and BMP upgrades on Roads 438 (Cow Creek), 736 (Blodgett Creek), aDd 735 (~n Creek)
would cause some jrrnneuurable sediment input at stream crossings and along encroached segments for a period of
three years (Foltz, 1996). After three years, a long-term reduction in sediment production would commence, which
would improve buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat to a small degree in a few
localized areas, particularly in Blodgett Creek doWDStream of the Road 736 bridge. Over time, minor increases in
3-174 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
juvenile bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout recruitment, growth, and survival could occur in Blodgett Creek near
the Road 736 bridge, but not on a large enough scale to be detected in population.
Cumulative Effects
For fisheries, the cumuJative effects geographic area consists of the Canyon, Blodgett, Mill, Sheafinan, and Fred Burr
Creek drainages, and the Bitterroot River downstream ofCanyon Creek.
Described below are several activities and Datura1 events within the cumulative effects geographic area that already
have, or will likely occur in or near the project area in the next three years. The past activities and Datura1 events have
contributed to create the existing condition, and are incorporated within the fisheries affected environment description.
These activities may produce enviromnental effects on aquatic resources relevant to the proposal
Past Activities
Nadonal Forest TImber Harvest And Aaodated Road Conltruetlon
Prior to the fires, equivalent clearcut area (ECA) was very low in the National Forest portions ofthe Canyon (0%),
Blodgett (0%), MiD (0%), Sheafinan (2%), and Fred BUIT Creek (OOA») drainages. These westside canyons are
• predomioantly roadless and wilderness. MiDimal road construction has occurred on the Forest in the Blodgett
Geographic Area. Road densities are very low in aD ofthe fish-bearing drainages: CaD)'On (0.10 miles per square
mile); Blodgett (0.02 miles per square mile); Mill (0.06 miles per square mile); Sheafinan (0.84 miles per square
mile); and Fred BUIT (0.21 miles per square mile). Very tittle road is located in the RHCAs. Roads currently
contribute minor amounts of sediment to a few localized areas of fish habitat.
Private Timber Harvest, Road CoDltnletion And Subdlvlllon
On private land, extensive timber harvest and clearing bas occurred fur homes, ll'JSinesses, roads, and pastures. Road
densities are high on private land, with numerous stream crossings aDd encroached road segments. Roads contribute
substantial amounts ofsediment to fish habitat on private land. Hundreds ofhomes have been constructed in the last
2S years, many with negative effects on riparian areas. This trend is expected to continue.
Road And Trail MaintenaDee
Sediment produced by National Forest road and trai1 maintenance is insignificant in the Blodgett Geographic Area.
Annual maintenance benefits the fishery by preventing larger iDputs. Lack ofproper maintenance on private land
contributes far more sediment to streaJm than amwal maintenance, particuJarly in the Pinesdale area.
Developed Recreation Sites - MaintenaDee And Vie
TraiJheads and campgrounds concentrate anglers and cause increased legal and illegal removal ofbull trout aDd
westslope cutthroat trout, particularly the larger fish in the populations.
Dltdaes, DlvenloD, And IrrIIadoD Dewaterlq
All of the fish-bearing streams are dewatered during the SUDUDer by an extensive system ofditchea and diversions that
start near the Forest boundary and continue doWDStream to the river. Dewatering occurs downstream of the burned
area, and creates thermal baniers for Dative trout during the SUIDIIIer. Some fish are also diverted into UDSCreened
ditches where they eventually perish. All, or nearly aD, of the ditches are UD8Creened.
Headwater Irripdon Dams
Eleven wilderness reservoirs aDd dams occur in the headwaters ofthe CaD)'On (2), Blodgett (2), Mill (3), Sheafinan
(2), and Fred Burr (2) drainages. On the basin scale, aD of the dams with the exception ofFred BUIT Dam cause minor
reductious in fish habitat below their outlets due to 8uctuating 8ows, elevated water temperatures, and increased
sedimentation. Because the drainages are large aDd the dams are located in the upper elevations above or near the
upper distribution of fish, effects in the burned reaches are minimal because the streams dilute aDd mask the impacts
that occur high in the watershed.
FIsh StoeldnglPrlvate FIIhpondl
Past stocking of streams and headwater Jakes bas aJiowed non-Dative trout (brook, brown, aDd rainbow trout) to'
invade, hybridize, aDd out-compete Dative trout in some reaches, especially on private land wha"e habitat conditions
are poor. In recent years, a new threat is the large number ofprivate fishponds that have been constructed on the
valley 8o0r, which has resulted in an increased risk Of~DS ofnon-Dative fish (e.g. goldfish in Cow Creek in
2000) and diseases such as whirling disease.
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-175
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
Livestock Grazing
There are no grazing allotments on the Forest in the Blodgett Geographic Area. However, grazing is widespread on
private land, aDd grazing-related impacts (bank damage, chaDnel widening, sedimentation, loss of riparian vegetation,
water temperature increases) are occurring in aD of the fish-bearing streams between the Forest and the river.
FIre SupprealOD And Prescribed FIre
As evidenced by the 2000 fires, a half=.century of successful fire suppression has allowed the watersheds in the
geographic area to become more vulnerable to high severity fire as fuek continue to accumulate. Most of the westside
canyons have not seen large fires for a century or more, and are ripe fur stand-replacing events such as the 1988
Totem Peak and upper Blodgett fires that burned at high severity. In recent ~ a limited amount ofprescribed fire
bas been applied to the south-facing aspects on the Cow Creek and Fred Burr fAces. Monitoring indicates that
prescribed fire has I10t caused any visible negative effects in fish habitat (USDA Forest Service, 1998: 69). This is
because riparian areas have generally been unburned, and the low intensity nature (intact du1flayer, minima) bare soil
exposure and erosion) of the fires on the upland slopes bas not generated measurable sediment iDput to fish habitat. As
long as ecobums comply with the mitigations in the prescribed fire programmatic BA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service bas agreed that the effects on bull trout would be insignificant.
2M Fires - SupprealOD, BAER Projects, And Natural Effeetl
The impact 0 f suppression activities on fish is likely to be irJuneuurable in the Blodgett Geographic Area due to the
minimal amount ofgrouod-disturbing activities that occurred in fish-bearing RHCAs. A sizeable amount of dozer line
was constructed, but almost aD of it occurred outside ofRHCAs on dry slopes and ridgelines. The amount of
sediment that will eventually make its way into fish habitat as a result of the dozer lines is likely to be smaD and
immeasurable. All of the dozer line was recontoured, seeded, waterbarred, and covered with slash in autumD, 2000.
By 2003, the density ofretuming vegetation on the lines is likely to approximate pre-fire CODditioDS (but species may
differ), and should be adequate to prevent erosion. In October 2000, eight cu1verts were replaced on intermittent and
perennial streams along the Cow Creek mee, including the Road 438 crossing ofCow Creek. None ofthese culvert
replacements occurred in occupied fish habitat, but measurable sediment deposition occurred directly doWDStream of
aD of the culverts. Over time, most of this sediment is likely to get washed farther doWDStream. There is a remote
chance that an immeasurable amount of this sediment will eventually enter brook trout habitat in the lower eod of
Cow Creek. This sediment is likely to trickle doWDStream over the next 1-3 )alS.
Penonal Vie FIrewood Cottlna And Chriltmal Tree Cuttlna
These activities generally occur at least ISO feet from live streams, and are currently not causing problems for fish in
the Blodgett Geographic Area.
Bunting, FIsbIq, And Dllpened Reereadon
Angling is heavy near the Canyon, Blodgett, Mill, and Fred Burr traiJbeads, moderate in the first several miles above
the trailheads aDd at the headwater Jakes, and light elsewhere. Some illegal take ofbull trout is still occurring in
Blodgett, Mill, and Fred BUIT Creeks. Angling tends to remove the larger, adult fish from the populations.
PInesdale BurnedlDterfaee DemODltradOD ProJed
There were 110 RHCAs in the harvest UDit, and no soil disturbance or sediment production as a result of the project.
Present Activities
Fire-Related Road Repain
Implementation of these road repairs is likely to have an insignificant impact on fish because Iitt1e work would occur
in RHCAs or road segments that cause direct sediment inputs to fish habitat. Improved road drainage in the burned
area would be beneficial to fish because it would reduce the risk ofmass road 1Bi1ures that could cause major impacts.
MuhrooDl And Spedal Produdl Harvest
Mushroom harvest wiD occur in 2001 and 2002. The Blodgett area has been designated for personal use picking only,
so large camps in RHCAs and negative aquatic effects are not expected to occur.
3-176 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
. !
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
The following activities are ongoing, and have been previously described:
Private timber harvest, road construction, and subdivision
Road and trai1 maintenance
Developed recreation sites - maintenance and use
Ditches, diversions, and irrigation dewatering
Headwater irrigation dams
Livestock grazing
Fire suppression and prescribed fire
2000 fires - suppression, BAER projects, and natural effects
Persoual use firewood and Christmas tree cutting
Hunting, fishing, and dispersed recreation
Reasonably Foreseeable Future Activities
FIsh StocldnglPrlvate Fllh PODell
In future years, HeiDrich Lake (Mill Creek) and Blodgett Lake (Blodgett Creek) are scheduled to be stocked with pure
strain westslope cutthroat trout on a 5-year interval The strategy is to "swamp" hybridized populations with pure
strain fish, and move the genetic malee-up ofhybridized populations closer to purity. This would be beneficial to
westslope cutthroat trout popuJatioDS in Mill and Blodgett Creeks. .
Sheafman Fuels RedUetiOD Project
This project proposes to thin the green forest on both sides ofthe boundary near the town ofPiDesdale. RHCAs
would be protected, and the risk ofsediment input to fish habitat would be low. Any sediment input that occurs in
westslope cutthroat trout habitat in lower Sbeafinan Creek is likely to be immeasurable.
Lost Moose EIS
This is an ecosystem harvest and burning project that may occur in Canyon Creek in 2002 or 2003. A small amount
ofhelicopter harvest is proposed for the south side ofCanyon Creek, outside ofRHCAs. Most, or aD, ofthe activities
origiDally proposed for the north side ofthe Canyon draiDage (thinning fir from pine stands and UDderbuming;
creating shaded fuel breaks along the Forest boundary) may be dropped because the area burned in 2000. The Lost
Moose project is likely to have a an insignificant effect on westslope cutthroat trout habitat and populations in Canyon
Creek because the proposed helicopter harvest would avoid RHCAs and have a low risk ofcausing RCdiment input.
Weed EIS Berbldde Treatments
Likely herbicide treatments in the Blodgett Geographic Area would occur along roadsides, and could start in 2002 or
2003. If the mitigations are followed properly, the risk to fish from roadside spraying is likely to be insignificant
(Gardner, 1999; Walch, 2000).
DNRC Salvale Sale, SecdoD 16, Blodiett Face
This state salvage sale is proposed for harvest during winter 2001-02, which meaDS that it could occur at the same
time as the harvest in this project. Blodgett Creek flows through the section, but is protected by steep slopes.
Westalope cutthroat trout occur in Blodgett Creek throughout section 16, and possibly a few bull trout. Harvest would
not occur within SOO feet ofBlodgett Creek. Ground-based yarding would be restricted to winter. There is a small
risk ofsediment input to westslope cutthroat trout, aDd possibly buD trout, habitat in Blodgett Creek, but because of
the harvest mitigatioDS (winter), any input that could occur is likely to be immeasurable.. Not harvesting within 500
feet ofBlodgett Creek would protect woody debris recruitment, shade, water temperatures, and bank stability. -
Private SaIvqe Sales
There is one area where private salvage could affect a fish-bearing RHCA That RHCA occurs a10Dg 0.75 miles of
Blodgett Creek in section 21 between Road 736 and the stream. The bum severity in this area is a mix ofmoderate
aDd low. Due to the steepness of the slopes, the yarding technique would likely be skyline or helicopter, which would
minimize the risk for sedimentation as long as state SMZ regulations are fullowed. If trees are salvaged in the RHCA,
some reduction in woody debris recruitment, and possibly shade, could occur.
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-177
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
Reeonstruedon Of Canyon And Wyant Dams
During sunmer 2002, reconstruction ofCanyon and Wyant dams would cause sedimentation ofwestslope cutthroat
trout habitat between the outlet ofCanyon Lake and Canyon Falls (upstream of the 2000 fire perimeter). UDder a
worst-case scenario (i.e. heavy turbidity is produced by the reconstruction activities), sedimentation would also occur
downstream ofCanyon Falls within the 2000 fire perimeter. Ifsedimentation does occur in lower Canyon Creek
below the trailhead, it is likely to be immeasurable because of the considerable length (about 4 miles) between the
dam and the trailhead.
The following activities are likely to occur in the next three years, and have been previously described:
Fire-related road repairs
Mushroom and special products harvest
Private timber harvest, road construction and subdivision
Road and trail maintenance
Developed recreation sites - maintenance and use
Ditches, diversions, and irrigation dewatering
Headwater irrigation dams
Livestock grazing
Fire suppression and prescribed fire
2000 fires - suppression, BAER projects, and natural effects
• Personal use firewood and Christmas tree cutting
• Hunting, fishing, and dispersed recreation
Items DQt listed above for past, ongoing, and fureseeable activities, but contained on the lists in Appendix ~ were not
selected because they occur outside of the Canyon, Blodgett, Mill, Sheafinan, and Fred Burr Creek drainages, and do
not have the potential to contribute to fisheries cumulative effects.
Alternative A
With no action, a minor amount ofroad-derived sediment iDput would continue to occur in the first several huDdred
feet ofBlodgett Creek doWDStream of the Road 736 bridge. Other potential sediment sources that could combiDe with
these iDputs in the next 3-5 years include:
Natural sediment iDcreases caused by the 2000 fires (2001-05)
Road maintenance near the road 736 crossing ofBlodgett creek (annually)
DNRC salvage sale in section 16 (winter 2001-02)
Possible private salvage sale in section 21 (would likely occur in 2001-03)
Sediment producing activities on the valley floor (roads, grazing, subdivision)
Fire-caused sediment iDcreases in Blodgett Creek are likely to be small because the majority of the Blodgett drainage
was unburned or burned at low severity (only 5% moderate and high severity). The RHCA along Blodgett Creek was
mostlyunbumed. Fire-caused sediment inputs would be highest during 2001, and should return to near p~fire levels
by 2005. Sediment produced by road maintenance would be miniscule because of existing mitigation measures (straw
bales 8DdI0r silt fence at the bridge crossing ofBlodgett Creek) and the minimal length ofroad in RHCAs. Any
sediment produced by salvage in sections 16 aod 21, and activities on the valley floor, would occur too fiIr
downstream to have a cumulative effect with sediment from Road 736.
The total amount of sediment that could be deposited in Blodgett Creek below the Road 736 bridge as a result of the
fire and ongoing road maintenance would be jrrnneasurable. The timing ofinput would also be scattered in time and
space over the next five years, which would allow efficient routing and dispersal of the sediment, with a low chance of
visible deposition in buD trout aod westslope cutthroat trout habitat. Because of these reasons, any sediment
deposition that occurs below the Road 736 bridge is likely to be immeasurable, and any reductions in spawniDg and
rearing habitat that occur are likely to be insignificant. The cumulative effect is that DO visible and measurable
changes in buD trout aDd westslope cutthroat trout habitat and numbers are likely to occur in Blodgett Creek as a result
ofAlternative A.
3-178 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
Alternative A would not contribute to cumulative effects in the Bitterroot River because the ongoing sediment input
caused by Road 736 is not h1cely to ever reach the river.
Alternatives S, D and E
With these alternatives, some widely scattered, immeasurable sediment deposits may occur in very localized portions
ofSheafinan, Cow, aod MiD Creeks on private land where small 1- order tributaries enter these larger streams. Other
potential sediment sources that could combine with these inputs in the next 3-5 years include:
Natural sediment increases caused by the 2000 fires (Mill and Cow Creeks, 2001-05)
Sooiment produced by BAER culvert replacements (Cow Creek, 2001-04)
The Shea1iDan fuels reduction project (Sheafinan Creek, 2001-03)
Sediment producing activities (grazing, roads, irrigation, subdivision) on the valley floor (aD three streams)
Fire-caused sediment increases in Mill Creek are tikely to be small because the majority ofthe Mill draioage was
unburned or burned at low severity (only 5% moderate and high severity). The RHCA along Mill Creek was mostly
unburned or burned at low severity. The Sbeafinan Creek drainage was not burned; therefore, no sediment increases
are going to occur in that stream as a result ofthe fires. The Cow Creek drainage was extensively burned. Based on
sediment modeling conducted on three representative burned streams in the Wilderness Complex fires, an estimate for
Cow Creek would be a 25-35% sediment increase in 2001, 10-15% in 2002,0-5% in 2003, and a return to near prefire levels by 2005 (USDA Forest Service, 2000d: 36-37). Any sediment produced by the Sheafinan fuels reduction
project is likely to have an insignificant impact on westslope cutthroat trout habitat and individuals. Any
sedimentation caused by Alternative B is likely to occur weD upstream of the sedimentation that is being caused by
grazing, roads, irrigation, and subdivision on the valley floor.
The cumulative effect on westslope cutthroat trout in SheafiDan Creek is tikely to be insignificant. Immeasurable
sediment inputs could occur from Alternative B and the Sheafinan filek reduction project in the same general area of
Slafinan Creek during the same time period, but both projects are likely to produce such small amounts ofsediment
that the cumulative impact on cutthroat habitat and individuals would still be insignificant.
Sediment is not likely to have a cumulative effect on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in Mill Creek because it
is unlikely to ever make it into Mill Creek. An irrigation pond intercepts the only 1- order tributary that drams the
salvage area before it can reach Mill Creek. The amount of sediment that is likely to be moved dowostream in this 1order tributary as a result ofthe salvage harvest would be immeasurable. This sediment is likely to be trapped in the
pond before it could enter bull trout aod westslope cutthroat trout habitat in Mill Creek.
A similar situation eUts in Cow Creek, except that there is a series of2-3 small irrigation ponds that have been
formed by damming the stream in the first cluster ofhouses dowostream of the Forest boundary. Brook trout are
present in Cow Creek downstream ofthese ponds, but Cow Creek is fishless upstream of the ponds. Any sediment
produced would combine with the much larger iDcreases caused by the fire. AD of this sediment is h1cely to be
trapped in the ponds below the Forest boundary. During high flows, a small quantity could be washed farther
doWDStream into brook trout habitat where it would combiDe with other sediment from activities on private land
(irrigation, roads, grazing, etc). Because brook trout are resilient to sedimentation (Clancy, 1993), it is doubtful that
cumulative sedimentation would cause reductions in the brook trout population.
These alternatives are not likely to cause any visible cumulative effects to the fishery in the Bittenoot River because
the river is large aod would dilute and mask any small sediment and water increases created by the salvage harvest
and watershed improvement projects. By the time sediment and water increases made it into the river, assumiDg that
they made it through the numerous ditches aod diversious on private land - an unlikely event, the increases would be
80 widely scattered aod invisible that their cumulative effect on the fishery would be insignificant.
Alternative C
Alternative C would not contribute to negative cumulative effects on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout because it
would cause slight improvements in bull trout aod westslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat in Blodgett
Creek directly below the Road 736 bridge.
DeterminadoD ofEffeet OD Senlldve Species (Westl1ope Cutthroat Trout)
Alternative A would have "no impact (Nl)" on westslope cutthroat trout populations in the Blodgett Geographic Area.
Alternatives B, D, aod E "may impact individuals or habitat, but will not likely result in a trend toward federal listing
or reduced viability tOr the population or species (MIIH)" because ofthe low risk of immeasurable sediment input that
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-179
Fisheries - Blodgett Area
may occur in Sheafinan aDd Mill Creeks below the Forest boundary. These small increases are not likely to cause
death of individual westslope cutthroat trout. In the long-term, the sediment reductions caused by the watershed
improvements should improve habitat to a small degree in Blodgett Creek near the Road 736 bridge.
Alternative C would have a "beneficial impact (BO" on westslope cutthroat trout habitat in some localized areas,
particularly in Blodgett Creek downstream of the Road 736 bridge.
Table 3-41 - Senlldve species biological evaluadoD lUDUDary - Blodgett Geographic Area
cutthroat trout
Alt B
Alt C
Alt D
Alt E
Consistency with the Bitterroot Forest Plan and Laws
All ofthe alternatives are consistent with the Forest Plan as amended by INFISH. None of the alternatives are likely
to hinder the attainment ofthe RMOs.
Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
Area of Analysis
There are 19 named, fish-beariDg streams in the SkaIkaho-Rye Geographic Area that had some portions of their
stream channels burned by the 2000 fires. These streams are listed below in Table 3-4. The small face streams east of
the Bitterroot River between Rye Creek aDd Sleeping Child Creek (Burke Gulch, Mike Creek, Harlan Creek, Roan
Gulch) are included in the geographic area, but none ofthose streams support fish. For more detailed information on
fish species dimibution aDd abundance in each stream in the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area, coDSUlt the fish
distribution tables in the Project File (pF, FISH-8).
Post-fire fish population estimates were collected in R)'e, North Rye, Sleeping Child, aDd SbJkabo Creeks (USDA
Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 10-11). All of the habitat data was coDected prior to the fires. Numerous fish
population aDd habitat surveys have been coDducted in the Skalkaho-R)'e Geographic Area over the past decade. Data
collcction methods included mark/recapture electrofishing estimates, presence/absence electrofishing aDd snorkel
surveys, basin wide habitat surveys (Overton et aL, 1997), bull trout graduate research habitat surveys (Rich, 1996),
aDd Bitterroot National Forest fish habitat inventories. Water temperature monitoring has occurred in Skalkaho,
Sleeping Child, Rye, aDd North Rye Creeks siDce 1993. Water temperature monitoring occurred in most of the small
perennial tributaries to R)'e Creek and North Rye Creek during summer, 1998.
Existing Condition
Approximately 42 miles offish-bearing streams aDd inunediately adjacent riparian area were burned by moderate aDd
high severity fire in the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area. Iflow severity. included, more than 100 miles offishbeariDg streams were burned. Table 3-42 summarizes the miles offish-bearing habitat burned by fire severity class.
Table 3-42 - MIles of flsh-beariqltreams burned in the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
North Rye
Spring Gulch
Sleeping Child
S.F. Little Sleeping Child
Rogers Gulch
Two Bear
Miles of
riparian bumed
low ___:..
3-180 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Miles of riparian
burned moderate
Miles of
riparian burned
high.- _.:'J
% of fish-bearing riparian
miles burned by moderate
and high severity fire
Fisheries - Sblkabo - Rye Area
Bear Gulch (Skalkaho)
Miles of
riparian burned
low severity
Miles ofriparian
burned moderate
Miles of
riparian burned
high ~ ~&:"J
% of fisb-bearing riparian
miles burned by moderate
and high severity fire
Desired Fish Populations
In the desired condition, fish populations in the SkaIkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye Creek drainages support a simple
assemblage ofbull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, and slimy sculpin. In the lower reaches near the Bitterroot River,
the same species occur, along with a few mountain whitefish, longnose sucker, largescale sucker, and Iongnose dace.
Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations coDtain migratory and resident fish, with both life history forms
abundantly distributed throughout their respective drainages. AD of the bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout
populations are connected to each other year-round.
The key diflerences between desired and CWTeI1t fish populations are:
In general, native trout populations are weD connected within the National Forest Portions of their major
draioages (Skalkaho, Sleeping Child, Little Sleeping Child, and Rye), but fragmentation. widespread on
private land where the connection to the Bitterroot River bas been permanently severed (SkaIkaho, Little
Sleeping Child) or substantially impaired (Sleeping Child, R)'e)
Sleeping Child Creek is the only stream that still maintains a marginal year-round coDDeCtion to the
Bitterroot River; Skalkaho Creek is isolated by at least tOur irrigation baniers in the first several miles of
stream above the Bitterroot River; Little Sleeping Child Creek is isolated by two irrigation reservoirs/ponds
on private land (one is proposed for removal at this time); R)'e Creek only maintaiDs a coDDeCtion to the
Bitterroot River during the high water periods ofthe year
Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in the SkaJkaho-Rye Geographic Area are less resilient to
recovering from fires than they historically were because ofthis isolation; full recovery in severely burned
stream reaches, ifit occurs, is likely to take longer than UDder historic conditions because migratory fish are
I10t available to quickly recolonize severely burned areas
Bull trout abuDdance and distribution in aD of the larger streams is depressed compared to historic conditions,
particularly in the R)'e Creek drainage where bull trout are rare and isolated to a 3 mile long reach in upper
Rye Creek
Bull trout populations in the Skalkaho and Rye Creek drainages coDSist entirely ofisolated resident fish;
migratory bull trout are 110 longer present
A remuant migratory bull trout population still occurs in the Sleeping Child Creek drainage (Nelson, 1999),
but only at very low numbers
BuD trout are uncommon (Sleeping Child), rare (SkaIkaho), and absent (Rye) in streams on private land
Westslope cutthroat trout are still common to abundant throughout most Natioual Forest stream reaches, but
the migratory life form is abeeDt in the SkaDcaho Creek drainage and depressed in.the Sleeping Child and Rye
Creek drainages
NOD-native trout species dominate the fish COlIDDUoities on private land
Pre and Post-Fire BuU Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout PoDulations
The buD trout Biological Opinion identified two distioct subpopulations ofbull trout in the SkaJkaho-Rye Geographic
Area: SbJkaho Creek and Sleeping Child Creek (pF, FISH 6a; PF, FISH-7). Since that time, a third subpopulation
has been confirmed in upper Rye Creek.
Based purely on the number ofiDdividuaJs, the pre-fire bull trout subpopuJation in the Skalkaho drainage was one of
the largest on the Forest. However, the subpopulation is isolated and coDSists entirely ofresident fish. The pre-fire
subpopuJation in the Skalkaho drainage was estimated to contain> 1500 adult resident bull trout and several thousand
Bumed Area Recovery DEIS- 3-181
Fisheries - Skalkabo-Rye Area
buD trout of aD sizes. Most ofthe riparian areas alollg the fish-bearing reaches of S1calkaho Creek were not burned,
and direct losses ofbuD trout, ifthey occurred at aD, were probably very few. Because the amount ofoccupied habitat
in the Sblkabo drainage is large (> 20 miles), and the degree ofhigh severity bum was small « 2 miles), the majority
ofbuD trout in the Skalkaho drainage survived the fires.
In the Sleeping Child drainage, the pre-fire bull trout subpopulation was estimated to contain> SOO adult resident bull
trout, and several thousand bull trout ofaD sizes. The life history composition ofthe subpopulation was
predominantly resident fish, with very few migratory fish « SO fish) from the Bitterroot River (Nelson, 1999). Some
fire-caused mortality ofbull trout may have occurred in the 5.0 miles of Sleeping Child Creek aDd Divide Creek that
were burned by high severity fire. However, ifany mortality did occur, it was probably low because both streams
appear to be large enough to buffer and dilute the heating and chemical effects of the fire (GressheD, 1999). Water
temperatures monitors located at the Hot Springs did not detect any unusually high temperatures in Sleeping Child
Creek during the 2000 fires.
Prior to the fires, a small, resident bull trout subpopulation was present in the headwaters ofRye Creek. The pre-fire
subpopulation was estimated to contain < 50 adult resident bull trout, and < 500 fish of an sizes (USDA Forest
Service, 2000a).. The subpopulation is believed to be isolated from the Bitterroot River. The fires probably killed few
bull trout in the subpopulation because the occupied reaches were either unburned or burned at low severity.
However, because the distribution of this subpopulation is very restricted, the subpopulation is vulnerable to
extinction from negative post-fire habitat changes, particularly iflaDdslidesldebris torrents occur upstream aDd
inundate occupied habitat with sediment.
Prior to the fires, westslope cutthroat trout were common to abundant throughout most ofthe National Forest stream
reaches in the SbJkabo, Sleeping Child, aDd Rye Creek drainages. The total population in each drainage coDSisted of
several thousand adult fish, with the vast majority being resident fish. Although wests10pe cutthroat trout are still
common throughout the majority ofthe geographic area, substantial losses are Imown or suspected to have occurred in
at least 14 miles of severely burned reaches distributed throughout aD three major drainages (Salkaho = < 1 mile;
Sleeping Child = 6.3 miles; R)'e = 7.5 miles) (USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 10-14).
The bull trout aDd westslope cutthroat trout populations in the SkaJkaho-Rye Geographic Area that are likely to
recover the slowest include:
The isolated resident buD trout subpopulation in upper Rye Creek
The resident wests10pe cutthroat trout population in North Rye Creek and its tributaries
The isolated resident westslope cutthroat trout population in Little Sleeping Child Creek
These populations are either isolated from the river, Jack migratory fish, restricted to short segments of stream, lDdIor
suftered a large amount of severe bum in their riparian areas. Unpredictable events such as large laDdslides or debris
torrents, ifthey reach a fish-bearing stream, could set back recovery by 5-10 years in any stream.
Maps 3-7 and 3-8 display the distribution ofbull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the SbJkabo-R)'e Geographic
Area relative to bum severity. The maps also display areas where fish kills are Imown or suspected to have occurred
during the 2000 fires.
ConnectivitY and Life History Diversitv
SkaIkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye Creeks are all large, eastside tributaries to the Bitterroot River. NODe of these
streams maintains its Jmtoric, year-roUDd comection to the Bitterroot River.
The Skalkaho Creek drainage contains some of the best resident bull trout aDd wests10pe cutthroat trout popuJatioDS
on the Forest, but migratory fish are absent. Fish from the Bitterroot River can only access the lower two miles of
Skalkaho Creek before encountering at least tOur impassible irrigation baniers.
Recent data indicates that Sleeping Child Creek still maintains a marginal, year-round counection to the Bitterroot
River (Nelson, 1999: 48-49). This makes it UDique because very few of the east or west side tributaries to the
Bitterroot River still have a fish-passable comection to the river. There is a concrete diversion on private land near
the Bitterroot River, but fish-trapping data indicates that at least some migratory bull trout and wests10pe cutthroat
trout can pass back and forth over this structure (Nelson, 1999: 41-45, 48-49). A few migratory bull trout aod
westslope cutthroat trout from the Bitterroot River probably still spawn in the Sleeping Child Creek drainage.
R)'e creek maintains a seasonal connection to the Bitterroot River from mid-September through mid-July. Montana
Department ofFish, Wildlife, and Parks radio telemetry data indicates that at least a few migratory westslope cutthroat
3-182 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - SIcaIlcaho - Rye Area
trout from the Bitterroot River move into R)'e Creek to spawn during May and June high flows (USDA Forest
Service, 1999: 97-98). During the summer irrigation season, the lower two miles ofRye Creek are dewatered and
sometimes completely dried up for several weeks. There is still a small resident bull trout population in upper Rye
Creek, but migratory bull trout have not been found in the Rye Creek drainage and are believed to be absent. Resident
westslope cutthroat trout are common throughout the Rye Creek draiDage.
Genetic Integritv
Most of the bull trout in the SkaIkaho-Rye Geographic Area appear to be pure genetic strains. However, a few buD
trout X brook trout hybrids have been fOund in sectioDS oflower Skalkaho Creek and Sleeping Child Creek where the
distnbution of both species overlaps. Bull trout X brook trout hybrids have not been found in Rye Creek, but
hybridization cannot be ruled out because the distribution ofbrook trout and bull trout docs overlap to some degree.
Genetic testing indicates that the westslope cutthroat trout populations in the S1calkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye Creek
drainages are pure genetic strains.
Post-Fire Habitat Conditions
In the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area, the main fish habitat concerns are:
Skalkaho and Daly Creeks
• Reductious in fish habitat complexity caused by the encroachment ofState Highway 38 and the first seven
miles ofRoad 7S
• Increased sediment levels along certain encroached segments ofRoad 75 and the uupaved portion ofState
Highway 38 doWDStream of the Road 711 bridge
• Poor habitat COnditiODS on private laud caused by at least four irrigation barriers, dewatering, grazing, loss of
shade, and subdivision development in lower Ska11cabo Creek
SIeePIna Child Creek
Reductions in fish habitat complexity caused by the encroachment of the Sleeping Child Road downstream of
the Hot Springs
Increased water temperatures caused by losses of shade along road encroached stream reaches doWDStream of
the Hot Springs
Riparian clearcutting in headwater reaches on Darby Lumber laud
Marginal habitat conditions on private laud caused by dewatering, grazing, loss ofshade, and subdivision
LI~e SIeePIna ChIld Creek
High sediment levek caused by past timber harvest and road constnlction
Riparian cbrcutting in headwater bibutaries on Darby Lumber laud
Poor habitat conditions on private land caused by irrigation dam and pond construction, dewatering, grazing,
loss ofshade, and subdivision development
Rye and North Rye Creeks
• Reductions in fish habitat complexity along 14+ miles ofstream caused by the encroachment ofRoads 75
and 321
High sediment 1evek in R)'e Creek, North Rye Creek, and all of their tributaries caused by past timber
harvest and road constnlction
• Increased water _
caused by losses ofshade road encroached stream reaches
Riparian clearcutting in headwater bibutaries on Forest and Darby Lumber laud
• Poor habitat COnditioDS on private laud caused by dewatering, grazing, loss ofshade, aDdIor subdivision
The culvert on Road 5612 (Rye Creek) is a partial fish banier (ie. it blocks the movement ofsome sizes of
fish for part of the year, but some fish can still pass through the culvert at certain stream flows)
High sediment levels occur throughout the Rye Creek and the Little Sleeping Child Creek drainages (USDA Forest
Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 22-23). In Skalkaho and Sleeping Child Creeks, sediment 1evek are higher in some local
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-183
Fisheries - Skalkaho-Rye Area
areas along roads, but are not excessive in most reaches. On National Forest land, the majority ofthose streams
contain sediment levels that are near natural conditions. Compared to the Rye Creek and Little Sleeping Child
drainages, the areas ofhigh sediment in the Skalkaho, Daly, and Sleeping Child Creek drainages are more localized
and tend to occur along particular encroached road segments.
Table 3-43 - EDstinI condldon of the INFISB RMOs - Skalkaho-Rye fish-bearing streams
Method of Survey
wldthwater temp
BNF habitat inventory
15-17 (Hobo) •
19 •
North Rye
BNF habitat inventory
< 10
15-17 (Hobo) •
14 •
< 10
No data
No data
No data
No data
Spring Gulch
< 10
BNF habitat inventOry
11-14 (point)
20 •
BNF habitat inventory
< 10
11-14 (Point)
19 •
< 10
BNF habitat inventory
11-13 (Hobo)
22 •
Sleeping Child
RIIR4 basin wide
15-17 (l obo) •
26 •
< 10
Ltl Sleeping Child
BNF habitat inventory
13-15 CrIobo)
25 •
< 10
SF Ltl Sleep. Child
BNF habitat inventory
11-14 ( )ointt
25 •
BNF habitat InventOry
< 10
Rogers Gulch
11-14 ( )ointt
16 •
15 •
18· BNF habitat inventOry
< 10
11-13 ~ lobo)
Two Bear
RIIR4 basin wide
11-14~ )ointt
31 •
19 •
Rich, 1996
< 10
11-14 )oint
28 •
RIIR4 basin wide
12-14 ~ obo.
33 •
27 •
BNF habitat inventory
13-lS ~ obo)
35 •
RIIR4 basin wide
12-14 ~ obo)
31 •
11-13 ( )ointt
BNF habitat inventory
< 10
Rich, 1996
11-13 ~ )oint.
15 •
< 10
Rich, 1996
11-14 ( )ointt
Bear Gulch
11 •
• = RMO is not meeting the default value; (Hobo) =
have been continuously monitored with HOBOTEMP thennograpbs; (Point) = temperatures have been estimated from several point measurements
per mile
Notable RMO Trends In The Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area
1. Woody debris levek in most ofRye, North Rye, their trIbutaries, B1acktail Creek, and the South Fork of Little
Sleeping Child Creek meet the RMO minimum, but are below their full potential because of past riparian timber
harvest and old skid trails that encroach on stream banks.
2. Woody debris and pool frequencies are below their full potential in Sleeping Child Creek doWDStream of the
Hot Springs. Road encroachment and the associated reductions in riparian overstory trees, woody debris
recruitment, and channel1eDgth are the principle causes.
3. Pool frequencies in Bear Gulch, Divide Creek, and Two Bear Creek do not meet the RMO minimum, but are
probably at or near their fun potential because these drainages are mostly roadless, and their fish habitat is in good
condition. The pool ftequencies observed in these streams have not been reduced by management activities.
4. Water temperatures in the lower halves ofRye, North Rye, and Sleeping Child Creeks usuaDy exceed 15° C
during the warmest 7-day period ofmost 8U1DII1eI'S. Loss ofriparian shade due to road encroachment is the major
filctor in elevating summer water temperatures.
5. None of the streams in the geographic area meet the defiwlt RMO for width-depth ratio. It is difficult to sort
out management-caused channel wKleniDg from natural conditions in these streams because most ofthe ratios are
within the ranges reported fur tlDD1AMged streams (Overton et aL, 1995). Some wideDing bas probably occurred
in R)'e, North Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks over the years as a result of increased water yields produced
by timber harvest.
3-184 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Skalkaho - Rye Area
Environmental Consequences
Effects Analvsis Methods
The same methods were used as described for the Blodgett Geographic Area.
Direct and indirect Effects
Effects Common to All Action Alternatives
The following fisheries projects are proposed in an of the action alternatives:
A culvert that impedes westslope cutthroat trout movement in Rye Creek (Road 5612) would be replaced
with a bridge or larger culvert to allow year-round passage; the new bridge or culvert would be sized to pass
the l00-year flood
Woody debris would be added to North Rye Creek and three ofits lIDIWJled tributaries to improve westslope
cutthroat trout hiding cover and pool habitat
100 burned trees would be felled (by hand with chaiosaws) into a 4 mile long, road-encroached segment of
R)'e Creek between the bridges on Road 311 aod Road 75; where possible, burned trees would be felled in
clusters ofat least four; the goal ofthis felling would be to increase woody hiding cover and pool habitat for
bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout
The fisheries projects would likely occur during SUDDDeI'S 2002 and 2003. These activities would occur iDdepeDdent
ofharvest, but could very Hkely occur during the same years as harvest.
The existing Road 5612 culvert on Rye Creek is undersized and contains excessive water velocities. It functions as a
partial banier to westslope cutthroat trout by impeding/delaying the upstream movement of the larger fish, aod
possibly blocking the upstream movement of the smaller, weaker fish during certain times of the year. Montana
Department ofFish, Wildlife, and Parks radio-telemetry data indicates that some large westslope cutthroat trout
spawners from the Bitterroot River attempt to move upstream past this culvert to spawn (USDA Forest Service, 1998:
88-91). At present, bull trout are probably not affected by the culvert because surveys indicate that the nearest buD
trout occurs about three miles upstream of the culvert. However, there • a temote chance that an incidental buD trout
attempts to navigate the culvert from time to time. Historic buD trout spawning and rearing habitat occurs
downstream of the culvert, but is currently unoccupied
Replacing the Road 5612 culvert on R)'e Creek with a bridge or larger culvert would cause short-term sedimentation
ofwestslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat doWD8tream of the crossing. Most of the sedimentation is
likely to occur in the first ISO feet doWDStream of the culvert (Flathead National Forest, 1999; Lolo National Forest,
1999). Forest BMP's would be used to minimize sediment input during the replacement, but it. impossible to stop
an sediment input from occUlTing during the process. The sediment produced by the replacement is likely to cause
temporary (several weeks to < 1 year) reductions in westslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat
downstream of the crossing. These habitat reductious could cause reduced production, recruitment, aod survival of
juvenile westsJope cutthroat trout in habitats near the culverts for several weeks to months. Under a worst-case
scenario, they may also contribute to the mortality ofa few westslope cutthroat trout. The risk ofdirect mortality to
bull trout is low because buD trout are not likely to be present in the affected area. Despite these losses, the long-term
benefits to westsJope cutthroat trout, and poSSIbly bull trout, from year-round fish passage are considcnble and weD
worth the costs ofimplementation. Benefits include recoDDeCting fragmented populations, improved viability, and
better access to about 10 miles ofspawning and rearing habitat in the headwaters.
Woody debris would be placed in North Rye Creek and three of its small, nl1lVllllPJC! tributaries to improve spawning
and rearing habitat, and address a current Jack ofwoody hiding cover. With time, this addition ofwoody debris would
improve hiding cover and pool habitat for westslope cutthroat trout, and may iocrease westslope cutthroat trout
production (more spawning areas formed by woody debris), recruitment (more rearing space aod better habitat
complexity), and survival (better overwintering habitat and protection from predators). Some small areas ofdirect
sedimeDt input in westslope cutthroat trout stream bottom rearing habitat would occur in the inunediate vicinity of the
woody debris during pJacemem. Over time, felling 100 burned trees into Rye Creek would provide similar benefits
for bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout as the woody debris placement in the North Rye draioage. Ifproperly
done, felling would not destabilize oearby Road 75 fiB slopes and cause additional erosion. This was a problem that
was observed in a few spots in R)'e Creek where the BAER team felled trees into the stream to trap sediment.
BUI'Ded Area Recovery DEIS- 3-185
Fisheries - Skalkaho-Rye Area
Woody debris has been placed in streams to improve fish habitat for many years. Until recent times, these projects
have bad mixed success (Rinne and Turner, 1991). Over the past decade, the knowledge ofstream channel restoration
has advanced considerably (Rosgen, 1996). Ifa stream channel's natural tendencies are understood, and the woody
debris additions work d those natural tendencies, projects can provide effective fish habitat for many years
(Rosgen, 1996). Forest biologists and hydrologists have been trained in the newer restoration techniques, and have
employed those techniques on recent projects in Hughes Creek (USDA Forest Service, 1998: 79-80), Reimel Creek
(USDA Forest Service, 1999: 90-91), and Threemile, Ambrose, and Lick Creeks (USDA Forest Service, 1999: 101103). Follow-up fish population monitoring in 1breemi1e (USDA Forest Service, 1998: 92), Reimel (Clancy, 2001:
34), and Hughes Creeks (Clancy, 200I: 41) indicates favorable fish population responses to these projects.
Ifproperly done, felling would not destabilize nearby Road 75 fiB slopes and cause additional erosion. This was a
problem that was observed in a few spots in lower Rye Creek where the Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation team
felled burned trees into Rye Creek.
Implementing the action alternatives would not increase water temperatures to any measurable degree in any of the
fish-bearing streams. The only loss ofsbade on fisb-bearing streams would occur from felling 100 burned trees in
R)'e Creek. Because this loss would be dispersed over a 4-mile long section of stream, the potential for stream
warming would be insignificant. In non-fish-bearing streams, minor temporary losses ofshade would also occur in a
few scattered areas where cu1verts are removed from obliterated roads. Because they would only expose a very small
area to sunlight, these scattered losses of shade are likely to cause no measurable increases in water temperatures in
occupied fish habitat in downstream reaches. These local losses of shade would continue for 5-10 years until riparian
shmbs colonize the site and grow to heights capable ofshading streams.
Alternative A
In the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area, fish-beariDg streams flow through concaltrations ofseverely burned
ponderosa pine stands in four general areas «USDA Forest Service, 2000b; Map 5-8):
Rye Creek between Road 311 and Moonshine Gulch
The upper halfof the North Rye Creek drainage
The headwaters of the Little Sleeping Child Creek drainage
Sleeping Child Creek between the Hot Springs aod the White Stallion area, particularly near the Divide
Creek conflueoce
Of these four areas, fish habitat and populations in the severely burned reaches ofR)'e, North Rye, and Little Sleeping
Child Creeks would probably be the most impacted iffire revisits their burned riparian areas in the next 30-60 years.
This is because those three streams are small enough that high severity fire in their riparian areas would likely cause
direct mortality of fish (USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3: 10-12), and each stream contams a considerable
1eDgth ofbUmed riparian area that borders burned poDderosa pine stands with > 30 tons offuel/acre (Map 3-12). In
Sleeping Child Creek, some ponderosa pine stands between the Hot Springs and White Stallion area were burned at
high severity along fisb-bearing riparian areas. However, Sleeping Child Creek differs from Rye, North Rye, and
Little Sleeping Child Creeks because it is probably large enough to dilute and buffer the heating and chenrical changes
caused by the fires, and would be able to provide adequate refugia for fish to survive the fire in its abundant complex
habitats (GressweD, 1999).
With the exception ofRye, North Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks, none of the fish-bearing stream reaches in
the Skalkaho-Rye Geographic Area are likely to experience large-scale, negative aquatic effects that are beyond the
range ofhistoric variability iffire revisits their burned riparian areas in the next 60 years. The reason for the low risk
is that the majority of riparian areas were either unburned or only lightly burDed, and the upland forest types that are
located adjacent to fish habitat (VRU 3 and 4) burned in a III8DIler simiJar to historic CODditioDl (USDA Forest
Service, 2000b; section 4.5: 24-25, 48).
Over the next three decades, Datura1 recovery. expected to occur in an of the fish-bearing streams according to the
patterns documented on pages 14-19 of the Post-Fire Assessment (USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3). After
that, iffire revisits the burned riparian areas along Rye, North Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks, its extent and
severity is likely to increase with Ahemative A (Brown and ReiDhardt, 2(01). Under a worst-case scenario, a severe
fire in those areas in the next 30-60 years could cause large direct kills ofwestslope cutthroat trout similar to those
that occurred in 2000, and short-term negative changes including losses ofwoody biding cover, widespread
sedimentation, large reductions in shade, increased water temperatures, channel erosion and loss ofkey rearing
habitats such as side chaDnels, stream margins, and pook (GressweD, 1999). It. UDknown ifbrook trout would
3-186 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Skalkaho - Rye Area
recover faster from a severe reborn than native trout, but there is some potential fOr that to occur because brook trout
reach sexual maturity sooner (Shepard et aL, 1998), and are more tolerant ofhigher sediment levels and water
temperatures (MBTSG, 1996; Selong et aL, In press; DeStaso and Rabel, 1994). Post-fire fish population monitoring
in 200 1-1 0 should help aDSWer this question.
Ifsevere fire does not revisit the burned riparian areas along Rye, North Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks,
natural recovery would continue similar to the patterns documented on pages 14-19 of the Post-Fire Assessment
(USDA Forest Service, 2000b; section 4.3).
In the other streams in the SkaJkaho-Rye Geographic Area:
Alternative A would maintain the post-fire recovery processes (recroitment ofwoody debris to the stream channel and
recovery of low overhead riparian vegetation) that produce good buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout hiding cover.
Not placing woody debris in Rye Creek, North Rye Creek, and the UDD8IIled North Rye tributaries would continue a
trend ofpoor woody hiding cover and pool habitat that may limit the number ofadult resident buD trout in Rye Creek
and westslope cutthroat trout in all of the streams.
Alternative A is not likely to cause increases in stream flows; therefore, it would not alter channel stability and fish
habitat structure.
Not doing the improvements on the road network, particularly the graveling and BMP upgrades, would allow higher
road-derived sediment inputs to continue along several miles ofbuD trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning and
rearing habitat located downstream ofroads and near the mouths of tributaries that drain roads. With DO action, roadderived sediment inputs are likely to continue to suppress buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations in about
IS miles ofSkaIkaho and Rye Creeks encroached by Road 75, about five miles ofNorth Rye Creek encroached by
Road 321, and Daly Creek near the Road 711 bridge and adjacent to the Ullp8ved portions ofthe Skalkaho Highway.
Alternative A is not likely to alter water temperatures or cause large fire-caused losses ofshade.
Alternative A would leave in place the Road 5612 culvert on Rye Creek. Leaving the culvert in place would continue
the existing condition of restricting westslope cutthroat trout access to spaWDiDg aud rearing habitat in the headwaters
ofRye Creek, and may delay the recovery ofdamaged westslope cutthroat trout populations in burned reaches above
the culvert. Connectivity is critical to the rapid recovery offish popuJatioDS followiDg fire (GressweD, 1999; Rieman
et aL, 1997). At the Road 5612 culvert, the passage ofmigratory westslope cutthroat trout spawners ftom the
Bitterroot River may be impeded (USDA Forest Service, 1999: 97-98). These large, migratory westslope cutthroat
trout are particularly important to rapidly recoloDizing streams because they Jay 10-20 times the I11III1ba' ofeggs as
small resident westslope cutthroat trout (Shepard et aL, 1998).
Alternative B
Implementation ofthe watershed and fisheries projects in Alternative B would cause similar short-term sediment
inputs aud impacts to buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout as those described for Alternative C.
In addition to the sediment inputs caused by the watershed aud fisheries projects, Altemative B's salvage activities
would also produce some immeasurable sediment deposition in buD trout aDd westslope cutthroat trout spawning aDd
rearing habitat. This sediment input is likely to occur for three years following the salvage harvest. IJJ1!De8SW"8b1e
sediment deposition in buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning aDd rearing habitat could occur in the
followiDg reaches:
The majority ofRye and North Rye Creeks
The upper half ofLittle Sleeping Child Creek
The wmamed Bad News tributary to the South Fork ofSblkabo Creek
Scattered areas in the South Fork ofSkaIkaho Creek near the mouths oftributaries that flow tbrough salvage
Scattered habitats in Sleeping Child Creek adjacent to aDd downstream of the White Stallion salvage units
aud Dear the mouths ofTwo Bear, Blacktail, and the 1l1ID8IJIt)CI "Hot Spl'iogs" tributary
Blacktail, Little Sleeping Child, aud North Rye Creeks contain spawning and rearing habitat for westslope cutthroat
trout, but not buD trout. The other streams contain spawning and rearing habitat for both species.
In all of the stream reaches listed above, "immeasurable-' sediment deposition means tb8t the sediment that settles in
the cracks in the stream bottom (rearing habitat) or the spaces between the spawning gravels (spaWDiDg habitat) is
likely to be too small aDd scattered in the majority ofhabitats to be seen and measured with sediment monitoring
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-187
Fisheries - Skalkaho-Rye Area
techniques. The likely effect on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout that reside in the areas ofimmeasurable
sedimentation is that some juvenile fish would be displaced from their rearing habitats fOr a period of several months
to three years, particularly in the sballow, low velocity rearing areas such as stream margins. Displacement caused by
sedimentation could reduce growth rates and contribute to the death ofa few juvenile buD trout and westslope
cutthroat trout that are forced to move out ofpreferred microhabitats. At the same time that displacement is occuning,
increased amounts ofsediment in some spawning gravels could cause small reductions in the number ofbull trout and
westslope cutthroat trout eggs that hatch. Both displacement ofjuveniles and losses of eggs in the spawning gravels
are likely to be scattered 0CCUI'I'eI1CeS, but on the reach scale, they could reduce the 2002-04 years classes ofbull trout
aud westslope cutthroat trout to a small degree. It is doubtful that losses ofjuveniles aud eggs would occur on a large
enough scale to cause measurable declines in buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout population IIIDDbers in 200S-10
population estimates. Also, because any losses ofbull trout aud westslope cutthroat trout would be small, dispersed,
aud restricted to a < 3 year period, the populations are likely to recover relatively quickly when the sediment
reductions and habitat expansions commence as a result of the watershed and fisheries projects.
The use ofexisting helicopter and skyline landings in RHCAs is one ofthe most h1cely sources ofsediment input that
would occur from the salvage harvest in Alternatives B, D, aud E. Right now, the landings in RHeAs that are likely
to be used are existing clearings that are flat and dry with no live sur&ce water coDDeCtioDS to nearby fish habitat. All
ofthe RHCA landings are located within 100-300 feet ofoccupied bull trout and/or westslope cutthroat trout habitat.
Use of the landings could cause as much as an acre ofsoil disturbance at each landing. With heavy precipitation
events, erosion of the bare soil in the landings and overland flow ofsediment towards fish habitat could occur. In
order to prevent this from occurring, the sediment contributing portions ofthe RHCA landings would be ringed with
sediment control devices (silt fence, straw bales, and/or properly drained snow berms) to minimize the amount of
sediment that moves towards streams. This mitigation is likely to limit any sediment input that may occur in fish
habitat to immeasurable quantities.
Additional field surveys wiD be conducted between the draft and fiDal EIS to fiDalize the lauding sites in RHCAs, and
to select alternative sites ifneeded. The goal is to minimj~ riparian disturbance to the greatest extent possible. In
priority watersheds, new IaDdiDgs would not be coDStructed aud existing IaDdiDgs would not be expanded in RHCAs
(INFISH staDdard RF-2a). In non-priority watersheds, the construction of new 1aDdings aud expansion of eDtiDg
landings would be avoided to the greatest extent possible (INFISH staDdard RF-2b). Where alternative IandiDgs are
not available outside ofRHCAs, coDStruction ofnew landings and/or expansion of eDIting landings in RHCAs could
occur in a few locations, but any new clearing would be minjrnized to the greatest extent possible, and all sites would
be evaluated aud mitigated on a case-by-case by a fisheries biologWt or hydrologist prior to conducting any DeW
clearing. No DeW clearing fur landings would occur within 1SO feet ofa fish-bearing streams, and 100 feet ofa nonfish-bearing stream. This distance is adequate to maintaiD woody debris recruitment and shade on the stream channeL
Any trees that must be felled in landinp would be left on site to provide woody recruitment to soils, trap sediment,
and prevent sediment from moving towards streams.
Starting three years after implementation, when vegetation has re-estabJmhed itselfon ripped roads and stream
crossings, a permanent reduction in road-derived sediment input would commence in Rye, North Rye, South Fork
Skalkaho, Sleeping Child, and Little Sleeping Child Credcs, including the majority of their llDMmed tributaries. The
long-term sediment reductions that occur after year three (post-implementation) are predicted to be 2-6 times greater
in the affected drainages than all ofthe sediment input caused by the salvage harvest. Over time, this would reduce
road-derived sediment inputs and improve bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning aud rearing habitat. The
largest improvements are likely to occur along IS miles ofSkallcabo and Rye Creeks eucroached by Road 7S, five
miles ofNorth Rye Creek eocroached by Road 321, Daly Creek doWDStream ofthe Road 711 bridge, aud some of the
smaller, roaded tributaries in the headwaters of aD three major draiDages. Graveling and BMP drainage improvements
on roads would be the primary reasons for these sediment reductions, and are likely to benefit fish the most. In the
long-term, Alternative B's sediment reductions could boost buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout production,
growth, and survival, particularly in local habitats Dear the eucroached roads~
Because no vegetation removal would occur in RHCAs, Alternative B would maintain the natural processes (woody
debris recruitment aud the recovery oflow overhead riparian vegetation) that form good buD trout and westslope
cutthroat trout hiding cover in aD ofthe fish-bearing streams. Woody debris recruitment would occur at natural1evels
in aD of the burned streams.
Alternative B would reduce fuels and be a positive step in lowering the extent and severity of future fires in the burned
riparian areas along Rye, North Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks. The fuel reduction treatments would not
completely eliminate the threat of future fires in the burned riparian areas, but they are likely to reduce its severity and
3-188 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - SkaJkaho - Rye Area
extent and return fire to a more natural role in low elevation riparian areas (low severity, mosaic burn pattern). This
would benefit the buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations by protecting the post-fire recovery that occurs
in the next several decades, and minimizing any negative habitat changes that could occur ifsevere fire revmits the
drainages in the next 30-60 years.
Alternative C
Replacing the Road 5612 culvert, permanently removing culverts, adding woody debris in the North Rye drainage,
aDd decommissioning/recontouring roads would cause some short-t~ direct and indirect pulses ofsediment to buD
trout aDd westslope cutthroat trout habitat. The sediment inputs would likely coosist ofpulses ofshort duration
(several minutes to hours) spread over a three year period, followed by slow declines as vegetation returns to the road
prism aDd disturbed stream crossings. With the exception ofthe Road 5612 culvert aDd the North Rye woody debris
additions, aD of the direct sediment deposits caused by removing culverts would occur in non-fish-bearing habitat.
Over 1-3 years, some of that sediment would get canied downstream and deposited in occupied fish habitat. By the
time it gets into occupied fish habitat; however, the sediment would be widely scattered and immeasurable. As a
result of the sediment produced by implementing Alternative C, negative cumulative effects are likely to occur tOr
several months to three years in some areas ofbuD trout and westslope cutthroat trout spaWDiDg and rearing habitat.
These areas and effects are discussed in greater detail in the cumulative effects section.
Starting three years after implementation, when vegetation has re-establisbed itselfon ripped roads aDd stream
crossings, a permanent reduction in sediment production WOuld·COIDlDeDCe in the SkaJlcabo, Sleeping Child, and Rye
Creek drainages. In the long-term, Alternative C would reduce road-derived sediment inputs and improve buD trout
aDd westslope cutthroat trout spawning and rearing habitat. The largest improvements are likely to occur along -I5
miles of Skalkaho and Rye Creeks encroached by Road 75, five miles ofNorth Rye Creek encroached by Road 321,
Daly Creek downstream of the Road 711 bridge, and some of the smaller, roaded tributaries in the headwaters of all
three major drainages. Graveling and BMP drainage improvements on roads would be the primary reasons for these
sediment reductions, and are likely to benefit fish the most. In the long-t~ Alternative C's sediment reductions
could bOost buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout productions, growth, and survival, particularly in local habitats
near the encroached roads. It is doubtful that increases in fish numbers would be detectable in population estimates.
Alternative C would not reduce the extent and severity offuture fires in the severely burned reaches ofRye, North
Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks. Under a worst-case scenario, future fires along those streams could be severe
enough to kill large numbers ofwestslope cutthroat trout, and cause negative habitat changes (loss ofwoody hiding
cover, channel erosion aDd fW4imentation, and incraIsed water t _ ) similar to those that occurred in 2000.
Alternative D
Alternative D would impact buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat and populations in the same stream reaches
as Altemative B.
Alternative D has the potential to cause more soil displacement and erosion in the ground-based salvage units. This
could increase sediment inputs to a small degree in some areas ofbuD trout aDd westslope cutthroat trout spawning
and rearing habitat beyond that ofAlternative B. It is unlikely that this increase would be visible and measurable in
the field.
Alternative D would construct 5.2 miles of temporary road in fish-bearing drainages (3.46 miles in RyelNorth Rye;
0.71 miles in lower Sleeping Child; 0.71 iniIes in Little sleeping Child; 0.16 miles in South Folk Sbllcaho; aDd 0.14
miles in middle Sleeping Child). These temporary roads have a low risk ofcausing sediment input to fish habitat
because the roads would be located on ridgeliDes far from live water and would not cross or enter RHCAs. If
fW4iment does enter fish habitat as a result of these temporary roads, it is h1cely to be minimal and immeasurable.
Alternative E
Implementation of the watershed and fisheries projects in Alternative E would cause similar short-term sediment
inputs aDd impacts to buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout as those described tOr Alternative C.
In the fish-bearing drainages, Alternative E only proposes to salvage on the south side ofSkaIkaho Creek downstream
ofDaly Creek (helicopter yarding), in the headwaters ofLittle Sleeping Chikl Creek (mostly helicopter and skyliDe
yarding), on the south side ofRye Creek (mix ofbelicopter, skyliDe, aDd tractor yarding), aDd in three units in the
North Rye Creek drainage (skyIiDe yarding). AD of the tractor aDd skyIioe yarding would be restricted to winter.
Temporary roads would not be CODStructed, aDd green trees would not be harvested. For 1-3 years, the salvage harvest
fW4iment deposition in buD trout and westslope cutthroat
in Alternative E is likely to produce some
Burned Area Recovery DEIS- 3-189
Fisheries - Skalkaho-Rye Area
trout spawning and rearing habitats that are scattered throughout the sections ofSkaIkaho, Rye, North Rye, and Little
Sleeping Child Creeks that are adjacent to or downstream of the salvage units. These sediment deposits are likely to
be so small and widely scattered that they pose an insignificant risk ofcausing the death ofbon trout and wests10pe
cutthroat trout juveniles aDd eggs. At worst, the sediment deposits may cause the temporary displacement ofa few
juvenile buD trout and westslope cutthroat trout from a few rearing habitatS.
Because no green trees would be harvested, stream flow increases caused by Alternative E are likely to be
insignificant in aD of the fisb-bearing streams. This would result in healthier stream channel conditions, reduced
erosion of stream banks, more undercut bank hiding cover, aDd less sediment input to buD trout and westslope
cutthroat trout spawning aDd rearing habitat as compared to Alternatives B and D.
Alternative E would reduce the extent and severity of future severe fires in the burned riparian areas along Rye, North
Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creeks to a lesser degree than Alternatives B and D.
Cumulative Effects
For fisheries, the cumuJative effects geographic area consists of the Skalkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye Creek
drainages, and the Bitterroot River.
Described below are several activities and natural events within the cumulative effects geographic area that already
have, or will likely occur in or near the project area in the next three)alB. The past activities and natural events have
contributed to create the existing condition, aDd are incorporated within the fisheries affected enWoument description.
These activities may produce enviromnental effects on aquatic resources relevant to the proposal
Past Activities
NaUonai Forest Timber Harvest And AIIodated Road COllltrUetiOD
The Rye Creek draiDage has been heavily harvested and roaded over the past 40 years, both on National Forest and
Dalby Lumber lands. Pre-fire equivalent clearcut area (ECA) was 15% aDd road deasity is 4.62 miles ofroad per
square mile. Rye and North Rye Creeks are encroached by roads throughout most of their lengths, aDd IlUIDm'OUS
other roads encroach and cross small streams throughout the drainage. Roads are the primary cause of the high
sediment levels that occur throughout the Rye Creek drainage. The Skalkaho and Sleeping Child Creek drainages
contain some tributary basins with concentrated harvest aDd roading (Blacktail; Two Bear; Skallcabo Basin), but also
contain sizeable roadless areas. Overall, pre-fire ECAs aDd road densities were moderate in the SkaJkaho (ECA == 8%,
2.00 miles ofroad per square mile) and Sleeping Child Creek (ECA = 6%, 2.53 miles ofroad per square mile)
drainages. Road encroachment is a problem along most of SkaJkaho Creek, aDd the lower halves of Daly and
Sleeping Child Creeks.
PrIvate Timber Harvest, Road CoDltrueUoD And SUbdlvlllOD
Fifteen sections of Darby Lumber land have been heavily lOaded and harvested in the headwaters of the Rye, North
Rye, and Little Sleeping Child Creek drainages. The lower, private reaches ofSkaJkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye
Creeks flow through subdivided pastureland with considerable losses ofriparian overstory and shade. Grazing has
damaged stream banks, widened channels, removed shade, and increased sediment in some areas. Subdivision has
accelerated along aD the valley bottoms in recent )alB, and the tread is h1cely to continue. Much ofthis building has
occurred in RHCAs. Cumulatively, aD oftbese habitat reductions have made COnditioDS in the lower ends of
Skalkaho, Sleeping Child, aDd Rye Creeks better tOr brook, rainbow, and brown trout, and worse for Dative trout.
Private Salvage Sales
A four million board foot helicopter salvage sale (CB ranch) 0CCUI'I"eCl in the headwaters ofMike Creek and Burke
Gulch east of Darby during the winter of2000-01. None of the salvage occurred in areas that could iq)act fish.
Road And Trail Maintenance
Sediment produced by National Forest road and
is iDsigoificant in the geographic area. Ammal
maintenance benefits the fisberybypreventing larger inputs ofsediment. State road blading of the Skalkaho Highway
has side-casted sediment into Daly Creek in past )alB, although attempts are made to avoid direct inputs. Some of
this sediment is visible in the stream margins aDd bottoms ofpools along the dirt portions of the highway. The 2.7
miles of the SkaJlcabe> Highway between the end of the pavement and the Road 711 junction is one of the worst
sediment-contributing roads on the Forest. It also negatively impacts a key buD trout spawning area doWDStream of
the Road 711 bridge. During the high flow years of 1995-97, the Ska1lcabo Highway had severa1 road fiB slumps that
caused large pukes of sediment to Daly Creek.
3-190 - Burned Area Recovery DEIS
Fisheries - Skalkaho - Rye Area
Developed Reereadon Sites - Maintenance And Vie
Trailheads aud campgrounds concentrate anglers aud cause increased legal aud illegal removal ofbuD trout and
westslope cutthroat trout, particularly the larger fish in the populations.
Ditches, Dlveniolll, And Irrlpdon Dewatering
SkaDcaho, Sleeping Child, aud Rye Creek are dewatered dwing the summer by an extensive system ofditches and
diversions that start near the Forest boundary and continue downstream to the river. Dewatering occurs downstream
ofthe burned area, and creates thermal baniers for native trout during the summer. Some fish are also diverted into
unscreened ditches where they eventually perish. The extreme lower end ofRye Creek is sometimes completely dried
up for several weeks each summer. All, or nearly an, ofthe ditches in the geographic area are _
Creek contains four impassible irrigation barriers in its lower end. Sleeping Child Creek contaiDs a partial barrier near
its mouth.
FIsh Stoeldna/Prlvate FIsh Ponds
Past stocking of streams bas allowed non-native trout (brook, brown, and rainbow trout) to invade, hybridize, aDd outcompete native trout in the lower, private ends ofSkaIkaho, Sleeping Child, and Rye Creeks. In recent years, a few
private fish ponds have