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Female Reproductive System: Grade 10 Lesson Plan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10
Coordinated Funtion of Reproductive System
Learning Competency:
The Learners:
describe the parts of the reproductive system and their functions
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Explain how Female reproductive System works.
2. Describe the parts and function of female reproductive system.
3. Appreciate the importance of Female reproductive system.
Learning Content
A. Topic: Female Reproductive System
B. Time allotment: 30 mins.
C. Reference: Science Learner’s Materials, Grade 10, Unit 3, DepEd, pp. 248-252
Reproductive System: Facts, Function and Diseases
D. Materials: Powerpoint presentation
Visual aids
Illustration on Female Reproductive System
E. Skills: Describing the Female reproductive system
F. Science Concept
All living things reproduce. This is something that sets the living apart from nonliving. Even though the reproductive system is essential to keeping a species alive, it
is not essential to keeping an individual alive. This chapter describes the different
parts of the female reproductive system
III. Learning Procedures
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Activity
A . Preparation
Assalamu Alaykum and Good morning class!
Please pick up pieces of paper and arrange your
Please stand up and let's have a silent prayer.
You may now take your seat.
Class monitor, please check the attendance
for today.
Alaylumissalam and good morning, Ma’am!
Yes, Ma’am.
(Students do a silent prayer.)
(Students take their seat.)
Class monitor: No one is absent, Ma’am.
Before we start our discussion let us check your
Yes, Ma’am.
assignment your assignment last meeting.
B. Review
Before we start our next lesson, let’s have first a short
recap regarding our previous topic. Anyone in the
(someone in the class raise her hand.)
Yes, Hania?
Very good. Last meeting we discussed about the Male
Reproductive System.
Hania: last meeting we tackled about the Male
reprpductive System.
Then, can anyone in the class tell what is reproductive Reproductive system is the part of the body
responsible for reproducing offspring.
Very good, Abdul.
Jamaisa, what is the major function of the Male
Reproductive System?
Very good. Do you have any question about our last
The major function of the Male reproductive sysytem
is to produce, store and transport sperm cells.
None, Ma’am.
C. Motivation
Very good. Let’s now proceed to our next lesson. But
before that, let’s have an activity.
This is called “Jumbled Words” anyone who can
answer in the class will have plus 5 points in the quiz.
The class performs the activity.
Congratulation for the class winner. Ms.
Secretary please give me the list of your
classmates who answer the words correctly.
D. Discussion
Okay, class for this given words, can you
guess what is our tpoic for today? Yes,
Yes, Ma’am.
Ma’am, the Female reproductive system.
Very good. For toaday’s topic we will discuss
abou the female reproductive system.
(Presenting the PowerPoint Presentation)
From what you have learned in your previous
past years level, what is female reproductive
system? Yes, fahad?
Very good.
( show the picture of female reproductive
The female reproductive system consist of Ovaries,
Fallopian tube, Uterus, Vagina and Cervix.
Ovaries. The ovaries are small, oval-shaped
glands that are located on either side of the uterus.
The ovaries produce eggs and hormones.
Fallopian tube. These are narrow tubes that are
attached to the upper part of the uterus and serve as
pathways for the ova (egg cells) to travel from the
ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization of an egg by a
sperm normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The
fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where it
Female reproductive system is made up of the
interna and external sex organs that function in
reprouction of new offspring.
implants to the uterine lining.
There are two fallopian tubes, also called the
uterine tubes or the oviducts. Each fallopian tube
attaches to a side of the uterus and connects to an
ovary. They are positioned between the ligaments
that support the uterus. The fallopian tubes are
about four inches long and about as wide as a piece
of spaghetti. Within each tube is a tiny passageway
no wider than a sewing needle.
Uterus. The uterus is also called the womb. It is a
muscular bag with a soft lining. The uterus is where
a baby develops until its birth. The uterus is only
about three inches long and two inches wide, but
during pregnancy it changes rapidly and dramatically
Vagina. The vagina is a canal that joins the cervix
(the lower part of uterus) to the outside of the body.
It also is known as the birth canal.
Cervix. The cervix is a ring of muscle at the lower
end of the uterus. It keeps the baby in place while
the woman is pregnant. During menstruation, the
cervix stretches open slightly to allow the
endometrium to be shed. This stretching is believed
to be part of the cramping pain that many women
We discuss the main parts of female reproductive
system. Can anyone in the class enumerate them?
Can anyone tell the two cycle of Female
reproductive system? Yes Almaira?
Correct. Menstrual cycle and Ovariancycle.
Menstrual cycle refers to the cycle in which
woman’s uterus grows and sheds a lining which
could support the development of a fertilized egg. It
typically occurs in 28-days, so a woman generally
gets her period every 28 days. The monthly cycle
continues for about 40 years.
The ovarian cycle governs the preparation of
endocrine tissues and releases eggs.
(Jalil raises his hand)
The main parts of female reproductive system are
Ovaries, Fallopian tube, Uterus, Vagina and Cervix.
The two cycle in Female reproductive system are
Menstrual cycle and Ovarin cycle.
Do you have any question for our lesson for today?
Since you have no question, we will have a short
quiz for today’s lesson..I’m going to give you 10
mins. to finish the quiz. In 1/2 sheet of yellow pad
you have to write the parts of female repoductive
system and also their function. Ok you may start
your quiz.
No, Ma’am.
( students start doing their quiz.)
IV. Application
The human reproductive system is specialized for the production and joining of germ
cells—ovum or egg (female) and sperm (male). The female reproductive system is also
specialized to nurture and protect the fertilized ovum during the 9-month gestation period.
V. Assesstement/ Evaluation
Multiple choice. Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Which days of the cycle does the menstruation occurs?
a) Days 1-6
b) Days 7-13
c) Days 14-20
d) Days 21-28
These are narrow tubes that are attached to the upper part of the uterus and serve as
a) Uterus
b) Vagina
c) Ovary
d) Fallopian tube
It refers to the cycle in which woman’s uterus grows and sheds a lining which could
support the development of a fertilized egg.
a) Ovarian cycle
b) mentrual cycle
c) Menstruation
d) Puberty
The uterus is only about
inches long and
inches wide
a) 3 inches long and 2 inches wide
b) 2 inches long and 2 inches wide
c) 3 inches long and 3 inches wide
d) 4 inches long and 2 inches wide
During menstruation, it stretches open slightly to allow the endometrium to be shed.
a) Uterus
b) Vagina
c) Ovary
d) Cevix
VI. Assignment
Read about the birth conrol.