Solar Thermal Conversion of Biomass to Methanol Instructor: A. W. Weimer CHEN 4520 Bernard Britt Robert McGugan Sarah Stoeck Andrew Weidner Vanessa Witte 1 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 7 II. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8 Project Description and Scope .................................................................................................... 8 Mission Statement ................................................................................................................... 8 Process Description ................................................................................................................. 8 III. Background Information .......................................................................................................... 11 Market for Renewable Methanol .............................................................................................. 11 Renewable Methanol from Biomass ......................................................................................... 13 Solar-Thermal Processing .......................................................................................................... 14 IV. Environmental, Health & Safety .............................................................................................. 16 Chemical Hazards ...................................................................................................................... 16 Health and Safety Considerations ............................................................................................. 20 Operator Safety ..................................................................................................................... 20 Licensure and Permits ........................................................................................................... 22 Environmental Considerations .................................................................................................. 24 Worst-Case Scenarios................................................................................................................ 29 Life Cycle Analysis...................................................................................................................... 32 Goal and Scope Definition ..................................................................................................... 32 Inventory Analysis.................................................................................................................. 34 Impact Assessment and Interpretation ................................................................................. 37 V. Project Premises ....................................................................................................................... 38 Design ........................................................................................................................................ 38 Biomass Pre-Processing ......................................................................................................... 38 Biomass Gasification and Methanol Production ................................................................... 39 Amine Scrubbing .................................................................................................................... 39 Methanol Purification ............................................................................................................ 39 Economics.................................................................................................................................. 40 VI. Approach.................................................................................................................................. 42 Hand Calculations ...................................................................................................................... 42 Heat of Reactions: Cellulose and Steam ................................................................................ 42 2 Heat of Reaction: Lignin and Steam ...................................................................................... 43 Waste Biomass Feed Estimation ........................................................................................... 43 Theoretical Energy Requirement for Solar-Thermal Reactor ................................................ 45 VII. Process Flow Diagrams with Material & Energy Balances ..................................................... 46 Biomass Pre-Processing............................................................................................................. 46 Process Description and PFD ................................................................................................. 46 Material Balances .................................................................................................................. 48 Heat Duty ............................................................................................................................... 49 Biomass Gasification ................................................................................................................. 49 Process Description and PFD ................................................................................................. 49 Heat Duty ............................................................................................................................... 61 Amine Scrubbing ....................................................................................................................... 62 Process Description and PFD ................................................................................................. 62 Material Balance .................................................................................................................... 70 Heat Duty ............................................................................................................................... 71 Product Separation & Post-Processing ..................................................................................... 71 Process Description and PFD ................................................................................................. 71 Material Balances .................................................................................................................. 73 Heat Duty ............................................................................................................................... 74 VIII. Process Description & Equipment Specifications .................................................................. 75 Generalized Equipment Design ................................................................................................. 75 Pumps .................................................................................................................................... 75 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ........................................................................................... 78 Vapor-Liquid Separators ........................................................................................................ 82 Pressure Vessels and Towers................................................................................................. 90 Cyclones ................................................................................................................................. 94 Biomass Pre-Processing............................................................................................................. 98 P-1 / SR-101 Shredding .......................................................................................................... 98 P-2 / RDR-101 Rotary Drying ............................................................................................... 100 P-3 / GR-101 Grinding .......................................................................................................... 103 P-4 / HP-101 Hopper............................................................................................................ 105 3 Solar Field and Tower .............................................................................................................. 110 Biomass Gasification ............................................................................................................... 112 Solar Reactor........................................................................................................................ 112 Zinc-Oxide Reactor .............................................................................................................. 118 Methanol Reactor ................................................................................................................ 119 Spray Quench Tank .............................................................................................................. 122 Heat Exchangers .................................................................................................................. 124 Compressor .......................................................................................................................... 126 Pumps .................................................................................................................................. 128 Vapor-Liquid Separators ...................................................................................................... 130 ZN-SPLIT Cyclone ................................................................................................................. 134 Amine Scrubbing ..................................................................................................................... 134 Pressure Vessels, Separators, and Towers .......................................................................... 134 Heat Exchangers .................................................................................................................. 138 Pumps .................................................................................................................................. 143 Product Separation & Post-Processing ................................................................................... 144 Separator V-100 ................................................................................................................... 144 Distillation Column T-100 .................................................................................................... 145 IX. Utility Summary and Heat Integration ................................................................................... 150 Utility Summary ....................................................................................................................... 150 Heat Integration ...................................................................................................................... 152 X. Estimation of Capital Investment and Total Product Cost...................................................... 157 Capital Investment .................................................................................................................. 157 Equipment Cost Summary ................................................................................................... 157 Operating Costs ....................................................................................................................... 172 Metrics of Plant Operation .................................................................................................. 172 Variable Operating Costs ..................................................................................................... 172 Fixed Operating Costs .......................................................................................................... 172 XI. Profitability Analysis............................................................................................................... 174 Profitability .............................................................................................................................. 174 Base Case ............................................................................................................................. 174 4 Modified Base Case: Life Cycle Analysis with Carbon Credit ............................................... 179 Sensitivity Analysis .................................................................................................................. 181 XII. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 188 XIII. References ........................................................................................................................... 189 XIII. Appendix .............................................................................................................................. 196 Appendix I: Engineering Calculations ...................................................................................... 196 Appendix I-A: Approach Calculations .................................................................................. 196 Appendix I-B: Material and Energy Balances ...................................................................... 200 Appendix I-C: Split Fraction for AG-CLEAN .......................................................................... 205 Appendix I-D: Adiabatic Temperature Rise for Methanol Reactor ..................................... 206 Appendix II: Design and Costing Spreadsheets ....................................................................... 207 Appendix II-A: Solar Field Design ......................................................................................... 207 Appendix II-B: Cyclone Design ............................................................................................. 208 Appendix II-C: Aspen PLUS Separator Design ...................................................................... 209 Appendix II-D: Pump Design ................................................................................................ 211 Appendix II-E: Compressor Design ...................................................................................... 213 Appendix II-F: Pre-Processing Design .................................................................................. 214 Appendix II-G: Amine Scrubbing Design .............................................................................. 216 Appendix II-H: Methanol Purification System Design ......................................................... 224 Appendix II-I: Quench Tank Design...................................................................................... 228 Appendix II-J: Heat Exchanger Design ................................................................................. 230 Appendix II-K: Reactor Heat Exchanger Design ................................................................... 235 Appendix II-L: Reactor Design.............................................................................................. 236 Appendix II-M: Solar Field Costing....................................................................................... 241 Appendix II-N: Cyclone Costing ........................................................................................... 242 Appendix II-O: Aspen PLUS Separator Costing .................................................................... 243 Appendix II-P: Pump Costing ............................................................................................... 244 Appendix II-Q: Compressor Costing..................................................................................... 247 Appendix II-R: Pre-Processing Costing................................................................................. 248 Appendix II-S: Amine Scrubbing Costing ............................................................................. 250 Appendix II-T: Methanol Purification System Costing ......................................................... 252 5 Appendix II-U: Quench Tank Costing ................................................................................... 253 Appendix II-V: Heat Exchanger Costing ............................................................................... 254 Appendix II-W: Reactor Heat Exchanger Costing ................................................................ 256 Appendix II-X: Reactor Costing ............................................................................................ 257 Appendix III: Computer Process Modeling and Simulations ................................................... 258 Appendix III-A: Biomass Pre-Processing Simulation ............................................................ 258 Appendix III-B: Aspen PLUS Simulation ............................................................................... 259 Appendix III-C: Amine Scrubbing Simulation ....................................................................... 260 Appendix III-D: Methanol Purification Simulation .............................................................. 261 Appendix III-E: Heat Integration .......................................................................................... 262 Appendix III-F: Reactor Computer Code .............................................................................. 263 Appendix IV: Economic Analysis Spreadsheets ....................................................................... 266 Appendix IV-A: Base Case without Carbon Credit ............................................................... 266 Appendix IV-B: Base Case with Carbon Credit..................................................................... 274 Appendix IV-C: Summary of Utilities ................................................................................... 282 6 I. Executive Summary As carbon emissions become a growing cause for global concern, greater pressure has been placed on industry to develop innovative alternatives to traditional commodity chemical production. In order to investigate such an alternative, a design report has been written examining the construction and economic feasibility of a Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility. This facility will serve as an alternative means of high-purity, industrial scale methanol production. The facility modeled here utilizes 204 million pounds of corn stover biomass per year as feed stock, employs 111 full-time operators, and produces 58,300,000 gal/year of methanol end product. The plant operates in five distinct subunits. Waste corn stover enters the biomass preprocessing portion of the facility where it is ground into usable cellulose and lignin. The usable biomass is then sent to the biomass gasification subsystem, in which a series of three reactors convert the biomass to methanol. In order to mitigate the environmental impact and utility costs of the largest reactor, a solar field operating as part of the facility supplies thermal energy to the solar reactor. An amine scrubbing system purifies the waste gas stream of environmental toxins, while the final stage of product processing entails the purification of the end product methanol, resulting in a final product stream with 99.97% purity by weight. The capital cost of the facility was determined to be $300.5M. An economic analysis was performed for plant operation in which 12.5% fixed IRR was stipulated for facility investors. This economic analysis returned a 10.8% ROI, 9.2 year PBP and $62.462M NPV based on a 30-year expected facility lifespan with a single year construction period and single year of 50% capacity startup operation. In order to obtain the required 12.5% IRR, the final product selling price was determined to be $1.69/gal methanol. This price is not competitive with the current commodity market value of $1.05/gal (Methanex, 2015). Because of the fa ilit s i a ilit to e su e i esto s suita le etu s hile eeti g e d-product market value, it is the recommendation of this design team that the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility not be constructed. In the event that a carbon credit is granted to the facility to incentivize eco-forward industry, a subsidy of $0.21/lb CO2 avoided would be required to reduce the product selling price to market value and render the project economically viable. 7 II. Introduction Project Description and Scope Mission Statement United States methanol consumption is on the rise and is expected to increase 26% by 2020 (The American Oil and Gas Reporter, n.d.). This opens the market for increased demand in chemicals, transportation, and power generation, as methanol is a key commodity in all three sectors. The chemical industry uses this versatile compound in hundreds of chemicals including solvents, plastics, paints, and adhesives. Combustion of fossil fuels, namely petroleum based products, in the transportation sector is the second largest source of CO2 emissions in the US and accounts for a third of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere (EPA, n.d.). Alternative fuel sources that result in significantly less GHG emissions than conventional fuel has e o e a e essit as the o ld s populatio a d e o o o ti ues to i ease. Methanol provides an attractive alternative fuel option to replace petroleum due to a variety of advantages. Implementing methanol into the transportation fuel industry could help to significantly reach federal and state carbon reduction goals. In addition, companies are exploring ways to use methanol as an additional fuel source for power generation to drive turbines and create electricity. This design project proposes to develop a renewable methanol production plant in Daggett, CA. A techno-economic analysis will be performed to ascertain the viability of the plant in terms of health and safety, equipment design, and return on investment. The plant will utilize waste biomass as the feedstock and subsequently produce 58.3 million gallons of 99.97% pure methanol annually. Slight excess of methanol was produced to account for unforeseen major mainte a e issues that ould ut i to p odu tio ti e. I this a e , the u e s suppl ould ha e li ited i te uptio s o e the ou se of the pla t s lifeti e, if a at all. The gasification of the biomass will be operated using a hybrid reactor with energy sources from o e t ated sola po e a d atu al gas, hi h ill lo e the pla t s o e all GHG e issio s. Process Description This process is utilizing waste biomass, corn stover, in a thermochemical gasification reaction to produce methanol. The plant will be located in Daggett, CA and will operate 24 hours a day, for 8 a total of 8000 hours per year. The plant can be divided into pre-processing, gasification, and purification sections. Pre-processing involves drying the corn stover feedstock and grinding into small particles applicable for gasification. Corn stover is delivered to the plant after harvest and is initially shredded to reduce the bulk size to no larger than 6mm. The feedstock is sent to a direct-contact air-dryer to convectively pull moisture from the particles. A hammer mill is then employed to reduce the particles to micron size. Lastly, a hopper is used to pressurize the feed to 35 bar to meet the specifications of the solar reactor. At this point the feedstock is at the correct temperature and pressure for the gasification reaction. Because biomass reactions are complicated and novel, software such as Aspen PLUS requires multiple pieces of equipment to model them, though the reaction would take place in a single vessel. The gasification reactor has concentrated solar power and natural gas as the energy sources. Concentrated solar power (CSP) is produced by a field of heliostats targeted at a solar tower with a compound parabolic concentrator. CSP is one of few renewable technologies able to achieve the high temperatures required in the gasification process (>1000°C) due to concentrating the thermal energy. Natural gas is fed as a supplement to CSP to allow 24 hour operation. In the gasification step, the pre-treated biomass must be reacted in high temperature, lowoxygen conditions with water and a methane stream. A controlled level of oxygen limits the combustion reaction formation of carbon dioxide, but provides enough heat for subsequent gasification reactions. High temperatures yield fewer hydrocarbons such as char, tar, and ash and increases conversion directly to carbon monoxide and hydrogen (syngas). The addition of water and methane also serves to reach to the desired 2:1 ratio of H2:CO in the syngas and to diminish the selectivity of carbon dioxide formation. The chief gasification reactions are shown in the equations below: � →[ + + + + + → ]+ → + + + ℎ (1) (2) (3) 9 + + + → + + → → → → (4) (5) + (6) + (7) (8) The gasification process produces dirty, contaminated gas streams that undergo various separation processes to clean the gas and remove particulates, such as ash solids, acid-gas, sulfur, and chlorine. The resulting vapor stream is sent to the methanol processing reactor. Maximum production of methanol follows from a high concentration of CO, a low concentration of CO2, and an optimal ratio of H2:CO:H2O in the feed stream, values that are dependent on specific reactor conditions. Equations (9), (10) and (11) below summarize the simultaneous methanol synthesis reactions: + + + → → → + (9) (10) + (11) The output stream from the methanol reactor is split into a recycle stream back to the solar reactor, a purge stream that is flared, and a product stream sent downstream for purification. The downstream methanol purification process operates 24 hours a day as well. The dirty methanol stream employs distillation to obtain a final methanol product stream with 99.97% purity. 10 III. Background Information Market for Renewable Methanol The $36 billion methanol industry has 90+ plants in operation worldwide and produces 49.8 million tons annually to be used in the chemical, transportation and power generation sectors (Methanol Institute, n.d.). Methanol is the simplest alcohol, with a chemical formula of CH3OH. Its simplicity brings forth a variety of characteristics; methanol occurs naturally in the environment, it is biodegradable, light and colorless, and it quickly breaks down in aerobic and anaerobic conditions (Methanol Institute, n.d.). Methanol can be produced from a diverse array of feedstocks which gives it the distinct advantage of polygeneration: the ability to be made from any resource that can be converted into synthesis gas. As a result, methanol is classified as o e tio al o e e a le. Conventional methanol is produced from steam reformation with the use of a fossil fuel, coal or natural gas, and steam. This produces a synthesis gas, as shown below in Equation (12) for steam reformation (Methanol Institute, n.d.). + → + + → + ℎ � (12) + (13) The syngas is then processed over a catalyst to yield CH3OH, as shown in Equation (13). + + Renewable methanol is produced from the synthesis of waste biomass such as switchgrass, forest trimmings, corn stover, or other agricultural residue products in a very similar manner of gasification and catalysis. Using biomass as the feedstock is considered carbon neutral due to the sizeable carbon absorbance of the feedstock before processing. Additionally, renewable biomass has an advantage in that it looks to include a CO2 stream as the feedstock, consequently utilizing a GHG in its process (Karen Law, 2013). Methanol is an exceptionally diverse chemical and thus has many advantages as a material for chemical production or as a fuel source. With its unique ability for polygeneration, manufacturers can tap into multiple resources to supply the increasing methanol demand. Since methanol production is already well established in the global marketplace, the existing infrastructure and logistics would allow for production conversion between conventional and 11 renewable means, and possibly allow for a full transition to renewable methanol in the future. As well, the US and other countries can leverage the economic benefit of the increased demand of methanol. This is seen in two recent development projects: a 10 year Chesapeake Energy Corp-Methanex contract and G2X Energy methanol-to-gasoline plant construction (The American Oil and Gas Reporter, n.d.). Collaborations with natural gas energy companies and new plant development projects represent a growing market that is seeking ways to utilize the full potential. At 40% of supply, the chemical sector has the largest demand for methanol, which is usually provided through conventional means. The largest chemical use fo etha ol is i the plasti s industry to produce resins and polymers (The University of York, n.d.). Common methanol derivatives include dimethyl ether, formaldehyde, acetic acid, methyl methacrylate, and methylamines. In the sa d s, etha ol e ei ed atte tio as a alte ati e fuel sou e, a el to create a fuel blend with gasoline and possibly ethanol. It did not become a substantial commodity though, primarily due to falling petroleum prices which negated any economic incentive to its usage. In recent years, as petroleum prices and supply has been more volatile, many countries including the United States are seeking ways to gain energy security and mitigate uncertainties. As a result, the US has a seen a steady rise in alternative fuel demand over the last decade. Federal Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) calls for 18.11 billion gallons of alternative fuel production in 2016; a 7% increase over the 2015 standards (EPA, n.d.). Additionally, the Open Fuel Standard bill, if approved, would greatly promote the need for methanol and demand could increase exponentially (Open Fuel Standard, n.d.) Methanol is seen as one of the chief commodities able to fill the demand gap in alternative fuels due to a variety of advantages specifically in the transportation sector: studies have shown a 65-95% carbon reduction from well-to-tank and a 15-20% lower tailpipe emissions with fuel blends of methanol, it cuts nitrogen oxide and volatile organic compound emissions, there are no toxic additives necessary and has a half-life of 1-7 days versus gasoline and other constituents at over a hundred days (Methanol Institute, n.d.). Another significant advantage is its ability to be used in advanced efficiency technologies such as PEM fuel cells. While there are considerable 12 advantages, methanol use in transportation fuels has disadvantages as well, such as it has half the energy content as gasoline on a volume bases and it is corrosive in nature and miscible with water which places different material requirements in vehicles (Methanol Institute, n.d.). Lastly, methanol is being explored as an emerging fuel for electrical power generation. It can be used as an energy carrier for hydrogen storage and delivery. Research has shown it can be incorporated into existing dual-fueled gas turbines and can stand alone as a turbine fuel (Methanol Institute, n.d.). Renewable Methanol from Biomass As opposed to bioethanol, methanol production from biomass has very few limitations in feedstock choice. Agricultural resides, wastes, forest trimmings, and wood can be used – any material able to undergo gasification to produce syngas. Since the feedstock can be a waste material, there is little competition between materials usable as food sources. Furthermore, the Energy Independence and Security Act mandates that non-food based bio-fuels ramp production to meet the goal of 36 billion gallons by 2022, where methanol can obviously play a major role. A disadvantage to using biomass is that several additional production steps need to be taken into consideration. The biomass must be pretreated by conditioning and drying to break down cellulose and lignin and densify the material. Additionally, the use of biomass has a lower H:C ratio compared to natural gas and thus produces char and ash to be taken into consideration in the separations and waste disposal process. Also, conditions in the syngas formation reactions eed to e a ipulated fo a i u o e sio . The s gas eeds to e upg aded to increase the H2 content and lower the methane content by utilizing the water-gas shift reaction. Overall, biomass lowers the efficiency of the overall process due to these factors, though methanol selectivity over 99% can still be achieved (Cheng, 2010). Many feedstock options are available, though corn stover is the most plentiful non-food, noncrop source of biomass in the US, due to corn crops producing the highest volume of residue in comparison to all other major crops (Dupont, 2012). The current supply has been estimated at 75 million tons per year (Roth, 2014). As well, due to the increase in demand of corn and higher 13 crop yields, the level of corn residue has increased as well, though the removal must be sustainable. Solar-Thermal Processing Solar energy is one of the most accessible forms of renewable energy, and the amount available is more than enough to power the entire world, provided it can be harnessed (Clean Technica, n.d.). Currently, the capacity in the United States is 1.75 operating GW, with 2.2 GW in development. Globally, there are 4.7 GW total current operating capacity with 22GW expected by 2025 (Heba Hashem, 2015) . Among the solar energy possibilities, concentrated solar power (CSP) has emerged as the major conversion technology due to many of its unique features and relatively high efficiencies. CSP has the capability to achieve extremely high temperatures and can be integrated with other conventional fossil fuel plants to create hybrid systems. Consequently, a traditional fossil fuel pla t s o e all GHG e issio s a e lo e ed edu i g the fossil fuel input and relying partially on solar. CSP also has the ability for thermal energy storage which allows for extended operation beyond when the sun is radiating energy. A CSP process is constructed to collect the sunlight using heliostat mirrors that concentrate solar energy using compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) to a centrally located tower. This type of concentration allows for temperatures greater than 1000°C, which is beneficial to many reaction systems. Figure 1 shows an aerial view of a solar power tower and heliostat field. Figure 1: Aerial view of solar power tower and heliostat field 14 In the biomass to methanol plant, a renewable energy source was sought to mitigate the use of natural gas and GHG emissions. As well, biomass gasification requires high temperatures in order to avoid tar formation and to increase the conversion to higher energy gases such as CO and H2. CSP was the obvious choice to meet both the high temperature demands and the lowered GHG emissions. 15 IV. Environmental, Health & Safety As in any chemical manufacturing system, it was paramount to consider the effects of the proposed biomass gasification and methanol production plant on the environment and the health and safety of the operators. This process involved a variety of chemical components including reagents, catalysts, and waste products that are toxic, flammable, or highly reactive. Waste treatment or management was considered for all streams exiting from the process. In addition, the simulated process operated at temperatures over 1000°C and pressures up to 80 bar, conditions which can cause serious harm or disaster if not well-controlled and monitored. Accordingly, worst-case scenarios were developed and evaluated. Finally, a life cycle analysis (LCA) was performed to evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed process across its 30-year lifetime on public health and land. Chemical Hazards A summary of all the chemical components present in the system is presented in Table 1 below. Included in this table are the chemical formulas, lower explosion levels (LELs) of each component, their auto-ignition temperatures, important safety hazards, general safety hazards, and the permissible exposure limits (PELs) established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (OSHA, 2011). In the following sections, methodologies to reduce these chemical hazards will be discussed. Table 1: Overview of chemical components in the biomass gasification and methanol production process. OSHA PELs are obtained from (OSHA, 2011) or the indicated source (material safety data sheet, MSDS). GHG = greenhouse gas. *OSHA PELs not considered because the limiting safety factor is the available oxygen in the atmosphere. Component (phase) Chemical formula Biomass fly ash (s) Hydrogen (g) N/A Lower explosion level N/A H2 4 vol% Auto-ignition temperature (°C) Wide range (232-2760) 565.5 Nitrogen (g) N2 Not flammable Not flammable Water (g, l) H2O Not flammable Not flammable Safety and environmental hazards Irritant; solid hazardous waste Flammable, asphyxiant*; none Asphyxiant*; none Slipping; none OSHA PELs (ppm) 6 - None Source (Weyerhaeuser, 2014) (Air Products, 1994) (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1997) (, Inc., 2013) 16 Corn stover biomass (s) Multicomponent 25 g/m3 Hydrogen sulfide (g) H2S 4.3 vol% Dust layer: 215 Dust cloud: 450 270 Methane (g) CH4 1.8 vol% 287 Carbon monoxide (g) CO ≥ 700 Hydrochloric acid (g, aq) HCl Not flammable Not flammable Carbon dioxide (g) CO2 Not flammable Not flammable Ethane (g) C2H6 2.9 vol% N/A Ethylene (g) C2H4 2.7 vol% 450 Nitric oxide (g) NO Not flammable Not flammable Nitrogen dioxide (g) Ammonia (g, aq) NO2 Not flammable 16 vol% Not flammable 651 Zinc oxide (s) ZnO Not flammable Not flammable Zinc sulphide (s) ZnS Not flammable Not flammable Zinc chloride (s) ZnCl Not flammable Not flammable Methyl diethanolamin e (MDEA) (l, aq) Mineral oil CH3N(C2H4O H)2 1.4 vol% 280 Varies N/A N/A NH3 . ol% Explosive, irritant; none 6 (IEA Bioenergy, 2013) Flammable, toxic; toxic to aquatic life Flammable, asphyxiant*; GHG Flammable, toxic; lethal to fish, pollutant Corrosive, toxic, irritant; acidifies water Asphyxiant; GHG 10 (Airgas, 2015) - (Airgas, 2015) Flammable, asphyxiant*; none Flammable, asphyxiant*; none Toxic, oxidizer, irritant, reactive; pollutant Toxic, carcinogen; pollutant Flammable, corrosive, irritant; toxic to aquatic life, pollutant Toxic, irritant; hazardous solid waste - Toxic, irritant, reactive; hazardous solid waste Toxic, corrosive, irritant; hazardous solid waste Irritant; biodegradable, low toxicity to aquatic life Irritant, slightly flammable; hazardous waste 25 (Matheson TriGas, Inc., 2008) 0.3 (, Inc., 2013) 5000 (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1994) (Sigma-Aldritch, 2015) (Airgas, 2015) 25 (Matheson TriGas, Inc., 2008) 1 (Matheson TriGas, Inc., 2008) (Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1999) 25 5 (fume), 6 (particulat e) N/A (, Inc., 2013) 1 (fume), 6 (particulat e) N/A (, Inc., 2013) 5 (mist) (, Inc., 2013) (, Inc., 2013) (Union Carbide Corporation, 2015) 17 From this table and the accompanying MSDS documents, the most serious chemical hazards were evaluated. Many of the chemical components in this process were present in the gas phase, posing hazards regarding the availability of oxygen in the atmosphere on-site. In particular, methane, ethane, ethylene, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide are classified by OSHA as simple asphyxiants. A simple asyphxiant poses a hazard when the amount of available oxygen in the air drops below 10%, which can cause unconsciousness and, in the absence of further action, death by suffocation. If a large process gas leak occurred, this chemical hazard would be a concern. In addition, many of the components involved in the gasification of biomass are highly flammable: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, ethylene, ammonia, and the biomass itself. Since the process gases are at pressures of at least 35 bar, it is unlikely that ambient air would leak into the process. If the gas were exposed to ambient air at the simulated temperatures up to 1450°C, the gas would likely auto-ignite, causing flaming jets of high temperature, high pressure gas to be ejected from the equipment. These jets could start fires in other equipment elsewhere in the plant, severely injure operators, and potentially cause an explosion in other high pressure equipment. In addition, there is a risk of biomass fires occurring. After the corn stover used in the process is unloaded, it is likely to be stored in a silo before pre-processing. Since the biomass is not already dried (25% moisture by mass), there exists a possibility of self-heating by microbial heat generation and exothermic side reactions in ambient air. High temperatures can result at the core of a biomass silo as a result of thermal runaway, ultimately resulting in spontaneous combustion of the biomass material (IEA Bioenergy, 2013). The off-gassing of the moist biomass can also produce flammable compounds such as CO, CH4, and aldehydes. The storage silo can then explode as a result of this volatile mixture reaching high temperatures; an example of a silo explosion can be seen in Figure 2 below. 18 Figure 2: Silo explosion caused by the ignition of biomass off-gasses (IEA Bioenergy, 2013) Many of the components in this process are also harmful to human health, particularly ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. When ammonia is inhaled, it is severely irritating to the lungs. The chemical is also corrosive to the skin and eyes as a gas and an aqueous solution, where it contributes to an overall alkaline solution. Upon inhalation, carbon monoxide can cause suffocation, blood damage, reproductive complications, nerve damage, brain damage, and death. Inhalation of nitrogen oxide is fatal at low concentrations, and eye contact with the chemical causes serious eye damage. Nitrogen dioxide burns mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and lungs and can be fatal if too much is inhaled. Finally, hydrogen sulfide is very toxic to pulmonary tissue and is fatal if inhaled. The biomass can also be harmful, as workers can become exposed to bacteria, spores, or other pathogens living in the pre-dried biomass. O“HA sets sta da ds ega di g o ke s e posu e to ha ful he i als i the o kpla e. Table 1 outlines the permissible exposure limits (PELs) to various chemicals, expressed in parts of compound per million parts of air (ppm). It is also required by OSHA that all chemical containers 19 a e p ope l la elled ith the ide tit of the haza dous chemical and appropriate hazard a i gs a d that M“D“s a e a aila le ith detailed i fo thei effe ts, ho to p e e t e posu e, a d e e ge atio a out he i al haza ds, t eat e t if a e posu e o u s (OSHA, 2014). Finally, an inventory of chemicals present at the facility must be kept current and available for reference. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is required for workers exposed to these chemicals – these specifics will be addressed in the following section. Health and Safety Considerations Operator Safety In order to legally employ operators, engineers, and other staff to run the plant, OSHA dictates that certain minimum safety standards in plant operation and design be met. These regulations are in place to protect employees from hazards in the workplace, as well as provide protections to o ke s i epo ti g these haza ds. It is the e plo e s responsibility to provide certain information to meet OSHA standards (OSHA, 2014). Injury and illness records must be available to employees if these injuries or illnesses are a result of workplace conditions. Workers have the right to exposure data; that is, employers must monitor levels of chemicals or substances regulated by OSHA PELs and provide this data to employees. Finally, workers have the right to thei edi al e o ds, espe iall if a o ke s health has ee affe ted e ause of e posu es at o k (OSHA, 2014). In case of an evacuation of the plant because of a disaster or other safety concern, exit routes must be provided and meet certain OSHA requirements according to the Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 (CFR 29), standard 1910.36 (OSHA, 2012). Exit routes must be permanent and be built out of fire- esista t ate ials. The e it ust e protected by a self-closing fire door that remains closed or automatically closes in an emergency upon the sounding of a fire alarm or employee alarm system (OSHA, 2012). The exit must also be unlocked and have direct, unobstructed access to an open space. For example, the open space can be a street, alley, or walkway. Outdoor exit routes are permitted under standard 1910.36. Occupational noise exposure is an important workplace condition that must be met in industrial settings; CFR 29, standard 1910. 95 outlines some requirements (OSHA, 2012). Table 2 presents 20 permissible noise exposures in duration per day versus sound level in decibels (dB). Proper engineering and PPE should be provided if workers are exposed to sound exceeding these values and durations. Examples of proper PPE include earplugs and noise-cancelling earmuffs. Noise levels must also be monitored with calibrated audiometers and the data recorded. Hearing protectors must also be provided free of charge to the workers. Table 2: Permissible noise exposures (OSHA, 2012) Duration per day, hours Sound level, dB 8 90 6 92 4 95 3 97 2 100 1 1/2 102 1 105 1/2 110 1/4 or less 115 OSHA also regulates the quality and condition of working-walking surfaces within industrial plants, according to CFR 29, standard 1910.22 (OSHA, 2012). These surfaces must be kept clean and dry in order to prevent slips and falls by workers. If the area surrounding process equipment is wet, drainage systems must be installed and dry standing areas must be maintained nearby. Aisles and passageways must be kept clear of debris and clutter. On platforms and ladders, guard rails must be installed to prevent employees and operators from falling from great heights. For equipment operating at high pressures, OSHA requires the installation of pressure relief valves according to CFR 29, standard 1910.101 (OSHA, 2012). These safety measures are implemented to prevent the explosion of vessels in the case of overpressurization. Overpressurization may result from blockage in a line or a larger temperature than expected in a process unit. Pressure monitors equipped with alarms should also be installed in the process to alert operators to rapidly rising pressures. Since this process also uses a variety of flammable 21 chemicals with a possibility for fires, a fire suppression system should be installed throughout the plant and within the biomass silos to prevent flames. Finally, personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn by operators at all times to prevent harm by chemicals, equipment, or operating conditions in the plant. Biomass or fly ash dust clouds may form in the plant, so respirators should be worn at all times. Respirators also prevent the inhalation of solid hazardous waste such as spent zinc oxide catalyst. If there is a process gas leak, self-contained breathing apparatuses should be used to prevent the inhalation of potentially fatal chemicals. Gloves and safety glasses should be worn at all times to prevent injuries to the hands and eyes and block these bodily areas from discharges of chemicals. Chemical goggles should be used upon if there is a process gas leak or if handling pure chemicals or hazardous waste. Protective clothing such as overalls and long sleeves should be worn at all times to prevent chemical exposure and skin injuries. A hard hat should be worn at all times to prevent head injuries from falling equipment. Finally, to prevent the formation of sparks from static charge, anti-static clothing and conductive boots should be worn at all times. With these plant design and PPE enforcements in place, operator safety is enhanced. Licensure and Permits In order to operate a chemical processing facility in unincorporated San Bernardino County, CA, a collection of licensures, permits, and information must be obtained from a variety of federal, state, and county sources. These specifics are outlined in Table 3 below. A Certificate of Disclosure of Hazardous Substances must be obtained from the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA), Hazardous Materials Division within the San Bernardino County Fire Department since hazardous materials are on site; this document is also known as a Business Emergency/Contingency Plan. CUPA also provides hazardous materials and waste generation information. Fire prevention information is supplied by the County of San Bernardino; this authority will provide an inspection of the plant to ensure fire suppression and control systems are being maintained effectively. The Air Quality Management District (AQMD) provides Authority to Construct, Permit to Operate, and Building permits to industrial projects that emit air emissions in the county. AQMD also provides Certificates of Occupancy. Since preliminary hazardous waste treatment is done in the proposed plant, a Hazardous Waste Facility Permit 22 will be required from the Department of Toxic Substance Control. A State EPA ID Number is e ui ed f o the Depa t e t of To i “u sta es Co t ol fo usi esses that generate, surrender to be transported, transport, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste (California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development [GO-Biz], 2015). Since wastewater will be discharged after treatment, an Industrial Activities Storm Water General Permit must be obtained from the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA). Cal/EPA also sets Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs). The Department of Industrial Relations provides Occupational Safety and Health Information for businesses to use to develop an Injury and Illness Prevention Plan. The Depa t e t of I dust ial ‘elatio s also p o ides Wo ke s Compensation Information. The Employment Development Department provides registration forms for employers that pay over $100.00 in wages to one or more employees. The Franchise Tax Board provides state income tax information and forms. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the U.S. Department of Treasury for all employers for income tax purposes. Employees are required to submit Proof of Residency forms to demonstrate proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. Finally, a Title V Air Permit is required for any facility that emits large quantities of nitrogen oxides, or operates in a state subject to federal Acid Rain regulations. (Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2015). Table 3: Summary table of permits, licenses, and information eeded fo a Che i al o Pai t Fo ulatio usi ess i unincorporated San Bernardino county, California (California Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development [GO-Biz], 2015) Licensure, permit, or information needed Certificate of Disclosure of Hazardous Substances Hazardous Materials/Waste Generation Fire Prevention Information/Inspection Authority to Construct/Permit to Operate Certificate of Occupancy/Building Permit Hazardous Waste Facility Permit State EPA ID Number Industrial Activities Storm Water General Permit Waste Discharge Requirements Distributing authority San Bernardino County Fire Department Level of government County San Bernardino County Fire Department County of San Bernardino Air Quality Management District Air Quality Management District Department of Toxic Substances Control Department of Toxic Substances Control California Environmental Protection Agency California Environmental Protection Agency County County Regional Regional State State State State 23 Occupational Safety and Health Information Workers' Compensation Information Registration Forms for Employers State Income Tax Information Employer Identification Number (EIN or SSN) Proof of Residency Requirement Title V Permit Department of Industrial Relations State Department of Industrial Relations Employment Development Department Franchise Tax Board U.S. Department of Treasury State State State Federal U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service California Environmental Protection Agency Federal Federal? Environmental Considerations One of the largest goals in the proposed biomass gasification for methanol production process was to utilize a renewable energy source to provide the high temperatures needed in the gasification reactor rather than burn fossil fuels. However, there were other environmental considerations that were taken into account to evaluate the environmental impact of the plant, including individual chemical considerations, possible chemical spills, greenhouse gases, and waste disposal. Greenhouse gas emissions over the lifetime of the plant were considered in a life cycle analysis (LCA). Some of the chemicals given in Table 1 are listed as hazardous by the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA). These hazardous materials were classified as characteristic hazardous wastes or used oils. The characteristic wastes are classified as such if they exhibit a of the fou to i it ha a te isti s of a haza dous aste ig ita ilit , o osi it , ea ti it , a d a d a e gi e i Table 4 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control, 2014). An ignitable substance is one that can cause a fire, spontaneously combust, or has a flash point less than 60°C. Corrosive substances are materials that produce acidic or alkaline solutions (pH < 2 o pH > . o o ditio . To i o ode etal sto age o tai e s. ‘ea ti e astes a e u sta le u de ate ials a e ha e tai ful o fatal [to fish o hu a s] when ingested or a so ed. Fi all , used oil efe s to a oil that has ee efi ed f o ude oil, o a synthetic oil that has been used and, as a result of use, is contaminated with physical or he i al i pu ities (California Department of Toxic Substances Control, 2014). 24 Table 4: Classification of hazardous waste components in the biomass gasification for methanol production process. Chemicals from Table 1 are classified according to their characteristic waste codes or their status as a used oil. Chemical (I) (R) (C) (T) Used oil Biomass fly ash Hydrogen Nitrogen Water Corn stover biomass Hydrogen sulfide Methane Carbon monoxide Hydrochloric acid Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethylene Nitric oxide Nitrogen dioxide Ammonia Zinc oxide Zinc sulphide Zinc chloride MDEA Mineral oil X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X After classifying these streams as hazardous waste, the waste disposal of these streams was considered. A table of all of the outlet streams from the process is given in Table 5 below. Two of these streams were immediately flared: Waste Vap and PURGE. These streams are purged because the products of their combustions are not hazardous. Two more streams require some treatment before being flared: Light HC and Acid Gas. These streams will be passed over zinc oxide (ZnO) to react all the hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) according to Equation (79) as presented in the Zinc-Oxide Reactor equipment design section, then the streams are flared. In this way, harmful sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions can be avoided, and HCl will not be emitted to the atmosphere. The amount of ammonia to be flared is small compared to the outlet mass flow rate to be flared, and syngas burns with a lean flame and a combustion speed u h ui ke tha atu al gas (U.S. Department of Energy, 2006). So, it was determined to be acceptable to flare ammonia, despite the nitrogen oxide emissions. 25 Table 5: Summary of all outlet streams from the proposed process with compounds that are hazardous, sorted by simulation. Components with mole fractions less than 1E-7 are not included. Stream Simulation Mass flow rate (lb/hr) Composition (wt%) Phase Waste disposal method Bottoms HYSYS (MeOH) 6037 H2O: 0.9524 MeOH: 0.0476 Liquid Modified LuckEttinger process, then discharged as wastewater Waste Vap HYSYS (MeOH) 126.5 H2: 0.0193 CH4: 0.0363 C2H4: 0.0001 N2: 0.0483 H2O: 0.0125 CO: 0.3085 CO2: 0.0024 MeOH: 0.5725 Vapor Flared Light HC HYSYS (Acid Gas) 1.316 H2O: 0.0117 CO2: 0.1359 H2S: 0.0015 CH4: 0.0087 CO: 0.7370 H2: 0.0984 N2: 0.0068 Vapor Passed over ZnO, then flared Acid Gas HYSYS (Acid Gas) 1317 H2O: 0.6201 CO2: 0.3729 H2S: 0.0046 CO: 0.0011 NH3: 0.0012 H2: 0.0001 Vapor Passed over ZnO, then flared Purge HYSYS (Acid Gas) 616.9 MDEA: 0.4500 H2O: 0.5262 HCl: 0.0238 Liquid Passed over ZnO, then recycled into amine scrubbing system QNCH-H2O Aspen PLUS 59227.1 All H2O Liquid Released as steam to the atmosphere SLDWASTE Aspen PLUS 226.878 All Ash Solid Sold AQ-WASTE Aspen PLUS 2141.34 H2O: 0.99915 H2S: 1.3E-6 NH3: 0.00084 CO2: 4E-6 Liquid Modified LuckEttinger process, then discharged ACIDS Aspen PLUS See HYSYS 26 ZN-SOLID Aspen PLUS 0.336905 ZnS: 1.0000, trace ZnCl Solid Solid hazardous waste PURGE Aspen PLUS 3141.47 N2: 0.05385 MeOH: 0.04060 C2H4: 0.00002 H2O: 0.00145 H2: 0.11288 CO: 0.77194 CO2: 0.00029 CH4: 0.01896 Vapor Flared The final waste products zinc chloride (ZnCl) and zinc sulfide (ZnS) are disposed of as solid hazardous waste. The solid waste stream ZN-SOLID is also disposed of as solid hazardous waste. The amount of ZnO required to react with the HCl and H2S in each of solid waste streams was determined by assuming 100% conversation of the gases and is given in Table 6. This analysis yielded a total amount of 112,612 kg/yr needed of ZnO and 163,206 kg/yr of solid waste for disposal. This solid waste will be placed into a satellite accumulation area on-site and routinely taken to a waste disposal and treatment center (EPA, 2012). The waste solid ash from SLDWASTE can be sold as fly ash to a concrete producer for $0.012/lb (The Aberdeen Group, 1985). The excess quench water from the QNCH-H2O stream will be emitted as steam to the atmosphere. Table 6: ZnO catalyst needed for waste treatment. ZnO costs $0.20/kg, and it costs $0.31/kg of solid waste for disposal. Assumes 8000 hr/yr of operation. Stream Mass flow rate of ZnO needed Mass flow rate of ZnS + Cost of disposal of ZnO (kg/hr) ZnCl2 (kg/hr) and waste disposal ($/hr) Light HC 0.004 0.004 0.002 Acid Gas 6.51 7.80 3.72 Purge 7.43 12.45 5.35 ZN-SOLID 0.128 0.153 0.073 TOTAL 14.1 20.4 9.14 112,612 163,206 73,120 TOTAL (per yr) To treat the remaining wastewater, a single-process wastewater treatment process called the Modified Luck-Ettinger (MLE) process will be used (Exponent, 2012). MLE is a simple process that utilizes two steps to remove nitrogen from wastewater – a simplified schematic is given in 27 Figure 3 below. The first step is the feeding of nitrogenated wastewater (AQ-WASTE) to an alkaline anoxic tank, where bacteria take ammonia and oxidize it to nitrates; this process is called denitrification. The bacteria needed reside in municipal waste, which is assumed to be readily available from Daggett nearby. In MLE, an additional carbon source is needed; in this process, the methanol waste stream Bottoms supplies this additional carbon. This decision makes sense because the methanol is relatively dilute, reducing the toxicity of the methanol to the bacteria. These nitrates and the added methanol are then consumed by heterotrophic bacteria in nitrification, which emit the reduced nitrogen from the nitrates as nitrogen (N2) gas, which is inert and not hazardous. A clarifier then removes the waste activated sledge (WAS) from the effluent wastewater, which is disposed as municipal waste. Some of the WAS is recycled to the process as recycled activated sledge (RAS). The large benefit of MLE in the scope of the proposed process is that MLE consumes some of the methanol and ammonia hazardous waste at the same time. The overall nitrification reaction is given in Equations (14) and (15) below. The overall denitrification reaction is given in Equation (16) below. + − + + � → − + − → → + + + − + + (14) (15) + − (16) Figure 3: Simplified schematic of the Modified Luck-Ettinger (MLE) process for the denitrogenation of wastewater (Exponent, 2012). 28 Worst-Case Scenarios When designing any chemical processing plant, it is critical to evaluate the worst-case scenarios that could occur in order to design ways to prevent disaster. In this section, a few possible scenarios were considered. First, a leak of high-pressure process gases could occur, as discussed earlier. Gas monitors and alarms should be installed throughout the plant in order to detect the presence of H2 or CO gas in the atmosphere, as this would indicate a leak in the process equipment. From there, the plant would be evacuated to ensure safety of the operators and engineers. If the leak occurred in a unique piece of process equipment, the process would be shut down by defocusing the heliostat mirrors off of the solar tower and shutting off the regenerative natural gas burner in the solar reactor. To avoid shutdown of the whole process, redundant lines could be installed throughout the process. In the event of a leak, valves at either end of a redundant line could be opened to divert flow away from the leaky pipe. The leaky pipe would then be shut off from the system by closing the valves and repaired. The quench tank serves an integral role in quenching the gasification reaction by drastically lowering the temperature of the solar reactor effluent from 1450°C to 120°C. If cooling water flow to the quench tank were to suddenly stop, the very hot process gas would flow further into the process, damaging many pieces of equipment not designed to withstand temperatures over 1000°C. To avoid this occurrence, multiple pumps of the same specifications of the one feeding cooling water to the quench tank could be purchased and installed in parallel. One of these pumps could be used if another were to malfunction or break. Temperature sensors should be installed in the piping downstream from the quench tank to detect its possible malfunction. As mentioned before, biomass fires could occur in storage silos. Self-heating of biomass can cause the internal temperature of the biomass to reach upwards of 400°C, causing a fire to ignite. Figure 4 shows the progress of a silo fire over 30 hours. At 30 hours, the fire begins to be extinguished with inert gas. This figure demonstrates the importance of placing thermocouples at the center of the biomass silo in order to detect the higher temperatures present in a silo fire. A fire suppression system should be installed at the bottom of any storage silo to extinguish the biomass with inert gas in case of a fire. 29 Figure 4: Visualizatio of the easu ed te pe atu es i side a o k-up silo, 1 m diameter and 6 m height. The smoldering fire was triggered in the middle of the silo and then allowed to develop freely which resulted in a slow fire spread downwards in the silo. The combustion gases did not reach the top of the silo until about 20 hours. After about 30 hours, inert gas was applied th ough the otto of the silo whi h esulted i a fast edu tio of the s olde i g i te sity (IEA Bioenergy, 2013). Finally, the exothermic reaction present in one of the three methanol synthesis reactors could go out of control if the cooling water to the cooling coils within the vessel were to abate. The temperature in the system would rise, eventually causing the system to overheat and perhaps fail. To explore this idea further, an approximate adiabatic temperature rise was calculated for one reactor. The methanol reactors are filled 25/26 of the way with a slurry of mineral oil (Witco-40 oil) and catalyst. If the catalyst volume is assumed to be negligible, the volume of the reactor filled with oil � is calculated as follows with Equation (17): � where =( ) (17) is the volume of all three reactors combined. The found with using the heat capacity and density , � � � , � of the oil can then be of mineral oil (Engineering Toolbox, n.d.) (, Inc., 2013). This calculation is shown in Equation (18) below: � It was assumed that all of the heat duty , � � � , � (18) of the reactor that would normally be removed by the cooling coils goes into the mineral oil. The be negligible. The reactant gas = value of the solid catalyst was assumed to was calculated using values from Aspen PLUS and dividing 30 the ass flo ate the ea to eside e ti e τ, which was found using Excel and Polymath during the reactor design (see Appendix III-F). This value was calculated along with Table 7 below and was found to be 69. Therefore, the greater than that of the gas, so the � , � in value for the oil is substantially value of the gas can be neglected. Therefore, the energy balance for this simplified system is given in Equation (19) as follows: where = � (19) , � is the temperature of the reactor and is the time after the cooling coils stop functioning. Separating and integrating Equation (19) yields Equation (20): where = = = + � (20) , � ℎ . A plot of Equation (20) with Excel can be seen in ___. From this plot, it was determined that the mineral oil does a good job of diluting any temperature runaway that may occur in the operation of this reactor. It was noted that this analysis did not take into account the change in reaction rate with temperature. However, the small temperature changes per minute that occur in this analysis show that there would exist a large amount of time to detect problems with the cooling coils via thermocouples installed in the reactor. Flow meters installed in the pipes leading to the cooling coils and temperature could also detect shutdown of the coils. To avoid this occurrence, multiple pumps should be installed in parallel to feed the cooling coils with water. The adiabatic temperature rise calculations can be found in Appendix I-D. Table 7: Calculation of parameters for the simplified adiabatic methanol reactor energy balance Computation of temperature of reactor versus time Total volume 1094.027 m3 Volume of one reactor 364.6757 m3 Volume of oil 350.6497 m3 Density of oil 0.838 838 Total mass of oil Heat capacity of oil 293844.4 1.67 g/mL kg/m3 kg kJ/kg-K 31 mCp of oil 490720.2 kJ/K Mass flow rate of gas 49033.97 kg/hr Heat capacity of gas 7.226894 kJ/kg-K Residence time of gas 0.02 hr mCp of gas 7087.266 kJ/K Heat duty of reactor 6.61E+07 kJ/hr 2.20E+07 kJ/hr/reactor Initial reactor temperature 210 483.15 °C K Simplified MeOH Reactor Temperature vs. Time 300 T (°C) 280 260 240 220 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 t (min) Figure 5: Plot of reactor temperature (in °C) versus time (in min) Life Cycle Analysis A life cycle assessment (LCA) identifies, measures, and evaluates the environmental impact of e e stage of a p odu t s life a o di g to the i te atio al sta da ds set fo th ithi I“O 14040. These standards dictate the four stages to be analyzed in an LCA are: Goal and Scope Definition, Inventory Analysis, and LCIA (life cycle impact assessment) and Interpretation. Goal and Scope Definition The goal of this LCA is to identify the environmental impacts of building and operating a solar thermal biomass to methanol plant over the entirety of its operation, and then quantifying this impact in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, namely carbon dioxide, and other influential factors. The LCA should be an integral part of the decision making process when 32 developing a new plant to ensure long term and short term public and land health and safety issues are being addressed properly. The plant operates with corn stover as the feedstock input, solar thermal, electricity, and natural gas as the energy inputs, utilities as commodity inputs, and carbon dioxide, CO2, emissions as the main output. An inventory analysis was performed on inputs and outputs for pre-processing, gasification, and methanol purification, as well as a collective analysis over the lifetime of the plant. Input data was generated from Aspen PLUS, the U.S Lifecycle Inventory Database, and other resources. Figure 6 illustrates the system boundary used in this LCA. The pre-processing unit inventory analysis involves analyzing the impact of the feedstock agriculture, transportation, and CO2 absorption. By tracing the feedstock to its source, assuming the corn is grown in Nevada, IA, the transportation emissions can be estimated. Land use, fertilizer use and the resulting emissions were quantified as well and explained in detail in the inventory analysis. Energy inputs to the plant include solar thermal energy, natural gas, and electricity, with outputs being GHG emissions. Indirect effects, such as utility usage, are not considered in this analysis. 33 Figure 6: System boundary for LCA for biomass to methanol plant Inventory Analysis The pre-processing unit uses corn stover as the biomass feedstock. The analysis of this product assesses direct influences, such as CO2 emissions from transportation and CO2 absorption of corn. As well, other factors were evaluated, such as the land use to grow the crop and fertilizer needed for agriculture and the resulting emissions. A report from Iowa State University cites the yield of corn stover to be 2.1 dry tons/acre (Zhang, Yanan, 2014). The biomass plant requires an input of 82,000 tons/yr of feedstock, which equates to 39,048 acres of land/year to 34 provide enough corn stover to fuel the plant. When corn stover is used in biofuels production, the entirety of the crop is depleted. Otherwise, the majority of the crop residue is left on the fields to naturally replenish the soil with key elements such as nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K). Using all of the corn stover residue will require farmers to purposely replenish the land with lost nutrients. Replacement rates for N, P, and K fertilizers were calculated by Argonne Laboratory and are as follows: 7700 g N, 873 g P, and 9957 g K per 1 ton of removed corn stover (Argonna National Laboratory, n.d.). The results of these calculations are displayed in Table 8. Table 8: Environmental factors from the waste feedstock Factor Amount Unit Land use 39,048 Acres land/year Fertilizer added - Nitrogen 6.31x108 g N/year Fertilizer added - Phosphorous 7.16x107 g P/year Fertilizer added - Potassium 8.16x108 g K/year N2O emission from added fertilizer 8.37x106 g N2O/year NO emission from added fertilizer 4.10x108 g NO/year Further, the CO2 emissions resulting in the transportation of the corn stover to the plant was evaluated from Nevada, IA to Daggett, CA. Iowa is the largest producer of corn in the United States, and thus feedstock originating in Iowa is a fair assumption. It was also assumed the feedstock travels by a diesel powered train, as that is commonly used to transport freight (Association of American Railroads, 2015). Train capacity varies substantially, anywhere from 1,000 to upwards of 20,000 tons. Frequency of travel would depend on the yield of corn stover per crop per season, and how long corn stover can be stored after cultivation. BNSF reports 1 ton of freight is capable of travelling 423 miles on 1 gallon of diesel fuel (BNSF). After taking into consideration an annual plant input of corn stover of 82,000 tons with a distance traveled of ~1600 miles (from Nevada, IA to Daggett, CA), an approximate amount of CO2 emissions from transportation fuel can be calculated. Michigan State University cites corn as having a tremendous potential to remove carbon dioxide, upwards in the amount of 0.57 kg CO2/1 kg 35 corn stover (Michigan State University, 2007). The amount of CO2 absorbed by the required amount of feedstock for the plant was assessed as well. The results of these calculations are displayed in Table 9. Table 9: CO2 emissions and absorbance due to transportation to plant and CO2 absorption Feedstock lb CO2/year lb CO2/30 years (lifetime) Transportation to plant 7.03x106 2.11x108 CO2 absorption from corn 9.33x107 2.8x109 The electrical energy and natural gas (if applicable) inputs for each section of the plant (preprocessing, gasification, and purification) along with subsequent CO2 emissions were assessed. Natural gas is an input only in the gasification section to supply additional power to the hybrid solar reactors. Using the assumptions given of 1.8 lb CO2/1 kWh electricity, 15 lb CO2/100 ft3 natural gas delivered, and 117 lb CO2/1 million BTU released on combustion, the CO2 emitted from each section was calculated and summed. The CO2 absorbance of corn stover was subtracted from this to estimate the total plant CO2 emissions. A comparison of total emissions of the proposed hybrid biomass plant (type I) to a typical methanol production plant was assessed. The Methanol Institute cites typical methanol plant emissions from fossil fuels as 1000kg CO2 per 2000lb methanol produced (Methanol Institute, n.d.). For an annual production of 58.3 million gallons of methanol, this equates to 1.18x1010 lb CO2 over the lifetime of the plant. This was also compared to a biomass plant with only solar inputs (type II). The results of these calculations are in Table 10. Table 10: CO2 emissions yearly and annually for various plant types Type of Plant lb CO2/year lb CO2/30 years (lifetime) Typical plant (fossil fuels) 3.93x108 1.18x1010 Biomass type I 2.16x108 3.68x109 Natural Gas 1.26x108 3.79x109 Electricity 8.97x107 2.69x109 CO2 Absorption -9.33x107 -2.8x109 36 Biomass type II -3.57x106 -1.07x108 Difference: typical vs biomass type I 1.77x108 8.09x109 Difference: Biomass type I vs type II 2.2x108 3.79x109 Impact Assessment and Interpretation The inventory analysis confirms many factors need to be taken into consideration before using waste biomass in a conversion to methanol plant. Farmers will have to address the issue of fertilizer replacement, especially with low crop-yield seasons. This adds cost to their business that may or may not be well-received. Interestingly, ash from the biomass gasification process can be used as a fertilizer. This could present a possible solution for farmers. As well, modern farming practices allow for more sustainable methods to retain soil nutrients, which might be necessary if this becomes an issue with farmers. The CO2 absorbance from the biomass more than outweighs the CO2 emittance from the transportation of the feedstock to the plant, though this CO2 absorbance would likely rather be used as a carbon credit in the plant economics. Thus, the transportation CO2 emissions has an environmental impact that would need to be addressed. Utilizing larger capacity trains to travel less often could potentially lessen the transportation emissions. As well, as fuel cell and battery technology advances, converting the shipment to advanced technology, carbon free vehicles would mitigate this issue entirely. On comparison of CO2 emissions for a typical methanol plant and the proposed biomass hybrid plant (type I), the latter cuts emissions by more than half. This is a substantial difference in GHG emissions, though even more so if the reactor were to operate completely on solar. Biomass type II plant would, theoretically, operate completely on solar without the need of natural gas, perhaps through the use of thermal energy storage. Negating the use of natural gas alone allows the plant to have negative carbon emissions, when including the CO2 absorbance in the overall emissions calculation. Type I was also compared to type II, and the difference in emissions was still on the order of 108. This calculation confirms the use of natural gas still contributes substantially to the GHG emissions, though natural gas cuts CO2 emissions ~50% versus coal (US Energy Information Administration, n.d.). 37 V. Project Premises Included in the scope of this project are four systems working in tandem to produce high quality methanol from waste biomass. The first system is a biomass pre-processing section modeled in SuperPro Designer which dries, grinds, and pressurizes corn stover biomass. The second system is modeled in Aspen PLUS. The biomass is converted to syngas, which passes through many clean-up steps and is converted into methanol. The third system is the modelling of one of these clean-up steps in Aspen HYSYS: an amine scrubbing system which removes H2S and CO2 from the syngas. The fourth system is a post-processing operation modeled in Aspen HYSYS to purify the methanol product. These systems combined constitute the methanol production plant. The methanol production plant was designed to continuously produce 58,300,000 US gallons of 99.97 mol% of methanol per year. Slight excess of methanol was produced to account for unforeseen major maintenance issues that could cut into production time. In this manner, the u e s suppl ould ha e li ited i te uptio s o e the ou se of the pla t s lifeti e, if a at all. It was assumed that all raw materials are available at 100% purity. This plant was designed to be a new g ass oots pla t, so the osts of la d, site p epa atio , royalties, and other related expenses were considered. The plant was planned to be constructed and operate in Daggett, California, which is located in unincorporated San Bernardino County. It was assumed that all utilities, such as cooling water, steam, electricity, wastewater systems, and compressed air are readily available from nearby industrial sites. Other assumptions and specifications unique to each system are outlined below. Design Biomass Pre-Processing Access to preheated dry air at 120°C and 1.013 bar assumed Access to nitrogen gas at 25°C and 35 bar assumed Dryer provides an evaporation rate of 20 (kg/hr)/m3 Power Requirements: o Shredder: 47 kW/(kg feed/s) with 0% power dissipation to heat 38 o Hammermill grinder: 130 kW/(kg feed/s) o Lockhopper: 490 kW/m3, adiabatic operation, 5% nitrogen leaks to gasifier and the remainder is vented by the hopper o The required particle size distribution is met with the given power inputs Biomass Gasification and Methanol Production Fluids package: RK-Soave with unconventional components Processed biomass enters the system at 90°C and 35 bar Gasification reactor modeled as decomposition of biomass into elemental forms fed into an equilibrium (Gibbs) reactor 1/3 of the duty of gasification provided by concentrated solar power, 2/3 provided by natural gas burners Conversion of biomass in gasification reactor assumed to be 100% o Kinetics modeled in Excel Conversion of H2S and HCl in ZnO reactor assumed to be 100% o Kinetics modeled in Excel Conversion of CO and CO2 in methanol reactor assumed to be 45% o Kinetics modeled in Polymath Catalyst in methanol reactor is Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 in slurry phase with Witco-40 mineral oil Efficiency of solid separations (cyclones) assumed to be 100% Pressure drops through piping and equipment assumed to be negligible All water and natural gas streams fed at 25°C Amine Scrubbing Fluids package: Acid Gas Cleaning Specified to reduce the concentration of H2S in sweetened syngas to <1 ppm Methanol Purification Fluids package: Peng-Robinson Final product volume calculated at a methanol density of 735 kg/m3 at 80°C (The Engineering Toolbox, n.d.) 39 Economics Bare module cost method used to determine project capital cost o Whe i stalled used i assu ptio s he e, a e odule fa to is Base cost of heliostats is $126/m2, installed Base cost of secondary concentrator mirror area estimated at 10X heliostat cost per m 2 ($1260/m2), installed Base cost of solar tower (installed) in 2015 given by Equation (21) as follows, where ℎ is the height in m: = . , + . . (21) Cost of natural gas: $2/1000 SCF (standard cubic feet) Cost of biomass: $60/metric ton delivered by railcar on a dry basis Cost of ZnO and methanol catalyst: $5/kg catalyst Value/cost of 450 psig (high pressure) steam: $17.29/1000 kg Value/cost of 150 psig (medium pressure) steam: $12.57/1000 kg Value/cost of 50 psig (low pressure) steam: $7.86/1000 kg Price of cooling water: $0.019/m3 Refrigeration, -150°F: $15/GJ Refrigeration, -90°F: $12.21/GJ Refrigeration, -30°F: $9.43/GJ Refrigeration, 10°F: $6.57/GJ Chilled water, 40°F: $4.71/GJ Wastewater and solid hazardous waste treatment: $0.31/kg contaminant removed Landfill: $0.19/dry kg Cost of land: $1000/acre SiC tubes for the solar reactor are 6 inches in I.D., ¾ inch thick, and up to 20 m long SiC tubes costed as follows (email communication with Prof. Weimer): o First reactor tube costs $1M, each other tube after first costs $300,000 40 Cost of alumina insulation, metal containment shell, and secondary concentrator are all installed 5 yr MACR depreciation Cost of borrowed money (interest on capital) is 10% Operation is 24 hr/day for 333 days/yr (8000 hr/yr) Plant capacity is 50% in year 1, 75% in year 2, and 100% thereafter Lifetime of the plant is 30 years Construction period of the plant is 1 year Contingency is 15% Inflation is 1.9% throughout plant life for all considerations Effective tax rate is 38.9% Insurance and local taxes is 2% Total fixed cost used in cash flow calculations Cost of labor (annual wages per operator) is $104k/operator/shift (includes all overhead) 41 VI. Approach Hand Calculations Heat of Reactions: Cellulose and Steam Heat of Reaction at 25°C The first hand calculation conducted in the approach calculations determines the heat of reaction (∆ ), when cellulose is reacted with steam. In order to obtain this value, the following reaction was provided: + → + (22) ), which is − This equation has a known heat of combustion (∆ . / at 25°C. Using this equation, the enthalpy of cellulose can be back calculated. The heat of combustion is the difference between the enthalpies of the products and the enthalpies of the reactants multiplied by their stoichiometric coefficients: ∆ =[ + � � ]−[ + � ] (23) Here, the enthalpies of carbon dioxide, water and oxygen gas at 25°C can be found in species reference tables, such as those in Pe y’s Che i al E gi ee i g Ha d ook. With these values, the only unknown is the enthalpy of cellulose, . cellulose was determined to be / . By this method, the enthalpy of . In order to determine the heat of reaction of cellulose when reacted with steam, the chemical formula for this desired reaction is given: + → + (24) Using the enthalpy of cellulose, the heat of reaction at 25°C can be found by once again taking the difference between the products and reactants: ∆ =[ � + � ]−[ + By this method, the heat of reaction at 25°C was determined to be − � ] . (25) / . 42 Heat of Reaction at 1450°C In order to calculate the heat of reaction at high temperature, the enthalpies of the reactants and products involved in the reaction must first be raised to their values at that temperature. This is achieved by integrating the constant pressure heat capacities of each product and reagent across the observed temperature increase: =∫ (26) After this integration has been performed on each product and reagent, Equation (25) is used again, and the heat of reaction is obtained. At 1450°C, the heat of reaction for the decomposition of cellulose in the presence of steam was found to be − . / . Detailed analyses of these calculations can be found in Appendix I-A: Approach Calculations. Heat of Reaction: Lignin and Steam The determination of the heat of reaction of lignin in the presence of steam at 25°C and 1450°C was accomplished by the same method used to find the heat of reaction of cellulose in the presence of steam. By these calculations, it was determined that the decomposition of lignin in the presence of steam at 25°C had a heat of reaction of − reaction at 1450°C had a heat of reaction of − . / . / , while the same . A detailed description of the calculations performed in order to achieve these values is available in Appendix I-A: Approach Calculations. Waste Biomass Feed Estimation In order to estimate the amount of biomass required as system feed, the number of moles of biomass produced on a per hour basis was divided by the 45% conversion of the methanol reactor while ignoring the recycle streams. Knowing that one mole of CO was produced per mole of biomass reacted, and that one mole of methanol was produced per mole of CO reacted in the methanol reactor led to an initial guess of the moles of CO required in total. The project description stated the optimal molar ratio of H2 to CO was 2, and that the steam methane reforming reaction would lead to a 3:1 mole ratio of H2:CO per mole of methane reacted. The 43 final piece of given information was the weight percent of the three components fed to the reactor, as shown in Table 11. Table 11. Weight percent of cellulose, lignin, and ash in the feed gas. wt% Cellulose 73.36% wt% Lignin 23.34% wt% Ash 1.18% The first step in the calculation was to convert the percent mass composition to a mole percent composition. This was done by taking a basis of 100g and using the molecular weights of each component to determine the number of moles that would be present, then dividing each component by the total number of moles. The results of this calculation are summarized in Table 12. Table 12. Mole percent results from hand calculation. mol% Cellulose 75.21% mol% Lignin 21.53% mol% Ash 3.26% Once the mole percent of the feed biomass was determined, stoichiometry was used to determine the H2:CO ratio produced by biomass gasification. The results of this calculation were that 1.067 moles of H2 were produced per mole of CO that was produced. Knowing that 2 moles of Hydrogen per mole of carbon monoxide was the goal, an iteration was set up to determine the fraction of CO produced by biomass, knowing that the fraction of CO produced by hydrogen would be the difference between 1 and the fraction of CO produced by biomass. This iteration was checked by ensuring that the overall moles of H2 produced was twice that of the overall moles of CO produced. Once the mole fraction of fed methane and fed biomass was determined, the total moles of CO produced was used to calculate the feed rates of biomass and methane to the reactor using a one-to-one ratio of moles CO produced to moles biomass or methane reacted. 44 Theoretical Energy Requirement for Solar-Thermal Reactor The final step in the approach calculations is to determine the theoretical energy requirement for the solar-thermal reactor. In order to do this, the power required to raise the temperatures of the biomass, methane and steam to 1450°C is calculated. These calculations are accomplished by integrating the constant pressure heat capacities of each component across the desired temperature change, as shown in Equation (26). For lignin and cellulose, the change in enthalpy for each component is added to ∆ for each reaction, respectively. This value is then multiplied by the given molar flowrate of each component in order to obtain the power required to heat, and recovered from reacting, a given biomass substrate. This power can then be converted to kW. This procedure is repeated independently for lignin, cellulose, steam and methane. The individual power requirements for each component as well as the total estimated power provided by the reactor are provided in the following table. Detailed calculations used to obtain these values are present in Appendix I-A: Approach Calculations. Table 13. Summary of power input/output for solar-thermal reactor. Component Power Input / Output (+/-) Cellulose -54046 kW Lignin -23432.7 kW Steam 17131.8 kW Methane 25341.6 kW Total: -35005.5 kW 45 VII. Process Flow Diagrams with Material & Energy Balances Below are the process flow diagrams (PFD) with associated material and energy balances for the pre-processing, gasification, amine scrubbing, and post-processing sections. Detailed material and energy balance calculations can be found in Appendix I-B. Images for all of the simulations may be found in Appendix III-A through Appendix III-D. Biomass Pre-Processing Process Description and PFD Shown below in Figure 7 is the process flow diagram for the biomass pre-processing simulation. This section is the first stage of the entire process, where the corn stover bales are made ready for the gasification reactions that will occur further in the system. Figure 7: Pre-processing section PFD 46 The feed enters at point S-101 at room temperature and pressure, where it is conveyed on a rolling belt system to the first stage of pre-processing. The process begins with 2.55 x 104 corn stover with a composition shown below in Table 14. ℎ of Table 14: Composition of Biomass Mixture with Pure Components Component Name Mass % 1 Ash 0.8700 2 Carbon 38.3920 3 Chlorine 0.0380 4 Hydrogen 4.5600 5 Nitrogen 0.1500 6 Oxygen 30.9750 7 Sulfur 0.0150 8 Water 25.0000 The stage 1 shredder will do the initial size reduction such that the corn stover is no larger than � . in diameter. This is necessary before entering the dryer as trying to dry an uncut bale is too time- and energy-intensive. The material is then moved via rolling conveyer to a direct-air rotary drum dryer system that will reduce the moisture content from 25% to 6.25%. This operation is done to prevent excess water from entering the solar reactor as well as to reduce complications in the later grinding stage where the excess moisture can clump and block the grinder and lock-hopper. The 2.55 × 104 ℎ of air enters at point S-102 at 120°C and exits at point S-104 at 90°C. The remaining biomass enters the stage 2 grinder, P-3 / GR-101 Grinding, which was designed as a hammer mill. This unit reduces the size of the particles to that necessary for the gasification reaction as well as pressurization in the lock-hopper and the size distribution is shown below in Table 15. 47 Table 15: Biomass Particle Size Distribution from Hammer Mill. Size Interval Lower Limit (� Size Interval Upper Limit (� ) Weight Fraction Biomass Particles 100 120 0 120 140 .1 140 160 .2 160 180 .3 180 200 .4 The biomass then flows via pneumatic conveyance to the lock-hopper. Pneumatic conveyance was used to prevent particles of this size to be lost from the system. The lock-hopper, P-4 / HP101, is capable of pressurizing the biomass to 35.0 bar, which is necessary to achieve the partial pressures inside the solar reactor. This is achieved by adding 2.55 x 103 ℎ nitrogen at 35.0 bar and 25°C in the bottom section of the lock-hopper. 95% of the nitrogen is bled from the system and 5% of the nitrogen leaks into the biomass being fed to the solar reactor. This was modeled in the PFD by P-5 / CSP-101 Component Splitting. After this step, the biomass is successfully dried, sized, and pressurized as required by the system. The final feed to the solar reactor leaves via S-110 at 85.59°C and 35.0 bar with a flowrate of 2.05 x 104 Material Balances ℎ . An atomic material balance was carried out on the biomass pre-processing section to ensure closure of the system. Using Equation (27) below where A is some atomic species and there is no generation, Table 16 was generated. ∑ ̇ ,� −∑ ̇ , + � = � (27) Table 16: Atomic balance around the biomass pre-processing section Atomic Species In Out Accumulation (lbmol/hr) (lbmol/hr) (lbmol/hr) Ash 1.11111 1.11111 0 Carbon 816.4497 816.4497 0 Chlorine 0.13689 0.13689 0 Hydrogen 1286.683 1286.683 0 48 Nitrogen 1351.599 1351.599 -0.00042 Oxygen 936.3302 936.3298 .000426 Sulfur 0.11949 0.11949 0 From the energy balance, the system appears to be closed, and the only slight deviation is in nitrogen and oxygen, which is most likely due to the number of significant digits used in the mol% calculation in air. The error was insignificant, and the system is considered closed. Heat Duty Energy inputs and outputs were analyzed for the biomass pre-processing section. All the required duties are supplied via electricity; a more in-depth analysis of the utility cost is included in Section IX. Shown below in Table 17 is a summary of the heat duty per unit, where positive duties represent the addition of energy to the unit operation. Table 17: Heat duty summary for Biomass Pre-Processing Section Unit Operation P-1 / SR-101 Shredding P-2 / RDR-101 Rotary Drying P-3 / GR-101 Grinding P-4 / HP-101 Hopper Heat Duty Required (Btu/hr) Provided by: . Electricity . Electricity . Electricity . Electricity Biomass Gasification Process Description and PFD The following figure illustrates the primary section of the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility, in which the biomass is converted to methanol. An explanation of the unit operations and material flow within them, including flow rates, temperature, and pressure, is explained below. A PFD for this section of the plant is shown in Figure 8. 49 Figure 8: Biomass gasification PFD 50 Biomass from the pre-processing section enters the solar reactor. In Aspen PLUS, the solar reactor was modeled as two separate units. The first unit (DECOMP) was used to model the breakdown calculations, while the second unit (SOLAR) models a Gibbs equilibrium reactor. FORTRAN code was used with DECOMP in a breakdown calculator (BRKDOWN) to perform this function; see Appendix III-F for this code. The biomass stream enters the DECOMP breakdown unit at 90.0°C and 35.0 bar with a mass flowrate of 2.05×104 lb/hr. The heat duty of the breakdown reactor is 7.75×107 Btu/hr. After undergoing breakdown and exiting the unit, the stream temperature is raised to 1450°C with no change in pressure. In the SOLAR reactor, the biomass process stream is contacted with 1.13×104 lb/hr of methane at 25.0°C and 35.0 bar. A pressurized water stream (H2O-SLR) also enters the SOLAR reactor with a flowrate of 1.92×104 lb/hr at 26.0°C and 35.0 bar. The final stream that enters the solar reactor is a recycle stream (R-SOLAR) from a later portion of the methanol synthesis process. This recycle stream has a flowrate of 6.28×103 lb/hr and enters the solar reactor at a temperature of 50.0°C and 35.0 bar. The heat duty of the solar reactor is 1.45×108 Btu/hr. Both this heat duty and the heat duty supplied to the DECOMP breakdown unit are provided by the solar field and natural gas burners. In the breakdown and solar reactor, the biomass is broken down into hydrocarbons and other small molecules. A material balance associated with this reactor is given in Table 18. Table 18: Material balance around the solar reactor (DECOMP + SOLAR) IN Stream: BIOMASS R-SOLAR OUT H2O-SLR METHANE PRODUCTS Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 0 338.352 0 0 514.3805 C2H6 0 0.005 0 0 0.009 CH3OH 0 255.106 0 0 0 C2H4 0 0.115 0 0 0.193 HCl 0 0 0 0 13.841 H2O 0 9.098 19200 0 1890.892 H2S 0 0 0 0 6.131 H2 0 709.237 0 0 6792.596 0 6.92×10 0 0 1.05×10-5 NO 6 51 NH3 0 1.99E-07 0 0 3.383 CO 0 4850.051 0 0 46935.05 CO2 0 1.825 0 0 665.592 CH4 0 119.140 0 11250 183.983 NO2 0 0 0 0 7.84×10-14 Ash 0 0 0 0 226.878 Biomass 20500 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 20500 6282.929 19200 11250 57232.93 TOTAL IN (lb/hr) TOTAL OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 57232.93 57232.93 0.00 The product stream from the solar reactor exits at 1450°C and 35.0 bar. The flowrate of this stream is 5.72×104 lb/hr. In order to cool this stream, water is fed into a quench tank (SPRAY-Q) where it is contacted with pressurized cooling water (H2O-IN). The amount of cooling water required to achieve the desired process stream temperature reduction is 5.95×104 lb/hr. The cooling water enters at 25.5°C and 35.0 bar, and exits at 586°C. The cooling duty of the quench tank is 9.49×107 Btu/hr, and the process stream is cooled to 120°C with no pressure change. This process stream is then mixed with 2.98×102 lb/hr of the cooling water stream exiting the quench tank. Contact with the 586°C cooling water stream raises the process stream temperature to 122.0°C. A material balance for the quench tank system including the mixing point between the exiting utility stream and process stream is given in Table 19. Table 19: Material balance around the quench tank IN Stream: PRODUCTS OUT H2O-2 QNCH-H2O TO-CYCL Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 514.3805 0 0 514.3805 C2H6 0.009 0 0 0.009 C2H4 0.193 0 0 0.193 HCl 13.842 0 0 13.842 H2O 1890.892 59524.74 59227.12 2188.516 H2S 6.131 0 0 6.131 52 H2 6792.596 0 0 6792.596 NO 1.05×10 0 0 1.05×10-5 NH3 3.383 0 0 3.383 CO 46935.05 0 0 46935.05 CO2 665.592 0 0 665.592 CH4 183.983 0 0 183.983 NO2 7.84×10-14 0 0 7.84×10-14 Ash 226.878 0 0 226.878 TOTAL 57232.93 59524.74 59227.12 57530.55 -5 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 116757.67 116757.67 0.00 The syngas stream exiting the quench tank system then enters a cyclone (CYCLONE), where 2.27×102 lb/hr of solid wastes are removed from the process. A material balance for the cyclone separation unit is given in Table 20. Table 20: Material balance around the cyclone (CYCLONE) IN Stream: TO-CYCL OUT VAPOR SLDWASTE Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 514.381 514.381 0 C2H6 0.009 0.009 0 C2H4 0.193 0.193 0 HCl 13.842 13.842 0 H2O 2188.516 2188.516 0 H2S 6.131 6.131 0 H2 6792.596 6792.596 0 NO 1.05×10-5 1.05×10-5 0 NH3 3.383 3.383 0 CO 46935.05 46935.05 0 CO2 665.592 665.592 0 CH4 183.983 183.983 0 Ash 226.878 0 226.878 TOTAL 57530.55 57303.67 226.878 53 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 57530.55 57530.55 0.00 The remaining vapor exiting the cyclone is further cooled through a heat exchanger (NH3-SEP HX) that uses 2.99×105 lb/hr of refrigerated brine, entering at -17.8°C and atmospheric pressure. The refrigerated brine performs 9.16x105 Btu/hr of cooling duty on the process stream, which exits the cooler at 20.0°C and 5.73×104 lb/hr. This stream then enters the NH3SEP unit, in which aqueous waste is separated from the process. This aqueous waste consists primarily of H2O and NH3. A complete material balance for the NH3-SEP unit is provided in Table 21. Table 21: Material balance around NH3-SEP IN Stream: VAPOR OUT AQ-WASTE ACID-GAS Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 514.381 1.82×10-5 514.381 C2H6 0.009 3.64×10-9 0.009 C2H4 0.193 1.20×10-7 0.193 HCl 13.842 1.99×10-3 13.840 H2O 2188.516 2139.523 48.992 H2S 6.131 0.003 6.128 H2 6792.596 4.18×10-4 6792.596 NO 1.05×10-5 8.72×10-12 1.05×10-5 NH3 3.383 1.802 1.581 CO 46935.05 0.001 46935.05 CO2 665.592 0.009 665.582 CH4 183.983 6.78×10-5 183.983 TOTAL 57303.67 2141.341 55162.33 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 57303.67 57303.67 0.00 54 The remaining acid gas stream exiting the NH3-SEP unit then enters the AG-CLEAN unit, which represents the amine scrubbing section. This section is described in detail later in this report. A summary material balance for this section is provided in Table 22 below. This material balance also includes the split fractions (seen in Table 23) achieved in the acid-gas cleaning process, where the split fractions are on a molar basis and represent the percentage of the two inlet streams which leave the CLN-GAS stream. The stream XTRA-H2O represents the additional water which vaporizes in the amine scrubbing system. The material balance is not closed to the third decimal place because the material balance was solved in Aspen PLUS according to the low tolerance of the numerical solver. Detailed calculations for the split fraction can be found in Appendix I-D. Table 22: Material balance around AG-CLEAN IN Stream: ACID-GAS OUT XTRA-H2O CLN-GAS ACIDS Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 514.381 0 514.362 0.018 C2H6 0.009 0 0.009 1.93×10-6 C2H4 0.193 0 0.193 1.06×10-4 HCl 13.840 0 0 13.840 H2O 48.992 49.851 98.843 0 H2S 6.128 0 0.118 6.010 H2 6792.596 0 6792.324 0.272 NO 1.05×10-5 0 1.05×10-5 0 NH3 1.581 0 1.66×10-6 1.581 CO 46935.050 0 46932.7 2.347 CO2 665.582 0 174.249 491.333 CH4 183.983 0 183.965 0.017 TOTAL 55162.33 49.851 54696.77 515.417 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 55212.18 55212.1869 -0.006 55 Table 23: Molar split fraction from HYSYS for AG-CLEAN Component Molar Split Fraction N2 1 C2H6 1 C2H4 1 HCl 0 H2O - H2S 0.019 H2 1 NH3 0 CO 1 CO2 0.262 CH4 1 Clean gas exiting the amine scrubbing subsystem is stripped of H2S, HCl and NH3. This procedure leaves a stream primarily composed of N2, H2O, CO, CO2 and CH4. This clean gas stream is then heated by a high-pressure steam shell-and-tube heat exchanger (HEAT-1), which performs 1.23×107 Btu/hr duty on the process stream. The high pressure steam stream used to achieve the desired temperature change enters the exchanger at a mass flowrate of 1.61×104 lb/hr, 231°C and 31 bar. This stream exits the exchanger at the same temperature and pressure, having only undergone condensation when imparting energy to the process stream. The process stream exits the exchanger at 210°C and 35.0 bar prior to entering the zinc reactor (ZNREACT). The zinc reactor removes any remaining H2S from the process stream using a zinc catalyst. The material balance surrounding the zinc reactor is detailed in Table 24. Table 24: Material balance around ZN-SPLIT IN Stream: TO-ZN-R OUT ZNO ZN-PROD Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 514.362 0 514.362 56 C2H6 0.009 0 0.009 C2H4 0.193 0 0.193 H2O 98.843 0 98.905 H2S 0.118 0 0 H2 6792.324 0 6792.324 NO 1.05×10-5 0 1.05×10-5 NH3 1.66×10-6 0 1.66×10-6 CO 46932.700 0 46932.700 CO2 174.249 0 174.249 CH4 183.965 0 183.965 ZnO 0 0.281 ZnS 0 0 1.84×10-6 0.337 TOTAL 54696.77 0.281 54697.05 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 55212.18 55212.1869 -0.006 The process stream exits the zinc reactor at 210°C and 35.0 bar. This stream then enters a second cyclone (ZN-SPLIT) in which 3.37×10-1 lb/hr of zinc-containing solids are removed from the process. The remaining vapor stream, (ZN-VAP) is contacted with 5.34×104 lb/hr of a recycle stream. This recycle syngas stream contains primarily hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon compounds including C2H6, H2, CO, CO2, CH4 and CH4O as well as N2 and H2O. A material balance around this mixing point is given in Table 25 below. Table 25: Material balance around MIX-2 IN Stream: ZN-VAP OUT RECYCLE TO-COMP Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 514.362 2875.990 3390.269 C2H6 0.009 0.046 0.055 CH3OH 0 2168.401 2168.377 C2H4 0.193 0.981 1.174 H2O 98.905 77.329 176.233 H2 6792.324 6028.513 12820.720 57 NO 1.05×10-5 5.88×10-5 6.93×10-5 NH3 1.66×10-6 1.69×10-6 3.35×10-6 CO 46932.700 41225.430 88158.130 CO2 174.249 15.512 189.761 CH4 183.965 1012.694 1196.655 TOTAL 54696.71 53404.9 108101 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 108101.61 108101 0.61 The mixed process stream has a mass flowrate of 1.08×105 lb/hr, and enters a centrifugal compressor at 133°C and 35 bar. The compressor performs 1.88×107 Btu/hr duty on the stream, raising the pressure to 80.0 bar and the temperature to 279°C. This highly pressurized stream then enters the final methanol reactor (REACT). The methanol reactor is equipped to remove 6.26×107 Btu/hr of heat from exothermic reactions which produce methanol. A pressurized water stream with a flowrate of 5.6×103 lb/hr also enters the process unit at 80 bar to provide the desired 10:1 ratio of CO:H2O. The methanol reactor converts the CO, CO2, H2O, and H2 in the process stream to methanol with impurities and water. A material balance surrounding this reactor is presented in Table 26 below. Detailed descriptions of the methanol reactor equations are given under the design description of this unit. Table 26: Material balance around REACT IN Stream: TO-RCT OUT H2O-RCT RCT-PROD Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 3390.269 0 3390.269 C2H6 0.055 0 0.055 CH3OH 2168.377 0 47611.890 C2H4 1.174 0 1.174 H2O 176.233 5600 5846.144 H2 12820.720 0 7094.891 NO 6.929×10-5 0 6.929×10-5 58 NH3 3.349×10-6 0 3.349×10-6 CO 88158.130 0 48541.320 CO2 189.761 0 18.976 CH4 1196.655 0 1196.655 TOTAL 108101 5600 113701 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 113701.00 113701 0.00 The products exiting the methanol reactor are then cooled by a heat exchanger (VL-SEP HX) prior to entering a vapor-liquid separator (VL-SEP). This heat exchanger removes 4.59×107 Btu/hr of heat from the methanol product stream, decreasing its temperature from 210°C to 50°C prior to entry into the VL-SEP unit. 1.53×106 lb/hr of cooling water is required to achieve the desired temperature change. The cooling water enters the heat exchanger at 32.2°C and atmospheric pressure and exits at 48.9°C. The product-containing process stream then proceeds to a vapor-liquid separation unit (VL-SEP) in which a raw methanol product stream exits the system, while the remaining vapor exits as the SEP-VAP stream. The raw methanol product is sent to a methanol purification system, which was modelled in HYSYS. A material balance surrounding the VL-SEP unit is provided below in Table 27. Table 27: Material balance around VL-SEP IN Stream: OUT RCT-PROD RAW-MEOH SEP-VAP Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 3390.269 6.751 3383.518 C2H6 0.055 0.001 0.054 CH3OH 47611.890 45060.830 2551.060 C2H4 1.174 0.020 1.154 H2O 5846.144 5755.168 90.975 H2 7094.891 2.523 7092.368 NO NH3 6.929×10 -7 1.215×10 6.916×10-5 3.349×10-6 1.360×10-6 1.989×10-6 -5 59 CO 48541.320 40.810 48500.510 CO2 18.976 0.727 18.249 CH4 1196.655 5.251 1191.404 TOTAL 113701 50872.08 62829.29 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 113701.00 113701.37 -0.37 The SEP-VAP stream is then split into three fractions. Two fractions of this stream form the recycles that are fed the solar reactor (15%) and mix with the ZN-VAP stream (80%), respectively, while the third fraction exits the system as a purge (5%). All streams exit at 50.0°C and 35.0 bar. The solar reactor feed recycle stream has a mass flowrate of 6.28×103 lb/hr, while the recycle that mixes prior to entering the compressor has a mass flowrate of 5.34×104 lb/hr. The purge stream has a flowrate of 3.14×103 lb/hr. A final material balance surrounding the splitting point is given in Table 28. Table 28: Material balance around SPLIT-2 IN Stream: OUT SEP-VAP PURGE RECYCLE R-SOLAR Component Mass Flow Rates (lb/hr) N2 3383.518 169.176 2875.990 338.352 C2H6 0.054 0.003 0.046 0.005 CH3OH 2551.060 127.553 2168.401 255.106 C2H4 1.154 0.058 0.981 0.115 H2O 90.975 4.549 77.329 9.098 H2 7092.368 354.618 6028.513 709.237 NO 6.916×10-6 3.458×10-6 5.879×10-5 6.916×10-6 NH3 1.989×10-6 9.943×10-8 1.690×10-6 1.989×10-7 CO 48500.510 2425.025 41225.430 4850.051 CO2 18.249 0.912 15.512 1.825 CH4 1191.404 59.570 1012.694 119.140 TOTAL 62829.29 3141.465 53404.9 6282.929 60 IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 62829.29 62829.294 0.00 An overall material balance was then done around the whole system. The result of this material balance is shown in the table below. IN (lb/hr) OUT (lb/hr) DIFFERENCE (lb/hr) 116124.87 116124.638 0.23 Heat Duty The heat duties for each piece of process equipment in the biomass gasification subsystem are provided below, where a positive value is an input and a negative value is an output. Table 29. Unit operation and heat duty summary for biomass gasification subsystem. Unit Operation Heat Duty or Power Provided by: Required (Btu/hr) PUMP-1/Solar Reactor Pump 7.04×104 Electricity DECOMP/Solar Reactor 7.75×107 Solar Field SOLAR/Solar Reactor 1.45×108 Solar Field, Natural Gas SPRAY-Q/Spray Quench Tank -9.49×107 Cooling Water PUMP-2/Pump for Spray Quench Tank 1.57×105 Electricity NH3-SEP HX/Amine Separator Heat Exchanger -9.16×106 Refrigerated Brine HEAT1 1.23×107 High Pressure Steam COMPRESS 1.88×107 Electricity PUMP-3 6.47×105 Electricity REACT 6.26×107 Electricity VL-SEP HX -4.59×107 Cooling Water 61 Amine Scrubbing Process Description and PFD Figure 9: Amine scrubbing process flow diagram 62 Following the gasification of the biomass and removal of a portion of the ammonia from the process stream, it was desired to remove additional H2S and CO2 contaminants from the syngas. H2S and CO2 are common contaminants in the conversion of both petroleum-based liquid fuels and biomass-based liquid fuels, and must be removed for a few reasons. First, these gases lower the activity of the catalyst in the methanol reactor downstream by poisoning it, lowering the ea to s o e all o e sio effi ie a d the lifeti e of the atal st (Seo, 2013). Second, these gases form acidic compounds upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. H2“ fo eak fo of sulfu i a id, a d CO2 fo s a s a o i a id; the efo e, these gases a e ofte efe ed to as a id gases a d should e e o ed to p e e t the o osio of e uip e t (Arnold & Stewart, 1999). The process of removing sulfur acid gas components is known as s eete i g. Thi d, H2S and CO2 reduce the heating value of the final product, and H2S can release sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions upon combustion (Arnold & Stewart, 1999). Amine scrubbing systems are frequently used in the treating of natural gas, and there exists many approaches to remove acid gases from these fuels. Many of these processes involve the use of aqueous amine solutions. The underlying chemistry involves the reaction of the basic amine molecule to the contaminant acid gas to form a salt, which dissolves in water and is thereby removed from the gas phase. Equations (28) and (29) provide for a simple set of chemical equations for this overall chemistry (Beychok, 2012): where + + + ↔ ↔ + + + + − (28) − (29) represents moieties attached to the central amine. These equilibria favor the products at low temperatures. Primary, secondary, or tertiary amines can be used in acid gas treating; in the proposed process, methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) was used because it is a tertiary amine, and so is less basic and corrosive than its primary and secondary counterparts. MDEA can also effectively bind H2S at high concentrations. When the amine must be regenerated by heating to push the equilibria in Equations (28) and (29) to the reactants, MDEA can release its acid gases with less heating duty per mole than other amines (Amines & Plasticizers Limited, n.d.). Finally, MDEA is environmentally inert and biodegradable (Union Carbide Corporation, 2015). When 63 the MDEA solutio solutio o tai s o a id gas o po e ts, it is efe ed to as lea a i e. The e o es i h o e a id gas o po e ts a e p ese t. To simulate this amine chemistry for the proposed process, an amine scrubbing system was implemented and simulated using the Acid Gas Cleaning simulation environment in Aspen HYSYS (Aspen Technology, Inc., 2013). This simulation package is more effective at modeling the complex acid-base and electrolyte chemistry involved in amine scrubbing than Aspen PLUS; therefore, the HYSYS simulation is developed separately from the Aspen PLUS simulation. The process and equipment to treat the syngas and regenerate and makeup the MDEA solution is described in the following sections. A PFD of the process is shown in Figure 9. A screenshot of the Aspen HYSYS simulation is shown in Appendix III-C. To remove the acid gas contaminants, the process syngas (Feed Gas) is bubbled up through an absorption column and flows countercurrently to the lean amine solution (Lean Amine). The rich amine stream (Rich Amine) leaves the bottom of the column and the sweet gas stream (Sweet Gas) leaves the top of the column. The absorber was assumed to operate adiabatically. In accordance with the design specifications of the amine scrubbing system, the sweet gas leaves the process with a concentration of H2S less than 1 ppm. It was also of interest to reduce the amount of syngas H2 and CO lost to the amine solution. The conditions, mass flow rates, and compositions of the entering and exiting streams are presented in Table 30. Table 31 shows the percent recoveries of each of the components in the feed gas. Table 32 includes important specifications of the amine scrubbing system regarding the absorber. The components of interest in this unit operation are MDEA, H2O, H2, CO, CO2, H2S, NH3, and HCl. These tables indicate that most of the H2S was absorbed out of the feed gas. The composition of the sweet gas is less than 1 ppm H2S at 0.6799 ppm, which met specifications. 73.82% of the CO2 was absorbed into the lean amine. In addition, over 99.99% of the H2 and CO was kept in the sweet gas. These results indicated that the MDEA solution had little affinity for the syngas itself but a high affinity for its contaminants. In addition, little MDEA (<0.0002%) was taken into the gas stream; so, MDEA was not considered to leak out of the system in an appreciable amount to the Aspen PLUS simulation. Some water was pulled into the sweet gas – this additional water was considered in the Aspen PLUS simulation with the stream XTRA-H2O. Finally, it was 64 observed that all of the HCl was absorbed into the lean amine stream; this result made sense because HCl is a strong acid that is more stable in the aqueous phase than the vapor phase. The presence of this strong acid also solubilized over 99.999% of the NH3 into the aqueous phase. Table 30: Stream specifications around the amine scrubbing absorber Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream T P m MDEA (°C) (bar) (lb/hr) H2O H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 Feed Gas 20 35 5.52×104 0 49 6793 4.69×104 665.7 6.129 13.84 1.581 Sweet 28.5 35 5.47×104 0.010 102.4 6793 4.69×104 491.4 0.118 0 0 43.3 36 1.17×104 5275 6167 0 0 0 0 279.7 0 19.6 35 1.22×104 5275 6114 0.284 2.448 174.3 6.011 293.6 1.581 Gas Lean Amine Rich Amine Table 31: Percent recovery (by mass) of each component in the feed gas stream Mass recovery H2O H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 126.180% 99.996 99.995 26.18 1.923 0 0.0001 (%) Table 32: Important metrics for the amine scrubbing absorber Sweet Gas H2S composition (ppm) 0.6799 Lean amine strength (wt% MDEA) 45 Lean amine temperature (°C) 43.33 Amine recirculation rate (barrel/day) 793.5 The rich amine was then throttled through a valve (Valve) to lower its pressure to 4.826 bar and vaporize the volatile compounds in the rich amine. The valve was assumed to operate adiabatically. The stream conditions for the inlet liquid (Valve) and outlet vapor-liquid mixture (To Separator) are given in Table 33. This flashed mixture was then fed to an adiabatic separator operating at 20.25°C and 2.413 bar. Light hydrocarbon gases (Light HC) leave the 65 separator at the top, and the remainder of the liquid (To Exchanger) leaves the bottom of the vessel. These stream conditions are given in Table 33 below. This separator pulled 46% of the H2 and 40% of the CO out of the liquid stream. The overall flowrate of the Light HC stream was low because not many volatile hydrocarbons or gases existed in the aqueous phase. Table 33: Stream specifications around the valve (Valve) and vapor-liquid separator (Separator) Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream T (°C) P m (lb/hr) MDEA H2O H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 (bar) Rich Amine 19.6 35 1.22×104 5275 6114 0.284 2.448 174.3 6.011 293.6 1.581 To Separator 20.17 4.826 1.22×104 5275 6114 0.284 2.448 174.3 6.011 293.6 1.581 Light HC 20.25 2.413 1.32 0 0.015 0.130 0.970 0.136 0.002 0 0 To Exchanger 20.25 2.413 1.22×104 5275 6113 0.155 1.478 491.2 6.009 293.6 1.581 After passing through the separator, the rich amine stream is preheated in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (Lean/Rich Exchanger), where it is heated by the bottoms from the regenerator (Regen Bottoms) to 93.33°C (Regen Feed). The stream specifications for the two streams exchanging heat are noted below in Table 34 below. The hot stream (Regen Bottoms) provided the cold stream (To Exchanger) with 1.406×106 Btu/hr of heat. According to Heuristics 26 and 31 presented by Seider, the minimum approach temperature was chosen to be 10°F (5.6°C) and the pressure drop for each stream to be 5 psi (0.345 bar) (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The temperature of Regen Feed was set to 93.33°C (200°F) because the reboiler duty in the coming regenerator column (Regenerator) is generally at its smallest between 90 and 110°C (Addington & Ness, n.d.). 66 Table 34: Stream specifications around Lean/Rich Exchanger Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream T (°C) P m (lb/hr) MDEA H2O H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 (bar) To Exchanger 20.25 2.413 1.22×104 5275 6113 0.155 1.478 491.2 6.009 293.6 1.581 93.33 2.068 1.22×104 5275 6113 0.155 1.478 491.2 6.009 293.6 1.581 120.1 1.793 1.09×104 5275 5296 0 0 0 0 293.6 0 27.78 1.448 1.09×104 5275 5296 0 0 0 0 293.6 0 (cold in) Regen Feed (cold out) Regen Bottoms (hot in) To Tank (hot out) The preheated stream Regen Feed was then fed to a regenerator distillation column (Regenerator). The regenerator column provides heat to the rich amine solution, causing the H2S, NH3, H2, CO, and CO2 to leave the column in the distillate. All the regenerated MDEA, all of the HCl, and most of the water (86.6%) were recovered in the bottoms. A total reflux condenser, composed of an air-cooled heat exchanger, a vapor-liquid separator, and a small reflux pump, was used at the top of the column. The reboiler provides the duty to liberate the acid gas species from the rich amine. The stream specifications around the column were found and are reported in Table 35. An energy balance on the column was done with HYSYS, and the resulting duties for the column are reported in Table 36. The column was assumed to operate with no heat losses to the environment. The reflux drum (Regen Reflux Drum) and the reflux pump (Regen Reflux Drum) depicted in the PFD were not simulated in the Aspen HYSYS simulation, and so are not considered here. 67 Table 35: Stream specifications around Regenerator Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream T (°C) P m (lb/hr) MDEA H2O H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 (bar) Regen Feed 93.33 2.068 1.22×104 5275 6113 0.155 1.478 491.2 6.009 293.6 1.581 Regen 120.1 1.793 1.09×104 5275 5296 0 0 0 0 293.6 0 105.0 1.517 1.32×103 0 817 0.155 1.478 491.2 6.009 0 1.581 Bottoms Acid Gas Table 36: Heat duties for Regenerator Column Unit Operation Energy Stream Name in HYSYS Heat Duty (Btu/hr) Condenser QCondenser -4.70×106 Reboiler QReboiler 5.99×106 To provide the duty to the reboiler (QReboiler), a separate heat exchanger (Reboiler Steam) was modeled in HYSYS. The purpose of this unit operation was to calculate the mass flow rate of steam required to provide this heat. The steam was assumed to enter the reboiler as a saturated vapor (Saturated Steam) and exit as a saturated liquid (Steam Condensate). The steam rate, heat duty, temperature and pressure of the steam stream are reported in Table 37 below. It was noted that the heat duty of Reboiler Steam was equal to the duty of the reboiler in the regenerator column (QReboiler) – this observation verifies that this steam rate provides the necessary heat. Table 37: Conditions of the saturated steam fed to Reboiler Steam Steam rate (lb/hr) T (°C) P (bar) Heat duty (Btu/hr) 6.56×104 147.7 4.461 5.99×106 The bottoms from the regenerator column (Regen Bottoms) then flowed through the Lean/Rich Exchanger as described in the previous section. The cooled lean amine stream (To Tank) entered a makeup block calculator (Surge Tank), where the additional water (Water Makeup) and MDEA (MDEA Makeup) required to obtain an amine strength of 45 wt% was calculated. The water and MDEA were assumed to be fed at the temperature and pressure of the To Tank stream: 27.8°C (82°F) and 1.45 bar (21.0 psia), respectively. A purge stream (Makeup Purge) 68 was included with the makeup block but did not yield any flowrate. Another purge stream further downstream was utilized instead. The flow rates, compositions, and temperatures for the makeup block are given in Table 38: Stream specifications around Surge Tank below. Upon mixing the additional MDEA and water, the temperature of the stream increased because of the neutralization reaction of MDEA and HCl and the enthalpy of mixing of the water and MDEA, as calculated by the Acid Gas Cleaning package in HYSYS. Table 38: Stream specifications around Surge Tank Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream T (°C) P m (lb/hr) MDEA H2O H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 (bar) To Tank 27.8 1.45 1.09×104 5275 5296 0 0 0 0 293.6 0 Water Makeup 27.8 1.45 1.20×103 0 1196 0 0 0 0 0 0 MDEA Makeup 27.8 1.45 2.77×102 277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Makeup Purge - - 0 - - - - - - - - To Pump 54.8 1.45 1.23×104 5552 6492 0 0 0 0 293.6 0 The newly recharged lean amine solution (To Pump) was then fed to a pump (Booster Pump) to pressurize the stream to 36.34 bar. The temperature of the stream increased slightly from 54.8°C to 55.4°C as a result of the enthalpy change imparted by the pump: =∆ = . × /ℎ (WPump in HYSYS). This stream (To Purge) was then sent to a splitter (HCl Purge), where 5% of the flow (Purge) was diverted out of the simulation. This purge was implemented to allow for convergence of the HYSYS simulation. Without this purge, HCl would have had no outlet from the system and would have accumulated to very high levels, inactivating the amine. The other 95% of To Purge (To Cooler) stayed in the regeneration cycle. Results of a material balance around this splitter are shown in Table 39 below. Table 39: Material balance around HCl Purge Stream Mass flow rate (lb/hr) To Purge 1.23×104 HCl Purge 6.16×102 To Cooler 1.17×104 69 The stream To Cooler was then fed to a cooler (Cooler), where it flowed countercurrently to chilled water in a heat exchanger. This unit operation functioned to lower the temperature of the lean amine solution from 55.4°C to 44.3°C in order to prepare it for feeding to the absorber. The pressure drop for the process fluid was chosen to be 5 psi (0.345 bar) (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). A recycle block in HYSYS was used to match the properties of the streams To Recycle and Lean Amine. The duty provided by the cooler (QCooler in HYSYS) was found to be = . × /ℎ . The lean, regenerated amine was then fed back into the absorber, and the regeneration started again. The temperatures, pressures, compositions, and mass flow rates of each stream around the cooler and recycle block are given in Table 40 below. Table 40: Stream specifications around Cooler and RCY-1 (recycle block) Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream T P m (lb/hr) MDEA H2O (°C) (bar) To Cooler 55.4 To Recycle Chilled water H2 CO CO2 H2S HCl NH3 36.34 1.17×104 5275 6167 0 0 0 0 279.7 0 44.3 36 1.17×104 5275 6167 0 0 0 0 279.7 0 7.22 1.013 4.32×103 0 4320 0 0 0 0 0 0 32.2 1.013 4.32×103 0 4320 0 0 0 0 0 0 (in) Chilled water (out) Material Balance To check the closure of the system, an overall atom balance was performed on the Aspen HYSYS simulation. The duties of the unit operations that cross the system boundary in the simulation were also summarized. The results of this atom balance are Table 41 below. A summary of the duties entering and leaving the system in this simulation is presented in Table 42 below. The discrepancies in the difference column in Table 41 were attributed to the recycle block in the HYSYS simulation. These numbers could be reduced further by decreasing the tolerance of the solver present in the recycle block. 70 Table 41: Overall atom balance for the amine scrubbing HYSYS simulation Element IN (lbmol/hr) OUT (lbmol/hr) DIFFERENCE (lbmol/hr) H 7682.898 7682.903 -0.005 O 2143.672 2143.652 0.020 C 1714.118 1714.131 -0.013 S 0.180 0.180 0.000 Cl 0.380 0.403 -0.023 N 39.133 39.136 -0.003 Heat Duty Table 42 provides a summary of the heat duty for the amine scrubbing system. Table 42: Summary of duties which enter and leave the Amine Scrubbing HYSYS simulation (negative = output, positive = input) Unit Operation Regenerator (Reboiler) Regenerator (Condenser) Cooler Booster Pump Duty (Btu/hr) 6.00×106 -4.70×106 -1.94×105 2.36×104 Product Separation & Post-Processing Process Description and PFD Shown below in Figure 10 is the process flow diagram for dirty methanol separation and purification. This is a key step in the final stages of the process to achieve the required methanol purity of 99.97% in the product stream. A simulation was created in Aspen HYSYS using the Peng-Robinson fluid package to model this process. A separator is used to produce a liquid stream with few impurities that is fed to a distillation column, where the difference in volatilities between the light key (methanol) and heavy key (water) is leveraged to obtain a sharp separation. 71 Figure 10: Methanol purification process flow diagram The process begins with the dirty methanol stream (RAW-METH) from the VL-SEP unit operation entering an expansion valve (VLV-100) at 50°C and 35bar and exiting with the same molar flowrate at 50.6°C and 1 bar. The valve lowers the pressure to allow for maximum gasliquid separation in the next unit operation; V-100 separator. 99.7% of the inlet stream (2PSFEED) leaves as liquid in stream (DISTILL-FEED) to be fed to the distillation column, while 0.3% of the gas stream (WASTE-VAP) exits the separator at the top of the unit. The separation in V100 creates a much purer stream entering the distillation column; all of the gaseous impurities such as trace amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ethylene, methane, and hydrogen leave in the WASTE-VAP stream. DISTILL-FEED enters the distillation column at 50.59°C and 1 bar with a composition of ~80% light key (LK) and ~20% heavy key (HK). The LK component, methanol, has a boiling point of 66°C at 1 bar, while the HK component, water, has a boiling point of 100°C at 1 bar (Engineering Toolbox, n.d.). Due to the relative volatility differences between the HK and LK, as shown in the difference in boiling points, a sharp separation can be achieved. A full distillation column was simulated in Aspen HYSYS with a total condenser operating at 2bar and a partial reboiler operating at 2.758bar. The distillate vapor stream to the condenser is comprised of 99.97% 72 methanol and 0.02% water. Chilled water enters the condenser at 7.22°C and 1 bar to condense the distillate vapor. The reflux drum splits the stream and a fraction of the condensate is sent back to the column while another product stream (MeOH) leaves as pure liquid methanol. The exit stream accounts for 58.3 million U.S gallons of methanol annually. The liquid in the last stage of the distillation column is comprised mainly of the heavy key component, 95.24%, with a small amount of dissolved light key, 4.76%. To recover more of the light key component, this stream is sent to a reboiler. Low-pressure steam enters the reboiler and easily vaporizes the methanol, which is sent back to the column. Consequently, the exit stream increases its purity and additional methanol is injected back to the process to be purified. The exiting stream (BOTTOMS) has 97.26% water and 2.74% methanol. Table 43 lists a summary of operating temperatures, pressures, and mass flow rates entering and exiting the column. Table 43: Operating conditions and stream information for distillation column Component flow rates (lb/hr) Stream DISTILL-FEED MeOH Bottoms T (°C) P (bar) m (lb/hr) 50.59 80.04 1.0 2 5.07×104 4 4.471×10 CH4 H2O H2 CO 0.6602 5.75x103 0.0741 1.7706 0.6602 4.4093 0 5.75x103 129.8 2.758 6.03×103 0.0741 1.7705 0 0 CO2 CH3OH N2 0.4219 4.5x104 0.6415 4 0.4219 4.47×10 0.6415 0 287.61 C2H4 0.0055 0.0055 0 0 Material Balances To check the closure of the system, an overall material balance was performed using the mass flow rates in lbmol/hr given in the Aspen HYSYS simulation. To do this, an atomic species balance was calculated where the inlet stream, Raw-MeOH, was compared to the outlet streams MeOH, Bottoms, and Waste-Vap. Table 44 displays the material balance calculations around the entire post-processing system. Table 44: Overall atom balance for MeOH Purification system in HYSYS Element IN (lbmol/hr) OUT (lbmol/hr) DIFFERENCE (lbmol/hr) H 6268.279 6268.608 0.329 O 1727.299 1727.391 0.092 73 C 1408.131 1408.298 0.167 N 0.482 0.482 0 TOTAL 9404.19 9404.778 0.588 Heat Duty The entering and exiting heat duties were evaluated for the methanol post-processing section. In this section, all the required duties are supplied via chilled water or low-pressure steam. An in-depth analysis of the utility cost is included in section IX. Shown below in Table 45 is the summary of the energy balance per unit operation, condenser and reboiler, where positive duties are considered inputs to the system and negative duties are outputs from the system. Table 45: Summary of duties which enter and leave the MeOH Purification HYSYS simulation (negative = output, positive = input) Unit Operation Reboiler Condenser Duty (Btu/hr) 4.088×107 -3.743×107 74 VIII. Process Description & Equipment Specifications Equipment design for the solar-thermal biomass gasification facility was accomplished by dividing the facility into subgroups based on function and end-product. These sections include biomass pre-processing, methanol gasification, methanol purification, amine scrubbing and solar field design. Biomass pre-processing takes in corn stover as feed, which is ground and separated into usable biomass suitable for gasification. The primary plant section is the methanol gasification system, in which this usable biomass is reacted to form raw methanol. The raw methanol stream then enters the methanol purification system, in which a series of separators remove impurities, and result in a high-purity methanol product stream. The amine scrubbing system removes toxins and environmental hazards from the gas stream exiting the methanol gasification subsystem. The solar field provides power to solar reactor, which provides a means for driving a portion of the methanol gasification process. Equipment design specification begins with a section dedicated to generalized equipment design, in which the procedure for designing common pieces of process equipment that are present throughout the facility is elucidated in detail. Comprehensive equipment design calculations may be found in Appendix II-A through Appendix II-L. Generalized Equipment Design Pumps Pumps are present in both the methanol gasification section and in the amine scrubbing system. In these processes, pumps function to raise the pressure of a process stream prior to that stream entering a reactor, separator, or other piece of process equipment that requires input at a specified pressure. For all pumps, specifications were found in concordance with the Carver RS Series Technical Support Information pump design manual (Carver, 2006). This technical support manual provides multiple pump sizing options, based on flowrate (gpm) and total feet of head in each case. The volumetric flowrate of each process stream ( ̇ ) was obtained directly from Aspen Plus or HYSYS simulations, while the total feet of head had to be calculated. Required total pressure 75 head (� ) was determined by dividing the desired pressure difference in the process stream, ∆ , by the stream density, . Here, pressure units of pounds per square foot ⁄ density units of pounds per cubic foot desired by the product manual. � ⁄ and returned pressure head units in feet, as = ∆ ⁄ (30) The pressure head requirements and volumetric flowrates for each stream were then used in conjunction with the Carver Pump Company pump curves. An example pump curve from the RS Series manual is provided below in Figure 11. Figure 11. Carver Pump Company pump curve for Size A low flow, high RPM centrifugal pump (Carver, 2006). These pump curves were used by finding the point on the curve at which the total head and flowrate for a process stream intersect. This point corresponded to an impeller size, listed in inches above the solid black lines, as well as a horsepower requirement, listed to the right of the straight dashed lines. Pump efficiency was determined by following the grey semicircular 76 lines with percent efficiencies indicated. The pump size, RPM value and casing size are provided in the black box in the top right corner of each pump curve. Often, the total pressure head required for a given process stream was several factors higher than the total head specified in the manufacturer-provided pump curves. In this case, the total pressure head (� ) calculated by Equation (30) was divided by an integer number that yields a head value present on the provided pump curves (� the number of stages required for that pump ( � = � ). This integer number represented ). ⁄ (31) Final considerations for pump design included ensuring that the available net positive suction head, NPSHA, exceeded the required net positive suction head, NPSHR, for each design. For pumps involved in the HYSYS simulations, NPSHA was obtained directly from the software. For Apsen PLUS simulations, NPSHA must be hand-calculated by Equation (32): = −ℎ −ℎ − (32) In this equation, ℎ and ℎ refer to the pump elevation and pump losses respectively. Because no pumps in the process had specified elevations, because head losses were assumed to be minor (and therefore neglected in NPSHA calculations), both the elevation and loss terms reduce to zero. The available net positive suction head equation then reduced to the atmospheric pressure and vapor pressure divided by their respective specific weights. This simplification is shown in Equation (33): = − (33) Due to the low vapor pressures and high inlet pressures of the process streams involved in each simulation, the available net positive suction head for each pump greatly exceeded the NPSHR indicated by the equipment manufacturer. 77 Material and Energy Balances The pumps specified in this process were assumed to operate at steady state, in which the mass entering is constant and equal to the mass leaving each piece of equipment. Because of this, the mass balance for each pump was trivial. The energy balance associated with each pump can be expressed by the following equation: ∆ + − � = ∙ (34) ̇ In Equation (34), the pressure head, ∆ ⁄ is added to the average squared velocity of the inlet and outlet streams. This term was then set equal to the shaft work, , multiplied by the pump efficiency, , and divided by the mass flow rate passing through the device, ̇ . This expression is a simplified version of the centrifugal pump shaft work expression found in Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 7th Ed. (Munson, Heubsch, & Rothmayer, 2012). Because the inlet and outlet streams experienced negligible vertical height change, the term accounting for fluid rise is omitted. Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers The majority of heat exchangers present throughout the biomass gasification facility were modeled as shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Shell and tube heat exchangers consist of a shell side and tube side. A fluid passes through either side, and heat transfer is encouraged between them. Usually, the more corrosive fluid passes through the tubes, while the more inert fluid passes through the shell. This choice is made for both practical and economic purposes; it is easier to manually clean tube sheets than it is to clean the shell casing of a heat exchanger. Furthermore, if a more durable, expensive material is required for a corrosive fluid, it is less costly to make only the tubes from this high-cost material than to make both the tubes and shell casing from a high-end substance (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). A schematic of a simple shell-and-tube heat exchanger is shown in Figure 12 below. 78 Figure 12. Schematic of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. In order to specify heat exchanger parameters, the heat duty required for the exchanger must first be determined. This value was obtained directly from HYSYS or Aspen PLUS and was recorded in units of Btu/hr. The hot and cold streams in the heat exchanger were then identified, and an appropriate utility was selected. Heating utilities included, but were not limited to, high pressure or low pressure steam; cooling utilities included cooling water or refrigerated brine (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). Occasionally, the designed heat exchangers used two process streams rather than a process stream and a utility stream. When this arrangement was possible, heat transfer without the need for additional utility costs was achieved. The mass amount of utility required to achieve the desired heating or cooling of the process stream was either be obtained directly from the process simulation, or calculated by hand using an energy balance, such as the one shown in Equation (35) below: where = ̇ (35) ∆ is the specific heat capacity of the utility and ∆ is the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures of the utility. If the utility stream involved condensation (e.g. of steam), ∆ , the heat of vaporization of the utility, was used instead of ∆ . 79 The primary parameter used in characterizing shell and tube head exchangers is the heat exchanger area ( ). This area is calculated by the following expression: = ∆ ̇ (36) In Equation (36), ̇ refers to the process enthalpy in units of Btu/hr. is a heat transfer coefficient unique to each pair of fluids undergoing heat transfer. These values can be found in standard tables available in Pe y’s Che i al E gi ee i g Ha d ook (Green & Perry, 2008) and Product and Process Design Principles (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009), and have units of Btu/(hr·ft2·°F). The term ∆ is the log-mean temperature difference, defined by the following equation: ∆ = ( ln ℎ ( ,� ℎ ,� − , − , )− ) ⁄ ℎ , ℎ , − − ,� (37) ,� After substituting Equation (37) into Equation (36), the final result is a heat exchanger area with units of ft2. In order to determine the precise heat exchanger properties required in each case, initial estimates were required for specific parameters. Using heuristics obtained from Product and Process Design Principles, initial estimates for tube outer diameter and tube length were set at 0.75 in. and 16 ft, respectively (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The flow area per tube was determined by cross-referencing the tube O.D. with a selected tube wall thickness. The typical thickness was 14 BWG; this was a heuristic estimate (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The area per tube ( ) was then calculated by the following formula: = ∙ . . ∙ (38) In Equation (38), the tube O.D. was first converted to units of ft. The number of tubes per heat exchanger was then determined by dividing the total heat exchanger area, , by the area per tube: 80 = / (39) In order to determine if the initial heuristics and estimates are valid for a given case, the tubeside velocity, , is calculated by the following equation: = ̇ ∙( )∙( )∙( ) (40) A desirable tube-side velocity is between 1 and 10 ft/s. In order to ensure that flow through the heat exchanger tubes met this criterion, the tube O.D., tube length and BWG were adjusted until this parameter was met. Finally, Table 18.6 in Product and Process Design Principles was used to identify tube spacing, number of shell and tube passes, and shell internal diameter. Material and Energy Balance Because all heat exchangers involved in this process were assumed to operate at steady-state, the mass that entered both the tube and shell sides of each heat exchanger was equal to the mass that leaves. For this reason, the material balances for each heat exchanger were trivial, but were important in achieving the desirable tube-side velocity. The design of each heat exchanger was ased a ou d the heat e ha ge s e e g ala e. This energy balance was given in the following equation: , − ,� = ℎ ,� − ℎ , (41) In Equation (41), the enthalpy decrease in the hot fluid is equal to the enthalpy increase in the cool fluid. In this way, all heat exchangers were assumed to be perfectly insulated. 81 Vapor-Liquid Separators In this process, there were numerous instances where vapor-liquid mixtures were separated into their respective vapor and liquid constituents. Traditional gravity-settling separators were used in the entirety of this process design because of their simple construction and robustness of operation (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). Horizontal and vertical varieties of these separators are composed of four primary sections; schematics of these pieces of equipment are given in Figure 13 and Figure 14, respectively. The first section is an inlet diverter, which suddenly changes the di e tio of i let flo a d e a les [a ] i itial g oss sepa atio of the li uid a d gas phases (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). The second section is a gravity settling section, which provides a space for small liquid droplets to settle out of the vapor phase. In this process, all separators were sized to separate out liquid droplets of diameters between 150 and 200 µm. Larger liquid droplets outside of this range can clog the third section, the mist extractor. This component is a esh that p o ides a la ge su fa e a ea to oales e a d e o e the s all d oplets of li uid that remain suspended in the vapor phase (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). The fourth section is a liquid collection section, which serves to drain out the liquid phase from the vessel. The gas outlet is equipped with a pressure control module and pressure control valve to regulate pressure and monitor constriction of the mist extractor. The liquid outlet is fitted with a level meter and level control valve to ensure the liquid level remains at the design liquid level. 82 Figure 13: Schematic of a horizontal gravity-settling vapor-liquid separator (Stewart & Arnold, 2008) Figure 14: Schematic of a vertical gravity-settling vapor-liquid separator (Stewart & Arnold, 2008) 83 The design procedure for gas-liquid separators outlined below comes from chapter 3 of the book Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Separators by Stewart and Arnold (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). The procedures for the horizontal and vertical units vary slightly, but some information about the liquid droplets must be determined regardless of the alignment of the unit. All computations in these designs were done with variables in field units. The variables used in this section are summarized in the table of nomenclature (Table 46) below. All separators were sized to be half full of liquid to match the theory presented in the aforementioned text. Table 46: Table of nomenclature for gas-liquid separator design Parameter Symbol Gas compressibility Gas flow rate Liquid flow rate Operating temperature Operating pressure Drag coefficient Liquid droplet diameter Units Comments - Evaluated at outlet conditions MMSCFD Evaluated at outlet conditions bbl/day Evaluated at outlet conditions °R Evaluated at outlet conditions psia Evaluated at outlet conditions - - µm - Mass density of gas lb/ft3 Evaluated at outlet conditions Mass density of liquid lb/ft3 Evaluated at outlet conditions Vessel internal diameter in. - cP Evaluated at outlet conditions ft/s - min - - - ft For horizontal units ft For horizontal units ft Larger value of Slenderness ratio - - Seam-to-seam length ft - in. For vertical separators Viscosity of the gas Liquid droplet settling velocity � Retention time of the liquid Reynolds number Gas capacity length , Liquid capacity length , Overall effective length Height of liquid volume ℎ , , , 84 The settling velocity drag coefficient of the liquid droplets to be separated was first determined to find the of the droplets. To do so, a recursive approach was used. First, a guess for was found using Equation (42): The Reynolds number ( [ = . − ) ] / (42) for the gas flow around the droplet is then found with Equation (43): = . (43) � From here, the first approximation of the drag coefficient was calculated using a correlation that applies for turbulent and laminar flow around the droplet. This correlation is shown in Equation (44): A better approximation for = + / + . − ) (44) was then computed using Equation (45): ( [ = . ] / (45) From here, Equations (43)-(45) were iterated until convergence was achieved in Excel. An estimate for the liquid retention time was determined from Table 47 below, provided in the aforementioned Stewart and Arnold text. Table 47: Retention time for two-phase separators – Table 3.2 in (Stewart & Arnold, 2008) 85 Horizontal Separators Horizontal separators are commonly used in the field for two reasons. First, they are often s alle a d thus less e pe si e tha a e ti al sepa ato fo a gi e gas a d li uid flo ate (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). This suggestion makes sense, as vertical separators are more sensitive to wind and earthquakes, requiring vertical separators to be of thicker construction than their horizontal counterparts. The liquid-gas interface is also larger in a horizontal vessel, allowing more surface area for bubbles of gas to rise into the gravity settling section and droplets of liquid to fall into the liquid collection section. Second, horizontal separators are o o l used i flo st ea s ith high gas–li uid atios (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). This heuristic makes sense, as not much liquid volume and thus vessel volume is required. The gas capacity constraint was considered to determine the effective length required , for the liquid droplets to separate from the gas phase. This value was determined using Equation (46): , = [ ][ ( − ) ] / (46) In addition, a liquid capacity constraint was investigated to provide an effective length , needed so that the liquid and gas can reach vapor-liquid equilibrium. This value was determined using Equation (47): , = . Notice that these expressions are both a function of the vessel internal diameter (47) and the effective lengths for gas and liquid. Therefore, to determine each of these values, a set of standard diameters and , in increments of 6 in. were assembled in a table, and the values , calculated for each . For each , the larger effective length value is taken as the design effective length . To make a final decision on which combination of used, a slenderness ratio was computed according to Equation (48): = and was (48) 86 Following the recommendations of the text, a design was chosen such that < < . This decision was made in the interest of reducing cost and ensuring no waves form in the vessel, reentraining droplets in the vapor (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). Finally, the effective length was translated into an actual seam-to-seam length to provide space in the vessel for the mist extractor, liquid outlet, and inlet diverter. A schematic of this length is provided in Figure 15 below. As a final consideration, the final design was chosen such that the seam-to-seam length did not exceed the relation given in Equation (49): = (49) Figure 15: Approximate seam-to-seam length for a horizontal separator operating half-full (Stewart & Arnold, 2008) These design calculations provided the metrics for the internal diameter and seam-to-seam length of the vessel. Other metrics, especially material of construction and thickness of the outer shell, were determined through the design of pressure vessels in the following section of this report. The aforementioned calculations are unique for gas-liquid separators. Vertical Separators Ve ti al sepa ato s a e o o l used i flo st ea s ith lo to i te ediate gas–liquid atios (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). The liquid-gas interface is smaller than in a horizontal vessel, 87 and this quality is acceptable because less surface area is needed for bubbles of vapor to rise into the gravity settling section and droplets of liquid to fall into the liquid collection section. The design procedure for the vertical separators was similar to that for the horizontal separators. First, the gas capacity constraint was developed. In this setup of gas-liquid is the gas apa it separator, the vessel diameter allow liquid droplets to separate f o Unlike with the horizontal separator, o st ai t, a d it must be maintained to the e ti all o i g gas (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). was determined with a function (Equation (50) below) that is not also a function of separator length: = [ ][ ( − ) ] / (50) Once the diameter was found, a liquid capacity constraint was calculated. Here, the liquid capacity constraint is the height of the separator ℎ and must be large enough to provide the liquid retention time required for the vapor and liquid to reach equilibrium. ℎ was computed using Equation (51) below: Finally, the seam-to-seam length ℎ= . (51) was determined. For a vertical separator, enough space must be allocated for the mist extractor (about 6 in.), the gravity settling section ( + 6 in. or 42 in. minimum) and a small clearance for the liquid outlet at the bottom of the unit. A schematic of these specifications is given in Figure 16: Schematic for determining approximate seam-toseam length for a vertical separator below. There exists two equations in (Stewart & Arnold, 2008) to compute – the larger value of those given by Equations (52) and (53) was used to size the vertical separator. = = ℎ+ ℎ+ (52) + (53) 88 Figure 16: Schematic for determining approximate seam-to-seam length for a vertical separator (Stewart & Arnold, 2008) Finally, the slenderness ratio was examined with Equation (48). A larger value for reduces the cost of the vessel because less construction material is used. However, a slenderness ratio that is too high will result in a separator with an unreasonable liquid level height and a substantial decrease in mechanical integrity for the same shell thickness. So, Steward and Arnold recommend that the slenderness ratio be less than 4, which values between 3 and 4 being common (Stewart & Arnold, 2008). The diameter implemented in the design was chosen to satisfy this criterion. 89 Once again, these design calculations provided the metrics for the internal diameter and seamto-seam length of the vessel. The material of construction, thickness of the outer shell, and number of trays (in the case of the absorber), were determined through the design of pressure vessels in the following section of this report. The aforementioned calculations are unique for gas-liquid separators. Material and Energy Balances In separator units, the material and energy balances are simple to express. The material balance can be expressed according to Equation (54) as follows: ̇� = ̇ , + ̇ (54) , where, in the absence of chemical reaction, the inlet mass or molar flow rate ̇ � is equal to the sum of the outlet gas flow rate ̇ , and the outlet liquid flow rate ̇ stream may be either vapor, liquid, or a vapor-liquid mixture. , . The inlet The energy balance for a separator unit can be more complex than its material balance. The energy balance can be expressed according to Equation (55) as follows: where � ̇� � = ̇ , , + ̇ , , + ̇ represents the specific enthalpy (or molar enthalpy) of the inlet stream, specific enthalpy (or molar enthalpy) of the outlet gas stream, , (55) , is the is the specific enthalpy (or molar enthalpy) of the outlet liquid stream, and ̇ is the heat duty of the separator. The heat duty is nonzero if the separator must be cooled or heated to achieve the desired outlet temperature. Pressure Vessels and Towers Pressure vessels and towers are a very common piece of equipment in chemical processing pla ts, se i g a a iet of fu tio s i ludi g eflu d u s, flash d u s, k o k-out drums, settle s, he i al ea to s, i i g essels […] a d sto age d u s (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). These vessels are usually mostly empty, with very little internals other than skirts for support, nozzles, and manholes for internal access. Platforms and ladders are often added to particularly large vessels for maintenance access. Pressure vessels can also be 90 oriented horizontally or vertically; the choice of orientation depends on the application. These pieces of equipment can be made out of a variety of materials, the choice of which also depends on application. An example of a horizontal pressure vessel can be seen in Figure 17. Figure 17: An example of a horizontal pressure vessel (Pressure Vessels, 2014) In this process design, cylindrical pressure vessels with hemispherical caps operating at positive gauge pressures were designed. This design is common in many applications, so it was chosen to be the standard in this report. In determining the specifications of a pressure vessel, a few important pieces of information arising from the specific application of the vessel must be known. These values, as well as all the variables involved in the vessel design, are given in the table of nomenclature (Table 48) below. Table 48: Table of nomenclature for pressure vessel design Parameter Internal diameter Seam-to-seam length Tangent-to-tangent length Symbol � Units Comments ft - ft - ft - Operating pressure psig Assuming ambient pressure = 14.7 psi. Design pressure psig Assuming ambient pressure = 14.7 psi. Operating temperature °F - Design temperature °F - 91 Maximum allowable stress Density Weld efficiency psi Of material of construction. lb/ft3 Of material of construction. - - Thickness to withstand internal pressure in. For all vessels. Thickness to withstand wind and earthquakes in. Only for vertical vessels and towers. Thickness without corrosion in. For all vessels. Corrosion thickness clearance in. For all vessels as a safety measure. Thickness of vessel shell in. For all vessels. Outer diameter of vessel ft - Weight of the vessel lb - Before designing a pressure vessel or tower, a few variables from Table 48 were determined fo the u it s i di idual appli atio and the simulation of their operation in Aspen PLUS or Aspen HYSYS: the internal diameter the operating temperature �, the seam-to-seam length , the operating pressure , , and the material of construction. Once this information was obtained, the specifications could be calculated according to the method of Mulet, Corropio, and Evans (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). First, the tangent-to-tangent length was estimated assuming the cylindrical vessel is equipped with 2:1 elliptical heads, as recommended by Seider in Equation (56) (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009): = + . � If additional information about the tangent-to-tangent length was used in lieu of Equation (56). Next, the design pressure (56) was known, that information was calculated. The design pressure is an estimation of the maximum pressure surge that might occur in the vessel during normal operation. For operating pressures between 0 and 5 psig, = � . If the operating pressure was above 1000 psig, the design pressure was chosen to be Otherwise, the design pressure was determined using Equation (57): = ex�{ . The design temperature + . [ln ]+ . [ln ] } = . . (57) , an estimation of the maximum temperature that might occur in the vessel during normal operation, was chosen to be 50°F higher than the operating temperature . The maximum allowable stress and density were determined by the properties of the 92 material of construction at the design temperature. The weld efficiency 0.85 if the thickness of the shell < 1.25 in.; otherwise, to withstand the internal pressure was chosen to be = . The thickness of the vessel wall was calculated from Equation (58): � = (58) − . At lower design pressures, the value from Equation (58) was too small to achieve proper rigidity of the vessel. If this was the case, a minimum wall thickness was chosen from Table 49 below: Table 49: Minimum wall thicknesses of a pressure vessel to ensure sufficient rigidity (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009) Vessel inside diameter (ft) Up to 4 Minimum wall thickness (in.) 1/4 4-6 5/16 6-8 3/8 8-10 7/16 10-12 1/2 If the pressure vessel was horizontal, = , the thickness of the vessel in the absence of corrosion. If the pressure vessel was vertical or a tower, additional considerations were made to correct for the effects of wind and earthquakes on the structural integrity of the unit. Assuming a wind velocity of 140 mph acting on the entire vessel uniformly, Equation (59) was used to determine the additional thickness required to withstand this stress = . + (59) Notice that Equation (59) depends on the outer diameter of the vessel determined yet. This value was estimated for a shell thickness . , which has not been of 0.5 in. by geometry with Equation (60) below, then reevaluated at the end of this procedure. = � + (60) 93 Next, was found from the average of , the thickness of the vessel at the top, and the thickness at the bottom. A corrosion clearance the final calculated = ⁄ � . was then added to + , to give . Vessels are often fabricated in standard increments according to the following assumed protocol from Seider (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009): 1/16 increments for 3/16 to 1/2 in. inclusive 1/8 increments for 5/8 to 2 in. inclusive 1/4 increments for 2 1/4 to 3 in. inclusive If the vessel needed to be thicker than 3 in., it was assumed that the vessel would have to be custom-made with the calculated . Otherwise, the value for was rounded up to the appropriate increment given above, and the procedure to calculate (59) was repeated. This procedure was iterated until the final value of the weight of the vessel starting with Equation was constant. Finally, , an important parameter for costing and transportation considerations, was determined with Equation (61) as follows: = � + (61) This design procedure yielded two key specifications of the pressure vessels: their tangent-totangent length and the thickness of the shell. The weight of the vessel was also computed. Cyclones Centrifugal cyclones are commonly used in gas-solid separation processes with two main functions: recover as much material as possible while minimizing contamination of material to the outside environment. Many factors influence the type of cyclone employed and its efficiency, such as particle size distribution, density of the particles, and inlet gas velocity. Cyclones generally have a relatively simple operation, with no mechanical moving parts, and little maintenance and thus low capital costs. Common types of cyclones include reverse flow, straight-through flow, and impeller collectors (Flagan & Seinfeld, 1988). The reverse-flow cyclone design was used in this design, as this is frequently utilized to remove fly ash and larger particles. Particles smaller than 50µm are harder to separate and may require additional equipment, such as a filter, which would also increase the cost. Although, with particle sizes above 50 µm, efficiency upwards of 90% can be achieved with a basic cyclone unit (Flagan & 94 Seinfeld, 1988). Reverse or straight flow cyclones have a design advantage in that they can accept higher gas velocities, and thus higher pressure drops. Their disadvantage is that solids can build-up at the bottom collection of the unit. Cyclones can be made from a variety of materials that are able to endure high temperatures and abrasive particles. Erosive wear and tear can happen where materials can move easily within the unit from contact with particles and surfaces, and where materials are loaded. Thus, extremely smooth surfaces are needed for the interior of the cyclone which will minimize erosion and allow the particles to collect more easily. The cyclone operation relies on inertial deposition of solids from a gas stream. The gas-solid stream enters the cyclone tangentially, where the stream initially flows downward in a spiral manner. Due to the inertial force on the particles and the density difference between the particles and the gas, the particles separate and collect on the outer surface of the cyclone and fall to the bottom collection. The clean gas stream then reverses direction and flows upward out of the cyclone unit. Figure 18 displays the basic operational scheme in a reverse flow cyclone. Figure 18: Basic operation of a reverse flow cyclone 95 In this plant design, high-efficiency cyclones were chosen based on the desire to achieve maximum separation between the gas and solid particles. The following explanation details the design of cyclones. The entering stream is a mixture of gaseous and solid phases at 121.8°C and 35bar with a volumetric flowrate of ℎ , where the vapor fraction by mass is 0.955 and the solid fraction by mass is 0.002. The solids to be separated are solid ash from the solar reactor, and the gases are comprised of a variety of hydrocarbons, nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, chlorine and sulfur. The particle size distribution is estimated to be between 100-200µm. The density of the gas is approximately . . , while the density of the particles is . Figure 19 shows a high efficiency cyclone with standard dimensions. Figure 19: Dimensions of a high-efficiency cyclone The area of the inlet duct tube was first calculated using Equation (62) below, where volumetric flowrate of the inlet stream and is the is the optimum inlet velocity given to be 15 m/s (James R. Couper, 2012): = (62) 96 The cyclone diameter, , can be calculated from the inlet duct area, which is shown below in Equation (63). =√ (63) . A standard cyclone diameter is 0.667 feet. The calculation from Equation (63) yielded a design diameter of 2.12 feet, which requires splitting the design into 4 cyclones in parallel, thus producing a diameter of 1.05 feet. A scaling factor is then determined using Equation (64), where the variable nomenclature is given below in Table 50: = [( ) ∗( )∗ ∆� ∆� ∗( � )] � (64) Table 50: Table of nomenclature for cyclone design equations Parameter Symbol Units Value Standard cyclone diameter in 8 Design cyclone diameter in calculated Standard volumetric flowrate ft3/hr 7869.12 Design volumetric flowrate ft3/hr calculated ∆� lb/ft3 124.85 ∆� lb/ft3 calculated � cP 0.018 � cP calculated Solid-fluid density difference at standard conditions Design solid-fluid density difference Test fluid viscosity at standard conditions (air at 1atm, 20°C) Design fluid viscosity (H2 at 35 bar, 121.8°C) Mean diameter of particle separated at standard conditions N/A Design mean diameter of particle separated Design scaling factor N/A ⁄ N/A calculated By calculating a scaling factor of 2.38, the final cyclone height and diameter was determined to be 11.3 feet with a diameter of 2.5 feet. The material chosen was Monel, as the gas stream constituents contain corrosive compounds. If the i let st ea does t o tai a o osi e materials, then a more affordable material can be chosen that will withstand the temperature in the cyclone, such as carbon steel. 97 Material Balance A material balance was performed around the cyclone to ensure mass was conserved in the separation process. Molar flow rates were given from the Aspen PLUS simulation. Aspen assumed the cyclone to operate at 100% efficiency, thus all of the input molar flows for each compound equaled the output molar flow for that compound. The cyclone does not operate with a heat duty, therefore an energy balance is not applicable. Biomass Pre-Processing P-1 / SR-101 Shredding The first unit operation in the biomass pre-processing section is the stage 1 size reduction. This is accomplished by a shredding machine. The required outlet particle size was to be no larger than ′′ diameter. The feed into this process will be corn stover in bale form with a mass flowrate of . ℎ with a water content of 25.0%. The bales will enter at 25°C and 1.013 bar. Important design specifications for size reduction equipment are the desired particle size, power requirement, capacity, as well as operating conditions such as pressure and temperature. Listed below in Table 51 are the requirements, which were determined from the simulation carried out in SuperPro Designer. Table 51: Required Design Specification for P-1 / SR-101 Shredding Design Specification Value ¼ � Maximum Particle Size Power Requirement Capacity Pressure Temperature . . . ℎ ℎ ℎ ° Using these design specifications, multiple options were considered, but a rotary knife cutter was determined to best fit the required design specifications. This unit is designed by S. Howes, Inc. based out of Silver Creek, NY (S. Howes, Inc., 2013). The rotary knife cutter specifications are shown below in Table 52. A rotary knife cutter is a large rotary drum with fixed and rotary 98 bed knives powered by a belt or clutch drive. A sizing screen is used to prevent oversized material from exiting before desired size reduction has been achieved. Table 52: Design Specifications for Model KC11 Rotary Knife Cutter Model Capacity (lbs/hr) KC11 − RPM Power (Btu/hr) . Weight (lbs) , Using these design specifications, it is noted that one unit does not have the requisite capacity for the desired mass flowrate, so a total of 4 units must be used to accomplish this. They will be run in parallel. The total power requirement using these options is slightly under specification, with 4 units providing a total power of . x B hr . The manufacturer has the option of installing a clutch drive transmission instead of the standard belt driven option and this is assumed to be adequate for matching the power requirements such that the machines will be able to meet the power demand. The screen size necessary to achieve the maximum particle size above is Standard Mesh 3.5, which has an opening of 0.25 inches. The knife cutter layout is shown below in Figure 11 and the dimensions are specified in Table 53. Figure 20 : Rotary Knife Cutter Layout with Dimensions 99 Table 53: Length Specifications for Rotary Knife Cutter to be used with Rotary Knife Cutter Layout Model Length A Width B Number (in) (in) KC11 36-1/2 26 Base D x E in Inlet F x G in 37-5/8 x 60 5-1/2 x 22 The feed as well as the outlet from the rotary knife cutters will be on belt conveyers as they are economically efficient and the particles have a large enough diameter such that enclosure is not necessary at this point of the process. The materials of construction are not specified on the specification sheet provided by the manufacturer, yet at this point, there are no requirements for specialty materials or design considerations so it is assumed that the material used will be adequate for this unit operation. P-2 / RDR-101 Rotary Drying The next step of the biomass pre-processing section is to reduce the moisture from 25% to 6.25%. This is modeled as a rotary dryer, which is a large cylinder that is horizontal to the g ou d ith a s all a gle. It otates alo g its e t al a is ith affles, o flights, that help to mix and move the solid material. To accomplish the drying, a counter-current hot air stream entering at 120°C and exiting at 90°C is used. The duty of the dryer is found in the simulation to be . /ℎ and the biomass exits at 90°C with a flowrate of . rotary dryer is shown below in Figure 21 (M. G. Silva, 2012). ℎ . A typical Figure 21: Conventional Rotary Cascade Dryer 100 Important design considerations for rotary dryers include length, diameter, residence time, number of flights, and revolutions per minute. To design the rotary dryer for this process, example 9.6 is used in Chemical Process Equipment: Selection and Design (James R. Couper, 2012). The table of nomenclature is shown below in Table 54. Table 54: Table of Nomenclature for Rotary Dryer Symbol Description Amount of dry air per unit area allowed Diameter of dryer Mass flowrate of air ̇ Volume of dryer Length of dryer Number of flights RPM of dryer � Residence time Cross-sectional area Bulk density, corn stover Area % occupied by solids Unit ℎ ℎ � � ℎ � % From the simulation in SuperPro Designer, the air flowrate necessary, ̇ , was . ℎ . To determine the size of the dryer, a typical value for the amount of air allowed per square foot, , was assumed to be 750 ℎ ∗ using equation (65) below. . With this information, the required diameter can be calculated = The diameter was found to be . ∙ ̇ , which was rounded to typical diameters are between 4 and 10 (65) . The heuristic states that so this seems reasonable. The residence time, �, was assumed to be 1 hour, but further pilot plant testing would be required to accurately determine the drying time for the specific feed used in this process. The volume, , is now calculated using equation (66). A typical value for the area occupied by solids, , is assumed to be 8%. The bulk density of corn stover, , is reported as . (Sudhagar Mani, 2004). 101 The volume required was calculated to be . = τ ̇ (66) . From the diameter and volume, the length required is determined from equation (67). = The length was calculated to be (67) . The maximum length of a single unit is determined from heuristics which states that the lengths are typically between 4 and 15 diameters. The diameter is , which corresponds to a maximum length of . Because of this, 4 units of will be used in series to complete the drying process. The number of flights is determined via heuristics and is between 2 and 4 times the diameter. For this design, that is 27 flights. The last important consideration is the RPM of the dryer, which is also calculated via heuristics. This heuristic states the product of the diameter and RPM will be between 25 and 35. Thus, a value of 3.5 RPM was used, which satisfies the heuristic. The construction material of choice for these rotary dryers would be carbon steel as the biomass and air are not corrosive or dangerous and carbon steel is the most economic choice. A summary of all the design specifications is shown below in Table 55. Table 55: Design Summary for P-2 / RDR-101 Dryer Design Specification Number of Units Length per Unit Number of Flights per Unit Diameter RPM Mass Flowrate Material Residence time Value . . Units � � ^ � � ℎ � ℎ 102 P-3 / GR-101 Grinding The third step in the biomass pre-processing section is the stage 2 size reduction. This is a necessary step to achieve the particle size distribution necessary to enter the gasification reactor and is specified in Table 56. Table 56: Size Range for Particles Leaving Stage 2 Grinding Size Interval Lower Limit (� Size Interval Upper Limit (� ) Weight Fraction Biomass Particles 100 120 0 120 140 .1 140 160 .2 160 180 .3 180 200 .4 A schematic of a typical hammermill is shown below in Figure 13 (Feed Machinery, 2015). Figure 22: Hammermill General Design The stage 2 grinder is modeled as a hammermill and has a power requirement of . ℎ . The feed is delivered to the hammermill via a rolling conveyer but the outlet of the feed must be changed into a closed-vessel pneumatic conveying system that prevents entrainment of the new micron-sized particles. The operating conditions are displayed below in Table 57. 103 Table 57: Operating Conditions for P-3 / GR-101 Grinder Design Specification Power Requirement Value 1.14×106 Btu/hr Capacity 2.04×104 lb/hr Pressure 1.013 bar Temperature 90°C Important considerations for designing a hammer mill include the power requirement required to drive the machine, the capacity, materials of construction, size of the mesh screen, dimensions, and RPM. The Bliss Hammermill EMF was decided upon due its previous use in processing sorghum stover (Neal A. Yancey, 2011) as well as it meeting the design specifications above. The Bliss Ha e ill utilizes utte a d/o i pa t plates f o i e o lo k to th ee o lo k a d is capable of grinding to finer particle sizes than traditional hammermills. An extra fine grind screen is an addable option which prevents leakage. This is recommended as the particles will be between 100 and 200 microns so leakage is a concern. The Hammermill specifications are shown below (Bliss Industries, Inc.) in Table 58. Table 58: Design Specifications for Bliss Hammermill EMF 4848 Model # 4848 Power (Btu/hr) 1.02×106 to 1.27×106 Diameter (in) 48 Width (in) 48 RPM 1800 This model also includes a dual grind chamber and sliding doors as standard equipment. From this information, the power requirement is met and is assumed that the capacity is met with one unit as power is a more useful metric to judge the capability of the machine. The screen size required to meet the particle size distribution is 100 MESH which has a max opening of 150 microns. The material of construction is carbon steel with replaceable wear parts. This information is compiled below in Table 59. 104 Table 59: Summary of Design Considerations for P-3 / GR-101 Grinding Design Specification Model Power Diameter Width RPM Capacity Material of Construction Screen Size Value 4848 1.14×106 48 48 1800 2.04×104 Carbon Steel MESH 100 Unit Unitless Btu/hr in. in. revolutions/minute lb/hr Unitless Unitless P-4 / HP-101 Hopper The last unit operation in the biomass pre-processing section is a lock-hopper. The role of the lock-hopper is to pressurize the now micron-sized particles from . to . necessary for the gasification reactor and is accomplished by feeding nitrogen gas at . This is . . The flowrate of nitrogen required to pressurize the feed stream is calculated in the simulation to be . ℎ . A lock-hopper is two hoppers connected via a sealable feeder system. The top hopper contains a bin that is able to hold a buildup of biomass in case of any plant shutdowns or delays. This is operated in a semi-continuous fashion and the feed is fed into the lower hopper, which seals and pressurized gas is flowed in. Once pressurized, the bottom hopper is allowed to continue to the gasification reactor and the process is repeated. Pneumatic conveying is used to both feed the lock-hopper as well as to carry the now-pressurized biomass to the top of the heliostat where the gasification reactor resides. An image of a general lock-hopper is shown below in Figure 14 (Chemical Processing, 2006) and an image of what a typical exit utilizing pneumatic conveying is shown in Figure 15 (Steam of Boiler, 2015). 105 Figure 23: General Lock-Hopper Design Figure 24: General Outflow from Rotary Feed to Pneumatic Conveyance The important design considerations for a lock hopper are the angle of the wall, bin volume, mass flowrate, power consumption for agitation, and the size of the hopper opening. To design the lock hopper, the method outlined in Introduction to Particle Technology is used (Rhodes, 2008). To determine the necessary design specifications, the angle of internal friction as well as the effective angle of internal friction is required. These require physical lab-scale testing yet a 106 report on corn stover that is larger than our particles was found and assumed to apply to our particles (Nehru Chevanan, 2009). Their research reported the following values, which can be found in Table 60. Table 60: Reported Results from Corn Stover Hopper Flowability Parameter Research Parameter Effective Angle of Internal Friction Angle of Internal Friction Value (Degrees) Symbol � Using this information and Figure 16 which corresponds to a conical hopper with an effective angle of internal friction, , of 60 degrees, the wall angle is able to be determined. Figure 25: Figure corresponding to effective internal angle of friction of 60 degrees. Used to determine wall angle. From this, the internal angle of wall friction, � , is not on the figure but is actually on the top left of this diagram. This points to a hopper wall angle of 0 degrees. It is noted in the paper that 107 corn stover of their size range is probably not suited for hopper design and might not flow under gravity alone. Their particle size range is significantly larger from the biomass in the simulation and it is likely that due to the smaller nature of the particles that they will flow more easily under gravity. Noting the discrepancy and without further knowledge of more specific lab data, the assumption will be made that the system can be operated with a lock-hopper with an angle of 0 degrees. To determine the design specifications, Equations (68) through (72) along with the table of nomenclature in Table 61 below are used. Table 61: Table of Nomenclature for P-4 / HP-101 Hopper Symbol Description Velocity ̇ Mass flowrate ̇ Volumetric flowrate � Hopper Cross-Sectional Area Hopper Height Biomass bulk density � Hopper Volume Time for hopper storage � Using a length of = ℎ (68) from the dryer design process, the velocity was found to be . Using a biomass mass flowrate of . was calculated to be . Unit . ̇ = ̇ (69) with a bulk density of . � = . ̇ , the volumetric flowrate (70) 108 The minimum area for the hopper opening, using the above volumetric flowrate and velocity, was calculated to be . . To construct a reasonable height for the silo, along with the process operating semi-continuously with a controlled feeder, the area was enlarged by a factor . of 2. This new area for the hopper opening is � = . ̇ ∗ (71) It was assumed that 20 minutes of storage capability was adequate in case of a plant shutdown to allow for the feed to stop. Using the volumetric flowrate and that time, the volume of the . top hopper, which includes the storage silo, was found to be . The bottom hopper was assumed to be small so that loading times are short and the pressurization process has a small residence time. It was decided to use 1 minute of storage for the bottom hopper. Using these values, it was found that the volume required is � = � � . The height of the top hopper with silo was calculated to be height was calculated to be . . . (72) . . The otto hoppe s A rotary feeder system is used in the lock hopper valve to control the flowrate as well as seal the pressurization hopper. Another rotary feeder hopper is located under the bottom hopper to feed into the pneumatic conveying system as shown in Figure 15 above. It is assumed that 5% of the nitrogen used to pressurize the biomass is leaked into the gasifier and this is modeled in the simulation as the component splitter. It is assumed that the material of construction is carbon steel as it economic and there are no special considerations needed for the solid biomass feed. The power consumption used for agitation is found from the simulation to be . ℎ . Table 62 below summarizes the design of the lock-hopper. Design Specification Hopper Wall Angle Hopper Area of Opening Top Hopper/Bin Volume Bottom Hopper Volume Table 62: Design Summary for P-4 / HP-101 Hopper Value Units . 818.4 40.92 109 . Power Consumption Velocity . Biomass Mass Flowrate . . Nitrogen Mass Flowrate Solar Field and Tower ℎ ℎ ℎ In order to achieve the high temperature requirements of the gasification reactor, and to lower GHG emissions from the plant operation, concentrated solar power is utilized to operate the reactor for 8 hours each day. Many factors are considered when designing a solar heliostat field. Initially, the solar radiative power is taken into consideration. The rate at which solar energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation reaches the earth is solar irradiance and is measured as power per unit area, W/m2 (Power from the Sun, n.d.). This irradiance varies with time and location, but when designing a system the maximum solar irradiance value is used to determine the peak rate of energy input into the system (Power from the Sun, n.d.). For the design calculations, the maximum solar irradiance was assumed to be 1000 W/m 2. Realistically, this value undergoes cosine losses, which is the loss of radiation when the solar energy hits the earth at any angle outside of normal to the Sun. The heat duty from the gasification reactors was used to determine the size of the tower and heliostat field. For a heat duty of 6.5e4 kWh/hr, the net energy required to the process is 521.9 GWhr. The solar potential is 261 GWhr, though solar only delivers 205.6 GWhr to the process while natural gas supplements the remaining 316.3 GWhr. The excess is due to variations e pe ie ed o e ti e i sola e e g a d is t accounted for in this design project. A recommendation to mitigate the asted energy could be to stop tracking some of the heliostats during times of excess solar. Using the required reactor duty, a tower height and heliostat area was calculated at 4000x and 8000x concentrations. The goal is to minimize costs between the number of towers and heliostat area, while still providing enough power to the process with acceptable efficiencies. A calculation with 8000x concentration provided a tower height outside of the limit of 200 m. When analyzing the 4000x concentration design, a single tower height of 182 m fit within heat 110 duty specifications. The material of choice would be a cement composite constructed to withstand the weight of the interior reactor and heat requirements from the field. Analyzing the 4000x concentration parameters to find the optimal design involves evaluating tradeoffs between acceptance ( ) and lookout angle ( ), field size, CPC size, heat losses, and efficiency. As the acceptance and lookout angles increase, the size of the field increases, which allows for more power to the CPC. The trade-offs to this design are larger heat losses and larger CPC area, which affects efficiency and cost. The key design point to consider is at day 82 hour 10, as this point mimics average conditions as closely as possible. For an acceptance and lookout angle of 35, the design point parameters are listed below in Table 63. Table 63: Key design parameters for solar field ηtp ηs 95% Power, Heliostat area, m 2 Total field area, m 2 Total CPC area, m 2 # of Heliostat heliostats dimensions, m2 2802 9.1x9.1 kW 0.751 0.649 6.64x104 2.320x105 2.326x105 302 The heliostats are single elements with square geometry and a spherical curvature. Their dimensions are 9.1m x 9.1m. They are designed to be highly reflective mirrors with low optical errors. In the field, they are closely packed and slightly offset to minimize shading and blocking losses. This can be seen in the extremely small difference between field area and total heliostat area. The heliostats will be oriented in three fields around the tower at 120 angles from each other. Total land area was calculated by determining the land requirements for the north field and assuming the other two fields have the same performance specifications. In reality, each field would have slightly different size requirements and efficiency outputs. Three compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) are oriented near the top of the tower with an entrance aperture directly facing each field. As an estimation, it is assumed the CPC can generate 95% of power, which allows for design optimization without using reactor temperature as a factor (Lewandowski). The entrance radius is larger than the exit to provide the required concentration of thermal energy to meet the power and exiting heat flux requirements of the reactor. This optimization was calculated by the design spreadsheet so the 111 aperture area was minimized, which minimizes reradiation heat losses within the reactor tubes. The overall results are the CPCs require 302 m2 of surface area with an entrance radius of 3.7m, exit radius of 2.15 m, and height of 6.73 m. Figure 26 shows an example of the orientation of the solar field and heliostats. Figure 26: Solar field orientation showing heliostat and CPC layout Based on the specified design point, the efficiency to the process, , is 0.751. This value reflects capturing all of the radiation reflected by the heliostat field, including solar efficiency with reflective losses and shading/blocking losses from the heliostats. The overall solar efficiency is the amount of instantaneous power into the reactor, including losses from the sun to the reactor via the heliostats (Lewandowski). At the design point averaged for all three fields the overall solar efficiency, , was determined to be 0.60. The overall yearly solar efficiency averaged for all three fields was determined to be 0.51. Biomass Gasification Solar Reactor In this process, the solar reactor serves three critical functions: (1) to burn the biomass broken down by the preprocessing section to char (carbon), (2) facilitate the char-gasification reactions to create syngas composed of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2), and (3) optimize the H2:CO ratio using steam-methane reformation. In sizing the reactor, the kinetics of the system first had to be modeled. In the solar reactor, there are many reactions occurring simultaneously, but only the char gasification reaction shown in Equation (73) was assumed to 112 be rate-limiting. To be rigorous, however, additional reactions were included in the model and are presented in Equations (74) to (77), which ultimately led to a 0.4 m3 addition of volume to the reactor compared to when only the char-gasification reaction was considered. The steam methane reforming reactions (SRM1 and SRM2) are shown in Equations (74) and (75), the water gas shift (WGS) reaction is shown in Equation (76), and the dry reforming of methane (DRM) reaction is shown in Equation (77). + → + (73) + (75) + (77) + ↔ + (74) + ↔ + (76) + ↔ + ↔ Once the important reactions were identified, the kinetic rate for each reaction was found in literature. The kinetic expression suggested by R. Bryan Woodruff and Alan Weimer for modeling char gasification is a random pore plugging model and is presented in Equation (78) (Woodruff & Weimer, 2013). The kinetic constants are summarized in Equation (79) and Table 64. ℎ = = + − √ −� + − (78) (79) Table 64: Summary of constants used in kinetic model for solar reactor, where Equilibrium constant, �� � = � Pre-exponential factor, �� 2.51×103 Activation Energy, � (kJ/mol) 112.6 Units for �� , � 6.74×10-2 -37.3 bar-1 3.04×10-1 -36.6 bar-1 − �/ bar-1s-1 Here, conversion, , is defined as moles of product gas over moles of total gas, using Equation (73) to define product gas. Since in an ideal system, moles are essentially directly proportional to pressures, an approximation of the component mole fraction partial pressures of gases in the mixture �, using Equation (80). � was used to determine 113 where � = � ∙ (80) is the total pressure of the system. The paper introduced a geometry factor, �, and discussed its dependence on reaction conditions. Since no correlation for determining the value of this parameter was presented based on temperature or pressure, the same value of 4.3 mentioned in the paper was used. Pilot plant testing would be required to determine � more accurately. It is also clear that pilot plant testing will be required in order to determine the accuracy of the utilized kinetic model at the conditions of plant operation. In modeling the SRM1, SRM2, WGS, and DRM reactions, no models were found for the uncatalyzed reactions. To ignore these reactions, however, would lead to an underestimation of the required reactor volume. To compensate, a catalyzed, competitive binding reaction model proposed by Jun, et al. was used and is presented in Equations (81) to (84), even though the system used in the provided paper did not exactly match that used in the proposed process (Jun, et al., 2011). The kinetic parameters are summarized in Table 65. By using just 1 g of catalyst, it was proposed that this would be an approximation of un-catalyzed conditions. = = = [ + + [ + + [ + + = ( + + + ( + + − + − + − / / )/ − + )( + . (81) . ( )] (82) ( )] (83) ( ) )] (84) 114 Table 65: Parameters for SRM1, SRM2, WGS, and DRM reaction rates (Jun, et al., 2011) Other undesired side reactions that were not specifically modeled include creation of nitrogen, amine, hydrogen chloride, ethane, ethene, nitric oxide, sulfur, and combustion products of methanol. A linear rate was used to account for their presence in the total moles over the reaction progress, which approximated their effect on the other rate expressions used. The kinetics were modeled using Excel, as presented in Appendix II-L and residence time, �, was determined. The conversion of carbon was relative to a feed of 110% of the fed carbon in order to account for the recycle stream entering the solar reactor. This residence time was then used in conjunction with a geometric average between the entering streams and exiting stream 115 volumetric flow rates, , to determine the reactor volume, , that would be required to reach the 98.18% conversion of char specified by the Aspen PLUS simulation, as shown in Equation (85). The geometric average was selected as an appropriate approximation of the average volumetric flow rate flowing through the reactor, since conversion happens more rapidly near the beginning of the reactor than near the end. The results of conversion versus residence time are summarized in Figure 27. = 1.0 ∙� (85) 0.9 0.8 Conversion, X 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 Residence time, τ (s) 5 6 Figure 27. Conversion of carbon versus time spent in the solar reactor. Note that conversion at the inlet is already at about 50% due to gas present from the preprocessing section and from the recycle stream. The estimation of required reactor volume was 6.58 m3. In order to withstand the reaction te pe atu e of ha e a i ˚C, sili o e dia ete of a ide “iC tu es e e e ui ed. Since the available SiC tubes a da e lo g, it was determined that 18 tubes would be required to achieve the desired conversion of carbon. These tubes would need a surrounding p essu e essel o posed of stai less steel ith a -thick alumina coating to protect the vessel from the heat and to insulate the cavity. The required heating duty is supplied by natural 116 gas for an estimated average of sixteen hours per day, thus burners are inserted into the bottom of the cavity. For the other eight hours of the average day, the heating duty is supplied by the solar field, thus three apertures are included in the side of the pressure vessel to allow concentrated sunlight from the solar field in. The tubes would be aligned in staggered formations of three and separated around the three apertures, as shown in Figure 28, and the apertures would be aligned with the CPCs described in the previous section. Figure 28. Solar reactor drawing. The tubes create a fully defined diameter of 112" by separating the circle into 3 equal portions with a lateral le gth e ual to twi e the width of the alu i a oati g plus the le gth of 6 adja e t 6 dia ete , / thi k “iC tubes. Then, determining the diameter using Pythagorean Theorem yields D2=L2+(L/2)2, or D=L/2*(5)^0.5. In designing the geometry of the stainless steel pressure vessel (metal casing), the tubes were used as the li iti g fa to . dia ete ith ¾ thi k ess, a spa i g of ¼ , thi k oati g of alumina, and three equivalent sections of 6 tubes each fully defined the diameter of the vessel by Pythagorean Theorem, as described by Equations (86) and (87). L is defined as the length 117 o upied the tu es plus the le gth o upied the alu i a oati g of spa i g. This esulted i a et dia ete of plus a s all a ou t . The height was taken to be a little higher . than the height of each tube, so about = +( ) = √ (86) (87) Finally, the biomass being fed to the system from the preprocessing section previously defined contains a mixture of fluids and solids that must be properly fed to the reactor. To do this, pneumatic conveying would be used, as previously described in the preprocessing section. Essentially, a rotary screw would be used to control the flowrate of gas concurrently with entrained solids. Zinc-Oxide Reactor The zinc-oxide (ZnO) reactor serves to remove most residual acids from the system before moving on to the methanol reactor, where these acid gases could poison the catalyst. ZnO can be used to remove both HCl and H2S from the syngas, but essentially no HCl is present in the system after the amine scrubbing system, so the only kinetics requiring modeling are those of Equation (88). + ↔ + (88) Huiling, Yanxu, Chunhu, Hanxian, and Kechang studied the adsorption of sulfur by ZnO in the presence of hydrogen and found that hydrogen had a significant effect on the rate of hydrogen sulfide adsorption. The study suggested the use of an equivalent grain model presented in Equation (89) (Huiling, Yanxu, Chunhu, Hanxian, & Kechang, 2002). The necessary parameters are summarized in Table 66. [ � ]= + (89) 118 Table 66: Summary of kinetic parameters used to determine residence time in the zinc-oxide reactor Parameter Equation/Value Definition Constant based on grain Constant based on pellet [mol/cm2 min] [mol/cm2 min] − . . − × × − − − − / − / ex� − Grain conversion function − ex� − Pellet conversion function Apparent chemical reaction constant Diffusion coefficient 0.99 Conversion [mol/L] 20.37 ZnO concentration in pellet [nm] 26.1 Grain radium [g/Nm3] 0.032587133 Pellet radium [J/K mol] 8.314 Gas constant [K] 483.15 Temperature The time determined from Equation (89) was used as the residence time in Equation (85) to determine the reactor volume necessary to achieve 99% conversion of H2S. Once again, the reactor volume was sufficient to determine the length and diameter of the pressure vessel. Monel-400 was chosen as the material of construction as there was sufficient acid present in the stream to be corrosive. The required catalyst was then determined from stoichiometry and the conversion percentage. Methanol Reactor The methanol reactor serves to produce the methanol product from syngas. The feed to the reactor contains a H2:CO molar ratio of about 2 and a H2O:CO molar ratio of about 0.1, which was specified as the optimal conditions for the reaction in the project description. The kinetic model suggested by Bussche and Froment involved a two-step mechanism described by Equation (90) (Bussche & Froment, 1996). + ↔ + + ↔ + (90) 119 Bussche and Froment also suggested the use of a series of reversible binding reactions to the catalyst as the kinetic model for the reverse water gas shift (RWGS) and methanol synthesis reactions. However, Vijayaraghava and Lee suggested a similar model with a better fit for the methanol synthesis step (Vijayaraghava & Lee, 1993). In order to get the best model of the system kinetics, a hybrid of the RWGS model from Bussche and Froment and the methanol synthesis model from Vijayaraghava and Lee was used. These models are presented in Equations (91) and (92), respectively. The parameters of for these rates are summarized in Table 67 and 68, respectively. [ [ ∙ℎ ∙ ]= ]= + +( ∙ ex� − ′ ∙ )( + ∙ ∙ ∗ [ − ∙ − + ( (91) ∙ )] )+√ (92) + Table 67: Summary of parameters for methanol formation reaction Parameter Equation or Value [Cal/mol] [MPa (kmol solute/kmol solvent)] [MPa (kmol solute/kmol solvent)] [MPa (kmol solute/kmol solvent)] ex� (− ex� ( . ex� − . . + − log 18360 . ( − − . + . . . + . − ln ) ) / . − × 965.96 . ln ) + . . 0.0150 1.49×10-3 3.96×10-3 3.68×10-5 0.818 0.823 2.090 2.160 120 Table 68: Summary of parameters for the WGS reaction Parameter √ ′ Pre-exponential Factor Activation Energy or (-��) [J/K-mol] 0.499 17197 6.62E-11 124119 3453.38 -- 12200000000 -94765 This kinetic system was modeled using Polymath, the code for which can be found in Appendix II-L. A graph depicting conversion versus residence time can be found in Figure 29. The residence time required to reach 45% conversion was determined to be 0.02 hrs, and Equation (85) was used again to determine the reactor volume. Since the reactor volume was 1094 m3 (much larger than the maximum purchasable reactor listed in the design textbook), it was decided that the reactor would be split into three equivalent reactors. The exact design specifications can be found in Appendix II-L. The chosen material of construction was 316 stainless steel since it would be capable of withstanding the large pressure requirements of the Conversion vessel. 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Residence time (hr) 0.02 0.025 Figure 29. Residence versus residence time in methanol reactor 121 The heat of reaction for the formation of methanol is significantly negative, indicating that heat exchangers would be required for each reactor in order to maintain the reaction condition of 210°C and avoid a runaway reaction. One more important factor in designing the methanol reactor was the inclusion of the catalyst slurry. Vijayaraghava and Lee described the reactor conditions as being composed of 25:1 volume fraction of slurry. The slurry was composed of 500 mL Witco-40 oil containing 25 g of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst. This, however, was not a sufficient catalyst content to keep the reactor volume to a reasonable level, so the design was modified to include a much more concentrated form of the slurry with 625 g of catalyst per 500 mL of Witco-40 oil. This ended up accounting for most of the total reactor volume (25*1094 m3/26=1052) and was found to be a major operating cost. Putting all this information together led to the design of three vertical pressure vessels filled to 25/26ths of their volume with Witco-40 oil containing 625 g of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst. The syngas would then be bubbled through the large reactors, and the reactions would take place in the slurry mode. Spray Quench Tank The spray quench tank used in the biomass gasification subsystem of the facility was modeled as the reductant contact vessel present in a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) process. In selective catalytic reduction, fly ash-containing flue gas from coal-fired power plants is stripped of NOx gases by contacting the gas with a reductant such as ammonia or urea (Heck, 1999). A diagram of a simple SCR reductant contact vessel is provided in Figure 30. 122 Figure 30. Schematic of a simple selective catalytic reduction contact vessel. The inspiration for this design choice was derived from the twin selective catalytic reduction vessels used at Pawnee Station, a 500MW coal-fired power generation facility owned and operated by Xcel Energy in Brush, CO. The vessel used at Pawnee Station is comprised of a stainless steel shell approximately four inches thick, with a central spinner head made from titanium. The reductant used at Pawnee Station is an amine-containing liquid, and is ejected from the spinning head so that contact with the flue gas can be maximized. The selective catalytic reduction system at Pawnee Station was custom-designed by Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) for use as part of a greenhouse-gas emission reduction program. In the variant of the SCR vessel modified to model the spray quench tank, the product stream exiting the solar reactor enters the titanium rotating head, and contacts the cooling water through a stainless steel shell. The original titanium material chosen for the rotating head by Xcel Energy was selected in order to tolerate the corrosive environment created by the amine fluid passing through it; for the purposes of the proposed process, the titanium serves as the best material choice to withstand the high temperatures of the solar reactor product stream. The stainless steel outer vessel casing is also an acceptable choice for the current application, as 123 the exiting cooling water stream leaves the process at high temperatures (586°C) and high pressures (35 bar). Despite the hot solar reactor product stream contacting with the stainless steel shell during heat transfer with the cooling water, substantial heat is lost when the stream exits the rotating head nozzles. This heat loss is sufficient in order to prevent the stainless steel shell from failing following high thermal contact (Alexander, 2015). The SCR vessels in operation at Pawnee Station are approximately 20ft in diameter at the widest part, and narrow to a 5ft diameter spent reductant chute. The vessels are approximately 80ft tall, measured from the base of the reductant chute to the top of the flue gas exit. Heat Exchangers Three heat exchangers were used in the Biomass Gasification subsection of the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility designed here. The procedure and equations used to design each heat exchanger has already been discussed in the General Equipment Design subsection, however, metrics unique to each heat exchanger are presented below. HEAT-1 The first heat exchanger present in the biomass gasification subsection, Heat-1, increases the temperature of the clean gas (CLN-GAS) stream prior to entering the zinc reactor (ZN-REACT). The heating fluid used for this heat exchanger is high pressure stream, which enters the process at 450 psig and 231°C with a mass flowrate of 1.61x104 lb/hr. The utility fluid condenses as it passes through the exchanger, supplying heat to the process stream. The process stream enters the exchanger at 20.0°C and 35.0 bar, and exits the exchanger at 210°C. A summary of the heat exchanger parameters are detailed in the following table. Table 69. Heat-1 heat exchanger design parameters. Heat duty 1.23×107 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 1619 ft2 Tube O.D. 0.75 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 16 ft. Tube spacing Triangular Number of tubes 516 124 Number of shell and tube One shell pass passes One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 3 psi Pressure drop on shell side 1.5 psi Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: carbon steel NH3-SEP HX The second heat exchanger present in the biomass gasification subsystem is NH3-SEP HX, which reduces the temperature of the vapor stream exiting the cyclone (VAPOR) prior to entering the NH3-SEP unit. The cooling fluid used to achieve the desired temperature change is refrigerated brine, which enters the separator at -17.8°C and exits the separator at 10.0°C. 2.99x105 lb/hr of cooling fluid is required to achieve the desired heat transfer. The process stream enters the heat exchanger at 122°C, and exits at 20.0°C. A summary of heat exchanger metrics are provided in the following table. Table 70. NH3-SEP HX heat exchanger design parameters. Heat duty 9.16×106 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 791 ft2 Tube O.D. 0.75 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 16 ft. Tube spacing Triangular Number of tubes 252 Number of shell and tube One shell pass passes One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 3 psi Pressure drop on shell side 5 psi Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: carbon steel VL-SEP HX The final heat exchanger present in the biomass gasification subsystem is VL-SEP HX, which reduces the temperature of the product stream exiting the methanol reactor (RCT-PROD) prior 125 to entering the VL-SEP unit. This product stream enters the heat exchanger at 210°C, and exits the heat exchanger at 50.0°C. In order to achieve this temperature difference, cooling water is used as the utility stream. A flowrate of 1.53x106 lb/hr of cooling water at 32.2°C enters the heat exchanger, and exits at 48.9°C following heat transfer from the process stream. In order to accomplish the required heat transfer, two identical heat exchangers are run in parallel. A summary of heat exchanger metrics for a single heat exchanger in the VL-SEP HX unit is provided in the table below. Table 71. VL-SEP HX heat exchanger design parameters. Heat duty 4.59×107 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 4041 ft2 Tube O.D. 0.75 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 12 ft. Tube spacing Triangular Number of tubes 858 Number of shell and tube One shell pass passes One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 5 psi Pressure drop on shell side 1.5 psi Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: carbon steel Compressor In the biomass gasification subsystem, a compressor is used to increase the pressure of the inlet stream to the methanol reactor. This compressor takes an inlet stream with a mass flowrate of 1.08x105 lb/hr at 133°C and 35.0 bar and increases the pressure of that stream to 80.0 bar. This action also increases the temperature of this stream to 219°C. In order to specify the required design parameters for the compressor, the power consumed by the compressor, Pactual, and efficiency must be calculated. From these parameters, the compressor type can then be chosen. 126 The first step required for this calculation is the determination of adiabatic head, which is accomplished by the following formula: Where = ′ � ( � [ ) − − ] is the ratio of the constant pressure heat capacity ( heat capacity ( (93) ) divided by the constant volume ). In Equation 93, ’ is the gas constant in units of J/(mol·K), � has units of K, and pressures are in units of kPa. The units returned for adiabatic head are kJ/kg, but can be readily converted to meters for the following calculation of adiabatic power, in which the adiabatic head (m) is multiplied by the mass flowrate (kg/s): = ∙ ̇ (94) This equation returns the value for adiabatic power in kW. The adiabatic power requirement calculated above is then divided by the actual power consumed by the compressor, obtained from Aspen PLUS. The resulting value is the compressor efficiency: = (95) For proper compressor specification, actual power consumption is converted from kW to hp, so that a suitable compressor type can be chosen. Based on the parameters discussed here, compressor type was chosen using the following figure: 127 Figure 31. Compressor type selection based on adiabatic head and volumetric capacity; Peters et al. A summary of the parameters relevant to the compressor design selected for this application are summarized in the following table. Table 72. Compressor design parameters. Pactual η Brake hp 5519.66 kW 0.72 7401.97 Stages Compressor Type 1 Centrifugal, Single Stage Pumps Three pumps are present in the biomass gasification subsystem. A rigorous methodology featuring appropriate equations has already been provided in the General Equipment Design subsection. Metrics unique to each pump in the system are provided below. 128 PUMP-1 The first pump present in the biomass gasification subsystem elevates the pressure of the H 2O inlet stream (H20-1) prior to entering the solar reactor. This stream has a flowrate of 1.92x104 lb/hr, and experiences a pressure increase from 1.01 bar to 35.0 bar. Pump design metrics are provided in the table below. Table 73. PUMP-1 design parameters. RPM 1750 Casting 3x2x6 Efficiency 45% Stages 6 Total Head (ft) 213 ft. head/stage 35.5 Total Power 6 hp Power/stage 1 hp Impeller Size 6 in Duty 7.04x104 btu/hr PUMP-2 The second pump in the biomass gasification subsystem elevates the pressure of an inlet cooling water stream (H20-2) prior to entry into the spray quench tank. The inlet water stream has a mass flowrate o 5.95x104, and must undergo a pressure change from 1.01 bar to 35.0 bar prior to entry into the reactor. Pump design metrics are presented in the table below. Table 74. PUMP-2 design parameters. RPM 3500 Casting 3x2x6 Efficiency 55% Stages 2 Total Head (ft) 213 ft. head/stage 107 Total Power 15 hp Power/stage 7.5 hp Impeller Size 6 in Duty 1.57x105 btu/hr 129 PUMP-3 The final pump in the biomass gasification subsystem elevates the pressure of an inlet water stream (H2O-3) from 1.01 bar to 35.0 bar prior to entry into the methanol reactor. This stream has a mass flowrate of 5.60x103 lb/hr. Table 75. PUMP-3 design parameters. RPM 1750 Casting 3x2x6 Efficiency 20% Stages 11 Total Head (ft) 495 ft. head/stage 45.0 Total Power 5.5 hp Power/stage 0.5 hp Impeller Size 6.5 in Duty 6.47x105 btu/hr Vapor-Liquid Separators Two vapor-liquid separators were designed for the biomass gasification and methanol production section of the proposed plant. The first of these separators, NH3-SEP, operates at 20°C and 35 bar and functions to separate ammonia and water from the syngas stream. The second separator, VL-SEP, operates at 20°C and 35 bar and separates water and the newly p odu ed etha ol a etha ol f o the p o ess gas. The desig o side atio s fo ea h of these separators are outlined below. NH3-SEP NH3-SEP was designed as a horizontal vapor-liquid separator using the procedure outlined in the Horizontal Separators design section (see pg. 86). A horizontal orientation was used to reduce the capital cost of the process and because the gas-liquid ratio in this unit was high. The stream specifications taken from Aspen PLUS that were used in this design are presented in Table 76 below. The liquid retention time was chosen to be = � because the system was 130 = assumed to be non-foaming. A liquid droplet diameter of � was used to ensure adequate separation of entrained liquid droplets from the gas phase. Table 76: Aspen PLUS stream specifications used in the design of NH3-SEP Parameter Symbol Value Units Gas compressibility 1.021 - Evaluated at ACID-GAS Gas flow rate 46.39 MMSCFD Evaluated at ACID-GAS Liquid flow rate 146.9 bbl/day Evaluated at AQ-WASTE Operating temperature 527.67 °R Evaluated at outlet conditions Operating pressure 507.6 psia Evaluated at outlet conditions 150 µm Minimum of 150-200 µm Mass density of gas 0.951 lb/ft3 Evaluated at ACID-GAS Mass density of liquid 62.33 lb/ft3 Evaluated at AQ-WASTE 0.015 cP Evaluated at ACID-GAS 10.3 °API Evaluated at AQ-WASTE 5 min Table 47 Liquid droplet diameter Viscosity of the gas API gravity of liquid Retention time of the liquid ° � From these specifications, a table of effective lengths Comments and standard internal diameters was prepared according to Equations (46) and (47). The specifications that gave a slenderness ratio between 3 and 4 were chosen and used to calculate the seam-to-seam length . The results of these calculations are given in Table 77 below. Table 77: Calculations of length and diameter for NH3-SEP d (in.) Leff (gas cap.) Leff (liq. cap.) Larger Leff (ft) Sr Lss (ft) Lss < (4/3)Leff? 6 39.60 29.14 39.60 79.21 40.10 TRUE 12 19.80 7.29 19.80 19.80 20.80 TRUE 18 13.20 3.24 13.20 8.80 14.70 TRUE 24 9.90 1.82 9.90 4.95 11.90 TRUE 30 7.92 1.17 7.92 3.17 10.42 TRUE 36 6.60 0.81 6.60 2.20 9.60 FALSE 42 5.66 0.59 5.66 1.62 9.16 FALSE 48 4.95 0.46 4.95 1.24 8.95 FALSE 131 With these specifications and the properties of 316 stainless steel in Table 78 below, the shell thickness was found to be = � ., which led to a vessel weight of of the specifications of NH3-SEP are given in Table 79 below. = . A summary Table 78: 316 stainless steel material properties (Nickel Development Institute), (Azo Materials, n.d.). Metric Symbol Value Units Maximum allowable stress 19400 psi Density 497.55 lb/ft3 Table 79: Specifications of NH3-SEP Internal diameter 2.5 ft Seam-to-seam length 10.42 ft Material of construction 316 stainless steel Shell thickness 3/4 in. Vessel weight 3129 lb. VL-SEP VL-SEP was also designed as a horizontal vapor-liquid separator using the procedure outlined in the Horizontal Separators design section (see pg. 86). A horizontal orientation was used to reduce the capital cost of the process and because the gas-liquid ratio in this unit was high. The stream specifications taken from Aspen PLUS that were used in this design are presented in Table 80 below. The liquid retention time was chosen to be of the liquid was greater than 35. A liquid droplet diameter of = = � because the API gravity � was used to ensure adequate separation of entrained liquid droplets from the gas phase. Table 80: Aspen PLUS stream specifications used in the design of VL-SEP Parameter Symbol Value Units Comments Gas compressibility 1.019 - Evaluated at SEP-VAP Gas flow rate 50.41 MMSCFD Evaluated at SEP-VAP Liquid flow rate 4482.2 bbl/day Operating temperature 581.67 °R Evaluated at outlet conditions Operating pressure 507.6 psia Evaluated at outlet conditions Evaluated at RAW-MEOH 132 Liquid droplet diameter 150 µm Mass density of gas 0.906 lb/ft3 Evaluated at SEP-VAP Mass density of liquid 48.52 lb/ft3 Evaluated at RAW-MEOH 0.016 cP 42.4 °API Evaluated at RAW-MEOH 1 min Table 47 Viscosity of the gas ° API gravity of liquid Retention time of the liquid � Minimum of 150-200 µm Evaluated at SEP-VAP From these specifications, a table of effective lengths and standard internal diameters was prepared according to Equations (46) and (47). The specifications that gave a slenderness ratio between 3 and 4 were chosen and used to calculate the seam-to-seam length . The results of these calculations are given in Table 81 below. Table 81: Calculations of length and diameter for VL-SEP d (in.) Leff (gas cap.) Leff (liq. cap.) Larger Leff (ft) Sr Lss (ft) Lss < (4/3)Leff? 6 57.52 177.87 177.87 355.73 178.37 TRUE 12 28.76 44.47 44.47 44.47 45.47 TRUE 18 19.17 19.76 19.76 13.18 21.26 TRUE 24 14.38 11.12 14.38 7.19 16.38 TRUE 30 11.50 7.11 11.50 4.60 14.00 TRUE 36 9.59 4.94 9.59 3.20 12.59 TRUE 42 8.22 3.63 8.22 2.35 11.72 FALSE 48 7.19 2.78 7.19 1.80 11.19 FALSE With these specifications and the properties of 316 stainless steel in Table 78, the shell thickness was found to be = � ., which led to a vessel weight of of the specifications of VL-SEP are given in Table 82 below. = . A summary Table 82: Specifications for VL-SEP Internal diameter 3 ft Seam-to-seam length 12.49 ft Material of construction 316 stainless steel Shell thickness 7/8 in. Vessel weight 5394 lb. 133 ZN-SPLIT Cyclone The ZN-SPLIT cyclone was used to extract the remaining zinc solid utilized in the zinc oxide reactor. This cyclone design was similar to the cyclone design detailed in the General Equipment Design of Cyclones. The inlet volumetric flowrate was higher than for the first Cyclone unit operation, thus a larger diameter was required. Four units in parallel were designed because the initial diameter calculation was outside of the range for a standard diameter. The scaling factor was determined to be 2.18, which produced a final cyclone diameter of 2.29 ft and height of 10.33 ft. ZN-SPLIT would not be in contact with any corrosive material, therefore carbon steel can be used. Amine Scrubbing The design procedures used for the relevant equipment in the amine scrubbing section of the plant are outlined in the following section. A summary of the designed equipment is shown in Table 83 below. Procedures for some of the common equipment designed in this section are given in Section VIII: Generalized Equipment Design. Table 83: Summary of designed equipment for the amine scrubbing section Piece of Equipment Design details Name in HYSYS Simulation Absorption column Absorber Absorber Vapor-liquid separator Vertical separator Separator Lean/rich heat exchanger Shell-and-tube heat exchanger Lean/Rich Exchanger Regeneration column Distillation column Regenerator Regenerator condenser Air-cooled heat exchanger Regenerator Regenerator reflux drum Vertical pressure vessel Regenerator Regenerator reboiler Kettle reboiler Reboiler Steam Booster pump Centrifugal pump Booster Pump Amine cooler Double-pipe heat exchanger Cooler Pressure Vessels, Separators, and Towers The absorption column is the piece of equipment responsible for removing the acid gas components from the process syngas, thereby sweetening it. To do so, intimate mixing between the process gas and the amine solution is required. An absorption column with a set 134 number of sieve trays was designed to ensure this mixing. The liquid flows over a downcomer on the trays, while the gas bubbles up through the gas and creates a froth. The height of liquid volume must be large enough to ensure that there exists enough clearance for the liquid to occupy. The absorption column itself was designed as a vertical vapor-liquid separator, as explained in the Vertical Separators section (pg. 87); the height of liquid volume obtained from this design procedure was used to inform the spacing of the trays in the column. The diameter of the column was also obtained in this way. The shell thickness was obtained through calculations demonstrated in the Pressure Vessels and Towers design section (pg. 90). The following data in Table 84 from HYSYS and Arnold and Stewart in Surface Production Operations were used in design calculations (Arnold & Stewart, 1999). Table 84: Values for the design of the absorption column Parameter Symbol Value Units Gas compressibility 1.014 - Gas flow rate 46.265 MMSCFD Liquid flow rate 759.7 bbl/day Operating temperature 535.32 °R Operating pressure 507.6 psia Evaluated at outlet conditions 175 µm Average of 150-200 µm Mass density of gas 0.9574 lb/ft3 Evaluated at outlet conditions Mass density of liquid 72.22 lb/ft3 Evaluated at outlet conditions 0.015 cP 10.1 °API Average of rich and lean amine. 8 min Table 47 Liquid droplet diameter Viscosity of the gas API gravity of liquid Retention time of the liquid ° � Comments Evaluated at outlet conditions Average of feed gas and sweet gas Evaluated at outlet conditions Average of feed gas and sweet gas Average of feed gas and sweet gas Implementing the design procedure yields the specifications outlined in Table 85. The internal diameter of the column was found to be = . ; this value was rounded up to 4. The value for height of liquid volume ℎ was found to be just under 24 inches. 24 inches is a standard separation distance for trays according to Arnold and Stewart, so ℎ = tray spacing. = � . was used as the sieve trays were implemented, as recommended by Arnold and Stewart. The seam-to-seam length of the column was then computed by Equation (96): 135 . = ∙ℎ (96) where the 1.15 figure accounts for a 15% disengagement length and the 12 figure accounts for the conversion to feet. It was found that = . 316 stainless steel was used as the material of construction for the trays and shell of the column to resist corrosive hydrochloric acid. Using the properties of 316 stainless steel in Table 78, the shell thickness was found to be = � ., which led to a vessel weight of = . Table 85: Specifications for the absorber column Internal diameter 4 ft Tray spacing 24 in. Number of trays 20 Type of trays Sieve trays Seam-to-seam length 46 ft Material of construction 316 stainless steel Shell thickness 1 1/8 in. Vessel weight 29515 lb. The valve following the absorber column was not designed because valves are commonly available from industrial vendor. In addition, additional information about the piping it would be installed in would be needed. The separator was designed as a vertical vapor-liquid separator. A vertical orientation was hose e ause of the u it s lo gas-liquid ratio. The same procedure was used to design this separator as with the absorber column, with a few extra considerations. The vessel internal diameter was calculated to be 0.538 ft; this value was rounded up to achieve a slenderness ratio = . in order to between 3 and 4. The shell thickness was required to be 1/4 in. thick for structural stability. The material of construction was chosen to be 316 stainless steel to resist corrosion. Specifications for the separator are shown in Table 86 below. 136 Table 86: Specifications for the separator Internal diameter 2 ft Seam-to-seam length 6.56 ft Material of construction 316 stainless steel Shell thickness 1/4 in. Vessel weight 537 lb. The regenerator column was designed as a distillation column. A common method used to perform a preliminary design is the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliand (FUG) method, as was used to design the methanol purification distillation column (pg. 145). However, this method breaks down in the amine scrubbing system because of the electrolyte chemistry and non-idealities present. This occurs despite the large boiling point difference (at 1 atm) between MDEA ( . ° ) and water ( ratio was calculated to be = � = ° ), the heavy and light keys, respectively. The minimum reflux = − . . So, suggestions from external sources were used to guide the column design in HYSYS. The column was operated at total reflux since the product gas must be treated and flared. 10 trays were chosen rather than 20 trays in this MDEA system because the percent recovery of CO2 in the overall system is not increased enough to justify the extra cost of nearly doubling the height of the column (Weiland & Sivasubramanian, 2003). The reboiler duty was selected to be = . × /ℎ to ensure that no minimum temperature approach violations would occur in the Lean/Rich Exchanger and to reduce the number of trays needed (Arnold & Stewart, 1999). An example calculation provided by AspenTech was used to estimate the pressure drop of the column to be 4 psi (0.276 bar) and of the condenser to be 2 psi (0.138 bar) (Aspen Technology, Inc., 2013). The condenser duty ( = . × /ℎ ) and reflux ratio ( = . were determined by the HYSYS simulation. The distillate and bottoms flow rates, temperatures, and pressures can be found on Table 35. A tray spacing of 24 in. was assumed. For the calculation of the column diameter, however, the method outlined in the design of the methanol purification column (see pg. 145) and Equation (104) was used. So, constant molar overflow of the column was assumed. The shell thickness was found in the same way as a 137 pressure vessel. The material of construction was chosen to be 316 stainless steel. A summary of important regenerator column specifications can be found in Table 87. Table 87: Specifications of the regenerator column Internal diameter 2.1 ft Tray spacing 24 in. Number of trays 10 Type of trays Sieve trays Seam-to-seam length 23 ft Material of construction 316 stainless steel Shell thickness 1/4 in. Vessel weight 1834 lb. Condenser duty 6.0×106 Btu/hr Reboiler duty 4.7×106 Btu/hr The regenerator was also equipped with a reflux drum to provide an avenue for liquid to flow back into the column. Using the column environment from HYSYS for stream specifications, the reflux drum was designed as a vertical separator. This decision was made because the gas-liquid ratio was low. Once again, the internal diameter was rounded up to 2 ft in order to satisfy the slenderness ratio requirement. The seam-to-seam length was also rounded up to 7 ft in order to guarantee good liquid-vapor separation and reduce the loss of water droplets entrained in the vapor. The results from these calculations are shown in Table 88. Table 88: Specifications for the reflux drum Internal diameter 2 ft Seam-to-seam length 6.51 ft Material of construction 316 stainless steel Shell thickness 1/4 in. Vessel weight 566 lb. Heat Exchangers The lean/rich heat exchanger was designed as a shell-and-tube heat exchanger using the procedure explained in the Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers design section (see pg. 78) and the information from Table 34. The two fluids exchanging heat are amine solutions, so an overall 138 heat transfer coefficient of = /ℎ ∙ ∙ ° was chosen (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The choice of tube specifications was done to ensure the tube-side velocity in the heat exchanger was between 1 and 10 ft/s. Stainless steel was used as the material of construction to avoid the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid. The final specifications are summarized in Table 89 below. Table 89: Specifications for Lean/Rich heat exchanger Heat duty 1.45×106 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 311 ft2 Shell O.D. 21.25 in. Tube O.D. 1.25 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 12 ft. Tube pitch Triangular Number of tubes 80 Number of shell and tube One shell pass passes One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 5 psi (To Exchanger/Regen Feed) Pressure drop on shell side 5 psi (Regen Bottoms/To Tank) Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: stainless steel The regenerator reboiler was designed as a shell-and-tube heat exchanger using the procedure explained in the Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers design section (see pg. 78) and the information from Table 36. One of the fluids in the heat exchanger was condensing steam, so an overall heat transfer coefficient of = /ℎ ∙ ∙ ° was chosen (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The log-mean temperature difference was assumed to be the difference between the saturation temperatures of the tube and shell side fluids; this assumption was made because one of the heat transfer media is changing phase. The choice of tube specifications was made to ensure the tube-side velocity in the heat exchanger was between 1 and 10 ft/s. Although not considered in the PFD description, estimates for the 139 pressure drop on the shell side and tube side were found using Heuristic 31. Stainless steel was used as the material of construction to avoid the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid. The final specifications are summarized in Table 90 below. Table 90: Specifications for the regenerator reboiler Heat duty �� 6.00×106 Btu/hr 48.1°F (26.7°C) Heat transfer area 384 ft2 Shell I.D. 21.25 in. Tube O.D. 0.75 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 12 ft. Tube pitch Triangular Number of tubes 82 Number of shell and tube passes One shell pass One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 1.5 psi (Saturated Steam/Steam Condensate) Pressure drop on shell side 5 psi (reboiler bottoms) Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: stainless steel The other two heat exchangers used in the amine scrubbing system are not conventional shelland-tube heat exchangers. The first of these exchangers is an air-cooled heat exchanger for use i the ege e ato olu s o de se . Design considerations were taken from Seide s Heuristic 56 (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The decision was made to use an aircooled heat exchanger to save on utility costs and to follow recommendations from Arnold and Stewart (Arnold & Stewart, 1999). A schematic of one of these units is given in Figure 32 below. An air-cooled heat exchanger utilizes ambient air to cool the process fluid in the tubes. The air (cold stream) was assumed to enter at 90°F (32.2°C) and exit at 140°F (60°C). The inlet and outlet conditions for the process fluid flowing through the tubes and the heat duty were obtained from HYSYS. The process fluid (hot stream) enters at 235.94°F (113.3°C) and leaves at 140 221°F (105°C). Therefore, using Equation (37), the log-mean temperature difference is found to be ∆ = . ° . ° . An overall heat transfer coefficient of for using unfinned tubes was assumed. From HYSYS, the duty was amount of power needed for the fans was then found to be = . = = . × /ℎ ∙ ∙° /ℎ . The ℎ according to Heuristic 56. From here, the same procedure to find the number of tubes in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger was used. The final specifications are given in Table 91 below. Figure 32: A general schematic of an air-cooled heat exchanger Table 91: Final specifications for the air-cooled heat exchanger Heat duty -4.70×106 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 3.30 ft2 Tube O.D. 3/4 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 12 ft. Tube spacing Triangular Number of tubes 1773 (unfinned) Fan power required 1.34 hp Materials of construction Stainless steel tubes A double-pipe heat exchanger was designed for use in the amine cooler. A double-pipe heat exchanger was used here because the heat transfer area required in this process unit is less 141 than 100 ft2, making the use of a traditional shell-and-tube heat exchanger impractical. A schematic of an example unit is given in Figure 33 below. The procedure used for calculating the total heat transfer surface area was the same at that used for a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The utility used was chilled water; this fluid (cold stream) enters the shell at 45°F (7.22°C) and leaves at 90°F (32.2°C). The lean amine solution enters the tube at 131.8°F (55.4°C) and leaves at 110.0°F (43.3°C). The cooler duty is transfer coefficient of = /ℎ ∙ = . × /ℎ . An overall heat ∙ ° for amine solutions and water was assumed (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The heat transfer area required was then calculated to be = . . Figure 33: Schematic of a double-pipe heat exchanger From here, two types of tubes were chosen – one was used as the outer tube, and the other as the inner tube. The annular cross-sectional area was then calculated according to Equation (97): where . . = . . − . .� is the inner diameter of the outer pipe and . .� (97) is the outer diameter of the inner pipe. Using the heat capacity of water, the duty, and the surface area of the heat exchanger, the mass flow rate of chilled water was then calculated to be = /ℎ . The mass flow rate of chilled water was then divided by the density of water and the annular crosssectional area to find the superficial velocity of the chilled water to ensure that it was near the 142 range of 1-10 ft2. The inner tube material of construction was chosen to be stainless steel to resist corrosion. The final specifications are presented in Table 92 below. Table 92: Specifications of the amine cooler double-pipe heat exchanger Inner tube I.D. 3.068 in. O.D. 3.5 in. Schedule 40 Material of construction Outer tube Stainless steel I.D. 4.026 in. O.D. 4.5 in. Schedule 40 Material of construction Carbon steel Heat duty Q 1.9×105 Btu/hr ft2 Heat transfer surface area A 22.008 ft2 Mass flow rate of chilled water m 4316.8 lb/hr Tube side fluid: Lean amine solution Shell side fluid: Chilled water Pumps The reflux pump, while shown in the PFD for the amine scrubbing system, was not given design considerations and neglected. The design of the pump was neglected because the pressure drop through the condenser and reflux drum was assumed to be negligible. The booster pump was designed according to the pump design section (see pg. 75). The pump curve used for the design is provided in Figure 34 below. From HYSYS, it was determined that the pump needed to provide ∆ = . of head to = . of lean amine flow. HYSYS also provided an NPSHA of 42 ft. Final specifications for the booster pump are given in Table 93 below. 143 Figure 34: Pump curves for the booster pump (Carver, 2006) Table 93: Specifications for the booster pump RPM: Casing: Efficiency: Stages: ft head/stage: 1750 3x2x6 37 rpm (low flow) % 6 38.93 ft NPSHR: 5 ft Power: 0.75 hp/stage 4.5 hp total Impeller Size: 6.25 in Product Separation & Post-Processing Separator V-100 The separator in the methanol purification system served to create a 100% liquid inlet stream to the distillation column and remove many of the gas impurities. A vertical separator was designed for this process due to the low gas-to-liquid ratio of the inlet stream. This separator was similar to the design calculations detailed in the Generalized Equipment Design: Vertical Separators. The design diameter was calculated to be 30 inches and the seam-to-seam length 144 was 8.05 ft. Carbon steel is acceptable as the material for the separator because corrosive compounds were not used in this unit. Distillation Column T-100 A full distillation column was simulated in Aspen HYSYS with a total condenser and partial reboiler. The choice for type and pressure of the condenser and reboiler was based on Figure 8.9 Algorithm for establishing distillation column pressure and condenser type in the class Process Design textbook (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). A calculation was made for the pressure of the distillate at 49°C; from this it was determined to use a total condenser at 2bar pressure and a reboiler at 2.758bar. The cooling fluid used for the condenser is chilled water, which enters the process at 7.2°C with a mass flowrate of 7.6x104 lb/hr. The distillate stream enters the exchanger at 85°C and 2.0 bar, and exits the exchanger at 80°C. A summary of the heat exchanger parameters are detailed in the following table. Table 94. Condenser heat exchanger design parameters. Heat duty 3.74×107 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 2225.4 ft2 Tube O.D. 1.5 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 16 ft. Tube spacing Triangular Number of tubes 143 Number of shell and tube One shell pass passes One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 1.5 psi Pressure drop on shell side 1.5 psi Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: stainless steel The heating fluid used for the reboiler is low-pressure steam, which enters the process at 130.5°C with a mass flowrate of 4.21x104 lb/hr. The bottoms stream enters the reboiler at 129.2°C and 2.758 bar, and exits the exchanger at 129.8°C. A summary of the heat exchanger parameters are detailed in the following table. 145 Table 95. Reboiler heat exchanger design parameters. Heat duty 4.09×107 Btu/hr Heat transfer area 915 ft2 Tube O.D. 1.25 in. Tube thickness 14 BWG Tube length 12 ft. Tube spacing Triangular Number of tubes 234 Number of shell and tube One shell pass passes One tube pass Pressure drop on tube side 1.5 psi Pressure drop on shell side 1.5 psi Materials of construction Tubes: stainless steel Shell: stainless steel An initial guess was made for the number of trays and entering feed tray, both to be modified after hand calculations were performed. The Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland (FUG) shortcut method was used to determine a variety of design factors for the distillation column. Equation variables and nomenclature is given in Table 96. Table 96: Table of Nomenclature for variables in distillation column design equations Parameter Symbol Value Units variable N/A variable N/A N/A N/A Bottoms N/A N/A Feed N/A N/A calculated N/A calculated N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.466 N/A 0.7 N/A Liquid mole fraction (x) for light key component (lk) Liquid mole fraction (x) for heavy key component (lk) Distillate Relative volatility for lk and hk components Initial mole fraction of component i in feed stream ℎ � � Value lies between the relative volatilities of the two key components Moles of saturated liquid on the feed tray per mole of feed Minimum reflux ratio at infinite L/D Actual reflux ratio ∞ � 146 Actual number of equilibrium trays 23 N/A 11 N/A 34 N/A 1723.1 lbmol/hr 1395 lbmol/hr Efficiency factor 0.7 N/A Number of trays in the bottoms 28 N/A Number of trays in the distillate 6 N/A Fraction of vapor flooding velocity 0.8 N/A Vapor flooding velocity 7.9 ft/s 0.2 N/A 0.001 lbmol/ft3 Liquid density 1.55 lbmol/ft3 Empirical capacity parameter 0.2 N/A Parameter for sieve trays 0.2 ft/s Surface tension factor 1.01 dyne/cm Foam factor 1 N/A Hole factor 1 N/A Tower diameter 5.27 ft Tower height 78.2 ft Theoretical number of equilibrium trays � Actual number of trays Total molar liquid flow rate Distillate molar flow rate Downcomer area/tower inside cross sectional area ⁄ Vapor density First, liquid and gas mole fractions of each component in the condenser and reboiler were determined, followed by a calculation of the k-values and relative volatilities of each component. The Fenske equation uses this information to determine the minimum number of equilibrium stages needed, as shown in Equation (98). This calculation determined the minimum number of equilibrium trays to be 11. � = ln[( ⁄ ℎ ) ( ln � ℎ ℎ ⁄ ) ] (98) 147 Next, an estimation was performed using the Underwood equations to obtain the minimum reflux ratio, ∞ � , to achieve ideal separation of the heavy key and light key components for the process. Use of the Underwood equations involves two assumptions: first, that the liquid molar flow in the rectifying section is constant, and second, that the relative volatility is constant at the pinch point (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The Underwood equations are displayed below: In order to solve for ∞ � Σ Σ ��, ��, ∞ �, ∞ ��, ∞ �, ��, ∞ −� = − = , a guess is made for until they come to unity. From this calculation, + ∞ − ∞ (99) (100) � and Equations (99) and (100) are iterated � was determined to be 0.4667 and the actual reflux ratio to be 0.7. The Gilliland correlation estimates the actual number of equilibrium stages, , at a finite / for a specific ratio of ⁄ � . This correlation has limited accuracy in cases when the stripping section is more important than the rectifying section in the overall separation. The correlation is most accurate for ⁄ and 1.5. Solving for � ratios between 1.0 in Equation (101) yields the actual number of equilibrium stages necessary. Design calculations determined ⁄ − + � = . � was 1.5, and ln { − ( − + was 23. � ) . } (101) An efficiency factor of 0.7 is used to calculate the actual number of design trays in the column, which yielded 34 trays, as shown in Equation (102): = ⁄ (102) 148 The Kirkbride equation was used for estimation of the feed stage in the distillation column. allows back calculation to determine Solving for the value of and . The feed stage location would be , rounded up to the nearest whole number. ln ( )= . ln { ℎ ⁄ ⁄ [ ⁄ ℎ ] } (103) The tower diameter is dependent on the vapor and liquid flowrates, and is computed to avoid entrainment flooding, which occurs when the liquid is entrained with the vapor due to too high of vapor flow rates. The overall equation for a tower diameter calculation is shown in Equation (104): =[ The flooding velocity ( ⁄ − ⁄ ] / (104) ) is computed by Equation (105) shown below, where C is given in Equation (106): = = [ − ] / (105) (106) The diameter calculation is performed for both the bottoms and distillation section. The larger diameter was chosen as the design diameter, which was 5.27ft from the rectifying section. Tower height is calculated by assuming each sieve tray is 2 feet in height, and multiplying this by given in Equation (102). A 15% disengagement is added to this height to allow for spacing at the top and bottom of the column. Tower height was calculated to be 78.2ft. As a final step, the ratio of ⁄ should be calculated and was 14.82, which is reasonable as this value should be kept less than 25. The ate ial of hoi e is a o steel as the e a e t a corrosive compounds flowing through the column. 149 IX. Utility Summary and Heat Integration The entire process was considered for both heat integration and utility usage. Utility usage is a very important factor when calculating operating expenses and heat integration is a very useful tool that can be used to save considerable utilities by integrating heat already existing in the facility to be used elsewhere. Utility Summary To obtain a closer look at how the entire process utilizes its utilities, an in-depth analysis was completed broken down by individual unit operations that had a duty. A positive heat duty implies energy is being added into the unit operation. Below in Table 97 is a list of the findings. In-depth calculations can be found in Appendix IV-C: Summary of Utilities. Table 97: Utility Summary Broken Down by Unit Operation Equipment Identifier P-1 / SR-101 Shredding P-2 / RDR-101 Rotary Drying P-3 / GR-101 Grinder Duty (Btu/hr) + . Type of Utility Electricity + . Electricity Amine Reboiler + . Amine Condenser Blower Amine Booster Pump + . P-4 / HP-101 Hopper Amine Cooler MeOH Reboiler MeOH Condenser Pump-1 Solar Reactor Solar Field Methane Stream to Solar Reactor Consumption per Year . . . + . Electricity Electricity . + . Medium Pressure Steam Electricity . + . Electricity Chilled Water . + . Low Pressure Steam Chilled Water . + . Electricity . − . − . + . + . Solar Natural Gas . . . Natural Gas . . . Cost per Year ($/yr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Water Stream to Solar Reactor Quench Tank Pump-2 NH3-SEP HX HEAT1 COMPRESS REACT React Water Pump-3 VL-SEP HX XTRA-H2O Cooling Water − . Cooling Water + . − . Refrigerant . + . High Pressure Steam Electricity . − . Cooling Water + . + . − . Electricity Cooling Water Electricity Cooling Water Cooling Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shown below in Table 98 is the total usage and cost of each utility per year. Table 98: Total Utility Usage and Cost per Year Utility Type Usage Electricity . Chilled Water Cooling Water . High Pressure Steam . Medium Pressure Steam . Low Pressure Steam . Natural Gas Solar Refrigerant . . . . $ Cost ( ) �� . . . . . . . . . 151 From this information, the largest cost is the cooling water, which is the cheapest utility. The next highest cost utilities are the natural gas, electricity, chilled water, and refrigerant. Using this information, these would be the systems to analyze more clearly for gains in efficiency in order to be more economically or environmentally efficient. The prices for each utility used to calculate the above values is shown below in Table 99. Table 99: Prices of Utilities Utility Type Cost Electricity Chilled Water Cooling Water High Pressure Steam Medium Pressure Steam Low Pressure Steam Natural Gas Solar Refrigerant $ . . . . $ ℎ $ $ . . $ $ . . $ $ . $ Heat Integration The process underwent heat integration analysis to determine if there were utility savings possible in the system and to make the system more profitable and efficient. Heat integration can be incorporated into systems to take advantage of internal heat that is present in one unit operation and can be used in other unit operations which reduces the need of utilities to accomplish the required heat duties. Heat integration involves first, identifying potential streams and unit operations that could be used in a heat exchanger network. Second, the minimum utility usage was identified from the chosen streams in the first step and the total 152 amount of savings is identified. Finally, the heat exchanger network is designed along with the duties of each heat exchanger and the improvement over the base case is reported. Stage 1: Identifying Heat Integration Potential Beginning in the biomass preprocessing section, the rotary dryer is not included due to fact that it is a large volume of air at a low temperature and therefore would require a very large heat exchanger to extract the small amount of usable heat. Also, the air in that temperature range is needed to dry the corn stover and is not usable. The other units in preprocessing are run adiabatically and the power requirement does not generate heat and solids are not an efficient heat transfer medium. In the gasification of methanol section of the plant, the solar reactor is not included in heat integration due to fact that the temperature is much higher than elsewhere and is not viable to exchange heat with any other streams. Also, all pumps and compressors were removed as they do not have an appreciable heat duty and the power goes into operating the pump with a high thermal efficiency. The quench tank is included in heat integration as there is a high heat duty as well as a large temperature range that makes it suitable for heat integration with multiple streams that require heating. The quench water is not included as the water is the only available coolant source suitable for the quench tank operation and is treated as a utility. The amine separator, NH3-“EP HX, is i luded as it has a la ge heat dut a d its te pe atu e a ge is large and other streams are able to exchange heat with it. The heater between the amine system and zinc oxide reactor, HEAT1, is included in heat integration as it requires a large duty, and has a large temperature range that matches with other streams. Also, it is one of the few unit operations that requires heating instead of cooling utilities and is open to heat integration. The heat from the methanol reactor, REACT, is included in heat integration as it provides a high heat duty in a usable temperature range to exchange heat. The cooler between the methanol reactor and the vapor-liquid separator, VL-SEP HX, is included as well due to having a large heat duty and is able to exchange heat. In the amine system, the pumps are not included as their power requirement is to power the pumps and there is a high level of thermal efficiency. The internal heat exchanger, Lean/Rich 153 Exchanger, is not included because there are no utilities used and is already integrated with the process. The kettle reboiler for the regenerator column, Reboiler, is included as it is in a usable temperature range and is one of the few unit operations that requires heating. The ege e ato s o de se , Co de se , is ot i luded as it uses a ie t ai i la ge olu es a d is therefore not in a usable temperature range. The recycle stream cooler, Cooler, is included though it does have a relatively small heat duty but it has a usable temperature range. In the methanol purification system, the reboiler for the T-100 column is included as it is in the temperature range needed and is one of the few streams that requires heating instead of cooling in our system. The condenser for T-100 is also included as it has a very high heat duty and is in a usable temperature range to exchange heat. Table 100 below is a summary of which streams are included in heat integration. Table 100: List of streams included in Heat Integration Analysis Stream Name Identifier Products_To_C-Prod REACT_Heat VL-SEP_Heat NH3-SEP Heat MeOH Condenser AG Cooler CLN-Gas_To_TO-ZN-R MeOH Reboiler AG Reboiler Tin (°C) 1450 279.4 210.0 121.8 80.0 55.4 20.0 129.2 118.3 Tout (°C) 120.0 210.0 50.0 20.0 80.0 43.3 210.0 129.8 120.1 Heat Duty (Btu/hr) 9.48E7 6.26E7 4.60E7 9.16E6 3.74E7 1.93E5 1.30E7 4.09E7 6.00E6 Stage 2: Identifying Minimum Utility Usage and Current Utility Usage To determine how effective the heat integration will be, a base case for utility usage was compiled from the simulation. This was found by summing the total heat and cooling duties performed by the heating and cooling utilities, respectively. Using the streams in Table 100, an analysis of the minimum utility usages was carried out to determine how effective heat integration could be in diminishing the use of utilities. The minimum utility usage is determined using the composite curves in Aspen Energy Analyzer and this is shown below in Figure 35. The minimum utility rates are found by taking the difference between the enthalpy of the cold composite curve in blue and hot composite curve in red at the highest and lowest temperatures, respectively. 154 Figure 35: Aspen Energy Analyzer composite curves for identifying minimum utility usages. The base case utility usage, and the minimum utility usage calculated from Aspen Energy Analyzer in Table 101 below. This table also shows the percentage of the base case if the minimum utility usage was met. Table 101: Base case utility usage Utility Type: Hot Utilities, Base Case Cold Utilities, Base Case Hot Utilities, Minimum Cold Utilities, Minimum % Savings Possible, Hot % Savings Possible, Cold Heat Duty . . . . . % % /ℎ /ℎ /ℎ /ℎ From this, there is no potential to save on hot utility usage but that there is a significant amount of cooling utilities that could be saved. 155 Stage 3: Creating a Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) Now that streams have been identified as possibilities for heat incorporatio a d it s ee see that there are significant opportunities for reducing utility usage, a heat exchanger network is constructed using Aspen Energy Analyzer. This network will contain a number of new heat exchangers that will allow the plant to use heat already in the system instead of relying on constant streams of utilities. Shown below in Table 102 is the heat exchanger network that was found. Table 102: Heat Exchanger Network with Associated Heat Duties Heat Exchanger E-139 E-140 E-142 E-143 E-144 E-145 Duty (Btu/hr) . . . . . . Heat Exchanger E-146 E-147 E-148 E-149 E-150 E-151 Duty (Btu/hr) . . . . . . This design yields six process heat exchangers and six cold utility heat exchangers with zero hot utility heat exchangers necessary. Shown below in Table 13 is a summary of the minimum number of heat exchangers as well as any heat loops in the base case as well as the designed HEN shown above. Also, the utility percentage of the target is shown. Equation (107) is used to solve for the minimum number of heat exchangers. The heat exchanger network can be found in the attached Aspen Energy Analyzer file. A detailed image of the heat exchanger network can be found in Appendix III-E. , � = + − (107) Table 103: Base Case versus Computed Heat Exchanger Network Performance HEN Design Base case Computed Actual # of HX Minimum # of HX Cooling utility usage (% of target) . % % Heating utility usage (% of target) % % Heat loops 156 X. Estimation of Capital Investment and Total Product Cost Capital Investment Capital investment refers to the money spent on physical goods and services required to build the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification fa ilit f o the g ou d up . The total apital investment estimation requires that each piece of equipment throughout the facility be subject to a rigorous costing procedure. This procedure results in a dollar amount placed on every piece of process equipment. Due to the large scale of the facility and high costs of reactors and pressure vessels, small items of process equipment such as valves and low-capacity pumps were neglected in this analysis. Equipment Cost Summary Methods The costing of each piece of process equipment throughout the biomass gasification facility was accomplished primarily by following costing procedures detailed in Product and Process Design Principles. If additional costing methods were used for specific pieces of equipment, the source for these methods is given below. Unless otherwise specified, purchase costs do not factor in the produce price index PPI for capital investments. The PPI for this project is included in later calculations in the Estimation of Capital Investment and Total Product Cost section. Like in the Equipment Design section, the Equipment Cost Summary begins with the costing procedure followed for general equipment present throughout the facility. In-depth costing calculations may be found in Appendix II-M through Appendix II-X. Generalized Equipment Costing Pumps Costing pumps was divided into two separate costing exercises, one for both the pump itself as well as the pump motor. The physical pumps were costed by first determining the size factor ( ). The size factor is calculated by the following equation, which takes the total volumetric flowrate ( ̇ ) in gpm and total pressure head (� ) in feet as inputs: = ̇∙ � / (108) For centrifugal pumps such as those designed in this biomass gasification process, the sizing factor is then used in the following base cost ( ) calculation: 157 = [ . [ln − . Following this calculation, the pump-type factor ( ]+ . [ln ]] ) and material factor ( (109) ) are determined from the Product and Process Design Principles textbook, using tables 22.20 and 22.21 respectively. The pump-type factor is chosen based on total flow rate and pump head range, while the material factor is chosen based on the pressure and substance passing through the pump. The purchase cost ( ) is then calculated using these parameters in the following way: = (110) The purchase cost calculated above is the purchase cost of the pump itself; the electric motor powering it must be costed separately. The first step required in this costing procedure is to multiply the pressure change achieved by the pump by the volumetric flowrate. Pressure units of Pa and flowrate units of m3/s return a power requirement in watts (W), which can readily be converted to hp. This value is referred to as the pump brake horsepower ( calculations. The fractional efficiency of the pump ( ) in the following ) is calculated using the volumetric flowrate required by the pump: =− . ln ̇ − . + . The fractional efficiency of the electric motor ( = . + . ln ̇ (111) ) is calculated by the following equation: ln − . ln (112) While both the fractional efficiencies of the pump and the motor are required to fully specify these pieces of equipment, for the purposes of costing, only the pump brake horsepower and motor efficiency are required to obtain a purchase cost: = (113) A detailed description of these calculations can be found in Appendix II-P: Pump Costing. Heat Exchangers The majority of heat exchangers throughout the biomass gasification facility were modeled as shell-and-tube heat exchangers. The costing procedure for these heat exchangers begins with first determining the shell-and-tube heat exchanger subtype required for a given application. 158 Example heat exchanger types include floating head, fixed head and kettle vaporizers. Kettle reboilers are more expensive than similarly sized floating head heat exchangers; fixed head heat exchangers are the most cost-effective. While kettle reboilers are explicitly specified throughout the process, choosing between fixed or floating head exchangers depends on the process pressures involved; floating head exchangers are chosen for high pressure applications, or applications in which condensation or vaporization occurs (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). Once the appropriate heat exchanger type has been determined, the heat exchanger area ( ) in ft2 is used to calculate the base cost of each unit. The base cost formula varies between heat exchanger types. For the purposes of this example, the equation used to determine for a floating head shell-and-tube heat exchanger is shown below. = ex�{ . − . = ex�{ . − . Similarly, the equation used to determine The pressure factor ( [ln ]+ . [ln ]} (114) [ln ]+ . [ln ]} (115) for a kettle reboiler is shown below. ) takes in the shell-side pressure of the heat exchanger being designed in the following equation, where pressure is input in units of psig: = . + . ( )+ . ( ) (116) The final considerations to be taken into account when determining the purchase cost of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger are the material factor ( ) and length factor ( ). The length factor can be determined from the tube length using the unnumbered table on page 571 of Product and Process Design Principles. The material factor takes in constants a and b which are dependent on shell and tube construction materials respectively. These constants can be determined from Table 22.25 in Product and Process Design Principles. These material constants are then placed in the following equation to obtain ( = +( ) ): (117) 159 ) has units of ft2. The purchase cost of the heat In this equation, the heat exchanger area ( exchanger is then finally calculated by the following formula: = (118) Detailed calculations for each heat exchanger costed throughout the course of this facility can be found in Appendix II-V: Heat Exchanger Costing. Pressure Vessels and Towers The multiple pressure vessels and towers in the methanol production plant were costed according to the procedure presented in Product and Process Design Principles (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). The critical metrics used in this method were the weight vessel in lbs., the internal diameter of the vessel � of the in ft, and the seam-to-seam length of vertical vessels in ft. This metric was computed during the design of each pressure vessel. The f.o.b. purchase cost where of a pressure vessel was computed by Equation (119) below. = is the material factor, peripherals, + (119) is the purchase cost of the empty vessel and some is the additional cost of platforms and ladders, and 500. For horizontal vessels where , < . = ex�{ . For vertical vessels where , For towers where . = ex�{ . < = ex�{ . < < , < , is at a CE cost index of , Equation (120) was used to find − . [ln ]+ . [ln ] } (120) − . [ln ]+ . [ln ] } (121) [ln ]+ . [ln ] } < , , , , Equation (121) was used to find , Equation (122) was used to find − . . . (122) A few of the pressure vessels designed with this method had weights lower than the range provided in Product and Process Design Principles – Equations (120) through (122) were extrapolated out to these lower values of < � < . was calculated for horizontal vessels where using Equation (123): 160 = , < was calculated for vertical vessels where Equation (124): = . < was calculated for towers where (125): The value for material factors = . � � � . (123) < < using (124) < and < using Equation . . � < . . � < and (125) was set to zero for vessels that fell below these size requirements. The for the materials utilized in this plant are given for pressure vessels in Table 104 below. Table 104: Material factors for pressure vessels and towers Material of construction � Carbon steel 1.0 Stainless steel 316 2.1 Monel-400 3.6 For towers equipped with trays or plates, the following method from Product and Process Design Principles was utilized to determine the f.o.b. purchase cost of trays. The installed cost for tower trays where , including downcomers, was calculated with Equation (126) below: = is the number of trays, (126) is the number of trays factor, is the material of construction factor, and Otherwise, is the tray type factor, is the base cost. If was less than one and was computed by Equation (127): = . . � Since all towers designed in the proposed process used sieve trays, was a function of column diameter � ≥ , = . (127) = . The material factor in feet; these functions are given in Table 105 below. 161 Table 105: Material factors for trays Material of construction �� Carbon steel 1.0 . Stainless steel 316 . Monel The base cost + . + . was determined using Equation (128) below: = ex� . � � (128) � The costs of mist extractors, inlet diverters, and other small internals for vapor-liquid separators were accounted for in incidental costs and therefore neglected in the following calculations. Cyclones A single element cyclone unit can be costed according to Equation (129), given from Peters and ⁄ (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). This Timmerhaus, where x is the volumetric gas flow rate in value would then be multiplied by the number of cyclones and material factor, if necessary. = . . ∗ Biomass Pre-Processing P-1 / Sr-101 Shredding ∗ + . ∗ + . (129) A direct quote for the rotary knife cutter from S. Howes Inc. was not obtained and therefore Equation (130) was used (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). This equation incorporates the motor, drive, and guard. The size factor, x, is the capacity, in =− . ∗ + . . ∗ + . (130) The price was determined to be $16,563 for a single unit. It was determined in the design phase in section VIII that four rotary knife cutters will be used. The total cost of 4 units is $66,252. P-2 / RDR-101 Rotary Drying The rotary drum dryer was costed using Equation (132) below (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). This costing metric assumes that the dryer is using hot air, and the size factor, x, is the peripheral surface area in . 162 The design outlined in section VIII has 4 rotary dryers in series. Each of these has a length, L, of and diameter, D, of . Using Equation (131) below, the peripheral surface area, Ap, was calculated for a single unit to be = . (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). = . (131) ∗ . (132) The purchase price of a single rotary dryer is $152,444. There are 4 units, and the total cost for this unit operation is $609,776. P-3 / GR-101 Grinding A direct quote for the Bliss Industries Hammermill EMF was not obtained and therefore Equation (133) below was used to determine the purchase price (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). This equation assumes the motor and drive is included and the size factor, x, is the feed rate in ℎ . From the simulation, a mass flowrate of 10.22 = . ∗ . ℎ was used. (133) Only one unit is required and the purchase price for this unit operation was calculated to be $67,882. P-4 / HP-101 Hopper A lock-hopper has many parts that must be priced independently. First, there is the feeder to the top hopper, which is designed as a screw-type feeder. The purchase price is determined from Equation (134) below (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). This uses a size factor, x, of the volumetric flowrate in ℎ . , = . ∗ . From the design section, a volumetric flowrate was calculated to be 2,455.3 associated with this is $5,451. (134) ℎ . The cost 163 The top and bottom hoppers are then priced using Equation (135) below (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). This assumes carbon steel construction, and the size factor, x, is the volume in . = ,ℎ . . ∗ (135) The volume for the top and bottom hopper was determined from the design in section VIII to be 818.594 and 40.97 , respectively. The cost for the top and bottom hopper is $14,005 and $3,533, respectively. The purchasing price of the lock hopper feeding system was determined using the specific price of a lock-hopper feeder of 88 ∗ ℎ where FIM is Finn Marks and $1 is approximately equal to 4.00 FIM (Aimo Rautalin, 1992). Using the above volumetric flowrate, the cost of the feeder system was determined to be $1,529. The total price for the hopper system is the sum of the above values, which yields a total cost of the unit operation of $24,518. Solids Conveying The solids must be transported between the various unit operations in the biomass preprocessing section. For the rotary knife cutter and rotary dryer steps, belt conveyers are adequate as the pressure is atmospheric and the particles are large. This is calculated from Equation (136) below (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). This assumes a belt width of 0.75 meters, and 24 meters was assumed an adequate length. , = . ∗ + . ∗ + The cost of the belt conveyers was calculated to be $93,048. . (136) The remaining system is designed to use pneumatic conveying to accommodate the micronsized particles and the pressure of 35.0 bar. The purchase price is found using Equation (137) below where the size factor, x, is the distance conveyed in meters (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). The pneumatic conveyance is used to transport the material from the hammermill to the 164 lock-hopper and then from the lock-hopper to the top of the heliostat solar reactor. This unit operation is 180 meters tall and so it was assumed that 200 meters is adequate. , � = . ∗ . (137) The total cost of the pneumatic conveyance is calculated to be $508,856. The total cost of the solids conveyance is then calculated to be $601,904. Summary The biomass pre-processing capital cost summary is shown below in Table 106. Table 106: Purchase Price Summary for Biomass Pre-Processing Section Type of Equipment P-1 / SR-101 Shredding P-2 / RDR-101 Rotary Drying P-3 / GR-101 Grinding P-4 / HP-101 Hopper Solids Conveyance Total for Biomass Pre-Processing: Purchase Price ($) 66,252 609,776 68,882 24,518 601,998 1,371,426 Solar Field The cost of the heliostats represents the bulk of the total solar costs due to the type of materials and large quantity. The heliostat cost is calculated by using the total area of the heliostats required for all three fields and an estimated average cost for mirrors of $126/m 2. The CPC is costed using the CPC surface area and is priced at $1260/m2. The tower is costed using the tower height and Equation (21), referenced in the Project Premises section. Table 107 gives a summary of the solar field costs. Specific costing calculations are located in the Appendix X. Table 107: Summary of solar field costs Type of Equipment Heliostats Compound Parabolic Troughs Solar Tower Purchase Price ($) 29,236,284 454,507 7,210,636 165 Biomass Gasification Solar Reactor In costing the solar reactor, the pressure vessel surrounding the SiC tubes previously described was costed as a vertical pressure vessel composed of 316 stainless steel using the method described in detail in Pressure Vessels and Towers. The first SiC tube was priced at $1 million and each additional tube was priced at $300,000 for a total of $6.1 million. I dete i i g the ost of the alu i a li i g, a thi k ess of a ou d the i side su fa e a ea of the pressure vessel excluding the three apertures defined a volume of alumina required. Kreith and Boehm suggested the installed cost of alumina was $2489/m3 in 1981 (Kreith & Boehm, 1985). By adjusting for inflation, the installed price of alumina was determined to be $6,491.49/m3. This led to a total cost estimate of $173,295.02 for the alumina coating along the reactor wall. The total tally for the solar reactor was then estimated to be $6,452,049.75. Zinc Oxide Reactor The zinc oxide reactor was costed as a single horizontal pressure vessel composed of monel400, as described in the Pressure Vessels and Towers section. The estimated total purchase cost of the vessel was $411,052.26. Methanol Reactor The methanol reactor had a volume of 1094 m3 and the formula used for costing vertical pressure vessel could not accommodate more than 13,854 ft3 (392.3 m3). In determining an estimated purchase cost for the reactor, the volume was split into three equal parts and three equivalent reactors of 12,882 ft3 were priced. The total purchase price for all three reactors was then determined to be $13,858,564.54. Spray Quench Tank The spray quench tank used to cool the product stream exiting the solar reactor was modeled based on a selective catalytic reduction reductant contact vessel currently in operation at Xcel E e g s Pa ee “tatio . Be ause si ila ate ials e e used i oth the o igi al “C‘ essel and the spray quench tank modeled in the current process, a price quote was obtained from Babcock and Wilcox (B&W), the company responsible for the design of the original SCR vessel. 166 The price quote obtained for this piece of equipment, including operating costs, was slated at $2.5M when the project was commissioned in 2010. Heat Exchangers The procedure followed when costing heat exchangers for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility is explained in detail in the General Equipment Costing section. A summary of some heat exchanger design parameters used in costing as well as the final purchase price of the three shell-and-tube heat exchangers used in the biomass gasification subsystem are provided in the table below. Table 108. Equipment specification and costing summary of biomass gasification subsystem heat exchangers. Equipment identifier Heat transfer 2 area (ft ) Shell-side Tube Purchase pressure (psig) length (ft) cost HEAT-1 1619 450 16 $118,888.83 NH3-SEP HX 791 0 16 $91,306.76 VL-SEP HX 4041 507.6 12 $87,895.21 Compressor The compressor responsible for elevating the pressure of the process stream prior to entering the methanol reactor was costed based on power consumption and a material factor. The following equation was used to determine the base cost (CB), which depends only on power consumption of the unit. This power consumption was obtained from the Aspen PLUS simulation, and has units of horsepower (hp) in the following formula: = [ . + . ln ] (138) The base cost is then multiplied by the material factor, FM, to obtain the final purchase cost. The material factor chosen for this compressor corresponds to stainless steel, which was chosen as the material of construction due to the high temperatures and pressures of the process stream. = (139) Both the material factor for the compressor and the equations used to obtain the purchase cost were found in Product and Process Design Principles (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). 167 The metrics used for determining cost as well as the final purchase cost of the compressor are given in the following table. Table 109. Equipment specification and costing summary of biomass gasification subsystem compressor. Equipment Identifier Base Cost Material Factor Total Purchase Cost COMPRESS $2,440,226.00 2.5 (stainless steel) $6,100,564.99 Pumps The procedure used for costing pumps throughout the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility was elucidated in detail in the General Equipment Costing section. A summary of pump and motor costs for each pump present in the biomass gasification subsystem is provided in the following table. Table 110. Equipment specification and costing summary of biomass gasification subsystem pumps. Equipment Pump Material Pump Cost Identifier PUMP-1 Motor Motor Cost Total Purchase Enclosure Type Ductile iron $6,766.58 Open, drip- Cost $1,756.50 $8,523.08 $3,838.35 $10,383.58 $2,403.78 $9,096.99 proof enclosure PUMP-2 Ductile iron $6,545.23 Open, dripproof enclosure PUMP-3 Ductile iron $6,693.21 Open, dripproof enclosure Vapor-Liquid Separators Two separators were costed in the biomass gasification section of the proposed plant. Each of these pieces of equipment was costed according to the procedure outlined in the general Pressure Vessels and Towers costing section (pg. 160). The results of these calculations are summarized in Table 111 below. More detailed calculations are given in Appendix II-C. Table 111: Costing results for pressure vessels in the biomass gasification section Equipment identifier in PFD NH3-SEP VL-SEP Type of vessel Horizontal vessel Weight of vessel (lbs.) 29515 Platforms and ladders? No Total purchase cost $41,303.66 Horizontal vessel 5394 Yes $56,381.33 168 Cyclone Both cyclones in the gasification process were costed using Equation (129), referenced in the Generalized Equipment Costing section and given by Peters and Timmerhaus. The first cyclone in the process has non-negligible amounts of HCl and H2S, and thus the base cost is multiplied by a material factor of 2.7 for Monel. The base cost for 4 cyclones is $12,746.32, and with the Monel material factor included they total to $34, 415.07. ZN-SPLIT cyclone does not have corrosive compounds entering the system, and thus can be costed with the base price using carbon steel. For 4 cyclones, this cost was calculated at $13, 638.36. Amine Scrubbing Pressure Vessels and Towers Four pressure vessels and towers were costed for the amine scrubbing section of the methanol production plant. Each of these pieces of equipment was costed according to the procedure outlined in the general Pressure Vessels and Towers costing section (pg. 160). The results of these calculations are summarized in Table 112 below. More detailed calculations are given in Appendix II-G: Amine Scrubbing Design. Table 112: Costing results for pressure vessels and towers in the amine scrubbing section Equipment identifier in PFD Type of vessel Platforms and ladders? Number of trays Tower Weight of vessel (lbs.) 29515 Yes 20 Total purchase cost (tower + trays) $273,922.70 Absorber Separator Vertical vessel 537 No - $18,221.16 Regenerator Tower 1834 Yes 10 $59,981.65 Regenerator Reflux Drum Vertical vessel 566 No - $18,677.71 Heat Exchangers Four heat exchangers in the amine scrubbing section were costed. The lean/rich heat exchanger and the regenerator reboiler were costed as shell-and-tube heat exchangers as done in the Heat Exchanger Costing section (pg. 158). The lean/rich heat exchanger was chosen to be a floating head heat exchanger because of the large (>50°C) temperature difference between the hot and cold streams. The regenerator reboiler was costed as a kettle reboiler because these 169 pieces of equipment are more often used as reboilers in columns than traditional shell-andtube heat exchangers. Important costing metrics, such as the heat transfer area and shell-side pressure, and the results of these costing calculations are given in Table 113 below. Material factor constants from Equation (117) for a stainless steel shell and stainless steel tubes are . and = . . = Table 113: Costing results for Lean/Rich Exchanger and the reboiler in Regenerator Equipment identifier Heat transfer Shell-side Tube Purchase area (ft2) pressure (psig) length (ft) cost Lean/Rich Exchanger 311 11.3 12 $95,548.98 Regenerator (reboiler) 384 64.7 12 $115,782.70 The double-pipe heat exchanger was not included in capital cost because the ultimate purchase cost of the unit was negligibly small. According to Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers by Peters and Timmerhaus, a stainless steel tube and carbon steel shell double-pipe heat exchanger for pressures less than 4135 kPa (41.35 bar) can be costed according to Equation (140) (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001): where . = . . (140) is the heat transfer area in m2. With a heat transfer area of , =$ , . = . = , which was determined to be negligibly small compared to the cost of the rest of the equipment. The air-cooled heat exchanger was costed according to Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers using its outer surface area = . With a surface area of $ , . [ln − + = ] − . . . . [ln = [ln ] + . in m2 and Equation (141): ] + . . [ln [ln ] − ] . ln , the purchase cost was found to be . It should be noted that this cost includes installation and adjustments for (141) = inflation. These figures were considered in the overall economic analysis. 170 Pumps The booster pump was costed according to the procedure provided in the Pumps costing section (pg. 157). The pump was chosen to be made out of stainless steel, making its material factor = . The horsepower required for the motor was found to be 6.83 hp with an efficiency of 88.1%. The motor was costed as a totally enclosed, fan-cooled motor to protect the motor from the process stream. Motor specifications and overall costs are given in Table 114 below. Table 114: Costing results for Booster Pump, including motor specifications and cost Equipment Purchase cost Motor identifier of pump power (hp) Booster Pump $11,597.49 6.83 Motor type Totally enclosed, Purchase cost Total purchase of motor ($) cost ($) $2,015.63 $13,613.11 fan-cooled Additional Considerations A surge tank was neither designed nor costed because storage tanks were accounted for in the economics analysis as an incidental cost. Product Separation & Post-Processing Specific costing calculations for the methanol purification process are located in Appendix II-T. The valve at the entry of the system was neglected because its cost is negligible in comparison to the rest of the equipment. Separator V-100 The V-100 separator unit was costed according to the calculated diameter of 0.76 meter using an affordable material, carbon steel, due to the lack of corrosive components in the system. The final cost was calculated to be $191,829.43 using an equation from Peters and Timmerhaus (Peters & Timmerhaus, 2001). Distillation Column T-100 The T-100 distillation column was costed using the method of Mulet, Corripio, and Evans as outlined in the Process and Design textbook. This method provides an f.o.b. purchase cost at a CE index of 500 and includes an allowance for platforms, ladders, nozzles, and manholes. Table 171 115 shows a summary of these calculations, with the final purchase cost account for a CE index of 560. Table 115: Summary of costing specifications for distillation column T-100 Equipment identifier in PFD Type of vessel Distillation T-100 Tower Weight of vessel (lbs.) 65176.47 Platforms and ladders? Number of trays Yes 34 Total purchase cost (tower + trays) $1,411,732.00 The reboiler and condenser were costed similarly; Table 22.32 was used in the Seider textbook. The heat transfer area in conjunction with Equation (142) provides the final cost: = ∗ ^ . (142) The condenser was costed at $271,098 and the reboiler was costed at $168,794 after adjusting for a CE index of 560. Operating Costs Metrics of Plant Operation The biomass gasification facility designed here is intended to operate for 8000 hours/year, and produce a yearly supply of 58,300,000 gallons of highly purified methanol. With 15% contingencies, the total depreciable capital at startup was found to be $300.5M, while total working capital, including start-up materials inventory returns $7.93M. Variable Operating Costs Operating or variable cost estimates factored utility costs required per year. Utilities are detailed in the Utility Summary and Heat Integration section. The final value obtained for this metric was $12.85M annually. Fixed Operating Costs Fixed costs factor operator labor. Using operator hiring procedures obtained from Product and Process Design Principles, plant operators were chosen based on plant subunit (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). Biomass pre-processing is estimated to require 6 operators, while amine scrubbing requires 2 operators. Zinc and methanol reactor operation require 4 operators each, while the distillation columns and methanol purification subsection require an additional 172 2 operators present at the facility at all times. Due to shift work, total hirable operators require these values to be summed and multiplied by five in order to account for off days and holiday time. An additional operator is also kept as a full-time employee to tend to the solar field and any additional required maintenance. Therefore, the total number of operators required for plant operation was estimated at 111 full-time employees. The following table summarizes operator duties and selection. Table 116. Summary of operator division of labor based on plant equipment and subsection. Plant Subsystem or Equipment Biomass Pre-Processing Amine Scrubbing Zinc Reactor Methanol Reactor Methanol Purification Solar Field Number of Operators Required 6 2 4 4 2 1 Total Operators Required: Multiplying Factor (due to shift work) 5 5 5 5 5 1 111 Fixed costs including operator labor, benefits, maintenance and overhead totals to $104,000 per operator. The total fixed cost for the biomass gasification facility is $17.55M annually. 173 XI. Profitability Analysis Profitability Base Case The base case profitability analysis models the economic feasibility of the solar-thermal biomass gasification facility with 12.5% i esto s ate of etu (IRR). The economic spreadsheet used to conduct this analysis calculates a number of economic metrics, including return on investment (ROI), pay-back period (PBP), net present value (NPV) and product price under given conditions. The commodity market value of the end-product high purity methanol was determined to be $1.05/gal (Methanex, 2015). Part of the profitability analysis will determine if this market value can be met while still maintaining 12.5% IRR required to fund the project. The base case used for this profitability analysis does not factor in any carbon credit that may be issued to industrial facilities that operate with reduced CO2 emissions. The calculations for the base case without carbon credits are found in Appendix IV-A. Cash Flow Analysis Cash flow analysis of the solar-thermal biomass gasification facility monitors the monetary influx and outflow throughout the 30-year lifespan of the facility. A cash flow analysis chart visually displaying this data is shown below. This analysis is performed assuming a one-year construction period, followed by a startup year in which the plant operates at 50% capacity. When performing the financial calculations, it was assumed that all costs were incurred in the first (construction) year. The first construction year was set to occur in 2016, with 2015 serving as the design year. 174 Cash Flow $100,000 $50,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 $0 Cash Flow ($k) -$50,000 -$100,000 -$150,000 -$200,000 -$250,000 -$300,000 -$350,000 Figure 36. Cash flow analysis for 30-year operation of Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility, including construction and startup. As illustrated in the above figure, the facility experiences negative cash flow for both the construction year, and the first year of operation in which the plant only operates at 50% capacity. Following this, the plant achieves a positive cash flow every year until its end-of-life. 175 Cumulative Cash Flow 1200000 1000000 Cumulative Cash Flow -- $k 800000 600000 400000 200000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 0 -200000 -400000 Figure 37. Cumulative cash flow analysis for 30-year Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility lifespan The cumulative cash flow diagram for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility illustrates that follo i g o st u tio i , the pla t ill eak e e fi a iall i . B the fa ilit s expected end-of-life, cumulative cash flow will reach a maximum of approximately $1.10B. Pay Back Period As is evident in Figure 37, expected pay-back period (PBP) for this facility with 12.5% fixed IRR is approximately 9.2 years. This value indicates that all money invested in facility construction, maintenance, personnel costs, taxes and land purchase fees will be recouped prior to the end of the fi st de ade of pla t ope atio . Afte this pe iod i the pla t s life, the e ai i g i o e generated by the facility is taken as investor and corporate profit. Return on Investment Under the operating conditions stipulated for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility, the expected return on investment for individuals and corporations who contributed to the up176 front costs of plant construction is approximately 10.8%. While this ROI value is higher than one would expect to receive if that capital had instead been invested in the stock market (Hanlon, 2014), investing instead in a carbon-forward methanol production facility would still be considered a high-risk investment, due to possible market fluctuations in methanol commodity price and the possibility of unforeseen technical malfunctions that can occur with a leadingedge chemical production facility. Net Present Value The net present value (NPV) is the p ese t alue of the ash flo s at the equired rate of return of [the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification fa ilit ] o pa ed to [the] i itial i est e t (Gallo, 2014). NPV serves as a metric for project fiscal feasibility alongside pay-back period and IRR; however, NPV is the only method that takes into account the time value of money (Gallo, 2014). Measuring cash flows at the end of each period, the NPV for the base case Biomass Gasification facility model is $62.381M. A positive NPV value indicates that the value of the investment grew over the lifespan of the facility; that the plant is worth more at the end of its life than the sum of the investment capital put in to building it. The higher the NPV value, the more promising the investment. Lang’s Factor The La g s fa to is a fa to s that et i that [esti ates] the apital ost of a he i al pla t usi g o e all ultipl esti ates of the deli e ed ost of the (Seider, Seader, Lewin, & Widagdo, 2009). This ethod ajo ite s of p o ess e uip e t ultiplies La g s fa to s the su of purchase costs to obtain total permanent investment (also called fixed capital investment), C TPI, and total capital investment, CTCI. The total capital investment includes an estimate of working apital at % of the total apital i est e t. The La g s Fa to go e i g e uatio s a e gi e below. = . ��� ∑ = . � � ∑ � � � � � � � (143) (144) � 177 In this economic analysis, CTCI and CTPI a e k o , so the La g s fa to s a e a k-solved for. Using equations (143) and (144 , the La g s fa to s fo the “ola -Thermal Biomass Gasification facility were determined to be the following: ��� � � Product Price = . = . Following thorough data input detailing process variables and fiscal plant requirements, calculations solved for the required selling price of high purity end-product methanol. In order to achieve 12.5% fixed IRR for the life of the plant, the end product would need to be sold for $1.69/gal. This price is not competitive with the current market price of methanol, which is $1.05/gal (Methanex, 2015). IRR Variation and Resulting Economic Feasibility Metrics A final comparison of selling price, ROI, PBP and NPV was conducted in which IRR was varied with 0%, 5%, 12.5% and 20% IRR, and each resulting metric was measured. These values are presented in the following table. Table 117. Variation of IRR and resulting selling price, ROI, PBP and NPV values for Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification base case with no carbon credit. IRR Selling Price ROI PBP NPV (k) 0.0% $ 0.92 2.5% 40.7 $(170,398.45) 5.0% $ 1.15 4.9% 20.3 $(102,277.32) 12.5% $ 1.69 10.8% 9.2 $ 62,384.58 20.0% $ 2.42 18.5% 5.4 $ 283,391.29 In this IRR variation analysis, the target selling price is only achieved with IRR is reduced between 0% and 5%. This IRR value is unacceptable for most investors, as the capital required to fund the project would return more money if invested elsewhere (Hanlon, 2014). Because the base case with 12.5% fixed IRR could not achieve an end-product selling price competitive with current market commodity prices, 12.5% IRR is not a feasible fixed metric in order for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility to render the project economically viable. However, this initial base case does not factor in the possibility of a carbon credit issued 178 to industrial facilities that operate with minimal CO2 emissions. For this reason, an additional economic analysis was conducted in which a carbon credit was calculated that would both maintain the required 12.5% fixed IRR and reduce the end-product selling price to commodity market value. Modified Base Case: Life Cycle Analysis with Carbon Credit In order to modify the original economic base case examined above, the option for a carbon credit was included in subsequent analyses. Here, after the initial product price is returned by economic analyzing software, an additional credit that returns a dollar amount per pound of CO2 avoided is added. This dollar amount is adjusted until the product selling price meets current market value. Detailed calculations for the base case with carbon credit included are in Appendix IV-B. After performing the economic analysis, it was determined that a CO2 credit of $0.21/lb is required in order for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility to meet market value for end-product price. Cash Flow Analysis As with the initial base case, a cash flow analysis was performed with the carbon credit case. The results from this analysis are shown in Figure 38. A cumulative cash flow analysis is shown in Figure 39. 179 Cash Flow $100,000 $50,000 Cash Flow ($k) -$50,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 $0 -$100,000 -$150,000 -$200,000 -$250,000 -$300,000 -$350,000 Figure 38. Cash flow analysis for Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility with carbon credit. Cumulative Cash Flow 1200000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 -200000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 Cumulative Cash Flow -- $k 1000000 -400000 Figure 39. Cumulative cash flow analysis for Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification Facility with carbon credit. In both annual and cumulative cash flow analysis diagrams, fiscal trends for the carbon credit case mimic those in the base case, with only minor differences. Both cases see a financial breakeven occur in 2024, with approximately $1.1B in peak total cumulative cash flow. However, 180 while the no-carbon credit case sees a fiscal deficit in 2017 (Figure 36), the carbon credit case sees this as the first year of profit (Figure 38). Pay Back Period and Return on Investment Despite small changes in the annual and cumulative cash flows, no change in ROI and PBP were observed via the addition of a carbon credit. This makes sense, since the carbon credit functions to subsidize the price of the end product, not the capital investment itself. Net Present Value The NPV in the carbon credit case was calculated to be $61.629M, using cash flows at the end of each period. This value is slightly lower than the NPV for the initial base case, however the difference observed is relatively small. Product Price The primary purpose of conducting the second economic analysis with carbon credit was to reduce the selling price of methanol end-product to meet commodity market value while still maintaining a 12.5% fixed IRR. This metric was achieved with $0.21/lb carbon credit. IRR Variation and Resulting Economic Feasibility Metrics As with the base case, the carbon-credit case was subject to the same IRR variation, in with IRR percentages of 0%, 5%, 12.5% and 20% were used in economic calculations of selling price, ROI, PBP and NPV. These values are presented in the following table. Table 118. Effects of IRR variation on selling price, ROI, PBP and NPV for carbon-credit economic analysis. IRR Selling Price ROI PBP NPV 0.0% $ 0.29 2.4% 41.1 $(167,549.44) 5.0% $ 0.52 4.9% 20.4 $(100,641.29 12.5% $ 1.05 10.8% 9.3 $ 61,467.28 20.0% $ 1.77 18.5% 5.4 $ 279,568.97 Sensitivity Analysis As part of the economic analysis conducted for the initial base case, a sensitivity analysis was pe fo ed. This se siti it a al sis e a i ed the effe ts of pe tu i g the fa ilit s total apital 181 expenditure (TCI), fixed operating cost (FOC), variable cost (VC), price of natural gas, price of heliostats and price of biomass on the return on investment (ROI) and internal rate of return (IRR) respectively. The results from this sensitivity analysis are displayed in the following figures. 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 IRR ROI 0.25 ROI IRR 0.05 0.05 0 0 Total Capital Expenditure Figure 40. Sensitivity analysis examining the result of perturbations in Total Capital Expenditure on the investment ROI and IRR for the economic base case. The first comparison performed in the sensitivity analysis charts the change in ROI and IRR with perturbations in total capital expenditure. As seen in Figure 40, both the ROI and IRR decrease exponentially with increases in TCE. This indicates that for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasifi atio fa ilit p oje t, i esto s ‘OI a d I‘‘ a e a i ized he TCE is i i ized. I order to increase the economic viability of the project, further analysis may be performed to minimize the capital dollars spent on the project design. 182 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.1 IRR ROI 0.12 ROI IRR 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0.07 30000 Fixed Operating Cost Figure 41.Sensitivity analysis examining the result of perturbations in Fixed Operating Cost on the investment ROI and IRR for the economic base case. Sensitivity analysis performed on fixed operating costs (FOC) for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility show a linear decrease in ROI and IRR with increases in FOC. Fixed operating costs include operator labor, benefits and maintenance. Because operator compensation is a fixed value per employee, maximizing ROI and IRR can only be accomplished by hiring fewer operators. Because it is unlikely that hiring fewer operators to run a large, leading-edge facility is a viable option, raising ROI and IRR by these means may be difficult. 183 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.1 0.11 IRR ROI 0.11 ROI 0.1 0.09 IRR 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 $0.10 0.07 $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 0.06 $0.70 Variable Cost Figure 42.Sensitivity analysis examining the result of perturbations in Variable Cost on the investment ROI and IRR for the economic base case. Variable cost considerations factor in costs of utilities, chemicals and catalysts as well as ash credit. For the base case economic analysis, no carbon credit was given for the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility; however, such credit would reduce the variable cost associated with the facility. As expected, Figure 42 illustrates a linear decline in both ROI and IRR with i easi g a ia le ost. The efo e, the pla ts a ia le ost, hi h a i izi g i esto s etu is a o plished a o u i the e e t of the issui g of a a o lo e i g edit. 184 0.116 0.134 0.114 0.132 0.13 0.112 0.128 0.11 IRR ROI 0.126 0.108 0.124 ROI IRR 0.106 0.122 0.104 0.12 0.102 0.118 0.1 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.116 0.0035 Price of Natural Gas ($) Figure 43. Sensitivity analysis examining the result of perturbations in Natural Gas Price on the investment ROI and IRR for the economic base case. The price of natural gas strongly influences both ROI and IRR. As natural gas price increases, ROI and IRR decrease linearly, as shown in Figure 43. Natural gas is an expensive utility. For the purposes of this design report, the cost of natural gas was estimated at $2/1000 SCF. For this reason, it is not surprising that increases in natural gas price result in dramatic downturns in ROI and IRR for the project. Unfortunately, natural gas prices are subject to market fluctuations, and possible downturns in IRR and ROI resulting from increased commodity prices are likely difficult to avoid or mitigate. 185 0.14 0.135 0.135 0.13 0.13 0.125 0.125 0.12 0.12 0.115 0.115 0.11 0.11 0.105 0.105 IRR ROI 0.14 ROI IRR 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.095 0.09 0 5000 0.09 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 Price of Heliostats ($) Figure 44. Sensitivity analysis examining the result of perturbations in Heliostat Price on the investment ROI and IRR for the economic base case. The base cost of heliostats was assumed to be $126/m2. Perturbations in this price result in e pe ted shifts i ‘OI a d I‘‘; i eases i heliostat p i e de ease i esto s etu , hile lowering this base price results in slightly higher ROI and IRR. In light of this trend, attempts to create a master service agreement (MSA) with a heliostat manufacturer may lower the unit p i e, the e i easi g i esto s etu o the fa ilit . 186 0.14 0.135 0.135 0.13 0.13 0.125 0.125 0.12 0.12 0.115 0.115 0.11 0.11 0.105 0.105 IRR ROI 0.14 ROI IRR 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.095 0.09 0.09 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Price of Biomass ($) Figure 45. Sensitivity analysis examining the result of perturbations in Biomass Price on the investment ROI and IRR for the economic base case. As illustrated in Figure 45, increasing the commodity price of biomass results in linear decreases in ROI and IRR. Because biomass is the primary reagent purchased in order to fuel the SolarThermal Biomass Gasification facility, it is unsurprising that perturbations in this commodity p i e i flue e i esto s etu s. Ho e e , i o pa iso to heliostat p i e Figure 44) or natural gas price (Figure 43), large changes in the commodity price of biomass result in comparatively small fluctuations in ROI and IRR. This indicates a promising economic resiliency of the gasifi atio fa ilit , i that i esto s etu s a e ot st o gl depe de t o s all a ket fluctuations in primary reagent cost. 187 XII. Conclusion While the Solar-Thermal Biomass Gasification facility modeled here is technically promising and environmentally revolutionary, it currently lacks economic feasibility. The inability for the process, as currently designed, to produce a high-purity methanol end product with a selling price comparable to current market commodity prices renders the project unlikely to be fiscally viable. With the fixed 12.5% IRR and observed 10.8% ROI investors can expect from the project are attractive economic metrics, sensitivity analyses reveal that these values are strongly dependent on a number of market factors and commodity prices that exist outside of the scope of control of plant designers. These fiscal uncertainties detract from the economic attractiveness of the project as a whole. Despite these economic pitfalls, preserving the environment and striving to achieve a balance between ecosystems and industry is a noble goal for any chemical manufacturer. Increasingly, politicians and government agencies have moved toward encouraging lower CO2 emissions from the largest producers of this environmental pollutant. If a carbon credit is issued to facilities that operate in an environmentally-friendly way, this credit might make the current project modeled here increasingly economically viable. If this becomes the case, the design proposed here may serve as a template for a greener way to produce high-purity commodity methanol. 188 XIII. References (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Addington, L., & Ness, C. (n.d.). An Evaluation of General "Rules of Thumb" in Amine Sweetening Unit Design and Operation. Bryan: Bryan Research and Engineering, Inc. Aimo Rautalin, C. W. (1992). Feeding biomass into pressure and related safety engineering. VTT Research Notes, 29. Air Products. (1994, June). Material Safety Data Sheet - Hydrogen. Retrieved from Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (1994, March). Material Safety Data Sheet - Carbon Dioxide. Retrieved from Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (1997, August). Material Safety Data Sheet - Nitrogen. Retrieved from Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (1999, December). Material Safety Data Sheet - Ammonia. Retrieved from Airgas. (2015, November). Material Safety Data Sheet - Ethylene. Retrieved from Airgas. (2015, July 2). 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Appendix Appendix I: Engineering Calculations Appendix I-A: Approach Calculations 196 197 198 199 Appendix I-B: Material and Energy Balances Aspen PLUS: 200 201 Biomass Pre-Processing 202 Amine Scrubbing 203 Methanol Purification System 204 Appendix I-C: Split Fraction for AG-CLEAN 205 Appendix I-D: Adiabatic Temperature Rise for Methanol Reactor 206 Appendix II: Design and Costing Spreadsheets Appendix II-A: Solar Field Design 207 Appendix II-B: Cyclone Design 208 Appendix II-C: Aspen PLUS Separator Design 209 210 Appendix II-D: Pump Design 211 212 Appendix II-E: Compressor Design 213 Appendix II-F: Pre-Processing Design 214 215 Appendix II-G: Amine Scrubbing Design 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Appendix II-H: Methanol Purification System Design 224 225 226 227 Appendix II-I: Quench Tank Design 228 229 Appendix II-J: Heat Exchanger Design 230 231 232 233 234 Appendix II-K: Reactor Heat Exchanger Design 235 Appendix II-L: Reactor Design Solar Reactor T 1723.15 K R 8.314 J/K-mol k1 E1 2510 bar s 112.6 kJ/mol K1 0.96884601 bar s k2 E2 0.0674 bar -37.3 kJ/mol K2 k3 E3 K3 ϕ -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.910736668 bar -1 -1 0.304 bar -36.6 kJ/mol 3.911887174 bar -1 4.3 source for methane reforming: kSRM1 2.924548469 kmol/(g cat-s-bar) KpSRM1 1993271.267 -- KCO 5.9385E-07 bar KH2 1.87791E-11 bar KCH4 0.009621944 bar KH2O 3.62809E-08 -- kSRM2 1.171040028 kmol ·bar 0.5 KpSRM2 1004719.329 -- -1 -1 -1 /(g cat-s) 236 kWGS 0.000329966 kmol ·bar 0.5 KpWGS 0.504055492 -- kDRM KpDRM /(gcat-s) 2 3.40050673 kmol/(g cat-s-bar ) 5.802036715 -- K1 0.5 bar K2 9.71 bar K3 26.21 bar gcat -1 -1 -1 1 g of Ni-CeO2/MgAl 2O*essentially under uncatalyzed 4 237 pH2 (bar) pCO (bar) pH2O (bar) pCO2 (bar) pCH4 (bar) X k0 dX/dt (s-1) rSRM1 rSRM2 rWGS rDRM 10.08965 1.881945 12.35677 0.000453 7.702292 0.492084 0.231458 0.232552 0.746087 3.691513 -0.00041 -9.03018 10.09023 10.08965 1.893753 1.905203 12.34436 12.33028 0.003502 0.006404 7.704026 7.704517 0.494409 0.496728 0.231266 0.23107 0.231877 0.231197 0.745375 0.744674 3.684291 3.676622 -0.00041 -0.00042 -8.43038 -7.93508 10.0893 10.08914 1.916567 1.927844 12.31629 12.3024 0.009186 0.011866 7.704892 7.70517 0.49904 0.501345 0.230871 0.23067 0.230512 0.229822 0.743925 0.743138 3.668758 3.660743 -0.00042 -0.00042 -7.51961 -7.16482 10.08914 10.08928 1.939035 1.95014 12.28859 12.27488 0.014459 0.016975 7.705367 7.705492 0.503644 0.505935 0.230467 0.230263 0.22913 0.228435 0.74232 0.741476 3.652609 3.644384 -0.00042 -0.00043 -6.85744 -6.58793 10.08955 10.08992 1.961159 1.972093 12.26126 12.24773 0.019425 0.021816 7.705557 7.705567 0.508219 0.510497 0.230058 0.229853 0.227737 0.227037 0.740609 0.739725 3.636087 3.627737 -0.00043 -0.00043 -6.34922 -6.13597 10.09039 10.09094 1.982942 1.993707 12.23429 12.22095 0.024153 0.026442 7.705529 7.705449 0.512767 0.51503 0.229647 0.229441 0.226335 0.225632 0.738825 0.737911 3.619346 3.610927 -0.00044 -0.00044 -5.94403 -5.77015 10.09157 10.09226 10.09302 10.09383 2.004387 2.014984 2.025497 2.035928 12.20769 12.19452 12.18144 12.16845 0.028687 0.030892 0.033059 0.035193 7.70533 7.705176 7.704992 7.704778 0.517287 0.519536 0.521778 0.524013 0.229235 0.229028 0.228823 0.228617 0.224926 0.22422 0.223512 0.222804 0.736986 0.736052 0.735109 0.73416 3.602489 3.594041 3.585589 3.577139 -0.00044 -0.00045 -0.00045 -0.00045 -5.61172 -5.46664 -5.33316 -5.20985 10.0947 10.09561 10.09656 10.09756 10.09859 10.09966 2.046276 2.056543 2.066727 2.076831 2.086854 2.096797 12.15555 12.14274 12.13002 12.11738 12.10483 12.09237 0.037294 0.039366 0.041411 0.043429 0.045423 0.047393 7.704538 7.704274 7.703988 7.703681 7.703355 7.703012 0.526241 0.528462 0.530676 0.532883 0.535082 0.537275 0.228412 0.228207 0.228002 0.227798 0.227595 0.227392 0.222094 0.221384 0.220673 0.219961 0.219249 0.218536 0.733205 0.732245 0.731281 0.730314 0.729344 0.728373 3.568698 3.560269 3.551857 3.543464 3.535095 3.526751 -0.00046 -0.00046 -0.00046 -0.00047 -0.00047 -0.00047 -5.09551 -4.98914 -4.88986 -4.79693 -4.70973 -4.6277 10.10076 2.10666 12.07999 0.049342 7.702652 0.53946 0.22719 0.217823 0.7274 3.518436 -0.00047 -4.55035 10.10189 2.116443 12.0677 0.05127 7.702277 0.541638 0.226989 0.217109 0.726427 3.510151 -0.00048 -4.47728 10.10304 2.126148 12.05549 0.053179 7.701888 0.54381 0.226789 0.216395 0.725453 3.501899 -0.00048 -4.4081 10.10422 2.135774 12.04337 0.055069 7.701486 0.545973 0.226589 0.215681 0.724479 3.49368 -0.00048 -4.34248 10.10543 2.145323 12.03133 0.05694 7.701071 0.54813 0.22639 0.214967 0.723505 3.485497 -0.00049 -4.28015 10.10665 2.154794 12.01937 0.058795 7.700644 0.55028 0.226191 0.214253 0.722532 3.477351 -0.00049 -4.22083 10.1079 10.82226 10.82358 10.82491 10.82623 10.82755 10.82887 10.83019 10.83151 10.83283 10.83415 10.83546 10.83678 10.8381 10.83941 10.84073 2.164188 3.139238 3.13928 3.139321 3.139362 3.139402 3.139442 3.139482 3.139521 3.13956 3.139598 3.139636 3.139673 3.13971 3.139747 3.139783 12.0075 10.17319 10.17174 10.1703 10.16886 10.16742 10.16598 10.16454 10.16311 10.16167 10.16024 10.15881 10.15738 10.15595 10.15453 10.1531 0.060634 0.559777 0.560515 0.561253 0.56199 0.562726 0.563462 0.564197 0.564932 0.565666 0.566399 0.567132 0.567864 0.568595 0.569326 0.570056 7.700206 7.405669 7.405107 7.404546 7.403985 7.403424 7.402863 7.402303 7.401743 7.401183 7.400624 7.400065 7.399506 7.398947 7.398389 7.397831 0.552422 0.979591 0.979752 0.979912 0.980071 0.980228 0.980385 0.98054 0.980695 0.980848 0.981 0.981151 0.981301 0.981449 0.981597 0.981744 0.225994 0.187379 0.187339 0.187299 0.187258 0.187218 0.187178 0.187138 0.187098 0.187057 0.187017 0.186977 0.186937 0.186897 0.186858 0.186818 0.213539 0.016105 0.015989 0.015875 0.015761 0.015648 0.015536 0.015424 0.015313 0.015203 0.015093 0.014985 0.014876 0.014769 0.014662 0.014556 0.72156 0.498293 0.498038 0.497782 0.497527 0.497272 0.497017 0.496763 0.496509 0.496255 0.496002 0.495749 0.495496 0.495244 0.494991 0.49474 3.469242 2.029749 2.028418 2.02709 2.025764 2.024439 2.023116 2.021795 2.020476 2.019159 2.017843 2.016529 2.015217 2.013907 2.012599 2.011292 -0.00049 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00094 -0.00095 -0.00095 -0.00095 -4.16429 *row 30 -1.20124 *row514 -1.20005 -1.19887 -1.19769 -1.19652 -1.19535 -1.19418 -1.19302 -1.19186 -1.19071 -1.18956 -1.18841 -1.18727 -1.18613 -1.18499 10.84204 3.139819 10.15168 0.570786 7.397273 0.981889 0.186778 0.01445 0.494488 2.009988 -0.00095 -1.18386 238 Methanol Reactor 239 Zinc Oxide Reactor 240 Appendix II-M: Solar Field Costing 241 Appendix II-N: Cyclone Costing 242 Appendix II-O: Aspen PLUS Separator Costing 243 Appendix II-P: Pump Costing 244 245 246 Appendix II-Q: Compressor Costing 247 Appendix II-R: Pre-Processing Costing 248 249 Appendix II-S: Amine Scrubbing Costing 250 251 Appendix II-T: Methanol Purification System Costing 252 Appendix II-U: Quench Tank Costing 253 Appendix II-V: Heat Exchanger Costing 254 255 Appendix II-W: Reactor Heat Exchanger Costing 256 Appendix II-X: Reactor Costing 257 Appendix III: Computer Process Modeling and Simulations Appendix III-A: Biomass Pre-Processing Simulation 258 Appendix III-B: Aspen PLUS Simulation R- SOLAR SOLAR QN CH- H2O BRKD OW N CALCULATOR H2O -O UT PUM P-1 METH ANE DEC OMP PRO DUC MIX-H 2O TS PUM P-2 BIO MASS TO- ZN- R ACID- GAS VAPOR SPRAY- Q SPLIT- 1 ZN- VAP PUR GE SPLIT- 2 TO- SOLAR TO- CO MP SEP- VAP MIX-1 H2O -R CT MIX-2 COZNMPRESS SOLID C- PRO D ZN- PRO D ZN- SPLIT REAC T ZN- REAC T HEAT1 CLN -G AS TO- CYC L CYC LONE AG- CLEAN VL- SEP NH 3-SEP RC T-PR OD H2O -3 ACIDS PUM P-3 REC YCLE XTRA- H20 259 Appendix III-C: Amine Scrubbing Simulation 260 Appendix III-D: Methanol Purification Simulation 261 Appendix III-E: Heat Integration 262 Appendix III-F: Reactor Computer Code Methanol Reactor Polymath T = 210+273 #K R1 = 8.314 #J/K-mol PM = M/(M+CO+CO2+H2+235.1162525)*78.95386 #atm PH2 = H2/(M+CO+CO2+H2+235.1162525)*78.95386 #atm PCO2 = CO2/(M+CO+CO2+H2+235.1162525)*78.95386 #atm PCO = CO/(M+CO+CO2+H2+235.1162525)*78.95386 #atm PH2O = 146/(M+CO+CO2+H2+235.1162525)*78.95386 #atm gcat= 1094.027/1000*25/0.0005*25 #kg -- 1094.027 m3/(1000 g/kg)(25 g/.0005 m3)*25 volumes/volume (more concentrated than in smaller scale) rootKH2 = 0.499*exp(17197/R1/T) KH2O = 6.62*10^-11*exp(124119/R1/T) KH2OoK8K9KH2 = 3453.38 k5aK2K3K4KH2 = 1.07*exp(36696/R1/T) k1 = 1.22*10^10*exp(-94765/R1/T) Oneok3star = 10^(-2073/T+2.029) rRWGS = gcat*k1*PCO2*(1(1/Oneok3star)*(PH2O*1.01325*PCO*1.01325/(PCO2*1.01325)/(PH2*1.01325)))/(1+(KH2OoK8K9KH2)*( PH2O*1.01325/(1.01325*PH2))+rootKH2*((1.01325*PH2)^0.5)+KH2O*PH2O*1.01325)*(60*60/1000) #kmol/hr E = 18360.0 #cal/mol Ko = 965.96 #mol/(kg cat-hr) K1 = 15.0019*(10^-3) #unitless K2 = 1.488*(10^-3) #unitless K3 = 3.957*(10^-3) #unitless K4 = 0.03677*(10^-3) #unitless R = 1.9872035 #cal/K-mol COF1 = 3927/T-7.971*log(T)+0.002499*T-2.953*(10^-7)*T^2+10.2 #Vapor phase equilibrium constant KA = 10^COF1 HH2 = exp(-11.1158+1438.0219/T+1.9043*ln(T)) #Henry's Law coeff for H2 MPa (kmol solvent/kmol solute): HCO = exp(88.9926-6417.1251/T-11.6310*ln(T)) #Henry's Law coeff for CO MPa (kmol solvent/kmol solute): Ko et al HM = 195*exp(5400*(1/T-1/298.15))/0.10325 #Henry's Law coeff for CH3OH MPa (kmol solvent/kmol solute): #agrees fairly closely with experimental data obtained from Ko et al. for this case KL = KA*HH2^2*HCO/HM*(9.86923^2) #atm^2 a = 0.818 b = 0.82323 c = 2.0903 d = 2.1598 rMeOH = (gcat*Ko*exp(-E/(R*T))*(PH2^2*PCO-PM/KL)/(K1+K2*PH2^a+K3*PCO^b+K4*PM^c)^d)/1000 #kmol/hr d(H2) / d(t) = -rMeOH #kmol/hr 263 H2(0) = 2886.79 #kmols/hr d(CO2) / d(t) = -rMeOH-rRWGS #kmol/hr CO2(0) = 1.967449 #kmols/hr d(CO) / d(t) = rRWGS #kmol/hr CO(0) = 1427.629 d(M) / d(t) = rMeOH #kmol/hr M(0) = 30.72034 #kmols/hr t(0)=0 t(f)= 0.02 #hr 264 Solar Reactor FORTRAN BRKDOWN: C FACT IS THE FACTOR THAT CONVERTS THE FEED TO A WET BASIS. FACT = (100 - WATER) / 100 H2O = WATER / 100 ASH = ULT(1) / 100 * FACT CARB = ULT(2) / 100 * FACT H2 = ULT(3) / 100 * FACT N2 = ULT(4) / 100 * FACT CL2 = ULT(5) / 100 * FACT SULF = ULT(6) / 100 * FACT O2 = ULT(7) / 100 * FACT 265 Appendix IV: Economic Analysis Spreadsheets Appendix IV-A: Base Case without Carbon Credit 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Appendix IV-B: Base Case with Carbon Credit 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 Appendix IV-C: Summary of Utilities 282 283